' . . -. r- ..... - -r , .a.-' jm ,At r M Jf i , j a m , ...... .- -- -: i -trr IJII i III I I " p 11 wx-j ia.-UK-r.i n. .1 i . - AM o't'itM rse, T-." ;.' RALEIGH, r. O.- (HAlf. 0 WHICH 1 Vol 18 FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1 813. No , - . 1 . - t - - , - i Political. Ll.GlSl.A rUiifi' Ol M ASSACllUSl-VrTS. Tin- commitlee io' vh(n was tefeVrecl 90 much of ins Kxctlkncy's Message as relates to th. su'wtft of protecting in rlie 'mTchani ships of thy i'stutts'hc seamen olj G. UVitaU),; 'gainst the tijiiv i' ,t'ia' ovcrnintnt,' aixl. .hi.'-wTe -alS'' directed to reppvt what measures are proper tS be ta'sc'i in orilcr to ascevuia the I'ttmbcr f seamt 1 tf 1 omidoii wealth impressed orlRdincd b) any foreign nation, beg leave to subiiut the Cpllo - . -,: - . "iir ... ' s" - ; . TJ.POfttr - ' Your- cpmmitiejLfinrl, fim-the mefsate ofthr pie'.iiient of the L'. Srates to congress. 'that'" the principal &Ujge'd CHU-je-. of hostility aginrti JUi rtiii hive btt-n rcni)ved by the upeal -if the JJ ris'i O'dtrs in Council and.. the renTiiini m icnimie ipe laci... -n:r, anpn rne impressen'Mrnnctvntin siicn a manner cants were AmeriCHiis, or not Of the 1557 cases tilled them, to cnrfiUnv9nnteJ' j,it!i TUdiiicfi .u me report last menu meet, about uinq:,. to one hundred and forty sever. lilb avc no.clesiortijition ofthf towns. and "States Add x.ases of suplosed imoress- 'o which ihe.xeime, belonged, th? time and place j 01 irnpresmeri;, jkc. dnd Jy -the' 344 remaining cases are .ocLomnaiiif d with these particulars. It should be cbservedyurther, tint this list is en-title.-', by the secretary ofkta'fe u A List of "me ncan Seamen and Citizens who have been im- Jl risseii and held in. b-.ndatp in bis Hrita'nic. Ma y 'v ship9 of war," 8cc. , This very tt!e is 'cal leu ;.titd to mislead ; it purports to be a lis' of per sons imprrsEerf and held on board Ih tish ships; yet in ma y of ihfetuses it appears, that the men vcl'K.nt;i entered intVn thelijjtisFi Scrvi;T : and receivf-H bounty andL-iy." .The list is aTsrT'piven as a list of Americans ; yet in avi nurh'berof cases ttxf men a.knowle.(!ged thtmsflves !o be Englishmen, Irishmen ; or o htr subjectsrof (ireat uritain- 5orot. thongs taken from Amtncan metiis.y cause of .war agnst tb.t .Utiou.; u.her claim of merchant ships, we: e the subiects of Denmark, or tue ngntjto impress ner qwii sunjecis irom mvt icurcommuiee, nue uvy nave en wun tnefnot their true r. mes others har1 DCotections that l.igi.est saUbiaction that . eve;y. other cauc not cones.xmd .-.vith t!ieir ntrsons Some other nations at war with Great Briti.in. Some acknowledged the nan.es in their protecii"nR wee of ho- i!itie:i is' thus w it ii the 1 t ii'tsl By the British 145 French i 1 l'oruiupse j 1 Of the whole number, there were Anit-i -.icans ; 107 i ouisiaiiiart f '- , . I ' FpreitynersAU.y .v ... r. -'. '47 Unk'ttriYir , -;;.'-' . . ; 2 -Of the n icaoVfhert tfere , Di charged,' oA &ii&taticm2, & 1 "i 4 ' 3 8 3l2, anner as en. hahiar(ts(hjus9tjprK;rted 'ond vindicnted by tW- h the fore- national legist Me,, ; tixAt)y ol f , W. H7 were their pol.tical oppVem.. t'hi-is a itoit 1 mferesung anuject toj- flvct upoi.. 1 he- jC it.nu. V ' . tiojiaj safeguard of tbft 'States hr i&W stcurta u v fr' them, and.chnnot easily W " Wrested '-. ftointltm. ' The milia are protect ed. in t he enjomem of their 4 ' rights the3( are not liable, man anwnslKtiiional ' Total 157 manner," t be ordered n fIOBi the(t;,:faroili T .ni iliJ 11U U1UI IHI IU11S Pmillnfctfllli a ' 6 .v r Ertered, - 'Hied. D.tained, Supposed tobe detained, No tccouitt given, A .157 107 u ano their" various nnhlnn;i'ir..K tlistanlangerousvandaestfuctive campaigns, nor subjected to the command,. the paina and tt,e pert. allies of ine United .Sra'es? smvicc. Let 'them remember, wit h gratitude, '.hatjhey are "indeh'til ' 'olhe firmnebs, intert'itv. nd Jriri,;irvi. :.r n Stronir, Gov. GriwoM end Gov. line:fr.r prccetn, and thes C.jt.yment9. ,nd ts-provc?! to-hare K.jrKptt by Wai h.vy of Congress, as well. as by their own v judgtneStriiXt reason. ;S . - . . .' ; , It will be -'-'collected, that one. ground taken for withholding the miriUa, was -vtiat ihey wtre de, mahded to br placed under the c mmand f 'cit- removed. hav. perceived had nrnter.iinnq thfW IXr.l n',n.r? via TCer?, that the blOOCI and'nv r,f the sp:.nvn urts.!, Pr, Vno-R.h ,n - treasure of the.cuintr r still to be expended chant ships, and no sogeslion is made that U the prosecution ofa .want he 'bjert of which is thev ha not entered voluntarily, to compel G. Brit,:ii to relinquish a principle ) Your committee will makeSut one other remark .which never till th; present unit ;;erns to ..r.ave:0I1 ..thrsc. docutnents-rTbe secretary of s-aterm DtfBi conswereQ uy me jvjvti ini.eiu vi incu. Su es. as a necess.u'v caqs war. T'te U: States., n is s id en aged .1 . 5. " To. the above acW lite case of the men,, who ; Message, says" li is obvious, that if the author were . ken in the British Irigate finrrriere, (in itv ofthe United States to C Mil onil r. ln mul f t .1, . I. .L. . . . f , ... r ' 1 had been imiretcd, 175 f IS) end wh. infoimed rapt. Hull that they . command ihe militia for the Public Menr,- ica", the um total will then be be thus fro-sn rated. -they are not one ninn W 4- ' -.j' iiiie purpose most of all. rtquuing it." If wc i.n. . . ' .-. Iderstand thia .language, it -implies that'-, a refu. this is a seamen who uas impressed from the. sal toirtvt tin the militia nftW Kt. t,. .w- his report last mentioned, observes, that thefe ship Hugh Johnston, Cap.Eearhe, in 1809, "at mand rf :"ilie lnited'Sii-tes upon an "uncomtuu is reason to believe, that no precise or .accurate Palermo. I he owner (Caleb Fonng "of Boston) tion 1 rrqnis'uion; vir Uiiliy destroys me union r of view is now or ever nan he vhihitpd nf the names, could inotrecollect the man's nam. th-Mfcr.l If fu..k. n . for thf snlTTTniFnoTe-oimdtcMn i r: ... : ' ' ... ri.,i..'i . " ' ."... ' ''rwS' " lon ... ... . , ,- . -o-v-.iur-.iw-iwHwRu-eaHien-wue are Jiuptoa; 1 .ye yi. nun a wrpttsiyion Qtaaanauuge-ceF a-rratiom W e t hmKrtWwflCSrTtiTr ntJ himi.r ' It i lfip nrp tiff ntnt,' a Hril Snt. t . ., s i 1 . .. n . . .m , r ' i .l- I .. . i . ....,.. .ii , int 4.i:u v. . .1 ...... , -'- cii ii;i) anil rf iinn in iht Hn ih tHriic anr u .v s e ii ' in ine itnmmi i. reiiurimn .,,!...,;,. 1, 1 . . . , , , ' 1 -0 - ......... . muviicit in the war ealiig enquiry for the people of jhe U. States uiit,at it is'eqnally irapnssihlc from the want of this class of cases. Pree ns, who ha? make. v. t uier their rights have been invaded, an-i tlieir honor insulted, in such a marner as to de mand a vinilication by .this lt. resort of a sover. tiin state. If it should l)e fnind that thjs is not the case, but that the principle which is now made th cau.se of the war against G. Britain, has b'en recoi;nize(rr.d practiabd up i) bv France and o thtr powers,' without being considered onourart as a cause of war, the just and enlightened people, of Massachusetts. Ss ft ell as of theothtr p.ms of tiie union, ill not, it is believed, thinly it necessary that ihe war should be continued lx that object ; they v.dl not think it just for a neutral power to make war fof the sake of requiring, of one na tion, what they h ive 'nty exc'ed. of others, and vhat others' h ive never exacted of them. 1 The ovcU2'it C tht U States however, to whose feaionaMe discretion is couiitiitt'ed the power of declaring wir, has thought it pioperto announce, that the present war is still to be prr aecuted for the puriiose of compelling the . re lipquishment of this, claim of G Britain. ItT3 precise, iv-tu-ps to make an accurate report of the names or'cumher of citizens rf the Uni-ed States,! who have been Compelled to entejt into the French service, nr-are held .in captivity under the author froji the Con n kc ticut mirror. . THK .MILL 1A When the govemours of Massachusetts, Con THE LO AN. it'y of that government, whether taken fom th nect rent; and Rhode Island, refused to yield ohedl vessels r aptured on the high seas, or seized in ence to an unconstitutional dema.nd from the Presi riveis, p rts or barprs ; the name's of a few on- dent, to tive up their militia to the commando! lv- greatly below the number I elieyeel to be o tliiiteo .'tales' ffTicers. and, in fact, to sink tbem, detained, Ijeing within the knowledge of this de hu6 regular troops of the standing army, a gre if partment. A detail is therefore, not attemp'td ouTery was made by thenar nany through the with respect to this part of the call of the 'house' country, and loud threats breathed forth of signal per cent sti ck, and in some ir.srances lis Mf of rep?en!ativey " vengeance to be inflicted on those States, as well stock and I 1-2 per cent annuity., 'f hi' So giie a "detail" of iiritish imnrcisments, and to .gistrates.. . When it was found, that, owinsr to kwithhold a "ndelail of French impressme its' or ihe soundness and spirit of 'thp natives of the -4'' J V 1 ' 3 t r discovered, that -an adherinr tn ih.i " "...,"$....: . - ...V VUI13' lUUOb 1 Would dMrlvA Ka llr'im. ,f.l,-. C t . - .... ...iiumui mi. o.qicj, ennvo f r i long oeen apprehensive that it wis.the intention of the J-rff. rsonianslo destrov tht IIr.mn w did niot suppose that l,hy would go the length of declaring, that it could not be preserved ty a o r. .,.!'.. .L.. f.. . oinyu ouiickuic iu me Von41UllQri. On Tuesday last the Kj, n was arranged at Phi; , ladelpbia by Mr. Gal'afin. at gji8 for UK) six ' J percent rmer contract, is cslculated to be ttyial to an interest of hevtn, nnd two Inmdrst) find nine three hundred;. ttirs of nrien ir.mniw.ih n i -a ..- detentions under such circumstam es, it is not 'he count, y. and from the want of foreirrn banditti inNhout2.000.OnO n hirh r , ... ,' : anof your permittee to determine. . .the S'ateo e:3t of Maryland, the Bthimore eiam-by O-nnl Pai Si and St'enhw, fi;. ..a r.J tins' examination it' was jWarcnt that l?le, f-vrjWy.ihtrodnred. did not' t. and a ! n h na i...... . re. these olhrial documents were so uncertain and 'that Ote administration rnnltrrrir.t rl r.!- -ih- inan ..i-..w.t-.v,i. , . : e- ' ..m i-i. Fed. Rcfl. , "f . I. .. . 1 ... 7 .- - . . . t . i r' . I J ' , ' .7 "- i-V'r-ommitiee, to promise so satisfactory a .rqsult as meeting ol Congress, in order that the business u....,...uc-m.., wine v" cj. -tne testimony r.t eminent merc'lrmts aRd exi nrt! 'o tear a larg? s:iare oF'.he bur hens and ca lamities rf the war, should carefully inquire into, aiifl cnKiecily iinderitan'djhfe namie ol i is chdni. and the rrainiagnitude of the injury fot whirii hos tilit.es are to cij inutd, ) jT.t.et -hut they may he enabled io devise the best .means, which .nay be in theirjNjtfev, as a niernhe'r of v. uni n, of con trinu'ini; to tfF-ct the resor i'-KK) of pece. You. From ofhrial do.cumeit'ts were so uncertain and 'that Jie Administration conMm t rv f.ir fix 'th unsatisfactory, that little reliance culd be placed cution of iheir.projects tpon Jhr patriotism of mobs,1 phia and Baltimore. on mem. it oecamc necessary, tberelore. to re- t seemed to :w neetssarr to rcstrone the mit.ih I sort to other" evidence ; and none appeared to your inent of. ihr Nsw.Engbnd ffjvernotirs until the testimony of eminent merc'lnnts aW- exoe- 'iniebt be done accor linf to lav. 'WiicnPnr.n-T.. ner.ced ship-master? cf some of the principal mt trine President brought the subject before seaports of this state ; men, who from their pro tiiemvin hU Message, in the following emphatic fessionaf, as we!l. as local knowledge, roust be and. lucid manner. Among 'the incidents to tht acqiiair.ted with,, the cases of impressments from measures of the war, I am jprt.strined to advert to tjuir own vessels, and their own tovvnsyour the refusal of the governours of Massachonetts and committee accordingly under the order of the C onnecticut, to furnif h the required detachments a '' ii"s iiiein 10 benn ior rersons anu vi uuiuia lowarns i.ne tieience of the maritime I papers, summoned a ereat number of merchants, frontier. The refusal'was f unded on a novel m commit.ee, tncMtto-e, h 'vt mougm.U to be their-and shin masters, without- distinction nf oartv. unfornmr. e.r.-.si.inn of ..r duty; dellberattlv ' .iirffflStrm-rlAnate v to makt- this if;m ft' e, ;i .....,i,y : . 7 '. V -7. .V . :L:B 11 ,"t . ' 'oic'.i.. ..ai ii e,ieai . I'nmanci. anil ci'nsiitu ton reiainfrn imp mi if.-,' n, 11 I. .. . . . I . ... - r nv vuuc ! , '.cnijcruitiy .- a,,u 1 u "wy "vc icfl 3,1 "ai I other seaiwrts, which, a toeether owned a. vastisnondencen which will hPf, wrt. ,nni .u. epons,b,li;y; whKh must result from a jmU regard! proportion of the' wholr shipping of this cmrimon IrtqtusUe inWmaVion 6 the MiWrt. It is o'ovi tp thv.ehare of our common, country, and the es j wealth, rbey also examine,: some of the custom jotts thawf the authority of the United Stotes to TJft ' w?k?th-e' -"r0S k tl";' cTmon: ;nda!,o rn'ad, enquires o expel call into service , nd conwnahffWe miluia fur 7Uh lh,srr ev ha found" ne-,rienced officers of the navy. The united s-imo- the public defence, . am beJrustrated. cven a cesary to present a detailed statement on the say of he?e witnesses, (which will b, found in ! state of d.'cl.red war, they are no, one nS for Mr nn-'lU5d,; Smuh ''-positions hereto annexed, numbered from the pu-se most of all requiring i, : ancF h"t thl PXCTl I 5l'd.which vonr committee request, may public sa;may have no her'esourc, b n in has h?np.rmleto me during the present ses hod. of evidence, from whiclvhirrhly SSmnt ment wnVh - r" ' fgisiature. -: . v :and interesting ri-sul have byen obtained, some our Tree government, and arainst the nccessilv of In prosecu nvtrihis iia iirv.-vour committee in 'ftvhv. ..m,r7nn;rrrL. i... . ' h. ntxessity pi . ' ' -. . w - , - - irnii winnii'.., c ucvr leave nere to oner wnicn ine minna were mpnnf tA i.o-u mm.. i,', n .tacts to the considetat.onf.ws house. al buKark." 1 Tius subiect-thus-introducefl. wa,. t the first place thoueht it uroner to obta eufliciehl to enable th-m to form some estimate of the number .ofjmpressed seamen of ihis.xom; monweaph For thijspurpose. they ha-t recourse to various official reports made o congress by Mr. Madisou. while secretary of sta-e, and t)y his suc cessor, Mr. Monro. ; and they hoped .to have found. iiv those documents, puoUslied under the ii'horit.y of the .government, . satisf sctoi y infor mation on (his point. But Hi this. Expectation they have Jif e'rff nijiy "disappointed ; they: Have -found: hose reports so Hhcertiiiu and errotieoun, that they eonj I phce little reli'.mce.uponriem..' In proof of his, your comnoinee beg leave .to offer few rem u ks ; and sV,ch as they shall make, will chief ty arise tmm- their - examination ort the laauot,1 m se rr port s, da led .fair 1 3 1 8 1 2..;; rrr " -'hi ' 'eport contains a list of .1 557 applications 'Ofnienirepresented as impressed ; which, with thg 'nDiications heforeommnnVort t The Russian media 'inn has proved a luckv an l most. seasonable imerpisition,' or as they say'," a Cod send 'for Mr. Madison and'hts'war men. I is not the first time that hey have been picked ttpat sea, when" on the point of going down wuh -' the wreck. " . -( . It ia certain the loan. tvould not have let n fdl ed up, and rfec-urse thenar could not be cavri ed on, lv d not Q; dlrip' spread the jmpreiior that a peace would soon t ke place. All t he arts ' nd c?re-of governmeni have been di-ctid'tu hu wbject, as necessaiily connected wi-h th loan. Th,ough wanted' and already appromjbted by law tq carry on the war, before.it ccuW te t.bUmed, those able to lend mi st be ti j der, inm the.belif, thattbeArar would be a'oanooued n V peace was crose at hand. The Uaed ireasm y has therefore nit beehjeplenisoed to support ho wr, but und;r an expressv auVho!iseexert-s.rri of peace. At the : s&me .time the extreme dif ficulty of filling the loan, at) the exTrava&n- r to principles of concealed from Ihe people, speaks a . Ian n rt- to the enemy too loud and explicit to oe- tnisun of the sixteerr dersiood. A few remarks as to the terms million' loan. In the fust place, 85 in tht-gtoo ate pax,. which hfnp .n ini..LD.7,f -i.r . : . - .... ., y, u cr eeni. wnicn is fix upen 'Amount to the "now well knowo. number, of .6057 I r, j s 1 1 it sometimes called, 62'7)cases-.bf-tlri. 1 di itri,ir-ssr.v nts. . ' .... I h.--fir.s-t.-..rCHea) remark you'' emmittee have 'o 01.1U: o i t!i.-s ex'traordinary tlocumen's, is this, ,'13t cases', jTu't.y 'hu'idiv.-ds ,app,:a to "duplicate applications and in - many 'ir , stances, the same name is reckoned three and "Our.iimes. i tptlitions oc-cu'-. hot onUvjn the name- of . real 'Person, but also in the name ht'persons, who, hy i.ie cviiierrce.o; native inhabjt.t mts othe tiwns to which he y area!leged To "belong we.fe never known or hsard of. '. r ''::';'.:. :-':i"-'I. .....:--v Of h.e-- remaining casesT-hnrnbers are altogeth- er destitute of the pa' Vicuhrs of the places of the birth or rsjiJcnfSj Sec. 'of-' t,he 6ca'men, which are n. . -j-v--t'it.vuuvtU) 'fl'S, 'iT"" "c - ueppsmons oi tne mer Dy eacn tiousev reteired to .a committee. The chants who were -examined, and who have bten " corresfiondencea" here cpoken of, wereiet, as has engaged in commerce anH navigation for 10,' 15 been the usual, and, we believe, the invariable nrnr ' ann.Stl vparariKi.'ihii it. .l,i ..... r ..:.. y..r .u- .: . . . ' I . . .u' e " ,,c ,"u"1' Wl ume, cemmpnicated with- the Mea. dollars and eighty tw cems net .rinm men. tnev nave oirelher fmnlovt-ii nrmn an . . . -r-.: i - w -"ir -vj uvvh, vj uc euiisiMiu practice s ' uu kc tvi me ws. ox, years taeaucting the pe jtney must have h-'en printed with the Messacre riod4ol the embargo) amounts to about 1560, an. and gonesforth U the-people, by thousands. They n.iallfwhich fnr 15 y'eafsTWouia make an ag-jwere however, after a ft wdays, transmitted by 4 Kregate of 23,400 and 12 years would make an I private Message, and, or course, never were print aggregate of lSSfTseamm, constantly employijed by order ot Coneress- j' " ' , - .As a-majority of both the Committee to whom this subject was referred were composed of min isteriajists, we may be" sure that some htgh-tp. ned measures would have proceeded from tht m. it mey coma nave got round the constitutional dif- hculties. AI ' rlli.lnn U n n ! I ' .. . ' cu iiu.ui muse-petrous respectively the aver, age of these two aggregates wih.be 2.1,060 In this vast number of seamen thus constantly ern pl6yed by these witnesses, vour committee have found the following cases-of impressments by the oriiisu, viz ;- American seamen Foreign seameni 12 23 '" :' -. t Total 25 of which there have been discharged, as follows viz: : - -.'' ' -. V ..-.i Fore'gners discharged 6 Americans discharged '9 : ; ' flO'V-'eivcaped". ; 7 t ,10 leaving,: of the 1.2 Ame icann impressed as above, hilt one ho Was retained - Such was the result of the evidence of the witr-.tsses" in respect to im- prtsstnt-nis from among the seamen in their em ployment , ; : ' . ' , . Thfc wnole numSer of impressmenisWexcent. ingahe men hereafter, mentioned taken- in British ships of war,! Uiaf were'. : 'testified to! before your committee, including not .only ;c iStj wi'hin the personal knowledge of "the witn-sses : but also cases that they had heard of from the friends of a eemuea-.e o; sir ens to the amonrt of glOQ is given '. upon the., payment t.f 8ft t" cotme I2per cent, discoun', was paid in Ar.7, as a premium to rhe lender. This premium, 13 per cent, upon 16 rnilliv. amounted to- -; " g . ,9':o.( r paid in hand, and which deducted .frwnmV Ml" ! : ampuntof loans, l.-yes . only g 1 4 08a, i . . The deficit .produced by the exhrl.itar.v p-T.' ...iun., iinoeisianti, was supphe by Mr. I was ties. 1 he resehtjrienof the Administration j ish and Mr. Aator. at about 7 1 2 p i tent high, their ill-will towards the N: England -UjOious, as 12 per" ctnt. discount v'. ar- r j -1 .. . . v., hhvi v ui I '.till, u I r r, i ' 1 . "'uiuaH, ni upwarns ot JBner cent, nf. .. ftmmhawj lOO.j, paxgdjheJLrsXear wh W-.u r iW howefyerr passed away, and no report was made' to millions of dollars;. ' - vU ' -Wfe Independent of all this, -when the l. vt re'rr. bursedifever that day -tomes) g!(r:o is to paid for every iEhy.tight lounr.d, which is ! per cent, morethan the amonpt advanceo i-,,. thirteen Vears. SoV.it',- or cornir to mir .ppV ' rsion, there is a loss of ( "Ji Wio'OO dis. ot i ?, which is SJ2 per cen; on; i hr day of th ;i and tl;cre is a l6s ofih! like. ,v;m on the day f t' rtimbursemenv making 21 per I'm. in .fiirtn'riT years, besides 6 per, cent, intrrest Imnn t. r - thirteen vears. rn.aking the interest, upon i ihe loVi, on 'eeii 8 fnd 9 percent. " ... ; ; Why did not-Mr Gallatin go to work in th regrrlar old fashioned honest way, and say at or-rc I will give so much prr "-cent, lor so mui h mo; "States sufficient y strong to insure us an ebullition lowed in hand, and'e ner cent. ,I,M,., o -w. either house on he subject The conclusion which irresistibly follows from this state of facts is that the refusal of Gwer nours Strong, Oris w . Id, "and Janes, to surrender the militia of the State ovcrwliieh they-presi. ded, was strictly conif jiibhal-and that,' asa matter o,f course, the' demand mide for the mill" ta of those States, by President -Madison, was un. constitutionel' - . t - , - It is' highly gratifying to find thos- .resneetaMe and dignified Magistrates, when thus' called unon to put a " novel construction" upon the ConstHu-tionr-m a pr int deeply interestine To the ' sAft and independence of ihe State, as will as, to the I eaielthe comfr-finithewcfl jbeirg of . the if Tin..

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