vVxiWriciF-iHlI N 6wlciMiO'iW'Uctknd where t 'hVw fotirnythi- stiict Whence is n M U i.urt-.Ts'fc an Wjy"it'ui-ind rspcubl-j,' If 'toorerrifi lUeVl dbgbt whether "theTtf is.- ' ! 'i; ,TiH;r in utfy Uhuicli of oar gavtpras whv ' woild no', At a, p'Hod hkethe preeo; rjaice t V"g :t1e Vi ti. ",; f; " ", "'-'' ' ' lhe,Dt:6o"ie efthe IJnUedStaVcsinnat b' er. ti tviiu iiiiiiiiiv "B o wet 'before ' tb W tin 't j , actus; iKfyt ;ahKf kaawii', without iTitjr- - V iV pby.vcf.ui 'cannot be cotxcidered as uUfisd i-t ifeiy tid'sff r syoret'he -eclmirfgeilfh uf nin tlJlii - he is d;yoifd nerer I tht :j" .. 'Jepehd," tes:ly because wtr pors coura-jt -iuvtt the' emj y nue of militia f prtWfa'tis -4 years' to. 'be theory, ud 'yr or fpc, t,tist , him -tSr t hf -?r:iFeisitm -LC an nt th. n'-T-bS-Xr uecied that a po-iion of;tjit ptple Can '.be quali. lydirticult u.it mr faes art-l'the. livtv of our ' ' womert ant! " yes, b u f buf libei lius aude f.ei y i hi rig dear to us se we havsread- ir a!ise on Military tactic and have exhibited oursfNeiT on ihe- 'theatre of a mutft fi M for a doi:ir day a hi the year? o-( bate rt , currjeut, C )uris.' 'J in the G ai&titee as brae troops, ai tien rem n jii-me wt.uou: scemi; an cnemv - (I flush to say ;tl having cooi'y witlti8 , co juj5v atid m.d,fi .ncc of. $vtry order, aud turn to' tbeir 'homcsi(utb lus been and siich will be th: conduct of wri win have hot learnt (h r liecessit? of UBfeiorBiVra . L:taur forct;, b :, cslitdKetjular or Militia, cr by.watcvr nauthe . NotMial Iciafature choo v.. s i efry jncimrimi caposinsr u must leavr . at tiooje all of. what ,arj .-.considered . to be ' tha diaicest, fruits of rf iiubttcaiiisni, out the tempo , fsrv restrttinta,Wchare indispensable in the firld vU not only give pe raunchy to our pf ir.icw bles- S'p m inaeptnat-nee, out win give us a new re i for the 1 euj-jytneut i$ these bleas'njjs, h ' T have tbi? liti-or to bT. most rerer.tfnllv. Yiur ob't servant. tue 'itself. ' X 'h eeiVlleman, hearing t that hi Ut tcr had b-en b.otiefi open, applied for it through i frijnd m Vfr, Mwroe, nJ received it far, ' tir rfi f,. tcribdtt'd , on, brcken q:e,n fttU f um ine Atr bnng-vtirn put at theMdeidy garner ti,tie to lutie dorol :nt U na zitn carrica nwui some time ltt tfie ' pocket nf made a mockery of hf i thi ulat aM prolli Aite companions of men base -mrtrrHtokrffak ODcn aeaii. an c. oi turpitude it of o legislative "set,. Jbu may Hiepen "-K.V merce wilfbe suffered to lake care of itscU, we eter hare sny. , , r. i-'it i-a-iaSring, Huriiss'tng:, tlie picking of If vltsirst Galev and Madi9on will deny the truh -Vrim i he Nebui-y jrt ITMd. . '' i : ' tfu: DiocRArs hate ;a navy. In hi srich at tfce-opsniiicr of the session,' in 1795, Wrfshintoa eWred futly. and strongly iiilo h? consideration and recoramenaaoon oi a au tf this, and iHi arand jurr, which has it before V f( M actire external commtrce," iiys he, "tffe th )m, 4o not onlc a presentment, upon .t hei r-j protect ton of a naval force is indispensable" -a To oaths' c wiM PirtygU .toy vthe most undo uDteui8ecyre rc8pcct to neutral flag requires a naval jart rcspeQtaoitf tesiimony. i JJefire -w P" fromthi3 subject for the time, wetmust. refer ass'm to i!e assertioa made in the ftlteiligencer of the 2d April that they were io jssession pf a treasbnable carrespon'Je.ice between British agents in this country and others with people in GUrifain, and with Rriush corn- cardinals, btsbOpSj priests, lcicst who have inc red censure in consequence r errntj. w. 1 1. Th t'holy father agree to the rore.-,,, force, orsanized and ready to vindicate it from in f Chafch'- and in theconfi.iencr WhirJhmi sun. onu &Kitn3.,f 5l- mspirea rum, mat he win give n-iwetiul be raade,.. if necessary, in tie bishoprics in rUiCa ny and the -Genoese countries, .-'as also fdr.Uj,,- 'ficsnBeests&edjn FftfalvirjUKl, the iiaiwie ic'jdapirAnientV J i f ' ' ' ' . ,0. The Profiagande, the : Penirrteerie, anri ,u Archives anaii dc eitapusnea in the pl'.ce wlit the holy tatner snfii sojourn. - -.. JO.- His majesty granti a Xrec pardon to ir rk.Jtn th means and to ' i... .:.i,rw "Ml-f.- kt.. w:ni iccuon 10 m numeroua wania.oi rei jion-ifh 'Jr. "'limeain which we live. set about the irra dual creation. . ' . i.i . i.i . ... provide and lay up the materials ipr me ounamg nd cooinoimv shins oT war ': 'and proceed in the mandersin Ame ica." If this wtre true, : whjn rk h deirree. as our resotirccs shall render Me they not yet arrested the persous 9vy1ic-4 i-'jwiicabls. Wirhoott inconvenience, so that a wil VVhy instead bf if, do hey proclni thefanil war of Europe mv; not find ourtonaraercr i.KMvery, thar-ihetcrirriiiials, if any, sucii 'hercl n tnc ame unptoLeVted-tate in vh'ich it was' hd bpnu miht securely effect thtir Hiht.j foutl(j tne prtsent." Such wss the wisdo:n and rhUr it mas', be, confess?d,;is a dccepiioi and . rril8;ht Qf Vshiiii?ton. But , l so the Galla oaarainbleau, JaVj. 23, 1813. NA POM-()v PIUS MI. l etters from Lord Lojtooh, M.:rch r. Cathcart are t-j Jan. 29s Xh!y state 'tnat ihp Russians had passed . th? -V imcHwauri jrua ir uic n-cnuiwni Hums'. wcijjn9) Ciilinea and V1T.ums. wold suspect admhis ration of unb ; lnded mo Is-j The-fri$t-' fj'iicsd -Slates, Constitution snj Mtiem and elemene- toward the 'age-ii 8c Trteh t? r nst d! alion. had already been betrun, and further rof the Rriiish. We insist upon it. thit iKer p , ,ir,mru!inn iMfr.. for their. -comolen. unmanfutty laving trap for ' corr-jspohd-nor andj ti, , u& Ul)W he resolution . that the sum of .ferwrds breaking rpen many thousand s--dU: -,w De appropriated on accouot of the military wi h the criminal code staring thctn i:i the fare nj na'val evablishmonts for the year 1797, ' Mr. iheyhave found nothing they could imke ihe "Gallaiin moved to strike out the word naval I el law to animadicrt upon, or-thty would ha. c set icdginj; th it might "become a serious q icstwn it in .operation before now nay they have j whether,, thty should appropriate any more mo lou'ul my thing w givuw-n an eicctio:etrmg neT ro that obrct or not J Giles, tn"suftnort of . . ll 1 . . I a1 . the mvion, sai l, uitt " 10T lus part he wis a ' ' x-MIO B01N(i'. ,; ,, w FJym cnn'eisa.jon, a well as our curreeon. -" (leuts, we discover tint : a verv wjbrm.an'i i.ist in 1 digiiatiii!-'revui'l.. oh 7icoiffit of the breaci i,pf jhfj post-bnie I w aivd ex cry tie. of f'pnnr arr' Vriorali y, cornmit'ed bvorrh r 01 govemenr, nscisi g, - ransjf.kin:nd hiyakicff' oprn. the mad letters The lhw is explicit and intelligible, tim it will ' . ' not V -pri -ndcd its pan -diit s. of fine, whippir g and'rnr'-'Jv-tril- at haV-U'.or have ootVbeeO ' incurred,;" .tcvs. rsutU'i, -Is sbivld be insisled, i,n tK & rep-jbVcM. land, a'ui days of yore it was' i jn Knglsnd by f.he slx-iib. paniaaiis of undue pre- .- rogauTi, that th.f Ee5utjye posiie.s.xes adispens Vig pow'tt It i". to be hoped, nit e.irnov yt ' 'prepared foi ihe in!rdue'tioti!f such a sweepitnj Y'p uinova.i'n nor is it to be crediiel that the Anur i ican channel- in so far bru',aliz?d- as not 'to. be a' llor such.4j,x,,,iii6n ad 'ungritilemar.-tike violatir of evity '?iin" like unfide.ee amd prnp'iefy. Nothings c!earT tthan that the xonviMct of go- rrnntrht Kuv li,-" . iiol nntv uitknul m. "Sn i gainst law, atid s sveh is liable to every, public ' a,nd private in tnod f restrsu..nK or punish inie nected x'rU'.i Cuvtrnment, As to the fe-SfuU d! . nation resortea tooy tne in'cnig-nctr excuse ' ij, Ly alleging' that It vvas the coostqurnce of an arrangement bet ween the Exccuii v s and a B- i isb agent, n renaers tne . attempt t defence, mure cie'ip'caie.Mi , tor it. our governrnent hd no ugh to violate the sanctity of the seals rf -our citi.ns, thty obcld gairrrio sanction to the practice fryi mi erable foreigner) whm they derate for hi . humility', and whose condescension hafc not been -wif forcf sufficiewt tossve hira from ihe degt adaiio' of .an arrest and the stieure ihia papeS. - I! Hiusl be confeul. thi. there is some hovtlty as veil ai Dotuness, in the attempt to dew Urn British agents, in time of war, the right af vinioi latirg ' ltirimpunuy the laws of the land and the . prmleges ol th people, witnih" the limit oCthis cou-.'.iy Shame on such wfttchtd snuffling J , The reader must Mow, that the criminal court ' 0 the severt statts haw'e jttrisiicdon over the of fences in?Qjvt t in this violation f the rftail, ind the- e is a gtvuci jury ;io engged inth exam tna n d it. i whaps it wdl be taken up by more, man one, as the ottetices have been com- xniefl w thin more thar'bne 'uVtSdiiion. The facta coming: within their cognisance 'W'.mms. . - kl. . . . 1 . L . C.I . a in' iau auu many wi mem 01 me .eeoist avt ror r-ot nly have the. Tetteti transmitted for the I. I, 1. '. J 1 .; N ..... " . v c-nti-ii urwt.j upen pnaoeiainea, out those H-eti.W from it f notwithsunding theTntelligen ui 4uai ouugi), cooravoors 10 mice tne im pressiori,'that it was only in rhe' former case, tlut cjihi wj vuimiu.tcu, rinu - cve-n. in ina' case i1 - -'-is -'ifhcuntty ag'avated ; for the public had'.ben This operated, and lift w 'of evtfn as littlt im.) muncc as the bieltss pbt bf Henry. ; ' f "Fft'ia 1 ie same. When General- Va ;uii;on held theTtins of government,' his dei'iacy Wj the public .nd his own Uine outweighed inslica o his family comec itiuns. It was 4 sufficient oiuectijn agsimi te re cO.nm--rUtiixix.of any in liviiiual to oliae that Jc was 'is r?la?ire- I'hc rate but mode it merit 'af Judge v7 ihi.ttjn tva 10 exce,xiionto this scrutil lo'.aexs. Of 'tlndoubt . -I -.)e;ns aid established -...iiiencs at The bar of Rfcalnfj;id,'his illu trvtuS 1 icl'.i reiecicd the unsuliu'cd importunity of his f'jt athytriapp.Mnt him to the onice of district .it. ; -r icy, "th':h acint, and usually avoided by mtn of q ial rank in thur prfesoit, on.account of the gahvt the building the frigates, at ail, arnd tlways had bet 1. l ie btlieved candor would not permit the buvh6 Ui be called by a milder Jterm than follf. a k the furthef thvTy proctededin ihe ro- ject he wors: it would he l" Varnur.x, ever fiittifif to his Southern guides, prtferred them m, this instance to Waihiiiinorf, aid his nonhern colleagues, andsuppnitei! t'liSarne motion aubsequen-ly, in the si me was mde (contrary to Washinirtoa' adnceto otgxniiscthe navy) ' th alj such parts of the act, entitled ' an act to provide a naval arma ,he:it." as relate to the ttppoiMiffg and comrnis sionioniftg of the orTicera and minting the ship, be rcpealefl Stc." Hera also we find Mr. Var nam's name in favor of the motion ! ; unpopularity ofits duties, which then fmVaeed Still later In the. session, when Mr. Shi'h of prosecutions under the system of intcnal taxa j. C. rhoved rt ,the lum of i72,Oo6 dollai-s lor ion. How different are the feeling and practice , finishing the frlcates Umtedtates, Const itutoti," of the man, who fills -.Vis station oace occuplcdby i Mr. Gallatin moved an amendment, vii. that be Vashiofoi. Mr. .Richard Cutts a near relation fore the word " frigates, to add he HuMsof" af his w.fig, wis a member of the Bouse of repra sentatives from ' Massachusetts, who by-voting - chsirman, the house betnir irt committte of 'the through thick and thrf:h thin for the vwr and wh-le, and he yeas and nays'were n t recuided, its precursors, concomitants, and con-quencn,! Afterwards tfu same motion of Mr. G.Uattn was jus'Iy dismissed from trie confidence oft bis; was renewed by General Dearborn, xnot'ier Vir constituenis. But behold this discarded man is ; giniah satellite, and we fiaj Mr. Vavuum in tavor taken "ap by- his "'brother inlaw, and in tcpite of Lof it j thus pertinsci iusiv 'opposing and treating with tont .mpt the Nat y And Wixhio.gto.Vs opin ionsjBjjd wishes po tliis subject" his total destitution of knowledirc in militarv mat erv and want of to'crshle qualificati ms as a man of talents or capvi'y, which is wejl known fiomthe , figure b i4t' er nj ficure at Jill Mr Cutis cut in Congr-i::, is pi.wtnted. Sup irintendant Generalof MitiUrr 3'iDulies,' with Sniitv of " t,- At a-.qu 3&v dollars par annum. This sitth relative of tha; branch of is said to be the the fimily who Foreign. .1, b been provided for .., a .Pnil.r manner, rhoujh of e nhaceres this day uxok his se,t we Wow of several oth -.s n,nverburthen:d wun dS tn -.j d Qnc fimras for office, we can no more vouch loc fhe .riaM , A .u- ri, ' enumeration juo correct than we.can foresee hoyV; WR ,5 at Fniirirft;nht,a ,..sHi r ' vnanv- more i incest .r nrincesses of tha b bod re. " " Ti. ""M " " :r - ' ' . , . i u 1 , 1 ueiwccn nia moiesiv ine ' emperor. ana tuug ana nrxin to be -prowi-d lor.oc how so n .her turd hfs..-.. 0;.,: rn r 6 will comt. r Much is it to be dtpltred "lat the ; . . Uod people nf 5 his nation are to be eroud out of; iiZ-L, ' LOJSOORD AT. - . !iioir monev m ' iie: hard times to Damoer ihe ""JcaiJ ihi King ana nis nou- eltives.of this d:tfWs4eci race, who nfo-tun i djfferenceswhich '.elv forihemsHveiai wdl th ni, nU. rkt 1 nave ejclea be.ween them, and to remove the . ----- r-" i" - i--"--- renu.tr services t-quivitent to their respective es t..ii i. ik. VnmU . . r ti ... 1 - 1 . . iii.i-u.', sttv. iwiui ui iji unut 1 n. 411U I liC it! "To.. D-rschel ad to the gates ofl) ntzic. ' The Russi in military journal sys, ' Jai, 3.' Admiral rcbitchagDff -..itered Tntersiiu the var.guSrd entered (ironbimen ;affd ge.i Wor. tnzaw entered, Ncmerstlorf. ' Gjn. Tschooliiz t tered Stalupfcn.' imd was joyfully rectired by iK inhabiants. '8. Genf ScheplilT, beM the enemy a' I.ahiau who then retired towards Konighurg,loxinghree pieces oi artillery, tnnr 6mcr nd 300 soldi? &. TJie Emperor and KtimsofTs II Q. wcieat O. ram. . -- , :.$iAnnounces Ux'e driving pf the "enemy tmn fConigSburg. The trench lost 8 or.SOOO, SO cj. npRUrBequsntitiesf prcvisioTis, Sv. and ni.-,ny Russian officers and soldiers 'prsohera were liheia te-v'he fugitives of the enemy are pursue! , The Emperor's H. Q were at Meretscb, M icdonaid coramsnded a Konigsburg. His wn corps is reduced to 2500. and he has about 4500 session, a motion others, wfcor are. pursued. ' it. me ivjssiJiis iook cming, . jviarimoert and Marienwerdeiv Plitow pursues the cocoiy towards Dantzic.' Gen. hchcpliff passed the Nov gat and follows t'fte. efiemy. 13. Elbing was taken. The Feifch leff at Manenbcrg in the hospitslV 40 officers and 726 sotdiets. . The ft ussianam'sll these rhoveroentshave made msny prisoners ar.d have taken many piece iJt tilery. . ; --C. .. Gen. C2erniscnoff had passed the Nastula and pursued the Frepch towards Iewb. rg. tt is said the French attempted to scire tae Ring of Prussia, bat he ey:apd to Wsia. Tbe H 'Q re at fcypch. 4? - - , The tafciig of Berlin will be the signs! far rising In- lliermany-' Kutosofi is n d a Prui'ce of the imperial fara i'.y Platow find Witgensitih have had new ho hors coiafetr'rerf on them. 1 .-. Marshall Ney hasThsd the 'itle of Prince of Moscow conferred on hfm by Bonapsfte. It was reported that Mutat had been found 'a Vienna, and a eiared. ' ' The raports from Sweden that the Axi'riao armv ha5 riMred uader a 'ctrnventi'm betwe- . ffti. That .Mmir.tfrx hid been sent frotn Vienna to Wilna'and London thaf the puke IConstantine is raised to the throne cf Poland, that Drnisrk resisrs the requisition J Bonaparte that D mrzic was taken Jan. 27. Lord vValpoJa was Svill at Vienna. , . . . -T: cAeSB - : Trsttfiaied fcr th Saltimora foderalyfcw - Pari. r.-Nruwrv .fl His serene highness the prioce a:J:hch.ncelloru,0" an S-wartzf vjerg A' taoushmenta upon-the iivre reuge. the pcopl,- must pay, and poisibly their loyalty the reigning housejwiti admit of their doing it with as good a grace as that with hich John Ball is compelled to nourish the scetpings of .Ids royal masters it is true Johnny pays it down upon a specific grant expressing the tutfitre and rjeceiity of his munificience, ifhich serves forever as a oalm tobispridit, and a title to gratitude, but when any or our royal brothers or cousins requ e rt fief Of penstons,,iF a suitable oftv.e is.not oj-a far their icception, U s prepared by law, totfft them out for ihefiubik goodv and no sooner is it ready than pop. they jumpvin?o it as snugly a if itljad in fact been made for them and not for any thing else. SPAIN. We have received Cadiz papers to the I ithri March. They are filled principally with seme verr interesting nroretdines of ;be eortes,unotn difficulties which have arisen In several affairs of ! subject of the Grst Importance, and' which produc But yet we say lne cnurcn 1Te rt'l to the following articles, ; edimportantxhanges in tha government. their loyalty to''' ,er!e as lne basi (f ' definite arrangement j On the ith of March, the Regency laid btfrw Article i his iioiiujcss shall exercise the Pon the Lortea a remonstrance .from the clew' oiw tificate ia France and inthe kingdom of Italy, in-'-diz, in which they alleged, that from moUves ok : . " . ' 1 . . . S . . . - I I the same manner and in the same forms as his pre ceeeBsors. . . - - 2 The ambassadors, ministers, or, charge d' affaires of power, nar the Holy Father, and the ambassadors, ministers or charge d' alTtires of the fope wun toreignpr) vers, slia'i enjoy the imrhu- . " ""From be Sattmtamt. . . THE :DEMtVjRA IS M ATE A NAVY; T - Every citTzcn wlro recoil t s the hist't ry of our nation tince the establishment of a Navy, knows that the Democratic Dartv unde Matin irlv onnosed The cortes tonsidered this act of theclergy nines, and privileges wiich an, enioyvd by other an open resistance of the law of the land, and i members of the Cotps Diplomatique. which they. had been countenanced by the rcRn: conscience they desired to bejrusedJimi)cn plyihgvvith that part of the law, which required them to read in their respective churches, to rheif congregations, thtfUw for abolishing the inquisi Uon. 3. The dominions wnich were unssessed bv the Holy Father, and which have not been Ttetitetf, shslt be exempt from every species of impost ; and shall be administered by his agent Or charge d affaires. Thosfe, which have btsn alienated sliall be restored, .paying a compensation of two millions of fi inks revenue. . 4. Within s'ik months folbwinsr the usual noli- fication of the nomination by the Erhperoof the in iioisnops ana. uisnops ot-tne Empire and of uid t,e' i ectM;(ll kS''uifal p. .'-it hav;.len initied as a tx-p to driw out the pr.vucy ( ,t l.ukin. ss. of f : mily concerns, and the wnfTve .-rAPi'e.- t otn.-iox -9TKl"''afer.uiatiQr w.ice bttu iriv:i!. ti is nsuBf 'andiLnvner. Hat! n.oaeruWbjn Iccets xvould be admiut-d those who had sptit j.i.-itlc! ones' would aCe been in fjtul r Eot 4iV?n thMHhminionsf Alrr Madison h.trJ Wright 10 viofaie them, any mnrt thari h-y Ci-n the dead letters of the post-office till advettis- j m.. scvvrai monins.-;. immense suni-i "la; bills' of exchange contained in these 1 itttv vt. hi throwing them into tW hatuls wfthe x. -c siore.s en f.loyed i nj.he ; sca-idafounb, sub j .',. . be precarious fa'te attehdirig their passagt ,.Urovgh such hands. ' -.- - :'. r: ; 'i'i-i w; y'y ..tvittctr cases of innlt atid mju. ty a'teniag this ptoceedibg, We shall select. '.clue; i . is Uic cty u: a nailrc of t.'.s'''(giecion and eve n ridiculed it. All our frieates wrte built itbe Kingdom of Italv.the Pone VlVsll r?y the Feudalists, and are now commanded by lagreabjy to'" the- CV.Mr and in' virtue of the officers appointed by thcFe'deralists. Ae any so I present ir.duit previous information of which iduulmsS-lO-belieye fTte'r'4wg party are iicerehallbe--gH'en by reHVietropolitan Archbislion. ul tht ir pretended pat Kw age cf tin establish nrnt i If, at yie expiraUpn of & months, thJBaSali weaa .me xwins rxiracw written ana ararea oy ,noi nave '.granted the ortiinstion of eisisbop Mr. Madisotv - " i named, the senior ftishon of the ' nmvW hoii VuoiNiA1 In theHouse ! oTDtlegites, Fri, proceed to the ttrdinatir n, in the usual manner, m . w ----- . j. , .Jit - -WI - -a, --STtf - - i : . " """ X 1 " niy, janoiy ni, ibuu. extract irom vinstruc-jm order .that a vacancy shall never exceed one ,iuu nuui w urni -vaBrnicny ui . v. irginm, vu Stephen Thomso'i Ma, on and Wilfjori Cavy Micho- ns,xersiors frm the- .vaevt-Virginia, in tnc 0ngrc-h ef the; United Stales. ;l , ' 44 'Viih rc.p -ct to the Navy, it may be pre per to rirnin object cy, in the acceptance of their remonstrance, anom permiitiri them to officiate in . their chnrthee without reading the. Jaw. An animated discussion took pi acei which terminated in a decree remo ing the regency, and theygereaccortI'ngly yesv 5 The Pope shaft -nominate, infrancc or in Itxiy, tq ten bishoprics, as shall ultimately be agreed uporv.th coNcert. " - 6 The six tuburbicairet bhhikrict are re Mfnh. in'.r you that whatever may be the proposed i l'ts;red ': ' IVeylU''rto nomin'attd by the Pone. f tcs .ssiajTisn-neni, or wnatever n? ne ; i neir remaining xnJC.s shau.be rest6red - .arid uuiporsry d vantages resulting thee'fiom, it is j!iey shall take rrtensurea rtspeeting those xvhich d'mv titrated by the-xperienee of -nations who fhive been nild. On the dea'h cf the hishopslcf i,rtvr Jv"an far into naval policy, that such d'Ariagne and Rieti, their drocessts ahail be units moed, a new regency created, and the law i the next day read in all the churches by their re spective pastori The Cardinal of Bourbon is a the head of the present regency. Of, military operations, or ctber articles of ne5 the papers are uncommonly barren ; it appe1"1 fromseverkl articles that extraordinary prcpari' tiona were makioer for a vierorous roxf.vP9e;en! of the camnaicrn : the Tan:&"iianf'6fLord 7'4 "',-".".: ....... h.s'le rwa wiiv 1 aj 111 iiiuii w ' was Tnnkif.tr i 'Kiik'Ariii. Kl' orf.W it' anoeare'd tb retreating iowrds TIelo, to. foil theVrmV. co- mnntuA I... On.1 . .h.l .Mr. t.wt.jL.'t'l'f ' depart. for France7ieaviiig the command to eraT,Gzan.: ' " ' -:Ab-fnk Ltdicrt it ; TICKETS, ; - .In the. Baltimore Hospital" Lottery, now dTS ig, mav he had at the Minerva Uttice. iieocu price, SH. i ' . ' Hihesf niize R3Q.000. 'Z Lexers, "no&t. Dajd, and rasldaituT l8 cash, wii be majL Iji. ' ' - fid. M.