:--,"Jr- .... .1- -U ... K J i. - - .iCr'irtebeMft tplb: consideration;? find 1 histoty a .fit-abettor m ihc oVerthrow of her pw.fr.Qs ball pirated, lot did not nte br SyiaTiriVe iniejufoa erful nvMwlioie empwewak thought to- io-u. i It i not a-ule remarkable ihat, while- the subject. Thatca r r or " . r ' ift irli.. A me."i1er from Kentucky . e x !1 k n I y ' te hi opuuon that his continue;- s woutu . O'-. -. ... . f. .1... bitf I 7 - - .. r -J" . 1 V - I n I ..VPr, i 1 . r 'l 1 1 Vi ' Til WJ UV1IVI H- 1 1 . .O "' Val frrUgH.rdngand peeveiingin this disat ...-V..... i - j:.' ...... lr.. I '.-a.- M Anil. ,I,U !; ' L 1 r U ' .1111 U11L IJLT 1 V ... 1V . W u-'" v, iup rilJ miTT 'iTT?wTtriTTtid--et-i,iV--e-!W ;1 . ' t . .! k. . - il. ...... .ml' ). 1 uauenuv near an -luv 'i(jraic. uic j t j ' Miimi.11 ansi ni rft.nrmrriai tiurii m: Hill ... ri. l '.1 . iv .nnmitu mii in v rr a la 1." I Q 3 " Did y'ur goyernmersigh for labels fo- conquest ' ' . 'A. Ri.-i Hrap.alkr 'G n.jSmyth i laurel ga Jherini' ii)clamiion, auti. ictcr 10 ihe invasion ol . Q. '. 1 it Uonaparte that wages it ? very 1 1 eVt9hedt by the ilraifting away ot their money tnwora u-ea py me uuc a vaote in nis insoieri 'iRM ik. r.A.kut.nfii. i.n-h-- uml flrtLtttrt For llttteV to Arimtroiiir war rxuts. ice." a oH is ': jfeyclf as a metnber fTth"Nau6iW"Legis1ftta muuons and eftiissanesi Ifaiif ddibtra'.c!v cohsiered ih: UMt-t,'I ex- ptlCiUjr declare, that I do noibotd myselfur.der. Afy fldigftiion io givt my vote to . redeem the" pa ?ip-infney Called exchequer bills, issued ami iv yio) by ths secreiiiry of the treasury, or tb loans of millions on m liions which h- is now at U:mp. "'r to effect contitlte this unnecessary ad tniqaitous waf . - 'TlVfOTHY PICKEIltXC. of 4 ti'etsoj.abje coirt;ipn.dece wirA th. mefliy. W; jiAt'c no hesitaiibn io broHOHNCistk this 4- if offer -..i ii-. federal part? J5ch c;pr. H l?t over; look' ' .t is rnian; only i rt aj 4 y. V break v inip -n ;he mail wWi thus- wb ifci rk . th.it the end d :s saictify r,hs meatus, jlf a tt trsriab!c o re po.H tncr. hasben d;v.v?rtJ(' are not the r fpry trl in- i .;. :.ri.-i afiMti '6r ex. poMc .i VY.i allow th m imc to "cicaiie, by pr-14wiig ike discovery before siiu i their p rio:s r-d pvc-Ev-fry p:son cncerti'din iK' jg, breakjisg , opei) iind ri j n left! rs ad.i dre$sed o A nencan cit'Zns, richly i!eie,,ve the 5 m whip. if no other tathfacu )tt can be o taineJ. Eryanrho4ias-affePedby4he xiutrage II ri ! inlv j-i'.ufi '.ble, but wou'd act as becomes "hiVntfidid;. repuWjcao. by inflictioj; a little ThoI -90"5ic chaiseme i upon tin- violators ot a jrsi:ie law of the land. W ti tu tis.laws ar set Iii nought by those who are apyci?t'.-d to '-xscute -he ni' lh". fundamental Liwsof na'me -.d s'jely . to'iS he resorted to for redress.In this free 1a.d. whf-' llm?D are equal. anJ n: privileged 9rier or kti .ftly prerocativi.s ire knon, no inn, in this coumry' , O. 3 u Art- thtv actuated I r the aaroemouves wtftch'Ufged the..rtsttcs"Coqueror to track 'hi way to Moscow?' . -r A. Yti, a owedly ; for the freedom nf the. ea8,'' and to universalize tlm continental sy-ie'iii r and the same catue whicn 'imle hirh track his way buck aatn (the hand of .Heaven) il multi ply ditlicultjes and 'disastets. The war wa dcclared"5ust as Dnnoarte was on the eye fjf in vadkipf Uussia, and to aid ,in her deat ructtah anj tha of her jrreat ally. 4 . .' Q. 6. ' Is it glnry !that they seen :" A. Ttiey may seek, hut will find not ; its door was barred against thetq, anJ thy lick the jrj. ess to t.t it Open". ': . . . . Q. 7 Is it the hirst of blood . A. Let the prcvlamition of (itneral "Ht'Il. in s -W ouar'er to whue mn 'hirbt India , answer, mi. b wing! bloody paptr nevr listed (j t by the sinjui nnry Q. ' , mail u auiNq. By a mtt profligate and d '.ring act of usur. pation and ijrranny, James Maiis r, after the mar icrbf his master, Napoleon of France, has latdy laidvi(fleut hands Upon the public mail, end .bifikv.; open indiscriminately the' letters of citizens and foreigners .... It is now ToCiferated, that the end testified the means : and the court gazette triumnliaiurv announos the discovery and pos f which lie rt fuse aessir-n by our nobleiJsth-minded complotter cY ing by the aide; ofthv He - v fsvho'oollutes ov Ins iHPi.aenc the irawihe ! blood naprr wns iVv room in wnicn VV JSniiiKi-'n-s poriraii iw n njf i . hj -uipi ui uun- jm hi.oim. I tt the t hirst of domiiiiofV'i g:jyrnment ptper has,. some time since atitno-.vl imbursc the Expenses aire- d - v- j i .v, ' v mv aiHtlOMZ tit Ih Rwerti!,, 8. N'J' content with Ltiuisian,, and .Vest !-1j v U h t iv.vdt ' da, jhe d-clarcd obj?ct of tiie war was th cur-. q.jeit t U tiaoa, .the ex'trimnation ot our re. brethr -n ". . ud )he fire ible occupation of their trrrtt cries. ,. , Q 9. Is it. the unjust plunder of a poorer neighr? .,. '. ' . Lt. the Indians, Canadians, and Floridi. ns anset. ' Q,iO, " Is it a btt'ible or feather for which they R?htl" A. Much worse for British rundwy$ i .. ... I . 44 Orw it "to ct ry '.popularity wt'.h theii own people ; tt. induce r-tl to praise them, or t vote tor inem j ' ...A. Midison'a re e'ection-was 4cclared t -lhi mostdevotvd paniza is ta d.p.-nd upn the w..r H- mastoid so; a recommer.dation of war tie man Jed of him, and he ws re-elected by Corfu ming to their wishes ilc was beset bya.g4ngJ treasury harpies, speculators and would be u rn contractors,' who-enchaiiied uis reason and s iflt.ii his lit Ii remnant of patriotism Dy tlK- wa the1 hooedto ruiseio a, hirh pitch of txa-ptr. ion iho ppuUr'r; stntment and animosity agiins' u-vi,1 hi n Tur't .md ap.WniwJedireil thH-ir pamH tive. . linn-. :. l . . rhsren from the direction of Maiden (concentra tniic Governor "tfi'draa h' 8a-r 'um tfit.?thuir.fre..s if you please) ancT has now au Uie coot tp plated ' increase of i L' (4 I lt t ifi triubt (..-' OUlrtTi " tutincc or tne inians we y u is noi a mile re- cu oy me march of the miiiti ion. ,iu kibiif, that Kitchie, of Uichmo ;d,is Holding igof the troops in question Tl" 8l-8 ' h(: an opposite language jn his last pap-r, to wit : babdity that the troops wilfnot h ru V every liwt at this nry moment Umo u fiounnj gentleman alluded to. had rect V I yrn-AerrrrmMar-aiKl-T4ieotueky30t floer ol her -militia, to M irmori's canip to avenge would accept m in convouen 'lJ,'e thy murder of th.vir nr'tthern an l-tlrive th savages f the iihre of li"t niision 0 v prti"rnti of 'he desert from the parapet of Mullen '.' ' ' . has not declined his nttnkiiY of or ' Ri-mai'itabls ! . not at all, for the elcc'tioris ,are self us a candidate at the ensuin . 'rcs,:"liu;! W t-iking fklACc in Virin'u, and Mr. Jefll-rson has a asemj)ly. s 1 CCUo;i n!, fivoht,' so i in Lw ii that state, that he sent inla- HAppr Selkcti in. It tan(blph's diatrict to turn him out, and Mr. - We are authorLi'd y ii bk r W JnTersoo himudf has been -elect ioneermg (or s,v; 'h.it, a!--hough i- ri.ost crn.4,;iv ,,'. faj; and upaids, tJaccomplifb his purpose, and ef' sn, f1'4 ews, to propose himsrif nler" he Enquirer is undVlr. Jelrson s direcion day as s'-t-a.-idi-late, at the pproac!iiur l. '4's Ayef tht alersthe case. I'lisn ' we aupjwat f a raemer for the n-xr .congress. t il'A ihwse regime its 'hat Ohio is 'louring forth, are for .lie intervention of in.lispi,-sii,e hlsi". V'' actually on .htii Kch, bu: are n to be ex- AriU bim from home on the day of S i pe: d to 'avci quits so rapidly as the Missis tion b- wotiW, in compliance with the wjV -ippi nours frhlitc waters.-And these 3006-of "f his f .How citizens who have reco " '' the fl ,t of the Kentucky troops, arc fresh -d to the " Fronds of. Peace thafe htZt if 'ii aii.l iiotlhoae that wele cp'tired with supported by them, have attmdeJ the W" th'aofoi'tttnae WirTchester, and took- French d taken his Seafas a candid He, ar.d that he RC?? -flic Freeholds s of this coim'. n. if eleutt d Mil inform ..:; -nade.and even then we shall ait Monday. -nenl fjr Mr. P. iriVe it'i-r the turn -of servica finirni II ervc -VAi! f r K i ocky todtivc th-j tn&mv from the Pa-1 rap ' oi MJ there must be some more salt- apec'itui. ;ietrc c L's !is I' J' :rt m.ai did, for the stream to run by ,v .... n , k passr on hu purney. We beg Thefollowing extracts from w address W law. k v.jr litdrss, to recall this opinion, should ... 1 B0ire8 fij Tr.S ker Clay take the fild. H -'ll p-ove no "lon- va2ttte, entitled, PatrociU'in chilley. armour, whom Hcctoy flg- . THE ROAD TO PFACE, ged when he found 'him out. Ibid, j Commerce, ytpat'h, and ha fifiintnk .SEW , . Y AN OLD rittMfcn, S.) rIE iLTC n. Are worthy the s;riou cofM-eratt(m of tverf Well ' how ;ocs it ? I betn to tluhk times are citizen who holds these blessings in ju.t estimi. hard. What wss the price of Urcwn Snuri'r twelve tion : wnvne wnoie, mererore, l conclude, thiw are a' wjr for the riirht to emDlov hrituh.. pr s i of men, can tlaittt nd exenci-ie the right K.jglan.l, and thus to continue in 'power as 'ht v v tnire, ny s d imming upon the Hue oi om up iso ai'fMiliie Never were So ni. ny unfortunate rjots ions pr-. : pounded so easily answered, by ccrr in;n in tic It at acqjuinted ith the poli.ics f the country the measures -f the ruling j.arty, and he e questions upon whiclwpji -'v-i.li.tvc dirided -Jb ti GLORIOUV-NliU'S 1 late aa the 0 h u. Messrs. Madis tell us in the In telligencer of Monday, th it they have seen letter frmi fie Korth Weswrn armv ofilK-' date m-! . to ctt! -f .he mail tmm one city to "iviV.r tioned, but nothing material had oc-uver! aa.to t. -beie sirppcd and robtterfby Mr. M-id'Son sn j ?'.-neral.ierrions ';f the army, but thit thkc a .r of fpnrfSs",ri(y s fellow citizen y acts of ust). pa tion hr driti o, suosii u'es h - arm of flesUi ajtd the richt of the strong, to taw and ration-it liberty. Thi prepares the way to a prra'e re. dess of grievances. AjieTsevc.ratce in sum ar bitrary and illegal sets, must lead to an organized -Tests'ance of ' o )reision -for, as a pT'id ham pi ol iv.g!i&h liberty Uns sid, when rulci he ccmcturantM rom tiolicn. tubiec.s mil beoitie rcbeia from principle. Because thesr things are com-1 front tlurrtton armyt a mon i France, it is : reason why hey sho dJ be tokrj' 0 in Ameri -a. On Fnday .here was n.o u . ' r m ii from Boston, and we expect soon rpon'lis ago. het re the wa f An elevenpenny bit - -un.l. VVnat is it hu.v f. Ightei' pence and i)n to quarter of a doll ir a poun.. What wa 'cof tVf. I Fif ;en pence a pound. rt-m is it n w ? 'rlali" a rovn a pound Tlus it rather bud ufion flo )r ficot'e, wAo have 1 1 - toot h for their living. V-vt-i s-AijLiisa ag albn. JLfrma. sixshilliiig sjji dollar. Woat was it before the war? Three shillings and half a dollar a gallon. What as Jar ayarit bits. rv. " T .L f .i . . ' ...... . . . i'" e rigui io employ out nciIl&ori presr.tces and mino-s and that 'we have very fo!t chance of success in the object, and that jf-w Had full success it would do us wore Unj Ulan good. quarter of a dol What is it now ? Three clevcnpentiy Have you got dl thc brandy or whiskvv you wnnt this year, fjr your fmily and for hTrve"sl?No. Then make baste and contract tor it. r or Con grcss arc going to meet in the spring t tax it vl' : ; h-jvily and oepend ph it it will conle aftr; fiat, . Ifny?fus had leased a farm on hslfjfii, from a qunrter of a dollar to thirty fever, and a, half WB "botild be ni'ich dissa'isfird i h our "tenia ceftf'detrer'in t'hegol-m, VVhatjare they going t, vt--ho imt.ii'ly demanded a targe fiumtocarry ADtti; U.,in !y .-nd whiskey ' fof ? To -raise mou-'-y srm f'r next ye-tr. and yet r fused to lct,.ukfio carry on the war Salt is a fi-e prics no v, how much rhonry it cost the last. v.. is if ? V dollar and half a bushel, and will we bav- some ru'.ev wh eh o jud- ji ob ly be threr dollarshow so f Our bays The gover ent iKMrrow'ed sixteci rnilliotw hst - .i -i.-irbors a e olock-ided bv the uiitish. s i that ?erfr,iiiiduding fiohtr mwti wh ek 'ht- Fahi the'cfoTe aeainst a warof wTiich thukiU object ....... VVrist has th'e war cost, and what 'lit cm:! government, though a republican ne, and tho:.tgb w were told 'that repjiblicshuldlirt no ecrecg, nas negtectefl to Iy before the public the actual cxpenea.oEth: last nine monthi of An ders. Fed A'. '.. DRMOr Xct In 1 . S; i RUE COi. . H. T' 'Viii tlie eJctio takes pLcr tunjogout th". Stt; of ihc huse's 'lavi.ig no other ' 2op ,of mikig an imp tsnion upon ;be. regen ern'ed people of tha' c rominweahh he S'.ppott ers of Mi. VurPutNy deliberately 'force a r it cum I) I'll ISO upon' iiic p. nl :'.'Til account of the appear.tnce of s; fl-.--.." ff fjost h, and a 'e.-n ui u : i r h'; to rnVi th'n - with' provisiotfb 5y '"fmtiirv,ntj:-To--Bive'rfheJ desiredefhea y profligate'. invention, the distinguished jjQp.r leader in Boston, is reprcenttd as ad--WVt; the 'contribution ei.e.l' b- The ei.my 0H-. post orhces fcre eng'gc to tavor the im by s'Opomir all letters and pipers for fro;n Me fafrt'of offke'sta'es, that thenexi oay's was suafoVNOED a a t-hort rtstancc i u rli:ig paries t lndij-)i, Wno Weif. onlj now .he hoxin., tomahawking and scalping our fliers. N j v, noThiu as to genvral . opejatC-n miy h-vt be;ii heard from the annubui scalt! ii'g and touiahwkini', is a ptjtic'ufar sort of ..per at ion which these editors would find rV.herjunpkn ant, if they wereoieave dv.'it ' stations of pro ht a. id security; and help on in person this' wuv thtfy a:e 'i f n-l of V 1 ,-Tn j aroalists, who have such peculiar nack ot nejling outinformation.by driblet?? and n rtti nivolve :', doahtfiil style of (lilfideiice, hive not orrjf Seen Jet. ers, .but have dispatches. The p o plf ought to kno-v Uut expresses are going and coming almost tlsily from and to the army, anC they ought dso .o be prepared to hear another T-f-tka-JrtTr "'irftRied olef';1 tale ab-ju t a mas- acn: , of beati. g out brai.- with i ronweTghTsTn s t oxkrrrgiiul of-ritlsi 4oa-s IB iii will convey , I dler account, and behold 'of scales sent toFogland as trophies. 'We h')pe oui 'tbe'iv . no it ex' nav 5 mail, it being stopped ih ' good friend Labad.die'a still kept Jn pay,- and is -4he--niox The people-!. -those p'irts off with the army. s we have, "so marfy major iWaVii ...oseits, rtmo'e from the capital, will ac cord:;.' -f go to"" ' he ports .under -a full ptis 'a-don, thvt . v has been 'hreatened by . hostile jquidron, ind Jt federal party recom-nehded a compliance ;Witn '.rs demand of the flev: I his scheme, (o delut'e ibe people, must have proceeded from long headed politician, and as the P a ofoqi, under -the direction of t,he gent ral governmem, so lately ppi.'dereo to further exccutive-views, hts been jerniiu d in the business, we are bound io consul: er tiie yilecontriYanct as- prftceetiirtg from-no. less parsonage than. - 'he " Pre si'de'i'it. himself W- a.e strengthened n this belief by the circum Ss vce T .M., Madison's evpressihg himself on Friday, in bypocri.Mc.il 'ermsi of aQxirTy for the ate of Host oh Not only the Massachusetts, bu' Xbe Virginia elections are to be effected, by the jfa',ricated account ; the result of all which ought lw lh;it thi 1 h'.-onia it, everv -iii-.tfi. rame m an 7 I 1 - ' T - iale .und resolme d'rterntin Mion to btl.eve ''i.tti ) ..e feds4i'otn-tt iainoeiUtie-tiiurtff r. at lv i- 1 of-ihe, year, end more particularly . kt h; sra ri'i of ;lecMons.-. The instances of . faKe. Ju td vo j fabrication,1, iiavbycnso Qumerous'.and C. r.xant. tha;- tr.e "sc-'irrbc" BKeflrTOijVill be compelled to adopt such a deieimirialion. : ibid to ! inini- Li rt to -uhort Que$ions. r n ike linquiitr, aiming m' "" Short A Ih a long avti . - unusu d '.loquec,c, mny brief questions' are. ask d iir l V.n" .o the w .r. , !i,-Ti' Qur-riart I. How came' this. ar l" f " j:iwcn Mr M mison recommended and...ConI gv.v d-klar o it.,, -'j'-- Q 2. WVs it a Tlbition which declared it ?" n .. Y-Vi low, nrflid, dtspica ik "ambition 1 ; Th;V.o"iifion to be dignified . by the title of Ally of japcrial FraJic t&d to to htndei ioaa in generals, it, would be well to have: a ivsearer gen traits long as the Indian war con.'i iu ;s. " Such an omce wclMe better worth gisoo a year to Mr Mud:so; Ihan an agent of (he Imiian D'lpai i ment, n that tbt; trade Aith our red oreihre;r fj at an tnd. The prcsidont, will ccrtsinly be if hi tl its noc-.recorn'nutd tlie fahhfu I stead if hc & emission, they cr.oosc to all :rsaiuty his was over arid above 'HtorlmTV reve' u.:. The war h s then cost for 9 m ntlis, siXvten 'ni! I'dtis. And yef we hear of vildieis d V!ors, and contractors and furnishers unp id l ama 6 aid we shall fi .d a geat Uebt ytt bebirl'.L As o fu-urt. exns 'S Mr- Cheves. chaimt of the committee of ways and means in coi gi-t stat-s the annual cxp nses ol Hie wir : f t1 i" lions. At this rai.' the war wdlc wtus in 3 years, ) tc'-otii1 vessels can tr-i oui or in : anu ox r,:: all the siL w;.gtt must come in. foreign ss Is, mid then there wiil be the doubl- w.ir dfi; y nd the fbreig i tonnsge ni.n y and the scartiity f war times, th.it will altogether run4rijp . to a oretiy iz- i Good gratious ! thought we were o have fial peace if we only el'Ci.J Mr. Madi. on President again i-' VV ho told jroh tha' ? Why .).i't you rernemb.ir last fall, when they were tcctionecrhg for LI ml and Jump, they said the . IvtvTiv to' ret neace was to vote for Madison ,,hi ik.im.ii. a hivii."tn o-f, cm, in vni i,r 100 millions, which is to millions more than ii cost us to aichieve or procure our indep&ndtcet f Hows 1 we sec what anils' u, k what suits us will A pretty heavy de,bt t f the pnvileges of protect .lit every body elawiat the nam- of ene tan W Bntith seamen from heir own .sovereign.. ,r..r men like ukft by war i Nw just consider V brother farmer s, you do not yet see any w i hycnirstlf If men are cTnlYed or recruited to this "ew paper money, btcause it c'rcui". go out and fight, who is it that goes ? why the poor' among the m .frhants. huf y?"'";1" 8 men -look at h: men they enlist; an't they all redeem it at last. It is the faiii which final. ,poor men ? look at the .men who are drafted, an't H thc P'C burdens. , hey all poor men I and if a rich man or two hap. halhave heen. he frmtsofth-s war f MdwJ pens to be drafted, he can hire a man to go in bt its fru,t , . "' ' , , ' 4, his olace, but vou and Leant do tKatwell then A 'n naturally inquires aDomu.e take it the other way suppose you stay at home ; why then the high price jpf all necessaries oi life is such, a 1 the low pr.ee of produce is such, that 4. poor man can hardly : keep soul and body toge r3othstJ.riwjir times whether a p&or man is taken away ty the warTorstays-at-liome,Jie has ut a bad chahceT. No, no I am for no war, and if ill poor people were like me we would it K. Rolc htalmrt at mi,, nrnd lire bad cr&DS hit' it bad. " ' If he find, a mode of cultivatioo always mjn r..l .irr,AiirUf. rhanfeS it for II)' IUU7 (1. l ' Uii .uu.i 7 J rj Shall we set ori opposite princioles in ourpolu trcal concerns? We wert told remiss reaiWiji4ijtowi-he distm ruishe-i no ..j113 c nmtry to be marched off to Cmada to fight, tice of congress. And for In; Cinadtan wag !,.. d suffer and die because ItrUith siilors shift on who amuses himself with kee no: a tally f the hoard it --. -neintis. aid Kims Geome savriie will httoiviiB.rVi$h AjVi iul'jr: v i'djight on board own sftthi, a',a Miztion rtpjKMniment to sugges'. lor him, unless Messis.; h rve been naturalized men he than scalpsrand invoices i oHh jse hipiierf to the Lt-ts (t'xve and Cowmon of England, we know not ht Ar o; that we should. conqiierCnarf in three monihs. We were only to move ana u. i,Ve were ,o take pOii?sioo oi u part, I was7one of those who did not see, even i- w thnf if 'would PW- we uia reap u as wivn sir.t, ifiiM nr ihiinf hot tares, and ch.'ffTa sl,e I could no see thai the hurning the 1nwst .. i ai'nn rail I some poor i rencnmen in . subsist, anct who can pay i.o w tain, would tend to -relieve our s.amc.. v .. : .- fghtonrtoard e ?Y w,,a Brc Vu' V, 1; n knew w twVif 'hey ult Uidthink, Mr -Mad1Sqn,kn ew -ion knock the w ir ia '.he hea-TWhr how would von ;in t h . i i I vtauhtvat a rains t ever u mam who would retire ma's ujfriend to this tour, or -who had beek a Jriend !iwa would reap a. crop of rye oi" If it wa a War where they wanted to take our country from us, or to take our government 1 urn u, i bat would be another thiutr I'd see them oik hi-n to the last drop .but arc: the poor men of 'vlidisoit and Gales take him into their rtsp'.cta . ,-nis a , ..,ffair ,f $Uoh 'conseauroce as. to drair our ble concern jto indite waggish paragraphs. vt have a notion that'-lie would work Joe, out -of the partnersliip afttr awhile, unless his "knowledge of sho't-hand, and Might of hand, renders him indts pensible to the estalitiihtuejit. . itiere comVi the'p tragiaph from the lntelligcn cer ' - : -. , . We nave .een letters from fie. N. ' Western army as late as the 19th ult. Sothing . nm-nal !iis occu-ed as to the generjal operations of the army. The camp 'was 1 surco.inded at a short (lis taore by' sfraggiing parties .of Indians wno watch ed -every opportunity to exercise their demoniac cruelty. '.- " ' A lieutenant of Qen.' Crook's brigade (whose iime we hve 'not. heard) was, at a little oistance rom. the carnp shot through the body, toma: hswked arjd scalped, and his body- found and brouglitinta camp the next clay. . t,.! . t V fiw days before, four or five men, who had one our to gather grass, i we. e fired .upon, but !i:nr kiild ; otic e tntrra having been provident :y aaved froii the fant qi the aavages-.by .having Ffiiltntjook in i jjoxnct j through which the clamation. men .'through f.ost k snow wiihout shoes, Rothes, ir viei; ls to Canada, to lie killed up by. the In tlvyi i : - save enormous taxes Lid upon '.he peo1: pie, nd 1,0 to raise the price oi all articles neces sary lor life a id trade, as to hni In Ktai vliri n M name j,tHnq!irf.1.ehh- foif thousand by tap ur there r fn.i;n thtt h.. hail an overwlieiii" .,.1 i .u nil rvmr.sirinn. thHl n - , as he .wrote hP ' . . . ..-.;fif r3 . .1. j. ... ...mi- ant ni",,"u-. it an articles neces i - , armi- o bring thepoor alf'tofind,that we hare had ree success. ame of ;od ! Dont cut off have .ost a thousand tn, by t nqtgai ied one inch Wli.')le province the Vhst tC btit ria ni iTuUUC!. Alirn'n'aii teiritqrf' o TOrnwoi. ,-."rM:'ritlOUS. OUI -. ih. initui nf Russia smdCaoaa' W . .. arc, and as poor meirmust bear.the greater bur dw-n of atp.war,.whether'- theygo to nght or stay wil' .f ln-i.ii. jl- tin, an rnrt tn . .n r. ..k'.la wp : ' can, whiclu. attended to us with nothing but -in:. the ipvaion ?ohJ 'd t am cH ucu tjc s i - - .... overrule providence bt Go, who has Lr obreuk the rod ot th,e oppress. - cresse"'pTi1iar(ii'hips,'miseiy and oppression ''j' People' (Mr land) Monrtor. -kS- ,-Wthcnxs ran, April 3. We uaders.tandj from, a -)uice e.ititled to the highest credit, that the .suspensu'nrby the execu tive of this stae, of the law for raising a regiment ot troops for it deftbee, wis produced by the e: fiisal of the general government to reimburse the ,xpwiditures hitherto incurred hjMhe march of thi jrooos to Norfolk. -That' a-ejntleman of atad-- joining coun cruor to rtpa; nations which ileiig v. ia W4" , . . As to what wtU he the truits oi ...- - vent is only 'known to God. j;tiii vinie weak m;n th,, e may be who wf P f . rv,.. ti,-- iart-il;-s.U.ce '- . . .n .i- ai-.trfvn 'fy- - ; We have inaejovgainv.j , t , t 4cior.ie but h m ty wassp uilly deputed by the G?vT ot ity oi our enemy on.iw oc' . .,rB(!tn air to Wiping ton ia erd p .scerJ Wabs aytua were w oa "I --I--:-

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