liicn The followincr are:extrads'lrom fcovefhor i: bauc'aMr' ess rilOTejiJJO(tt men:ment bfjhVir extra' se6si . ; k-.V. ''jUotfwc i iO?t iMaxa,.. Jlayllf, $ 1 The Senate,' and i.'-Y v'.; v ' v' lijuRt j: Delegate . ''k:--; Xr I T hav become,; my duty to communicate to you ttie-' circa AVance which made necessary an exTJordinary raeetiQff ot the Legislature, e It is ktioyvn to yott vat your preiicessprs at their last session , parsed j, Uir entitled " art act providing for the defence of the State against in. vision or insurrection'; After J waiting a conve- ijienL. time- to give publicity to, the laws so as ,to afllud the citixensot every part of the comrajn weahhv who were disposed to enter the service, anTjpportunity of making known their wishes, and thereby greatly extending the range of se lection, the 1 Executive proceeded to make the necessary -'appointtiient ; of which they gave in-, formation to the parties concerned, but withheld gave an aspect to our situation entirely different of one gallant patriot whose good fortune plated ome days since, ,bct ateri , IVom the one txistine -at-the time ihe law passed.! him in a situation to advance the glory of r,is'sary General of prisoned, These Ifttersaa well :aa mine to those officers of the General Government, connected therewith, JOHN CO FT.ON SMITH. Mature, of this state are now ' sitting at i ipolis,' haying been convened jp an extra lion- wo ine lii iiiak1 uv vivrFnt, imunication from AOS governor was made to i . . : ' '. y ! nf the- House f Ddventcaj ? - Since ths Hdiournnient of me Legislature erable alarms hare pervaded the stale,- n t f- -i . f - I lininci oi appearaucc o igc; ii4ni Iwi.hiu 'he waters of the Chesapeake, ana Ian ton des ruction of our houses and proper- the squulron of the enemy- - have tarnished all the mears withtn,our to reo?l the invasion of the enemVi and as resources are too limited to afford complete is for the wisdom of the Legislature &ke such further provisions as exigencies of !tate, m, their opinion r?.y require. 7 -r,, By virtue of the powers which the officers of the militia ere invested lili'ia of many of the counties have been call- ito hctuiit service ana by law are entitled to tame pay and rations is are allowed to troops e service of the U. Stages. No appropriations ibpen made to defray the expenses thus to bd. We would recommend to the considers (of the Legislature,, the propriety of authoris by law, the organization of volunteer compa of infantry; (a portion of which to be moan- with the privilege ofchoosing their own ofB : Such a forcej it is believed might be etn led with more effect than afiy other in repel. or preventing any invasion of our shores or cks1 -'.upon, the propcrtyo.t)ur cituehs. It iiQ aiw reuevq iho onmiary uituua. ui a irrcai sure from the hardships and sacrifices to , tney are now compelled to submit. Lll the swords and pistols which have been pur sed by the State, have-been distributed, and ly companies of cavalry yet remain to be sua- We submit to the Leeislature.the pro jrie- bf ordering the purchase of an addifional num- aud also a Further supply of cannon an-.: mus- By letters from the Secretary of war dated rrtrthe-tifririffld-g require; presented Ireu to call out 500 militiaio -be stationed at napolis-one of the ex:gepciei' mentioned in constitution on which themiliiia may be call- forth havine occurred. U as considered the y of ihe executive to comply with the requi i ' ion, una tne necessary, orders lor tnat purpose re issued. By another letter from the Secrr- ot ar, dated April jotty a lurlhtr requisi ol 2JQ0 men, to be stationed at Baltimore -a ie . ; orders hsye been issued in conse- ice ot this requisition ; copies ot the requi res are included'io the documents communion cut. ) . a master The Honi; David Dacset has lieeft chosen to I am in high life I have nbtroore than- 300 tmn ' - supplyhe itaeaneyrin the-SfeimteJoT4htIJ atateSfOvcasionca, oy me eiecuon -vumhw i vut u umc inwuimj uwc wuv ot an over. CSoodtich, , Esq, as Lieut. Gevernrir of Codncttw hailing among theEhemies ; f Ga vein miiif , uuuicrs iru uviisIhimsu ui ia purpose ain x XX pect to be Sent as one of them if I am it is prrt. UMe that I shall Come through that Cdjanty and if I do you may Guess 7 what w'tl be th? CotiS ''; quenCt. . . .'y .'' : .y:.;;-'..' v , 1 AiQ trlth great Respect ; . ' . '' . ' ycV' JESSE COPEL Nl ' Mt loth inf.;n . : - -n- '-- Cbmmandand c " rf ? ;1 for Jsta - .Wc. t& jptesure to state, that cfiec'TiJl measures are k progress lor tlie reiif of ru uitfbrtonoie : countrymen, .in. captivity with the e;iev k - . I . , : t i i i w i. .... . mv & i r a w w i i . - i . ii ths commissions. In tins stage otlne business, i noiacommisaions snuuia 100a. wuu gcneroui ccito v i ic spwn lui.ine- letters were received from the .S:r's of War, and ' placency upon the pro rnotfcrti of those rf ho have proper treatmeot, release and exchange of ilri- ' of StaieV' which in the estima'io.i of the Executive ; thus 'distinguished themselYes. The rewarding ! aoner4-Ue Dxed, was agri.d on nd Sfgntd lated sonic aays since ucmien , ucn, Rlasyivvorri'ii3, elorv of his sa'Jf General & prisoner, onth Dart df tle Unu country,. ought not surely td be considered as in-' ted States, and Colonel liarclay, Oenerat Agfnt justice to others equally brave, yet Jo whom IU prisoners on me pan tt ter jintatrr. Uf ?rt??K3iChartes LudlovrjEs(l commandant th the navy of the United States has resigned that situation, on account of the elevation of lieut. Morris who was a iunior ofliceri to a superior command. Mr. Ludlow has published a very ngant and manly appeal the public ; in which, besides doing enure justice toltne re putation of Mc Morris, he clearly' demonstrates! that it was possible amply' to have rewarded, that gallant officer, without dbVng the smallest injustice to the pretensions of others; For our parrs, we think that signal conducf an courage should at all times be. rewarded, and that gentlemevi .vibo are enclosed, and will le. found-in packet A. The causes which led to the passage of the law are ,not. only disclosed in its preamble, but are of geh e'ral notoriety. A, powerful armament, of the enemy had entered the-waters, of the common wealth under, circumstances well calculated c-o justify the most serious alarm : an event of this kind not having been anticipated, no effectual measures had.been adopted for our defence, and our eastern frontier was greatly exposed. Such was our condition and such our danger when the law received the assent of the Legislature. Shortly after its 'adjournment, the General Go vernment, havitig in conformity with its power and duty, taken upon' itself, the defence of the State, sanctioned the course pursued by the Exe cutive in calling out the militia, authorised such further detachment as might be necessary, and also having determined to raise a regular r-j- eimenf lor the defence ol the btate, to be ollicer Chance has not becrr so kind, warriors of the among other ttungs, u i stipulate hat two ocean as well as of the land are alike the children v'rtel vessels of the hurthen; of five 'vuoiretr oiia of the -fickle f$oi16tis ; mid she will often prove toghr, ahall beconstiinftf kept by iicb; govern, v cold or coy to those who best deserve her favor's.- ment in the sertfe'e of rtmoviiig fiisouerdCw These should, therefore, not repine ; but regard twt nations, to be released on atcpuntrVex, with like ' dignified equanimity, her kindness, changed. Onour part, the twovese!s MW betti. I and her scorn j purchased, fitted and disparchtd, to bring hotnQO'ir . e-a prisoners sufForing in tN West Indies-' The NORTH WESi'ERM ARMY. 1 u; S. cartel Arialoslan, Captain ?roith. lnft t his . Official dispatches which we this week Insert 'place for Jamaica on the 2d iosU to tourh in will relieve our readers from the apprehensions Hampton Tioads, and take off British pnaa&cifj they must hav; entertained for the safety of the . ar,d on the 13th ins. the United States cotel army at Foil Meigs and the security of the Ohio hiP Perseverance, Captain Dill, sailed from Phi. frontier. Our troops there, it is true," have "suffer-" ladelphis for Barbadoes, to toijcht at Newf York.- lp ed severely, but" this is the less "afflicting when wetakeid.lUsh-prS)flers'-in like , thannei' - ? ' reflect that thousands of innocent and deencelcss vessels are to return with American prisoners families hive been protected from torture ajndL Providence in, Rrtode-Island one of the stations massacre, ine enemy also has been obheed to BRrceuun-iorinc cxtnangeos. prisoners oi wor. '4 retreat, alter being . abandoned by their savage . allies ; and we trust that the ar, if it must be tfut. Jat. - .i - I-fa ed by our cii z o txclusivelK -and further hav- carried on, will waged altogether on. mg promise' such other additional aid as the the territories ot our adversary. . ., .. 1 r ... . ... .u. t On Tuesday a company oftiet77SiaeYA FORElQM. Late arrivals at Newport .nd New-Bedford, have brought English paperg to th 7th and Freneh jpurnaisto-Hhe 9thrrf-ApvilT-I'yw-Jlru. -5l h.,5C(. '"'1 t being by the constitution the duty of the itral government to providefor the' common ncej we have represented to the Setrt.ary of, ar, wme time since, the exposed and -..defence, u situation of many parts of Maryland. Sq tch of the cc respondence with that officer as !i relation to this subject accompanies this com-tnicd'.ion- A copy of a letter written by this lartmeiit to the President of the United States, Sng i . prt connected with this subject, is abo knsmitteJ : to this letter no answer has been re ived. . ' . ''-' A vacancy in the Senate of the U. States hav V happened during the recess of the Legislature Je executive proceeded, in conformity to the pro Is ions bf the constitution of the United States, " make a temporary appointment until the xt meeting of the Legislature," and the-ho- krabie Robert Henry Goldsborough, of Talbot un'.y, was appointed, and has been commission. .... ' . . -. . .' '.. ' :,-('' Upon the approach of the enemy to the seat of pvsrnment, it wa deemed expedient to order a ni'.ivd of the public records. The Legislature ill ;a't any order that may be thoueht necessa- i;. t elation to them, . . - We have thought it proper tojntroJIuce these pjects to your notice at the commencement fa lessi.jn which has been directed in conaequene of ihe pr-.s ent ilarmiftg state of things. We had iopid that answers from the officers of the gene- al Government to the communications which we 'save had the honor to make them, wcukl have nabled us to have civen some assurances of fu. ure urotpction and security. .To provide for the orfiunorr defence Jvaspne of the important objects or which the federal constitution was formed. Ho protect each State against invasion, is made lite. imperative duty oflhe National Government pnd for that purpose every necessary power, is de- ?g(en to tne national aulhoruies. i he means Jofdefenre reserved to the State governments are pry limited, and their powerSjj in the.conduct of a Var, defined. -If however, .the GeneralTgovern pisnt should fail to afford adequate security against It'ie violence of the enemy, the law ot self preser Tauon, wtcn oeiongs to communitus as uTrTdivjtludls, wobld demand that every effort, 'hic-h it is i i oiir oower to make, should be made f . . 1 . ! . . - ior the s n Iha a ate Hut it seems necea kyiy to foilivv As the defence of the unii and of t lie several pans cf it haS "Jeen CoTIimttredrioThT Gener.d tiovemrnyit, that,. all expenses incurred in . : affo1. ding protection toy the several Staves, ought to'be rei Tibura -dby.the United Statei'!" It would bt prbper,ilhersforeI'to- authorise by law the appointment of 'officers to keep regular ac counts (with the proper voucherU of the cxpen- ces to which the State may be subjected. 1 We'Jiave the Konor to be, - . With mbch're"ecV! "rr r Your obedient servants. v '' - . LKVIN WINDER, VIRGINIA. - : .: The revilt of the ejection in this state is 'more, favorable than was ex;ectetl. The peace, members hosen.af5 Vhelowioj : Mews. BrecX&nridge, littls resources heretofore husbanded wi h mach W commenced, and thus far successfully prose care, were to be immediately squandered, Bnd our constituents exppsed to new burthens. To 4V m a statu oi things, wnicn. could it have hpen an .. i r . , ... . ticipated by the Legislature, the Executive be- tillensts,. being the hrgtcompany of the 1st Regi- ius, arrivea tramr,ngiana, orougnt ivuuo letters, heved w 'uld have prevented the passage of the ; ment, consisting of 78 men, commanded by , and despatches fCT government; v ' : , law. Under this "impression, it became a ques- captain Wilson, arrived at Fort Johnston, Smith Affiirs still :;o ttinued favorable to the Russiargt tion of milch importance with the executive , ville, whrre thay are stationed, from South-Caro P 'he Continent, "and agHaVwns in. some of Q. what course they should pursue To carry the ' lina. Wilmington Gazette. . ... naparte's provinces. The British were prcparig Ihw into effect af'er such assurances from the n expedition for Hanover. ' V J , - " General Government, was to adhere to a system Amid the gloom, which our present unparal- The Austrian envoy had arrived in LornV ject fr which it was intended justifiable only 1 o ver every Ke, it is a pi-a sing, ci enrastance'to e.ral Peace. Britain requires France shalUvjtui a;) in cases ""of extreme necessity, and establishinp a contemplate tit manV f.ff,r:s.whi;h have been 'Spain. .'" .' . iL -US- precefJent liable to be preverted to the worst of ! made for the internal impvovem' and ad van-, A new squadron is ..named, nl ready to star) purposes, and also involving the'' State in an ex- tage of our Society. Ihe diffusion of know- for America, with 000 troops,' 'ami (i0,000-rocb-. nertrp nF half a million nf dollars"! Uv whirh nnp lede-e bv the instruction of VOUth. has been hanni- etS. -" v ' ' , , - r, , --, Tr. --.. . - , .... m ... . ... i j - cutedi vthe establishment of the Wilmineton details of proceedings in the Senate relative t$ Academy. The Trustees of this Insthtnicni weW"t?mcm r ierciwth(cfixupiiiga forbear to execute it was not without its diffi -1 deserve praise for their exertions and would, against itussia. . I h empress ha'ff)i admteit '.- cul'ies. For the Executive to take upon itself i doubtless, in no small degree, render its dura oa seat at me cou ?! ; ana is arMJQinied rnpa- the high resposibility of not executing the law of i tion more permanent, and its usefullness more rial Regent in tha ebseice oi Napileon. ton? the land,, was so hostile to the '-constitution, and extensive, if they would devote more of thojr regiments of young mert ofweifiby..par"itage,anj, a precedent of a naiure so dangerous as to "be en-1 fiersona! attention to the progress of it's youth at who are 10 tnoutu, cbthe and equip thentlvejw" tirely inadmissible. The convention of the Le-: the. regular monthly reviews. i are ordered out- The conscription of 181 4 ha gislature was exposed to two objections. The1 The Ladies of this town, always foremost in tcen anucspviteo ana vu uu rpen ot ine debcrjp inconvenience to the members, andan expence the promotion ot any plan the tendency of which. 1,0,15 mciUOea l'rein lorm. aimy.&i to the comraonwelth. me known patriotism would lead to praise wortby and -charitable ends, ; I,t: y ''- ecu iiouucr oi rrantc of the Representatives of the people wf ich have formed themselves into a society for the pur-1 I he addresses ot tHe. cJitterbAt orators ot Maty counts as nothing, personal inconvenience made pose 6? educating and otherwise relieving the In- . are ed with ' irt.v?civesi;-gainatTr.usstafr whi necessary by the public services-removed the Jant poor. The subscription among them has r3 a.cmauy urti.u r Kaisi i-rnu , a wcjt Grst i the last, whan opposed to the interesting extended to almost every Lady in the place, and as with abuse vi"' wcdeftVRjisaia-and Rng'nd," considerations which dictated the necessity of many residing in the vicinity. The pLn will go appearsthai Martial baw, in it. utmost tiRO?, an extraordinary meeting of the Legislature, into-immediate operation and must pit)duce much , 18 lobe extend ea wuie aepaument io.mei i? Iwindled into insignificance. Under this view; good. The: applause, they .roeritf would , conT i Bonaparte, putt pUM rreetowp.Md. temtorks of the subject a call of the Legislature was sup- stitute an ample reward for their exertions if they ! lhe kibe and Weser. Dosed less liable to obiection, than anv other did not experience a higher sourct of cratihca. i nc i rencu ariuics, course we could adopt. If the facts now disclos , tion from the benevolence of their object and the , summed up ed should produce on the minus of the General conscious purity ot their motives. Assembly an opinion, coincident with Jhat of The, Cape rear Agricultural Society have the Executiver it will be to them highly gratify evinced their intention of becoming useful to their tdlow-cilizens by directing their attention to ob jects of realutility and exton 'ing their patronage to one great source of internal conveniencer and national independence, our ' domestic manufab. tures. ; . ? ' . H It J V. that are to Ar,afe : thjfjf ing II otnerwisrt, we shall console ourselves with the reflection that wt have manifested our. devotion to principle and subserviency to the just theory of the constitution which renders prudent in all cases Of doubt, difficulty, and im portance, an appeal through the const jiional organ, io me puunc will Sib, To the Editor of the Edenton Gazette On the Elbe, Io Spain, The Rhine, Italy, fccy 400.000 200.00Q' 200,0OCT i jPrefrt the Jamaica . Chronicle, - NEW DISCOVERIES. The American nation have lately takenjrffi credit-to themselves for two new discoveries, vi?:f first, the means pursued by captain Hull of tl)- FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1B13. The following is an exact copy of a letter 1 writ- T Constitution tngate, m eflc-cung his escape t. Qni by Jeaae Cofieland, commanding at' Fort- tne uruisn aquae ron, dv ure am oi Kaes ana StOrt. arldfesiierf in a folder ni-hhoBvM his. ! hawsers. When oft Mr . banks ot NW..-r,:iland J," TO CORRESPONDENTS, ten John in Perauimans Cnimtv." ' It fa fhrw.r,lerf 'in '- von I second, the inpi'tt of &-J-ns 'their.CMlridgO v. br for. publication, to enable the srood citizen s of the i thin lcd' insel(, 7f A ielby wivi eh means t lu f .... ... - . . . I to Two communicat.on shave rearhrd MAAr' u"Fwsauon, io enaoie me gooa c , . ....... ... Ccnintv wht eh pave hirtn to such & monster. ea io a wruer wno laieiy made nis appeai'Hnce m j - P t i- . I j the. Register under the signature of YJraecAV-- F. machnaUoHf kHf The general contempt into which that author and hja j-emarks have sunki induces us to believe that it would be a waste of tirrie and labor to occupy any portion ofjour paper with a reply. RALEIGH ACADEMY.' v The examination of the students of thiafinstitu tion commenced yesterday and is not expected to close until the latter end of next week. The aambeLj?f pupils haa never been so gi eat. r The Newbem Branch of the State Banit has removed the specie in its vault to those of the parent bank in this place. This .is . certainly a prudent step j though we cannot imagine that -either of our seaports is in nuch danger. ; f NORTH CAROLINA By the closest caiculaiion we have been able to make, the aggregate of votes takerr'at the late ckct1pnoutdrive - majority uf aHkasure state they notonly firn ofttner without spungingji but their guns never miss fire. STATE BANK OF N. CAROLINA. : Raliioh, 20jh Ksv, 1 Q 1 3. Moueand in favor of peace. ;, Ths whole ,of the Norih , Carolina delegation wilt have nrriVed at Waihi.ig on on last Monday! The message of the President ra cscpeted with much atptictyt- . - " ' . ' ism than the nervs of the human and at any thre minutes-warning I an have Hivery Cannons mouth on the fort In a complet blaze my men are wet Clothed and fed and are in good health and jhigh Sperrits they have -Just received there ffO1 V$ flnf appear 8$ plenty at cTirt thes? is half per. centum oft each ViuS evoryShaio of the Stock. ot the State B.inK, wa(di'cldied ani made payable S'.ockhotders, orthetr repreenwtives, 0.1 and after the fLst lU t day in June neit. 'l"; . 3 V W. If. Haywood, td'hirr. ."""'nil' -i 1,1 v...-1. I.... ;', 1 , . ; -- 1 1' ' hibit to the" public, in true colours, the materi- als w'hich compose an olricei So elevated, and con spicuous in the army of ,the United States-- An oinuei wc narejicglLjnoucea ro oeueye, . was c a T a meeting of the Resident and Directs t of tho Sn,t lected to protect our lives, our liberty, andurf Bankif Kotth Carolina, aDiviDLNroi two a property An officer it would seem with precise.' ly such 4 head, such a heart, and such a "choice spirit'' as is well pleasing to -our wise and virtuous adrrtinUtation. He was first a Captain in the ariim now '-a brevet Major. r.;." -i The pdblTc assurectThe-aTithe'nTlei of the letter Cannot be douhted ; and you, Mr7 Editor, can direct any person to the gentleman who has the original v . Fort Johnston M 'C. Mate 3th 1013V 'Dear u - . . j '-'- J-V" - Sir the times at thi9 place shows tike the Brill iant Sperrit of war; -' Every foiisjinJU.Cpmptet st U far action and our move ments are like iGlockvork r aq'conrideht it wourL make you VrrHCrl ER-WA.NTK Dr Til AT if welPrecornnnenfle, to take chargeuf an C".:GLI5-I SCHOOL in)S(atesi'l'c, N. C, - -May 2a, 1813.' " ., 8 3r. ' TAKE NOTICE, THAT I forwarrj all persons Irom tradinjt f a N'ote. o Fort DDlla'rsda'ted in Fbru;. 18,3, pvuZSiSiiur-ntiy ibs 'af ter date or pnitTably less, g;veu l.y me to Ciu le- 'thorn :onl . Also, nnethfr Nrfe nnaielVil-un. f.if F.itHf LV'lIJi 3ffi I lhihicrorne Cents, daied, itTTTIelTt'ved, in May, ISi V'M-iit . three Credits thcieoni die ifi ,7 creilit rtcci'- ett t Charlet Thomgioiuar.d iffj OtV-rtby- JanerKinki'wl, j""'. amotntklfc by me to' Clurlct Thompson, in pvt fm fero roii:, '.who has ince been proved li be bad ifotieny.- liiii m4ts in th'e nanai'bf lames Kinkaid, iunio'i .igan-.jr -.ifT.-n. J 1-ave? brcught salt fjr lurgfiy, wa s"4H! Unit-,; 1, r iti'trifr... trial (0 appear at tt oexrSttetioi Court i BaticMwi-e .v.y. ' - i c-hn rt-rfwiisAtri!;. . h Bf I.

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