;.. .. -;t; 1 r J . . . . . 1 ii 'f'i'i "ii HI. . M II.. ii j I in,'-, . .4." . ..' , . ; '-,-- : ' y- - ' ' : t - .. .' .... , - . - g'' 1 f Bi WM)sjslSJ!JBSlMwa 4''1,fiiir' "towvLvng lirae' 1 fca.re travel, ft'; tlourt nitnean I hic laaor -wid my hand, c'est Ait' tr a WilL'r ; O no. be;:ai 1 tntos. 1 have !.' ' ...i ..j ru ...... wl -! V 1 nulcrlorp 1 r'int-nU d fv-apje.;-Nw4-ball till to yoo.leetle If i k h it . Y m don't leaif-m air your, old ' ken, .'ii'eirc; who 60 often ttll which side to join of 1 45 .77 .-unfair. F.h bien, you "may dj me . . i . - i. iii frn-rn tn--1 , rp na. is -i ( j, v. is7bnt 1 shall come back again. 1 a is my "; i )i good while ago, last monse,. or an r!'Wnt.:ile I'.mbaSsidtur f.om Hussic, hs say m.Mon Mauisom. I hall iBftke j'-uce ,i'or you, j iv .rood' I'alla, in iiuiry i da. is, if you wnt "n ' ff me. No soonir has he said so 'iar xsVwvl: Mac5iso.il cet Vn arreat oassron,- and tear v'J'.ole coat from ,Mou3, 'Dashkow .button. Par ' 14 ecl .n our noble ' .pres'de-nt, you saocy i.t'li, u udk f jve to e peace! I Miall take riece from v-rtT hide, Uowevair, you Norsern .'.'P:a--,f.H I am txircmv fond cf venison ! .- But f'is i no uiu all our IVesnJent y. He adil en colt re "u de amhassadour'S troter See t'eanaire 1 shal! publish uaius you wd de Vt rirak-ss. vhiah IW1 .akc vou all. su ashamt as to knock y"ur hr.il at de wall Take one prise de .a i:, "Mnn. Dashkow, and. listen ; tis so hautiLol, I i.batl reai it, . and you all uv be io d-n Mons. Madisqm raise tiis 'WtwVand' rcvi fvle ministair sentence which ,1 u ans- ni v- for v.Mir Inulliv'tnc. Mind it, ;and be-! t u j.i j tpro'.'l k' .nfit fucure' v De factious !fi tc s andtlenti -oue (-a tie. prtsidedt) who da " Tiv s luily in- i. e, arc! in fccf noi the rtal -Irisu-Uuf. peace." W- lidm, iio, ayat you not all dcin U-ir and ji ee raskeel aussi bktwise ? YiJ'i ai;'i deny dis.bisn'is . -f 4 Wtvti", ou a;,t ? You bawl out loud as a w;::rhoi'.a foe pise?, and vet want to hv?. wr- dis -i v nr dtljh f'tl lart. El rieanmo, for all 1-oti .r. .ofoiid ol. fighting as one turkey tockj ' cMck i, j.ou won'' po.to takr Canada t ft de '2 Frensh. Y ou fold up your fm and say, yuu arn't got iime to ri-.k jour life n a battle ; den when rConprtss pass a law to borrow small sumtf mo7 ney, you cry out, you sh.ll not py t!e,pipair's ful Me for dr o(Klp3trioi to dan Is tlis yoorxen- sisttnee ? You won'iJigh i you won't lend mo- Jief ; yu "do nussinput U. Pai l'cau, wht e'e d'ubk do you mean, to do ? H -w. in de name ol ff la gikidesic Raison, shtdl we ever co qut r liberty V' off .de sea if you tore. cantilies don i lielp us lee. JJe,biS. , Mau, I believe tare is one wry to muke ytiu'uaeful civil-n at last, same as ic Franre 'We Hlrhaiig you ull p dead by de year, sdj your csiaie' and pocket de cah .'den we shan't Wi"it to-go about -very where beggingfor a Loan. D j is n.y pUn, wish shuli grt tnorc cash ws a!i de pl.;n of Coiigfe s. Tis too disagreeable to lay tuxes ; Xfie ttkb'a'ed thorough brpd Rafl$4J: ; SIR ARCH Y, WILL stand the present seasoui jn my stable at Mew i one, two miles abovfj the town of Halifax, av. the following prices i forty olUfs the season, which may be dischrged ;bythe" payment before the first day of August irfeO'to'nsure, and j Sththesjngll isap. 1 he season to commence toe first day of March and end the fitat of AujjusL 'co'fitatn ttS bullqnl eaTli ; tlie cuffs n6t facca, but to h6ve on. each four buttorisi; the skirts' to fall back so as jo shew the hips, and on each skirt a row of lour buttons. Und-;c clothes for the sum-, mar and. Winter and boots like tiiose directed to be worn by 'Field OCTicers of Infantry," "two golden I epaulettes," bl-ck stocks, caps to be of black er wiin near sum over ine crwwu mm a reu sasn tied round t)ie same In &, small bow behind with m, ahirtn r, l,PPd w' $ red sashes, of.vtPr,. hanrfs hii s an.l aht vrs nld this 3W,US w oc yw -u .u,.k.. -cr we ii.k " - ; ' - " : " 5 . wide. lta: ..... . . . m - 4 . -.l(HiIIltfI' 111 snrirc. He is in tuil health,. andH lust ol tne oest i . . age for propa'tjit ling; racing stock, possessing a or.nd conslitutioii avd thefiriest action... Ilia t.e tided, and nckiiowledgcd superiority as a lacer tenders a publicatipn of his perform'ioces unne cessary. fcuHke'lt to add that ht beat every dis f.nguished horse of his clay in Virginia and Norlh Carolina PEDKHKR , Sir' Archy wa gotten by Old Dbmcd out of !he imported maru C;stianira ; her dam Tabiha by Trent nam ; 4j."dam by. Bosphorus ; Fnrehter, Coalition Colt, 3ur,tard. Charnjlng Molly, 8tct fcc, to a loyal mare, i'hus as a blood horse ht in to oijy ever bred inlhis orany other .coun try. Bis stock' are large trrd promising r-nd high er pricts have been offered for thitm thfcn any colts on the continent. I ive -hundred dollars" was jefifsed.for the half of an Archy colt at nine day old. ' ' . I Cood high land pasturage, nd servants board, gratis ; 'ani 'mares Jed with tbr;i ai the market price. I have , separate lots well fncl" d for mares fith colts, nd the best attifption shall br paid to them ; but I wilf not be accountable .fur accidents of an? kind. ! . Gentlemen who send maws to remain vith the ln,f. nvi K- a,:nr fd iliar t!i,iv flf.nll ' returned L in as good or better condition than they arc sent. One riolhr will be expected by he groom wi;h each mm,, , ALLEN J. 'DAVIE!' " NeHoperFtbVsie.i 83 etiv 1 iViay. v v. '''.) : .; , Notice. THE Books and fut ii.ui n otlonv ng 5to the late Mathi-vf Trby M j!l besojd during the Stiyer'ttr a uutt coloured ocu aooutiniec inches ARTILLERY. v . ; The Colonels and Majors of Arti'lcry wiirivear uniform Iikefliat presciibtid for Infantry Officers of the sjra; grade, except. epaiikites, eattfes, but i tons and s words, allofwhTch will b vtllow. ' If any of the . Generals or Field Officers have had their uniform coats, t rnaniented With lace or cord, 'it is to be understood that they re not here by required to cause it to be ttken off. fiy order of the Comman-cler in Chief. HOn'ERT WILLI MS, Adjutant General of the Militia of North Carolina. Raleigh March 22J A. D. 1813 (BT AUTHORITY 6F .THK STAT'r OF K.CAROLINA.) SCHEME OF THE vXFOilD ACADEMY . ignorant or unprincipled Jr ..tVens .;t duced to join with or fip hold him Z V V be an invasnm of the rilu (1 J"m in s,,- iiigitio whereas the sa.d.la pLed as"f V' An state of North Carolina is not onlv by absolutely void and n'M iiMl.rect hostility to the Jaw of th. it ' 11 said 'Robert Fulton and RoUft I? Red 10 legislating upon and granting1 0f Vhi i? lou exdusively That I will, for and in the name oftk tenteesproseeute all, each and every ner, verahy and individuH.y, who combine Vcl with sald John Sevens,, to invade the exc ? pnvdege and 'properly of the said pa'eme ? " injure or subvert tUe-ir interest in any maftner- atorm any place or state fromhe ? Baltimore to the Florida line. ' JyMs D.pEI.ACY. Atigrr.c!J,ro r'etu ! The black Arabian BarbT' ' &nt t Jmcrk hi 48 to Fy CAond Uur,Lr f,.f a ...... w. ... .,Ti'iy opiatned jtimyr Court ot Knwan, tl'hich will, happen Oi ihe urst Monday of April. Th ; greater part ol the 'furni tore ws made in Pliiladelph:, ar.d in tht mo.it mod;rn fashion. Six months' credit will te gircn nd bond with appro, id s -curity v :11 lie required. UENHY CHAMliV-US;a;l3)'r.: , . Mr;,Ji-1JVaiS- Mate of North CaroHai de idea' such a h urid sacrificcnikc k true p i I 1 dP ' tri'jt sirk : so we shall cut a few' troie by '!e dcz-' t"'n. '-net fob de Parg n at ence. But don't be frightened vid my -dvipe, and ri away to bloc- Jt.de tie Dritishfiret : De ngl:sli don't want to pics nobody but visitable ci'oyen of Anicriq-.:? r-svhish is got rra ualize.- bo bthive yourstil and k j?av us de loan wnish wi wwit to boiti.w ; and ' den vou shalt naVe war, or peace, or any thing ? Ue you 'e niand. . : '- I hve de honeur to he, Sair, Wid de hyhest considetion, fv '(ned)- KICHOLAS. PEpR.OSA, v 1 ' ' v JLuf dcntv. I Original 1uachments Uvird, tfr. I i 3 6 20 20 '40 82 100 800 I prize of do do dp do do do do do -do j .do jgioot) lOCO 500 200 100 ?J) tickets each, 50 20 ... .15 . 10 1072 2028 3100 prizes",') Not two blanks bl.uik.. S 'o a prize tickets t 5 do'Uis each, is. g 2000 1.000 5t!0 600' : 600 - ,2 mn . loco . 800 1 100 fooo 1 48GO "g 1 5 500 15,500- 3Wi : 6 dolls, eacti. 200 doll. - .. m x, i iv. jv. . i w va. -v. a v v t v v a wi WAV ' ouiat' rci-' : 1 tht ijinui. jiuics h4S bicontf u-;enj7it on the whim ff a lon-ign despot it bn Tn:-s necessary that the American p i-pk i,:ui'lM didvise such pl'Jns us will render them a d pendant" or .foreign commerce as possibe h.-. su'iscri jcrsi witlitig to 'oiti. tins important, on- ji.ct, give notice th inct-urtg tviJl be litld. in ijieTrourt rbus TUTThe twTi yjr jlnlsborough, on t) V3'h of f.Iiy iex'.lorthe purpose of .taking fiuUi nit;isiif a -may. be thought necessary to tblautisih a ' : ; - - : v , ' . Cotton and Wool Factory, ' 4- in said town, jut ks -vicinity, when Sod where, all thoc vrho u.ay vi3'U o become lrucrcs.'.e'd in" such an eatabliirtn iT ;ue tiuked to aUtiuk "Jjnits Vt,.'o, Will.-VV.hitted, ' V'"Vi'Tbt- .C. BiiOin,''' Joht CarnpbeH, Th o n . Ckncy, Hnj,yjTjion;)jjSQnvA. Hugh NluIhollRn,?. Jaioet Alebane, William Norwood, 'Arched D. , Murphf y, h 1 hom-i S-ott, . I Z Dand Y'ij bi otigh, . . John Taylor, jun. Jol.:i Cm tt jd, '- Jmes Thiiiip-, ' Levi Whilled, Trticrick Nash, Janita JS.. Smith, ;" 'vWillk S:aw, : Catkt Campbcili .paviu Uiy, ,ApU 2. ' 87-.S.W. T i 1E anraal txaui t.t'n'.iV . .f th. Students at. V'X ta Caiversity ,of North Carolina will begin j . o. .. . Vetjesoay, l.e 26th' ol May ntxl, .and will .' ; continue until .Tliursdy, tht 3d day f June ; at ' .r,Vnicn time te Commencement in theClfege will t aK erplji've. ' Th e toil'6 win g Trustees are( appoi tiled ."' to attend ; ' ,,' "' ""'' ' .'." Tbr;Kev; Joseph CalflweM,; ' y 1 hr Rev. Ri'bt'it It. ChaprAa.n,-'-v 1 "H llisr Estcllirrcf Wnlim tlawkins, ;; , ' -. ..-;-- 1 'loiiia'S LiAe, ' , TTikiAh; March 25 18.3. f ' -- v .... if, ! if -TeSt, AViniint Murfre J ?. mts ' Mibane, ,; Titdtrick Nash, " Jeitmiah Slade, r : v Bcnjtmiii Smithy ' , Join Steele,. ' MTiJtfoit -Stokes, v Tlitl;ias Wynos, ROBKUT WILLI AM?, Sec. ,t tpr sale, at thisofce, .25 Cfn, MECKLi'. KB'JKU C'-tiSTV 'SukiTtvr C'Mt t '. Law ' Nov r l - f m, 18 1 2 Francis Letiis, vs. Audit '' T. Davidsoti pjara-.g ;o tht aiiition of the court that nurew 1. LmiJbon, the (itieri iant in ilui wUie, is no' ao inhabitant i this sta'e ? theretorc it is 'oirtercd by coi.n, that publicanon bt- mstte three months successively, in h; Raleigh Minei 3, " u.ikss tke suid defendant appear jI ri:e neic prj;t;o s. .;)! nir co-irt ot Law, to be htld lor the county aloi'-iai'!, n the sixth Monday alter tht ' fourih Mo;. day in, March hxt, and rspicvy Or pica:! to is-lue't-ju'lgment will oe entered up agamst him. lest,' -79 Sni 1 11 : IlEKDHUHUN, c s.c. I he cat.h prizes subject to a drdutiioo of fiLeen agency per ctrM. ;m 'S,'attokay Vi'rriIai Firstjiob drawii B'anks emptied to ir"u d ratf nv Tlckt t. . '. Ai.to. on the 4'h. 6th, "Cth, and VOih i'-ys, t. t ' Dit.o.'u'n the- 12th, 14th, 16th and Hth d i'ys, Drco. on trt.h day from the 20:h to the SO'h inclusite, excepLi g the Dcu as a marl- nt hfa fnr ,.r...i. . . WILL stand at my stable, in Salisbury, ,w. present season, now commence.!. f( particulars tefere.tce can be had to my tills . uw u'M genuine Arabian that tr stood m North Carolina, and as it U univerwilv t admitted that the superior excellence of the 1 i-. j lish horses is owing more to thtir being crole'i with Arabians and Barbs, than to any other cir icimtstance, it is hoped the AmericaR breeder will ! noi permit so good an opportunity to pass unirn. .proved. , - j This Horse was selected by Col. Lesr fiom th ; private stable of the Dey of Algiers, which coa" j sisted of 30 that were chosen from his public stj !ble of 2C0. Col. U ar speaks Of ldni as havinj Hht highest' cliff: acter of any hoi rse jn the yhoe J. A. PEARSON. Salisbury. March 9, 1810. 86 Yd June 20. LOTTERIES. TlIK next Grand f 50dolla.eacIrdclphia.willbetV " ' 20 dolls, each.! General Orders By an au pas -en at ihe last session el' our Gcpenl Astnibiy His excellency the Com mander it Coict is authorisctf tq preocrioe the uniform of tnt Gcu.'ial aucl field Officers cf the itiitia of th'- Si nr. In putsunce t)f wkich he djrv'cts that th ; same shall be as follows , The ii'nitorm of th- Gi-ueraJs and thtit Aids de Camp shall be dark b,ue coats, oliflf linings, cape - and cuh yellow feuwous, standing coll ir luH ttf the itJs. wi n tWu Hjj' toiw on vtach side about' five inches frpin' the end, ptam bit;isiei, three rows ot OuttjOi ten .in'et'.nriHl the i-yws about three inches aarijto ptd; the edg of the Iming to hdw foui buttons vnder each flap 'partly covered By it, the skirts iiookedover. . For suniaicrwhitelyesiand pinta t;;ony For winter white vest and blue pantaloons buff let -in thr seams D'omtlie hips down, suwarrow 6u is, b.at'fe! leat&er ""stocks, -thapeao bras with'a' loop of golden bee, two golden tass-, eUy- blac cockades w.i(h a golden ewgld in the centre, black plumes wuh red iolps, red ssshes, IM'NVSYLVANIA Internal Navigation Lottciy. It has 1 2,5 1 1 . Prizes . j he -Ti'unibi-r t.f canital the tickets constituting rmc3, 20 tickets eoctt. :'""" -v ,v"' w auvccuiren oi m. The said aQ prises to consist of the Numbers. m a greater chance for a fortune than any from 101 to 500, inclusive; ech 20 of the siid , r Llller?V Piparanons are nuking for the 400 lo be one prize, the first 20, or Invest Num i ( ,r-win5 " . aS .possible, the tickets being ix-r for the 26th day, r.nd so regularly ascendine to !,carly s,oU1' lhe sckms comprises the fol the 39th. ' f , lowmj Capital Priiess f l)-lls. 200 1 I 1 Pr,Be 5000 dollar.', 100 ! l0, r 2.0,000 dollais, 500j 3 do. 'oT 10,000 tU,Uars, 1" 00.. 01 5.000 t';;rs, 6 more of 5,000 t- Ws n 500 Tide- . u . . . - 13 eacn Auo 12 01 1 ,uuu tii.u in, ana ac eai 1 ne tvnnagtrs present the toregoirg hcheme;Manv f.sfi'o. 9.no AM?: i ir,attn ri. wi iuc jiii'. I,. , 111 ulc tuiiiiiieiiec uiat noi ooiy Hie laudabts "ol.ir-ct Fii-st drawn on the 40 h day, Ditto. . 42J day. w::to. . . 45ih C.av, 4t3'.h day, 50. h day, Di'td. Dolls D -lis. Dolls. Dolls'. 1000 iooj -iz -5, for the trifling sum of five ll f ho t ,1t t, Kilt idkr n.M..nl m ducement1 htld lui to adve'n'.urL-rs, will ensure a1 s,it dy sale of the Tickwts. The pioportion of. piites ho3 seldom been exceeded, and they' are so arranged as. that the purc haser of a single number, by having the prospettof drawing twenty others, " " M ... ..msy calculate cai Ins chance ot obtaining two or three of. the bestprj dol'-trs. ' The drawing will romm'iice on the first lay of October next, and bt finished with'cut delay'. TU j li; LIT4 T.iiJoff u V, 1 1, LI m HO i AKDb, 1LLIS LEWIS, '-- THOM Vm HUNT, 'IT I t 1 S-t C''II 5 dollars each, for-Ie at, the Tickets at hei va Office: March 26V 1813. Mi- es tiji Oct. . Notice.: AS Attorney for Meu Livingston, and Fulton, Patentees for S eani 'Boat ' in the United States, and the territories thtieol, I will let f ive subscvio. lions to form a stock t oorr.nlele a line of Sti'am: Bos, thrpjigh thJiJC.ioliiiaJ'wate.rs8cc.r.to. the E Florida line, and will appoint. uitahTe and res. yHbw lulled s. voids su-spended to a bolt buckkd p. ctaiile persons inrousrh she diffrcnt states tore, tound ths waist. The 'Adjutant General a red derive . snjscripti'ns. of wliicji when appointed pluiiicv two golden epaulettes Miij-o G' tVetalsM will give due no. i.e. Tlie Balumore llofpital- LQ. I'bmiti iibtd crawihg, and o jiiatiucSior-Ui present once Acek. . TuV CAPITAL PiiTSKS ARE '1 prize -of SO.OOpiloiUis, ( 2 "priz'sof 20u c"jijai:s, C dni. oA)XQ oliais, Stc. S:rT Tickets SIOO. f rinity Church pottery commen;.e;o 'i.r.i ,v,i;g .o :i,imiiioi.', 1RH CAPITAL PnIZKS A.vK ' .1 prize" of 3o.()t)0 d.i;a's, ; 2 do.: of 20 OOQ do!iis,? 'J 1 .ldo."-of 1 0,000. 'doTili'Sv. . r '. 2 do. of s.oOO cfbllaio,1, &Ci Price of Tickets 8 dollars. ' Feb. .24, JOHN D. DEL AC Y. Union College Lottery No. IVV ; -v-; (St., v.M) p.k. .) ; Commences drawing in New Yo.. 1st of Octobet : . . , - next . THE CAPITAL PHIZES AHE 1 pi ze of 25P00 do-Fin, ; . 1 do. 'of 20,OriQ r6Hn, - '' '" 1 do. of 1 UKX) dollars, " .1" do. 'of 5 000 dollars, &c. Price of Tickets S7' 50. TICKETS AND SH.AR!: in the above l, tcties '-are lb- tAi- t . . G. "& R, AVAiTE'S Truly Fortunate Lottery Offices, . Xo- 6 a..d 33, MH!JerLaue, New Vol," - N i. Ts. r.Kl-si-iuV-s;reVt. I'iiilivdeljhia, - (Burner of U. PaulVlane -.arid Market-street,' Dal- - ( " tiaiorO) ' . ' " " And No. 28, Statw-street, Albany. Note. - The" public will nltase to tnke nOtic stun, L.M1. his associate, in the! that fit & n Wit.- .viii -nu f the nivmn" colLr, white, buttons aod to be mace in every res- ip.ttent. gran.ed to bin. by tiie U.-Sta'es " for said j 0f oil prizes sold t either of their oflice of by acf ofjheirngents, but no otfier-i, nd"adv'crturswt dis iiV;uiKh "their tickets from o'hais b; -. obst-rmg their ivine on the back of each ticket sld by vears pas', must of che.cap tat pi iz-s in the NeW York ;md Bah'm-ire L H'eiics; antong, jim wltn tAo stars on ihvstrap of tacii epaulette'. 3rigadicr Generals wTtF one and. thfe A 'jotaul v enk'al i'.h one staV Aids to have the same'.' UMitoi m as the General except they re tuhare .vhite plumes wi'h iM tons and )suleMtcs wit.'mui stars. Ucei :ressed 8S a BrigadiCr General The Adjutant General ill wear a gold itoat, and in eveiryoLber respect will be Notice, WHEREAS a certdiu J hn 4Stkvkns, oHIo Iwiken, ciid obtain from ibo L.c;;ls''a''ure of N. Ca rolina, daring their list .session v:law grantiiig r to hint the exclu-ive rig.ht Jto iuvi.fa..e the wateis in s;i.i siare wun a;ea'n uoats to the nwmtess ore F1ELO Oi'MCEUSOF INFANTRY.: ' Ine uniform of,the- Field Officers of 'Infantry ..'u.-fice of Robert' Fiilton, Ef'n,. theTm-ntor, and of sriali oe d'aik .blue toatj with scarlet linings and ujoherl U. Liviii- pect as those pt escribed above tor the 'eneril .':-w- .and.uselu!.ininion.' . ; f Ofliccis: the uffs to be plain with fourbult,pns on j .And w'hereas th.- said Jonn S.tcicns. has 6y an each.- : The under clohes for -.b')th summ-r and insViinneiit i'i 'writntg mukr his proper signature JH?.r.i?'..ileJAi: J.? Wf"'ft hY the Gener. 4rtd, ?eal, 'AcKNow'iKfcb forniaUy;Llfully ar.di .-.1 except then hi. ,e pantaloons will" bave"scarIet;;U'ihoculi.y thi limine seams instead' ot huB. suwano boots. ;'n,vpn;ot-ff new and nsi-ftd ,S am P.,.:ut yyU aiapenuras with a -black cockade and silver ca jfiit that has shewn the -.superiority uf water wheel-; gle in the centre, lilackTeatiieri tipped with red to-J over all pther modeilbf--propci;iig Stjaatr. botts, e worn ny me rioets, ana white tipi'ts tuireo by the-. Nlaj j s, tpaalcttes of silvei, each Field OtiiceT to wear one on each shoulder, sw?rr silver moui.-d to be - wornwith a-wrrtte-et-os,,nT, or under thesaid Jivingsoojru pelt about three inches wide, red sashes and black Urue"and actual patenreerfgfunj - . cavalry. y ; ."" .The Colonels and Majors of Cavalry to wear yats made of dark blue clothjwitg scaMet lin ings andtollarstfie skiTts"f1.finTcoatsno"falt-s,x inches below the hip bone, ytllow buuns7sta4d-th-g-1 collar :with twji" buttons a.,)uo four ,icheV from eschVerid, plain breasted vt iih Uinc rows of Ibuttocsj thg rows abroot three inches apart and to and demofisiratfcd the relative, pronofiinris oLthe several par's. ! At J vwhereas the "s.tid John fte - vens had neither right, title, claim or authority and lul-oii, tin.- U"nng and .vein.ioi to others to be used within the United States, -8.kV territories- thereof, ihe, right tr) navigate wjUlv boats propJcd by hre end steam and wheels :; but did a iwaerantkbly arid unjustifiably? apply for- and irr.'ptitioisly and by misrepresentation or other : wise, obtainsaid lavy in order ta wrest under. rp ve'r thereofjrom the aforesaid paie iees thl Wtdi earned and just reward orrtliei r ;ihg tnuiiy hltv. pri:, labor and Perseverance, and tlms made, tht - " . , - , -" :o!Iogv a- the foilowiinr. drawn witiiin one -earf ;No. 4892 drawn a piij of &V(X? P-Z; qViehann. Canal '.'Lottery, .2d.ii'-pri-Jf-6a)0dJl:.r inthc'saVn-J lottery.- i . 3268. ;0 000l' lS'dtcrv. . ' . iiojtT-Tv 5,000 ) i -.: . -No, 19 760 KlOO in the 4th Union. No. 1 6553- S 30,(0 1 . ih College 4V3'6. 20 00. il 1,11 , , .' T,II2.10,0'OJ' ' ' . c - ,POani B,Mles others"o! bV. O- S-OtP, VJ SlU-UCXUn Tfi oier-Np.rYprknd jJa .:M tfovrtei Jrawtr.-''.:,. ;i .'"-- 1". , g3 4 - . March 19. ' r: ' - ' . r. -I'i: IT 4-..fl