1 1 1 r''tFs" .. . . - ( RALEIGH, NC E tfBUSUED-twB JMirpf jDrvfM., i'2 FRIDAY, MAY 21,' 1813. No, 894 Foreign. 'S. Jl is VI A UK. ff IK L T'i NL TV ''. Uijfcv. frin Europe is calculated to Gen. of Heligoland, dated 23d March ir m tt hteitst than any which has reached L t i un; Vilt p. on Kroum oi cvem, , i wTr".iirg ncfyi'cal evidence of great :.?.! ctangr in 'hv Mttmim of the worlJ. m 4iteiX of Iini'aTtc tn H jswa I been so !. u wit it out of his power to check . if iu ilussiana by even a shew of WVrever the . Rasstan armies ad -c ibcv'Csl friend.-, l were eager for ri: a tst eoa or dehvcnoR tnetn f Im ma. i-ou j(reii mat man erer . It. t..l m tlui IftitiAf llaivk l,VRt HI B'Hl 11M V" "- 1IM vi pimi rUM' Ui rmrttd HaroHurj;, and the T-t. Cuxlurtt Tae Vg t lruau nad t.ieJ foi the narc wbkb Boonparte" had 4 f- Lifb. and ia n tn aBiJicc Ub Russia ; p f v c bi(fc aaid to bave agreed to fur prJiAt titjerateiJ battheMthuMm it V ar caa auprJy uy deficiency in the art et th fravn. rheavcdiah expedition I.ONDOJT, , , Downing Stiver, March 3D, 181. A letter of which the following are extracts, has thii day been received at Bail Baihurst's Office, addressed to hisLordship, by Col. Hamilton, Lieut. 1813. " In my letter, dated 17th insK I had the honor to represent to your L irdship, that in consequence of the effect which the glorious succesu of the Russian arms produced, and the favorable reports irom different parts of the Hanoverian coast, I de termined immediately to lake every step, which the inconsiderable force at my disposal would ad mit of, to promote the great and just j cause. Lieut Banks proceeded with two gun brigs re inforced bynwo a.rjeants and 30 veterans, to Cox ha-r from' which the French had departed with great expedition, after destroying (ill their gun boats, artd. dismounting the guns from the strong works constructed for the defence of the harbour. On a summon from Lieut. Banks, the castle of Ritxehuttle, and batteries of Cuxhaven were sur. rendered, to be at the disposal of his Majesty by the Burghers; and the British and Hamburg Rags were immediately displayed. - Major Konteinger, "an officer perfectly qualified lor auch a mission, was sent to Cuxhaven, having the Kreat theatre of war between the Vistula arjd iviMi LrPmerania, which Vapoleon ? .i v trryivly tia.ed mtiia a. d Denmark received instructions tc communicate as soon as ! j .tv J c.MttL4o2ttoo, but they had t!e ' ptwstblei with the Russian General and the Strnate .4 is tfctrim iwioato be nruiral, and had of HamburghY nd thi officer was immediately ' ..i,4 iiIakU. vku-h mv Kecnn&Llrr. foIDwed hV a Hetar.hm. nt ft-nm tho Rth ku iI wm ' - ' r r , w " W - j - -w , . j i - . v . a a a w w k . a . J 1 mm the Elbe. , Th accounts which they afford are of course unofficial, and must, therefore, in come degree, partake of the usual characteristics of rumor ; but, alter makiug due allowance Tor this circumstance, enough remain to satisfy us that the Russian arms, and the irreat cause of national independence, are advancing with the most triumphant, and almost unresisted progress. One of the most inte.es ting and curious facts, which our private correspondence, communicates, is, that the Great Personage lately arreted on the continent, and who has been the subject of so mucMpeculation " various journals. i no othet than th Prince Royal of Bavaria. This Ulusui 'and patriotic princ has been long known at an inveterate' enemy of Bonaparte. A bout two. years ago he was put under arrest, in consequence of being discovered to have formed a plan for a new confederation of the German States, in opposition to the Confederation of the Rhine, and, with a view to rescue his country from its degradation. He, at that time, Showed a clear insight into all the objects, views and mo lives pf the oppressor of Europe ; and would pro bably'have experienced all the severity of his ven geance,' if it had . not been for the intercession of the father of the King of Ba varia, one of the most abject, and at the same time, most powerful of The immediate cause of, the prince's arrest il -rttry '! Wrung into tb war teran battalion, and a supply ot aU he Arms, Bsc in the present instance, is said to have been a lttjnj fpiun wiig BptitHCTHw-uuu who uui uuii? ciupiuycu oy ms gar- letter winch he addressed to his lather, on the f k9uUB enge, sod walti nson. disasters of the French campaign in Russia, en. U .9 f4 iBtfjcirts ci ne jMMnCTeiiw,j nc loyai people oi nanomer wno nave been soltrCating his Majesty, in the -most pressing terms, . mU ttiffrftto joy thebler-long oppressed display every where the Br: co.!lo abandon the iniquitous cause of France for Cf a-f aodiowinrrce. y . iana v. k. upon their Habitations, j on the that which had in view-the . liberation f Rnroi.. W- !V rJ'rT4 tlist there U imtl na Wc-titr, the mhabitaots of that pri of the country ! oW Ronanarte hecame MEsesaed of t'hi ltt,r m not stated : the fact' is, Jiowever, pretty well established, that he not only obtained a copy of. its contents, but caused its author to ' be arrested a-- .t::f U. r afxciy u uiti, io naa iwraiiicu in consiucraoic numoers, ana took the s4 !wr en wac u s fcl the iron band of Na- atrong nd important battery and works at Bremer ctTtnytkt ta all the caxeucs which lee; and i corps of about 1500 French, havin? . can ncfm. urate, we cannot for taasetnuled in llts vicinitv. which thteatencrl tn rt. mjA.t bat u lului e cares am nc con taue tne uattery. application was immcda'e v mat's ! it wfcif. Kor can it be SJp-'to Maj- Ken jfmger for assistance, who having g fct l th a m p5J?it, t iraant md tagent hi peo left Cuxbaven with a party of the soldiers in j I i uraica aiiue otnvcrsncc waggons, wjs met .y these brave and gallant ... ecig4i be disposed to put an men, wuo gave him the pleasing intelligence, t h -r s-tkurjv W do cot bUeve that the enemy had marched off in great haste, 1 f f.m m'um- un tae wppressitn in conaequcoce ot the landing of the British t t Xim iijg vml an lei, arubotlt an ira troops, which were reported to amount to a con I 'ira ta U f mKh IjQgcr concealed, sidarable number. Ot -tivfi . , . -t did tat leKitnatc sove ! Baron Cc Tennenborn, ol. Commandant of ff-C . t -a ..c ( ' of kac predecessors,, a corps of thai -division of the Russian army, coin JurtttMi-lwJ.j tA.! thirMficat aKl good ' mandd by Count Wittgenstein, entered Ham $ St ? nfjmt t attwen, in bts address to the s burga oft t be I8U1 inst. amidst the acclamations trt..!ku,-f:Whv anflae l-atad in ibis dy.s and every demonstration of joy on the part of the ps s. "itu 4d. ts el ihc character which icitirens : in consequence Of this happy event, the tl be t innista.iale no innovations 'aniient govenrnt-nt has been restored, and a la t pwaat rir .4 h'S2S, than wba: must jraail for Lngland is now diapatched from that ci b 'is""at? aa-MO rtaptct tha rights of pro-y." , . , ir r:.r&s aJ iitciga aid. To circu- L. Pt aait, Feb. 6 To day his Majesty the EtV W 1 att f m Ttaaca will be at once difficult peror of II the Russians arrived here, at the ar - iV- t ;c e'4 be'ei.ctlited. A the; bead of all the guards, and a division of theTSi' p t 4 ,vtiA drtiniihts, bis enem'tet mul- corps of Granadicrs, forming together 28,000 iWen w M Um ctat aMUterwry A bulm. Unanimous, acclamations of joy accompanied his tifet I'aiatt af St Cud- Yesterday evening e received the following i--ht. uart, f Lu.k Spain, are find information by an extraordinary oDDortunitv from -r .. t " y t r ra its; uKcsert reunng irum ine uerun ta fis m'nv uJtersdo, think that tti w, eb 4 bave jctuntd, and others t,rf a a tjsattd, aaa-i.'. i( (i.SUlt to v4 ba k-Uted ttpoa the laatsl w uf nmmulirir our 1, - , " " m ! . .. - T npniii we ters4 well xntrw. uui as i in ine evening at me tneaire,, ana were receive cmutdcrcd th? success of bo- j with great applause." ''-' fktlWa auirtipn a.l inaiiiuiKi, sot vaivision oi uussi an troops, saia toDe unaer , K A fUUt aS tQC Bik-ep IwnMlus iuc uciimuuuwi a v.uuiiiianu, iau.c na iuuic ., .mri peace aiKl hapines foi j through Alecklenburgh. The Count Marshall . iV.tll aUt rCi.y icu , n uiuuun muu iuckii uiai. ociii ii vm ticiice .si :b alteied state tf liurope has ; with this information toRosteck J tiuu4 of duuvttc respecting oen. vv lnzingeroaf arrived at toritiK, 8 uer. TthFcMliwTMat'twtiii. Dresden, on ti w The Russians entered Beilin on the 4th inst. 8i ea ta 4t into tbi effect which aU j at 6 o'clock. Only 1 000 Russian infan(ry, under iMaseiB lrvduce Uioi our own af-; Get- Diebitsch, remained at Berlin, and 7 or aaoo cavalry pushed through the city. The Viceroy has retreated throtgh Saarmund towards Leipzic. Prince Regnio commanded the Russians, but delivered up the command at 4 o' rHitel!l he aftenoon t0 Gen- KjdtusoCf, son of the eu r a.'.4.t b as. v - - the i i dintf abandoned. t cenamiy vnc oui or ivia.cn an imeview was usrtrt tslla v bis example. I he !Tr: istes't IS one oi vitsi imporiance of ne continue the war tor t a . . .1 . . a t. v or more, wc snou nave ty. tfry r convention at tne eia oi . ft i.Yi,lTt tlc sner a negociaiion - trtf ih: sr oner we shall have 1 .un' U j.iicvei cwfesstd, that the public 1;; . V.gbcd hs undergone a consider- j f i..ice tlc war ha 'epinmenced- In , i .'t ic m:t.U't t s s more unpopttlaf, it .v c ". ..?.! t opuUi44.auy-Uhe . .i.t'u'l tv.-tc ii'-t Jtliursiori of war, have ,vi:S.he U'i'.te'd States wascan . i!u inr,itf sf of iill calamU v .t Vj.s cf no irronrjde rable .! r,r. ,..'i.thacbteiL 80 for a lofty 1 i t i t c, an out- txpiiimertsbj r.cn impor- at Wittenbergh and the Hing of 28ih Feb. On to take ; place ween the Emperor Alexander russia. and placed in ciiifinenient as the only means of guarding against the Prince's daring and enter prising spirit, which," says' the letter we have seen onhesubject, at a crisis like the present, would be a bost agains him." v The accounts frona Dennaark' continue to bear a favorable aspect. Indeed, the King, who has lately overawed by th French force in his neigh- Dorhooq, is now nearly in the same state with respect to the Allies. sBy great and ( continued exertibns he has collec'ed a repectable military force, to maintain his independence ; but the to tal decay of trade, and consequent dilapidation of htVnncea. readers it utterly impossible that he should engage in active hostility on Xny great seal.. The negociations which he has already opened will therefore doubtless proceed j but, perhaps, it is of litile importance under exis'ing circumstances to secure more than the neutrally ol Denmark. In another point of view the. reli live situation cf that Court may, perhaps, be. im poitaot, as affording a medium of communication with Austria. The last 'letters state, that an Aus trian oinccr and Dunish nobleman were on the pointof embarking for this country. The following proclamation ofthe French Kine Lciuis XVIII. is copied from a London paper of the 12th of March i and it... yas thought in Eng land would have a considerable "effect on the minds of the people of France at this moment. ADDRESSTQ THE PEOPLE OF FRANCE 1 '' LOUIS XVIII. &e. 4c. The moment is at length arrived, when di vine providencet" (ntfsupeTtrcvl Rfr6ne f St Louis, the devastator of Europe experiences reverses in his turn. hall theynavci ho other effect, bat that ot aggravating the calam. ties of Fianceand wjll-shi not dare to over turn an odious power no longer protected by the illusion of victory ( What prejudices or what fears can now pervent her from throwing herself hr.to the arms of her king ; and from recognising in the establishment of his legitimate authority, the only pledge of union,' peace and happiness to London, March 9 VVkh the tnost heart.felt satisfaction we have to announce the official intelligence, that a treaty offensive and defensive has been sicrned between the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia. Despatches from Lord Cathcart, announcing this important event, were . yesterday , received by gOverrtmentatedn-the-fiib inst. from tHe Hna , in 110' kt t l.at h. ircrar itiifb ivVfwcdwas m sor ccguier.ed in .i. t BVa uq-hi live PCOi-le of hngmr.vi uy our sian head quarters at Kalitsch, near Posen. We hear itiumMedlhatIihMae-ieyaQce also brought despatches of moment from Lord" Wal- pole ; oui tne contents ot. ice latter are very properly kept decret. ' JLiQhehreeJGcitenburEh mails which had become due, two arrived yesterday. Their con V fsKri dutr.ot avail the mseres tents, although they have lost much of their in xefest, m consequence of the accounts v received by Heligolahd, are nevertheless gratifying, inas- mach astney serve to conneqr, ana till ap' tne Uvs,4 ir.Mtncuve measures, .ich W6 'vrht l'.r.6tcr.a and hcrIonies to thry coaKT'.xvs- without us, wnicn i0 i..tvc iaOwbtecl beCjri -The. war It docs-r.ot aDpuu: pre by lue pa- vbiu measures. n uvi j-..ui. ni ' thai the sR'uasjasiad:mtion w .s. expected in . Km-tnd.vor rather that aily iin'inr.tior. of. it had o made to the British r;ov;j;nincnt ; ;hosvtver .he silence t)f the pers 'is not evickvvceth.arthe X vnomer.tdid jiot k:ow it, Cf, -vvl;?rnot im toi suggesled Ai-.f;rj.... i geiirnl outline of the late good news The St, f etetsburgli letter and papers; which come down t6 thWsdruit. present the detail of military op erations only to the 1.0th ult. but these include the-onojpa:ion of Warsaw and Pillau, on the 8th, the invexture of Thorn on the 7th, and the arrival, of the Ertperor Alexander at Plezk on the 6th. inc-tters trom Hamburg by this conveyanct ire to the JQth inst and those from. Gottenburph to ths IStluIt is- piincipally from the latter tlpt w-)earr.f!jc XQffS retg:pt jpciQrre.gpQ oj which has promises have so often guaranteed his oppressed subjects i r i Beincr neither able, nor inclined, ta obtain but by their efforts that throne, which hisrigl their -affection can alone confirm .what wishes should be adverse to those which ne has invaria bly entertained ? what doubt can be started with regard to his paternal intentions ? - The king has said in his preceding deciara tions, and he reiterates the assurances, uni ine administration and judicial bodies shall be main tained in the plenitude ot their pow'trs j that he will preserve their places to those who at present hold them, and who shall takeJhe oath of -fidelity to him : that the tribunals; depositaries Ot the laws, shall prohibit all prosecutions bearing rela- Hon to those unhappy times ouwmcn nis return will have forever sealed the oblivion fine, the code polluted by the name of Napoleon, but which for the most part contain only the an cient ordinances and customs of the realm, shall remain in forcerVith the exception of enactments. cntraf y to the doctrines of religion which, as well as the liberty of llje people, have long be0n sub ject to the, caprice ofthe tyrant. " -The senate, in whichare seated some men so justly distinguished for their talents, and whom so many services may fender- illustrious in the eyes of France and posterity, that body whose utility and i. imporjancecan never be duly appre ciated till after the restoration, can it fail to per ceive the destiny' which : summons it to become tip fifSJ injfnoeAtQf that, great bsjncfio whljlj will proye the most folid, " as . well as-the rriosV honorable guarantee -of its existence and its pre rogatives?' ... '.., ' On the subject of property, the. king a-ho has already announced his intention to employ thfe most proper means for conciliating the Interest & all. perceiyea in. the numerous settlements whicfe which have taken place between the old and nevr ; land holders, the means of rendering those cases almost snperfluous. He engages, however to in- terdict aU proceedings by the tribunals contrary to such settlements j to encourage voluntary &. rangements t and, on tht jnrt of himself anc hii family, to set the example of all those sacrifices which may contribute to the repoie of francej , and the ajacciiij uw of Frenchmen. - i . The Kinf has dranfjeed to the army " the maintenance of thetanks, employments, poy aW appointments which it at present enjoys lie pro. ; mises also to Generals, officers and Soldi en (ivb$ ' shall signalize themsel ves in support of his causei rewards more substantial, distinctions itnre hod. orable than any they can receive from -ail Osur per, always ready to"ilisown of even to drtad , their services; The King binds himself anevr t to abolish that pernicious conscription, which; destroys the happiness of families and the hooa of the country. : . ;i Such always have been, such still are the uik tentions of the kittg. His re-establish me r.t bn h4j throne of his ancestors will be fof France only the happy transition from the calamities of a war. which tyranny perpetuates, to the iblessings ojf a solid piece, for which foreign powers'ciin never t find any security but in the word of f&e legitimate cn5on . ' i'uLik ' ... 4? I Hart well Feb 1, 18 IS. 15 American s Victory. IJaFtuk iTcr v okk" Copies of letters Jront . MaftirJjSengrai pearbari Sf j i Jo the Secretary otWa'rT-.'' I flead-quaiters, Yorkof Upper Caaa la, April Jf:i . 1S13, 8 o'clock ,':p. M.t Sta. We are in full possession .l i.s after a sharp conflict, in which we lost somt brav& officers and soldiers. . ; .' General Shcaff; '; commanded rbe British troops, militia and Indians io person ' - VVe shiill be prepared to sail for tlw next otlg" ject of the exjedition the first fsvorabw' wind I have to lament the loss' of .the bravt: and a, tive brigadier-general Pike.-. - v.j ' i I am with the highest respect, Sec - H . li .DJl'Kl30R! The HwfGenvofiifftStst bono , -- Sctretary tf Wr,fVaitiington. Head quarters, York, capital of Upper CanadaJ April -28th, 1813. ,Sfa, After a detention cf some days by acfr verse wind, we arrived - at this place yesterday, morning, and at eight o'clock: commenc-d land ing the troops about three miles westward f crtt the town, and one and a half from the enemy'i works. The wind was high' and in an unfivoraj ble direction for. the boats, which prevented the landing ot the troops at a clear held, ihe scite jf (he ancient French fort Tarento. , It prevented v&r so many of the armed vessels from taking posi. titans, which would have most eScctuaUy-covtred our landing but every thing that could be donji was enectec. . , - , ..The'.jn'Qemen under mor ; Forsyth first he6l under a icavy fire from Indians and other troops. . Gen. Shwl"yn-dJ- Tirrfl conected his whole torce in the woods v" liuint w here he wind compelled our troops to l&ntU . His foire'e conw4 -vtu liufidred regulars and. Iinim-r..iC nuitui car jiron. vMjar-TOJISy tn was supported s promptly as possible but th. contest was starp and severe loc nearly halt ats, hour, and the enemy were repulsed , by a number far inferior to theirs. As soon as Gen. PiJce land ed with seven or eijht: hundred men, and the re,-- ' mainder ofthe troops' were pushing for the shoctf the enemy retreated to their works. Our troopg were now iatmed on the ground originally intend .J fr.t ik'i liinHin.-r. " aA vnnrpit thrr.iiirh a fThirl? Wood, and after carrying one battary, by assault. were moving in columns towards the main, work s andfwt.eirVTthirrsixtyadsf this, a tremendous ex plosion took place !rom.a., magazine previously prepared, and which threw out such immensje quantities of. stojijBags otj troops. T have, not yet been . able 'to collect the; returns of th killed and JundMi ..b.Ul.JLJML will tXear exceed one hundred and . among: these I have to lament the loss cf that brave and Uint nff.-Er Brig-. Chn. Pike, who received a contusion from a large stooe, his valuable., life wjtrTiri a ievv which terminate hours. His lo will be severely ielt. r"Previouslylo this explosion the enemy had re tired into town, excepting a party of ' legulais, ta IharitFTthenumber of forty, who did nolscarihe-efftc! of the shock, and were -destroyed. General Sheaffe moved off vvi:h the' refculaV troop and lelt directions" with y the conimandiiMj. officer of the mili'ia to make the best terras he could. In the mean time aV KriKeir' 'fesssfSrc- on the part of the enemy ceased, and the out linens, -of acapitulsaoh were agreed on. Av soon as I learned that. Qen, Pike , had been wounded, '" I went on shore. To. the General f ' hsd been induced to conf.de the immediate at tackyufrom a knowledge that it was his "wish and that he .would have felt mortified had it notice, given to him". ,; - ; .;;:.' " : Every movement was Cn4er my view. 'The , trficrrfs befeaved with trreut fit mows end des?r,!, Y t yt ' :-'- -' .' .