A' nf'-.'n-T- . "' '- if , aHtf wbn Mr. R. he foiog been oi deluded. H h.dbv Ibis arrangementbee.n e , lhan to aen.ority J i "i - mn irr lu - - iuuise shOUW uccmtv j-.r-. d de. ,'bse n :r o Ki rtoed they signate ibc s n k lace 0f , n lie, nature un i . a o jl w T . .2iLlAa, from w .. .... i tuc ic.wp. i.y"'-.'":ry. 7 77? v .-k - 1 revenue as inow established ; -v ' wAsi&ocb 'debaw.-j gciiatiy regarding "r Wr oracace and actual import ihe former practice ! r- , . an m which Messrs. o Macon, MlftW7ltMr iSr J't8ic.a.I:prd,.- A v f p.,.'rv " j,.;. f nd hc ensuing balance in tne ireaau.,;fr. iCt w.. tK ..tent tor Ubich., this . .km.u k. iirrtid. have been; nereio- 1,855.74 aiuruiwuii " r . ' W r.He J ' Jr.. i.urrtment to ConRfcsa, lore uM-..--r-. a r . ry on tbe Ut of April, VS13 berts, iVd other. bore apart, fin tbe suggestion of Epp Mr. u to modified bis resolution l0W 1 , j tW' nroVtsion ought to x made Tor the floor of the house. - Gh u l0 tpone the further consideration oi i Kays "91. HeRannd by yeas lor- ,;Mr. mgersou .v.v r rtw. Motion lost Politicals IllirCllCU .IlUllt vvvi" .;v .T . T the several sources irom wmcn -'7 "Vrln nFthe . wr. are o'elieved to be the least the disbursements from tbe Treasury wete P- J yJar., !The.e, if the eenec. plied. . i.:V r W tahlishment are taken at the sum 1 subscriptions for a loan otjtu, lars were opened on tne nin, uu " i "v r . .!. to an aDbroachlne state 25th of March last. But although a mieen 1 the loans of nrnniner cent' was ottered m ad I pi war, ana inciuuwb . ...... f.,v:Bk yci a r . , , v,fe.ars 1RI2 and lBiJi ana i nir"1"1 whole amount wuld not oe ooiai?e uu u -lhe Deacc establish- terms, proposals n wnnnB -. - addUio . Motion lost. u;,;nftl hum. terms, prbposals n n?flf .; A motion was made w urnu m r ., fice . exceeding by about a wimon oi uww. . - . . -.A obeadmiued.totwo RoberlsV t0 amount wanted, were received demand ng y - - also iuc vw7 , thirteen years annuity oi one anoao,. v.... - o -- A or. and insert in wc amir wwj - . . ' hat most mated at n. mw" ' . .i;r i?- nnd insert w w Hrike-"t tbe" woraswic . j addition to sia per cent, sioc ai p1 V k ThTintereat ttn the PubUc M b.-!h-..:. .7. mdT.r. th. .ubr. the option,. hIo.a.r d. I HI o A motion tor MJoun,",B"V "j5jei. d In conformity wun tne puouc nouu... ic?, 81 to 82-leaviog tbe subject undecided, and to pe who 0 6; per cent. OPPUGN ATION. V"- We have translated the following front D Amhi. ' in the French language, nd: fcdittd byM. -Peltier. Though it .be considered a i fictiori, it i by no means improbable that a scene, i,'llt -materially different, may in rtiWiy have taken place The language aud sentiments att?w buted to Lanjuinais, perfectlyi agree,, vtiih character and past conduct. At any fate, ihe l- piece may bb read as an amusing.--4ram, dcW : - cribing forcibly' the 7 degraded and oppressed ' rnnd'itinn of the French, and affording n in happy specirnen of . that bdidtid.;faarless,k quence, whoso V maxUn is, rrefnani omn licet, dieavbi'quQd seoUp..' 'Uanjufnais has be ri nlVrtV 4firinriiilte'l "filmelF hv Vn ro; ! ,in iB'riatiohal aaaenif :ld. a : se4r in thecafi: ervaiive4' senate. If the French Senate is' destined to be the instrument of removing the oboressions which now weigh" V heavtlj upon France as upon the rest of 'Europe, lianj juihatsisa man from whom the highest sevvi . ijll beforah'e bouse 1UESDAT June 1, 1813. wj ...rr'.Keri nn the firar oDemne of the sub- . . . i a i n.t i n urhuh.l .nHnn. anninrv nave ini &aiuc upu i ""x-ii A1UU) ... . . - . I if tbe stock at tne rate pi o pn wm. .. iiii.l. In u nrrminm of 13 dollars a'.. Maryland, introduce. bUl to 'H ..T 8U, rvi r. iiiiu wf - r .a ik. i ami r rina aaiatj m m m . """.7. . for calline lonu , stock pf 1819, including temporary loans received in part ox tne loan of eleven milliohs, which will remain unpaid in amend the act w v Union, - 8tc. and militia to execu - . . dollars loaned to government. The tnciosea pa . . . cu e v- "-,. ' MeM... pers under the letter (ty are cop ca m w fe ll was tWICB reau . nnhl Stock of Smith yaTnumy r .- -a. ' Ann s tt mpm in urc luviiibv vk-'- J im r . on tv relief of open subscriptions ana oywpucw iw, , m Carman reported a biU for the relief oi l ogesu the 8um; obtaied and payable ';iMtn1f.r Phnenix 1 : " kw i iVirrintiom were OPC" HOUSE OF REPRBSENTTIVES; Sundry petitions were presume m . - . . . On Treasury Notes whicn will be reimbursable in 1814, say on 5,000,000 at 5 8c 2-5 per cent. 5&o,ocd 1,090,0 sro,oG& 'cr, v -ri. iO. .tnnHtncr committeess , r On motion of Mr. rrton. tA Retotveds That a commiueo uc jr"-- T . ( BuS the expediency of establishing t; distnct "iSitheMissVsippite Smmittee have leave to . report by bill Tr other - 3 rENOGR APHERS. The House, resumed the consideration of the . tones" yesterday left undecided, respecting STraemSrial of George Richards, requesting admission into the nouse as iwu-.r". in each place whera pubscriptions were ope ed .'" .... .riue. th,ia On the loan for the year 1814, inter Of that sum iof sixteen millions of dollars thus 1ab!e within that year, L.-ii.j fl,. ma nai 4 into the 1 reatUrV.I prior to the 1st of April 18 13, tha sum cf 81,086 m. i i. ref the monieft re- :eived previously to that day as stated tn tne ataie; he revenue now estabusnea, oewg The resources for the residue of the year 1813 WDUid we to be raised consist of the following items, vi2. abovememion-d V 0 14,913,565 ft 3. The snms payable on ac- 'itttnv of the ' Cmeirvative Senartl r i.rw y ,7. , . r .4" M ' rvi' lf. a X a JPdiT 'lfT.A... . Casts Acaats- fitvtTAitf. ou are assembled by order of lib majesty , the emperor and i Vmg. c I need not sMy,' that it becomes you to receive with your accus tomed deference fne communications, nc na charged me to make, and to txccute'withf ut ic lay the orders, be has transmitted to you thiough Letter oj Majiotean (a the Coiucrwitive Senate. Senator, The war I have undertaken, for the' purpose cf .....i...Jin Rnu'i naffer the laws of '.he CWi. .3,96060 tinental system, has continued longer than I t i first calculated, and'the losses I have "sustained iiY Ainflrtrt .'..tntiMiimir'rh haee sensibl v diminished t'f!'J - . T. . t4 ? - a learn on anuiwr To cover the above sW of count of Customs ftd of the -tas this day resumed. . 7 . ( fiye j, of douar4 ' Afler WDS!Sfalthp in Treasury note, authorised by bfMr.Gtosvenbr, by striking out the whole thereof, and iuserting in lieu thereof the follow, .... nP the netitioner o,320,0tJ0 5,000,000 Say Dolls. 139,330,000 The internal taxes heretofore propos. ed, were estimated to produce And the duty of 20 cents a bushel on -salt imported, which though esti mated heretofore'at only fc.000 a year, during a state of war ; yet, as the consumption considerably exceeds 5,000,000 of bushels, may be estimated to produce J'.Af. .,rthee nehte. in which it was said bj r....h-.n tkiit tr arfnnt anv SttP 111 COH- -r .v- w,;tinn of Mr. Richards would BC to impugn the conduct of the Speaker in the . - The timendtnent of Mr. Bibb was agreed to. -Jbj Teas and Nays. , For the amtndment - - . ' . .' .u .h Makintc the sum wanted .... rhe iat nine mon ths of the I v"6-MV present year are calculated as followetn, m. l. Civil list, ana an expense 1 1 ' number of mv brave trOoDS 8,11,400,000 ' ;j .v., mv armies in Soain have suffered ft - , VIM W tt J -- , j verseB,and inatineir situation cemaiiu twi c ooft nn ments. In the great total of my operations, thrt IXn nS'' are bat triflir-g spots. Ai soon as I have last;. a 5,600,000 aUend Q Spa. x wiU gpecjjiy re8toie la,: 1 1 '00 000 victory, which aeems for a moment to have p'Jjui ' ... doned my standards, only that she may tetania ! them hereafter with increased favor and eclau ', I .Mv rtftfti mifnt easily furnish from the errand army a 6 ,vwvyW' . a . 7 .. ...... " ... a tachment, tnat wouia cnaoie my soi aume the positions, iey have "relinquished lj the Duoro, but I must preserve jn Russia a m midable attitude, and in this campaign settle cute for sll my eoTicems with the North. The Somhi will then- occupy all my thoughts, and two months .n he ennntvh ir. thaatise and appease the tea bellion tomenttd by the English'.': Vigorous me 600,000 8$ im., -..Vhena,rretd toWaiaendlmeiM. inc rcuMuiiviu w - -- - t-"' of a civil nature both, foreign and domestic r 2 Paymehta on account of the, principal and Jnterest of . the Public Debt, aTper EsU mate (C) herewith . -Expenses on account of the War and Navy depart- , . a nc iiwiuii-M o - j L.B.j iut- o:k.Mri ne ition was not erantea.' - r..t.: fV. lM on table ft reSOlU tion br appointing a .landing committee, to be Vobtnpcsd of seven members, whose duty it, . should be to attend'to ajl matters fchwig W the Judiciary, of the V. States And the House adjourned. 900,000 10,110,000 IT.820,000 2 9 ;2 30 ,000 Although the taxes if early laid, may be brot into operation in the commeneement of the year 1814, yet, as tney cannoi uc cp.v. their full effect during that year, some auxiliary . esource will be required. This may be found m he sum of 1,500,000 dollars, which is the excess of the Sinking Fund for the present year, oyer me nn that fimrl arcordini? to the existing tn of the I fnited States. This sum of 1,500,000 dollars may be carnea so mc omaiB f?.i.el Tavb ih V4Af I a 14.' and will be wanttd in ad- l UIIU IUI ...w j . f j:.: iv he annual nnnrnnnation Ot 8,000,000 OX ujuuu v ri i ' . dollars' to meet the engagements on account ot - o o . ... 1 . " .iu mhieh mit h. tiilhlled durine -fib , artVli. 1. ferna nine? m Hk"lw ut tne sum oj b 't"i"" i.u. the treasury on the 1st of April last, a a P I A" reliance must be had upon a loan for the g5,600.000 1 surea re required, that in one year the world ntay , , . ! . yn. Jnukl. ittn that, which S10. enjoy a icjju- hiuis uumui v.-. - " nalaxcd the end of the reign oi our prt-ucw.r Augustus. I shall then be able 16 dismiss a part of my soldiers, and to retain no more than . mat be necessary for the fioute ot fcorope ana oi mc wotw itself. ItisinUie territories- recently anneaeo, that the news levies should principally be tnaoe. Tk.. k tt vet hrH1 heeh au7 tected to the conscription, and I require that they furnish ill of them, their contingents, " xou: wm isoi.v. the departure ot all the inaiviauaia, w under reqtusttjon in.i7-j anai consenp. . 1795, have avoided joining the army by favor jao ney or fraud. ' You wil order the cohorts of ,lh ib a tenth, tor tne supFy w mav be considered as applicable to such eitraor of lhe n.riwv mtthnri ed; aa-m8v ansei " -VJH.V..--- -T , y ainary expenaca i"iu7 j internal taxes may oe consiaerea, wm, a,TiC ..rini, th remainder oLthe year; ana ior me . . nArM.r in the first IVrdneaAav. June 2, 1813. .., r ;.r r AlMander Thoenix A DC Oui vr me icub v. '.u'mtA . as read a second time, and ordered , to a third " MLacock, from a select committee, reported - .bill supplementary to, the aria utvzxv 9 , . .Ll..K:-t of -an-nniform rule of natural! Vto,. which was read and passed to a third HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. T a few petitions of a private nature were pra- 9fcnted and referred. And the House adjourned - ' V -4,t;n.. no reDorts having aster a icw umrew. tt- r been prepared by the committees . now fBKJ ufcfc..K. k ... h.,. nMi far the in digesting ana uiaiun-g 2 IlQUSt. 7- n ;7 ;77 V:7. ' r. - Thundery -June 3. ' , ii-t il.M ITF. The Senate we re principally occupied 4o-day uviuig m p. . , ,,.! that ODieCt, as c.-cunauj ncv--t.j same obiecL the sum of one million of dollar au- the obtainine of the loan, and . . . : .i, . i,. -.r D-nn.vivoma m h"wi " " - . . . . thortzed by an actoi wew - f nPO-tirine- it on favorable terms, n is -. au.- it ii-.q -MVAi v a v o - be loaned to the united chi, a, ' rta;nej that the terms of the loan for the pre- not offered in time to be atceptea as a panoi . e wou,d haTe Deen more favorable if the the loan of sixteen millions, may be considered been pvioo,iy u'.d; and it is obvious as a resource. ; W.71 aniiona enough, that by affording a security for the regular - In this estimate th Lwhote lam of T pent of the inures? and the eventual, re m. of dollars authoxiied to be issued in Treasury P 7 Drinc5nal, more stable, and less Nbtesi isukenasapartof .resources o i weakened or cut off by the natural present year But as uis noi ocemca w.r.u f wfir 0 tx commerce, than a encraase the amount oi areaaur, . revcnue depending as that of the U. S. now does avion, and as almost wholly upon such external commerce, ca- zed by the act of 1812 were issued in that year and J 7 .fa fa feadiness are reimbursable in the course of the present year I.1"? T!!:.r!IaTTlr iV-vM.ia th! funds necessary it Vmpectful suggested that mU uo; million, of the , hte millions ;y ' P confidcnce will be ensured, and the the act of February 1813, Congress should autho. . , . oresefvine tue DUblic credit un- ri an additional loan for the same amount, it pe- ... - mca8Ure oJ the oim0st importance in ing made a condition ot sucti loan in '3 '.country like ours, where, from the lightness of should not be highe than those of the loan of nd. made u?on 'the people , during the ntllllnni aleeanv effected. I . " . . aMncuc OD KXeCUUTe ousure. , .J . 9 Mr. Smith reported the raihtia bill with amend ;." ; "'The amendatorr hMurafiation law was read a ' .ftcond time.., T C:' lioUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ftettVona were presented, princ pally such as have been heretofore presen and nit finaily acted ; On, and referred to the itanuintr corr.mVttrw. - ' - 77 " TllEASURY REPORT. -f '; . Tbe Speaker laid before. .the House a letter fromVin. JoTies, ActiflgSecretary of the Treat . .vt;n. ihe fnilnwrintr reoort 4. SurVi ii siiiii"b " i-o-- ;' ,- fa obedience MbAct7-.-tfpDlcnwttjy V .i.i u an Aettneatabhsh the Irta? aurv Depfcrtment," tha Acting Secretafrof " .r n .. tnlJnor the Treasury respexuuuy uBi REPORT. v ' Tlie r-cei fromUe 1st o lava to the 3 1st March. I Bl 3, have, a n.Hi .ted to , ' 5515,412,416 33 fv. K'.--rre. in the rreasurv'on - - ' JlH -7 - . M 7 aoihof SetK, 1812, was 2,362,652 69 , MsMhfj togethet: giaibtii uiiHwii. -"; . , e it. The provision already consiaerea u ior in- c viceof the present year only ; that which will ' m . .,K.-tKi n aai-. be necessary tor tne year ren-uc- .nva. ly attention. It is difficult to estimate with ac curacy the sum which will be received into the Trtimr' from the revenue as nov established. n,.rin- a'ctatenf war. the customs, at the present rate of duties, have been heretofore estimated to .,-.,-e five millions ot dollartrr-1 ne aaomonai i www . . tainanTvimposed upon foreign - vessels by " . .. .l.M 1 . . . '. W-11 the act of the 1st ot jmy,-i i prouucuig 200,000 dollars a year, ls not.inciuata in inai sum It ia beKeved that durine the year l8l4,.Vgrea- ... .,im than Cte milloni two hundred thousand dollars ought hot to be relied upon as receivable intru lhe I rea&tirT irum cuaiuui-iiuu.- The sum arising from sales of public lands may i.".timated at six Hundred thousand dollars, WW - . making together 5,800,000 dollars. 1 he interest alone, on the puonc lunuea ae a .want.. rui th i reasurv rsoics, wnica win avwal , w-p --w - r become payable" in that year, will amount to four milltina four Hundred, thousand dollaas. The other encagemets, on account of the principal of the funded debt ot temporary loans, ana sury Notes,. which will become reimbursable in .w.t -a.e ntr-iint trt 7.150.0CO dollars, exceeding a lies jvai j - - tt t: oft qa! trtcretwlr. Hv more thaft five miHions seven nun- drcd thousand dollars, "is estiia.jcu ainwuu vi continuance of peace, thevtwordinary. expenses of a state of war can be supported oaiy oy w to that credit, ly- The resources of the country are ample, and ir the means now proposed, and those heretofore re commended from this department, are aaopicu, u s believed tney may be tainy.ana xuny mou inaction. - 7 - Acting SecvcUry of th Troiuiy. Tftasury.DeiartmentfiJune 2, 1813. THE JUDICIARYT ;.i;nni cfrard to furnish a tenth for the supp mj tchelloru dc rrf?jrvn.--ButJ will hot HW these measures comprised In a' decree. 'J . . . - a uau..o fT, might cause alarm in my empire, ana ec ' to the dignity of mf enemies; I t every le of a s;enatorialJdelegatiqn repair to his depanment .nnn.t-m. will, and hernme. himself its eXCCUtuiv r . . . . Let him animate the xeal of the' adminwra and the devotion of the inhabitants, and armii himeelf with the meana of salutary terror, Itt direct ithe wngance oi the State aijainst the jn tnro,is. the disaffected ard the indifferent. 1 . t'.L.ii . m. . r.nm the rnSVU' lew days l snail oe ai moscuw , .ri.. rki.KI ramtil nt the L..fS I "m the Tartar hordes to liberty- and civiliat'--J Call wmcn may pernapa rcnucr "v . " "reinforcements l expect irom my empire - iim.w..-i?t. senator., tou nave ncia- e. of the Emperor Such - is the clear, rrecL1 and peremtory manner in which tney arc ed.that cannot think there is any room kit for discuKion.7 Wehave only to aecia measures necessary to give the most extepv effect to the recruiting required of us, tht .we w u: ...,.rt uh -enirfit the han and tncit. ban" of the empire. The greater Ithe resourcf display, the sooner will tnat greai.iv.-.- .. . . . -..it., lit- accomplished, weicnur augusi H-awu. : v long, .mediated. , rxmy TUnJ.nnn'K jlefnandsleaVe tO SneaK.- VJU" res pretends not to see him, and turns ,a , ear.:... vv l" 7 - .irt.d berommff too evident, the latter thus ww- g him) -V . : , 7. . . nB1J(; the measures indicated in the- gmpero s he has resolved to approve them. lbe37T; Me Tnhn n. Jackson called up the resolution 1S4 ' w"Ve. -e ' - B which he submitted for consideration a day or two -. ,n the following words ' 1 6' . . w. .T. r n . jjj . u I Hetolvea, I nat tne following auucu, i- n's-t.. tnri;nt- rules and orders ot the nouse.: An aai d'uional standing committee shall be appointed, at ' a --lu. .!. x 1 v rr,m tin i f . the commencement u cb kwi tee on the judiciary, to consist of seven members. .... .i ..- ... J .ammIilAi -ttft. It shall oe me amy o.wie iu iuuhmuvb . into consideration all such petitions. and -matters nr th;nfri7tnuchin6MU?licial proceedingf, as shall be presented or y come in question and be re- - . ' . i j a i. : ferred to them by tne nouse, ana m rcpon mcu nn'inSnn therennon. tocether- with such propositions UJJII v II . - . " 1". .11 relative thereto as to mem snau seem cxpwjiem. No opposition being made to th m-tioirpt was adapted witlutft division.' ' nc ns i;-jiu v wk' . ( to ..i.H irn. the emoerorl- resisted; Ifthe second, his approbation is An.fnr we are unanimous H cur 6U0n..7 to the wishes of bur mas'.er fluous,ior we are, -wim inu vwv r(j.j to the, wishes oi our ma-.c,. . mend to the senator Ianju.nais on in r . not to interrupt tbe happy unanimity, f us by a common tie cf obedience onn cit h. ..,n.r- . a-, the oiheri not to irfipcne. less refactions, the zeal which impels us , iy t execute m oraers... - Ll:k - . Laviuinaii- It is inden ou. uiu . , J .A il -. .nirlir the mfluCBCe 0.0 tism, so broken Vnd sube'ued by us violent,. it is more allowed us to appud ts.ac- to resist mem. - . -. . -- . H LCim5cfr-Count J-amuinai!, vrc ed hear to display ou: oratory, siy cantelUs'ab'Jut lcspftUU Wiilfiot 5i 1

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