I v : ;.: V amaa VMM - apa ' --j- Wffim m 1 ' w ,.r P V I S H E D (wi i k lt) B yUC AS AND A. H . 8 O YJ DOLLARS fB tSASfJ RALEIGH, fj. C. Mi; o rc .v.- r f FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1813. Vol. 18. No. 896. 1 .rt. ' j m of ethf gnnts prcviU over those of the ancient na- porderancV...w the infloenecs of .tbar quarter J .tod nid that -they have done, it." ! tny man b$ -Ufe$; and that a ,Wack popdlation outbalances: perfect tft,olkical inslgnidcancy of this part oft lleve tbtrKa the inSikcnce of Massiysetts. QV Pnliticali : - the white t that from woods, and lakes, and de-j the countiy N OAl'ION.; -r a-rt wilierriesSes.! legislators tssud controulinci. This, then, is the undeniable condition of the helivered before the fVashligton, Qentvolent Socj..the destinies of seaboard peopk, paralizing all people of the commomfeoUh of Massichusttt I ty0 MiMachwtcttSy onthe 30w day o' 'r their interests and darkening all heir prospects ; : Thai proportion of polUicai power whielHhey pos -all this riottvithstancltnc, suit the condition ; sessed at tne time ot tne. adoption ot the consul u might be endured, upon the principle that it was tion, is gone i and the proportion which remains 1813, being tne anmvtraory of taejwai inuug T io;i oJ president nathtngton f ' 8y JOSIAH QtJIMCy. '(Continued.) The degree, in which the proportions of poli- J Dower; amonir the siatcs ot mis uwon, lave hsen changed, bv lime and usurpation, r- J , . r- a ?nr th( ftdont'mn of the constitution, admits Ol r - u . . - V .a. ti very varied and extensive iuustration. isnan onBne mvself ibthfr Utemcnt of ope or two rather hv war of indicating the state of - -J , . i . hitwts than describios; -it. This cannot ijedone, Jn.iS its UticB Vithm , ll had signed the! bond, ; stiujuojo'ris this ttatflof things which ought fat occasion, (oinow tne progres ,o umiiwi s notwithsunding he enormous iuequaJity ot.to gwe content towise and yirtaous mindT tower to th south and thefwest, aiate-this m ,1111 lilUW ' " K ' " " J - ------- act; fcorMitu'.ion, the three $tatcst ICenfuckyi, Temeuee d somewhat more ttt3n one hundred thousand bisWfnd had perceptible weight in the nation IT scale.. They now, tonether, contain a hite population, somewhat exceeding. that of Masaa- Lhusetts Of cowimerce and natigauon tney iavi none: at IcaH none- worth the estimate. the ref enue of customs which they have paid th fairj-esult of the compact. We. had agreed that all the people, within the ancient limits of the United States, should be placed cn the same footing, and had granted undoubted right to Con- gtesf to admit states, nt will, within the ancient has no one characteristic (Sfequslrty or justice, whether we .take age oigntellrgtbce, or enjierpnse or wealilnof physical strength or population, as tne. measure oivwnt is)wst ana equal, rius pro portion, thus diminished Is every day diminishing liraitt t we had done more, we had submitted to still further, in a frcometrical ratio, by the opera. thro our rights and liberties, and those of our j tion of changes, partly theneffects of the fair prin children, into common stock with tne outnern ;Upiesof ourassoqation, ana partly ot usurpation, men And their slaves r and had agreci to be con- j Such is the result of that " eKperience" td which. tent : with bat remaiaed,, after they and their yashuigton defers 14s as the test of every con- Mti fio nian startle' at' this .Question, as though it was' a vttl thrown over some dreadfill image, the condition, hofconjjiight, in such case have re. quired that wehbuld be silent concerhing-otir best rifHtts '- At!east, in such case, want of which the mind dar not distinctly contemplate. sense, or want of spirit, would find- an ample re t Inquiries of this kind belong to the condition of fuge from self reproach, inlhe acknowledged 'freemen. They are sancjUone4 by the spirit and solemnity of the obligations. v lienor or the constitution. Corrupt men irv pow But what.shall we sav to (what s al.'ed) the ;er, who are trampling upon the people's rights admission Of Louisiana into the Union? What, and laying snares for their liberties, will always shall we say to the "annexation of a territory gfc8.-'stis;matise such inquiries as schemes for thesis ter ttmn the whole of the old United States ?' solution of the Union, liut what Says the spirit What, to ihe asstrted TKer. idted. alreadv in 'of VVashinetom ? f 4tThe necessitvof reciOrocal r . . . i i r r . -- . . . . - . " . jtnee the aaoptionot the consutuiion is, scarcely,; one instance, exercised, of making states beyond checks in the exercise of political power by divid mitem in the. books of the Treasury. Yet these j tne Mississippi, as unlimited in point of number ing and distributing it into different "depositaries, itatea, on titrf question touching the interest t)fas ofextentj The indifference with which that and constituting each the guaidian of the public hat commerce andnavigatkr so , vita' tythe '. usurpation of power has been viewed in this part weal, ; agaiost invasions by the others, has been e jrosperi " of Massachusetts, have twenty of the country, is an event, as astonishing as it vinced bv exDerimenis ancient and modern : some Jvntfcs in tne noitftc 01 uepreseiKauveav wiuic ucrr . ,txentyi and while . Massachusetts has otes in the Senate, they have '.! ;s ominous.-lotwithstindmK tne gentral nature ot them in our owrj. country and under our own ""ofthe terms of the constitution, relative to the eyes. To preserve thera must be as necessary as admission of new states, there is not a shadow ot to institute them. If. in the oninion of th oeoDle Without reference to other considerations and; Drttence from the history of the period an, the -the distribution or modificaion oftheconstitution- riewed 6ny in relation to theVtnost familiar nofcnown statrxif public opinw mm n ijuuj aUU ruuwiijf,. w auouwon, mat me aannssion oi any siaies wcrciscrrecieiL oy an amendment, in a way wnicn mc Ut a mass oi population, scarcely more man contemplated, or authorised except those within iquil to tht of Massachusetts, recentof twenty, tbe ancient limits. And yet we have witnessed e.r collection, for the most part . emigrants this astonishing seizure of power made bv the rom E' rope, ortht elder stales, located a ihuu ;nneral government, under- toe influence of the and miles fiom the seaboard, knowing nothing ot southern and western states, almost without a is interestcarjiig.noihiaftJLbout. them, in fact, murmur; seizure of. power, which unsettles avmg a direct interest irt embarrassing them, an ( He proportions f political influence enaran- he j'd have one tenth mire weight in the house of torl k nn.dm.mn D t ,.p ik. , ' - - -- - "O V " , VJ, flJV WIIJUIU 10 II I1IIIV VUV l WIS Sr.epTfSentatives, and three times more in the sen-! ru'sof Washington. : Bad and hunrilitating, in fate, than the ancient, rich, intelligent powerful ,t his respect, as was the crhdiiio'i of Maasarhu hvpxl uion of Maachusetts ? A people, whosejUetis, under the principles of the real constitution. infractions, haWts. mannera, industry, interest'; yaTunder the principles of the covstitirtion as! this . commonwealth the individuals composing' jatH mtndplcs have been nearly two Centuries (modified by this usurpation, its condition is anithis staiewwe to the people of the commonwealth Vaosolidatinfr". A people, who have arts andihundrr ftM nrnr. Yet nn. f i m . .n..:, nn.;,..! :mKn. trnnduu. Tiryoo . s,iic, ssjutii iuuc wussc? 'uze ,t Louisiana iS snoken ot as b&mp- an in- s nearly half a million- of tons of shipping ; jtecral part of this nation, with as much indif- i .tii. . a . a . . . -J-'- - no an me capital a;ia cuiuvatca indulgence ne- lerence. as thn ii had h-en adm tted hv an un. eSsary for its employ 1 iqueBtionable authority. We heir of the l.Ten'ion lake another fact. The states of Virginia of cuttine- it uo into nf.w states, with as much ,nd Geortria. together, possess a white 'DODuIa 1 Jon, but a little exceeding that of Massachusetts. ' matter. Yet everv addi.onal state augments that et throueh the eflect of the Slate ratio, and the detressin? ineniialiiv nf nnliilralinnnenre. whi.-b rinciples- of the constitution, while Massachuj already grinds our interests in the dust; rivys us possesses, in-me senate, ana tne nouse oi-t)ur chains, and makes more certain and hopeless presentatives, twenty two votet, they possess, the condition of our oolitical servitude. Vt , JL I All LnA .U!m1 T Un., Mk . a . . ,-. m mm9 a iw-i9-wiMmi.uai5in. wnat tnint you would tne spirit l washing sned,, Virdnia, Oeoreia. Kcntuckv, Tenntssee, tnn have rbI nnnn th5 nWr.t 4 f!miirl hr r., l ; . ! ! i - i r r . . t . ' nize our present constitution, ridden by this In constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation ' Not only are the opinion of the people," and the power of the states, the natural " guardiensof the public wea," and tlie declared constitutional resort, in cases of usurpation, or of manifest changes in ' thea; distribution of consit utional power, dangerous to pojitical safe ty ' but also there is in the nature of things, para mount obligations which make such resort impc.; rious as well as constitutional. As it is with the ' people of every, state, so it is with the people of snd Ohio,, have paid into the treasury of the U. bta?-s, j?n customs, scarcely more than 8 15,00q cubaa.r that constitution which he "had framf! POO since the adoption of the constitution. I nr rpfAmmnrlff1 Iri ihi&rmmtrv ? Tsi t nrvt nt tonous, that the extent of territory, even as it existed, at the time of the adoption of the con ' stitution. was among the mosf serious objections T-e S p,le state of Massachusetts has paid more ban firty , two millions net revenue. Yet upon j very questtoti touching the life blood of our com erce, while; Massachusetts, in both branches of Avmba iMic luiy VltCt 1 ILUVC ULUCI IStl to the success of the ejprriment." What said Washington uponThe lopick ? " Is there no aouot wneiner a common government -can em e powerauamed, in the house ofreprcsenta-j brace so large a' sphere ? Let expericid- solve s, by the effect of the slave ratio ts twenty, .it is Well worth a full arid fair experiment. fThe tive rr a. - w a v t a t . . rvoics. ne siaie -oi Massacnusetts nas out vet. acarelv had twmtv otirs tlans thp-n twenty. ' So that this great and ancient and once cient limits not vet half oeonled fwhenl bv an u. proud, but now, corlstituitonally speaking, humble surpation, as palpable, as it is, to us, ruinous, rew commonwealth has absolutely no more weight in 'territories have been add-d,(as it is calIed)tolhe the national scale, than a species of beings, in foct United -itatcs of dounle the ariciei.t extent ! An ,S destitute Of Political fiehtS, as the.brUte Crea. ennnlitv 'in nnt'ilira! .rio-hte with fho nlri IT.-.fl tion Upon theoretical principles, can any thing . Sitates has been extended to a mixture of French be more sbamstul I Tfae practical effect is worse men. . Sbaniards, emigrant Americans. CivoU-a than the . theory. ' ,.v ' ! and Neeroes . Alreadv the whole weieht of the r remaps, nowever, it may lie said that mis evil J.fitate of Massachusetts is neutralized. b this u temporary, and that the causes, which have j surpation. in the senate of the' U. S. And soon proilaced this inequality, ar ceasing to operate. The fact isi directly the reverse The causes are permanent, progressiveand unlimited. All the noTicy of the government is shajied to strengthen them The constitution, itself, has been violated n order to augment the oppressive prepondency oi that quarter of the country ' ' ' . - ixauirai causes, ana me emoarrassmeni oi me industjy-Qflthe Atlahtia aiatea, still continue to auj-nent the population i that country, wiih an unparalleled rapidity. Within the next.ten years, nu .addi jyp of three more states, on.this side ' of tne Mississippi, is spoken ofconfidently. . Som sav there will be nore Out be they more, or be isisy less, of this rest assured, that they will be multiplied with no sorf of reference either to the convenience, or the necessities even of the peqple of tlwse territories, but solely with reference to the political wants of the leaders of the predomi-J rating cabal, at the seat of government, aft with a distinct view, to create a new counterpoise, in case the political scile appear to vibrate ih favor rc inieresis oi wis quarter or ine union. tven this state of .thncs, humiliating as it is, jight be endured. Notwithstanding. it presents wtle- cojiifprt, for.. tht present,-, and less consola tionJor the future ; notwithstanding it indicate, - ... u.liv I V'JIJU, I w.l, u v 111V I u . w ' k fi : surpation, in tne senate oune u. .Ana soon the present miserable remnant of its political pow. er will be trampled under the hoofs of V parti-coj loured race ot heV states, to come ruthing into sovereign infl-ience, from those boundless woods and prairies. Is this thai full and fair expe rime nt," of the practicability of a republican gov ernment, over the ancien. extent, which Wash ington recommended I - Before the admission of newjegionsfjmUmited extent, would not the spirit of Washington have dictated that the result of the exrridaent withinjhe ancient limitashould first ,have been satisfactorily ascertained i If thf result of a republican experiment, was, in.his judgement, uncertain, within the ancient limits on account of (heir extent, is it not altogether hope less, now that those lire its are more than dou bled f The truth is, that this annexation of Lou. siana " to'ith'. United S.ates, is, as irreconcilable with the spirit of a republican government, as it is unauthorised by the principles o our constitution In fact, tfye influences, which settled that ques tion, had no regard for either the one or the other. In its true point of view, and considered accor ding to its rea nature, the admission fas it is called) of Lousiana '.into the'JUniQn was a polit icriotrigue. having for its object, tosbift the"'ii- lanre of power stui larther to the south and tiie xiresf ; aid bcin intended by extending thai Sphere native snd perpetual, true it is, that tne peo. pie of thii commonwealth have transferred a cer tain specified portion of allegiance, originally due to them from the individual'vcoru posing their statt to a certain extrinsic association, called the Uni ted States.'"" This transferred portion of allegiance is not only limited in its nature ; but it is also conditional. The condition is that the) principles of the constitution should be preserved inviolate. .Whether any such vicfutiort hve occurred, or whetherit be such ases3entially .Tects the secu. riies of their rights and liberties, are questions which the peoe of each of the associated" States are 'compe'ent, not only to discuss, but to decide. And w-:, in this commonwealth, have reason to thank the Great Giver of every good gift, that he has bestowed upon this people, hot only the right to make, but the power to support, any decision to which they may b called, by a manifest viola tion of their liberties. If the people of the common wealth of Massachusetts shall ever Income slaves it wUTue irom choice and not from nature. It will be, not because they have not the power to maintain their treedom, buibecause thoy are un, worthy of it. The question iecurs-Is this, our po. littical state, safe r honorable ? rr-.-'t As to those who maintain, if, indeed, there be any such, that the political rights of a state ae safe ; and that its prosperity is sufRcientiv secure, not withstanding, it either has no proportion , of political power, or a very small proportion, in comparison with the creamesss of its interests, I know not how to reply. An assertion of thjs kind exhibits to-limited an acquaintance with the na ture f lh( human heart, and with the histsry of man, that;he who should make it, can scarcely be deemed thd subject of argument. Certainly the plainest Ulctaies of reason teaches, th?t as among the; independent nations,, no single nation is ..safe except n ' proportion to us physical power, There is no more friendship 'among states, in poi litics, than there is fiiendship among men, in trade, If an old, rich,Taborious, plodding! state become associated, in a political compact, with riewfdesperate and eunning tatcs,iruuc!t ajay that the whole or a great proportion of the poh, tical power should be vested in these last states, iVAhej'e need)f any ghost to-tell-H3-rW hat-would i ue ine resuu r isnnoi iucvuaoie mat me , po licy of an association, thus constituted, would be so conducted as to turn, the wealth of that rich state into; the coffers of theredominating state, arid its 'population into their territories ? 1 The t emptation is too strong for man, in the ordinary states of human virtue to -resist. . Yet, we every day iiear the inquiry made-" Have th predom: inating influences of the southern and western states, any-interest, in embarrassing our com merce or navigation ?" 16 this' I answerr They hav6 embarrassed it. . T'hey- have-i rostra ted-it? ' I should think this; jvas answer enough. That it is embarrassed, that it is prostrated, .1 t&ink no man will deny. As little (Jaq ii de. IticalTtssociation ; ,that the new states covern th iof papuU'ion, and by encreasinz the abilitv to JlWiTtjtites5JU?3i yatth : iBJtyi.c a; cfi to CCaW-fffcdecmablf, te pre Vyajbjnon' Vc: of the other commercial states prttiomina'td, that the course, which, lias been 'atiapte;Wuou'd have been the resort, a9 the means of relief ft om such external difikuhies as those, with w hu k the9 nation has been pressed f Had New JlhI.m.iw, . or N York,Jitood alone undtr circumstances of similar foreign embarrasstm-nt, would thty o either of theta have Tesorted to proclam iti vns resirictionson-interebtfrse, embargo, and guvi boata 1 Would the navy hate been neglected un til the moment of war 'I Would the,, seaports, after the war wss declared, have remaned thus wholly defenceless f Should fehave tn?K,hed into1 Canada to avenge impressraeni 7 ift'ob that point, in the relative state of our naval force, would war have been either defhrti or eommwd Or if It hadTbfifcn. ' v?ovl it hot have been ri'ift fwtitOy -iccndocted &Jtt&jf winV the ;'ityasure which :'.pfecededvitd1he mode of catryiiig itoni, -are. all. undeniably sourt hern -and wesferA : oliv cy; and not the policy of the.;tcommjcal states. Now it is in toy appvhensionj&f little imp irtiiricc if the vital inteiestsof the commonweal h of Masj sachusetts are destroyed, whether, the blow fee given, through ignorance, indifferent?, r r de? sign. r Under Jfjese injlueneca tfteff. pre' deMye And if the apathy of the commercial utti & cca) tinue, and the present spirit of party render, theni blind to' their natural interestt, thetpolicy, -which has wrought this destruction, will be ju-rpetua-ted- This policy perpttuated, we may 'call ourJ selves what weplease ;in the eye ' of. reasoned common sense we are1 slave. And I alrV'fofr I know the nature of the predominating; UiSuVua c.s of those states slaves to no very detiracia ; roasters. , The question, so often agitated, concerning tli'ft interest which Jlhe predominating influences of the-soutrrafld-westhaveo-emban,ass-comrr is, intact, of more curiosity than use TIk mere interest of a state never did, and never will hapo. its policy except in t hose rare times when sucfj high minded men. as Washington govern. Tlio Protean herd of ordinary statesmen, such as al ways will govern the U. States, tbe'i"'preU prd portions of politicafpower continuing, never in'" quire how the interests of a people ere to be se'rJ. ved, but how their own power shall be pcrpett ated. . ...... ;'' ',, ' 4' ' 4 Such men lay the foundation of their power! i the passion and prejudices of the country, paf ' ticularly of those section s, which possess the pre duminating influences. These are, in these. Ui , L5tjtes undeniably those of the ouih and th t west , Now the passions of a people, tir .inlandi always did, and always, will tend to jealousy and envy of the seaboard ; and lead to a' course ct policy depressing to its prosperity .Although many individuals, in Such sections, icay enter tain juster and more. liberal ideas, yet, these opir5 ions are those, which unavoidably penetrate the' mass of thefr popuI;tion. The reason is obvious) It is the tendenvyof commerce and navigation to introduce into seaboard states, a rapid increase of wealth, and a population, compact, active, en v terprisnng, inttlligent:"and powerful. !t isitfti possible, that states, which, from their situation! . r a i " -a - far inianoeu, xann,Qt snare, or out very remoieiy . these advantages, should not look upon tha wealiU ' : and strength of the seaboard, increasing in a very great relative dispropoVtion of; their own, .without some fear and a mixture of envy Hence, thcrts insensibly grows up in Mhose sections, ;s-!dispas1 tion to check the prosperity of the and above all a povy to embarrass and render un. certain the employment of capital and population on the ocean ; and to give to both an inland di rection. Tliese dispositions, they will caVefuliy conceal from the world, and, perhaps even fronr themselves. "- But thet. must exist, because tht-y ' are natural to. men, in such circumstances,' and because ambitious men, who would con rrol those sections, are careful to instil them, if cut of powerr and to gratify them if in it, fir the pu rpose of obtaining that control over the passions of Sucjr sections, as i necessary to effect the ends of their -own ambition. History shows, that' such dispositions have al ways, existed, in inland states towards seaboard states. That they are WTtatural result of th'g human passions, placed ifi 'S:ch .situa'ions,ni not be denied. Our experience is perfectly coti formable, with nature and history. . 74 The men, who now govern this e6u:itry,iaKj the first foundalions'of their, power, by ejci:iii in the inland states a jealousy of the rtlantic a .tt commercial states The policy of Washington! was strictly commercial. IV men .vlia govern the U. States, commenced their career, er- of opposition to hishBuenceVby. appealing to the passions and fears of the interior, r-bti la the'-viewsod-pplicy-ofh ton warned the southern tod western "rtstcs gainst them without tff.-ct.- He foretold, that thesemen would he satisfied with iiothimr sJioij" 7 of a change in his system of policy." ThV re sult has proved hi prescience, t'hey arc ir) power. The whele system ofhi-rpolicy is c!.iin;. wd. In other words, a policy friendly to icni. merce, is pulled down, and ' one, hosu!-j to it, fa erectcd.on the ruins of his system. . . ' '' (TO BE CONTISl'KD.) Strap, ..-' ;'. : ;:;;v V1L stand at fpenry'fivo dcllars, and hot t;ver- ' ty dollars the seasanTa' ironeously m;e.l- ia '.' the hills, r'- '-;' IfKNHY COfliiN. Tbptflur!i r ; c. - "ft n c i I 4 A ::lf J

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