, . . I .....-'., w , A a V k' ; -,1 ' (v. . . .-.A A , rij" . M V ''.' ' . A p a " V . V L - w " w,'....,.- i- ' '-"' . ' '1'. V..CV . . a, v . - " ? ' J.J . ...... ,.. .. ' - .'V .', ':N--'V. -.-' V ',,.- -;'?.'.' ' V v 'ii.- A, '.'If J": V " " , 1 ' ' - ' ? - . ' - - - .' 1, . . '. ' 1' . - 4 . -i- i Foreign- ' 11 "PSjTmltShm '"i . "iii iVattillm ' Vrr-1 1 '-; ; ;''Xf,!' V l?" ;t ' 'A -'i -it,..vr)'i' . i -"' ; -"ifl ' . ; '-' r ' s ',''' '? ' A' Ar 'Ji' ' ii'- V, J 'ViViL'l'A:...-Lisiu,VJ-:' ,T''-iVf tna 'that in the rve4 - -. .r.-"J "e put us- id pistssion o Prince o Wales. -Yj stct dayva( one o'clock, o fn'! .ow iag of the Qshinet M-niMers toofcvphif i -."rss of. Wales' louer ; itj;suprw)?ieti..: M,)ch has.b -n H ad, ad nt-Sre-' wair.ut.u ,rcs- lie " have in a former ptjKi . infrnJ our rfiijis tht iti ' the c .! if of Th.'. ln.vti 4ti4i' - scrips he ? in iraingt-1 ranm Th'i dbctimeiis. with which ci The India (Vt. which was to Sail under con- ihX 'dav Drtwrii ewf rsacfert rlilr .to .the lUanmt rw of tb Steiicr'Caiilci. will we undcrsuud, be ( of ihife cpv;njh . Amssador ; irom !-Qhptm ; .oipatched al in Inia House j on tvjruay . tjexi i . - . ...... v -. j 1 . - - o irjtere3'ii documeDt coaefud. wnYdade,dtsstW from ny of the common ric?s or ofrt ober)og trwi j vona mis s r"un y btsas of i1e rtlauons between -. Swedeit-,' aodctUMps, i ttbiiit''wUl. th'' be', wanting fp 4eeure . of : duugh.teJ's from Jier oioinen wh , oniy r j de Nat doubt caii now,; remaiii; in tbcih( eOf ?tlW triumnt- o-opttratjonojf the.tnit of one ; titt ucuan consfrocuon ,wui W (- of any .rati- rul beine that wt-open, up- .rre$uHbi envies of a free and happr people' v) the mot tier s repuwuuu. ,. r sri wn ww i i uif ifr. w&iifuu w w jfrtubu lucuui tr uur immmt iiriwiicircBt -I j w - , ViV.'uf!t .vich was adeftded with., fuciioisticea. pAce'doB (.theirVoage uner the protection of a urjpfcct.d in fhc annals of dipiomacT.y This jhjof wW tpecltly ppointedl. -. ' imb" ;vj'?f, Monsieur de Cabrc, jefustd, to leave;". ", "v c V BEBaiNFel) 2- SiockhoJn until b.?, was Mgrdsrcdjby .bi7 august ! A the night IjeVeen the Ifth atwl l8tiiofvlast vJiii rAr.'' liis i tb first timt that 'the lithtimom. at one oVLli. : trooo of iTftnah cHt'd' of renrvin &n. ambaasaoc was attanpUd to be ai'ina(eie4 toyite the pc'-sono! : the kujj? coifirvlt to ,t:t!-rii lio aeut him.-A Swedish Ty pseswiifrBthr mtvesof tha PaUcp ol Char. Donr.ii. fTicer conducted M- de CabrevU)ut of .ifcft.-dctmir. whece liismalestV bad -been - 'on thax1 rwV I -1! " iTnc "Zr con ;rv. and herirsv-cllef, thereforehke a felon, day the aUemw RoVeer mtwarriedthe king - i r f . I - ' n.-i-.n MA - ... - M fur whom Ob- nas8pora were necessary ' - '-:? . tavinActn ihformcdtof the 61ot ibro' prince r er- A utivate vcsaJ-l has arrived from the-Balticwth. dinandWly ' Vnoueh & save -Kimselfl'-by. flight. H the with trtof his adjuianCi. arid lo i bis ow gen riXBed d'arms pot9dam. 'IVre, wbirrt he nrrircd. he ' - . L Alntf V . . mw it. i " r ryiu-.wcs vawa iawwrrcjHiiv-. 'iceo oayr .kterthan those received b "5 c',i; ViiRy 1 ?.uc??' w?beyond all doubv Gottctlhur manl W "are agai.. infc bor;- tito .niojv sircti; nopii, . ou i c by this. oppf.Tiu'rMt -hij DvmftrK- was r arnut Jv; W03.onhe-iiody.-or ;.pm .Ausun-. - .iiairt with Sweden and U.issi.Mnsr France Tfie -ici '.m . oonKrnvj-rr fc reumsri.ee. is highly probabhwtbe followg viftmr,o ioyal ll-;'' .t 1 n bheiof the letter .allude y ' ...... ' aaui;?jinai mere i icss j uinciM,r iii';i -, t Jucii in this UcRtmeit. , lit: whodiCs advij ;: rtyinnifWence od.d,sregard. the jptence of com ule'c acnuittal which .it prHwccd oris wiikcii' " r- j ... ' ' . . . . . , and false enou&b fetiil to uiper,suspiCiori8ifi.,nur?. -4 tarbetrays hU'dul v t youV sir, to r i? daugUV- . iter and to" r.ir people, if tie .cmniel you, to 4tf.v mita day ta-fa3s wi.fut a hirtrier mvcsutfJ xjf rrfy cuduc5 t ki-ow hni-'noj'tiih em?v ' tor will venture to.ec)mniei.d,"'.a" moirV' .vhitti ;!.' ' . ttuist speedily end nljU 4er f onfvJvion.- Xhe'n : let nie'implofh fou t -reflect ,on'. tife sito?.iion itt"" which ! am olaced i rttnout the. shade w . of a.i Vf charge agalhit ,me v noui een an, nun. -afrer an inotiirv that led to my amplttTdicatiohJ. .. to ordereilVt. drum a to bt"a a pursuit was ap ytreated asif I were, stm more . ofpyie inn , , The prehchdl . Hi tnaieakV in conequoncC-'fcl this jtV-Pf v-.81101,1 "''V'f- 'WF' -: 1 qts v,t .viLllBLSIXGBlTRGH, Feb. 5 u. four C'mmisiotfrVs af e tnitioyed busi Und..'nC -pnKSCiiynt i ruin )wn (rffnofTw uiiti i . . " . v : . . . i - r . i. . to -jhiclHsne aatrain .JaS- 1 15 . ' . Cinn ha ie in. cbncludlnV'friendlV! treaty the highest p4 the .vnik oTUIackheathnd itH jicivf saidtj-. Swedish, another Danialt, a biid ' IV itlah, pectdi ,l I in: uni. 3 aumsiufii t j tb clirlH Ons,,!,,,. ; . , - are d sTant: U ..rfw'kcA-uito te houselww ot her KoyaH ,uil hJ3 declared her purpose wfiich is to league: tnaintain her neutrality pfjrecting her eriito jajfefthe same time by an army ol 300,O0! men." am Hmh', iri i rinde her on eye ; wast eqyently ifi !; rj ;-.-.cJf andlakm? out loivatfin inner O'Vf in vh-i t:hafes which led to the . nvtitjopy tb4 bt a tiiu ot .l . . .... ..- .. .. . . . . . . . . . .1 H I" - J .. . - -- ... - - winch ere luily dwnovea ,3 uie inqnifv m m? r -slv !inci driven intoths fortress the shat and 'some bloody scenes 'Srenc , nntxampledrhuation, raig justify; me -r 'UtisVjns adwin vtf torr theS ; pfrsciout Judgment of your Rot amjighn bd' . m thiaiac? from 25 to; I n o;her motives for addrtss.n you but such . j .j.I-j...,. v. l.- j erlate'tb"ih?$df but ; liil not'disi:lfsn';i y . i " ' -v--- ':... Vi - : yourRoyal HMrhness what I cannot for a rrjemcn .j. f . hm i t. ti it ain ; wai anevcu t. l . . . i . ... -f-- "T. -- . ,-- . : r : v iiv i lie same veaaei we- nave, -receiveu titwii't r utfr,,, ,.,i.iif.. . -, a 1 - l . . j - ' 1.1. . J'Uf'ft .KM!. III 1I1IA '. . - . ' ' ' 4 1 . 1 A - om Aitanaot tne liusstans navin compuicty ui. 3f Enella. i ha. Vin v ,r 1 ? 4 the Prnccs, and was thcibjecf ; d Da,.l2;c 'havitl! the Vistula and , iin charges ofprep;nancy and dehvery,L ; &c.aU poil,rs, lhe ice Tney h v! p-, vii-rtirsn instant "l ne -n nr impr.ia'ianj, wnicni j t .ul riii.-i r!.:u.A io?.' oi a iMtcn r j.n ir- ltoY3 menness inei.;c rr hr ake. -I nrcsnme.ior cau ; . , -, , . . . ; f ! IC1 CK rCIH41!IS Ul, MIC lITlim lui,iin..i...H-.i.vi.7j; . i ' . "'---,-.--.--; , w . tnX-tyt'ikeuwit ins'oiliy t have neeu ubnrtao; , . . . ..;v;n- mmnnx r.fth : PiicH of VWci to his Royal .Highness he tj01 Hiffhtiesa's attention from th.o'.h wV-iuiiedonrccir l til! rtmovedby the Cbineil . .;Lh. t. ...i.:;."ti.Vj:;.i5..'r !.. 1 Pr'iice Recent : - 'nf won f-Ylted stat'ton. I feel confident . i . ' I HlJC.l uaonn cvi in uw. Mii.wuii vi ...v.... i , 1 v y . ynauics ai nv:t wm . 4 . . - . ... Martti . r ,"it ills wi In the house of C m -fous, March 2,th-: Sprak ejr read tlit fillowirg !ertfr frmi the Pci;ir s. a-t. m Montagu H-tUtfi Bfackheifh Matck 1 . Th Prhei.s fW ileji info'rmv M. Sktr, tjt shw has receiyevjAlrono Laifj V.'toiu Sid. jnouihi a copy of,i,report, midein (Mu-suaocnf the orders of his jtoynf Higbness ilie Ptince "Re gent, by certain: rnemht ry of his '"Mttje'ityfi ma jjCunoral)le ,Hrivj CuMnctlito wlioifi -ff"'.-j-pi-.tlaf iiis R vul 'Htgiin's hf been advii- ' U. t-efe' ce: rnrrfiiT-trom mvsclt tnat jne SCnoUBi e" rSS'' tnav" behe irreparable l.jWhich jny' ris' o ch Sol Kbter sustains fmm the , plan at fnt pur , 9Ut Ui 1113 VJiw Uiwiw lie v ' m T, ' " IT f -'t'' tohrp in intrude liuon vonr Ubval Hishoesr., than 5. l'!lARt)YAL FAMILY. . t ,n. .nfferinp-s of mv own could accoior-liah; and cares I am not The pubUcWofjhit fV.lowing letter has ea ci. 3f t 1 T .lia ant) INIV - ... Jri' tK nrit.., . f .-.'idfi-o ao'l rtinnif I. in I'l -.It .r:L..'.L. . . Una n ' t '. it I'll. i ! avv1 5irAnaQ. nnrt rWUat lr wrmrflf CP Villl TIODIc . .. .. . -i . . . t i . ' " t. ktk tfaA nrvaiitti' inn nt r-i mfii ir:' initi"ar.jn rv . . r . wnir n m :i v . f 1 n v-nxu m w t 1 w iiil.ii t ci v.- .v ' urst, aptap rathe rf a ticer anay 4ie aecn in our parlUnir.;iUry rsport, that he would, ot Vethesdar reK-, raovtr thai, the lioase- do f-esolve liairinio a com mi t.e; to vcon Mder the' Qcnefalitaee of -finane. ; THii, ue prc uma, r prtparat'orf jo' bi 'givjtog nwite of Vha m "int: of exchequer i!!s he' mtan to lind, ind' i i hat slock. U has been expected fr-some !as, ia consequence bf which the funds general ly., "h ive .been upon , decline Consoh were, .his iTVirung, abiut JO. for Mvjnday tar crtcuaeiis ma otr sjmj vtdwe - r?Dt inir "''t'u I fw rn tnourg .- matt ure-Tiow ri;a;rr.iei' rftid condiiv. ''be Royal" Mui..ivSi . ffjugb consideranie anxiety prevai i" personal than a public' Abes r'-alms vests yjur Royal Higbntss ig W-;v .iauirti If I cuibi k them if they rt la. regulation of the Horal ,'a:i.uv, i now. Dopaujq . ted msrely to SnTsf should'-abstain from a I am so adv.sed, are pniple'nd. unqumioni.e: proceeding wticb.nUit give uneasiness, o'em-' My -pp;al. bir, is na.e v win e,l-v 1,1 v' tetrup' the more' wei&ty occupjuors of yvur-roy' nd liberality ; of-.riund jn taetxerciscoi. nose-.v flhigbr'e'V time." Ahouki continue, in silence powefisV and ' I willuitly bppe..that, your 0 and retirproe'nty -to leabhe life which hs been perentaTir feelings will iead you1 ,to excuse thevx .1. 1 . ...il :ir c .u i --r r. immninn- io ttii8ifcnt a3 prescribed to ms, and ol that Bocicty and nole myself for the loss 'anxiety of , mit, for impelling me to reAre8ptp se domes ic couUarts U Ahr ' nhary em!Eeqntnce wnicn me, prcacun. .te,wrt is of. such a nature tnu'.h'-; aV.H 'iires feels. perauadel that nA "person c'an read it wlurul e;n .e:i;shrc;..''of the' a-prsioni Hlflch it cast upon he! i an ll' hcrn b it is v. as'totender iumpusV'j!e ;JKtjv:' the ten 'of.Jie chngsy vti,..,iis h.r Woyal HibntHS is Oonsr.Hu' of nf ff.K1. 0 fcrls' tt'.d-i;' "k. tier. $', to-" h c ii 1 u i -1 , 1 u .ifi-'y m:i ;-'whicn -ihe i connected b'llT d' ".t'iiKrriat. vVd. to the p.e-i. plimongw7i.oii '.. I.r-ldssrt. is!inm h.-i 4 ra.k. -T8ue but al-jhkh1 Have been sbMg a .att-ang'sr by the re- sys'tm Imusttntail upon, our beloved child. Is, it isuomix 'fiecfion. that it hja beentteemed proper I should i Is' i; jiossiblc Sir, that vsnyV cne tarv ay ,p I V it v led with env apprehensions -as' o the continued' be afflicted without any fR of my own aucfthat 1 attempted 'to pr0ua Je ypur. Royal Jriighness, tat;- ur royal hiRimess Rno it. her cnaracter w noi oc ihjuicj v ,wv o ja : succ.-.'s of the Ri.sinis.-'--Th lastielters, receiv- rd ftoin Oi .'zic, are!atedob the 18th of Jan the viv 1'ier ttitt gates, were closed, and they certainly tfjrd B:r-Tig. gronnds'-b believe that Uie surren, dy-ict.i; lly 'tij.k place .on t.-' 27lh. of that raobtb. r. ported Vtf garrison w.a? described as coh, si-ting of' troops of all nations, 'who Jded with no to- bality. it. i on irjccasinri, where an officer was ordered 'iind.er arrestfor caluuxuia ing the trench not to- rest under -tny ' imputation ftiectir.g hei j'ne s-u-ilm-s postively rriusei to a-ize rim k6n.--ri"-'"'-" " i- i Privitr-'accounts linm iitrli'n, received by Ue Abe princess of 'Vahs has n t 'he'C-n'- permit Uam; opportunity", 'state 'the ' Rassi4.is. cor. tinned .-to' t.ed t k.io.v od . ha!.evkl"nce he M-mhtia of the r-nvy ...Council proceeded in .hir irfVes'J .ion ; nirh ?i 'ki Hi.l 'iighness been all-nvcii to le l-r 1 in -rr y.i defence. Sh'e knew gnly by advance without oppospion. tie Steinhiil wmj Jr.e corps-is a New -'te.t in ; VVittgctistcto i Ru g. nwulde, 10 Prussian Tomer, nia ; Mid Plstoff with his b-ave Coacks, has .entered the M-irch. ol c i ui'ois rtimur that such ' an ianuiry had-:been'.P..raud.;nburgh.' Ve tepice 10 .hear, that th fowt.'uVd, unfi th. tfaU was.- comniunicated to i Russian, troops observe the strictest . disciidipe 1 ... ' . 'Ai.'i. . . .. ''. I . 1 . . 1 : 1 -.i I . . . . t. r.tr )i vne turi ot the- luurt, .She knows not vhclutr sUt, i tot' co:si lev the members of the aird are every where received' with exultation ly the inhabitants No- preparati'Ors' wSiatevW' we're l Bat,"Sir,'thore arc EtVideratiois of a higher petual v'rolence offered to her ttngtsl affect ion j.. Qturf than anyregnrd my own happiness. 1 the, studied care taken to estrange ncr 11 om . which rende-lhts address Aluty botb.to myself my society and ev:n (o interrupt -an communica-.;. and'ni daughter. May 1 Vnture to say a du. tinn between us i .Tliai Ver lov for me, with. eople commit- whom, by his Majesty's wise iw3 gracious a?;,. rv KTii' Ir, mir linQhano. anrltliv trdio mscare f There is aWmt beyond which rangements, she.pastcl. tnevyei?r pi per lmancy, a guiltless woman cannot wi'I safety carry her and cnildhooB; never, can tie cxynguishedj, I welt forbearance- If her honor is rtvaded. the defence' know ; arid, the. knowledge of if fortn the g)fcat of h jr renutation is no loneerl matter of choice : est blesuiir of my existence. But let m? imw and it sit-. ifies not whether t .attnck he made plore your Royal " Highness to reflect, how inV openly,- manfully and direct dt by secret insin- evltably alf al mprs to abate this aUacnmen oy, uation, and br holding such coiact towarie her forcibly separating us. it tnev succeeu, ntystui as cou'ntenanrcs all the suspiLn tna malice ijure niy child's principles if they iailj njust d-'; can suggrst it these ought t4be the .teelings-':giiQiLneiLnfppiofss Pray i u.icd 't whom her conduct h'-k-' been made to- defend Betlin, on the contrary the inhab ii.qoired iurots, 1 bndy'-to whom ;he 'Twluiid be ' itants -r -unreserved. in expressing their wish t.rised o atjplr for redress, or in th'. ir indtvi for 'hetr. approach. ' -dual capacity, as p ics selected 'to make the rei l ' ' vessel arrived in the river yeatcrday from -port on oer romurt. ' " : the French coast No 'Expose of the st .'e.of the : I'he PrlivCts' nf XVales'isTtheireToreT wnv! empire has yet .bech'pubhshed ; and it js reposed, pelled tu thioV heratdf on ths wisdom and jus-J that the conscription hmv meets with more1 ftri tia of Parliimerif ancV she tan'i.rstlv desires illwia obstructions than ever t Pftris it .was wins. TultinVeisttg- tiajrwf her conduct du- big the w hole' ; pered, t hat tlx state- priaonr. -alluded to-in a late ittaUa no nad been charged ty Bonaparte wun cjinsing .the luin of bis army- O1 her repor;s stated him to be MrTit,kmg of Naplt B, who bad 'been arres red"bnrbis rvayto-ltalyT-hyOfder-of - Honaparle. The. only 'objection to th- prohbility of the latter statement it tat the.ii) rsteri u personage .spoke nothing but Caiintohis keepers! We believe that it is ohty since his eisntioh to theThrone, that iViu rat as taughf to sin his name ! : ' ; . ( The army at Alicant amounted, with all its re- tnfoj'cjLmeiits of Italians, CiUbrcse, Sicitiat) s, &c. ol every worn pn in Injland nho is conscious that she deservc3.no, reproach, yoir Royol High ness has too sound a judgmentdand too nice VehSe of honor, not to; perc'4yhwLjnuch Iflore justly ?h y belong to tjie mother 1 your daugh ter the mother pt hrr who ts oestinedi 1 trusi, at a very distant period to reign 6vr the British empire ''Itmay be known to your Rowl Highness, j son " " The o!ah of excluding: my daughter from , interceursV with the world, appear ;.tamjf.hurh ' -bWJOdgpentiieculiarIf unfortunate. She who is destined to be the sovereign of this great courrt. try, enjoys none" of those advantages of society which are deemed ' necessary for imparting a knowledge of rnaidund to persons wh have in finitely les occasion to learn tht Important le?'. 'n ; and it may so happen, by a chance which I . 1 n?gm). w utua no scrutiny y however sticVi provided 11 be .conducted by impartial judges, "and in a l iir atid nprrt mnnerf bef li e a tribunal known to th'- ("onsii.u ion. - .. " ' " . '' :'"":'.'' ' . k is hei royal I Iitjhness's wish either to be '..ftata.-las'-inriocW or 16 be .proved guilty. a " tier Royal Uighnass desires --that 'this-letter Ipay lie communicated to the J rnose bTCiimrnona.''' yAriouy-;t frKr i ' il a ' s ' j. - r w why arriifcfroprtPm li-.;week.j;W;. rwtd -b1 he was iii)d.r?tooW lo bvloftgUo the house of Perijjaux and -fetjof'''-parii,'' and that it rta ru m 0 u 1 td that hi.! lnissipi, vy a i- j 'u rely of a" ?o tW.rci;d U.id sdihf stiy Xo vest tflfiiVtyin the JJri; tiSi't fiii,rU I bt i'roncli .hein, very lo at this mW m' IIZ3b.ii Uh -r pe'vplW iir. 1 lhosQ-4ll iof ii iiu.,vha 8S'5e:t tu;i;,vii . turns i-Basan, (a per: bilrt'ej aodMjitVb'; hei lv.td three fr.ur vjewe-'"with 3rTtfci5ere.3gb.iMrtce bfs arval , v-,; v 1 '''" - ii was t .:pcr;.cdqa:t-iic kbolm when, the mail Oft rat away, iliira treaty was negotiating bttwet n S wtuSh uid .lrint irk, which the latter po er w iy j)lace 40,000 iuen u.Je." Bernadotte's com rraiirt. ' , ' - ''' ;. iv.. i ri)n?h. woeif. 00 the 13 n ul! he ren .wi 1 tiis-il-.Y.pcjriaT Consuii, to lbs- .Cathedral,-, and 1 'JLltA u,f lhanki forthe. ueLverv of the H'lisk'i Tt.ry from ihAemy, ;. -. ;-..',: I'';;" .' . .' - ;. February;' 27. r CbUsnburg mails,' among other in find that mi unwillingness to complain, Jhas only produced fresh grounds of cornplsint ; nrw I om at length compelHd. either to abandon all regard for the, two Nearest objects I possess on earth, mine own honor, and my belped i child r 'or to throw myself at the feet of your Royal Highness, the natural protector bf both 1 ; t -v- l6$$fltiX rhen ' of which number "9000 1efe7Eni 1. I presttmef Sir 40 'represent tbaourItoyal glisli and Oermans. The total of the: frircea. that Highness, that the 'separation, which every sue. br)ut;2v),oodeffecfure to pppose them. and it was and the, daughter, is, iqdally Injurious to my. char reported that Soult had detached 800 more men !o joia him. ' ThepE "wk no immediate proSptct or operation th British' ha nvers on'the east coast of Sp that during th? "..continuance' of tbeWestrictions'trcst is very remote, that she .shouic be called uoon your , nyaj auiuoricy, i purpseiy. reiraincq iupou w ecn-ire wiv. v.-"-- from 4mikir.g any representations witch might ! experience of th'i'world m.-re conSnecVthan that of t ... .li r... j..;-'f . inJlvA,,r,. Trtih extraordinary hope that I rorght- owe the redress I awght . todecded, 1 v ityingly trust muth i .but ; beyerd . yo.ir gracious nd" unsolicited condes'-.-hsion. I t certain point the greatest natural' endowment? have waited, in the fond indulgence of thiexpec jcannot struggle against the-distd vantage of ctr- f ii:r. ..ni;i in.vn;u. mrriiR-kt.kn. T iriimstunri'n and situation. It is my earnest j. ' . . . ' . .... --ta-.' - . I I 1 . 1 ..JL.,.. I"..- U . m n h. M - rr.tr. acter, and her education"- I saw nothing pf the ideep wounds which' so cruel an arrangement in- Brivish had no cavalry, and the - flicts upon my feelings, altboM would fain hrrpe oast of SpaiirWere impassable. I that few persons will be found of ..dispositionrto TamHVeirtfnri To aee myself put off . 1 I. .' N ,- ': -'a ",.:"' ; March 3. '. !ly a majority ofJbrty it was decided la3thight ih-the ho-1-.e uf Commons, that tneT'claimr rf the : acholics to. a participation in '"all Tkowjrigtys whichbelong to the citizens of a free country, i-hon.d be reft rt eel t. a committee. This 'dect tmpcror ol,Runsi. hs; returned i. b ,,,n .i bifed by eve'w enlightened mind, as a proof -of the progress of reason and common sense ih-ougtt'jij'.-tlie whole uommuniiy.- Let the same u'iei BTvd mo'ierauon prevail in- the. future d'tSv c ibsioos oh iiiifl imponaht'topi., wbir.lt liive mark ed the p-events and the 'result will be-cordislily . .. S-. ''.'if .. 'v . ' rtr.. fronOne of the very few domestic enjoymentsJeft roe certainly the only one upon which I set any value, the society of my child involves mein such misery as I "well know .your Royal High ness could, never inflict tipon me. if you " were aware of its bitterness. Our intercourse has been gradually diminished. A singly intervis weekly seemed sufficiently hard allowance for a mother's affections That, however, was reduced to our meeting once a fortnight ; and I now learn, that eyen this-most - i-ijroFous-ihterdiciion is; to be still more rigidly enforced. -- 7 r - " ' " But while I do not venttire to intrude my leel pt ayer, for her own spke, as well as her coun try's,, that. .your- Koy?r fiignnesa may oe inuueca to pause before this point be. reached- 1 " Those who have adviacd you, sir, ir delay so long the period of my daughter's; commencing her' ihtercourse with the Wo'ld, aAd for that puiptiac to make Windsor, her residence, appear "r ot to . haveefiardedhe'ihlgrriiptions to ' .her education." : which this arrangement occasions, both bv the impossibility of o?tainir)g the. attendance" of tiro- per teacfiers,' and the time unavoidably consumed in the frequent jaurnies to town which she must make,' unless she is to be secluded from all in- ; tercourse even with yoir Roval Highness end the rest of ycur Royal Family. To the same unfor'.unate counsels' I ascribe a circumstance hi every wa so distrcrsmg boih - to tny p'.rtn'al- and union throughout the tmpier. Thertr of Ings as a Wl 92? U'gbnftjtnpt td fxprss.ri ftiul 'fdaau.7 tiar and eligiouscfeelingsrthat m j 'dauRhter has .; ne. vcr yet enjoyed the behest of cor. hi mat ion, at though ibovea -year older than the. rge at .wl.ich all the other branches of the Royal Family hv& partaken ' of lhi solemnt'jv May I; ea'nestly coniure7ou, sir, to hear' my entreaties upon this serious matter, even t yon sncu a nsttn loomcr advisers on things of . less near concernment to the -welfare of our child f - " - " Tbp nsin with which ! hate at length forrrf- ed - the it.oluion of "addretsing rnysflf to your Royal Hjghnesj, is suchr as I should ,m :yalr;.af: m ; HI il Ai I! '. Jk - r -, yy'i""t 'T'

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