....Jrii..AJ.!l(i r- t "TtT" v, .-it -'. i - ..-; I 1 1? I M'srr-iu ..v-.1 ' ... .. ..i msnd was made upoh?w.eGen n 1 1 ife: vI V v-l't:;':-;-' -f :.f:ork-y ntiino'morc-no less tha buUt on knoll, U I'.il lik WHftwiuwrt?Alt -3 htt follows' -JliS Majesty requires hat a hew tomrnana a auignuui prOSvv- 4- Km i , : w i . i j ,1.1.-.. i . .tj .c t-, . .1 . . t - l - iirviica i: 4HAiit Turn murs .auutw f tfPi'ninuitd r-this;ek, mirfir,.an'l tortd it g.. ihat'ai'e cruising be severely prohibited; : that f o wit ivibe (Closest atteniidn. Vte tWnk-n manl y ho t)auerfcV;be raised 'orrthe shores of the Sound ; . .11 H e.s,- thvpicture here drawh of French tyi'Aftfcy, tlU ths;ihn'avy:be-fitted put and assail tHeEng- H l& rtiutiiy.iktvS haspaiff I'ns lsi attention to Use lish vessels jdt IeViUes- this Sweden should il assroff eytfff of the UU twelve ytalrs in cur rjse aa rj wfi ooifntrybut will 1 16k" Vhh a' kind 'V-t honor stuck ftui k-rhe' Disclosure here inadeV Irulted if it -.werej between th riot for ih'erocca'rnnil occuTfen&t! . ollhames we 1 Wh.r. ii'ftttij tvifa SSO to .40 - thousand: rnen to between that rower and the French Empire, riot Tor i hVoccaitfnnal occurrence oilname we i Whir ituiisrs did not,Droeress raDidlv enough M iouIdtasHlir intaeineV-lha'i 'we 'wtre reading our :n tha;c,i-;nirv."Lft muv the voracious. -abDetite5 leriffcw ftorn -our Afte a loni cors of j.anl opportunity , vhen hii 1arbours were filled M ablca submission to the imperial lesibo'M f with uUr vessels, and" then, by hii Rambouillet ; ruthless tvran to CoC France, Sw.edcn-ha- roustr'i upi c!ecrte4ie seized the wholer and like an expert .jo4"-ceeree ot com acre sufhciem to snune ehceJ vhiglmavman.aprroDnated the avails tfacy.es.We basely T crTiVchVdbeht has been' aban a YmRhi&Ubl sjnrited. and p i pfligate. adrrjin- Ht;ail U5, the more' we submit . ,is'riWW this H ';l"liv ph in slate ofhe. iaV bttwe eh Franee and, eXpenc of, national honori and private justice K Sweden wis twr 'Rbf.Sarte insisted on here-l biitif th tuticle Rpbsessedf ny Val'te, ut the ex, wprnin a bartyoihe Cowiintal " System.' We j pc'nse p.f Mr.' Midiso.n,s-4Wo;l solemnly pledged forced her -to assist' hiilnaeralnst her wilt and a-' nilf -tn r...u. m t.Cm& with "Uonanarte'. hut-' noon ! tered from the northerlywinds by the hign lantis gfftst- allhei'ldterestjn hf attempts to ' trb.diie-thc reoratton of the property thus seized und ! in the ''rear. '"' ' ' V' l49 gi'f aOiva),' 'Sw&ehlWdecV tb'a't'hrejt rhAt!.coi,fiS6wed. - - -: : . ' ;'f: Yne street leadsfrcm York to Iake 'tew ; ikh' tlurst ' nfresrst "x and thfilenmid up-.m hert ft i irk--tiSnff at U ahr.lntlv t4witmov'to ."ao.l tUe')anrfa. strecmsses the rear of me town. son, near thtf trtiad'of Ihe harbotiri" lheironi 01 the city, (for so it was called ay wri". w British. Sarveyor G neral ortHeFrov i ncp ; ol Upper CaftadaJ U ' yrs ago) is a ' mile and an half in! length, Vho.spCaks ot several handsome squares, particularly one open to the" harbour. 1, he river Don empties Htself into. the, harbour a little above the town,' runntngrthro' a heautij"ulieadow. The long beach or, peninsbla, like ,t our Nahant, affords a most delightful ri de, and is eonside. ed so healthy by the India.ns that thj-y. resort to it whenever indisposed. ! , 7 ';, - Th J Government Hr use is situated between the chy and the river Don, in a beautiful spot well stilted for gardens and parks. The otks are large, the soil excellenind watered by- yaiiotis streams, one of which may ' be thrown : into all the steets in the' town. The harbour is well cal cuLted for ship building, and bulking of. Vessels. The climate ot York is temperate-, ana wen snw- Ditto, on the 12th, 14th, 16th and ; x.'..t8th.di.ys,-;v,'si . -:'-!- Ditto, on each day from. Hie 20th 1 .1 3 6 120 20 40 ed 100 00 prize of '.vi? do do v ' do-'-'-do do do " do - . do v. iooo , , ' '-'5oo .."r' ' soo I'' 2b tickets each-, 50,; ' -y 2o '. . . ;' 15, 10 S 2cr-) ' i ic;.o f.'.U f;,t ooo .H ( 11 'J;'.i i:( ICO) , 4 u ; 1072 prizes, Not two blanks 2028 blank, S vUo. aprite. 3100 tickets at 5 dollars each", is g ls,CA ? The cash prizes subject to a deductioi- of cfilt,. per ceot.'v:-. ... -. -; ' .. , i' r'lStatipinary-''Piizes a follow ; '. First 500 drawn Blanks entitled to 6 dolls. caci 1'irst drawn licket, ; . Ditto on the 4th, 6th, 801, and 10th days, ",lin. mediately became boundless dscuitina; Bonaparte ever. ! trace the history-of nation! dcur.dt!oivant--go Th streetV -;ie turripitu sjir mUitary-roads", and mnnaclcd as she-was, wkn t. French heif ,Kl)e Crown at te ht.'aJ of her iffjir7j- shew ed vastly more spuit and independence - t conduct,' th .n our arfmijiistratipn , Aiid yet tney,-ynd Thir noi sy too!; b. a.v jhe jssurdhce to dfcclaV, .tba o Fn t)' !i ;.Artao.hments,,nbF"rehchTirfl h6 French biarses exisPbere Our administration is PVench vo thefcorei . They mourn over-French defeats and tlii'is'.trs with as much heart felt sineeriiy, as if instead of governing a cpvmtt y a vis Hi : Ath.itir they were Viceroys of a Siss C;MHvtJ. And we havi not a doubt, thU. notwlth-. tLnc!iO,' ali the hvp-icritir.al and holloa hearted Bunci'iery of 'li;" Russlm mediation," they" hope,, in thtir s-miH, t'o be relieved from it, by hearing Within a shor' time th.it the Ft'en-'h- kta&dard i. w? ;:'tc . :!i it ; . (S . -ne'i .'sbirgh. Sbncoe, and in length .xtenJmOre than arr hundred miles Host 'ah hea:1te'wedesio,.exelude'lhS- Anierieans- fromU,.fomemai ireV.htrr. Sweden.' hTlTnbled ad nia l bv the British troop urider Lieut Goyenor Jl:': s".. . - . tt.. . - . -i .rM . -.i - ' ' I ... '. .. - . .V t J I sWiU. (vi.an.yy imu r (jt mivuiu jiwui i by'- lionaparte bet wten Swedi'n and $ngltid, be fije hefJFrenc)i minister at Stockholm be gar. 19 eveiope his ptan.He demaridedat first a nu v mei'i u', corpt f Jiftllprs t6 tnan tje 1-'feoih flttt at D est, und .oon after Swedish troops to bt put I 4 under Frenchrpiyitherr; ibi( introduction intol Sweden 01 th .anfi ot buy per cent, upon coiomai pvorlace and fifiall) tthe establishment Of French fc.ustn house;1 ofceers at Gotunbmgh. Tbibtf ' jto'idest dtm34hdsn& being complied ' with Bona .SarTe at once Vssurjbed an air of hostility towards "Instead hf truitirig ; tat He bold arid IrfTpudent ai , sertiAns of themjfiistefiali&ts obr country, nr J'Popi?resS ahd:obt. rt4,'of the Iniellitncfr.- jfLiir : e the Boston Patriot; and other unprincl- f. pled -'ntw i pap"et!f:.-' which stoutly deny the exist . cnoe-ol. rrerfch irfluehce'.ir'oir '"'g;overrmentx l:-t 'tbe cnropari'Ljrtfs' 'statement, wrrh ihron' ! -";'- ADV- HT1SKMKNT. ' . ' " THE subscribers having quaffaed ai !min:stratorV with the .Vill annexed f PS.TER liilOWN, c. at the la-t County Couit o' View and Quart 1 Sesiious held tor ftowan. County thos. indvbitd aie reque.ted to pay,, and ihu-e, who r,avc claims against the state are iequetcd to present them to the Aamiiiis tratoit Wiiliiu'the lime pi'e.cribed by law, or they will be hafed of a recovery. r ' ' ' '- Susannah Brown.? 'Tho.L. Cowan, "Salisbury, 1st April, IS 13. .-853-6.'... NOTICE. JX vite IvLIZABETH LOCKE ha? rlnped from me. 1 J.VJL caiition'ill petsous from harboiing her, or giving her cre dit I'D my account. ' . James M'L'Uind VcKee. April 21 r WIS. 8353rp. " Trance towards us, nd- bur condtirt to-' Ex'act qf '0 letter from li teral Dedfibrn to' fiarck Fr use, and it will t? fouhd that the" most ! th: -SLc-cofy ot War. da cd''iaara, May 3. -ntfhi m. y-V--' KlmlfQ IoS3 te enemy in tht h-e .ffur ot'York mW. ,telde'i ttncon-htiona obedience. 1 he wholeta. 1 tC( l0 one ,IUIM,re1 kUlfcd; t,v, hundrwJ ,jrlr:ner3' tory of the restnct.ve stlm. adopted by At r. .lef , ad th llundrcd ,,oundcd. 1 have no! been .1 ferson, tmd pursued by Mr: Madison unt.I ,t r-: We t0 aclaio precisi!,y ,he H1lounl of ,,e-tniU Wifi-in-ar, w&S a base subserviency . to.. ; put on iheirpr0le-,f presume it.could not he - pae'sCntmeKtal system. And baa we beer. I ,CR5 thaM kimdTd,. ViK.e was an immense tt'K,TO:5 cod.;hve r.1? -l,8t; hffav de-t vf .naval and military gio.es. York was a Avei't-n, wfir should have' furnished the sailors k j "JrtaV his sbipswrsh'jujd have admiited the-taiiff: ancthe'cnstdmbaseOic'ers', ' and cur soldiers j ' jfvould hveheeri placed under thti pay ...of Fiance. ' Ftndingthf Ring of Se36n did' not yield im EltfitphediehceTfflheseti euisitionsirBpart rtjan to look "sour aiJ blnsiet An ! im.;i !ite proposal-was ttiadd for Sweden to form 'pn-ttliiaoc-; 'Uh France. v Thetanswerto this proposal itot being Sarisfactory loth Frerch Minister ( Stdcfeholm he. was requested to stt-4 'what the Emperor riejuiredbfwt:derj,vand what thatcoun try could expectas an indemnification' fofiheievv 1 fcat:.rifices' io hich ' it would 1 be ' excised by the piensions df Franc'I.Thelmimstcrw c.ha-5c:eristic irolen-oP.'his" liatibh, '-replied' '.'' Thai, the ILmfierbt TequitdeedH Conforimblt lo hWsyncml apd iht'i't.taiSd "-ufft worda be time enough to trea .0 wh2tf'XJmicrial :Majcaiy v) juld rtij'in Javot of Sn'jede'n''1 ' .'IrTa conye satBri b'etvlrj G'n; "Armstrong and Ih'e Duke of. CdoVe; related irr a letter from the -f of m fir H 0 th e 'Sef'rela ry df $t at e, ' dated Ft-b r tfary ''.? 7th 18 10, 4 the Duke addressed to ; the Gerierd $i V'.i.rg'di'ds" ir-i" !--, A' 'HiVrnajrsU coulii, p!;ie no reliance 0.1 tin pr6c!i'drn!;'& ,V)f "the Uni t . S'ates, w ho hayin'g n grou'.d ol corhphu. 't ' . vinst France Comprised her rnthft-.cts of eSclUsi;.anu since - the ivn!h ot iy. v.- 3 roqtt uie entrancf uj ineir ports Vt-.Ni u.'i 'Zine tor rtrcara, Uctrmt, ecc. enu noiwivn h'.and.hg 'he immense amount which was destroyed ly them, we- f .(.ad more than we" Could bring off GeturU. SiiealTe's b;-iggige' and papers fell into my Hariiis ; the pperi are a valunble r acquisition. A sjealp wts found In '-the executive & LtgUlaiivt Cvi i cd Chamb er j s u s pc hd eTieFrtSFFkers chair i;. company with the mace, Uc" Extras of Utter fr;m a 1'ield Officer in the force' which landed at Yorkrto the Dciar ment c War. "frhe column of littack ennsisu-'u of he 6ih ' 15th, 16th, and 3 1st regiments r.f infantry, 'and. a ; detachment of the Liurht :nd' Heavy rtillei-; M 'joiFofsyth's corps of RiBs-men, and L' Col M'Clure's corps .'of-VoluYitetjs acted on the fl. Dks; Tfteie was ja long1 piece of woi.fis 10 gp ihtough which offered many 6!st rg'ctions 10 ouv hVavy or ditrrce. As was expected, we v. re there an noyed' on" oTfr'flsrks by a part of the lhi.ish and Indians, with . sid .MUffiiiadim - LANDS FOR SALE. ' be Mrl at vftncluc, at the bouse of Aiiiavbik Tik- -RFi-5, -in t H!tl! cmnty, on THURSDAY, ihe l21d .laTd July next, ihe t.iii wii g valuable Etaie, belonging ie the beirs or ALEXANDER WORK'E, deceased, to wit LANDS IN l KUK. I. CaUNTV.' . 1 105 acres ui l.ictt oii the waters ot' Davidson's Creek., near Cl'titie Mceting-H U3e, a frcdcll county, on which is an elcg.int dwelling houtte, with all ntceiaiy fui kmses,'late rne rtsitjiice ui o 1 vv jrK ,, .... V v 157 acre 't io. on Davul on's Creek, neai the aforesaid (ran U3 acres cl do. afljjining the laud on which Ceiitie Meeting tl .'use taii'is. 202 act., of do. near the aforesaid tracts calkd Lewis Jetton'r place. . 144 acr-s 01' d. on ltt Cataw ba River, known by the name 0 Qlyhaut's place. . . 34 i'cres it do. on "Davidson's Creek, called White's place '270 acres 'i KoaHi. LANDS IN MECKLKN3UKG COUNTV. 311 acts of land on. Beaver dam arid Davidson's Creeks,- he cojniy of Mecklenburg, ki;oii by the nnrufc of Hiil' plan- 210 acre of d . on a branch of 1'Alp'm's Creek, formerly the pm-ry 01 .lexam.'er Hodge. -223 acres orViv 'o mcrly the property bf Andrew Alexander 266 ;icr.-! 01 do. called the Big Island place, at Beat tie s Furd " - La'ai).t Kiver 30'. a' r..- ui f ... on Beaver-dam Creek,, called Patiick Hamil- iic.tr tne same. o kt.wn by the name of Shepherd's Crra in 16 9 ton's ,! icf. acres J dj. nqar Hamilton's place. ;ves of io on the waters ot Rocky River, called. Duck- worlh's place. ' ' k 251 arret ol d -. on Thompson'rMtll Creek, in Rowarr county, caneajames uutrnes place. .iQL,ias.s.ot.ilu-Jyii im.Secosid'8na4.JUMCi in the couniy ol O .... . .... 1 -ftUUIUJUIU., - - . - t& V sale wit positively be made of the shaics of all those who Jo hot disM-iitbtl tre the 22d day of Jaiy nexf, A i'bi rnl credii.will be given, and bonds with approved secu rity ie jiiuwl. Any futtlier tnlbrinatjon ; dees sary will be given The' explosion was tremendous The column was raked from front to r.-ar. Central Pike and bialhree aids, and 25D officers "and men were kill ed br wounded 111 'he cblumn. " Nolwithsiaii iiuir ; ihtsSl'tmity and'the'discdtofiture that might be j to Fiertclv resels. undet the ptnalty ol confisca-. ;on As soon as-hsm9festy wa inforinvd of this 'flneasUfre; b considered hi mrlf bound'o t-rd'jr reprals on Ameticah vessels, not only in bis,ter ritp' v ', hot likewise To he cpum ties ' hich . 'ire Uii'i-' Jus" influence. Jn the ports .of 'Holland, of Itly and vt" Napbs ' AmBiir;ih. vessels 7i x . . : r..i-.- ei n ,. . , , r , . 10 thP riftpi which tlUw.ftre toYakf Hhft 1 waiosinc irwii.., vtn , oneane neu anu teu nts oVn ier'totear to pieces the act of thei- inde. j VW bagga behind him, About Sixty fe peence, snd tobecoroe-aestn, as liefore the revo i Ku(lars accompanied him, leaving thur wounded n-bur-rastLt 'heir .cchtiinerce4 and Indust) y ,'! fch"0''' k."!f n .': vou.nded.-" "letf iorce,TEKUiara nno miiui?, consistta 01 Ivy men. We tonk between four n.id five hundred prisoners,'' One of th enemy's- battcies accidentally biew up by which they lost fifty 'men' of the 8vh regiment A 'part of our force wis depched from our column as it came info the open groutid, who carried the second battery by 'storm'. T-iie 'troops were batted jowthe Uy-ufale. fv"w"rtithu.tis to brmg 'up the heavy artillery to play on the block house. - Gen- Sheuffe, despair inr fit holdjfii? the town, ordered fire to be nut to 141 e magazine, in wntcn. tnere were nve hunureti 1 YANCEY 8c HK ANSON barr Is of pode.frmany cart loads of stone, undravPFER U aIe''theirJsroCK'OF GOODS', in the City ol an im .lense qu.Xntity pf iron, shells and shot: J -RaU?iKh, for Cash or on a CiedTTlor Negotiable Papcrr-a April Iff, 1813. M Stokes,' Attorney forlfi'e Heits of C.t Woilcs '' ' .1t. . ' ' - - ' " haii-twnio Aoi trutiu Lt maay places, and well laid in. May 6, 1813. - .7 ' 893 if. FX MINATIONT. ' t "HE.-tli'r-anriual exaniination of the students of the Frank- X li AGtdemy, will commence -on Monday the 7th luno L- 1 ' 1, . fn.T- k-...iex'jtled to follow it, the UoopstMC three cheers, 1 AnAy c.munue tw vays. , Theie will be an EXHIBITION . ITirr intand formed thetrofuTnn and marched on to i a on Wednesday he.h ; aud. 5r7.-: .-retail veascia. a uz .iiici ivans ui!iiot. ,,..'L . .. . - ,. ,. ion tue ,enmif t liie.fame ly will fte ocrformed. lot the be. rterttof the Aca-lcmv, ihe celebrated play, ' s ' THE SOLDIER'S DAUGHTER," .. With an appropriate after-piece, -r .... - .-- . - r , trt T ..- . niL.u, aec . ah'"vld i',t be tariffed ' ' (tames) - by , the English' hich renders them more dependent thjr Jamaica; tt nit h ,ut l-'"si has its .ssemblyof representatives and its 'piivile?ti- Men - without just ' political vle".s (sans politique) wivheut hjjhor,' without ?n- - Ci'ty, my auepL-iuaupuyniciu-uiiiic-ujoute ki'.posed by Lnftlaocl, may a sunmitled to because it is '.i .'li; : but why will they not perceive, that 'tr-eLEhgnslVwill no scotter-have obtained the ad 'fil"hion rf the principle, than t! y will raise the -tariff in such way ,4hat, thcC-but theh, a't-(ast"be - i , , . . . ' ' I . v,... L r f JiJescriptioii of it miyjnot ba unacceptable to pur rcaucrs ui itiiit note. Cfptni ir insupp' rtxbiej itiwill then, be necessary to 'tn:.!M iiVtci tst, after. having refused to fight Cirloior.M ' " - -'" -,' ' . " Ttiiu 'i!iso1ent,and abus'fve language, our admin istf atiuii hore with lamb like submiiiion, and aS tb as possi.bje; shaped their measures; h as to Vender .-them-more, conformable to" his Majesty's .imperial a' Royal will, and1 at length by shifting Vnd rho.'iivthey reached Ihe sublinic satis .'..'(fac'Lrt of bittint;' on exactly the thing hr wjshed ; for, . iW'tr. And h d Our territory- been in 4uv'e.i'wi htn the the nauVidaries; dE.Erppe',-' they "would J?ave formed -an alliance wi-h ; France, or ."-'gVfrirJtH;! with mother states', under" the. proteC ' ;itVoi Kr't'.c. ' " ; ' r i' V "S:V IjnihhcKrr of .-Sweden did not i i 'fttnr.ieiir-.?-.8te or i.lfrri-.eiCe.-Uon-i.. ' h trei m xrehi'l i.ro. P' t'1 - a '. t ok ; ;''''::- r:,, youk,. ' '.:. ','"' ; The capital of Ufiier Canada, Recently taken bv General Dearborn, is a place o iniiiteiy;m-ire vamean j importance tliaii is gen? rally imagined here in Boston. Abrief P5,:tt ptfcsesgu fj Vom&m ..jiwt$;a . de- arrive .at the township . of York. This nlace. which was tie seat of the government of Upper Canada, lies.ln about 43degre'cs 35 min. N. lat. and is most, beau1 fully s'uuated within an -excel lent harbour of the shT5 namcnade by a long peninsula which embraces a hason of water suf. ficienlly l.rge to contain a considerable fleet. It la a nAvy yai'd, 9nd here our- troops found a fri ga'e on tht stock?, ; pierced I'or 32 guns. ;-Ihe haibour'of Vo. k his. this advantage over the other ports on Lake Ontario;that vessels may ride -safely at its' entrance, 'during the wiiiter. - ! " On the extremity of the Peninsula, which is called Gir.dtar Point, are commodious stores nd blockrt Uses, 1 which. command the entrance of th-i h 1 v ; pn the main land opposite to the Koitr 1 tr. . ua tisot, Mtus'.eti on a pv;: t ma- c' ey the liJLrlyuc atyl a smjl rivulet, which bjing . ...... . 200 tloUs . 50 dolls, e'arfi O r 1 11 w aciis.ccts, .tothe-SOih inclusive,' excepting - tliejFickets constituting Pi izca, 20 tickt-ts t.-c'j The said-SQ" prizes to consist c-f the .Nva:ii! irom iot 'io-5U'JLjnciusive eacni x ot n,c A." ta fi'vn ' rvri9 thi' lire,-.)fV'rti her (nflKc 30th dayTand so regularly asceiic. ,t tns; iiyui.i - - ; -, . . ;. , . - First. diayn on the 6th. day, DtsT Diitp. . . 42d day, . Do:U Ditto.? ; .. T45th day, ;'"""" Dd' , Ditto. . ; v 43tj lay, - VAA;, Ditto. 1 . S0lh(day, 1), 1;-,. The Managers present the foregoing Sc to the public, in the -confidence that not or.ly t: lauciawe ooject ot me jL.o:ttry, out the great ia ducements held Put to adveniurcrs wiil wisure J speedy ,sale of thel tckets. 1 he properii'.in; prizes has seldom been exceeded, and they ci :. arranged. 83 that the purchaser of a Vmglc nutiii,ir, by having the, prospect of drawing twenty u' may calculate on his chance pfpbtaiiiing- tvn tf three of the best prizes, for ths trifling sum fg;, The drawing willcorpmenceon ice jj. day cf October nexu and be- fjnished wi:!ic, 1 uc,t' TVU.B. LIT1LEJC)H1 ."' WUXIAM KOIIAltDS, j -, - - . WILLIS LEWIS, L i . ' tHOMAS HUNT, j ' , WILtilAM M. SNEED, J ? " Tickets at 5 dollars each, for sale, at the . nerva Office. H ' - ' -r March 2G, 18' 3. . ; 8-5- tij! Ort. ' Navigation, of .Roanoke." TN' conformity, to an Aof the lasrCererJ Navigation of Roanoke River, from the '.awn ;! Halifax to the pUsce)' where the Virginia j. i ersects the same," t he undersigned, Cornini b rs named in the said act for the city i.f lUkb Hare opciicu a noon lor ouuscr:pnotiS l:.r M.aictf i:i the Capital Stock for accomplshirig the saao? .tHrtaUiniv. vvKir.h will 4nn'ti'nit nn, r. il... i i ! Octobrr,'at the Bookstores of J. Galtsui iWJ loylan. i he proposed Capital Stock 13 limited 0 100, 000 dollars, to Jbe divided into shares of l&o liol iars each.. A general meetintr of the sub-u :b;n is to be hdat Halifax on the 4th Mond.n i. .)c t .ber next ; and it 400 shares te nor suts'. before, or at said meeting, all subsbrij'-tiops ui 10 be void. But if a sufficient number of-ii "it then, subscribed, a Company is to .j ,.d, under the title of" The Roanskc Jii Comiani)" and subscribers must then p,iy t iars on every share'ubscribed , and the reta.. der when called upon, exceptlhat more tii.u . i3 collars on a snare not oe caned tor m am' 1 year. - " H EAWtl-U "" W. liOYl. v.h, April 10 , J. GALES. O" Subscription Books are also opened ai ton, Plymouth, Windsor, Halifax, Wan uuo .:j fordJlocksborouih, Caswell C. House. Vr' worth andGermantoDt under the direction ofjuti? Cbmmissnncrs at each -place.' Loui -barf, May 21, 1613. ,2 - The black Arabian Barb, Sent to America ta .dlO by Ojlof:V7jTdft our Cot, - sul general at, jilgtcrii, who obtained him from V;; the D eyas 'a mark of his particular, favor, . I A TJ LU stsndLylableMnalishuryth V V present season, now commenced. Fcr particulars reference can be had to ray bills As this is the first genuine "Arabian that ever stood m Morth Carolina, and as it ,js universally ' After leaving the townshins of Pirti. - vr,,, amittea tnai tne superior excellence ot the Lng- pass under the highlands v .Scarborough," and !i!h, rS?- 0winJT m?re t0 thbeiflg crossed - . . . i u tin vionD o nr-i with Arabians and ' Barbs", than to "any other cir. cumstance, it is hoped the American breeder will no' permit so good an opportunity to pass unim proved. . - This Horse was selected by Col. Lear from the private stable cf the Dey of Algiers, which con. sistedof 30 that were chosen Tom his, public sta1- tie r.l 200. Col. Lear speaks cf him as baying the, highest character of any horse in the Whole regency. ' - .. " -.;'' -.- . zr I ; J. A. PEARSON. ,v Salisbury, Mafeh 9, r8 l0.' . . &6;Vit Juneiol "UWiil s'and t twt M-i-fTr hilars, and not t wen iv 'dollars tSeseasn a -kt roieously -printed 'in ihe bills:-' - - JIENRY GOTTEN : Tlrpuh, cThj 1813. . . " . Gr. -State of North Carolina, '"pitt COUNTY. "" ... Court , o V.f s id Quarter Sessions. Ffbhuakt tkrm. 1813. ) Simon Barney 11 . Original jtttactimtr' V8, V Levied on a nerio v.-.:: Jonathan Fellowes. J 7 id Pen.iy. 11 appearing, to the, satisfaction ol tht cn'" that the defendant in: this cause is not an i tant of this state, ordered that xublica.'icn ot un' in the Mine'rfjTlhrfe' months,' that the'nefc!-''11 appear at the next or succeejtling tcri) ol court, to be held for the county 'sfrjfesiiid. a'. ' court-house in preenesville, on the TirsT :M ':'' inM'ay and firsMVlonday in August, rtjjkv. plcjid,' otherwise judgment will be entered a;. bim ., . ... .... v- . 30.6lp-r LEX KDFR KVr- The Baltimore Hofpital Lottery . js commencea era wing, and continues i present once a week. ' --' " . A ri i Air PHIZ ES-A EE I prize of 30,000 dollars, - 2 prizes of 20 '.oyo dollars,"''.' - 6 do. of 10,000 tlollars, &c "-. '. TICICCTS, -v-; In the Baltimorfe liosjn .i L ttery, noV '' " ing, may be had at the Minkrta Oilioe Fr-- price. Si I. . , .. , 1 . jj?t pri-i .'S'3t))COO.--: . Letters, post paid, and enclosing the cash',. ' be attended to. :- ' .-' ". ApiU.- "'; : IN: BOARlyOF- tKUSTEESQ rv'TI IE V Nl V i R SI TY.' '-;.:( DECEHETlltiiB, A.'P. 181? ,, BE ii,''orrfam:ci'-That-:a'wecial-r!!e''.lt' f:' this Board behad at Chapel- Hill at tlt-. ' ' t .' examination of. the StuTlei.ts of ' this Univ ..' cbmmenciag on the '26 h oT May and -e:id the-3d dayo Jun iiext-, ' ;- -"" 'r" Test, ROliT 'WILLIAMS , Apiil 2. 1312, ' . - ' .Valcuro, r t . w.' :vA-