?-'r. 7-'.-': i" jrt- - M - tinned (;thV&enim& oflfttf th tKt ItU ifie 1 v- - ' .. i i:i :...l:y.,Js;il IIS iVi ihft returns jiavc uo itntu, . i '' ig fclciif gaui yinea ChcV flection of Isat'jeafi in fnr of pMWi roominerCo o4 neutralUir, l fhVa'attttinn.r.kifMntr tki crew with lHutmv. tcA it Vahstatdiiiir JCtte never fire if tb Wiimy, m flemandiogtheir arrest fbrJtiiat'rTtiere wa apn. 1t 'e'rArtt on. our ''f ,.nor wna ninjjl pw; F.xulEMr blunder: themaelvesi Artuust wa jrnade ta'thc Cipunaa f wBicn! oftac Voluinccr companka ta xali out thi-tr mctw - ,X iweTintdofHhefficlrl whirhaatont ll &xmCt40f a 'letter from a .jriwjrr,r,i . " v fCr arrival tai oi :,air wwrr3iju ifwiic";.. arid tfho&ad een confined 'd thcaJ tor', 2' jda"yartTnc . .'cre'r,'t wa; hDr)iud', tie 'liiJ ht ii .l...id aJT.it IWJ. UHW1.V" rV i.i-.rt ..i. rin.r, i friitn Dttr r. 'ana . oil I - -" r- - ' - - . - . ....; tLSun-offsrehc-L g in r .v- The? soo t ten d from ult CJ iMv .-; ' - irv'il. that their course i,u;i. ' . .! .iiiisih oi niistiu' tintr tinir hcrivei, w " " r - -i . "J n-,e lef tank- About fi, mile He ,hi olace, they Hi-covered two unya.i ,lfi, i.,rhrirt. ten ianuna imiucu .... Wart'i cam out to mcci. ...v7 . . t i canoes Oil snore, wunc wvv m placed themselvis behind .ihe treM iVaii U.ese our tnert recover i, .rl uvenVvrtiandcil : two i I mtiii i ftUiu av. an.i wrre- blirttu iR - iiw""-"' . ... .i ,.. .1 . ,, .v, ii tW two of them have severa wjiiu h abhf .alara. was xdted, bat. fortuuatdy, t wrr Tiot "necestarr to boaid 9 hip " to compel , crevr ti submit ttte autuotuy WtPP taw j tntv; t at last yielded and ari oo hV pbuiwieuiea. o ;i board the gon-boat awaiting' the court,. Jay Jw - ' fto their arrest of the wnyoTprie wefa a-' t I Ken, wmcn may jwwiuij . ju--- 'jc-r- , vin'i ptricy --Xh-aDov i but; a brief i(.naty, . ;' -.V. if our briU M be 5U life "S"' h-... . . r -Y.,K;. .t ckiwiv tk Esaex Junta chua toUlUVblnem. iviiUer vvr !iik i.tmc icr, anu . ." r i ,-- . ., yqTc'ate'-y wasJaanWefil-H boat built !h'r, v the iudy of the take. "! Ou-- fleet i com nnne't siitd'iioiiaiiis of.the ful APPOINTMENT. 1 " : ' Tlic I Governor and Council have appointed m-j.v-.x",--- ---'..-. o.i..-- i fill the vacancy on Iwink vlsruplwon, .33 guns r K ;. j. ,knn . Th vine in the council wj unaoifnoua- eonqguns , acnjer ''; "By th lateat date frou Baltimore it. appears iK-r . Scourge, 8 una sciiuoner Ladv of the Lata father u 3!uns ; scho jner Mj y tomb reMcl. This J . day lp keel Mris iaid Tor aiuthrr ship that is to . In b.1 ".J.:., .nt W i.l enaratel. The .teuitinili Lai We're too fet down ;he r!er,ovk' ;11V ;n'a Keel ma or aiu'viirr snn " .v. i ,.r ' A ct J. . .... . . . .'. i m i-ii Utniiij were mad, of -.arry 32 cum. i he, ice wmpieun pn icm.. , - -T . and we, ! our amis iicm-, w. - . - ... n4 the -- . v.n..M..TX.- r iiiii nMcaiiuwi.i w - - - - write axl.a 'vt -my expeei a oauie " . ,7 ' , " 4 l ,rt 3o4Vto hi" p.4e, and the Jloyal P-e ' ?ru.ce Regent rconiort. wa, to r . . .. .. ,ai fcr Atari neniani'I. CarV'Mretuerna , . n, ,,e forcil? the in before they fof m uotbft ith 4 hs ,ves?U ;...'rwi'v;k: i-i 1'iir 'AmRricn is com- CorsideVcftlc aitatioo his oert' tupenrKced Clurlesto5, 9, 4i.",ii cnstqiienccMof tne wppoa-- ? ' eel cTrciiflAfttance. that !ie intmoers of C gr' ' ' iftfand. as appear by receut intelligence, fro that state had vacated theirs - -1 : ; . . .u'.F' .n.f.l nnr .llpr.t tn sl(lllvm? Ldir.t iwvcruur 111 uuv him. - , . . . i r r . .. - , . . . Lh vjv scene t.t action unui .a iw w wh r is,. Bv letters received Tiomon board lthe ..fngat. ...:...iu,: offrfolk; dated nbeHsthf ir: e hve ihe disagreeable' infyrtnation, tha- Hi Hii'i first cutter, Pc?inf; vvic-e on fiat 'tntndeil by L eut. t.'hriifncey, brother to the e'em Tu.rfore. lVercare fivt rthvusaivl 'roops -ber? rea dy to march th moment ve rail for Kingston. a general rr-ileci in signifying to tbe Ooyerfibr jndus tune the W & tcptano'o,f;ioWce K.f hcr. t hejM ' vj toUi-iw. f -.i,-' ler.ted. .The difflcultv isr now over. TSis (ovcr be entered intonor haslirert directioni tlmt -the .o .4 . ' v, i should ;be d'eUyered , to 'he - c; (-(-d- 1 : 11; t' f UuU-.' ,;il Mnllrill Ii : i.-.ll hi Sr-ai. Ifl le There Hi however, nd late toreijtn loieinjjence, w. - - which can particularly interest uhe Amcucan hancejit aiio unjust cuwuw rr,,..c -w-wrtica. cwi ,PU,CUI M. , : c-mw he dared to act an i&depenei part in r . '.' ' dimninsr tht su.idkV reatrictive .-n'uuof Ui 4 mt' f . - .-- . :lmni!ir tht su.itlki reatnctiVe .ti"wuu of Ui v.v" . . :- n ---- - ... . v.... The upoks were ore.ii- - a? wis vvmaj uu y . . au,.crip.ion fcr share in eaof. Slrallaan the prnperty of hoaes the Koanok Navigation Compaiv, when- in afew.chants . , twen'tv eificht thousand !llrs-werej up-r " '' t . .. .... JXtf '- - Halifax Courier. - fdPofa'Utterm-iicrecewe tBr Gallatik. T. q .Secretary cftW A rnue.man on.y inree ! - -J" lav wiiii n.vi.,. t La m.,t La Roche, ano winv.up;! i. I..'.t not far Ff6mth..np.' U'tit. ,Bikg ;at kr.,i PKilKna were untortun tely vowntd fit ... .V.-ded in .mine the. ts ' hebtKS L' sufferers haTnot Seen-found "eir ttki letter a,c U-ivwi spn WHm tiemen are spoRf n oi a iiuk,miu imu 't lionor to their couo'ry . 't; "Ss; THE ENEMV aQJAO OT. ""fes'idciy a spyentv SnfTi fnat?s and some he '., -., .'iTisa-oto. April 18." The Express Pst, wtvi a n v d here on Weil ,.div 'ist, frpm the Haptdsofthe Miami, in- .rtvs n -. in.enince ma o-e i rev.ieu ii i ii. MtitjJ. torn a .learner, tyt the ln-U.ins im'.eti intetceni the mail tVoin tht place i jua rhi-rpfrire thoiKilit ixneiVieiit to send an ea- c ot ,vih the nst mai. "Between tort Mtig? ;nd a?..!n-ky. prtv ol Ind-.a'ii ere' uisooverea Sov wrre ""imni-'dijtclv fire 1 on. a t i 6 .killed. Jurlois was nvi .i'i.HUin r.rencnmen. uescr trsv the Brit have offered fie Indiana 500 n r " "oh". or British shins, of C V fOS .he proc ,fth aviurf- f i- the -mail. . '7 . 7 . ; u: Aiw.;B tT. Sfa. The larire xjuantities-arriu'. trn - ...r.Mi ..it-iitti grriiam inns nv.u sl iimia wv uvow w w u - . i." V,- a.-. ni ice vi h f) esu e, that 280 men Ot v, 1 -w -T - TD - u. mnA .K- K1mIi cJonie OTk ns. . n n !..,.. vi n;; cnci onence was ucru-ius mai, k" : . . ... .. r-t i ",' ' " . . ; if r .k- j.ini!;ri (heii footl wi I led to We opinion inirnijwuuw w. ne wi nr which m- v wert ca. :n service ' . fmm m-' -w ' .' ' tedry"viih his family for PhilaJelpliia. It is un. friges, nd.; three P-J;: ' derstood that he nill not revisit this citf prefioua, from that "placebo crutn, H&ston Bay;,.,,.;v, . to his departure-. for Russia, in "quality of axConi- . . H1- . - .. u missioneron'ihepartofthc U. States, under the E,ract of a letter. .cc.pt,d ' tnediatKnofRusaia.-. W ahoulddo in.' VVe have;a packet torn -jj J, iiHtice tr oiir feel ings, wore we on i this -occasion to, letters and : papersv o t he 38 Ji Jlt - justice, w oiir ice m,s , , fekredihe Chyerhinetit would proniSa uhana 500 oteSritv and ftrm republicanism of thieteran ptv theT4udi? .and Wt!" MU I,K"ar-3 500 'Wc&h. wtse Greatest enemies have only dealt in or British ships, o C r t OS the prr,.c, .t .h !. Lfi.,;.- tion. -linsthim.-Whoae IT. States. The large quantities- arriun fron iat 8y men ot ..v. Tk"-., i him ,hW.iIsand the Enelish culonieot- V ns-. 1 land anc!inre4 in view of our city1. Notice, of Hum force.nents would - ainye front K.-muxky and " - j nnrrar.h was e-iven aoouf three O'clotK nv nriKlOhirt.. -.With all tne tviasTCI pa:na'noi ivcn- o o -r-- " .. ' -. . . - l . i -. . .. - - . . v. i alarm tfiirw 4 a tm& far thev-miutanr'.t rce ol I ...Vlrww have heardnothi.it? like this. teo vii"..' .,..-. - O - C - J' . I 'T " ' V". - ' . I the citv ro assemMe. In a rverv 6hoft lime, tne . ' I ... 1, ieveril ity(nens paradtd.eopie;.ely ecjuipim lor service . Jt ws iiighly. gratifying to e.''i'i what nnr.iL ness an' i alacf it v t he citizen soldiers inf4&!QijtA. -arms. C cviini ctieei ........ J - - - y , j ... . ing proof, of r thej, unanimity,,, and. decision aWit ' wn cn our wiikus wm, uitn ure wuwn; MlAont jiusk. some of the enemv's baree c?uf b;iih?''Qecs Torn', racket, oearjhe, mwK' the i i -i 5 one of our jun bnais was in siht anc fired several shot at the barest, but wis i.pt uea enough to prevent, -tli'i capture, . ,omc joi - tn nasi, ncera in the oacket ; eacaned in her ru; while ihe atieniion of the bargp.s wis drawjn ioff hy th; fiK-ot the ptuUioat : ;he: remainina . dci - ' - - - o ' i - . geri. chiefly ladiea, were left in great distress and d.tirrct, ii niiinhpr uf shots having been firrd it --)-- , tbe pjeket if is not yet known wnether any ol Uieni were mjureut N w Yon.it. ADril 17 T'i3 British ship Valiant, of 7 guns, anchored elf aiv.v hook' itst evenhig This rooming 'he ii ,'tiraof Gutvoals, a'ationedat the liooki ur tl: r . ti- command or Commodore L.ewia. crot un det ; v y and made towards her, when a6e . set ? saiUtu! siood o the eastward before the wind. y f ht fiioti- Macedonian, Oaptair Jo'its, 1 Gomole.clv i-pfitted -and: has drooned into the - - . . .- - - XOads, pt-e-paratorj to a cruise " ' ' PMit.knri.vNi a." Anrll IS. The Srtnament that late'y carried on the at uek agams luevvistown, . consisted t 4 UWicneh or and IS pounders jK two sloops of 32 pounders :iid - . L ' I . T . ' '. . t. i - 1 - ... 1 t U uioriai , jiiioi-noai wun o (Kiunucn schooner P42, of 12 twelve poumters.' dove ed rthc IrigateBtlvidera ; onlh6ihnuth:insr ' fire above 6(')' shor at that place, and hav-r wmnded two or i hree- houses, killed a'fcfi'fcken aiii ha vt -: inadK h c sport for the boys-nn diggintj the, shot rut'nf th aanrl: of wliirh tK u lu iuo found 'and aaftlv lidged ?n oor'battery ,-readv to be retirivedv ahouid'jccasion offer, 40 thirty -'two poim i rs, 96 j 1 aWPratoBSW' and -grae, with several shells aud remains of " tockets . ITi r m'htia tired but few snot, as hy ' had finlirnn. 1R sml ,in OIli nnd hill (t vt tihoi for them, of"Hvhictr OJokacomm jn(1 .Frt lei3r.n ;iho absence of k ien. Harrison. t Ft ma Balritn'frt fiajbcr. . ' CJR' J iNS. 7o wh-,firl mill flunk All commonicstion with this city by water, is entirely cut off by the married t ' " ' llatelyhear Nash vdh. releasee Mr. C7ek Trd-Jit, of Korth Carolina, to Miss Matilda Di on, daughter of T. Dobson, ". "Esti. i Uis cwt place 1 ! " thrown out of the cten, of Philadelphia, and to the o4 ' T'f 11? r"ur c,tins' nd Pt.oli.ofOr. BENJAMIN RUSH, who i.e4 , of whom have lately been seen .sku kin 'iV J olhers are with-LMttrdw afternoon, .t 20 minute uast 5 o'clock V-T-L.7X-n tuit InhImm ..M.RMftrai miliurl of . wllmr irohu. fr. . - ' ... " t. .... :.:V.u. Trom a sense of duty and attachment to tneir coun-.. in b n r i vr r rnin ,,-v7 - .t . s ii'iiiiammt-ii an i & i w niaia u v l . - - - a a wi p.b aawa - - - - bib iiiiii ai..aar in a n na a a, l . a. aawa v ve-nent it is oui'x. -jscd tnat an a'.tacK : . r. : .. . : " . . 7 w . ... .W th. ..nemv i.hn-iid a -favorable on ' b!" P""atiyns anTT daily increasing on- gu,ahed sons j Philanthropy Brother ; tne unina e?ii)y the enemr bhoaW a tavorawe op. ... ? r-tnrW lielo aakincf . r ,h.' !..!,iftn.r h Mrk.'th ! ftrnlt e w th rrttude thev cannot help asKine Sratea a natnot of the devolution r the siclt, irro . c .... . . ... ..... this f wny must we uo aiH,cted. and tbe ooor, ah : how mrnii.iiy greac I lX A . a ! A - -a" . i t I ! 1 I- ''. he, ma 'i-avdi'a o.mnuy occur. ,.;1V . , , . uv U i We unJe.mand that Major Hairs aquaaron isi- - . ' rrr T t,u.:.;. , j a. r . n, i an .riuner an, ami mc ecncriti Kwitruiuvmi is meir ipso ui im inuu uciwtci rnyn.i", o-dered on immediati-iy.. o , .. . '... d nn . bl. .u-. j c k,.. h i,. 1 'liiiic-roliAorii ft ' sisted ? jdoing good, and ad ministering relitflto the bod w.j...4.. i..t irr n..vii,'. n.,rimnt .if! I as well as comiort to the soui VH vi gutiauAT lat wi t v v- Kentucky. Volunti-er tailitia" marched from "this place tor jheM. W. Array; , 0i tlie same day .Col. Bosw.ir. Hti;uneot narclied from. Oythiana ; and on Mond ay hs; .'apt ' 'reter LliMl';v -t company m voiu-Teeis, 120 men, marched from raiikiort for the N W. Vrm Thr Sixteen Millions Loan . ' It ha nlnited the Almihtv to take him from Th fnltnwinfT is sid in he a r.oirect statement ' While mm how'with submission to the hea of the manner, in which the New Loan was fill venly mandate, we must long, very long, deeply deblore so aflitctine a dispensation 4,600,000 ' t.v. ; s.juA v .r' ii'X 'wSi TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. 8,000.000' At a meeting of the Physicians) of this -city. 7 000 000 heJd, on thtr 23th instant, in confequence of tha rleatn Ol iw;io: usnjnin ivusm, inc ion iwmg; c.d 1 First and second subscriptions A)fl'"rs in 'rifferent places Philadelphia - J. J Asioi and others in X. York Parish aod Girard, in Philadelphia i.oon ooo resolu'ions were unanimously adopted : Tlfe terms of the loan are as follows 88 per j ftuotved, That j)w reeent death of iha jtvat Med ct iumws NoRTHUMBiHLAND (".'PSK.) April f. On rh'-iiiday'. ii .nere mi-. '. .t this place a shp from Wdk?sorre called ;he "l.uzerne. , , u- r itw of I 2 ter cent per annum u an event wbicb we aeepiy-reptKi r castor helm, by . h ass stance of platforms ar "y ot i t bV parish ered. The Sl'iop measure, 6 to.,sV and in the 2,600,000 are forthemselves, ..dimpeci fbr the me.ry of k.. wh,hwe now nm in which sne now is. draws only four feet of, dry pe'ons in Philadelphuj, and 1,700,000 tor.tie meinbef,0f thU rueeting w.Q w.ar crape on tbe 1-ft arfa water. In he .year. 1792. the first ship descended; sundry persons elsewhere .v ' ;-.--.'-ct month. , the Mississippi s -vtri! descend it now annually.. . ' - Kmf. .T....!? plHemloedJiirther Thu the .foregoiog raeblution be pubil.hUyE' S i-Mild the L.nZernV s V Balamoras w. ; . A . . . n.i.lir.ii iks Br.pB nrmimiinn ot the LiOvern- . . - - r. noo, she m.v. it mirht shertly become no umml without the ex-ress perm.ss,on o. nc .e. . thintf to see veasels of lOa tons or awards, de- ment, it appears oy tne , notices m scending our river. FRIDAY".. APRIL i0, t81S. I he NaicMfl vili eucer invariably speaks of te-reaiainu.g differences with trreat Britain, himself is not quite so squeamish on the subject df Licences as aome -otnts numoie aomircra i America. - ' ; ., From the Journal .da Aria, iPw Freight at Caentt ' A-fine brig of 150 tons?-provided with a BRITISH LICENSE. For conditions, apply at Parta, n Messrs. Chimbert, & Co. Thevenot- street, No. 21. 1 At' Caen, to. Mr.'Lbnn Deiyc, . i . ... ... . . rt ... . r.- . A. S. H. BOLOM, Secfy. S. WHEATON, Cbaunun. Ihem, othttcy-endrtvc with trreat Untain, ."w , . ... ... D'f.A rjren they -gave; one- of the sloops th contf nts of the 18 adUice anv..xanse of jtar, now, 'except the ingleic ' ' masa . ' - poAinder, as sKe was obliged to haul outof the jabject of impreasmehu j ,11 . . . "' m.. tttv M-C ADril 24 line . soon tfter the shot was seen to strike her. We are . assured the inhabitants of Ltwia and Pilot towns, "tne Volunteers and militia under the , oommjind. of Col Sam. Davis, bnhaved in a co-l and determihgd mariner Phe -Pilots- wha were atMlonedt'; thef Fort, - deserve the highest praise ; nd the whole was. o judiciously siationed by the pooa'msnding ofrVcer,- tliat had't .he. British landed bey -oud tavs been ?ible Jiogie a good account tytn, - ' V- . - ... ;:' ; . jabject of impressment. , - r.-:-.l.r ri -21ea - . r .- ' -, . -' ...... - . : preparing jo numttianon : A manifest Change ol tqne is observable in the war prints... Instead ot talking. . about England relinquishing the finncififc ni .impressments, they now cautiously use th- term firacfic.'' This ' '-' IVilahhotov, (Del.) April 6. . Lewiitom. We nave mentioned that the r? Icts aud boniba, at the late bombardment of Le; fstown, did not reach the place this, it now ap peals, was a mistake. The rockets wetit over the town, but did no injury, and one of the bombs fell Cn tnmtim iti.lv Kriv..'rii' "did . .nt "ranlod The damage 4dooe is estimated itOOO dclU's nanir nf th hnua't lif-illrr nrf(ir;itfd hvlllt ballt. he', shot from the BeUidere wcni aonie dis'aiiccU is preparatory to ioniTTaraeattemprto back out, .f occasiop aboulq. require iv . .- bbbwSbBBb3 . : NORTH C vH )LINA. : ' Our elections for members of .congress take Dlace this -div : 'aifdr' ve hve much confidence that the result will be gratifying to the friends of peace WttMioToK, N;'C. April 24. - FROM FRANCE. rSn Thnradav the schnr.ner Phaeton, Cap tain Webb, from Rochelle in 35 days, arrived at this port with a very valuable cargo. Captain W. brought no papers, but reports mat tne yrcncn Emperor-was bending Jll.his efforts tor arte an CONNrX TlCtTT. The state elections ware held on the 12th instant, and the-result-was kuch as mitrht have beep expt cted -In cvery"da'.artment, the triumph. ot m dera.ion and ; soma owttrine was compr":i.e ohn C. Smith, la again-gavgaf j to? army of '350,000 man, in doing which he met with considerable ,dilhculty, that nis odjcci was supposed to be, fo stand altogether on thv defep mve ; that it was oelieved tnai ne naa aoanuoncu his Continental System ; that licenses to any number could nqw be obtained, and that lie was fd itf resort to anr means to recruit his exhaus ted treasury-. Indeed we have no ooubt that it will take years, should he live so long, to recover . . (''aa' a i i . J himelf from the dreadtui- blow ne n.a receiveu in his Winter campaign in Russia. , . THE GKNERALARMSTRONCL lii our lat we inentiantd ihe. arnval of thr ' Ttfe day after TO BUILDERS. ' i . .... PROPOSALS for erecting a building, designed for a MASONlC HALL, within this city, will bi received at th Minerva Office, until Saturday th. 3th of May next. The house will be 54 by 3es, two stories high, and the contract for its erection must be completed by the middle of Noveoiby4 the penartiempjpyeil Tairni'Ainig'all 'm-nrrtls. - . For further particulars application Inuy be niaJa. at the omce aforesaid. , ' 4 ? , . -.:'--.,.Ay: CALVIN JoneV THEO HUNTER, Ap. 29, A LUCAS. " IN BOARD OK TRUSTEES OF THE UNrVRSI,TT. " DECEMBER ldth, A. O. 1819. , ' this Board be had at Chaiiel Hill at the oatmU . examination of the 'Students of. this Univrrsity, commencing on the 26;,h of May and ending ouv" die 3d day ol Jan,en-Kf- Test, ROH' f.WlLLUMS, Seci ; iiaieign, npni 21 icii. ,.'i,ji. 7 - Sports of the Pit - OnlThursday. the l'&th.next month a C')CKi M Afjpr a considerable sum, wi.f commefe n -the town of Louisfmrj; Franklin Count v, a ffe housr-of Johnson & Ho:tcr, wherein Qidvpn . sn and Tjjirleton wahjiiite c0ipecri: " - " .... " j. e ' f .r ,-

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