.-; -v.-- . v,-Lst:,c.'.,' . J ...... -- . .- 7 .miiGiiM f - rm;.- .. . w.v ni we ' . ' .Raleigh, K.c.phUasii kli, (wWTy.Biv; tyehu vd a h. bo yl an. ' --t' -:v ri:roF'"i.!' - - - . .... .j . ... - .. , . , 1 ...... . - . f i . .... . .. 5. Vol. 18. V ? f FRipA'VJ.UfcY 1813. Interesting Foreign 'Intelligence ft : X Hehi.is', April 10. DEFEAT OF 3EAUHAR.NOIS tiY THE RUSSIANS. Our pniv.-r tonyiw .llit, fallowintf letter from e lleul.ij'iar'.eri tjf C ::ejEai .Count Von Wh. nstt i!). to Mav de l Ks'opq,. Mibtarv Uverntir the couoiry 'betwixt The lbe and Oder. I "I. hasten humbly io injor n vur (r.xct;Ue:'"y if t he h jId occorrenccs ot the 24tn ot M.-irc't F'.a.Apjii; wun t:ik inient or enurciy inievmi; " T, ... .. r .i J . 1 ;t gooo emzejs ot t. ? fin rrom uje arcaa :nci 3r the v entertained of possibly seeincr the efle ' uenefaj -y on uorsteii, wan n;s detacned corps, ,t alrpaflir adtfanrftt as fjr .11 Whli'1.. fnr ihf iiiriiose of suiruun'dine: Macdebureh on the ritrht ink of live Wbe ; but on-the 2d of April, .bein; tacked by a superior force.. He, according to hi-i ireyioua instructions, retreaie oacit to Meciiitz, Lit covered1 the Poada lo Buri "and f!nmm.Krn hv I" On the 5th of Aprijpie enemv obliged Gen nl Von ItoMtfll ti fa'FKnVbtn flliii;i frin th. fcad to Govtzke) t force the Cossacks back f As I had received, certain inf-irmatinn that se Viceroy of Italy, who-commanded ihts expe imon tn person, ana wun a corps o armee ot lou ihe )ld .iurR. Davoust, whose force Unew Yesterday Ueut. Gen. Count WaTtnhocleii Gim- cuspecttd jbC liaving cscited the p6pjc crj-i r st the ,! r estimated at not more than 8000 men, U'at pre- born arrived here from the head quarters of his trlishi he len arrested. - '4-' ii sent emrtnrh-t f? If .a balzwedel.- By a Majesty the iimpei.'r. and soon after departed, j In. circumstance? so t'ifTicuMQiK' n C sioWne v-J parallel imrch Gent'r'd Dorpher' corps haa'ad-JIis Excellency-, had ' been appointed, oo the! who had ' retired to CaSttlvitrnfio, .'rtrtivid wr i jl VU)C(-fT in Dnmii :iiifl. fLrrntiiirr in! H-.p Matmi '.rimnirinfl nl Jh .Mni-lliprn Armn !ity Ki 'I iftnc rial I r In hrAA 1ieivji.lf in rtulm.i ... accounts, had a cam crossed ovc:.to the opposite bank of the Eibe Th Swedes re advancing by lorted marches1 !o riu- ill Wc nlsa learn, that Lhey ha.e nrtt only reached that rjrer, but that 6W61' them cto'$M it Jft'lV;; Throuch Est Pri)ssia;ar'l; marciii'nc nt rirrient .j - - - O " i ------ 30 battalions and 45 squadrons of Russian troops, It is not e ectf-v th M.ttUin can lu-!d out Ibnjf,as only th; hoily oftlu fortress s comol;tcd and it his no r utworks - nThe Ir,.'trii(l lossian rmy, unds Fieh JVUrsi;ill Xutonsofl, 30 000 "ion:, with 200 pieces ol cannon, hmh t-:rz a- Lun'ben, .on tht 15th, and will reach tiiv. Sx.m cojn lines by thv end of .his roonth . t , . i'he Corp "ol'G neral MiTirldowitch on the Mait-sty. Ten thor.saod stands of a .nd ammiir:ilinn. Iiave 'beeiv rioytrian, wvp expect the Dulce of Cani.br klge, their formW Covernbr. ;' ' ms, accoutrements bntlcd for the Ha ners to hold herself in rtadintss to d-.;m ir Cftgliart or Trieste ;'. she. ..refused, to olx v ; shf, l-USCU IMC VIUUI1 HI 11IC 7I9UII9 III iriC piiiljjp !ftT -d"'5 exile to be opened ; a he armed the prisoner, (tj called to her assistance the disroutnte ! M it'5E7l'' Lor ! Beniinck has morched SOOO men airafikiSSr!: Castelvitiano. SPAIN AND 1'ORriTR-AI i pars CREAT-BIUTAIM. ...J , Lomijon. April-. Hx'tratt Jroma Government. Bulletin, T Since .our last, we have received LisbH Govcinment have disnatchfs from Hjmlmwdo the 17tt ult. to the 17th, and from Cu haven to the 19th, Te campaign In the N. W. of Spain h u! not which anrioiinseThe - arrival on the P.l!. of a! commenced; but nrebarat inn, iv. r a " - - - - . t - r ..... . . 1 v K. J T fvjciicidi.wii.il uic van iruara oi.ine -owcciisn ar "l tu ine nrsi oar.ies are xivvf,u mu i itie h.irtu nun Im, 1 n-t j. i . . .. i t'li. .i. 1 rui nHJiiin vwmi-iiiu At na nA - '""iv uH,ut; ifiuuziJiaiciy loiunveu Dy :'" . 1 . a r ... S-V!: 'i-f 7th and Hihp.',rS: d through BunUlau. Tiu. corps! w.-.vi.i:rv ' . I ' I . n CALIClICll III lllllll. Frankfort on the () ler ; it consist of seen rc Rim -Msg. infantry,' and two of cavalry, and has with it much ariilery. The K'nijof Saxo-iv. it is sad, n :siiivt!v re- iiscj(. to otejj the orders t'tqMii-ing him t9 repair to i'nnkfort. 'l he i'ulish CVPS, which su!l remains t Cra the principal ccrps-oi the army, -com-rmnded bv f 'k:n; aid Utc Preparations" aie making . at -Lu. nenburgb to receive lum. I1..r,n ,r.n .A' ..li: ", ... H.. I 1 . ' . .ia..iin( ma luuru.injuin nave peneiraicn troni ! .,. . ... , ., ... , 1 . winiiir nine 01 m, ana to tne nei;lil)orhorK 01 VeiMen he inhabitants voluntarily furnish tl:en.viti provisions to be in the vicinity of the Dooro. !A''i w'i"Jc 1 n: ine enemy lost more than 400 in U- in Valencia on the 11th 12th .mrl i ri, .,i, English lst about 900 miv Irillrf u .. ... j i' " f ...... v . oujJ .lvuu.iOUrt - among whom were several officers'.-, Our troops of the 2d armv.'nr.d i.v t . , i - . - . .w i hi;, a r A l - r? . i' . .. . Wmnni nn.La C.t,..i ' i (uii ui uivous'. jrr. iorps was at .Gell antH . ,;"WCJ ""C'i remamta i;j Oeatty t1c Brunswick. 4 . j sarme positiohs as at tbt'jnst date." ThsEn! hi ' It us believed at Hamburgh, that Gen. Rest 'occupy the port of AJbVl4iv Sucliet is, con-io: h.id takn Wittenberg. the.. city of Valencia.' . s. AtU'3en the Ku risia.s hive takn a ronsir? ine uuKe ot l atnue is apnoint'tl Amliitn. . M 'si ft iivisiuii3 tiuvui ui nin strnnrr. anions ; ... . . . 1 . . Jhich were 3000 cavalrv, and 40 pieces of a. tiiie iVari).n8iv elmr?. h... ...i.ri!"!:.! 'lblc qotnti.y of Munitions destined for Ma5r.idop 10 Lont()n -Count Fernan Nunes. tv notonlycaused the coumrv round Mapc ebtir 'h .,.,, . i . r 1 deburgh. ; . den. - um Ju i ,i r .u . i ? j , match undisturbed to trance, winch ot course! . v, h r ... ! -4 - . ' the ncht bank o the Elbe, to be nlnnderi'd.1 ... . v ow i - 1 Uii l-.mnprnr ofRnqaia hta !,- Fiirwmi -hi .. t likewise, (not being informed that 4 my. corps . i. .ik nt.-'imeliip-enrp st ,e, that , -,,,1 ,-,V IHIamburg. that he should employ all hisregu-! . Il 13 W'eve w shalLopen the cumpai, tJtk ua i near i;ihij ur.eiioeo maxmer an attempt on w. ..r r.. -ni.:..,.,.-... . . inrr ices nr the- re-estabhshment of ths nH.. aimn iw,wj troops.- vv ierlin. T determined on attackioj? him with my n;.- "-v. u.c -i v.uein- thole s'rength,- and to drive him back with my Intire toice. For thii purpose, or tlie 4th of April. I concenti ated .the corps of Lieutenant teneral d'Yorpk near Zerbstj ?hi t of Lieutenant r'eneral Von Benr aVthree Grmsn milts from lence.io the village of Leitzkauand 'fixed, my ead quarters at Zerbs' ; I dJecte'd General Vot orstel!, and likewise Lieutenant General Von ulow, who had so early as th 4th of April, ?,r ved at Ziesar, to push as fr forward vas the ene ly would permit ; but t rut they should on the b,when tby would by informed by arannonade uiy ftjving commenced an'atfack, fill on the icmy widi thc-grea'est impetuosity, On the 5:h the mominri, Lieutenant Von Yoik'v rorh. Ivanred to Leitzkau- and thaf Li,ut. General on Beri?. to LidetHirp". U-in. Ti.fpri.t XTAr. for te! had advanced towards Mackern. and Lieu l..nefal - Von Bulow' to Hchenziat2. At two clock in the afternoon' Lieut. General VotiiYorck as obliged to s;nd a vanguard towards Com- orn, and Lifut. General Vpn Berg to do the ne to this blace. Th firV ir.n.ioc enemy pear uanigkow, and after bri-k gnnonade fo'ced him to -quit that platjc with a onsideraWe lass -hereupon Ifcabsed the corps g jicut jent.rm von Yorck, nd that ot Lieut, general Von Berg, to Mow Jhe van-guards, inicii wcre aireaay engaged, and made a vigour Jus attack on the enemy Generals Von 'Bora and Von Bulow did the same on their sirt jeCrst advancing toZhdnick, and the latter to ehchtz, which places were in the enemy's pos fSMoni. but who jas Jtbledtd from thence by ic vaiouror our troops.' . , . .' . r ' w the resistance of thi dvantage. of the ground, was: every ' w he r? very Ot the 1st djy (;f May there will beOOOO .Bawks of TiirErrnn. April 12. Anrtr,. j..r . r ..... i- they reiree.tdlowanN M.,irh -.Tfr !,r on!, m- ; Rires,an troo!,s " Gerovmy. Generals and the, Vircrot wirh his fr.., nt.rjii ' LoKDit, WOUBded were coneved over thtr I'.lhf? hv n h tlf boa'S; nntl in t !- r iiii-.fn'mr Aftl... U .1 1 ' of the troops crossed'-over io this manner. A ' thm hh wa' tb? b"v Russian General, marcliedVo StassfiicUi X)H..tii? 8 h the Viceroy Wt . ,t,Kcn!?cu', !,as anticipated hW arrival and his guards left MVd. burg. ;by 5111 unP',rtant vtiory over Iauharnoist "who, The carrison left. in dm dcvWs. nAn PvrnWi ,bev'K ,he . 'mnndor in Chief of theFrench I . ' l f ! 1 1 V pendtnee ( Germany, confiding th.e defence of The French- have about 6p!0C0 men opposed (i ...w . .. a, IIIURIS, 7TT .-"" A m il 2 5. ed tbat c.il. On the evening of the 5h, t,,) "onfiPae 'tas by this time arrived at the first -nv.iv, iiiyj.ici;!,!, inr.y oivjTrm.my. iii me mean time; whilst the 1 reii'.h hroperor 7000 . men,. o(who;n -only j'&soo are IVt nch. before the arrivcl of his Mapr. vi There are fquettt q-tarrels between the French ;' y nVt rttU(im may 'e very fairly considered as aiKi .Vestph iliiin troops. , J " "v-" : 'uiin.u .vCr me vrano .-vr.oy it. After the battle vfMockern. Lnuiistoft wft,!sdP The forceiiT this engagement is missing wrthrse whlhiy CStmatjyVmttTiriit fuiir 3ivisim,Wliat - r.A. - .. .. ' oi inese v lUgefatetn , Troxtiers or Sa,.okt, Apnl II. sla-.s himse!rto'have killed and wounded 2.000, I he main body of the I' rench force appears to iamontrtt .whom ivfrclivnP.cnf t 1 . m 3 ' t4- " v. .-j Ul.lU 4 UltU oeaeu.oungat vurzu,r. . MOranciUr, 2fvqincers, and; 90Q men made' prison. 4 Leipzic is tocontrih-.te u co-.Mdcral4.sum forjers- So mt-rh Wicttrs indubitableV" that -the mi. icjuh.iii.ui itiij ju.m,mi iroopi xesterpay 25 000 crowns, an(J jo day 36.000, were 'to be paid Lord Wellington, in tf letter 'dated Af ... . . ....niojcc o. ne tat ! in tne rrovinceoi Valencia, but 6ot th ;l r A ' , i. A ' t 1 - j-r' i i t 1 1 bi in nu ti.o . "vvuuini ouuuutt j ills rni ni Lirv ti. . tails to the; allied .army .being in pursue? Wf--? 7 A treatv of alliance has b?en concluded bettsi' the Spanish Begency and-Sweden. . if-X-i ADMIRALTY-OFFICE, Eos don, April SfO, ..; r.-.,. ... im. ........ The Emperor of Russia, with the guariv was expected on the 20.U at Dresden- vl v Cothcm, April' 11. To-djy the hp'l.qiarters -.t ' ount Wittgcn t .... w- - 'IUW French were defeated and compelled to retire into noi.. win u. y It appears, moreover., hv the offirial ctatpmonV. . . . ... i 1 mat u was one cnect.ot this vjctorv to Drevent nn impoitant :utemp1 tf the enemy. Bvauharnois, ! not knowitiir the actual sirenp'thof th t Wi" "5 matcn lor tieinn with the intention ol Steini are in Desssuj and tho-e t G'.-herar Yort seizinir that capital. The victory of Wittgenstein ino;nen, wnust me outposts ot the a my,' which pn vcnteci tne execution ol this purpose. . on the 9ih crossed t he Elheiat Rossla :, arj on The. Danish Ambassador, Coijint Bei nstofF. and t.bsjSwlc JrorjliA. junction, with -the -Vm ras far as- suite, have arwed in town' It is understood that Nieuberg, lleruV.irg, and Alsleben. General he is empowered by his Danish Majesty to . con Winzitigcrode is in Halle, and thus, tb torn- chide a Treaty of Alliance with t -is country minictnion hetweefi the corps of VTi'tgenstein and j It wa.sGonjett.ored at Qopenhagen, that Great Whither is kept up the Lower Sale. The French hive evactiaud and in the rear of IWu iSctSn.i. . k.t. u . . ' ?r .." J-.UV.C. ulc, aim in me rear.ot -ru E to .Si ?o fKa8KneV-thelr 88 f0rCed at a"ibe,P' many prisoners have been taken by the COs loints to yield to the braverv of was only by the darkness Chmiro r.n that nnl . ...... . . . . .... .. . ju ifas I) it I I i r 1 1 rr . r. w ... . H. , v..06v.ii,vm,,iiu wc were pre jenied from following up this 'glorious victory. sacks. t r . UBANDENEUHGa, April 15, .A messenger bas.js; arrived from Z ibst, wun tne news that the dav before vest erd . . , w r - c,-..-- ....... ,Lii iichj nidi, ujc uay oetore vest'r.!i.v ?, cannot sufficient v exnrt r r-v...r , l?4AiUr. . . y weio e yest.croay a L , .. ' .-wm. uAyuiuM rc v severe uauic inoK Dl irp ar tVii-'nhnr nn K by approbation of the valour hf .KVrU:i tin Jc.-I i . , . ?i. e ai w,l""r von t,,e. tan and Roval Prussian tro'Z 1 V u . " :.TJ. rca Pr,s"3-w-erc erday .. . V r-. -"""""; uruuiriir mio ensi, ano tout hnndre'i more were .:.,. 'rr.. r ..l...u.. ..,;.,ul,4m ,m.. v. i- i : 1 1 r- 1 1 1 i tt r, ininn c. a rt ... j - . r , . . 0 lv ifim.nl, It '.ir " ir-"1"? "V t 'Vl.W l;aP- " iS nlS0 Sd. that,three thou r - --w.ifw.. iiun i nr nn mimir b pnrti i .. ... - i v . ntorv.tt.n'TT.:::".' ..V. 6J" 5!,c" 're nr,v'n t0 the; -Stale, and Lr'J ::i7"r ",BC.C8 We-pn-on.: drowned. We conclude that it w tlie corns of j wt wis jciacu It-- IBP Sflmo ttlo ot.nUr1 - scond i eeiment of the t-i i t, ' " 11 "lv prodnow liussorsv - . j " The Tirailleurs f the ..'hrav lattalion of grenadiers took a field-piece; with hor e Iran .rje enemy, and in the -whole, six pow. kr waggons wet e taken, and we made twenty ,-v,:n oncers, ancl nine hundred pri vatesUprisoh irs. The . Genefar of Division Gr.Tr. r .nA peneral firundier, were wounded. " A he eriemv's lossveertainlv amnnnli m 4 hnn pen in killed and wounded. V)ti onr.;.i, . v. fficer was killed,-'sev:n Wounded, ?nd we had '6,0 privates killed or wounded -The enVrnt-ll i we a single man oj our's to keep with them ; ae Cosack was made pij;ontr, but he made his T'P!' ?nd -even brought a htsrse along with him. in tiieotli, towards noon. Iaain vrnt .A-trU rn Pl,''ntry, caValry and artillery, in search . y'" t " ,,tt-' Mi.f nu v1' iron) an jjoints a the course of; the night, buf this proved in Vain, is on his retreat to - Mirr1pKnrn-"i f K.'...;.t Jhe defiles at Wahlitz and Alten Clus,and had cut Ptl ail the.bridces. I am nt nrwnr irA :- . . . . " - - f- ,'LVUVUI VtlljUI.U 111 iausmg entrenchments to b thrown im i n., Konigsborn and other points, in order to enable icu.enani uenerat Von Uulow, witl the greater tcurity, to blockade MagdeburglTon this side. - imperial Russian. Major-general, and Chief of .. tin? General StaflJn the name -of Count ; ;.;-';;.rii;genstein.".. , 'V v- ' . ' BF.nLtx,' April-is. th rjtjwer ,. Elbe (he Franth, who hstd- Von Yorck which obiaioed this id-Mo nr 1 he day before .yesterday there was also anoth er combat near Biederitz. The isue is not ascertained, but it isknown that the Pr.nrK.,.-i driven, back, and to day 80 prisoners Were brouffhi in. ' ., o,, 'r 7. -7; : .1. HAMsuaca, April 20.' The raising of the Hahseatic Legion has gone, on so successfully, that above 3000 ihfantry, and a number of squadronH-of cavah vi equipped, have already, by dy 'drilling, acquir ed no small degree of expertness : and full of zet in lheir country, s cause are ready-to 'follow their leaders into battle. 'vV ' , Not less care has been bestowed in securing the defence of the city. The General daily inspects the works on' the jvaiis, and in the suburbs : al. ready all the breast w.rks are finished, and" Ham , burg Inight now await in tranq-iiiitv, evtn a corY slderbliv corn's of the Gi, ' , . ' '-""inti uarsare to he rats?d to 7,200 men. and that number will befompleted in a few days s they are daily exercised in fheuse of arm. m ...-..,l Vheeneiifiy, should he approach, with the energy of natfotic .ifirrinra r.t.Al.,..l -lr 'j .! .- ,. ti ";;is..uinu w uciwig ineir li berty ffhd prpprty.- '. . ht -., - , . According to the la't.st atc.ouhts7'the-Russtan light troops,, under the command of' Lieut. Col Itenckendoif, have advanced within a miltif rftemen"; in this advance fliey ; took-cboutTo prisoners, three of whom arc Loffic'rr The- crt 'al.yofthe llanseatic Legion has had an-honor able share in-various skitmishes? . - - inc head qaartcr; ef tht Tmtrjif,! Iian Britain is"to subsidize 25,000 Danish' troops, and to pay me yaiue or tne neet taken at Copenhagen. Letters, fitTrTVIalta; of the 15th inst, mention a report or the forts of Fuime, Triestef and. Dsl miMia, having, been abandoned by; (the, French trpops, preparatory to their Surrender to the Em peror ol Austra. . , , ' "ft - 'I 7 ; ' . W't'i respect to thc.Stvecs, the7 alliance with them has mudoubledly added. a 'great strength,' and therein a great advantage, to .the allied cause. The Swedish army may be esUmatedptn a very moderate way of-toutalion,- at " about thirty five thousand men, .effective for external opera tions? and if this jumper, and troops of the known hardiho6d and courage of the j Swedes, be employed either as a diversion or in union wiih the Russians, it is certainly rtot'itoo . much lo ex pect that i hey wiil arrest the progressive march of the French. It is Jikewtse addition to the advantageous consideration of this force, --that'. .it'--, will be administered, and most prububly commanded, by Bernadotte TTiis General was nt one time one- 'nr '.tlii-'YstvAniop r o ' . . . i -"v'" " juoTiapanr,; unu is cons.iciertd as ohe ot the most honorabfe and able ;0f the French Marshals Letters 0r winch the following are kwd l tracts, have been 'transmitted to-this office by " 7 7 ..ei.uv.naas,- utrtint lieQtcham' of his majefi ty s ship. Java " v - ' - " 'V, ! '. , '.' "7i.;';.-.-'-..'v' ' , Unut Siate rrigatCmidtui ion, ; . Sih-Ii is with deep regret that I write yora hat bis majesty slupava is non,pr aferL2 am.ngn action oy. the S&thtlnst. Tor seven? ' ' i lljuny with the American Tfrigate ; Constij,3 ' V wh.cn resulted in the cat-turt? 8c ..htm,, ; !.:. - non of his. matesty'Hship.Capt. twin b.S? dangerously wcum c,l i !iL Atki- .i- 7 the, melancholy task bf writing She dtlCii devolvtf- '4 ornme. .a,!x -s :i;!.V .'';,.-vi-j; . t , - t r 0 thc tiht ,. eff ttASaiv dor (coast of Br.,) the wind; at N.'E. we b -v ceived a strange sail j jnade.all 8nU in ..t.s., .1! ' ' soonmade her oat to be.a large frigate ; at n,o7' ' pn ped for acuorr,. the chase libt answe.ii. or private signals and tacking towards us under raV sad ;. wherj about four fhiles distant - she mrA s,RnaX tmtnediatelylacked Smd'madr.'tiir!" away upon the wind. v cn- r.... "... . 7 the advantage of her, in sailing ; and c.nv ' , with hi- Ictt ,i7f, L - ... i . . ' V".! 5 T ' , - t jiuiweu 4mert?olo-i she then borolu three pointur'Kedra At fifty rnmutes past one P. enemy ' cned sail, upon which we boreovn ,,n..., n7 at ten miniites jst two, when, abbut half a .r i 7 distant, she opened - her .fir by Viv .v t,s u,. larboard broadside, whifh was not retted Ui we were close on her weather bow B .ih vhips now manoeuvred lo obtain nrfwam.,,... .-...:'' our opponent evidently 4, cj0SP' u. n.'antf ' urine" Jnjrh ,to disable niil mad. n ...1 : . l. ., succeeded too weiL- hav our bowsprit with the jiUboom, and 0U). nggmg so rnuh cut as to prevent our, Pr,.scivin the weather guage. . . At five minutes nast thii . ' " rnlnno r. .-... i . I . - . Aucuitiy ueavy, capr. l.aitSI.nt o dered ihe sh.p to belaid on board,: ifUiv.'.ir-h v.';. should Iwve sufcceedoJ, had ..i.orr'our iorrn.a been shot away at this - . . .... .ici.i-ui:? (i our bcwsprit nassinp- over h u-(r, fii . 1 ter t his i he maintop mast wenM. vim-'ihrr totally unmanageable, with most of uri'rrWf 1. M..M.... it i. r - nu ichjiect to tne- u.nes uenmarit, we be.' """""i''...iii) .most oi ur STrhoarJ' lieve, in the way of annoyance;, can be (expected Kons ,ende'ed useless from the wier k.Jying 0vtr ' ! to do very little, but it is an undoubted to the allied, strength to .havenrocored her co-i h Past three our gallant caitain rcti ..! operation. f The French Emperor reckoned unon f.ngwps wound in the breast, und Iv'as cW. nmarkeven to hh, latest public l,'om , lhl9 llme wt ;culd not fir.- xnore ' the fidelity of Denmark even to h5 lit r..Ki. speech ; and it is a matter, of aslonishment to. us how he could be sr gregiousjy deceived- ' Dn. mark, however, certainly has no atmy,7thouh we believe a very brave militia, and miy thereby be enablcdto defend itself. - . . American Frigate Etsex. 3 , FAtMouTH, April ?3. tbe Fox- Packet, ,TilIyJ with mails Jrom the Brszds, 8 days from Bahia, and C6 from Rio de Janeiro ;ton the. 14th of February II. .M.JSf maoon and Cbmib Miled mm Rio in quef ;f shot, where he remained air hour reraif in the hsatx American fricra-i. kavihf ,inrr.mM: hUmt.' i.: : . that she was off ?t- Sebastian. - ; -7',' -';-: . Pah I Anril to. The Sicilians, fatigued with the English yokr I Knn tmmt m . A t I. ' wMircfj guns .until a quajter. pf fir wiien our ' muen mast w.s shot awnv'i then f if" - f"." ujnr .any. ot our;.r o-ul guns to bear;- the envy's ngnfso ' niJ , 7 " cut that ,e cordd no; ovoi.j shooting a,,:ad, uhi-h - ' brought us, Lilly brcaJside and fctoadsi'dc 6ur -mamyard low went in; jthe alings both h' continued ep paged in thU nmnher" Tfttiliirn -liUi' ' minutes past four, ve fitnueotlw on fi, - qnence of the wreck, lying on theIe. cn fli-,r? v Uur opponent. tjow madefai,! ahff oi,t (.f v. shot, where lie remained air hour repairing 'ih iHM..,nHv. inning uMaq .unmanagctti.je -w-fc with only the main-mast left, and thot t -e, i Every xertioirw7iade, bvii;diiip u.t. ',-,V '? wacte mesnip in a ttate f. r.uew . 1,.- . iiave.evdtej. f hje scilhion w fopthe mont, lion. Vt i(jlsl . rt jring-ihs; QfffV

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