-a ."V. -. xv Zi" . .' ; u R' . II. A- At It . .,4, - ff - -RALEIGH, N. C.-i PUBLISHED (wbeklt) BY LUCAS AND A, H. UOYLAN. fllJ' 6); wuiCH a...vjwc. Vol; 1 8 . FRI D A Yi -J U N E 25, 1 813. No. 899. r I Massachusetts Legislature. , and ought to hive been delivered into, the public -chusetts, among the most ancient and powerful of of proceedings widen hi majesty contempt; te 1 : r-t; ' Uostun, June 10. IMPORTANT. ThV following- at'le K ;p-rt" was pjeseri erj to fc two branched of'oir 1 -jiMsIaiure on Tuesday k arfJ taken sup for consideration in the Sen- wsterday h : debate conti'ued, until the urof a lj wrfiinf, f witliou' a decision.. Il is 'manly and iii'.l:ri-n(lcn:. anoeal to the patriot and good stnrt: of the people of Massathu- I y HEPORT. lie Cqmm:teVto f- h .n wi retired the.1r"l tlw -Scrcurjt--o'riViip of the United Stat'c't. to hiirEscelltncy ih-j Govpinoiir, bearing .date atAVashiiiKtoa, Maroh 1571813, in ans;ver to nap.dica'ion, mu le, by his Excellency in cam. plinnccvitn a rct;ole of thn honourable the Genc.nl' Court of h Commonwealth of Mas sichinetts, ' to tin? Executive of the Unitet' Siatea, requesitSnffOuch sup;ly bf, muskets as might be considered the proportion to which ths ConTionvveahli was entitld'uner a lavxf the United Slates," passed in April,' 1398, by which law the ami u.d sum ot two Jumdred. thousand. (J'Ifs wair appropriated for the pur post of "providing aiui for the militia of the Uni -.d bta'.!;s, to be traniiTjitud . o thi . sever, al ,'Sta-s in proponioti to the cif.-ctive miliua in eacu State tesjiectudij Report, 1HA1 tlie. law of, the United States re-i rred to by ins Exrellnncjr the G.ivernour, and i hlitltd '-an act making provision for arming ' jnd equipping: the whole ho: y. of 'h-.- militii lie U. S. and anpropri liner annually S200,000: 1- .,-, , j , prinn purpose, pro;i as :itat the- a.-rtS arsenals,, of which about one tenth part from. the the sisters of the great family of States, whocom- moment of 'heir receipt by the. General Govern, post this confederated empire, will duly guard meat Vcame, in the p'wion of yur Committeer her own hunor-and self-respect, and wilfcvtr be the actual properly of t he State of Massachusetts, alive- to ths maintenance of her just rights at ev an ! by the terms of ilie same law, it aho be. came the duty of the administrators of the Gen. tr,il Government, to have caused a proportion of tnem km hat ratio to be 'tranaoutted or delivered to this State : that not a single musket of -this number has been received, or has been jntendid to Jio transmitted, or delivered, is too apparent, from the reply of t he Secretary of war to the sp. plication of hi3 fxcelltncy. . Of tliedistvibution of the stands'"" of arms which had been actually received "ry the government ot the United States,, under-th" law of'-innl, 1808. ;t appears from returns-made to tngr . s tv the Department oFwaf to thejnonth of December last, that 1000 stands had beerrdelWcrtd to N. Hamp shire. ' " 2500 - - - to Vermont 1000 - - to Rh.jdi Island to which Slate 250 stind? ha i also-been loaned 1000 - - to New Jersey. ry hazatd, that she will, never compromit her dignity, nor stoop X om.Jier pride of place, to re pel unmerited aspersion, if arny such were intend ed, on the motives of the man, whom she is" gra tified to honor, who has evinced himself to be a wak:ful Walrhm&flPbn the citadel, and a faithful Guardian of the constitutional rights and liberties if his fellty citizens j nor upon a militia, inferi'n to'-jone in Union, and who are at (Jnce the ornament, te boast, and the seuriy of Jhe State which: has t-rarf.! and formed, and which df lights tto cherish ind i'esp'jct them And sliould at any time hert i' ,i fiy insidious foe seek to sow Iht se. ds of jeufousy aii ihtit-id bstvden rhc;4n.iiiua f the several parts of the Union,, by .unfounded imputations on the efficiency or patriotism of the Military if Massnchuaetts the Legislature will view all such attempts with horror, and rejett them with disdain. Under the influence of these convictions, th Committee forbear to dilate on this part of the Irttcr til the Secretary at War, and limit them adop'irtg. The Frenchman the:: stated ihai Ins majesty would recommend, that, at the r.i v. oIlhjcLStsion. juIjCoq grrsa lhe PesidtuL-auoulil, 1 4 5 500 - - . to unaware, to which State 650 st mds of arms haJ ais bren loaned. L5.elves.to reporting, that "from the whole view of 2130 ... to ttorth.Ca'o'"na. -2000 "' - to Sou h Caiolina. 1000 - t G rgh. 1500 . - . to Ohio, to -.which. 3500 stands had aho ieen loaned. 1500 . . f0 Kmtickv. 15'JO - - to "Ten lessee. ' i.50 . - - to Lonisianna. and 216 State thiijbj'?ct which they have been enabled to take, Ihey .re of opinion, that the proportion of arms provided" iwider the law of the yni:e i S'ates of the 231 of April, 1808, to which the state of Mas sachusetts is entitl-d, bus been unduly withheld from her, and that in-the present exposed situa tiort of the country, it ts the imperious duty of in his message, adopt a reSi.lii'e and -iri.ii-- ,u. t tone . respecting Spanish "agRrrsiipns j suwh a tone as would indue-a belief that hos.ili.itv ouid tie resorted to, un:ess prompt and an.jJe.!d ..$$ waspobtained. Upon the appearance cf fl.ii flf.-c-ument, his mijesty wcultj cause it to be at7fj. sented to the Spauish court, that his se..Se lice compelled jiim to consider Spaii, ih- igies. sor: that justice ouht to be done to the Unifed States : . and if it was not,' his mujesty would be compelled to take pt.rt with the latter This course of conduct, the Fretthman rcmjiUO, . wimldf without douhtinduce Spain to adju-- her, dispuj.es' hh the United S'eTuporj such unns V"i-2A0','t'''-' :''8ni thoi6 ttriS:' 'lit' hi9 majesty would ufid'erfi.xe, should Ue ta"t$cT - ? tory to the United-States. ' J hat in ' itu:n-f.p this important service, his majesty would epect the United States to pay him asum of money to be greed upon, but net to exceed, seven niil -or.s ' of doilars. Mr. Armstrong informed the I t, : h man that he would lose no time in comtmiii: at ingthe proposals to his government, and ihus ;he conference ended. Every mau must recollect lhe course thv. wa's pursued A high toned messaoe was sent to Congress A confidential message equrllv ti;it ed. was afterwards communicated ami Congress voted two millions'of dollars o- be disposrd ot in our fottign .intercourse, which was to be sent, not to Spain, but to Paris. 4 the'Lfgish'ure to ,ilace that nirt of it under their l W'H hatufally be asked, whence an o'scure to tne I erntory ot Illinois, and protection in n eftective staTeot ctcitnc as speed-' inmviiijui, in the western woods cnuia ;o.aia Pr""ui m virtue;ji mar ., ftaa oe transmuted to arm$.in tint there ha. i been lomed to the of C -lunribia,. 2200. WhU tia-: uroinc or nearly addition hi-.h i 16,000 stands of kno pledged to District, ily as may b- practicable ; and they therefore re- commentT the adoption of the follow ing rcsolu 'tiicb were contra-r.' d be delivered on orbc t ;-e 'n 7th October, lrf!2. nd remain unarcoun- t'l for ; or whit nuni he several states composing,! he Union, and the have been received, i -,f'3 550 stands of arms tntories thereoi to each 9are and erri i-ory r?s ectivelyrin proprti m o the nu.flbc-r of efT c'i r ihtia therein, u.d';r such rul-s and V'cdations phall be by laiw pres rib.d by the Legislature if each state or ten itory ''"- ' h lo the apprehension of your Committee, the .rrnsof tjhe law are simple", precise, and definite, lmiuinfc nehber of t pcrve-siori of" ourpose nor iti;ud-of construction .jf the favouritism of arUauty, or an ini:ulger,ce ,Qf caprice. I He people of the Umte.l States for the better tiun enceto the only source, from which perhaps in. fe'tee thtM;or, by -m act of their- constituted bthoiities, set aside from thtir revenue the annti sum of two hundred tlvmsand d dlars, foram formation mipht be obtainerl S and f-quip-jjing the whole body vfthe mili Of the, cauS(?s, ; pretences whic tof 'he Untied States, and expressly directed! d the Government of tie United Sta Jtetohrdy That' the Adjutant Genera of the State be directed forthwith to request of the Sei cretarv at War of the U. States, that the propofT tion of arms to which the State of Massachusetts er has bten r;ceiv..f! since lis entitled under the law of the 23d of Auril. 1808. October, or untter wh it authority the 13c p at- for arm.ng and equipping the wlioj body of mentof W;u Has assumed discre''fn neither ; Militia of the United Stte6,may be immediatLlv gi 'en, ror war nt-.d by the law, of loaning ai. ex- transmitted t?TTiim, in his official capacity in be. ccs beyond the proportion to which it was enii- J half of the State ; and in case it should.be consi lied by the provisions of the law, to any State or idered by the Executive of the general J govern- Territory, or of making any loan whatever, your ment, that Massachusetts is not a frontier State. Committee have not the means of ascertaining ; tor that her militia hive not come forward in the and the short dura ion of the present session of 'service of the country m surh manner as to entitle the 'Legislature will not admit of a timely refe It he State to the proportion designated by the law aforesaid, of the arms that have been already re- h have indue- ates to furnish eleven States of the Union, the District of Colum bia, and the Territory of Illinois, with a propor tion of arms, which it has seen proper to withhold from the populous, respectable, and exposed State of Masbachusetts, and which had been- delivered fi omits own iiianufactoriesibe letter ptjh'4' Ho hourable John Armstrong, Secretary at war of the United States, of March 15th, ' coiTrmunicated by his Excellency, furnishes the evidence. y; By that let'er, his Excellency is informed, that " The President has deemed it most conducive to the general interest to supply in the first phce the ffontierfiraTes. and ""the' ""mltiilahrrh'avrcrhie" foVward in the defence of the country, and - that w,lien the state of 'he public arsenaK will' justify the m.-asure, Massachusetts will receive her pro. portion of arms agreeably to the provisions of the law.'- ' In commenting on these reasons of the Secreta ry at W4r, for the omission to ,, transmit, or to deliver to the State. -of Massachusetts, the propor. tion of arms tis which ie was entitled, your com mittee.beg leave to remark, that the state of the public arsenals in December last, as it respects the supply of-arr.is, provided for the respective States und Territories, will be manifested by the preceding statement, from which it appears, that of the 85,200 stnnds of arms- which were due . to the General Government from the contractor's StT October and of which it is acknow?edgpd 31,640 had at that time been deHVered;; shorUof levlOO had been distributed as lates DecIast ; but they" confess they are wholly unable, to comprehend, or perceive even on the alleged principles of dis tribution, how the VitiihrVnig froW the State of Massachusetts, rashly aiidj unpreparedly plung-, in common qrith the rt f the' Union, into a dis astrous wariwith the most powerful maritime na lion the tyocld ever witnessed inft;n. rt ims'ir.htme.tis. bpirn trv-TIO liQ ,Knt. ........ n. j . .v .- . ."' r'r"-. - fcv. - . , ug nutuc: iciuiu .ulcii sea u.im rnn antt nth.K vita... -1. , t ' ol the mihlia of th United, States as,communi.!on, intersected with ' ports aird hai bors in every theH iii. the by alo'ftg line thf Mrt PI I, Urn l:ab jiit onr tenthjof the snd sum of nne iMililnn id,. nrn;nr.. r',k .. ', . ' oe justihed or at the -arms provided in virtue of thjt act hotil.l br. transtnitted to the several ; stales com sing theUnioMjaild territories thereof ; to each . tit ? and 'irritoryi respectively in "proportion ro h- number of its effective militia. Ht;nce it be Jine the duty of the government noi to wait for he application of (he several States, but on the ecei'ptnf such supply of arms, as would admit f a reasonable .division, promptly to transmit he saro e to the respective states and territories, v'Vhet.her this has be .m done, conformably wi.h he provisions of jthe law or consistently with those irincipl es of inspect, r -equalky-'amt impartiahty, vhivh o ught ,to regulat." the conduct of thGjnef d Gove rnment towards each member of the con. ederacyihe history of the amount of this fund -the. d istnbution of the arms .and the letter of he Secretary of JVar will determine- The act having passed jn pril, 1 808, it is ev rdent that at this time one million of dollars must ave accrued under it, and oueht to have been ppropria.ted towards artnine" the whole body of b.e militia of the United 'States." Of this sum or he proceetJs of it, on the ratio of her contributions Jto the revenue of the Uni'tVl States, Massachu' etts wouH be. entitled to about Viefth p4rt, huv jing paid upwards of forty millions towards Wis xwo tjundrand htteen millions of dollar, derived by the United- States under the operation bf the Federd Government but ' predicated upon the moiv unfavorable ratio of lhe la V, which in this casemusioveni, MassachusetUElthoagh capa bf bringing into the' field ah e ffective . force of one hundred and twenty thousand free white citi. -Tins,, for the purpose of sustaining her rightsf of enecKiug usurpation, or ot , repelling Invasion, would be entitled only to the number of arrrs prq' cured under, the act of April,, 1808Mn the ratio that. 70753a, the riu.nber.of-'-'mili'ia'-a'grpeaDiy-.i to ceived by the Department of War under its pro visions that sUv h proportion of the money col lected urujvrtht said-act, as ifinvesei in arnis would f right belong to Massachusetts, should be held subject to the dispositmrrfthe-Tredsufer of this Commonwealth, in order that the1 4State may be enabled to adopt those measures of defence which the general Government neglect to providfc tor it. Per orter, i JOHN WELLES. pti'iitlC Hubert mis lniorraaiton in. ints . too, inc shall be gratified. At that time Mr. STrrrrrrwas ecretan Smith was a Senator from Ohio, high in favor of administration, but a juggPs like this wu en trusted to none from whom it could well b'.' con cealed We received our information from Juh.i n "Political. n. any department of the General. GavernmentoLboundary, -on the East, and on ii;ab jut onr tenthJof the and sum of one million !the nrovince. hfthi-. i 1 ii n-T Air ani miilot'f .m t . 2 I. 1 1 ' J 1 ' - . v VltUMI HU UUUV ObWUtllUlttlLUl 171 Ul lint tenth of the number 01 arms tfikthaVe been pro- cured'"the.refrom. :r' 5. ' . ..: V And your Committee further report, I that, from the returns mi'Ie to Congress W 'thewar depart ment in December last, itwippears, that contract's -iihder The law of the United States of April" 23, lBOfi. ltaVe been made for lOO.OOOtands of arms, 34,000' stands -were contracted for in Massachu settsv and 9875 stands were actually delivered by the-maaufacturers within the State prior to Octo oer last.' and, tnat, lrom these contracts; there palliated, by a pretence, that it has been deemed u.uai eouuucive 10 .the general interest, in the first place to supply, the frontier Srates, and in consequence, to omit the transmission or delivery 01 a single musket, to a State, with a frontier of, kaiij a muusBHH IIU1C5 10 C1TCUU. The additional cause assigned by the Secreta ry at War, for withholding the proportion of arms allotted to Massachusetts "that 1c was most con ducive to the general interest to supply in the first placei the militia who have come forward in the service 01 tne country," alone remains to be con. I... . , t - . ihiiiHi.'. V It rr"T .vm "r'"-&v"-":' fiu.u..Mr.mj suniru i uu your committee with r-.lactance an dav. tux months since, o i,o4U stands, ot arms at which proaeh-ihis part of the duty assin-.-d ihe-n rfor--f VWieh the Prenc .tjrne 53,50,02143 qf arras in, addition; wtre due, they ate confident that while the State pfMig. (strong requealed hi The fol'owinjr important n.i n ative is taken from the Ohio Federalist,- and will be read with more than ordinary interest by the people of the United States. The. Editor introduces it to shew tliat French Influence" does prevail . in our councils.; and aware of theTesponsibil ity fchich he incurs ty offering a specific' fact in support ofthe charge, gives at once the res. pectable authority upon which he publishes it to the wot Id Sex, Gar, 'J'K.V"' ' ; In the summer or fdl of 1805, Mr.' Armstrong, then our minister at Paris',' made "a communica tion to our governmeMrontarnthg, jn": substance, the followirTg statement: sA trentleman connect ed with Jthe French minister; one morrting called upon, Mr. Arnistrong, and presented him a slip of papernpoh which,' was Written, i in substance ' the Bearer, is authorised to confer with- the A merican miniateir.f.-t'&e asked Mr 'Armstrong i I he recognized the'handi writings who i-eplied he did : that it was the hand writing of Mr. Falley rand. The gentleman then began a conversation in which he set forth the great interest which the Emperor took in every thing that concerned the TT:. 1 ?. . r . . : . uimea ?iaies j arter mucn general conversation he touched upon the ' subject of oui differences .with'Spaln.'..'-He..sta..thaL:th0tinperorwa sensible that Spam liad been, guilty of great wrongs toward the United State;, and that he wa disposed to lend his assistance, to the United States in obtaining redress : Mr. Armstrong expressed his satisfaction at these sentiments ; of tki' Amp,M.n ' n J . L .. . ! .. . I , ' . iv viii.iui, aim inc.. gicai Bii.Mciy ui lUS go vcrnmentto have .their differences,, with Spain, especially that respectmg the bounllary of Lra isiaua, odjusted. The Ffeivch man replied that his majesty would undertake to have the whole disputes, between the two nations settled to the satisfaction of. the United States; upbaTlcertain cunuuions. nrmstrong wisned to Know the con djtionsj the Frenchman stated that the only conditions would be that the United States would pursue a course directed by his majesty, and make to him a reasonable, compensation for . his fcood oflices- Mr. Armstrong appeared somewhat discencerted, when theV Frenchman observed he would leave him to reflect upon tile subject, ami call ami resume the conversation upon he next day Smith of Ohio who slated to us, that lie saw copy ofthe letter in the hands of Unberr Sinl.y. who was, oj; affected to be, very indignanfur the measure and who communicated the wbol ;' transaction to him. ..,-''Vv Many reasons induce us to credit thir VateJZI; ment It explains wherefore Robert Smjffr wa& "y made Secretary of State, and whereforrjThOmaaf ' JeflVrson remained his fast, frit n 4 after he was . ii litn'.ssed by Madison It ' explains whereforo ? Jjhnt,Smih was persecuted-almost unto deaths -as the destruc.'ion of, his character might render . him undeserving of credit It Explains where- ; fore Mr Madison told - Mr, Randolph that -- France watu- money and mast'kaye; jt' It'tx' plains whertfore Mr. Armstrong is now Secreta ry at war and it help to explain wherefore Mr. Gallatin i now sent , o Rpssa There, are ' but- lew, very lew, to wbom it . would oe ste to confide the secr ts of our foreign neociaiibns ! " H OUaEs OF REPRESENT FIVES. ' . Monday i June 14. ' ; Mr. Tt oufiy from the commite. on V ilitaVyi . Affairs, reported" a bill torovide f r.the wL'ow and orphans 'of militia slain, and of mili ia jis abled in the service of the United St.vf-sv These bills were twice read and comrni ted. i-Mrsiai of Conn? cticut o -tamed leave vl ab sence from the service of he House, fromHo-' morrow to the end of the' session. Oh-motion4 of Mr. fentfietead, . - ., ' Jieaolvedy That the committee on Military A ff fairs be instructed to enquire.; into the exptriien- - cy. of continuing in force tlie' act author ising t President of the United. States to raise certaTn companies" of rangers for iherotcTon of th,e frontiers or the United States, " jwissed J oiiMi tr 2, 1812, aiul the act supplementarytb' reto.ptss renchmsn: next called, Mr." Arm- utx full to ejiipLiin the ctruist el July 1, 1812." with leaverto report by bill en'' otherwise. ' 1 ivir. Amy, ioi .viass auer iniroaec,toryf re marks, explanatory of his views in respect there f offered, for consideration the following resolutions:. fUctolvfd, That the Committee of ElesflioTrs-be instructed to enquire into ihc exptdiency of re viving an Act, entitled " An Act to prt scribe tlj,e" mode of taking . evidence in cases of contested elections fo'f members ofthe House of Rvpresen tatises of the i United States, and to compel the attendaitice of witnesses Or of reviving inch par thereof, as they may judge expedient with 'such " alterations and addkionsTaS to them may apj.eav necessary : and that they have leave to report by bill or otherwise. ' , Resolved, That the rules; and orders of this House be so far altered o" amended, as tht the Committee of Elections shall in future be' itesig Oated by lot : fitjvhich purpose, the nanea ,td all the members, 'who'- shall take their siats on the first dy of any session, vl which the House may form a quorum, si. all be. pt.t ,m a btllot-box by the clerk, in presence ofthe lfc. ise, and seca of them .shall be -drawn tli.iefrom by the S, 'taker, : also in the presence ti the- House f-wltidi fer ,' ven members, tin drawn, si.all cor.stitiite 'the ' Committee of Elections. Buttf- in tiny, cyst- ot contesiial election, one or more of said romi-w.t t.-.e V be interested therein, or related to eiTh. V othe : parties, he" or tliey'hall. n motion, to theil w.?, be excused from sitting thereon ; and oin: rr ir' members bhall he subslituftd -iir such . cast, b r ot asaforisaid,-from ali the mtmocrs w'hv'th- " ' then-be pveient, not on said cyrrmfiue- i;cr i. : lies in said t& ,: ' -V '" ;

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