i 25 " I icst rojc J.b.cdause St Was duoscrousto attempt o thf m inv. ? -it-. - ; V7" ot as .-a men J lies; partial 4U '.cesses are a cause - MifuliH r,'n i no uvic, th in il Uad capiuiiV; .v ..... vi leitr of Vtl-n- tnemjr ..in mo! combat , ,Vl would havtpiovd the superior course of ALiettet Qr curI Cat what c ,use cf ,m! ' ....:;. doe it affjrd. when we ' know That re a instate fn?nl m York; which states ibat there is verr , 1 ! iv.fiv. t'-fift tkciion of Mr. BayLc (peace candidate).;. Mr 'BasseH. I'he . elccti.-n "iom. henccd tu Gloucester on Monday .--.AV. Ledger. Ivi t3 fr , dxrotfc, April 10 " Cadis jjt The 20ih of February n.itain ha 250 su'.h ships, and that, learn n wisdom from expienty, ane will send th.m ou: in such nurobcJ-as will dely llv Vrtioc , -mi -...hi..xertioos-otiiar.k.tt,W 'seamen VVr hve rhR;c g'reaier a-.idTiv" "VihaUer ; fri j.afc8tfif the whole frrJis id w .combined, the would not, wi'li-mt rash'i and ctrtimi-deslruc The capita! t out nation is now blockaded, air! thi( nlock'i: nevei can- and never will be raiv! by any fjivfc we now posses; or can create dur. Jjigthv3r. . , . ' -J" . vVho d inces, and who pays the piper ? . The I'rcsident dances, for he has hi 25.GOO a- ar, vvht'her the country thrives or is jin.o. i. fs;, -Jand ru.n d ;h has ttie p.fronag'- of thou lands f appointments created bv th- wai. GsU .Dearborn nccs. for be receives an enor. mous Srthry, animations and perquisites. G :n. VarnuTfi dances, for he has two or thrte Hons in' 'pu no ofI;rs.-., . IV.,.. Kinj? dances, for he is empl , :0 in rai- ting troops, and perhaps he has an-iicT head, TJce, it is ..!. at J-i. aFw.e.Sel! cai'le, fur Mrliiny men to the govern m oi nini: ve v.ixy Mme of mem. to sinlllheir blorn! in a disastrous war All the contractors, militarv officers, cororni 6ariea 'd other rfpndtin8 in the &rnn dance, nit matce their. I'.uncs at h' ru' na tXpens .J. But the farmers, fifehertniM aiid iDechahic fiay the liir. VV pay it by ,r - .;n fall r-f our farms, viir produce and our I." o Some of us tlo not yet f:el it, and we are wak eivuh'to b' I'-ve h-'t theay of rekontnj vill never f'me W 4 arv like silly mrn, who, so lon as '.lv'y s - money 'n mofttcae, rlive if lux vr ofj. demii'Kin would never arrive. We shall soon fiiH the sh ;if at the c'oor, tvhen ve are unpr rreti AVe noV psiy the pip' T, :n;'the. increas-.4 prire ,f foreign ariftles, our ti"i - a. ea, stivjar and En glish 'goo'isas well ttri -l'inioistie' vah :f somt of oirV'iM'dMucts, o.ir lumber d.o'lvr urtirlcs'j bur we sh'dl next vn-rner fetl it in th- dirtct taxes, vhich will in July nex; h. levied oo our 1 aft'lu'd cat-le, t an vv-unt. thre c or fo ir times th l ot oiir state tax. You have iho't it v.uhf not Com; : voj are deceived at the SptoisCovernmtnTTiaidTJeen fpv ; .nk previous thereto, occupied in discussing prosi t -i (icclarinir war ag.dnsi the UtiUvd ates. ari i scuing 41 :nericaii propcrtV 0 !jm!!s nw-4i;oiH!5!!itM was tinally reittCU.dJOFL. ather delayed. ; This me.s1arcwli'po!d in cofiseque ce "of the hostile measures of on.' gn-vif-nmer.t ltspe-.r g Horida, and which ,he wis lorn and intciv i y of the.Senate, iV is bcli: ved. de, Icarcd. N-y-nl-'g n tmre certain add wiose d' vices, thi.uf Mr Midi sun succeeds iii his piati of a Last rtundai that we shall have war cith Spain. ' me same nices ais state that a prepn J . . . . Wilmington, April 8. ivnunuig iiuui taut luicnijjcuyt wi, ic c;ived 'hV morning by express from Hover, da te 'April Th. . . ' 73 : tUllawjnff jre coDiea of two despatches re. ceie-t he one' at 3 o'ejock, and the other at D o'clock this moininj; by the Governor command ing Lewis Town. lfou no doubt will give them imrfcduie publicity. . ' ' r-!5 S...H. BLACK. Head Quarters, at Lewis TowhrApril 6. hit, This iveninj; the Belvideraand iwo small ves sels camt close into Lewis and commenced m attack by fi ing stveral shjots into the town, which have been picked up 4afier which a flag was sellt, to which the following reply was returned. - 8fR. - '' In re nip tn th rnnrftl nf vmtf Umant ulik rations are making by L-J VVelliui on. m which 1th addition of a "supply of water,"-1 havtMo in. he wppnrted ny the Spanish - ati'.,,, for com ! t,jr.n you that neither oan be complied with. This mencinrr a mot.cMvC andt.tve planot n.Sitt you muit be sensib,c of thcrcfare j must r uons against the French i- S .. Me ".-u'.o ,(st ,hat.thc attark on th inhUtMH.. .J .k- h btiili wunvon and cruel. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, ! - 9. B. DAVIS, Col. Com. Governor Ogit i of AfW Jersey . Ex'ract, of a lei'er t om a gtnUeman of New Jciey, ti tht liidiior of the .United States Gazette.- ' " , "... I ouserve that the democratic papers have sta he li si of March. breuk u; his cati'.onmenu Fram our Cj; wflonde at at Richmond ' ' A;. I 7 MI3. Br an "xpr-. s, .vno arrieii last oiaiv hi thi ish i(j'M'i.i)!i. nns:jt whi.'.h ,vci ft s -iy,v f'iatv oeiherTwi' h .nr1 n-nder, au! iU'uUT pfisr.-s, a St itfV I. . l utr.day eveini; tat at the mouth' of vi. Ra,uah:Tnoi-k on Sunday ted that (M.n k ..ni..i i:. i.,- mirrt.ng.hevsent ne.r iemler. .vitt vcv,ralbar. p:JllUalenf ofma: Leneraj. j can asSlire yoru .-in-pursuf?..-fwM,rii-AteeM ai;d to letters of that thrs publications have been made without uiirque, said to be fiom Baln.nore, ueeplv laden, any a thority. He lias -not -cceotel the apo&iot. a.idoound to France 1'nae ben almost a calm. mcut.le transmitted his answer omV titns one of rhe vessrU wu so-n ortakcni with the sir,Cc to the wan deparirot;n,, who it seems have others a ev-re c. ifl ct en.., .: vhich lated up- ot thought proper to m ike it 'known. w;nla of twot hous when hj A-";trtcan Vessels, . oeing .inmanaeab!' on accouti of -he calm, were . RUSfAM Ml'jiHATION. ' cap'red. It 'wa'-. not ascerta-,,ed,. when (he ex- " The prese.u dan is. we uuderstand, to annoint press ca'ns -way, what the lo s Kid been, on either commissioners to.nieet those that" it s -xpecttd I 'J- On Sjnday, the British with two barges at- nU ;e m h . iked to act on behalf of Geat Bri- -np-ed a landing n the Lancaster idc, Sut wv-re Ui , v t. FetersSurg. Mr Gallatin is to be one ! :ten buck Of 'he militia they aft. -r wards. J O. -.Um h n:ir. n, r.,wi I r. h. remlorcement of ten barges, tRected a tli-r .:ird So it is Tiaid and this pet son not 1 dtng."' , , - kmwn, we take it, will be the minister to P'rance, ' who U to be smuggled like conrtabaftd of war, vVe have 'seen a letter from Gloucester corro. t his place ofdesiintttion ni 'he ft iff of truce oraiin, the aTiove statrm?nt sarm of ftHlft turliea Aeif arMal ha ; J aijains. the fint provinces of thi st tmpiri, mnirl . '1 i.:u . : t. ... y . . i "" ' nava, oeen caiKBAtO tlelnd. The have in a few werlu, in spte. of he tears ind despair of the unfortiinate Muscovites, burnt w a. r l t r . . un- jiuy oi iocir nnest citit-s-inei-enyZi, satiating their ancient hatred and all under Yh;; Pretext of retarding mir murk-uml t: ' us by a desart. Tt have triumphed over ullthcxv. i obstacle!. . ; ; . ; '-v;'" - -T,--v.. V. .'.VIBVWT., 1H four days they have annihilated the labor arid '"r camiMg, ui tony generations, did not at all cbansfl V; ,tl. Yrtf..t...w . . rf1 1 ft ' I ' . ' ;-, v... (w.j-viuuj suit; in my untirs , out me pre mature and excesses rigor of the winter, ha A thrown upon my army a tremens ou calamity. tn a few nighia I have teen every thing changed t-C hav- met . with, great, losses ? They ; would .have -K broken my heart,. if, under 'hese -great circum." stances, J had oeen susceptible to any but the interests and future lory ofm people, ' It is. with htely' satisfaction that Ve h 4ve the i people of the Kingdom of Iid'y, tfi .se f rtrient Holland, and its departments re united In i.ival Y ; ship to the ancient French ; and iWn .tjj th-t there f$i is no,ftope for them uHheir In ure prispi-ruy, but in the consotidation and triumph of the gran.i empire. The agents of England prop.ia'.e with all ow neighrxrs, the spirit of revoltja linst-sove'eigns. England would now wish to sec the. wholecon i nent a prey to civil war. and -o all the furies of 1 ai arrhyj byt ProVidcnct has designed hei ta.ba the first victim of amrr.hy ah l e-ivil war. I have just signed with the Poofe an agreement w;,icb ? will terminate all the diSFeiences which hv. n. happiiy arisen in-the Church- The f rtnch dy.. ,'; na6ty rrighs and will reign in Sp. in. I did sati , isfied with the conduct' of all mv allte-. I will " j-iot abandon them. I will main-am ih iniefritv ' of their states. The Russians shall center their" - frightful climate. - " 1 At 'the views "of the evils which h ,ve fallen upon ; us, the joy of England has beet great. Her hopes ha-e had no hounds She offered our finest ; ! Drovinces as a rccnnL- ke.k fur trasnn Sl, (1 . - I V .. , r.j - . i. ,. . .. iwt" o tuutiiiuii mr peace, me aismemoer menf ;-f thiv fine Empire', It was, in i h r wordst to procKti.n erpctual war. The energy of my ' people under these great facidintsj th u h'.u 1-, ment to the integniy of the empire ; .he. love they have shewn me have dissipated ih.si 'Vi: I have read ajttri'' nets adds, tht the Privateer .figured waa tht Dolfihin bert' ' vViJaon, will' be two of. the British commis-; meras and has brought our euemiea to a niof of v'dKves, and vou will feel it son us tcrtain, of Ba imor-, 4md thai seventy men wr kulcd sioners ; the stme 'Shr Robert that Bonaparte'-. sense of thing as S,Jd death.', made honorable mention of in one of his bulle- V K 1 D A Y, APK I L i 6 rH 3. Auxi.irieH. Some of the war party in our state. J);"i. i..ily in this district, probacy dfSjjinr; Ot .rss at the ensuing election from h-tr ov v. ex,." ns, have oen eager to resn.i i l-jreig-if an ,r .cure asstnce towards thoit design;. fru'n iher states and ' even doiiv..Qih.c: coumries. In 'lie last Kcfti ,ter we oVervCd a" letter r,f Vjr Bolling H.l), one of the" Georgia mem ;e-s ol Congress, directed pr incipally eg in&tH char- ler and stai.riing ol hi brother tK-m-c t, ?r Stanford. The mai.ii -r of this letter's appear nce,ts object, and the quarter from he ce it proceeds, are not a TtttTc singular and esti'uon' uary. I: will occasiof) not a li'M; uiiube . . i .citizeps 'of tluv district, ihv.' Q K K Jlo:grtss jm.n alou'.d e etdis'e - om hro ii- in;o the eltc tionecttng rarnp: . to xtrcise nd dfiM h, into, proper rii' oiuHir.ion VVt Jtrrcv r,ot iv. true it is, be' we n -vt been tola hut this fi. iiiii, who no pretends to mstrtte. y- l)eo,,i,. f the si te hov : , yoie . was fortii rly'cm.lc?v.-rt i,i teachi .them jht. pcfitte accomplhhmew'i :o'.' danc ingi .tie shoulemember. "oh,: however, tiu the (it, men rJt Oranxe and Wake a-id prraon whom he wou:d lead by the Hose, .re no longer j"uii masieu, learnmg how to p.m rhc toe a d but American ci z ns uhn wilt r ;.t Will t I.e; listen io areumenf 'and Hiao m. ntc -r r... . ihey extend noc..u Penance to ofliciou acvis ra Br.d self-conceit .0 iriJtrnie!diers. The. enfmy alsohnded on Ginn'alsland,'nd"tin stahil .hus : visited 10 purchase -ome stock, which the inha. Mr. Gallaiio; &c. go 10 St PeLrsburu for the b;.itt refuse ! to f.t'. oish -tiiey to k what ihey Pu po4 of negotiating a general fiejcty 4iid that in return, tot the frie idlv mediatorial .e! vices ten dercd by Rnssia, odr, intrrmite i -to be tendeied to Russia- in tjchad r.f Knrand ahd France. Mr" M.i.h.. on's pattiot.sm revolt aT? the idea of a r5a ia-eiirjce. as the great contest for the liberty of ait se ii, a irt f r the universal ri-ht of exptria '1011 is a common caus.:, aiid the sword must .iot bt sheath J, until e tery ination, to which the convme.nai bjtcm has Oeeti rx. ended, is include ' ia a gencr.;tavangemetif "f pacilkatioiu VI m .... cnut.i co4iect. 2ni iclt the value in nv,ney. We tlii;ikit is now eviden Vbat is iliu plan oTTv jy far r wiii.'rh we aie 10 fx.it.. t. h in whir h 3"tiV, beai The b no; be diciaed to by any- man III 1 ! ' Goud Svrv Cilman. th federal nnrl ru 0 candiciKr, ha, been elected fjovenor.' of N.: -mpnire.;y a majruity of one thousand wver i:mmiv,tr ; the wa - candidate. bcs cl tht ltislaipr;: Both ?re also 'federal. vole-, br.n ei ill,i'ni I)aan ',PJ oi.itf d,, ftnd has accept ungauier Ucricral of the ll $ rmy. , It ia fat. T or flrtf. . ' W.- is to bt carried on at .. ''fr'f.-'B, ior tti vay are ti, " :-ct. ..... the pnr ofthe American'.g.ern t: v?l ; argoct-tiotv which f to bt carried on . ht rt stf . ration of peace. The brav an ele r -rkade of Bostoi., turns out to be a s'. 'a-TX-at-d eir-K"- k, ii..' . 7 -. - 7 . M"iuwi,rais. n eier n .ring scheme or for some other oi.rl pose by F-vfligatinviduals- : , ""P ' o rthtythave progressed the aspect if '7' - -X -hdiratin to th. vjniy one ri mo . rn distrirt'hJa h..n v -r .uancoipu's. hlii r ; .". r oai' ,n hal otte he lh.rtn.Ar!? C.n t? of Prmcess Anne, v hrr- , wry. v l,,r P 11 stood - - . lor Swepsor, Whitehead About 1 50 of th, ir...,.Mjs; r :,: jl, ,1 j- ..wiuiui-ii vi 1 riit.hi, fol outnies 189 108 ,nu"' at,t S'nr her arj t or r noiniti r cx, te jnore harrassing. t he pLn .;ie eiv my appiiirs t. be that of cot ing off all cominunLatioii with different iarts of the -. .u rr, andtuis by re.s3 i of onr spacious bay .i J nvcrs, and hi sti;'e. ;Of ruval fores, he-cn do. By 'his means: -our .;;.Jan.i navigotion by craf;s vill be broke tip," ,ur' f..reig'i an coaling li altr ' a! really' adnthilji.-.i. We should lik-. -o k-iow, what thosi- wtio de nied that the is ot tlic .vati w-whl be Siich Fhe misfortunes vhieh lh ricrnrnl ihc rllmstj." ' produced, has sVtewn in it fullest extenlr thw grandeur and solidit) of h s Bmpir founded f? uf.-u nit nnj to a 0,1 wit 4)1 iniv ivirious citi zens; aod upon .he er i' rial resources of t'iflr finest countries of-tiie' world. . I desire peace. It is ne(fessry to the wor!fk F ur 'irrus since th'- rapmrt itt fdluAe-dtha treaiy of kn$, ' 'nve m ' -v, c e' s. lwi; rie-ev make njr '.tr h 00 r bl peaccTaHii cui.l nm-'ii1!' o h ir.tetn . ' gr..t.'0 ur :iy enip te. My ;iolicv U u . uijsTerious. I nuv ma'e k iO'vji the o rifices I can make -long1 us this ma. nunt war s'.l ' intin.,-., m . oplo ou'gi.t T bold tlv te!ve- re;v!y t..- '-.U: -.very sacrifice lor a bad eace would mvkc .s i- a. all, even hope : and .-.11 will he com. tomr"-d tveo the welfare of our posteri'y, Amcica has recurred td arms to ause the sovereignity her flag to be .respected. Vho wishes of the xio ld accombanv her in this At r S - V ----- r- I RENClxi UNK. The fijllowinjr extract will bs found in a letter. a tta - oppose r rre.'icwd, will V.u.v ..y. The ne Cory of wnich is bow in the Foreign Olfi.e .ulvo'cs for th- ir Said, k-v.V'e hait carry on , hi IfWion. from' the French Ad. Willaum. an xeuiiv; U-vcin tradNi'' to. all . pfts of the 10 the Frcath Minister, in Washington : da e 1 vi).id(the d"hii-iirni? .f vJr-.at Britain excot-i Havana Oct. 26. 1606. e ) there will re-nun (iA our v.vnuhlf. ' u I have iut aonrehLnded f f rio .s contest. If it terminates in oblisine the en i;oa-iin- trade, and oitm'i.enil trade 1 -Poor - itf f'omtne VpUftteiut frigate - whkh I found on-'.emy tb?f Continent- to recognise, the prin iple short sighted mortals.-how do events mock Jit 00H'! a'' Vm.-ricm b ig, where they had eiigg .-'that the fla shall protect the merchandize and Vo ir calculations ? nd yet y u claim ihe -cor.fi c l at set .ni..n 'dollan per month. Now, Sir, if crei and that neutrals might '.ot to submit. to ic tc of he-people, as if al. your "plans had 8uc,-7iMUn succeed in making the American govern PPr blockades (all conformable to the treaty 1 i.:: and your ptedi i is been verifiid. nietlt pay town a jcompviisaiion for this misr.on of recht,) America will merit- the applause of V ju jS Ailkt us have Gviu Boats to 'defend our duct i seducing thua our seamen, you will pun- tb : world. Po-iterity will say tha; the ancient oarooir,, it- is madness to thi k of meeting the Srt !' 7 nwkiog n-sm .rt m that point in. which worltl t"St its rights, and the new world hath e.) my on the octan, and Ueiiold our " gallant na 11 fei nwst, vie. its avarice in inoi-ey i'und ' re-covered them. Vnai'morthe enemy on tbeocea't, end baten with so.' much the more justice, those people hav : . y minister of interior will make known to ii n h?uev?r it h,s met !itn ind yiar Gun l! for three yeara past ecn contintttlly injurinf; fu'in the expose the situation of the empire, tho Soa'.s nave bee'-Aisless. You s-.id we will olaiit -.-wttl- Vibe by atdueio-r -Dir best men from lis." prosperous state of agriculture, '. of manufacture out -stan-lard on the-wall id tiofh.r it, thi.. '"" : t and. ot our interior commerce as wll asih corr ototjU-s afrcr -the ieclara ionof wai and behold uu have loft three armies, a territory, and p3ft ot a sTsr-rj- So, too lor revenue culate -.:.! '5,000-000' of "dollars fom impoii his j.c ar wncct ivill it come from' the peopti rieslre a vfe .ro'uswr. or an peace, a r,hanje ia their rulers is equally ad. et FhiUdeipha, tram Lisbon f r VV'ashingfon, (N. 01 h,unc: ,?,! propose to you, 1 hop . not viseable. - When have evi .lei c!. of inccmpe put onboard of her CapuCroudhill, and Pose MT nr v bnrth n; art mr peop e. te.o'cy .o piaitily. demonstrated by'-, he starte ofour gave aer. up to the crew. T he Eliza B: was af ' '-' " "IJI",' 1. -.'. .HJ.-i ananvit approaches to infatuation if we do not lerfds captured by. the privaretr Joel Barlow., , Navigation of Roanoke, TvHil'offfseTrca of lheehtinr n Ivotfr..,.,- ...i.T '." t hd rtcaDlured bv the frnifif.- IVf nrrr'iana 'nur1"7ai, f ' T '7 I . . . . ' 0 wo'""- c-ni . ,i:Pi union. . - Jseuger, : ocu uiw ocimuua. - 1- -t t anu oi our interior commerce, as wU as ih corr The shb' Gitisen, La.a.a Croudhill, of George-LBlant 'ncveas; ... ?f population. In no age ha t.jwn, from St. Ubes lor i.Iexandrila. with salt, wit agriculture and manufactures been in a hiehefr . You cal- captured on the 15th January in Ut. 35, loi g- l, degree f prosperity in France, 1 . impo for -by the .Erepch frigate L- t)rirt and Runk. The 1 havc nccd ofg'ea; resourceTto meet the' ex-' Whether "igate had also captured . he ship Fair American. iences hich circumstances,. exact, but otwidu . honorable l'Oin. N York tor Cadisf'aivl the schr. Eliza H. Manainc the ditterent means which mv-m-tiister - .0 im Bi.nioaK, April 3. iMPoUrwr l.-)Rw HON. -3inibly, t tr i' ed n a. ,1 f. 114.ro ir q jiie Ni . !;i.;.io i of Roanoke River, from theV.wC.of i l!;fax to the.placirwhtreahe Vjrgmia' line in, te r. sects. ihe same,"the undersigned. Commission ers named in, the said acl f r the city of lUhigto, havc onenwd a Book for Sub criotions for Shares in the Capital Stock for accompUhing the saiddi. ; This morning arriv'cu 1 1 .his city from Salisbti ry, North Caiohna, on thiir way to Forts Moul. !tri.. ttlld JahOSOO. atlS hand anrt frtrln am f.n . .. , . -.... w'.b. vr yi 19 iiiiv ay capt, ,vfems, direct from Han pton, we lokmg solaiera as we have ever seen. They aft learn that tht Briton squadron still retained th-ir ol .he 2d Untied State Rtcimtnt'of Artillery, f t- b '"-r."'-r wa.,.n wuiiiuanaca oy. wiaior i'OKNhT r:l in.J-jmes River was hailed durr , -. VVe understand capt. Dineho'a company i d- s MiK,i,v.v7 wfsiaiurKnwvjn a CftOOt. TtM they- wereLnlihh ting thern, replied in the irnmeoiatciy caine on bord, an-r mfo tli.lt It uinnl I Inrmtl. iU.., 1 ..-. .v. v. 'im UH115, iiiev- .1- nVrtfTr Boyl.n " The proposed Capital Stock is-limited to 100 h th; o q" ivS it 1 S.Q0 dollars, to.be divided into share, of iOOol " irir r ?"?.ty :wt,Jtme!- -Afr - ij. to be heldatSkalifax on the 4th Monday in Oa- hini thee ,. ...!. . ' .1 . . ' . vouiu ur.ssugfc tne wnnes ; tha. 2 jO negroes i were embiirtied n.i exerciser in -iqu-dsai niht T ik. ....v.....r . . .. . . ii ' ivii' 7 lucnnoiicu pjrucuiar lnaivi iuils who should be their first 'victim, t li captun ol the vessel detauud them - for some time. ekerriMimr rhl . . - - , 1 1 a s wovas, c until hei obtained thr ' w hole pwu oi ,nt corrsptiacy, when he seiz ' ujtm, a, 1 a,ve ''JW conhxiecl in vVilliamsborouirh t Glfjucester Court House, an attemDt was . ade by the bLcks to murder three slaves who tu osed ti join in the conspiracy Sevi of horse h id bc:n ordered out to seiz-j blacks Eighi tiegroe's had been condemned to be hang iu .Va.thews' counlv. for ntrafinai.n.r . ' - r- ed lisho.eii m the niglit, and robbing a Mr. Job-. Rmlt v' i ' . ' ' - .-. I : " :mood. : v . gm to ot il v- e - karn rom capt ems that the British The editor to wived lctttr fiim -W int.ir iiU on HoB l iakena few ankles of . lclw Irxa J tnttlli. jhttl9 wnscfjojeoct, and rctrcatetj. . tober next ; and if 40p shares, be -.opt subscribed before, or at saidm"thiv. all aqbsbriotions ma le to be void- I But if a sufficient number of h.fa be then subscribed, a Company is to be orgu iz ed, under the title of 77ie Rotnoke JVaMgauju '- Paris, Teh. 16. The Emperor fapoleon ajipeared before the Le gtd'eodylandeUvredthella r.. U. - . . i . - - -. ! . ' . i . . Ji"-'- C ' Haa. on every shnre subscribed, "and tne runn. Gentlemen, ihe. Dthutiy or the LegUhtivt Body, jder whn called upon, except that more mat' 33, i ne war tekinaied in the North ot Luropc . of- -3 dollars cn a share not be called for iu-Miyone' year It. KVVl.LL, tere;i favorable occasion td the projects of the English Ujion the Peitinsufat'. They haVe made gteat efforts which have proved abortive. Their, army has fallen before the city of Burgos, andaf- W- BOYL AN. J. GALES : several troops, jer liaving-sustained great Idsi, has evacuated ton, Kty. tiZi usPccted all- Spain I, myself, entered Prussia . The I ford, Rc April 10. "' Snbc'ription Books are piso.opentd at Eileij" nouilvAVindsoi, llalif.x Wariicntoi.,Oi- ii opatn. I, mysellentered Prussia . The I ford, Rotksorouh, Caswct- C. House, WuA rrench.armi-s have been constantly victorious in i wortn and Germantos, imderth- dirtcti r. of tliri the fields of Ostrowno, of Polotsk, of Mohilow,of Smolensk, ot tMokcoW, of M-lo.iarQs!oet. No part of the Russian army has been able to stand tefore our - eagles.. Moscow has LUen into our jower, "r , u ... , ... , : . When i the boundariea of ' Ituviia were forced, od (be iocpacit jr -of 'hnr'vlei ajccminJ, a Commissioner at eacp"p!aH e 4- Will s. and' at twi .t -fiv ,i liars ' nnd ho twen ty dollar.aHhe seas jn as . ironroubly p--inTcd ia , the biW5 - ". HF.Y COITEN". TirUorooh, Mw 1913 Cm