V VL i A - 40 .13 If. '...5 v, ' ' Notice;- V ; . , ; yWEHHtxsnr of State, " ' ' . eti 28, 1813 '&V&AttEN Enemies, resinp or being: jhi.i) for rV.;.lofn(e Water, are required forthwith Jo apIy to the Marsh ds of the States or. rem to. iH in which thvy ' tejpi.civtly are, for Passports h ntnrM be'vond fhaLdistancc from ft ide' Water, as, may be designated by ! he Mir I H fehals; Cmsrcirulation, however, is not to ' be n lM-Wi'i :it' loH-.t .; w'U'hbut soecial notice afjaiost such VUieiv Enemies, not engaged' in commerce,, as I? were settled prtjviouslfto the Declaration of War i their present fbode, or are there .purming j&omereguh-r and lawful occopavin imconneciea with'rorornercei and who obtain, 'monthly, lrcm thftfaishal'of the District in which they rtSidc, perralssiun to rtrhaVn where they are. "1 (i r '" ( Vr;; sir ARCHy;vi:i- '-'-VlLli'Stand the present season m testable New'llooe. two mile's above the town of I ialifix, at the following prices : trtytloilai Sthe :setison,ij wmcn may oe uiscfiariieu uy mc u. uniif v before the first day of August 60 to ensure, and 20 the single leap.: The season' to Commence .the first day of March, and endhe firstly August. SIR AHCHY is a blood bay, wiih black, h-gs, msnV and ml onejiindtf fotit ivhi e ; upward- of sixr-ctn hands high ; and eight years old this sprKigl ' H s is in full healthVai'd just of the best age for'pvppa voting racing s'oclL possessing a sound constitution and the fittest action. His ce ud(ed and a. know lcdgtd suptriority'as a racer tenders a puhlicatiou of his performances unne cessary. Suffice it to add that he leat every dis tinguisheo horse of his day in Virginia and North Carolina " Sir Archy was gytun"hy Old Dbrnedoat of the imported marc 'Castianira i her dai'n Tabiiha by Trent ham ; g. dam by Bosphorus ; Forester,1 Coalition Coir, Bustard, Charming Molly &c. Sic. to a toyal mare. Thus a a, blood horse he is1 T'y.Vjr. ' .-Ape contain ten buUonteadj j-lfc;ccIflcof fea, LuV,te sulicnJt (flioti Unlr '."vi la nave on eacn -iuur--. uauuus 5- m vii wiuvh ma dosiM ::, .:. 7 n-ONV Qf four buttons, ,rUndef clothes for the suin-, their rights from invQr! bv ,mer and winter and hoots like tno& directed to he .ignorant or unirincip!ed ni?r 'eVtns r , uc irk worn by field OfficeVs of Infantry, two golden tluced to join with tir nho'd T " n'a' epauletter, bLckstocksi caps to be of black leatli an hivUsinn of the rights' rf Sf) ertrith heat skih over the crown' end ( red sash; whereas the said law passed 4 ril?Ui,h tied round the same in a small bow behind withjs'ate of North Cmdina.U'not , rMa.i!l hf Uie 111 n rrr nncti'.t.. it - ""n.i : t 1 4.1 i - . I MARS HAL'S OFFICE, BALK1CH, MA1,CH 24, 18l3. IiAM charged wit r 'tu ex-ru v.n of Uie above t Notice, fo far s it cone ns alien e.utmies fesid 'singor -being within die diiioct of Mo;th Caroliria, I f'n thVrt f. re reouit' all siich idien rrernie, who come within the pufview pfsaifi 1 o'.ice, to con ieqjal to any ever bred in -this or any oilier, coun firm 'immediately to (he reqvvsi'ions thereof, 01 1 try. His. stock re larg- aid promising, and high Jhey will be taken into custody, anci conveyed to.tr prices havr been offered tor th. m than ai.y lhe vplaces assigned (o them, unless ' -p-cial cir colts on the contintrit- Fi ve huiuTTedJoti-irs was cums ances require- in'ulteoce. Passports for 1 refused for the half of an Archy colt at ninedays thvir fjtpa. lure will he giver at this office, or at . " .', V r.-lMiion. fyTubem and Wilmington, -by my de- Good liigh land pasturage, and eemnts board. ,..ir,,i of Tt,ni" nlrii here also those irratis : and mares fed With corn ai the murkeri iiot'enpged in commerce wiil apply for permis-i price. I have- separate lots .wed encl-md lor air.fi to 'emain where lv 1 are, which will be mares with colts, and the best attention shad he Rra:;t- d when h sitisfar'oVtly appeafs that their paid to the'm ; but I will not be accountable for inten'ii ns towards the U 'States are such as to aectd;ntsof any kind. ' t-mvtv rnnfimmnce of (hat hosnitalitv theytiavel Gentlemen who sen 1 mares to renaiti with the already experienced from the "United States. ! horse, may be assured that they shall be returned I Al-io, all these who have arrived -within the pre- m as good or better conduion than tljey are Seru. ,scrib. rt limii3 from Tide, Wa-er, i'' this district, Oi)e dollar will be expected by the gnom wi h - from a f'-reum place, since the. Decoration of each mare. , ALKEN J. DAVIC. War art rrouired. without delay to retire into New Hope, "Feb. 26. 83 eow I May. th interior ol the coumry, beyond the distance. 1 er;ve meniiofed. short ends, black cocksdes with a ,'goldef eagle and white feathers tipped with red, red Snsbes, swords to be yellow Dd slung over the light shoulder in a buff cobured bell about three inches wide. - AUTIUKY. The Gilonrls and Majors of Artillery will ?sr uniform like that prescribed for Iufanjry Officers of the same grade, except cpnulttlest erlos, but tons ftiid swd, all of which '"ill he velluw. If a-.y of the '(ie.neralf or Fic-lvl OHicers havf had thejt unif .rm coa;n ';nr mented with bet en cord, it is to he uudf rsiood that he are not hert-r by required to cause it lo be taken r;rT. By order of the Commander in Chief.' . : ROBERT WIFLTAMS, Jdju'nnt General ;' j of the Militi v of North Carolina, Raleigh March 2?.. . 1). I. SIS. in rim' lr.:r.L. linger winch the patent h .a s"lltcl urr ii'.i.. 1 1 1 said Hcbert Ful legi IC to .1. tha Notice. The nvrnrr nnrl imnortance ol this me?ure..' 1 11 ti tsooKsanu liirni y iwninia uic iie i injures mc to call i non those citizen who side Ma. hrv Troy will be sold during the nperior ' vi'hin tha' prt of -.he dis-'fict wi n .n Enrmtes, Coui-r'ot I.towan, which will hap.-en on the firs , tpwhrim the afxne .notice hapec.alrcleret,ctfoMjndi'. -t .tr-nh The greatejpait-otthe-J"uriii-liplvnirar!y-infr?maTiondfT may. not tare w-s m.-.in Philadelphia, and in the most whe'divMised to comply" h"the r.'quisition there movle-rn fasbio.i. Six ruonths" Cn-difWdl be gitn ' of. hat t 'may 'h enabled, to discharge the duty and bond with "approved security wjl.l be required. 1 Jmnnw r.n m tmf.r Vn h rircnmsthPce-.. , H liN UV C 1 i A M UERS, adm'r. - t . , . r b ex En i . Nii L , Mhrnhal at the U itatt Jor the diatnct 6J Arorti Carolina- MurrW 17. !H13, 'A I ' h' t. State of North Carolina M fc.CKL.fc N B U K G C-iuft . .Sujunor Court of Law, Nov'r Term, 1812. ) Francis Lewis, vs. I .1 State of North Carolina. iu III, J:ct ti-mu WiUium i;kiri: . -q;XfVtrn ' ' or, Cafiratn General, wd command' r inUdrJ in' ard v r thr Sin: e oireitnid, ' A ,m:ocliV! m'ion. W HER FAS4 I have th s (yy been informed th -t ihe fourth Monday in May next 'h- been fixed on forthe nict ting of th next Con?tft of the Uniud S rtes. an event, which renders it -x wd-ent an(5 neie.-sa-y that the Elections for R -j)i-e-ita;ive should be held earlier thaiuht tirt.s s.j)f nor court of Law, to be held for ,resc'ihed b law. : aforesaid, on the six'.h Monday alter 4 NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of ;he,ainhrr- Monday in March oext. and replevy or plead to is- itv in me -ested bv an act passed at the last ot9-.SUt jucigment will be" entered up against him. 0;ig'nal .4i'.achmtniy Andre T. Davidson 1 f aj peartng vo the aiufiion of the court. that tm.icw F. Davidson, the' defendant in this .... . - I. . . C -I." . . I i.. . ..j an iiiiiapiiam oi vni3 snaic iiiereiure it ts uiccrcd by court, that publication be made thiee m tAilk.t!accAesiyely in the Raleigh Minei itiuess uie Siid (lelendam appear ut me next the couniy Ihe fourth Vion nl uu General. Assemblv. entitled An -it j- . nii.i'i, Is fnr flt-r'inf Rel : hreseiitu'ius to CngnwV and ro the end. that) )f the Fre'ditn of this State. mav be represented in the n- Xi.X.:wgr-s$"at its fhst session cotnmen cir.? ;s af'tf esaic?. J doi-me this my Proclamation, k. .u)M. rrtmmamlintr and reaUUH'C ' lest, 79 3ni TH : HEN0,.''.RSON, c; s.c. c. General Orders - STATF. .Ui T?f i n C.MivitN.V ! By an act pished, at the i ,sr;, session of Sheiiffs'ojr Geiier d Assembly His excellency the Com oro' her' ietun.in oflici -i of the several Counties ..mantier in Chief is au'horised to prescribe the if tomp.js ng each lis net, to cause Polls to be o j uniform of the- General and field ifiCj,-rs ot the J- jxned and kept, U'd Elections held for Repre- j Militia of this Slater" la piirsu iKe or which he :' . . serttatives t-3 the rongress of the United -S'ates, 1 directs that the same shail be as. follows The on Friday the thirti 'i s30th) dayd' April next, uniform of th?.- . Generals and" tluir Aids dc Camp 1 Vat the places established V h" n their respec'ivc shall be dark, blue coats, buff linings, cape and counties -and further, to rrcet for the pui pose rcuffs, yellow buttons, standing ' coihir full to 'the. of comparing the Puiiv on the' I hursday next j breast wih two buttons on each side about mye hfter said Elecuorrs, at -he places, precribed by iiichcs from the end, plain breasted, three rows tW above recited ac. of the General ss-. mbly. of tu.u. ten in eacft, audi the rows about three in I. st.ntony whereoi, i nave causen mencs apatt, to ouuon. i ne pocneivnaps Kcuop , - the G-ieat.Se.al of toe State to be ped, he edgf: of the'iiniog to ijiiOw four buttons htveuu'o-aflixed, and signed the under each tbp partly covered by it, the skirts same a'- the t'i'y d Raltiijh,; this .'lookerfov-i. For summer white vest and pant a- tlrven'h day ;irch in the Year Hoons' Forwuvj,ri hit e vest and blue pantalootfs otii" Lord One. '.Thousand" 1 :iViH J with buff lef in the stams from the hips down. suwarrow bonis, liacl,, leatoer stocks, , chapeau j) as with a lop of golden -Fice, two golden tass el,-., blucii cockades with a Roldengeagld in the c ntre, blwck plliines with red tops,red sashes, ytU 'W iuKed swords tiuspended. io a belt buckh-d round tiy waist. The Adjutant General a red nli'imp'. I vvn irnlden VtiiiIcHf s :i i . . Oi nprali! . ,.rr I' , . --." o ' ' 1 y H tiiese times Ol ClrnctUty;toWen tne ; wit li two stars on ihe strap oL.eacti ep.uletie. 1 - It ,1 ' '..Jtf i (UY AtlTHOU 1 T Y OF Til K STATE (F N CAROlliiA.) SC ! 1 1" M l ; O F r M F -..X ' ) K U . AC A D E M Y . Lottery. I prizj of S' 13 $2'.O0 1 d '"' 10' 0 .1000 . 1 do 500 . 5"0 . -' 3 do ' 200 . ' 600 6 do 100 , 600 , 20 do CO tickets eaclf, 2000 20 do 50 1 000 40 do 20 ,800 KO do 15 1200 loo do io :ooo 800 do 6 "' 4800 I07J pHz" Tot twa blanks S 15 500 ,2029; bl.H -i y 'oapme. - - - 3100 ticket , ., 5 dollars each, is g 15.500 . The cash prizes subject to a deduction of fifreen per cent. : ' -- ' . . rrr S'attovttry Prizrn as follow : 4, 6 dolls, each. 200 dolU. 59 dolls, each. 20 dolls, each. 200 looo 100 l-'irst '500dran Blanks e:tidd to First drawn Ticket, Ditto, on the 4th, 6th, 8th, and I Oth days, - . Ditto. n the 12th, Wth, 16th and 18th days, Ditto, on each dayTrom the 20th to the 30?h inctusive, excepting the Tickets constituting Fnze,s 20 tickets ejeh The said 20 prizes to consist f he Numbers from 101 to 500, inclusive; et.l 20 of the said 400 lo htone prize, the first 20 or Invest Mum oer for the 20tbday, and so regularly aScendinito the 39di First drawn on the 40th day, Dills. Ditto. . 42d day, " Dolls Ditto. ... . 45 h nay, V ! Ditto , p 43ili d;iy, t) Di to. . - . 50. )i day, ..-lis. The Managpts present the foregoi;ig Scheme to the public, in th? confidence lha: not only the laudable o'lp ;t of the LoU-ry, hut the great in duien;e:!' Iield out to dvcn u: crs, -will ensure a speedy sole bf the rickets.- l"he proportion of prizes ls seldom been exceeded, and they are so arrahea as tha' the purchaser of a single number, by having the prospect' of drawing twenty others, may calculate on his chance of obtaining two or Ihree of th? best priz-.-.s, for the trifling sum of fiva dollais. - The drawing will commence . on the first day of October nex:. and be finished withnjt delay. FH : 15. EIT1EEJ()HN"J ,WI! LI M KOliARDS, WILEIS LEWIS, WILLI AM M. KNEED, f 5 dollars each, for sale at the Mi tt ariil RfiKo, n - - - i . j-. . .1 ..... sjaimg npon.finU-pTamino. nf 7 wnsutuum ex clusively r, i brutes : , , ' u Wit That I.,,!, feu-and in 11 namel,V,h, tenteeproseruteaJI,eafli and emr!r ' ! venlly and hcfuluaHy, who comhic J wrt!i..9atd.J-,hn S-tven. tr, i.,...... rra's ,rc tvens, to invade th. ex. p.;i,ege ann property of the said na,e s injure, or subvert their irufr.t ... ' t;'t manner Jialtiitore C.I1U 4,H or in gnv place or state fronu:,, f ?t0 the .'Fhrida line. ' eKy J ,hn n. nr.i.Acy Attorney n-r, C:n. . The black Arabian Barb nul 'general at Aiir,r, ,.',,. u . i . , " t," "i -j w unra mm I, the Di-u ax o mar t of hi hnriir,,, "'" i. i,r, ; WILL stand at mr (aMe, in Sst,Ury ,u present season, now cbmnii-ni rl particulars reference can be hud to my & ' As this ii the first genuine Arabian thaUvir stood in North Crolina, and as it univm-lW admit'rd that the superior excellence of ihe" Trti. lish horses is owing more, to thf ir Wviw Cips i with Arabians and Barbs, than to any otWv'nr cum stance, it is hoped tho AmericaR breeder' vijj not , permit so good an opportunity to pass i;i,i!H. proved. This Horse was selected by Col. Lear from th private stible of the Dy of Alders, wl.ichto.,. sisted of 20 that were chosen from his'piifclirjj, ble of 2')0. Col, Ltar speaks of -l.w-vas rn' tht highest character of any horse in tin regericy., 1 2 .So . Tickets at herva ()fl.-- .., March 25, 1313 86-.UU Oct; VTjrr llundrt : nd thntetn. and ot t e I'ndvpt.nVt'erc? of the UinU'i S' the 1 i'.i"-sever th. Wl'.l 1AM HAWKINS .-net's ()' r-niidid, , '. V , 1 n I' Xfrrlffrtril 1 .' - - - v.;-e;i(!a.:t en the.w-u-i . - Jt b'tM-ni' .s.ntvesf : T; nhnuiJ d'evi '.. nhn.s as ! little dtpenuan ot foieign ct-moj' i-ce as pss-i.b-t - . Brigadier Leitr.ls wuh one and the Aajutant ....enr.ral 'vjih one star. Aids to have tlie same umturni -as the (jeneral ex-ce;t. they are to bave render 'h. ! Bis! white plu nes with red 'os a id rpaulettes without stars; I be Adiuunv .Orunerat will wer a eoltl ; tUtes ,h? 't. c of ?. foreign de! that tbe-Aitiericrn p .ojle The-subsrrttisra,--' iljing to aid this irnporr.m rfUceu '..coat, an.i in every other respect will bo sct,'.ciTe HOfice that a meeting-, will be held, in li)'; Ciurt house in die town of 1 lil'sorough, on Tilt ilHth f M tyh-iXtv. f the purpose, ol taking ft-au'ch-jiiesote8 may be 'houwj necessary-to establi-h ' ,..-!..: . ' ; . ' " Cotton and Wool Factoryy r! f.oid town, or, itv Vicinity-, -nert itt x1iere, all "tV.AVp w;n -nifV liEc.m - itut.i . ji4n-rrreir Notice. ;" AS Attorney for-Meil.ivingsfon, and Fulton, Patentee?. for .S.leurn. Boats' ' in the United Sta tes, and the territories thereof, 1 will receive subscrip tions to form a stock to complete a line of Steam Coats, through the N.Ciroluia watrrs, kc.'Vothe" lv Jilotida line, and will appoint &uttablcnd res pvctable persons through the different states--to re ceive subscriptions, of which when appointed. I will give due notuci. ' - . JOHN D. DEL AC Y. - Tehi 2i. .--.. - ; : : zs: ' " ""'': Nottce.;:.". ;:'"t; : WllLHEAS'a Certain Jciin StevV.ns, ofllor bokeh'. dirt, obtain from the Leitaiure of N. rolina, during their List se-ssnm. law granting To bim the exclusive. right to navigate the waters, in said state Wiih S'ed'M Boatsaa thr mandest pre- 1 f T ft i . ' 1 '- 1 . 1 It . J V urcsctl iiS a niigadier Uenetal. FLL. J Ot'i-ICiiUSuF INFANTRY. The'uiul iiioii )i".the Fit Id Officers of "Infantry md:ce 'of Robert Fulton, Fq. tile inventrr, and of shall be dark uiue coats with scarlet linings and j Ko'iert H. Livingston, Ksq. ivs aociate, in the cnUarr white- bu'-r-."; and to be rnce in every res jj) ilenl graiived ItThVm TyyTtiuFU States for said pe'ct iiuwe., i escnOed aWe :f-ir..- the iieneral i .iev and useful invention.. '' ,. -' I Oflicti's : the cuflVt be phn with four buttons on nrj .whereas the said Tim Stevens has" by an each Liie under clitthes-lor. b-itli sunun- '" and finrrimiii 'm wfjij.). . ' bin pp .p.f ., Mirv -8ti 'ei.ta'hii.h nte'nt.,- -re-inyited ;5Jend". -j J iocs W r; ft. ; .; Thos. C Ruft'iO, : -'I'ho'm-. .'l ncy, " jfohrt L'mtead, i; :( J:irnes" rlr!l;ps, -.-LeVl'Whit'i; . : C Frederick tash, James -Smkiit Willie Shaw. Cklh t Carnpl-ellj i ;i)avid Rvty, - I April 2. - Wdl. W bitted, - J ih'f" Campbell, H-.or-. Thnoipson, hughMt2lh6Uan, Jame- MrU;me -yvillism N it wood, Arch'd J.;'MuipIiey, Thorn is Scotf, ; Davu? Y j broii gh, John Taylor, jun. 1 . . -. ..'- ' -. ' :-'"U-i'''" S77r, v. wintt r to be like tho.e to be worn ty the (jeuer: sr.d, acxnowi kpged ( rmalh fully'aiid un AlsAcept Utci ' bl ie pantaloons will hive, scarlet Jrmufr'ahr, ihat the sui-l, Hobert Ful'on is the Llet m the-eanis instead of buff, sqwartow b ots, liiiven or of new andiusetul S.eain Boats, and the chapeaU''irks with a tdack xocklde aud silver ea - j :. tijaf Ins shewn ihe superiority of aterVheeJ? gle-iri ihe centre, black feather tipped with red ti.erAl other modes ,of-'proptHing Sttan-,' boats, lie worn 'by 'the CxloneK and white tip.-d wiih,fed';.-.nd rSfhons.rated '-he relative proportians of the by the 'Majors, epaulettes of silver, each Field Uoeral lurts. " 'And' Whereas the said John Stc J. A.'.PF.ARS. Salisbury, March 9t. 1810. 86 'til J mc, LOTTERIES. ; TltF next Gran'd Lottery to t .drawn, b Ptiil: delphia will be the ' ? - . PFMSSYLVNI Internal Navigation Loitcrxv It" Ita 12,5 1 1 TriZi. i i h; , ,Ar-J priies arc great,' and offer to adve.-jM-r- i.f ,rr; fliug suni a greater chance for a futc .e tlm 3r, other Lottery. '', Preparations "are nriliir.;; f.;: t, : drawing as soon .ti possible, t!ie tn krts i.-ei: g ? ne-irly- all Sold. The scheme compuses (lie U lowing Capital Prices : 1 prise jl-5O,00Q.d .liar, . I do. ol'i0,000 tU li t, 3 do. of 10,000 dolhr,, ) do. of 5.0C-0 Coll'i's, 6 more of., 5,000 tlob s ir. 500-Tick-ets each Also 1 2 of F.000 dollar, and aj'est mar.y f 500. 200 .ollars, &c. 8cc. Tickr's'Slti 50. The Baltimore Hofpitai Lottery Is co.iuit n-..ed drawing, anu cuntijiucs. tor tl present once week, THE CAPITAL PRTZKS ItE I pcize of 30,000 ,dolfrs, .2 prizes of iJo.000 dpUars.' 6 Mo. of 10,000 dollars, 6cc &c Tickets $0 50. ' ' Trinity GhurcK Lottery ts eommtneec! w iwi ig i iv.dtinioi. THlfCAriTAL PRIZES A&O, 1 prize of .'3pv000 doilurs, ' - 2 do. of 20. 000 dollars, 1 M 1 do of 10,000 dollars, . . . - 2 do. of -3,000 dollars, JsC. , Price of Tickets 8 dolla. s Union College Lottery No. IV tSV.v UND t i j Commences dl-awinc in New York Kiof Octuye. .- - ,- r. ;' next. . ' THE CAPITAL. PIZF.SAtR 1 prize of 25.000-dplhrs,-. 1 lo. of"20,000 dollars, .1 . do. - of 10,000 cheats, 1 do. of 5.000 dollar?, &r. Price of Tickets S7 50. tickets' AND SHARES in th aievs LjV teries are for s'-de at -, - G.Sz R. WAITE'S Truly Fortunate Lottery Ooiee . No. 6-4 aid .Mai. n-Lane 1' r,. - U.N 75. Clv.snut-st-eet, phdaddl-Hin. Corner rf bt. Paul'sdane and Market -street - i timorei , : And No.' 23, State-stree, Al'isrY. ' Note. --The public will pkaseto dir nol' that a. Sc R. Wade wiHuarA'n:ce the p of all p;i.es sidii at either of their offices, or 'f their agents, but no ot Iters, and alvcdiirs-tJU -.listinguis-h their tickets from others by o'"'u'"'. thr-ir u. uie of the back ot eat b-trckt' S"i i Bai- - Fonale, at thisofEce,, MlJh I'', y. XI? L A I,N ED. s.lver mounted-to be worn with p I clt about three inches wlje, red sashes and black leather stocks. .'..'... CAVALRY. The Colonel?, and . Majorsr "of Cavalry ,to: vrear coats made of, dark blue . cloth with scarlet 'Jim ing'si ..and collars, the skirts of the coats to"f-rlf six inches bclqw the hip bone, " y How btitFobs, :starN ng collar with twi buttons abou four inches from each end, -plain breast edr with three rows of buttorrt, the rows about three incheVapart and to At Waite's offices have been Officer to wear on on each shoulder, swords. u-eWs' lud neither rij:ht. title, clai.r. or '..u'huritv i white cpss ifrorh or uufter t-be-aid Livv'icrston and Fuhoiuthe trur and actual patentees f r usine and vendinal rro others mhe, ustd within the United States, and erruories i hereof, the right to nayigate with boats propelled by. fire. ,nd s'eatn and wheels ; r, but did ij'iwirrantaMyend unjustiSabiy, apply -for, an'd ;ut rept hiouslyxand by misrepresentation - or other vise, obtahi sdd I iw i;i rder to wrest undeT co. ver thereof from the aforesaid pa'entcts the well . - ?:"'CtT"-And just reward" of ,their iogenqhy, entr prize, labOi and perseverance, ar. thus madc- fhe sold, lr ,n' years pas , mos. of the cap'tal prizes .in i" Vark' and ijalnmore Li-tteries-.-among thcn -the'fnlbwing, dfayh 'within 'cne year: --je . No. 4892 drawn anf S5;',,'v vj j ' 0ir hMnu.il Canal Lottcrv, 2 ! cl-s; ; Na 4 - prize of 000 d-dl rs in the same lottery. No; 53VS2O.0O0 ) F;; ,( the.- same I'- - .. 3268 10,000 V UrfC tery. ' J4027 5.000 J , . . r-D, No. f9780 S 10 ooo n the.-4tn..vr.. -No. t5653 .: g 30.000-j hc thi..fl Cioii tiff -", 4 1 3i6 20 W) y. ; .. -. ,a(jeiy. , ' '-' BRes others of frutM S. Hl0:0OO,in the Iprer.New orkHJvl I. . LoueriesV many ffwhM- - drawn ; ' ' ' , . i5 4t ' March lj. , ' K " . , - . ' Hi

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