A". '"I . ittwmw'tt'liiut, ich,ticrttojjnjlo te ho -speaks epenly, andth? friends The resistance of a.rnan oi ,wpnn senators toe anciems crowneq loeirLviwwpa wim immoiatea men v imuauou covers bis wills laurels - t senator. Lanjuinais has done well to' cod his. DhiliDpic with a madrigal. I hope it will appease the emperor. Senators, the sitting is adjourned uptll tq-morrowrr -, - (After the s.4ttinj Boissy, Sieves, Festoret, Dtf poor and Gamier were observed , to .offer their bands to Lanjuinaii, but wkhout speaking.)-, 6y before wefe whipped .into tbeir ilat o4 homctimereVived the courage oi an oppress - nowwotioretney i:,iik- at ieAt it mav sometime I absolve bimiorthem. Bonaparte i the evtsof his Creator 'from' the crime taftaH '.'rCambactrttTU ' 'J -I t .... '.!.. (r.:Je KlvlK f4rrit I he: has received from his country.; ; ; Cambaw. . But who, sir, will hear yotf t Who V.f answer, to an appeal destiriejl not to reach tyod hcse wall? ? Say .rather tb.at there are circumstances ' inhivhich resistance folly, and svhen he wuo gives me aig" r it. -fusible for the evils it may bring on those jao dare harbor the rguiltjr thought. Oar mo ments are precious, Count Lanjuinis beware bo you provoke ibo anger of the emperor by not executing . hU pfcrn as promptly as be con. ejved it. Already I have given orders for eve y thing lb be pTeparcd tr transport into .their dis trkts the msinbers of the senate, -whose duty it lit a"cftUrate the Kcruitjnr, sod to inspire with ardoVthe children . of the treat .' nation k X caS upoa thtft -;'ac'iegnjitd to prepare for hdepartur:y:W ,:.- . :'L ',k ',.. , Lanuiruu. Wli3t, men i are we an emoooiea !p, that mustmbve t the first signal, and go trevei an Absolute may direct? Senators) X conjure you, suffer not yourselves to be thus de- orariea into staves .. rveraciuucr mu y" u w nly body btw'eei the people and despotism,4 ind that if you los, I do not say the privileges we no longer possess, but those forms of-independence that alone are left us, we, are swallowed up in the common huminatron.'and consequehtly become incapable of fulSllihg, the' duties wbih circttnv Attnces mar one day impose 6a us. ' '; ti i Canbaccrtimyihii I do I hear rebellion preached in this place ? Count tanjuinni What mean you by those duties, which circumstances tnav imDose on the senateJ anjuiniut. thank th ardtchancelloj for the Question. He has not now the pretext to impose silence, and I will speak boldly 4 Whither then, 1 say; are these wars conducting us, undertaken year iter vear aeainst the willor the nation, and with no other object than to gratify an ambition, for which the limits of the world are two narrow ? Is t for our DrosDeritv for our happiness, for our glory, that we make the imniese sacrifices, they require of us Is our commerce extended by ihero, our industry made more Retire, our power atrengthentdicW they caose our name to be more tcspected ? No 1 no, Wherever I; turn I see commerce fettered, industry languishing, misery and privations increasing, our power too colossal ' to indure, and the French name become an fcor ror to nations- Wash for this, that we, who call ed ourselves the French party, entrusted the Gene. eral Bonaparte with power r Do not those 0ald0h : FRIDAY, JUNE ii, 1S13. UNIVERSXTY OF N.CAROLINA. At the late commencement, the degree of Ba chelor of Arts was conferred on the following gra duates : ' ' " ' - : VVilliani Bailey, Charleston, S. C, v :.VV.Tlmas Blackledge,' Newbern. Francis Hawkins, Warren. -v1-"Thomas Faddis, Hillsborough Abncr Stitb, Virginia. George W. Hawkins, Warren. William J Polk, Raleigh. I wis Taylor, Granville William Blackledge, Newbern John Roulhac, Martin. : -John Hinton, Tennessee. , . Robert Gordon, Richmond cbunty. Arch. Fairly, t do. Duftcan M'Kinme,-,.do. The degree of Master of Arts was at the same time conferred on B. W. Strang, esq. a graduate of the College, of Vermont, and on the folbwing gentlemen, allumni of this University t John I). Hawkins, Benj. F. Hawkins, ' John Withexspoon, Jarhes Taylor. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on the Rev. Principal of Dickinson College, Car lisle, Pennsylvania. This decision may seem to affect ths .ibterests of the petitioner bnlf i but it ii In facKa hujiv handed attack upon the rights oi:tne minoruy. q the freedom of ihjt press, and the publicity of le gislative proceeding : Of the four reporters, ad mitted on the Boor thfeelire violently democratic and the fourth it is'perfectly known Ifirctend not torrfiort tcechctbH gives only a skeTchTo the general proceedings df the House. This is a ses whWKthe most imoortant pubTic matter are to be examined and decided (he questions of War or Peace, Taxes or Trade, will be discussed. Is it to be endured that the people should know only what U said in behalf of the administrationi and be kept in ignorance of the arguments 6f their opponents I That : the exclusion should operate against the Reporter ine xacrui f. must impress tne puoito mioo wn iccuig u sentment. In every shspe in which lawless out rage and jacobinic fury could assail the establish: ment has tt Detn already attacitea. crom cvei assault it has risen with reeenerated vigor. .Is it worthy of the House -of Representatives to place themselves in a situation in which they appear to lend their aid also to effect the suppression of an obnoxious paper t It is time that the people should aWike from the delusion of names, and discover that those'who arrogate to themselves the title of Republicans, manifest their claims to it by . en i aiirtc one -shallop, and - biwung :wa.ot tbc fcwjt , t ihe-two remaiig shaUopska L : -r ; t, ha been believed tbkt all the 1 eriemf ship had descended jh CHesapeaVer ind wet eithet, in LynhaveBar, or gone :-'ouih fl? have inforfna tlos which induces. 0s ( to f belie,- that two or more are abofe the Potonic. jhere has been,., movements of the enemy's Ibl'ceio Lynhaven fo some days, which deserve notice, , ' v KTwd'lioe of battle shipl are in Ljmhaven BaeT1 one supposed to "he the the Fbic'iers, Commodore Ucrcsioro- &-k'm:kM- Patrick Jrrney Jtgluhteer iCbt. Stcher'i, ircgimentV was lately " shol op G6yerndr,s Istandt. for mutinous conduct. . ,1 wo (ofhers tindfti sp Uuce were reprieved at the place of execution. . . It appears that the number of French killed o taken prisoners,, was only -3,560,' instead ef thirt five thousand, as atated m the last paper. : I JRf OOODdf kROCKRY STOR&,k V .' VKoiiTtTHi MAaxET-eoiesei"'" . GOKTAtNS a handsome aalortmfint of DRY GOODS rtt OROCERtLS, which HI b wM ibi easo. Tdcre i o ,rhmnt on the rights of' others and utter dis" MrkgPW0-- W fr CONGRESS. Nothing of importance has come before either house, as yet, in any definite torm. It win be perceived, however, that there has already been a successful effort to carry even within the Legis- lative walls, the persecution of the Federal Re. publican- establishment. The sketch ot proceed ings, given on this subject, thepresent week, is but me acre, but we have the pleasure of offer- ine the following letter, relative to the business, derived from a most respectable source. Washington, June 8, 1815. lit SEAR StL Tit house of representatives have had be regard for the fundamental principles of a free government- ' - -i- The Committee of Ways and Means have not yet reported. It is believed that in a few ays we shall have the enormous budget of tax'es before us. The result is uncertain For some of the.war- men, It is apprehended, will flinch when they come to the point. . . - v . -jj- kj. jswaaaaawaB r -; assassssBBT The British have burnt Port Pcnn, a si&all place, r miles from New Castle, Delaware NAVAL ENGAGEMENT. A renort has reached town, that a British fri- catc. which anbeared off Boston lately, was tacked by the frieate Chesapeak, Cant. Evans The Chesapeake was in; the harbor when , tne enemy hove in view, but immediately weighed anchor and proceeded to meet her. No further particulars are stated ; nor do we learn the re suit of the engagement. The foregoing report, perhaps, may have orfei. nated from a Boston letter, stating that the cap tain of the Chesapeake had received a challenge from capt. Brook, oi the British frigate Shannon, .! And aUdott everv article l( the GtWfhag iukigh, jun. 11.;, T.'.v.;;. : ;'. k' :msuk, k STATE BANK. OF N. CAROUlNAi t;j AT a meeting f tha Pretident ai4 Director! rf,th 5Ufi ' Bankf Mm th Carnllnai a DIVIDEND at TWt 1A OHM ukit rta ctitTDM oneach and every Share of ih Capiii Stock of tha Sute BanK, waf leclared and made payahlto t Stockholder,, or their asprcsentttiv,, en and after the & tt Mu day la June nest. -. 1 . 4',',' 'a . '; C M 3 r - W H. Haywood, cahierK 'n . i.l' "V "l M " J Villi III!! .. VANCEV fx BRANSON a 1 V M Ralrioh frtr fjuK nr nn k CAi fnr MfmriiM PannrJkm. , - v. -0 - . -g-.-, handiome Anortment fpt ffiaov places, sod well laid id. - ':e-M TpHAT I forvara all persoa (roA trading for a Note of F4 rp 1. 7 1 1. ... j u A Uoiiari, (Utaa inDrmi7JJJ,4)ayaBie!uuriTOniBf then off the port, and that it nadJen acwpteo-- im mense sactifices so incessantly demanded of Us ; humsn tributes, with which w are ComDell. d to pay homage to his devouring ambition ; those j fore them a subject which has e&cited much in f whole generations, which we gradually deliver up terest, and which is not a little illustrative of the to the sword of the enemy ; that youth torn trom their native soil, from the) care of their families, iv from the first affecdons of the heart, to contract a . mid the horrors of war the habits of savage fero t. uty ; does notio find every thing that we be hold, accuse thft jman, who .promised to cJose the .wouad bf'ther revolnionr Ah 1 let the day be i yer regarded as a day of mourning, and of tears, ithen Bonaparte sajuted the French people wth the title of the" gretnauon.'' That word, that . fatal word, awakened lo our breasts a pride, for which we have becnruelly punished. We wish d to be reoJly great, and aJl our efforts have served only to exhaust us, and to exalt to an un it example! height the renown of one of the gene rals of the revolution. : After ehdcvoring In " our , revolutionary trans ; ports to imitate the first Romans, impelled by a tain and destructive'ardor for glory, we sought to equal tbo.power'iOftbe last, thus finding both in the repubhc and in the monarchy, misery, ex- Jiaustioa arid death, f No we are no longer a na fiftn. We ar no longer Frenchmen s and he, who e srreat people.v did n only in cru . called us the decision. "as the murderers of our Saviour sa luted him with the name oi kinj in the midst of "Vm Innv and aeomzine torfures. 1 behold a vast mnire. a colossal emnire, but I no longer see s JPrtnch armyk. Those vast agglomeration of men tod territories have sti0cd even- the sacred name position, that majorities " feel power and forget right." Mr. George Richards lepoxted the de bates of the House last year for the Federal Re publican. His accuracy was sucn as to obtain zor him the commendation of both sides of the house. At this session he made written application to the Speaker to be admitted to the exercise of the same privilege The Speaker took nis case into con si. deration, and after a day ot two issued an order declaring that Gales, Rounsaville, Norvell and Snowden should be admitted on the floor of the House as Stenographers, and those only, thereby excluding Richards. In consequence of this or, dcr a petition was presented to the house in be half of Mr. Richards, stating the facts in language perfectly respectful both to the House and the Speaker, and praying of the House to cause him to be admitted to the same, privileges with those accorded to the Stenographers already admitted by the Speaker. It was moved by. Mr. Troup, of Osorcria, to refer this petition to, a committee of the whole that the Speaker might have an op portunity of defending and explaining his conduct. Wrifcht, of Maryland, with ' his usual folly and fury, was for refusing it any consideration, because the object was to report for so odious a paper, one that Uobbet had cnargeo wim oemg in oriuan pay, and which he . rilv believed was This drew forth . is Pale and feeble, more-like a being ot The information of the defeat of the British at Sackett's Harbor, we believe may be received as authentic. ';rr "" . Mr. Nelson, of Va. introduced a resolution yesterday, providing for the admission and accom modation of stenographers within the Hall of the House ot Kepresentatives., A he remarKS -wun which he orefaced his motion, were manly and besoming a republican . i-ef. iiep. The committee of elections have made a re port on the petition of Mr. Burwell Bassett who contests the election of Mr. Bayly. Five weeks were allowed by the house to procure further ,Us- timony. ' . . 'May 6, 18137 A TEACHER WANTED, ?1 TII XT U well reeortmeaded, to rake charge of an ENlTi 1 SCHOOL mStatcivUk.N C, ' 7 TAKE NOTICE, AUo; one other Note on Samuel WilUon, for Eighty Dollars fed , I think ome Cent,, dated, 1c il believed, in. May, 18) 2. itt three CredjU thereon; the firli credit rcecived by ' CJwtl Thotnpjon, and 1 1c stherl by Jarae, Kinluld, junior, amouniif to between thirty and forty dollar.,. The laid Note were fivea by me to Chai', Thoropion, in part-pay for a Negro man, f ta hai since been proved to be bad property, T note are aw in the tutnda of James Kinhaid, junior j againM whom I baa brought suit far forgeiy, ani who stand, bound over foi furiJij ttial to appear at titajneai jtfpwioi Court of Buncombe County. - John Ferrens worth "" April 93. 1815. " -lK; 895-3tf ; " :.JL 'i.- . , ; ADVERTISEMENT. THE subscriber, having qualified u Administrator witftllft Will annexed of PETER BROWN, dec. at the last Con Court of Plea, and Quarter Session, .held tor. Rowan County those indebted are requested to pay, ana moie wno oava ciairoa against the Estate ar requested to present them tb the Admiurj uators wtttun tae time prescnoed cy uw or wey w o oairy 01 recovery. , . .:- .. Hanson the world of spirits than a man of flesh, he uttered of COUntrT onc OI ln mast ciaqucm iu susignii- ..h.. r. . ' -j it.-. f'ki t hiv vr hrirrl. nrl crave to Wlif?ht One We near 01 Victories gainea on iw vwiuuh u o -- . Europe but what sentiments should they awaken jof-the severest chastisements that man could in. to urrhat haJLre think of their reality, or flict. - The petition was referred. . The Speaker of the advantages they promise us, when they at e disclaimed being actuated by any motive s of a po ever the signals for new sac.laces, and a pretext Utical or personal kind m the order which he had .L. j . f. j.,n.Ui We are no made. Etcept as to one he was ignorant tor "Ul ill v - UL Uv W is v. i w , J a' j- ordered to repair to the senatorial departments to (What paper the stenographers reported. According v - ..i.t .r.a:.k .k- mrfi cVii!frnii to the Dreftnt arrangement ot the House ne tno t --..j. r .w K,..t:n ' rnmUh nn examnle. but four stenocraDhers could be conveniently ad- i . . a .l mittorl. nl in rKrtnsinop the four alreadv anoointed i iusvvvwi us i a In other words we are appointed the missionaries pf ceath ; we the guaraians toi mc naviuu ngui he had been governed by the priority of their the assylum of expiring libertyiSve are charged to Utandmg-but that he would cheerfullypursue any nursue even into the arms of (heir wee pingives course which the seemed to approve of.- J ne resolution tor aamiumg iur. ixiouaiuo wao, nursue . . . . I the men who have escapea tne -requisitions nu the conscription, or have brought at ihe privilrge Of being fathers and husband, the privilege of ful filling the most sacred duties imposed on social roan. Thus does the fugitive negro uv the moun ' ". tains, where 'he fondly trusted that he had gained an assylum against the cruelty aud. rapidity oi his " tyrants, find himself suddenly attacked in the midst . , nf his little family by blood bounds disciplined to this h'jrri J chase fame disturbance is manietted.) Senators, 'he comparison displeases you i but what if I sliouLi unWd to your eyes the-piciarerof ail the miseries, all the pfsutionsrr, which our f vkuieful decrees have occasuued ? . I hasten, to Uie arch chancellor question. .;: y ; k'- I spolCc of cisctimslances that might demand "'"iron onrnart the exercise of our constitutional pow er. If I may believe the reportin circulation, a bloody battle has been tougni ; mexnici oi mo- state was exposed to persona uaiigcr , si rumored that he had been wounded. I ask, ought not such a circumstance to convince us on what , 'our destinies depend, anJ how much he Testless ambition of him to whom we have given aupreme power, puts at haxard the safety and repose of the - empire by transporting to 4o great a distance the armW r.Wri for our orotecuon. i peccive the ' immtionre f thoie-around me.r The' flatterers Tremble hat, jey shoul.d be in darker by listen. at the suggestion" of Mr. Eppes, withdrawn to make room for' a general proposition of his own, that arraneements should be made for the accom modation 'of additional stenographers," under which it could not be doubted but that Mi. Ri chards would be admitted by tbe.Speaker.This resolution was adopted in Commutes .and report ed to the House., The great body of the demo crats were exceedingly dissatisfied with the thrn which matters were taking: They moved to ad-iou'-n t he motionfaikd. Thev moved to lay the v .a W. ! . 1 . 11 m. . j:..,a.M. resolution on the taoie-it iaiiea : i ncu w aujwuni then to amend it then to postpone; it indefi- nitelv. All of these motions were rejected- At length, late in the afternoon, a motion to adjourn transactions of Monday. Yesterday (Tuesday) Uhe subject was resumed. It was very apparent that advantaga nad Deen laxen oi inc Bawurumciu to drill the corpse There was a greafdeal of dis cussion, when ultimately an amendment , moved h Mr. .nLhbof GeorKiar that, the prayer of the petitioner ought not to be granted prevailed by a m.lnnnr nf trs votes, and the. resolution thus amended massed by a jnajonty of 1 6. Eppes Lowndes, and two or three others of the democrats, continued steadfast in their supiort ofih'e petition erVdaiahat h.llt5t hJ votf rj fer it the NEWS FROM THE LAKE. . . Albany, June 1. We stop the prsss to insert the following which has come to hand by Western mail. It is , from the Utica Gazette extra of Sunday. ATTACK UPON SACKETT'S HARBOR, AND DEFEAT OF THE ENEMY. Extract of letter dated SactettT Uarbor The British fleet, of five or six sail, were discovered ofif our harbor early yesterday morning. By 9 o'clock it was reduced to a certainty that it. was their intention to land. Alarm, gdns were immediately fired, and every preparation made to eive them a warm reception. A light wind and some other causes prevented their landing until 4 o'clock this moraine, wnicn mer enenca , with considerable loss. . The action continued warm and general until 6 o'clock, when it termi nated in the retreat of the enemy to their fleet. I am not able to give you the number. of killed or wounded on either side, but it is considerable on both. Lt. Col. Mills, of the volunteers, is a mong the slain. Col. Backus, isrregt. light dra gobns, is said to be mortally wounded.' Two Gen eral Officers of the enemy were foond dead on the field, tt is understood 4hat Oov.? Preyost commanded the enemy. Gen. Brown coraman. ded bur forces and fought bravely. The enemy are now making out of the harbor- You, must Wait for particulars. In haste 8cc.M By to day's stage from the west, we learn that on the 25th i'nst. Fort George opened afire upon some of our boats," when a general cannonading took place all along the frontier. - In aisbort time r. . . . -t,m:it;n. f m. not a olocR-nouse or a wuuucu wmuij5 w. kind was standing in or near the British fort, while our sidej had suffered oo loss or injury. An im mediate movement was expected. Com. Chauacey arrived off Niagara on rrway ne atsu . . .. : Salisbury, tt April. 1813. Susannah Brown, k Tho. & Cowan, ' : 5H0CCO SPRINGS. , -r. . THE subiciiBer, living on his plantation knows by the haftA of Poplar Grove, a very pleasant situation, orfe mile sputV' of the Shocco Sprinfs and one mile from tne Stage Road, will' continue hit Boarding House the present season for the eceom- modauon ot Ladies and Gentlemen who may visit tha., . . . i . . . ji spring,, l oose viiian wno inina. proper xo ooaio wun,,nina' ihalt be furnished with every thing of the best that the leatoa and neighborhood afford. -In consequence o tlft increase of hl boarders in past seasons, he has lately erected aJarge and eonv modious Building, calculated io render the situation of his com, pany agreeable- He i now prepared.. to accommoda'te buut SEVENTY Boarders, he trusts with satisfaction to hit compar and with ease to himself. Tha road leading t the tprin vj be kept in good order. Edward J. Jone . Varren county, June 4, 1 813. ? kk BOARD, for grown person,, 15 einti perdsyCbirdrk and servants half price. Hortei fedtt 2J sjentt. ' t-Tjr . i oazettb ort tcB,"BurrAto, Tuctday evening, JMaj 2S, 8A. 3. f . vs k" Fort Niagara, May 25, Th Ai 'Tn attemotine t brine some of our boats down the river, they were fired upon from the opposite shore ; this brought on a cannonading all down the lines. Not a house or Dsrrac is leti sianuiag : Ail have been burnt. -Not a in vv.b-. . .... -- - man injured on our side. ; A raovemcui wm; w mac immediately. V( 7 - " DELAWARE BLOCKADING SQUADRON, The Spartan and Statira frigates, and Martm t ot under way on Saturday motp. j r he Bar I The fciffares-came too, iust ibove the BrownThe sloop and under .ont hued their crutre, and yesterday momiag, tjctweri JJonibay Hook and Reedy fclanrj capwr STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA In Equity jfflril Term 1813 ? Milos Nhbet, (adminiitratorof S. S. Savage dee.) sadXlfS ' ' beth Savage, comu,aikaiit, . ' , ' .' -'' Xs-. . v$. ' X : ' k: " '-' JojiSNisbet, Thoraas Blewett, and George W. Davidson, exegj torot ueorte wavioson, prc. pinnDA i. IT APPEARING that John Davidson,, one of the exfcutorsol GeorgefPavidson, late of Montgomery county, deceased, l;v, without the limits of, the State it i, tbeiefort Ordered, by tn Court, that publication be made four weeks in tha Raleigh MF nerva that the said John Davidson appear before tha next,Courr, to be held on the fourth Monday after tb fdultb Monday ql Srr! tembei next, and shew catMe why he shall not be Jmade pn delendsnu in 8aidiuir " kk-- . 893 . Wra. Sharpe, c. m. F ' - . ..,-. .'," r . The black Arabian Barb, i Sent to America in, 18l6 by tolonel Lear, out.C. tut general at jlgi'erft vtbo obtained htm'from ' the Dey at a mark oj hu particular yqinv WILL stand Tat my stable, in Salisbury, tlrfr present season, now commenced.' Fclr narticulars reference can be had tb my bills. "Ohisnsherstenuinerabianhaxese,. stood in North Carolina 'and as t is universally: admitted that the superior excellenc? of the Eng. iish horses is owing more to their being crossed with Arabians andr Barbs, than to any oUiercir. cumstance, it is hoped the American breeder wil ; not permit so' good n opportunity to pass yaw- proved.'- . ' . ' ' ' - m - This Horse wasselemted by Col. Lear from tfi nrivate stable of the Dey of Algiers, which con - - . .1 A LI 1 1. 1! sisted Of ?0 that were cnosen iram nis puouc sia hie i of 200t ' CoU Lear speak? of him as havingr the highest character of anyhorse in the who$ regency. , ; . - t . , -.-..,, rrswv,iv.