1 iiiaiinacii:ijnuwcwhicfvoul-fcave-tried the steadi(ils of. Tete'rahar s 7 .l.IWM m the merning aand in carrytn V" lirst ba'lery was n't ctar pei-hao tortv or fifx -'ki!(l Rnd wounded, and bT-hfti a fvll "proportion rf ofiicers. 'JwUbranditififthe enemVs advantage in no- - .: .. -i- -tj '- ,f o ,r 1 win and numbers in the commencement of the eauon, their loss "was greater than burs, espec'tallr Y , rj)au vessew oi me neei coma work into it; har j . ftor agatrtat a gale of wind, put .as soon asihey got t." r ww ' proper poaiuon, a iremenuous cannonade ?' Opened upon the enemy's batteries and' was kept . tip, .against jtncnl, until V they were-cat t ied or S blown, up; and tia'd, noidoubv & powerful '.effect upon the enemy. r-etuTrts fhrtn taetmtct )W'1W5ptafr be-en-jrtceijred :;3a haeirereto(oieaTOt1-n from the, rudiciotjst trraneemenu .made bv General Dearborn, I, presume ihat the. public stores fxWhc, d4apoaed ofr'ap,that Jthe'troop wiH be ready to rembark to-morrow and proceed (o execute .her obricU of the eioedition tht: first .V. cf&tionribat tfavere the seas, UojtoS' May OT, 1815. - Latest fRov fkanc ESP The editor of the Mwhort Afercurt un der date of the 3d fn'aW have politel favored us i cannot apeat in too much praise of. the cool wah the following intelligence HUf!f)11liy ot the OfliCers and men.Pnerallv uft- . This af.M-nnnn sSvorl hir. phr, . . , . V - . " (-. - ' -. V WkVBVWB ' J ' -v. uiUiunui -icci mysei parucuiany (wcuisuiu iuc omccra commaniiog vessels lor their real in secondine all mv views. .! - " " '.;:4,havethe honor to be, , f . . ' , :.. Very rrspetrullyisjsir, . ' , . Your most obdt. sevti ' ' ISA AC CttATiNfrF.t. Kon.'WlbUAM JoES, ; ; - .Setretary of the ,Wy TJ'ut?. . Terms of CapUulation wv'ered int'olti 1 the 2tth vpnh one thousand eight hundred d ibineen, ns. iaiu up wiq put out ot lervice.' T rjayal force which vis Vrotided fur tib l:'. m ourharWurj lar fbrn-the reach fq"1 t'i..: mug upourcoa,iinni trade, and. burrvi '7 " sseU almpst wuhii) sight of our own ItrypHvateer, (if uherin W Mrrn' ExpedU tion, Capt. VVeems, (338ions, 1 0 guns, 50 men,) 36-tiays from Bordeaux Er , Baltimore bailed 2 3 March atriVedroff Cape May, 27th April, and was chased off by 74; after receiving! from ner two broadsides . v . Bv the Exterti(ion. we nave been favored with a fi.'r of Bordenux papers to the 23d March.tshort time sincej was totalis destimrA ,.f Those of tle JJ2d contain, und;r Paris date" of the ITih ' March a stitement of the situation' ofl the French Armies in the North of .Europe onthe 10th March. v J - .. " The entry into Berlin, by the li;ht troops ofi fur the surrender of the. towtj of 30.1 i-,' Up. Russia, is acknowledged ; and the movemerrta oj xj.P(iauatlioinoarniy ana. navy ot the Um- the I'russian populace in their favor, te(M5taea under tho command of Vlaior Gen erai Dearborn and Commodore thauniiey i Thnt-.the troopg, regular "and militia, at this 44 The paper of the 2 2d also contains the prdc lamotion of the Kins? of Saxony, when forced to retreat trom his capital. I am under the ertatest ob'i.rations to Com Oiauflcey ijf . his able and indefatigable exertions h evftiy possible manner Which could iriefacili- (; Vtv apd effect to the expedititjh1 He is equally cs. V , vinaoie ior souna jaagmcit,-Bravery anu mdus- - 1 ttJ T"hf (yiivpnmnt rntrt tint liiv ..,A a rtw.o fiftrtunate selection, ; . ,. I' " ' Unfortunately the enemy's armed ship' Prince K vtgem, leu mis place lor Kingston a tew davs 1 ' Sirf; nfflni ihe naval oihcerv and seamen, shall be! - f he KinK of VVestphalia had sent his Queen 'pi,, upany piauca up, ana mucn navai stores were surrendered Driicnsrs nf wr rh.. , ie to by tne enetnjr soon alter the explosion lar and .militia, m vroimd ih.irm.ui.,! a tu r tr" .j atlmitted. . . . . seen drawri byatrge troops i ne uorfieaux papers state that the new campaign against Russia, wotrtd shortly be coin' minced, and with an army of 300,000 men. If the French papers are to br believed, it would seem that the War with Russia is becoming popx lar. " ' . ' - ' . . j i . . . ... . uanger, wnicliCtie tacareon ol cutting up our coastin vessels nriltrv-T ry j k'...i, whc.wj unr. vurfj men e t ernised several days Aw(thin a few huri v,l onrnarooar. and canturri v,ni , Jested, t while two fine "Waited -"States lay here idle f n the streamWiih "a r.,n - knowledge1 of the f-ct. Can 'i..k .J p,,iF .without our special wotder V' v Pratrtinrt .Wo h'n'n. k .i i ' uthority, that the fort:a"t ' Ceortt(bn . . u,; ,T ""i" & I J , i " r YT 7 F ww me.navaL ouiccrs and seamen be the nsurgent p rit of Its populace, is litafv atbrca and Drovhiojva remain, hut na vesse s ' mm..itiai...j.j r v. v. . .? r i ? 1 1 ' A ftai 4 r . i ; ,,' ---"" , J - oreai nutnoers ot troops nave r, vT k .w . c That all public store,, navafind rrfihiarr, shall! f om Spain, but were to be upfactd - ' - - ; i- -.w wv. iiiiiiicutaici v irrvcn un t i i i-nmm.u. ini. n h n.,mk.nrr.u planers, and roust of course liave them on p j cert of the army k navy"of !h! United Slat s, that t$c . ' . : , ; toll private property shall be guarranteed to the .u an aw ar wiuicc w ui is Httcs- j citizens ot the town ot York. - Aajy tq pe dona berc, a-to sail to-mowov for f;v 1 ' itiarfjl whither I send thfs by a small vessel, with i , qpiice. to general Lewis of our approach. l t"'v I have the honor Mo be, sir, &c.- . : : HENRV DEARBORJi. $tan Osrt. Jobh AtviisTROira'. .,., . , Secretary ol War. Washington. ( 'ijfhies'6f UttertrcmC'ctAvv'd'ii-e CifAVSco the militia, nineteen. JtJ v . ' "; ;-Secrar9,rfthc-yuy, ' hundred and four J W. S. rtip Mduoai anchor off York, Of the FieM Tt- ' t ha ye tne aatiuaction to jolorai ..you that the" Anv jicajflag i!jlig upoiUhe fort at Vrk "Theiown .cipolated thi afurao-n at 4 o'clexk. .. fl itr.lrlifr fw.Mrol Pilr uraa bll1 ' I , - H I hav,e. the iidnor toiie, IV Very respectfully, sir, . ft4- t.1 . w 'Vour moat obdt set. ' .. k. ." - x ie a r on a tfvTrv r " ,; Secntqty of t&eMivy, Washington That all papers belonging to the civil officers shall be retainer! bv them that- such surgeons as may be -procured to attend the wounded of the British regulars and Candin militia shall not bt considered prisoners oHVar. That one lieutenant" colonel, one major, thirteen captain v nii.e lieutenants, .eleven ensigns, one rjjiarter master, deputy, adjutsnt general of the aerjennls, tour corporals and two r ran icvjtnd file . rain Department. Wm. nnnhai Of the provincial Navy, Cant. Frs. fGovr-reaux Midshipmen v.: tieuteham Gfeen John Ridout Clerk Jas. Lansdons Louis Baupre ' ;. : One Boatswain Fifteen Naval Artificers ;0hw Majesty's Kegular-troops, Lt. De Koven j One Sergeant Major 1 i and of Hhe Royal Artillery, one bombardier and three gunners, shall be surrendered as prisoners Bos ton, May 8. Since our last we have been favored with Cor- unna papers to the Vi'M and Lisbon to the 8th of April The campaign in the" Peninsula had not commenced- A gendemau who-left Spain on the 12th ofi lyni, menunns, maut was jaia uonaparte had drawn ,40,000 veterans from that country, and sent. .50.000 new conscripts in their s.ead. The French en!ral Clausel has succeeded Caffarelli, and entered Vitoria Feb. 21. Baron Pahlen is appointed by the Emperor of Kussia, governor ot KorngsberR. ' I It has been moved in the British parliament, that the pay of captains in the navy should be in creased Irom 6s. to 103. sckitional ber .dav tade t 4 . Sijnr-f!. 4 Fojeign. House of Lords, Marsh uth. NAVAL-MiSM ANACBMilTf U. S Ship Maduom. ; V i " 4AJ anfjior off York. '28ih Aril, 1813. " . t SJH" Agreeably to. ynur instrucrLns 'ann ar -j Ittngements made; with -Vfrjor ,Oen. D irbr.rn, Ij v-tOofc on boaru.ox tae aqiudryp under my com i Jffyaiv.l the general aid suue, and attout 1700 trapa, ' lT'SX WTl n th 3lr lMUnl'.,or Lord Darolcy adverte-l to the capture cf an. -if-iVt Far "ormng othep or our frigate by the Americans, whicn ,iV,lW",nUl' Jh;"1! convinced him of what he before suspend, viz: 'if? Yli? mtnyXriont ,jhtl parUanunt had been extremely remiss in1 SMSr " Tr w ,w attention (o the administration of the- mm. niseis. e piace nxco upon Dy me maiorgen- j he Noble Lor t th Ua it.. u:..i nl partment was not in his phce, but he thought it his 'boiinden duty to take tin earliest opportunity X,tt andwa completed, about 10. The wn.dldav. tHhmltfrt ik.;. iA.ci.:n. . -j j w "--- -' wau alii lj at. a ii kin Ai ii a rr l wc i f l -m r" - uit w. w vy kJ v. -a. uu dkcuumea rorm me exenange ot pn-; tray the expenses oHinnera given by them on L3u.-Ci uciween me uanea otates and li. Bri-' board ship to their officers. - ! tarn. ff wi.iik,.4 t.!.:.i " "' ' " ; f -be manifesto of Louis XVIII. had received the concurrence ot government. Lord Castlereagh replied in the negative. Mr. VV. said that if government had countenanced that"4 mischievous puhlkation,,! it JVOUldJemLiaj prolong laheuwai-, uime r ranee in resistance. Mr. Tierney Fortsi'though .they '.may hav gtms re very inottensi ve things without al. and,,, though ,om enemies may be 0f i" Ultyre kind, they wi!! not be frigVened?t u . ;' row. We should not calulate to fihuc-,!'" ' r4 t i t;4 ' cjral and myself for landing the troops was the cite aithe old French For; Vanta. J l ! 1 he acbarkaiion commence about eight o clock Mowing heavy from theLesi ward, the boats fell ! the Naval Adminis and asked if copies had not been sent on board British ships to be distributed on the continent. No re ply. ., ,l . '. ,. - ..; ... A new attempt to arrange an exchange of pri. soners between l ranee and England, was made in March last," ami TaiUd. !. ,. v DomeUic. ... Klv vwuv... rl lu . iw iccwaiaoi me poaiuon nxeu upon ana were in inrrishins nnhi nn w...... -r: r Brjnspn'rir., rrTrJfri r a cr illinc , finm fi ' .y. : rcuu . I" i XI i I ; I :.u,,-l,,c V JPer inquiries. tie, at cast, o ild f.icrate e,nemv who hadtakenaDosition ina thickwond ,k.Tn i,e..i.:..-. u.r .L ... ' .- . . J.n'gaw. K - . . s , : . z "" ."r. -j--i wwre mem ; and in aoin so, ; his- s 6enr where tfiV first troops landed: however, the tr,.,.,.,,. . ... r , . n 'ins Ubol intrepidity of thcofficers and men. overcame yery obstacle.' Their ? attack upon the enemy ia so vigorous that' he in every direction, leaving a great many of his killed and . wounded tlpon the fi.-ltir'i' Aa soon as the troops were landed 1 directed the schooners to take deep conviction of ts neccsshv. sFrom the London Star of March 20th. It is our painful duty to record another hum iliatingsJciifiice to. the Amerieans in thecanture of the J AVA ; one of the finest British frigates ne Uauntless. has arrived a position near'ieve, . Hnnr tiwl Ae fom in order thauh attack upon thenv by al Plymouth for Gibralter, with the melancholy Qie army and navy might be simultaneous. The I intelligence. v ' - ' tchooners " were oblige to beat up to their poni " While We lament this miafn'rhi-i.' it. i . noil- Whir.h !h! .iirf lit iinrAfar- tA--r n . . . " ' ' t- v.vA aausmcuon mat me MiAa rAir, trtilr -nrrittil ivt- i i rf niu . jfpyJ) ' "V. W n . i udirviif niiuui w.ar bat brave rn en, vwho composed Her colours 1 ! the Crew of the Java, did their duty. - c - A . 1 . 1 a. ... ' 1 1 - - 1 ikk. iiiiTii n t nniuenii a n mm mm . 1 . -- K-.-r" ,llc,r H'wwp-5! io i u wpcucq a , iittCckiwj.i-. ' """"u mama were since vyefmesdav last, and who was vpttvtto i , - fcv - . . ' ' ...... , r "ivj, .umj. w"" .v.n , luiciiuon uiscnafgeu ffc. . tirwisnfc way We undersphd that Qjnmodore Decatu has ced the numbrr of iUna on hnarrl th.TT united Mates, to 48, in cniseouene- rf tup hitherto1 having a disposition to hov. States formerly carried 54 cuns. The friite Uoited S".ates, Com. Decatar, arid the sloop Argus, Smith, sailed yesterday. They anchored in the Bay near the Hook yesterday afternoon, and probubly went to sea early this mo.ning. May- i. From (he IIor.t, There were cruising off land on Sandy Hook, all day yesterday, two enemies ships of war, the valiant 74, with the Acasta frigate in company. From Capt. Butler who had been detained :a prisoner on board the Valiant ball, v crow. W f dri!l1 rtnt .".I.,l..t. n C. . .With inntaMrDuii r .. iu...u it once, they mual be rendered finally. ioeflk tiv"""' they will fail in tbetr object. Capt. lir,d,y I r un, and thirty men, might, pechap?; h ,Vf p. Georgetown under contribution and what r !, is nobody to blame r Rice, corn and p.j .to' 0 "" staple commodities at Georgetown, and Son -our phntern would give ths fort akeg of sooner' than lofcaher rrops, , . V Itis no-part"rptriotrm.to. lisarVise-a"t)- 7" icure thtrutb foMhparpoae -of;.-".: faults of any man or sti of men from the iUsi 4r' prehension wb.ich they desae Where en r apparent, it may Wjhbwa without givin 0fc. even to its autbors-and if it arises from tnv '!', than a wilful Cause, it may some timt-sbe njii; tt ?KUt iU,fi" have menfi,,;, J that the hifle naval loro,we have, laid idle i 0, harljor, whilst a l0e picaroon of contemptible fw was depredating on our coasting trade almos, w 111 sight of our own eyes. la the raiod of c one viewing this circumstance in its aipavf. light, this inactivity wrong, Som- 'li-., t cruizers had been offtl-e bar, but the dunerV so far pasjed away that the vtase ftrG,,," town sailed under a fancied aecuriy, wi.ici, y to their destruction. But; if one of wir tr y vessel had accompanied them in ihVdeV3 tioft, (and we.und!rstand,.U to be their du-y n, protect our coast) the result' would have 'been f different or had two or three of our 'barges 6 t; in Bull's Bay the vessels . would have fteen M,vtd and the enemy taught not to approach our short with impunity. We did not mean to ivnm.,). oyr naval offieers.yjth a neglect of duty,bu.th-rd must be somethingj-otten, or something' somtwherei which ought to 'be corrtcttd ; , while circumstances render it so nlnTn n,i 1.. . tonons,4t ia the duty of every faithful public sen, tinel to sound the alarm, and he is a hry .Jn( ;, traitor who, fail to do it, and sacrifices the inui. ests of his country and the liberty of on- cii.z. ns to political -i)rrjudice and a frenzied opposil.on to rational inquiry and calm investigation. w nust " reason is left Iree to combat error J Vie. .iTinl.nl .rAn..M.i-.l... . ..- .. . meci wua merin contempt, tin they both sink, beneath the filth which they haxp tomiie imo me yawning pit which they have digjfi.6 iiicir eiiemtes - r Biography. "-bviu.iiuii, a ire iroops a pon as landed Were formed under the Immediate1 orders of Brit? f i.l.UL. .......... . .. w5iierair w, Avnt led 13 a mostgallaht mAnner, 1 - - - WaftL f DI II II Iirnian rn h .Li . . -S .V .1 v 1 I ! w w Idol lllrIIL irivf1 nriT 1 I - tfnon our trooDi? w HH!ri. i,. :,: tut..,, J ;P,.uonJi -by which the American navvis to he I J . . r ' --t m 'wmiii; miicu nuu rnt in Ali-Ir ;nr..i....' - It wounded a fireatTnan v andBntfj! 1Kf trfi frkrnfo... the evcrto he l..mi-ni.,l rrt.;:.. r. j.,t rM - Who fell at the head of his column by A contusion received by a heavy stoner frotrf-ihf Xiis death at this time is Winrh ti h ouiii sn.y. 1 ur o years cm, jfi?rwl ncn , lorenoon discharged and emu- Cn f 0 iQW v '" . gallant action, from the French itTtn KtH'-r- - w'cr5n&ider Ihe port of N. Indiesbout two year, and . SfiFZ ? LaSl : .rk ,n a. "i116 of blockade "; that all (he nea Our readers will nerceive that .k.?.,. irfl vesSe,s wh,ch hPped down on SAinda na. been promptly , aken up ln Parfcri; t squadron yesterday morniogT AnnrVEfi, the ship Delaware, Hedeliu, ' s days from Lisbon, with, salt to A. Cranston and ..tiFDeKoay ajier sailing, n lat. 38, long, wacr.hnei.1 K .t f . """ "prjii-uiai wun-an American sh n Hrw -r-- 114 h A Ti nTt t n ' rtH!tf MtlhiK'.'k1.! i . . ,-.- . rv.,y . viiMUiKiin orf me major yvnetal ; and his known activity, zeal and ex ,, rrf;iice.malte i.is loss a natjciiial one , , ip corwequence el the fair , of UeneralTike,' the cpmmanu 01 the troops devolved' for a time. u. Jfon XoIoheLPierce, who aoqn: after .took possess iuuwuiu lawn. :i uooat two r M the . Amcri igasiytjiiLulaLfohhe Briiisii,-anfJ at-a- iTQUL-Kouiixroops-vere in quiet posseTarorrfthe to.vn. As 'V)n as. Oen. Dpaiborn lebrt: :h situ B.lua of Uvn. Tike he taiided and assumed (the com 11 ao.J. I have the honor ofi italation which as entered int. v,i yserf From tie London Pilot 'cf AUr.- tntt, , We lament most deeply to have to state that another British frigate, the Java, ha .been taken by the American fngate Cor.stituilnn.: Ti was on ner passage to the East Indies, cT the capi app'Ted by Oenerl .'Ihe ccniY 9ci nre io some ot his rr nrlnal ttoi es, contsijlng large-quarahies cf naval and It;htary.,stores. u II as a large ship upon the aiui.A4 ji-cany ut iineauie only vessel found fteiv is t he Dake of fibster undergoing repairs --the Prince Hega.t left here on the 24th for . KirjstoD, AVe ha. e not yet had' a return made . nf Li e nsv and miliiarV sioresv conscqaently can !v.K-.o'cMTect Ideji ofthe quantity, but have f ina ' ;, YrantSetvti to' have all taken on board :f .that av. can recti ve, th . rest; will .bVdestroyed. ; , I ye : to i. regrtt fa death of midshipmen .Tfi. ... .....1 i..: .1.1 ' 1 ; - ujai' - 'j iidiuctu. hiki several : seamen . . : - t . acuon was oosticateiy . maintained! and the im- ...... v v..u ios on our part, while it con soles us with Re assurance ol the Mmprepaire'd state of the characteristic bravery, of our seamen ouuius tfii auuiuonai 've- nrv AA announced, and an additional ground to Ut anS rl J"! " (rm tbe aUlhorItF f to inouire SerioWv into h- L.: 7."n.eCt.;n? Ieman wh? has bn detained as a nr, quire Seriously into the strancr ra.,-'..W:-u have rcnde-ed our rdat.ve circumstanr-, s,w respect to this new enemy, so different from what ...y wucning an others, that we h.vve ..au n.inerro 10 copterra with. We havp not rriom to enter into this important subject Ithiaday. But the mourning, or our.hearts, which commenced on, tUs, first capture of a , British ship . by air A mencau, and has teen rendered detpcr d more melancholy, by evrjr ., scessive instance,' and most d ep bMb.s DB. LIS4AM1SRUSH. It has been customary in all agea and ticiei to pay tribute of respect to the merits of gred men. The Stata6ruan.Philn.nnhr P., 1 nt.M...r .-. ' " , . T. 't ? V unu rniiantnropisr, nas each 111 hia turn bwa eulogised,;and exalted ; but whep all i'w estimable in these characters are 'concenttsiti in one person, it requires some skill inl-in-guage to do justice, to such a subject, laiil hot say any thing respecting tle: paremag', birth, and early education pf Dr. Rush. Tlnf are familiar to many. Dr. ij!ush at an rat! age went to Scotland and completed hit mdi cal ; iirducation in the celehratej "school rf Edinburgh. . He was the- dtatingtrfshed'Ti industry aooHca0 and agfeeable convert tionrJ received in a flattering manner, 4 the honors of the Xoiversity; -Haviuri retur,- ea to America, fee for some time scvedss burgeon gener-1 in the army ; where he ac. quired a great part of that experience, whi'Ti laid the foundation of most of that knowle so honorable, to htmaelf, and bcnefici;4 tn h- countn:.T tyen in the early manhood of 1. ma scmuagpq tntaiwexji-conepkf1.-"e.. PPOsehe claims of England, and at aii times shewed himself the frifcnrl nJv.H,.' ..equal rights. He signed the- dtclr. independence : that Inff.P,nfif.r,rr now enjoy. Ah ! niustrlous Rush-.mcr.i -rable patriots, my tears ahall wWryriur sravor W hen TChavyU mdolclmd into dust vour names shall adhere to the AerlKrfW,n : pendence: and the hearts of all ow mucn censnte was attached to hisname upon account . of the firm 1 stand In Cook in defpnr ntlil. . . . On Wednesday In.t tK n - r.. i'iJCTtl-'Ma wugt9j ami -WtW- ttionl ,n I " 'r"B. r''r;-censure has ail passed an a lib tuicdic umren .?i at --fTr; it. a ... t. r-r" . -r""v',u,i-wcc Zir1 y"lt"'?,ay .Wing as we an- vVavr, wuauiga7At ana -ihree frigaiesrwere discoveredhTthe offi-ig. . e w,u n,s u,e'.wa " number of recruits and pas- ority of about Tor m 7 a""ni ... o. --. V1V Buuiiiyiim Laeutenantsot .c avy in so much that .there appears not on tlm occasion, that deficiency in poinf of numbers wwicn, in me prior instances nasH Tn ti,- xinaf cause bf the rirrV nf ,kf a 8 or 10. - - ' Nonror,K, M3y I4. TUP t?ir..-,v ' stationed in Lynhaven Bav .wm J f . : V 5 sail. Yesterday Ls sail helr.-i,ii .k. ,j L- seen from Hampton roads) made sr.il and .mod for ihe Ope, We learn HiU r u "'"luuiir u ic nine K"-- .t o of a een .11 uciainea as n n i4.v u " - w"7. . ucare " he would eitbe very soon pr the Coogtess should pf tK ik.mj. . r l "Y uiiwci 01 nis cannon ; I ' , t i-HArlhjtow. Msb'I. away, it was dictated hv m9i;r .1...: and Kush lived to seethe- coxvpirta triumph At hi. n.ii..l.. I wyiH....iFiein an quarters. Hapmv' Iw? py; circumstances: would " r v. 1 j at as 1111. ja anxious only lorthjrjimritrrrf: be assuccessful. Uh merit f , 1 ...... i j iiuiw UiUVl ..n.u." acraowieoged, and no, one dare's accuse hh moral character in n Mngle point of defieicv. ..pawoia be altogether useless to ' tempt to shew how great a phVsiclan he xv iveany every one tnrm? .'ti ...t,.,.'r me oyuennam of AmcriM. H;. stores Ot fcnowledrre nnnli-f, ' HIS Arrmairif'iri Wt. quailed, t His hapnv and lrinr.in-rTn lit.o ."r. , v'sour" correspondent enquires why; ,t ,s that, while the erasers of thenemy are swarming upon our coast, enufring or bayi; and leading theirboatsj;oour trivereind1o "Sc Very mouths ofour ha. bouts that m mpni aro nnt o,t.t ... . : .T Vi aiijiu mar- spriir.r uhiR rr . . vv.rt.. vnv h .- , erf. Cfeiftn. has a ritht te" 7 7K u:l--:aairyo,ce hushed in death V that voice wl.icti I, ... - , .. - . - . ....... - , -

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