1 - - . r rrr--TT?7 vnU wi-.V H od'as the .people hate not u, to do ihepecie tf loboVF?.n4 ma very jhoynna Uussrms ca. j . , aread M(:rd sbiiih ,iVM.loaVandt to .ccontpVf Mf11titr V tu?re cT? 13 D-rvnUaV'tfeV d of ;hirertf years, tnense amount, and wilt constitute the principal 1wdayrunde . thirec P-J. V' .jv-,,--1 , Tifc pcrj;urance has 's I" r.T' ffM- ,w fr- ' ' . r "..7. t, ' . ... r''. " tsaiiW'r, vO Iwit pbinrtcwinir man ,A;,..wniihl aavatonce.! will tdveyu rir cesium Per smnum, no discounts, p ' wanting so much fettiumi simple Hntejrst 'Tgr fi'ilt noi,btit just so" much ! simple fflnteirSU tV, VaV roeiieht would baTei)Q6e'V'rHi'i;'IalU j-V as Pr&ndirtnn would reverse the matNrV':' -:v V AcftOfdior mour,c)iciiwHwi, aoout 18 -tmiiiona ,t ' V -.O. ,,.-.U .ft..,., rvairl ath nA , tf 'llvf. vMevn years ljr the ftitfcnf 15 niiUiohi for1 thartimt. tlsft mtp mnnev doobles itself irt little Varss. at the rate of interesi ...f. t..nlmht'1 niiiri thin flrmhJcsl ifai?lf in 1 " '.Tjclnff bankrupt, it roore tweke yea's.-'. 5.i. his Thfe honorable Mr t?bt w' ll f VJrgtma, in ""crVcttiaf !eMer to bis confl uents, ,$aa, Va ;vanreI i be Utnt-td StWs to an-' unf xiecttd state yrv'SpvVi tyi-tia)r expol-ts ofM Tneslic hd for. 'pfodu'-e haifi'e jeetffe 3 one huijrtd mUHom tf ' J.Ulara rMiu-liv-.h..-ir :'otoigatiwwQi ''only- 'i kifiTior 'm- ihjt ot(iie.f5rttair)v acpratt,dtrom f Jiurrtpet a"A ft vn.ie. b.y"1'- wlsnjraftm froto u ihv 't a-cMinuiaurig .aU . 1the'"jBttyabitfg. "of .1"' -,:"r tht tr ntut'ii situtWvw ixtvnt unparajlrlcd This was prftia'.lf the tituftuon in which every fartirnt- mn' i-bv the country lo rcmaini And jri I he - prudent Mr. Btirweft, of Virginia. Jjan b vn active' 'aoj' nthei man, in the ouit tty in Cb?in;in; this happy coAi'iiibn of h;s rount try 1 What apology, can this pan effer to his HUioV.ir.?nr! ropMi'U"nts.''ljr tinn hilatih an ex- ;.v',- -,, ot4r;le of more :ba ' one hurrdrtd milltons W ' C.tloll'ra nno'tilv,,f-ftlff kj anayigation' ; ' inli rir.only to th it of- Grf at Uii ain" for aban if :,- donipg all 'he adyantagts ftf a neutral situatioa" i'f'vi-.-T-&d....fr inarily; and wickedly. lushing into a 'WJ pHfici. a'.ion -in the,, destructive wars of' Eu- T v in council, anu injni.inc inisern b oi imprtsea vxMnrricaiiSfcSf.i"' 'jjjjj-J"- iic i - utiicr Hints. ''ty'-til are r'esc ir ied, and that wt Ste fibting not for WC- ourseWes uin for loretgtrs, wh i have nenher itv- sl If prcst m our sou nor w.ouv mv.-juex- uaz. Ai tbere ia iw t?rh mercUl intercourse that cab permitttdlo embark idt.. Aine.i .c hi ?ui, ... be liept'up toniainto he hitherto chal 14 of,, re- out Irqpnce.'K.-'. . k . , . . j tat 16a Wtween ' the: bank the Atlantic autea, y Lt. 1. Patten who lately reiirea.i.m more tluin hity years, Governor of Que- ttie Daments mun tuner oe-vnaue in spctic iw.uuakici iu-ic. m.va' " ri:ncV '-UmMi'iir ttn -hank irhn hiva suh. fftadrtefs'after se'f wce'bF bribed to t ho loan; in iwt all become de btora to M iv j bu 9 been appointed - v Lie ua, ?.'i.u;trrinv:th:i niYnimthf fhVir eiihtrriruinns. ThtlS , beC. 't- ' - ' '.f.. t ... m i v. v. '...a v m.i. "v. ... - 1 . B. ari l the monies instinnioBS oe i tne mercy vi a fVrefg-ier, who tnayVi nchboaeli,'- oppress thein at his will.--What bonui ha 1 Mr-. :Gi raid given for this omnipotent coniroul over the .subscribing baiiksand how is thi bony?, ipplkd ? Fed,, it. Foreign;' '-: Bito'n, April's t'RtlM ''FRANCE. v Ma'rkfts very good at Bordeaux for all kinds of ' Levistown Bv an insintiatinn in mornip paper- it woiuci aeem. that ltfisters jnean .to shew that notice wal 'aentWt to otir cbmvnande'ra on the' nations near thea.atof hosiliiies, soVarly as- May Ust, bheimrninent piohab'tity of a rupturewith Americai-amf that "tbey were at the ti;nt fufnisb ed with instructions and niuans for a vigorous re taliliOn, Ihe momrnlit should brek Jut., Jt is ,added,Mhat 'the force which .thty,.possrssed ex' ceeded t h-it tf the" American i" the, piopdrtion of5 tOf4.v Tins is nuMlshedin a lefr which i 8th hist; po-jd and pot ash 1 07 d( i .cotton,- New Oileaiis, will concur, . therefore, in an enrpi 640 co. k:, Colbnial produce Very dull, , ; arcotj'able inactivity which lias Yesterday arrived at this port the brig Rambler,1 assist in the discovery of the ixi orocee: r cartel ilo Lm.r.. j . ' home the, American prisoners deiain-d ther s Extract of a letter from a gentleman in ii'Uminit ' ' -: v to cHoiHer in lhi ciiyt S n James A. lUyand, esq. i:.form-; me thit he " joined with Mr. tGaQatin in the mlsibn to lbu-" "-. v - ., ",uau. 5J,t6!n js fre ri'ni the British cancoo '.f. .boors iiicessani attack, with la my made , an1a'ttentipf; io. I nttjTJut gave ,u 1. j deigi and left, tbt-tr station and anthotfi of,jhe light hoij'.e. .. It vas suppt-rl t. . (), ' design' to;jfc(roy .Mia tight ar. prycure i.;cf a'pnd ; tlif short. ! milUia' went down to. oppose their )uud;jiK'0i, i Htinai WIHHcr! ',,,;j:''..1. . : . ALB A ' Y, April 6, niry into the "un-t M7ff.-Tr5cp3 ate-'diily ariviiig. t,tfjn taken place, and 'tonment at jfen-nish : 900 arrived"n S lw ta'l. cause of the,; bnd many are cpecte ir) dulin'gfftc pre.vi-iW'k! caut.'Snowi from Bordeaux A gentlemahpaaSenerj who was at Pa: is", Feb. 14, infornis, "iha,t j tfie emperor; was Seldom seen abcoiid that hiicdniluct was enetejiy condemn! d ;, that the consrrtptt of I84wer6 raising an, I fnatiibing to.the different depol, and ihat 10,000 lro"pa bad been drwn from Spain, . Mticb 5. . The supercargo of, the Arnetican schooner Messenger came, clown, to-the Cordovan an 1 io.forrrted that the Russian had entered Bn-lin and the Frussiaas w'ere.gencrtlly joining t hem'. A lette'f trom Bordeaux,: Vebi uary 21, ?ay8, newspapers received yeilcrday from Paris stau ; that American lk.eries will be piven to any who rvskthemv Other pspets say the frade will bt; freely op nd- .vTlie li-ig'Hte Paflas ws in Borc)e,anx river ready far at sedef to be b-nnd lo Ameiica. " wo Ff?jich, frigate j arrived at Brest abouj the last of FcV'uary, from a cruise They bad taken four English vessel, end burnt th'f American ship . Arjiidncy" from PhiiarMpVia for Lislicnt,- The tri- Frni the Vtrmon iVarfibtztonieih, CASK A "This man- h !Vf r-aiT' s'td for tolatrnc the lrt wtuksand ft. irl- o wat'.-Y.-ife Cel. Pike's pro ' matron . e wis rot fi tdjto the .'uatdhouse f. S'f end lodl ';ib irons (ii is 3id with sixty pounds ? Wei'TMj ly xder ot tf t Cii'k '."',Bi! thaJts to the. ipuepetidtnce of bu district judae, the hon. Elihh Pi-p. he Hs brcn brought up b a writ of ha.itas ro puv, -iod iih euienre ap ic;'i.:pg against the piiaoncfi'be was uCcordingly x,fi.bc rated-. .-.. ,.V..,.;: - v VsWht woald dwv, befh tlK fate of poor Searal - tra oar aisu-jci j--a jevrer, a toot oi the adniin; ..itraUoh, instead -.of an uptight and independent mm'Ser ot jyanr.T He-oiil-t pw-baidy b-f hecn left stiff r ptrhaiil'wrhoii even te f-i-m of a t'Kl. tivu-.sr. fit nee tn Col Pik?'s prod am lion I Jen K :. GEN'-v D'ARM -111 V'-.mtuit. TheX'oacor.' Giitte ipvkf citi n's be r. "i'g tie'i?ed fey t.o. s.u..t(!it-rf- (or 'bat ihey f.ll i- . I-wrier t-n d'..rri3) md I ,-ably earned, off- m co.r.j:.eP, u-":r pctt'iiri ox some crime agams tpe govn r ment ', In if'C i nrthtrn part fybU sta?eV we fre told, riO'lJo is m re com ion .ban this kind of military - despotism. -The. ffin. of teiior there is so.Vm fffcterv eita.Hsrie'C!, that it.i. unsafe to.r s m-'n fo speak his 8' fitiiner ts unless they are n favor of T j 't n'iltfjTird, Esq-.of Ifun'sburg. (pos.tnVaitteT. j,usjci l :h ;pea;c, towii clerk, and jt"ivn W-p'r penttwive) han betn.yW'ed by.. -'Iiese gen s 'J i m-- nd without., as we niders ar-,d.i?veri-a rrbtf n fix. , li'ary warrant,yas seiied andoarrie'd S wanton; v here be was confincdV' to 'the. giurd boiifce, rr. ciured t a v rr low, state of health bp he irfavef : lhti.ee- amoved toTfutliagtor,, between ?o jn'. o tniirs' whr'tr he .w.4Sgiiin confine'l to the utiT- "wet is j!oi--k ithom ny avrt.. c:f a trH.; thrnnr fh?cfe,'jjSwirun, rnH'r a'mil'-uy K.us.rd,. r,d fur &!)cu. I,; !f hf i!sv cnptntr! (though in the' m espt tr.i lir g pain) marc h Mi fui, at tbr pym' ' of c h- ritt- . - .'' t .. mi ii he w;s at let'Mb -ieJiverel rfvrr to 'he ci :-rirj, at; &doiitt-do bail oi. g.iooo bond Lw ia? f. tr;iioabl practfcesv. KS nTvT ."" w-re .charged against-hun, without spe f .ctf.. - ' - r hrts will decid' whether. we are under a tn'litary .g-jvwhnt-nf.;- ';-- vil tQiV iin' r Clfi ' uates were bound to St. Domins-o and, ihp ifnit. St.ates, but one of them sprung her mainmast;. ' schooner Flight, captain clly, of and botind to They bad crnlsvd off Cape St- Vincems.' j Ualtimorev arid ownrd by Messrs. Wiliiums and M-j afrcngement is made r meruan prizes -a;j'am, r.me into me capes .i 3.t days in France rhe Decatur's uim xeixott an.l r.M u ' 'com noreaux. Mie j: ... i '...i k .j i -xr.. ...'i.r.;;,,;,i i : , . y rj . - - I . ' - " ' r - r . ' 1 ' , t I i hey "cannot mean 'to"' shelter. hemseiea under j the. frontiers. Cannriunnd. uviit-kns rf ,( (4V , tli?N. pilifuf "subterfuge of our naval force bebg! ! be?nsent on in considem;.!.- q iaruuirs ; unj ajw aupeHor to he. naval forcf-of lh.e nrerican gv-!pearancea indicate an early nd fonnKhiie com. ernment, w,ei) the must be aware tht it was . mencemfcnVbf ttec:'inaii(ii. ' . against commercial dimlation .that 'tlu y had r-- .Majorgen. LeiivK, Hmlbrigadiergcn, Boyd, Uft chivfly to prmide. If the American rivers bad here yesterday for Buff-lo-v been put into a state of blockade in the 'monUiof K . . - ' - - - Juric, their seamen would -have been flung out of ! . s - Host v, April 9,v mploymeot', their hopes ef success in their piti. : 'About -o'clock this morning, 'many bf nit I iui narj, "u.ui.i nave fjccu cu-.tRcu, aim imu ic uiuc respvtiauic luizvos were y. l n. s- es io'h. mercaiitijtjgnd agriculiqral parties would have approach fcf teyi B i uish 'ifriare ' ifhde r a p'ts-t.-f been clamr.rotis for a peace. Every Inter fiom ' sail for the tltght ffbu'se. After eiti g uo ,.-! America speaks with astonishntt nt of their sue. the Lipjlil Hotase;they hove about aud &ti.j.'l v,prr fess, arid says, that it is ti" th-i torpoc, f the En- a Wind to the Northward, (wind N. bv I .) 4 Kiish administration, that they huve to ascribe the passed t be entrance pf B.t.I Sound, ouis de the present high tone of the people. . . Glaves, where 'hey had a .lull vie t,f our harbor '- .. . ' flfortti-tg Viron.4 .j aftd.all the .sbipjiirjg, &c. in U. . Ths t'f;!iUva4ifl n .-',.iioi the j-nly fti.t i.t pt . Iiomt!ltlC. ' UKadj.fbr -8ea,1-,the iigress. The ,,ites ivctb .- v . .. onj6lttl(-w' plainly se4hi"inen onth? . OtTunday morntnjr about twn o'd'ek. the-...-.jI t,- ifA:xZ- . . s . zen pe;u jyuv passMng Broid. Sou-d ;h.y bove aoout agsin arid lay to fir some time in i'ir view -oj trie, uongress,- on.. boardpf which the was fVe-goyetntnelitr" - ...-4- "ytour tha'iie,1' 'ani ; The Paris papers contain doleful accounts pf the thc F,int tidiiig luifdrtanately'! oti- ",'th'o il'ail of rtati n of Russia and its amies. - . : "rse .noe, they- cme uu with her. . About rJ AnAi; i't.saU fe ! Fmi, ,T,. 1 ., this time it bePn to bluwlvMi "-: 0rriit vw.tnrt' . . . .... -v - . i iuf,t,vi '1,11V IIUVC I - ' ,:, HT . .ri'.- '.w..,vv.. offfrt-d ravalipru tm hriA' rnrtSu om,-: 1 and th? sea rnakiue a brear.ii .ovpr- rh. artirtnnpi' ' soon discovered by tAi :xil'x ttt-t- !rr5.l 116 tnr' 'vho gave thate, ani! -Au,p. M; them brim- a- .sloop, detained Beraboui bslfao hour, n -i turn . Svith greet violence. a t i i u'J co.i .ia-iu.. . . ofreredcayaHers and hcrt,s for the army, are pub-"TSli" I ",B br'?i ve.r h?oner tl Bupon a wind, and weVe notY .;, w . 11 rrcnui conMoue to collect troops trom ev- ' r " "' p,-...uu v.oi ine-ritgnt iaaen corte of the forenoon', and on of h-r p.k t fim nn nt. an,t march thPt tr,a,.H. ii,- ,.k on board the banres. Ir, w thfn irnmn, t' r . . - ' . ' ' v;. t : " v mz : r . ir, ihe shirt. 2 i?r?8.lft". - The duke of .Elchin ey was at Paris. ' I Th Rambler biyught dttsp'atc&'es for govern, mer.t.. , '-r ' WV ere favored with the loan of Bordeaux pa pet 4''fo February 19, from .'which thc following articles are extracted i . PahIs, February 8. His maf-sty on Sunday last levistvicj 56 batta lions of infanti y -newly arrived at Paris. . . Ftbru vy 13. , tfis mnjns'y yesterday visited the Prince of Nelifchatal. wiiv) ha wcently at l ived in this city, .'ivet y otie rena arks' tb- finejicalth which hia, ma- icsiy en -ys. . . .A i S it, thT.W f ' i t a- fTdTC' ? Ann-jW those frigutei, Cwhich b, ,r : StS f " th Va$ fcH ?e'-;! u' SbatnonnTtn?aos1) tl,,r he w... they .were-drivnupinto the RyadsJ -Rnc' orieof c, .7.. L t ..- , .. tne narffes, wilnm-inidshirimin. R n,n. ami tiir,; i - . . T . r.rk i.iir.ki' - f " . -. - :sj iyjuc,,iii3, auu uomci u,i-'i.' M,..(;e w 4 "R'li 'cw, umc up on .ounuay aittr. t rnmf Rk.. ...m' u wk ,n ... I -i I liMi , f ni .lm a tK. 1 - - be ready, fur sea "W1 noon. 'along', aide oT the Conslel ation. Cantab r:. S . ., .-. -. . , ; r' Z-vyuiu, noui;cn dc rcuy,iur seal . " . r ' . ."t- i,,suf.w-i i,ke to" have .the pleasure Seeing Mm ."' f . .. : In wa, rh ht .it., U J, cut Ftrk htii iici;t .v iiiivvruiut, uaii:cwcir i isrovpren snnnr - - . . : .... .. i 1 nViirk ; k- ti.vi- k-- .-..-..li 15 ready t r sea wun an ros.We v-hm, . "j . ,vs-ii, uoiii ui uie ! Bnr Bhoul, p:.f y,who went immediattly in nijri'uit. The The 'Prince of Nnfchatel had betn indispose &. barffei attemped m escape up James River, but Senatus Cmsulf im had been passtd to pro-1 Were 0V,'ha'ded so fast, that they hove to and vic e t3r a Kcency ,n case of ntcr ssitv. cn.t m 1 sutrenoerctt, i lieutenant, 2 midshmmen.'l boat- KeJyt lh Sii- ....... t a-. ' "u nouiu itre onaonon anu, i en nos rr..a.t inr mining at Hampton, put on board the CviTeV 7?? Tt f' r Tt! r 6 W m nnd onek the Mail Bof a detachnJS n V come, i thmk she and the ..gressntl inntet-r MilitiaS ahd Cafitoin Servants Rifle Cm- r..vidc! fo-t!ie coronation of the Empress and tbe ) s,wain nd 59 reaintn. Captain K Kiog o'f IMvjjre. v- - ft I peicaf go and Crew i,t the Flight, w Gen. Witigmstein is said to have resigned.'"' 's ?a'd by the Bruish lieutenant th were re-iai;rr. ( riVar lr) our kah;0r 0f lns. Tjniwd ifta'es' ripi's that the t- itrht !r'u;..-A.i. i? t r ,? hadJiihrpfl i v',ICBi'ca.c, eupi. cvuns, iroi a cruise ui , j. The captain of a small vessel from, the Est crn bhore informs, that the Flight was laying on htr beam ends, as he passed heron Mondayi Klh an F.fi.K il,i r.;k i.;r. vA? ,,Pl!r. about 10 o clock. A barce was coine front one'T il r - e , i .? r 7,. T , T rn.,k;n. , .w ,k b 7 ' , f'om Liverpool to Brazils ; British bug layer- ot the ships to the schooner. Thc onlv shiD3 in , V t - ' i l .:k. ' n..- ,k y fmp5... iPol Hero, Liverpool to Braxils, cargo dry g, U7..a. ...c ir.Lwn.Jus.r, anu a 111- harda.r. nnrl ilrv rarn i.kn..l. and vew -- , .-- not give i hem occasion to tempt them uim b7 the ir ajrra mating apneartnet-,' whcn they kwt a force is. nor ready her sudicicnt'io meet :hein. THE CHESAPa KC' Fill (1 ATE. .... ' iiOjTou. Anni 10. It is with- pleasure we announce the s -fa sr. ' ' . -. n . ' . ........ . . Dulsokh, Jarriarv 29. 'Many -poltroons circulate Scandalous stories of Regoier's army ,Those stories are iletituie of tn least truthv ' on me 23d inst. the Ptinctf of yrj5ienberg..w-;s. still at Pul'usk and .Rf gnier oTEhe cantonrrfen:s we heard b- had occupiid llehad repulsed differ .it attacks. Sxrrucf of n IrUerfrom Cadiz, dafed 2iA March. ! days. The Chesapeake- has token Wiring the'' cmkv the American htig Julia, from-' Lisbon for Kostiii, gate. sels burnt ;ttd brig Earl-Percy, from Cape (Ve lYctjuviLbjalu fop Brs'tItvashdTeVlj?Tlsni.,r 7 . . ! t t.Vii j. - -Ar- . . i'r w.ni iiirt.MiP-iijxti-.-anore ai IA The 3ritNhJad oirboard 58 British prisoners. i--c. M L. t--" v - o or. Marv & count n. Ma rffsf inriir.. - - r houtjajni importatice. I , ' W 1 0i' ,'B, morn. that came out. of" Frdcag at J.lbanxjf Jj'y the passengers i in tl'e Ste. m Boat we areinlirmed, ttiat a fracas nx-Jc- thavyoiisbauld-knw. -Ailndonan nf4i.i.4...A-Vii-V,?--,-J-,-,,ai- "u' " f)' ne-uay-cra 19 Mr Ult. cMtains the' discussions - 'off the pai.ii. faP,u' W hat went out of thr PuXem that titent on -mencah .aff ttrg with tlli rrti'rvftnrirtflrir. ftr hi n,: . .... ... wu ...v.. ... ... u.ii . m L liiiit-irii, . . . - periods. l eween, the ntmiofttkvof the iwo coun-tf, 'a' "c nne-.scnooners : ;)V smn pubIications wbieh have been made, re. .ihe;. antVvotc passed both hou- 'K ?t,,red m l.he K?PPannck 5n Satur. ti'vc-t0 ihafrair betWeen'-Cbl. S. Van Rensdaer V spp, o'itttjty of the measures pi thur governT ' .y V C. - Purs"'t t wo pnyateersj amj (olr P(irttfK.. is said Col. Porrcr after 80..ne menr Wtbe.detTaration ,V,f argaitist the U. ! , r - cr. iwo,scnoone.rs mat hlgh wortj3 had passed, attacked Mr. Lovett with ati . ; and jdedging themselves to support "Min.."! ,- , ,.f W,T . t. m.aKing ,meir a canCf on which. Mr Lovett c!o&ed ia lvilb .him M.tcaphutajin of '"rel ;7p v y ' ""J Cdincul ol ; place in Albany last ' WedriesdayT httwcMi cel. k Plat tiifferem ! ': erS ,on. the"steru. S,,0'e- PeterjlrterfanoJin Lov octii Sut;i!runki'iriefi ;; '-y LahadSe (or snme bodjv iav f-i. birn) the nxl My ebr, the ba;tle. yett" utd to the icenexof 'cud, whi-ch the Hri'i, an I Jti:5i.i5-ha-1 If ft the day before ;ben 'lb y, por nis-nt . XX'lling thc ounde'd. .and U.en Set fira to j ''. ! ' iivv srr4 r'h?rtrn'j.d thtm."- - Tis nicy I r 'TT--,' t ';ut it wans tber con Br !: tbanV'MEoAUD Lad ADttt. -X. bis 1." -iVt.-iTo tint y !-. iicve, -bat Jiic wounded were ltf Jrt. I!:- p w r of the aviii'i. '.'.. t- ''' i-Kt,. n:i-.r cliu .iiUnre'nct 'dav.it ' . v , p,rf wlvat rtiKK: r' A iy-i'on fth! by the'-Prbphrt--at.' Tipn'te Vv'?."i f r e nitsike not.our o-vTn trootis ur :.:der;Col,nLt.P;,itcs; a ;ht: bt'1j of La Coir, boasted" , of'buiu'tt a" 1 Mr-1 fousr, atn! of fj 'Mting the f'rfif .-. of t"traf Byitish and idu ;vnmcg tie.he ifrty&-'&tC7 t ''ct say t be 1 La - y- 1. . . 1 Dasfp.- - ;',V..V'" V---V!;':'. : Report avv that tilt- Stcfe'tjtry mf the Trisin V i-t'tprminejl' to dc ;ppsi( t earlr th" whi le'Iohtt Ht!t5; - aken, iti the private, bank j( Stephen Gi'' ricla Phil.-.dfjnhiii. ' -' ' : ; , . KkoMb1. thi. be.rhr case as it U confidently 'srV ted: -a to the Joan the chattel filj lt.ks bat .hove sub Jan wiP -be latd of specie to rtialj snbSciitseti ake Mhri'r Payrjiems into tin r rtmth bbk as the .i.jsbjlrdcats siers with their utrftost energy 'in a vigorous rros tcutiori of it by land and sea. For which pur. pose. orders have been issued fo ptepare aiationg sq.iad.-oo of ships ofwai, and some -troops VuVas- moiin at I'ortbunouth, to be .embarked for Hali fax.jvi.'h .greneapjition. .. . ,. , ; They have also come to the ' determination to 'septct-tietitral flags et'n. those .vessels lately .y-tr u'lde tSp.t.sb colours, dud conveying; pro hie, their rhbUvV in '-thit t evidenit, it being a ib ai'ute for the former licences, which. method "ill lor ?hs future be clisconliinied. ' ,.' Tliy e has been a total change la the . regency of this kiiJ;;dorn within these. fiw days ; the Cortes informed the4" latp regency-that their servicei wete nolonge' tVecfSsWry, andyestcr lay they pro- tgprHnjhVapitititinrt J way to Baltimore. Fhe British schponers finding : antj iney iney cotiia nor come Tip with them, lelF smaller, vessels I he. cor ray's vesaltoid the men that if be could have overhauled the. privateers, he' should not have, molested the bay craft. Yester day morning the whol? captured flre with the foiir armed schooners, .inutwo Inrec. shins faun. posed to be-frigates) Were at anqbor a little below - ti . . r . : . .' .. . .i .' . ! vyctidr . i u, iiL. 4i siipjuseu nmy mean to return down the B.iy had 'AnrlSpojis bcenibcirdestina tion, they .could have reached there, in j liours. Fhij entirely stops'the intercourse wbh Mob-'owti frqm this part of the country '.-The peopla at the rivar, on each side, are much larim!ci,- and. are m'-iingoff Iheiir propertyThisTs 'the.. "-liberty f the seas' that our deluded and corrunt adoiirt. was like td demolish him, when some, of 'iio ne up wiin-mem, jeih on hy ,UnderB interfered and put an end tc.ih)! coil, commandant j,f the enees(, . - ... A'. Y, Evi3!' it be suffered 9 return GfeatJire.--Vt learn from' Alb-ny that aeaf Rre had broke out in that city lust .'Sunday evening) and that ten hbutses wefe in flames - when the let- ter was closed from which we derive bur inf'-rnia tioii. We hope it may turn out that th' report is exaggerated., ? . - " Valuable Arrival. .The brig Sally.h'as arrived at Boston from Canton. ; Left no A niericaa ves- sels there, nor did any sail in company: S5 conduct on this -.occasion, has given -geneVal satis Faction . The iofl-ieoVe of the-Cleyjy is entirely subvrrted. tbe Inquiskwn forever abolished, and eve'ry m .rnorjrd of its procecdings-uttcrly dest;o.y edtheir piopetty seizfd by the governrntnt, Jo be;applied to Crry on the war acralnst i, th Frencb sod for other-natbnal purposes of ackowb. edgi;d uuliiy. . ' : - -. ' " ion arc united, unchjrthe banners of'N'apoleon, to fight forywhich in Its than txvo hours swept 30 or 40 sail from ouryiyers. And airtlifs'Tor French' gratification, and a few foregners -that have'bwn impi'5i'jd from ouaesselsi a crtat iMririion of twjiom wnorn were, never naturatized, the govern Extract ijet let'cr from, a jfintemm in Lisbon, jih it iirte.'tfionden-in AT. York, da'td Atrch 22. '"; '', a. Ad ice? fom England meotion thai Denmark and 1 Prussia- bad coalesced jtgaiisSt,: France, and that Dan:x!ck hafj fallen. Also, thit tUe last con- State bf North Carolina, V . Pitt Count v, Court of f'us and Quaker SiW-iff , fa BirUAirr t i-H r :s 1 Simon Barney '") Original Ativnen' :'Z "7 .Levied. oi a rur'n' J't;l na.ii- Jonathan F Howes. J . . Feti: - -f...-tT. appearing, ti the satisf jei ,n of the thwt tbe defenduat.in ' ibis.' ca;m- -i'-5 n ' a' i c:.. if'ii )v ?''. - rrient injhe meanwhile jookih? pn, resardies r b.tof this sf ate, ordered, tbt pv' otirnufety.ir.this stare of things does not -'fire rhe ' ll,e lineryst'-itjrec, raootjn, Kit tiit:' .vy,--:,i nation to a constitution! resistance $f such co-ruptl appear at, tbe-.. .-ext or . sti'cjee-di,t:g itt't ;' 'and weak, policy, the people' deserve worie f'rn.u court, to be held Cor th c..UTny-forv:i---;! faid weak policy. their bands,'' .-. From the P-'ubdrifihU Freeman Jourhafcr The -ship jfePtUhe. of! this' nptt, . has been pur. chased by gbvcvnaisnt,' fvjrlic purple of cairy-. re. coiT-t.h )tis3iii Greiivt si jliei7!.''!- .tbe bi;i 1'0'lli in-'-Mty and icA .tAloiJsy in Aur, rtUyx !),U mm , ii', KOihC x.c enktc.! ;!-.'.r.'.- ' .. . Aj.e!?' N3Eti: 'ty-.NSi:---: