2 L. . . . - -. '. ... .. . i as P U ilU S 11 ED-( wa iklt) BY LUCA& vSJIJ-A fj . ii OVL NV BAir'Ct WMeQ iU At) v AMU I r : - ' . : -r -"J 1 vox., is. v-- ' : FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1813; No. 81)3, f ii ' .. " to crush the nil i:ks ni ((N,'.uEvi TH9 I !ITtP TATKS.. spirit of opposition, to stjfie investi- the charge of foreign influence against the FlfotS had highly commended.-Bat Mr. Hichards cone plion cWanre the nature ot truth, or shut our its lightfroih thi people. V'airi "expectation 1 Y U mv barup ybtir doors, nail down yonr win tdo, block up the chimneys, stop every crevice in ihifspaciou hall, cork even he k?y hole, still j will tyhe-raysof rtsistless'truth, piercu these so I lid wJlsartU sheithiir s4i upon the land. . )i.t l l. Zdt MV '11. - K V.f lt 4f pj ea 19 unf re:erence ot Mr. H. said, in reU.ion to government, the V. ,, rm't i.r. i.iL It a vlUt? atWiiiluic w neu. iMFh and mmiinui's. and mib m (cWt 4 llie Srakrf himulf to deci le on. I Uur:, he c-v f astrd he tn ec; d -sohm; oi l ikr o! f rkof the Osewcu TWe fa4hiuned rt'U-'hcan options 'Vil grottir en l,xmf tiaiit r.enign?liri isbii to ukc . creiy into 'disuse,' ivhich he eouid no: shke o!Tor jt Aa." tlx Tbt 4MkA of them vii a!'chapge. Lr tn new. franjj'f .1 notion of mod Setf Hulftli. mtl the tpetkrr mKi ei eri liine! Unrtd not remind the house, thajl Vail 1 ;-r he thoi!ltt pnpsr. It 1 as y.ttno privifcgtd 9ide- vva known to tlie wrif, 14 tm tfc .ferf Uiclfc -jntv-iti3j Jfi'e-ciiry. 'Ttkty'.ito friimcrs Ui Vt t tktfcongfMe spcaier wouU est!ttce,-fts the diilinguit :cttarct,ifeucrJ1'aMirc's iiit.-VcUri(;te muc which In vfaU .!g exacted, arid rule and Teg u1 aw on s 4 lum ut tttU k ihr p;t.tiMier. Mr. A;ht ' made io its virtue iot for the particular cKtlul I4pril wii o i uccanofi utnlt- iw convenience of a favored class of the com- f ew r wrfjr.i me papci muftjty, whoss paMious and flomjneeriDg rt a.ieijn o to :tfl.. Ut.ttons rc tb be nratifid ut the cost of other 4ta iJ.crt e ptKtkecfjH, a lights. Cleuted not iem?rd trie house, that as I -Kt J ?tcb iH6 cnir.Mf , were . pet no wntun or known law existed, todry upths t . i t i,'tf f It wi Uy( n-Mia. , fountain of inteiasnce, or co lfi-ia the use ".'.iheir 1 mf ? i fj tJ on the Uce of th paper., whioni? waters to the kinjj, his" -household and f t J u leu r f iXitt tythe P ince:tlie tumultuous retinue 'at his heels 'who keep the f t ki 4cWcl t4t tfceseihe wtfre In th- reqiiit'e supply of service and eye service tik if ; tt , r:rtnup!ican was c- which the wrnj-a pay to power " He we.e.d i-.ttocacr J'licy - fcd -'not - ttnt tti!thechair, hat the press in 'this'" fre': coun j. ta kbStttitff o tiOtAjaiast Porcu try.a ye, bad n . prefect set over it by-, law, and t.f .: .h'. i .u! birffe bid b.rn he cherish I a devout hope that the hbuit, consti t pifin ibu country, tu rd e?en as it H4S. would think none ;h1 Ui Ui m a mst one of ;hcw, vho' the ano'ntad should sie'h fir th V AfH-a i" be hd Item inform, of hcinjr placed at the head of the prefecture. ' 4mnI A ir.TUttd IU Mt speaker. I rtcol - Mr- Hanson said, when rhf crfehratrJ Rrtma HAf. KrPitnrfrAkt. irKacp ralnmnv An rnmiiUtt lu Bit hin I h I . i ..f i lu .! ' ... i . - j , v .-....j uH-.t nvi hi lute, lorfc Mr. Wright said, fie had stated that the pa- out of four of the reporters elrcaJy on the floor, per appeared to have tid Editors J that Cobbett for hut one of them it understood ?wiitcs sUort had told the Priivce Recent that its putative Etfi-! hand; and as completely within thesiriof ihe tors were in Dritistf pay. He had ottd that hs (rule as any of them. Xh object is ti rnort had been infnrmte'-.tbe " AtforHfian'' had char .feed them witl belnj; undr'Tlritish , , influence , that they had instiled stiit guinst. the Editors yf thrt paper, but had irscytitinued it. The irentleman ( Mr. Hanson) cjnild tell whether the information s fiue or ncP 'He had thought it hi4 doty iostaTe it .It heId wounded the feel in;rs ot any PjeDtlem., he knew wbere to stt-k tH' remedy Tiie spt'akrr called - to . orderrjiision granted to iKose er, nee Ftf fial noj snid whether he brlievcd the charge butJie; woujflju:. t .tell -rhe gt-nicman thai he did brlie ve t he Editti-of-tfttr J f tieral -RepubUdb were wndtr Ur'nisb lu.iluence ; tlvatthe paper wa rorrnptly pilui3lief : aniLjvhat he conscientiously iK lrcved, tie wag prepared to seal with -'his blooil. : com- , vtr. tianson iflj;inro in tnc toiiowing man disposi' Uner : in hi bcau'ikjl little poem, entitled Itetfoa fuenon, Cumberland some where say'i k I 've' heard, an silently sat by the whilst. Doginz'ie igmtaiee) when proudly baok'd ay a;, imposmr. avity ot race, An l copious flow of enatorial wig;, Past off fr ai U Tient, and "steri withal . Thej sytofltiant, who in i his heart despis'd ftu ridictil'd the hor.sense, smile assent.' Now, sir, once for all, I wjsh it io be distinctly necessary disiincUun t . . zL . v fWMB4aisBiw nive teen,sarpcr had passed the Rubicon, and was Hacking 4'i LtHrt was ooi;nt after; bis. way to the capital, to possess himself of the iteri R '4ivi. If bntAaui Mr. lUcturds I tribune of t!u neoole. who a!!eh-r! ih:u th.. nrlr nsmraxcxi- tit'im'nnui rtin : ifii.. v r- a , vr.m .i it-n t ...... . .... -v, HH4 crc 3.t:iji sucn an outrage. " l na-tavft I the V c&tonarittt Ftd rai U.pabcn had rr com. jwt," fcaid Cx,x - armt and aw do not "M iwtar.? ., tlM.kitti bad bcenojned flourish together. If you are not phased with tlrit Amfi:sa fcect r.r els at Annanobs hat I am ujout. vou havermiv m w;tiwK..w . J-l .! . - worrccHjr me ueDaies oHne tioitsf, and it cnnot be material whether that object tu: effected by ai abridgment of .eacfcwocd, cr by an abridgment of the sentences ofthe Speaker. Did the tilustiiou ir.. joiuson, report Mi ittpates of the Criii patliaravnt with less ability ot less cj necaiise ne aw not wate irvfeft hand? Wi we. rrluse to fliCT, it now onf applicant, tb e&s per in ths boxvi, ) kw!wp ttiefef eud.nt for it. He alio read part f a uxitXt hrb apjv ard In ths 1 cde 1 2 4f.W-'t'f larnirn:, in relation tojh vt llywrf,tiJ rtbateJ it in vtron I lb)' oabo vovkl appUrd . the decisTon i tW tkt m ttrbdtng this stenographer o.'ea war wm not bear much liberty of s jeechT sou aau ailwnom 1 have lound exciing a spirit of faction agahm me, are at m disposal." Mad Ousifbeen McteKiii, ,aid Mr II hw would you bav acted i Had 1 b n Mrtsllus, t wuuiu iave told the usurper, J am nit fileaed with wiat you areabou!. bull will nit mutthMm-,., t ...:h i t r- 's" wmwiBwy w w.cpcopje, inu maintain '8w 5 nvejiy ot an? imerierence .country ,iiniwt his brcalh. xii i v it U i a r; mi dcbiky a m v..-. iuiwh, itc -wnuia i at inv nivxxa . and ahsii htr.i Iow T;ke t!e language of the present day. j ' the tame the .laws of mv moment I . would h'vt r tutr Wc tetc4 Io ibe oecmily of . iiff ttiktUtnyinj a treacherous -m.;iirlitt wtb f'wltniett bore the " heat : J -ba coon r 1och a course would fut Ii t 4 sjr.t if ttfutvtbu.g more than ; U.y. K j-? a cw:s fined by peculuir '..mmmat the Utrm- flt hi .r. self ; a4 tcfir tb (rote against In act, in bis ..v-sabd t;b.tiary sud oppressive, partial and i pna a rtla ed to be vtry rcspecta a gtr. kn.aS"f cu'Mi't;; fr relief andpar ial as lb iwnervy and bige; body of pro . t a co&it!-rH ftrt.iun of country( xccs -e la l fjf iiif rma j .u esclusively ihrwgh tfcat, ci aao a'Htiiiy attempted bt t. ik J t; Ta tiit ci-cuitfba cftbe journal in watiatw be bIki exweded ibatof any other ifetlA. ' .... f lit il. ttea f ateJ th circumvanccl cf the Utt tiaissii of Mi. Richards last yeari -.4 the artaajfemtnt which now esduded him, fef the oifwtmkjB of Sttnographers to three Laa rats oimIom tWetititt, who was only a re- kf, iemi.ary giving araugb sketch of the pro- t4g out f ivteniing to write out debates. m t.i ua wucn tbePafKrnbe Alexandria eooutftf.I, and the respectability of etia it fl.TitteJ, but It was a ifieie nicck- ;-ftajf tlae tp..krt had civn the . minority lr.pr'&t wbdv ib tTvasury Xerxh hadArr ie- tM!insoii referred tbVir.use to the Jour-4-cfTh 1st action tf lbe;7:hCcngrss, when f n vf a litirti ij; SJtnograpbers was first Y u !I. stated that ease at lejig-li, which Is .t-'teu J Ut 'the .want ofroomV f ' n j ikti ktd, aftir this clsUj ivhen li kt 2! mi.mU.ts r'W ia Congress" on the other Me if tV were sztinsrVivinVanv dis. 51iiOiolbterbrtdTOTcT ffii.,r. ttar Speaker.' fas aire nt for lhe-1 ?" 1 1 u ajjix w'.tno.rriplie:, and, shall As s . I lrvs on tfcs d or," and .having'., to J ft r,H-aUd atterrpts to modify the rule, 1 jCv J;Clttlon to thd SneakfP. in i --. -f ii. . nuaibcr r ;s ytnj who they shQuld frr tins, atu when so 'imch Ms been of- 1.0 4! aiout th- federal rein of tenor, is it rt utrniedjlo exclude .the jtenographeis of t t p ry, it to k-cp tnlormatinn uiora the people. .Vn ;r fp!rrs inieh bt hanisbed to, th j- callery . tmi otmoiious to th.it side, the houie Ec this side I the h-.isc,en'it!,d to enuil i iehts,m'urh be but to i c junt.o .tire, bat the h$hTor trutn could not be utou' fpm the people.. It mig lit as' well' be i'temp ed to supercede by a visionary human codt rt nii law ol nature, lo chance the 7 rH,'n lniwk down the daring usurper. AII who are lo firhid any found exciting a spirit of faction against mc, arc !p, he would lit my diioaal, and shall b? treated accordingly I . spint of fiOhnJi spirit of faction against nsurpation .yuiiny, oprcsbirn ana lawless violence. ' They whoare not for me are against me, and shall be trcatod accordingly ..;. .'.',.' . They who continue to exercise the freedom of lpcccbt to asstrt and maintain the liberty of the Press, to support the constitution in its pristine un sunnea punty they who constitutionally oppose the worst acts of a bad administration, are to have their voices stifkd by thecOrd of justice. For one, I shall defend my Tights at every hazard. Air. n. saia, ne Knew the power of tho chair, and was not ignorant of the source from which U was derivedfrom the same originally pure and healthful fountain, frm which: also' flowed his rights as a member of the house,. 8e the rights cf the hcmbltst ino'ivif ual out of it. To rules and rcgu. lations, constitutionally adopted for the Rovtrn ment of thtf house, and impirually and constitu tionallyenforced he woqld pay at all time's," a scm palous andTrmpHcit obedience-, but he wotild resist oppression, he would part with his mortal power of respiration, with his last breath, short as raignioe tne r.umDer ot his mortal days, before he wotild? submit to the' slightest encroachment from authority-he 3vould meet opposition in the eye. tic v could to be distended and.coDapsed as capiice or eap u,c,,t-y nignvjugrcesi, io;.sneitee one Slje of tjle nouse from the rays or authority, whi'e tbe th because he was not a $tertDjprapJur ? Mr.Ci. hoped, that tfe session would coni raence witha.. act .f MeriUTy on the nart nf-ii.-A- JtnsjoiUy. hMv Montt JBOt-but believw- would ' na.yc.an .bpiuous e.ctn the ruWro bceedinrr of the boose. Majorities re frerpenriy lerrpf;" ed to ettrcise their power wiib a high hand. Miiionuca always suspect thenfofa tfispcsiiiaii to oppress. Atealousv on thia hart wifl- ..:.. often an unfounded jealousy.; J Let it be removed ' early uy a course of conciliation, and' diff rejic sentrmenH3 inspired. Forbearance on ue will inspire courtesy on the othery'aad altho'iftil fcrences and imnortant ittrpne , , majnyyet a spirit of cenerous contesi will f.i,l ' all unnecessary altercation or wanton opposition! On Ins feelings he wa. certain such an irt.nn.,.b on would be made and he could not but belie ' it would a'sobf made on ,ihos of th or ,T,-; . . : .... wiimwm - w ith whom he was accustomed to act. , , Mr. W&3STK& was Klad that the sneaker treated this subject on the ground of incetive. mence onlv. The reasons which he had given' for the exclusion of the petitioner, were -audi a v he should have ejcpeeltfd froprff person : filling ihb chair ol this house.- He thoDf bt thst ----- - mf-vft understood, that nothing which can fall from that quarter, (pointing to Mr." Wright)' nothing which that member can think, u.ter or do, can noisiblv disturb my breast, or make the slightest impress, ion upon my feelings.- This is, the first oud last time I can bestow upon him any notice whatever. The charge of foreign influence I again - pro nunce groundless and. false, the ravings and wild fffj3ions of Cobbett, I have ne vtr read, nor regard more than the raving3 of the member still less should I think of travcllioir to EneUnd. r. n. ,. . . ... " . . y r or naiumore in pursuit ot justice ; although it is ted. proper to siy, uc sun against theT American has never been discorrtiuurd witlrthe knowledge cr . . . a i....yoi na uuuors. in uostcn a specific house accustomed to l watch v lurru uion was maae oy two m e.r was left bare headed and exposed to'theacorrhinn. beams of roal indignaiion, to'thc peltings- of . the piiilessatorm; , . He said. If the actof which 4ho minority, pos sessing equal rights with tho majority, complain, cd so, jujtlyi watXlone under a rule ofihe-lwusrj and iti " ride TTad been abused, it ivas in the pow er of the house, for the furtherance of iustire. tn dispense with, enlarge or abolish it, so as to ex tend the reise! prayed for- He sunnospd ih r... of a new prderf things, . compelling the Speaker i iu way to a successor ' or different pnlirj-ar persuasion, and asked how ths ientle men on iTi other side of the house , would feel, would act, if no Other stenographers were admi ted in the house, but , those; agreeable to the majority f The couh-try-would ring with-their Co mplaintt he clamor woum restwfnd through the union. And yet, such was the case w Uh the present minority., excen. ting a nsminal treporter.. How : thert ought they tofeeUbow act. when thus trammed on. hv an o yerbearing majority, disposed to put their heels uriorrrnir. adversaries1 oeckv whilst protected in princi-' UffU .,,.&Hls " ' ' ,ir n crarit?uon. and cause iaad-lo'laSeend 'ir Mr H.Anpti.' . - 4ks to fl downwards.. It might as. welljW" whatdieweiraji IlhwnTEr, n wt.;v, Vu- ttm.re.j t" shift the bed of the Chesabeake. oil asrsrons "cfv thp. -fcwc tho course of old Potoraack,:a3 attewpud AVrlghth bevhe had ro totSttfon in y.roncuticirrg;- Hliste- t - , - . . mi journals, anu qniCKiy etter tue impetration of a writ on an action of slaoc'cr, the allegation was retracted and a full opotuey publicly made The names of the Editors were jor.g ngo- in pos- sessran ot tne member, and could at all times uu obtained when, asked for.-wMr. H. toeing CJtlaus ted took his se3"." " " Mr- CtAY (Speaker) af.er observing that, in his opioion, an importance bad been given to this petition which did .not well comport with the dig nity of the house, stated the cround on which the decision had been made by him of which the petitioner complained ; which was sirgply this t that inconsequence of the recent alterations in the house, seats bad been arranged for but four sienngmpriers and to those places he had assign me applicants according to seniority i;u Having trn or longer standing e uaa oy ;us arrangement it tne house should deem it proner to admit o thers than those now; on the floor, he hoped they would designate the Stations they thould occupy, Wr. Oastow said, he was one of those who had voted for a rcfetence of Mr. Richards "s petition. to a committee 'of the whole.He 'dsem- td - the subject deserving of every attention, be. t' n was intimaiejy , connected with the first principles of a republican government, freedom oi Oission and publicity of proceedings. He had also been, desirous to afford the Speaker an opportunity of explaining the motives which had governed his decision. He had not believed that these motives wwfe of the kind which had been confe"deniIyanticipated by a political friend Lof wwnv. , III 111 IIIICIHCUI UUUUJiyUII ,IU tionpr mlo-lit h o1mWi.i .,.:t...... s-.-...' " " v"hbh ?niiwm inconvenience'! ibL nd as he had not been charged with anfairly reporting the proceedings of the house, as ! ported with ability, he hoped he would be admit- - aiic irue ground to put Ihe question upoj was its practicability. If the reporter abused tbo r.: indulgence shown him, there wre chough in tll4V: house accustomed to watch with a raarded '. ! l-ce, the proceedings on this side the houstf, not io iet sup an opportunity to urge tfiir cotnphio.tf. . -(Mr. Webster epoke wiA energy; and -dignity) -Mr. Calhouw denied ihe position.' that, thero - ' wbi room sufficicn, and he did r.ot;see how tju speaker could r act : othcrt?ise.i. (Ie,? thought if ' - " would be -highly improper to a-Ign him fceat on .j thejW , this would be maUoa ;rrtvic(I :'' stenographer, and giving him advantages whicJk V none of the others possessed. He wouldVhana an opportunity, of .overhearing the : private con- versation of members, aahetwould have to h.l Placed in a situation where gentlemen resorted to to express their opinions,of pendintr measures, and 1 then he would be able to penetrate all their men. sures, lie though Uo.RaUapropJr -place ill ; tie had . a?wpi-fie debates te uld be as well hea in the gatlery enloruy ; all ofasany where, wd - wrttingba0-thtqua "' if I dmgtha Mr j velocfty. The particular qualMea of ability, 'anrf t lj ' Deent exduded. impartialUy hadejl uW at4lponi,edet''., I ier to admit o.lni4 k.w i-tT i',.-- - r . .. r v SunnreSSlon Cf an tohnninna ranpf. . I?i rintf , . ' . v A . VliIV tdto- find tljit his .opinion in, this rsspect was wtH 'founTied- , . ( The Speaker .has. explicitly informed us, that uis ucici'iuHuiuon wis inuuenccu solely oy- a re gard for the ctjrivenieuce.of.the house. The mo - ;Uve was auredlyjcorreCtfc and if .the opinion in which i led varied lron that; of the committee, thisjvajtfanccsh aTeasfon on Ueir part favourable tolNtr, Rich; ardi, ,be viewed as overruling or implicating the decision of the chair.? -'ChargodVjtb the respob. srbilityjof superinteridMig thecoinnience of tha houstJi.it: was natural for the Speaker to lean, he ought to lean, to the side of this in lucmemoers tnemseivcr it -would evince,an oyerWeeniqg s'elfi shness('neithcr liberaY '"nor dig nified An objection 'hid been intimated by the gentleman from SCarolibat- (Mr. Calhounl flio' it had not, been firesiei,' that the applicant m the technical Se'nsef the-wordiwaa not "ariieitcFra. fiher. tot. O understood" that Mr. Richardsdia not write", short hand; :Vte Wide brief notVs'of ltl MM...' itL.l'.-J'1 .JV-t. ... 1 f ', . ' . "V 'v ' ,V KCI,ien,cnf -wmcn enaoieo mm aferwards' ,by the ' asctstance' ,of Jiis memory' to;; writ ;ouMheif speeches .itlre. In this he had shewtMtfl Cicurary whsbit fwlccm 0 Mtjpc5ibJeTcf?t fy wrongs da to temev impartiality hadjen imucb. dwelunponhe de nfA imth - tk. j.ui.. :- .;urrL i . . r .... . 4 Mt utiBin in Ami paper paa ueen coned.toone knnwh th gentlemen did poti write short hand, but iwaf " ' merely a note taker, fee. ' He did not ma yse of this as an jargomcnt agalnit the admission oTT Mr. Richards, but as his ' friends had grounded his claim upon superior;Ulerits and impartiality, ' he could not do lees than bring the trge Itate of the affair before the house. ; . v '-y1' Twday, uim' t. '. - Sr.., The casa of George JtieMnU was again b&ugh " P 't ' .". - ' . f r-Mr. BiDB's amendment was put and' lost TO a ,' i r s."'., ',-',; f.;:U . , ,.- j . .. '-K i Mr. ST,ocKTOJof(N. 1.) moved to strike out f I additional stenographer? and insert ' additional . accommodation be made ia the gallery for steno. - rapher. ." . .''. - hrl I3tt8moved to strike out the whole of the- r resolution from the word resolved and insert - lj th u the prayer of the petiUonar ought oot to granted. ?...-. . . .; ;.'?Mr. Calhoun spoke. with scme warmth against ( me petuiop, urging juat rtbe speaker, was not o-v be reduced to fhe level of the petitioner -that hej claimed '.; seatv.os ,'a;. marter.c?right--vheiice theseAhigh pretensions JiehadJaeeneWibyL an amngement of the speaker, a3 if he h, m light fobeadmitted, he denied, the-qualiflcaticri? of Mr; Richards as a stenographer, upon the score of ability and impartiality. .. - ; .Mr. Gaston said he rose with reluctance, to claim th , attention of the house. He w vn- - i e whose accotn lsiblc that the discussion had -been modalidn. it -was tius proyin.ee. to consult. Dut til it became; fuguinrr. He wsVnCviliinUd' " when a direct' application imade.,.4A the mem to be accessaryin bringing down open tiie hocsel bers themselves", ' a scrupplous? apprehensiQa ,of a repetition of lih'e - sent tnce7 which astfcreottd possible inconvenience. cannot .Qpcr4te;::i.ithe Censor had pronounced ag5lnsTihem jt having chair, it is a propecabd , becoming seniimemii. f losra-dari : Efirt be wan Rsnrit Vi,.- iposeii jo examn the trim, of arguments hich JhadWn uiursucdl by the hon. gentlemen from $fcy'h Carina, m iijk " an ingenuity, and a ph usability wicHen lertd it -deserving of nptce,.w Kerhadlkteiied td.'rdie gen. tlemen with Uttentioh with ii'eed'ohlrao. biW- ojmv srio"y.,,HpTijt laiiacypetraarti-: .ihtwhole of hj's irgjiment t as t beVoundj M'eyery of hij firemises antfoecpsarily led . t eritjr in his rnnrlimon. ytl is as jumedbfjlhe5 cc nilemen. as a Ci k'i - principle, that the Speakerofhls House is itre' 'I

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