ii 4 to 'I A Ti lllt'i' EN TH CONGRESS;. 4 j strkiatt, representing in hich straws) their ereat injury the ioyniry r: but preserving silence on a .most rmportaht;poin6 " their destructive effects fin her ;own manufactures and commerce. 7 ---.: 1 1 . v.oiway, wyxerivi.. -.'1,loe unitttt States are no-'her.rwtert is'lttaf intoacommiutee.otine'-wiioie, awwwm a . At twelve o'clock ELgaiDes Ubrrv, Esq. the ; it foot easy to foresee, that if the war should con in the chair, oh the -Sort of the Union, for this l4VLttiPidentpfh Cahadas wUl be rendered independent purpS$e "of taking into considerauon ihe Preisident !at7.11 ? """'' "-,v ;'" '',,''"- ' rjiai hen an3 as friend a nr. U, tn ih. (IS. will. '.t V ' -..'"r "'si.!:'? !' -. . . , v - oa menus or- auies 10 me u. a win. On catling over the roll, it appeared that there fno Iomrer he instmmentki in f.ivisini n imre. were iw-Hy-nve memoer present 7 Uming and savage warfare against ed, -vXViyrg. f The cpttimittMatw On motion of Mr Dovmi me Jiiouw resoivw not" he annbUoced untl mttceof elections.-v"-i-e4 Jr., comm kMf. U5m&ff presented the iti tmo " ruiiauvt; Council anj House TtClJ v - p ,Mlwy ordinary Hons of the people have bn ato,,JM The ViicnaE6?D.x iliea Jrose and 4elivtKd the folio vf in g r " , .., ' ADDRESS. ri:.-r . ,. (gentlemen of the Beriate- . - . . ., " .. )'ui -l'cUow-citiajjns, in the free exercise of their constitutiorialtaytliority having been plea feed to honor the person addressing you, with this . pisunui thed station, have inferred on him an in lUpnsbIe obligation o meet their just espec , taViou. To attain this desirable object and Lto - jveside over this honorable body in conformity to their magnanimity and dignity, which fit nil timjes have been;onspicu'i3, will be his primary pur suit. Whilst the constitution has (invested him anddefentf le bbrdees i To such inhuman acts, in former limes,, weren the Ccuiadians urged by, ffaocejin hut, Albioci "wars : and by our colo nial aid G. .13. obtained, jurisdiction .over them. -twr extensive! Dawson, and adopted without objection RcMtlOcd, That so much ol the message as r?. lates to the military establishment of ihe u. S. be referred to a Select Committee. ' Itewtvcf. Thit so much as relates to the na- ... -.-?.!- T l i? . . ... . wiin cSiiic iiu E.vcuiiTe puwer, m casts, still doubU, will iip net reculK'Ct, 'Ka' crm ony that are Casual, to the decisions of these .iij mencement of mir revoltonar' wJr Wi ter Vilas attached a great responsibility .in anticip(a- fininated against her the unite.J cr u'"dd not - img wmcn anu on omer uuues, ne na&, tne piea-, thinj of their prrscht populari Jiing prospect pfrtposing n your liberality and njiHtary stores to- a single -cair Sbeja turn has abused ' this power nd has just'uival establishment, bs refrre4 to a Select Cor fied the U. S. in their efforts todiytst her of , it. f mittee. - n ' , And istiot their energr'adeouate to ..-the object Ti Ri-tolvci. That so much at elates to the re. j Will Jiot tbis be evident ov -kw .pf-their effcc venue, be referred to the Committee of Ways j tive national and stale governnur.'sf their great ! and Means, ' -' .- and increasing resources f of tUv-ricoitqnsred; -On motion of Aft. Grundy, it was minds and formidabk: ntirojTerv otihVir ;i,.ize'is ' Resolved, That so much of the Message as rt ; of their martwlsfiiit ? of their tr.'u;u Htuchtnent Iatcs to f ireign affairs, be referred to a Select to their rights and4iberuca f a:Kl Utr: inflexible , Committee determinaiiort to preserve them ? B .n if an one arms or . nor arrcf- nl.. J Mm. that lurthcr.Ume may be allowed thfiJL'i red 15 theT6mTfit-e or fubHrnud" 1 No busincsstbeing before the House, an' r ment took place. . ' n:aT COMHITTEKS AJOlAtTED TESTPm.- Committee of Elections.?' Messrs. Fisk, '0i'v Avrw. and Pifkpiinrr. - 4' - - - . t v-u,,...... v , , "yu Ativans JVieiiSfo p Bibb, Pleasants. Robem. PJtliJr. n'J' fH , T""w' "Ui'Hn, i, Committee cf Cluimn. Msr. A sfr. c ' o .on well. . .. K Committee cf Commerce and Aft,r,f... Messrs. Newton', M'Kim, W. Reed, aenL',? bert, Parker, snd Telfair. - Committee cn the public Land Ml! yf the government, such unanimity should prevail jS to decide for themselves every quesiion-of poll cy, the examplfrwill still encrtase their lustfe and ' tid to his happiness - It is. a subject of cordial congratulation that the liberties of the people la sorgreat a degree lest on that wisdom and fortitude,, which mark, tfye char- scters"of the exalted persopage who fills the Sii jirettte Executives of the dignified members who Constitute the "Matiobal Legislature, and of the mineht oflicers who direct the Ministerial De. pnnments. , Public vif tues, emulated by few gov ernments, need no encomiums. Fidelity and in tegrity, un&ubdued by the severest ordeals and pre saging to public calamities a favorable issued will -He, ever held ih high estimation ; whilst a govern, flient, scrupulously faithful to its trust, and mea 'ftures'which merit tKe hi-'hsst ayphuse, have a Jnst claini to the public support. Toe present efeoch is rnomentom, and leads to observa io:rs whidh would not occur on nrdina-! jty occ -10 s. . " O'iv r- -intry is again involved in a sanguina their treiisuries currency 4 n;i rop funds , for k tationl gver i-c. D M10.ARITIE5 OF THE ENEMY. . - After the adoption of these resolves, Mr Clay (Speaker) rose and adverted to that part of the message which alludes to the. inhuman- ky of the enemy, expressed hU abhorrence of the ; an, King pf N. C and Conard. enormities committed by them, as well in thei Committee 'for the Dutrtet of Columbia v specie in massacre of our citizens o the Western frontier, Dawson, Kent, Lewis, Pearson,' Rintiokl C M'Kef.Ruiiertson, Bjecketlrtdge, Dieelow u i:itg a papt-r ; as ' the conflagration of Our little towns on the venof, and Drown it f - or (ex. I maritime border rtie-ttHer outrage ha'J no Committee on :theJPoLOffice and Pmir, ceptmg two instances) stati-. govern mef. ; nor'bee.n pn tended to be denied, but had been Messrs Rhea, of Ten. Lyleu Franklin. JarU me Knowieage-eitner ct m ko aval tac afloloetsed for (Ovwbom u dia not sayi on xne, h. i Bradley, anttbharn. si ii;ri ?lfcat Great nre'ece th3t our neopfe had first fired on one of Committer of Reveal )irf;LlP,A. a.!- iHia t vv ui i.c not also -s fii iiain was then in the se'xtth f iiir, pwcr, that their fl.igs. Although he bcUeved thfr- allegation lessrs.;Alstori1 uEIy", and Roane. neooon.ig.nai.ipns remb!e4 ath r nod ; that the:false, he was glad that' if "Was-thought necessary Committee of tfefovnta. Messrs, Picken-? - - '"! iin-i in .i LUHuui , nidi iirr crown ; vp niaKf any uuiujy iur it. iic wim1ii"?'r luu viii".r. . v oers opposed every mean for . resisting her; in both cases ouglit to be -enquired into and 'dis-1 Committee of .Enrolment. Mr' Cravvford exued amangst the colonial governments, (over tinctly ascertained. If found to be as public re. j Miv Bayly. V "' which they prcs.dit) unfounded jea lou ies of each .port had stated them, they called for the indigna-! Committee ofForrrgn Jtjfair. -'Messrs. Call other, at. d 'OiUarra&sed every measure for their tion of all Christendom, and theV oiiftht to k . R'mndv. I)esh'.'Jark!uN'. -f S7tr.:.v;.. i .. iinini) i .iat ci'.o inn liAA ... hm cr.i. -c ,u,i:...i - niki; .inAi,nt iki.ti milit t..i. r kt . .. " ...i. , ... ' .. a 'H wer: suDsiarmauy me rrniams, as w rut.cn irum troup, aevitr, w right, ijiaart,- Tavlor 7 memorv, with which Mr. Clay prefaced the fol . maJfe, and Tannehill. ' lo wing resolution : On JVaval Jljfairs, Messrs. Nelson, Resolved, ThatHjo ' much of the Message of Massachusetts, Alston, Stockton, Skinner D , the PrcRtdcnt of the U. States as relates to the and Post. v .-states, by exaggerated statements of hei military spirit and manner in which the war has been On theihirit and manner in -,..7. and ni'il rtrtuio I ! ' e . l . . . a i t . t f . i- t - . , rnu u7 uciuaivc viewm meir urr. wage i oy inc cnciny, oe rcierrea 10 a ceieci oeen lyngea orj tne enemy. Messrs. Ma -on ' prepared state fjr a war ; of the great expence of Committee. syche, Wright, Gaaton, Clark, Huaiph:is. COnllic , the issue of waich.. in thees imaiion of : ,i.r.n.. ..rn : i.-..,.,' ... . .. ' .. . . r 4 v. m ,i , .. . ' , ,. ; u'uji u vamipie ig men-: ii, in lieu orumsion. the cn-my, is to d-rmtne,- whether the reouhlt offruitUw unifir..H. , ,; mata ., . : t,. ,u ar '. i i''-3"" iiouuiiaj ucin , miixne was men at jiea-e with ll the world, and "t hat she is now at war with a great' part ot Europe, as well as with the U wiled States J If GreavBritian herself re fleets on hese things, will she not reknqiiish W vain attempts to a We the citizens of the United, anu e-1 transient, or whether it has force Worthy ot the enterprise-TliettTrnsrfaltrtWilieTer i v win ye I n system dop.et! by the people is imbecile Vnd; quitable arrangements, which the wtv.rnm.nr f solutions .ulontcd in committee of the whole are re anJ duration the (Jnitecl .Sinre hac. h.r, aturao 'n ..nu.i ir..,.c. - - - - - - vr 1. uiT.urj lqujf IflfcCl, fclfa.. UIW lltlbl , hilst they are true to their interests, is beyond! speediiy rest , doubt. And is i; not equally so, that they will j commerce J hevef desert the go 'ernme;!' of their clvu-.e, or "tlttich themselves to a foreign dominntio, fim Vhich, under the 'benign ."smiles of Dnine Ptov -idchce, they have lately bytheir mvo valor .tftroancipatt-d themjtlves f Can they need argu- jments to convince them, th?iin prportinn to the jpurity of republican governments, have ever been the reproaches and efforts'for overthrowing ibem, jpjr imperious sovereigns who once ruled them I it t j:..!t. i . i 'i-ii ... if" - viviut; anu w cfviquer, nave ing been the objects Of the enemy, fit ha presumed vfij own arts j and on impofency in our kystem "'f governmenU ; .but in both instances he will be Convinced of hia.error. The people and consti. ,Wted auihWritie.s of the eteril States," those gret p'tllai s of - rniV cpjrifeder-t; system, numerous as they are and Inevitahry discordant Ju some of ored to their wonted friendship and Altev these rcsoluiions were agreetTto, Aff. Groivenor nnved to reconsider the reso Icomnrehenrlmrr stj.t.mpnr I ; . -1 IN 'SENATE. IVedneidayj May. 26," The President' laid before the Senate a ry; oi tne oecrctavy ton the JLJepaitmenc ofA'-i their ihit-restt, have-evlnced , in various ways, a flt'ir) Istermioatibh, to support it. The. interior - frontirr states, yhre the territorial war com t, TOer.ced and Continues, assailed.' by innumerable and spartan valor are csjabHshthg for thenselves ftumortal honor. Throuh the extensive wil 's ' o our mdiury ppefaiioa,. eome of these as in dl wars,' have been successful, and others unfortu . flate. J3yt to whatever causes, the latter, may be traced, thejr never Can be; Imputed to those he . fpic officers or .privteS ot thej f ray or of the k ipdi ia,whi have bravely combatted the enemy ; . .ana of whom, jfpme, hive beyn crowned. with lau rcls, o.hers have suSmitted to i irresistible mi for . -tunes, and many have nobly ', fallen, enshrined . with glory. The -raaVrc" States have' repelled . --Vith mananmity matiirrae invasions, dud -have also givtn irroofs of thci pitr,iotic ardor, by con . jgites'ts on j.be ocean. Their ejiterp'i izt: and vie iv ries hav been sburcrs of national triumnh lanrf rcn ..ivn. Are oof 'otir ofneers and marineraV in of nil -il lation moved in CAinmi'.tee bv the Sneaker, for ! hft i aith ih,. in' Your fellow.cittren, with sensations which can i the purpose ot -amending-it. Q loting the mes. Match ITM. relative tn th ,,.!..' y I mnrPMul.L,.;..!. , , ' : -r'.i.- tt : i . . -- r . . . ' " r-- j-.u..-, - r --"7 - w..v..muiu cirsseujperctivcs -;sage di uie rresiuciu, ncsaium.ii .uc uaroaruy o; lands, the amount , ot inirchases and a nu1 the tnemy was therein contrasted with the hn-! with the amount in goods and money tx- vni. manity which had cliaracterizedihe war on our i in carrying au:h treaties into cffu-cf ; itn itTr. part. He wish. d-to see the evidence on this fnrmably to a resolution of the Senate of u- X neauais ), and thereiore was aesirous ot amend. ; December 1812, and the report was r tng the resolution, if considered, by adding, after) . Thursday, Aay 27. the words by the enemy," tha words and by Mr. Smith and Mr GoldsHorouL) ttot-foition, . ! land, and Mr. German, of NWvYbik mr, jjesna suggestea tne propriety oi recom- and took their seats. I.H:it tlicrt in inf irtVHfnmr.i mr... f u : r ,; . t,-v...i..vn maaj ui IIU Kll mcr friends and compatriots, ivith whom he has pficn co operate J iu the perilous concerns of his coun try ; and with unfeigned pieafUfe Jie,will ''meet the other public functionaries, whose acknowledg ed abilities and public services in like right claim hi consideration'' and respect. With a sacred regard to tin- rights of every department and bffi cer of government, ad witU a respectful deference t their political principles aixT opinion he has fraakl ileclared his own ; for to conceal them at a crisis hks this,- might have savored too much of a deficiency of candor. And may that Omnipotent Being; who with infinite wisdom and justice superintends the des. linies 'of nations confirm the heroic patriotism which has glowed in the breasts of the national rulers, and convince the enemy, that whilst a dis ' r tin i, ' rfMlfj. ?esrd milting the subject to the committee of the whole On notion of Mr. Campbell, it ws r-.M on the state cf the Urion, that the, mover of' this ."that so much of the President's-Message VJ resolve (Mr. Speaker Clay) might have an op- lates to our intercourse with foreign po've:s,Vt portunity of speakintr to it, if reconsidered. Mr. Cirotvenor said he had not the lightest o!:j ction to this course. He also intimated a disposition to withdraw the motion he. had made; but, ' Mr. .Wright took the floor. He was opposed 'ting of Messrs. Smith, Gaillard, Gilman, H tUjm I : J . . i . M - - . me hu rcconsiucrauoii, principally oe-; ann ttitts ; and prdered to be referred to a comm'tt'ef of scm Consisting of Messrs. Campbell,- Taylor, C'hwj omun, varnum, lirown, Ijjna. - That so m;ich as relates to the naval est!i!'.j ment be refer red to a ePnimitlee of fivr,r,nsj :0:.' position to peace, on equitable and,- honorable ; cause he thnughuhe-amendment suggested would I That so much as relates to the xnihtirv terms, will ever prevail i i their public council. one spirit, aninv'cd by the love of cobmry, will inspire every department of the national govern- iiiem. v E GERRY. lYaMngton, 22 May. 1813. The usual preparatory orders were theadoDted. and the Senate adjourned - vvw. - Uj inmi umiuu, un uit ujnuoti yi iisnment, oe reteiTea to a committee ot hve ; ; ouromcers. He was not disposed at this mo. ,sisting of Messrs. Anderson, Varnum. Smitli.Lti "' v mv uis sdngiiuu ma pioceuuie waicn anu riuntcc would be a libel on our land and naval officers, - Friday, May 23 1813. who had distinguished themselves during the No material business was done.' war as much by their humanity as by their vslor. HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES. The same pen which recorded the great exploits ! Several other members , appeared, 'were q' of our Navy, would record the humanity alonfe , lified. and took thtir'seaN. wiin uic Dravery ot its officers- f I he Sneaker J Two or three petitions of a nrivat nature wtn ... n.,...: i t .u-i - i. -j r: t ... i - . . -n. upnscu 4n. w. mai ne uau misunuerstoou presented ann ret-rred. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ecisely at twelve o'clock, the late Clerl - j - 0 ------ . - w 9W I mm 7 .n it r r ef Uie P8r,aJ1,m ' have cast anv imputation on jhe ) the Hous! adjourned to'Monday. memoers of 'lie House of ilrnrsHntiiv... rnnAtti f -rr.:-- i v r ..s.fi.... i - - ' - " - -.....,..v... -.(.atni ....uuv. vr uui VIIIIV,LI9.j Ullr'Ii llltll OJU C " S ivwui ay ii limlk. II1P iar I .Inrir nl'inpwn man Irnm vum vn,.b .1 I tv .... . . ... I ... ' - r , . w imuiiivo viibilii. liall 4Vf VWIIiUCIdi 1 " .. A I n. t.i.C'mrtat. unrivalled- bv tame i Have thp i. ' ran pr. nfa-!i , sureties W ialzing f ;50ioa, Mrindiey, "on,,? vain then ed to the choice of a Speaker . , ' ,j r ' : "," L Mr.Jeyi?1 Mr. Hoberts, f " ' r : " 7.'T' - . " uuv-1 oallots, .jvir, Lewis in the Hall ; and the roll of ihc members was call-" wished to know, that he micht &ct understandinc 0, appearcu i mem- jy wnetner it was intended to insinuate or-sug- V??.Md "ered to their names. , . gest that there had beep-any imnronriety of con- arge majority havmg beeu thus ascertained duct on our part ; or whether, in referring theTub- - Ject to a committee, it was intended to state any it . 1 r ' . .. .. . . . . mc uouae proceed-, wws ur- anew any cause inupport ot mat refer by ballot'. nay. email in the nation; which sanctions: a etex ; nal wMamy but can never subdue -the elevated aouls of our brave fcllovcitizeris : "or even de- ' preasthe surtHooer tiiinds of opr irnocent.f'air of lire vnunreiiu i uvr couu.ry ; wjio amidst the . ' ttnm'-rited distresses inflicted on them antKlheir ' i-tender offspring by merqiless'fot, win spar i sbve sympatiiy, arid churn tbe just tribute of uni versal admiration and applause. ." . -t ' ' Whilst the exeeutive, in the'full exercise of its Jltvh)Ltty, i left to test the sincerity of 'pacitic 5wrtirs, it is av happy circumstance,. that the ; United S:: -.,, at all . .tiin'es; desirous of an honitf . fotlc p a'; , a'l.d superintended by an officer wlv se 7- ta rme h ma -tti i 'id -c in brace s, a nd-w hese- pa t riot ic ftM'.ftuAL will pursue every inieTesi of his country, thus ni-ZLt with, ardofand iridji.pcnsab.e war. Is . fti.t 'bi.ii power a pledgaTrjat tney can, and their aa'cixd. honor that they Will with intrepidity main l,1Jain tho '.onflioti t hey demand justice ; anrjeati .t,hty tclii.q'iuhsh it, williout a sarreiider of their eovtceiimy I - - , -.. Great Uritain is in collision with her best cus- ! tomers, and once lit r commercial friends, who had viewed peace as a mutual b!es9ing ; and who ?.by 1 heir moderation had preserved it, until ne cessity has pointed to a different" lihe bf cohduct. Ticy had annually sent to her their; productions an ; specif to a vast amount, had tjius crnployed riet. piechjanics, purchased.her manufactures, es tctiiled nfer commercs,jiid becorha a great source pf her naiional weultK;7 Hj?nc4 hej cfftls ana jij.iuj; cuunieu me re ported,, that the. votes Were as touo t . . ,. : . . 7. . . - . : -For Henry Clay, ... ,;.9a. '..-" . 7 Jjmotby (;PitkiB, 54, . ' 1 ' . . . . .'. .. , Scattering, ..t ,. -. It was according declared that HfCJaVvas duly elected, and he was conducted by the tellers to the chair, from which, after having been sworn he oddreased ij House ' in an appropriate speech. ..t . . . - , .. . .The merabers were then sworn in hv 'tati...- iThe house then proceeded to the rhmni nf 9 IcUrk"; when Patrick. Magruder was declared to as ciiosen, he having! 11 votes . 4 7 was rc-appointea uoorkeeper to the House, Tho aias. uunn sergeant at .aims, and JauicjissijianjuaQorke eiice. He hoped the resolve wouid not be recon- andlr!Ejthepidedalthoughf-the Foreign; Benjamin The usual ordersvere then adnnrprf in 1 to furnishing the members with Dane. 7 On motipn of Mr. Dawson, a committee w appointed, jointly with a commute of -the Senate to wait, qh the President aud inform him't'iat th two Houses wer icady 10 receive any commur.i cation he might have to make. - .........7. The House adjourned- ' Wednesday, May 2. IN SENATE " "' No material busihusA done. ' ; ,'. ; 1 0 0 S E O F (IEP R tSEN I I VESr :' J-J 94 mo'-iu 0 Mr. '.Qtioda it rsa rtsolved .... ic . . . . . 70 grouna ior sucn a course, he should not hesitate late : to institute an enquiry into the comluct of any individual who' should have dared to violate the usages ol war so sacredly observed by the govern ment and our people in general. ' Mr. Grosvenor said he had merely wished, as the- object of the- Honorable Speaker had 1ecn avowed on making his motion to be the obtain ment of an historical document to perpetuate the barbarity of the eneoly ; and as ill fill? mPKIlrp that barbarity had been contracted with our hu manity, that the facts on the one hand should ac company ; tnose on thepther. He should hfroe. he said, that the call for such a paper would be far from presenting, a libel pn our officers asJhe Kciiuc4rT irom Maryland seemed to suppose , '" vifc ai( Jftom the Mew- York AalioneU Advocate. , FROM FRANCE. By the Delisle, arrived at this port on Jfrs da2v we hav- received files of French papei. winch we do not perceive any thint very irnpi j tant except the fallowing article, which wetr of his motion, for which. he said he felt but little anxiety Tiie?iestiun for re-consideratinn ken, aijd lost. ' , For reconsideration $3 Against it . 7 " The house then proceeded to ballot' for a chap, lain. The Rev. Jesse Lee was chosen. fit 1 tue house adjourned. Thursday, Mai it. Mr. GMbon. presemcd the petition of John iahaleir.3,' contesting the election of John P. llm.g.rfjrd, now sitting as a member from ViF Kin'.! f.ad . .. .. - .. . Jk1 presented ' tbe petition of, Burwtll tiASMttit, contesting thelection of Thomas By lerPovr sitUng aj 4 innfctr frattA'itKintf. . Pari?, March 2 This day his majesty the emperor 'and kin" beincr sctr! mwin . 1.1 tviii hc princes grand dimiataries, the mihistei 'M great pfficcrs pf the mnir. W trrul-rrts ate, and those pf the council of Slate, receiveJ4 denuiflttrm 'pim tl' :.,. i . , . 1'hl deputation was presented to hi nt:tjel!.' by his. serene hiehnes the nrinr of Henevtw (Talleyrand) Vice grand elector and his .exH-, lenc'y count, Montesquieu delivered the 'follow! SlUE-iYour faithful subjects the'drpoties ftrs the departments to the Legislative b-icly, have rected is to lay at the foot of the throne tfc homage, of their gratitude pml fidelity. - "AVbitsrtm port an t pol i i CynrTtcrt3ettttn your'majesty so far from foU7 "dominions, J'f were ever present to ihtir ilVongk-a ; ly 'ih r they associated themselves to those r.o!,lc a of which their children ponn'1; the honor atM-' " perns. . un ,this day, as thn:, nur hesris r-.-si'""' tojyo:?, and it -miehtbe snid thdt uOrii!Hli' Wefe" 8uSDended.-f ifVlv Iri mimUl mnr. t::tV I! energy of your character, tbe" extt-nt ' f ''lir sources, and our confidence in your man sty. " x es v bire I the different nations Which con, pose this vast empire;, formerly, divided -by. w"'1; nersand contlibting interests,-reunited by ')'". 1H hdeltiy, no longer emulate each thert.1i''';ffc "y their zeal am! attachment to jfoor mij1 Repelling tf frrtdeabnJfcwhlchv roesrv i t 4I m T

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