Jt. " f1 ' - ;.-,- 6 11 wp: Li tf. il oitrtpji sra ssiHvari on the stumps V3 .V rVftrfejnHst and tosprU; t'he weatlicY'; half Vi yoMorward.-In lli.a 1ge ;.o getting the, ship b-! "v 'he -wind, ouf helrt; beim; perfect.; eK :i t :--!orrunatcY preveS 1 ineltccuial.ltnjrsw in 4i,au falling over (he su'erfforfl'the heavy .;!vt; nf tW ship,' which nearly covered the a. ! r I.- nl An".. riikhn'irf1 fyiins tXTl. e-ilf' liilfa i1,f a'ttat'k ol ih.j chtjiny, he now.atftndinif towawj- . ' ?f j for -tint pyrpose'; on his.coming nearly 'within .,r-itW pi us, arid upmJiM rnaiictuve perceiving he j. 'i'utrrjded a position-?j ?dd, where he. could rake tV v" without iv. possibiliiy if ptir returning a . shot ; '' . -i then consulted the officer, who agreed vmh . . .. oivsHftUat out havinc? a creat nart ofour crpw killed and wounded,' our bowsprit and three masts y cone, several guns useless, we could not be ? justified in Was-.ing'the Uvs of more of those re draining, who I hops their loru'ships and the .,- conntiy Urill think"1 have bravely defended his NJhajesty -j shipi; tinder these circumstances, how ever rthictantly, at fifty minutes pas"t five, our Jftplors were lowered from -tee stuanp of the mizen . fialv and wc were taken possession offc little f. Icr art. by th'c American frigate Constitution, commanded by commodore B linhridge, 'whofm. ftediatcly after ascertaining the sa!e of the-ship, resdlyed cnburning her, which we had the" satis Faction t)F teeirg done as soon as the wounded fdea Mere- removed. Vnn?xed I sem! you are. IS' turnjbf the ; VfiledLitfid wounded, and it is with lai6 I ptrceive it-SQ numet'ou; also a . state ffleni of the comparative force of the wo ship,- h:n I liope their lordships will not thnk yie British ftig taioiihed, although .success has not attended us It would ber presumptuous in me to . -spenk of capt Lambert's fnerits, who though s ill in danger frooiiiis wound, we still entertain Ae greatest hopes" of his being restored to the er vice and his country. It is most gratifying to my ft elings Jo nptice the gallantry iof every, ofHcer, seamen, and ma rine on boa"rd ; n "ustir.e to the officers, I beg ieave to mention them individually. IAcan never HP??ik too highly of :he able exerilons ofLts. HivriiV'ham and-Buchanan, and also Mr. Robin r 9nt Master, who was severely wouwiea, and L.s. 4-nchot. with toyal yards acrosstAand apparently rtMy fr sea. .The. flritislt colort ' were: then li Ttion board h; ShannoCtl and she -hove to; fiir lan J ; ai 9 !- the enemy's frigate 44 o'iSii ved to lo.sn her sails, nd fire a gun. At half paut 12 she. weighed anchor, and stood out rtf hv harbor, wbehe- Shannon filled; and' under easy sail, edged otf (he laadl fil?owed the Chesa-' ptake at4 shoneiied saU p;ijKdvetbt"itb the topsails back (or G;ar tli ehemy would not bring hr triciion before Jark-; in 20 minuiesi afxer, the Chesapeake cheered within musket shot of the Shannon, still strnvdiKg towards "her. in such wty as left our Uuu-in uficerta-'tity which side or their .ship. she. intended to encase m half past 5, however, shelufTid up on the Shnnoa's weiither 4-iarter. and on her fore-mast coming in a- line i;h the. Shannon's rnizen, the latteY fired the after gan, slid herothers,- successively,' until tne enemy came nearly d.cuy abreast, when the Chesipcake fired her whole-broadside, which the hagnon immidiAtely returned ; and here, broad tide to broadside, the action commenced ; in5 minutes the Chesapeake fell alongside the Shan. non, and was boarded in .her topvas we'l as on her uecKs, by our gallant countryman ; .and, in 1 1 inchot. with coyal yards across, and-appvlKf-; LOHgteSS Of Jflc uniiea ouiwi -r'S- . .. IN SENATE. "On Wednesday tiiePresidenriWaSenate laid before that body a remonstrance of the officers nf thrarmv under maior pen' Uarrisort, represen. ! lirtg that in the appointments and promotions re tentlymafle in the army, injustice nau weenijoiie td'iheouieeiTiow iti servicer and praying. the a.t. tentiort of the Senate to certain cases in which they feej the usages of armies and their, ..individual rights to have been violated ; and the Hfemoill vvaa. reud. " On the same dir. Mr. King presented the me. morhl of the Common Council of New York, re tpecting the defence of that city ; which was ie ferred to ihe Committee on Military Affairs ; and the memorial of Sir James Jay, prayi.jg corhpen. Saiion' for Revohitionarv services, which was read and referred to Messrs. iCing, Dana&nd Leii. Oh Friday, the Senate, on motion of Mri Da. na, came to the following resolution: Resolved, lhat a Committee be appointed to enquire what leiislative'rovi'.ion is necessary" to il in . prevent t!v muluphcity of sut's or procwes wh; re a single suit or process might 6iiflTce, for tninuie$ li)m the corhmertcetucnt of the action,! the administration of justice, in any cae to which her three ensigns wete hauled down, and soon af- 'he United States may be a party, or before any ter rep aced wish the English W over them. Her coun of the U. States ; and that the' Committee decks cleared of the-dead, the wounded taken be- have leave to report by bill or .'otherwise ov,.a great proportion of ike prison stt. re mdved f ; Messrs. Dana, Rullnck, Hunter Stent VM-Bted out ofhtr-itind, accoinpnid by the Shanhbn, was steered tor this port. On board the Shannon, Mr. Watt," the first L'uutenant ; Mr. r.ldham, tha purser, Mr. D inn, Captain's Clerk, an I 23 seimeri, w5re killed. Were appointed a committte sfecoriingty. HOUSE OF REPRESiiN TATIVES. i Satuboat, June j. : TheJHouse proceeded, immrdiately on its meet- Um Z vuuiicrtntcw.wi UiSc os re alive I. J decree of the ;28th of ApAl, laii, ' Lta toshow at what timely whom, an r uie saiu qecree was brst made knJ government or to any of it, represcnta" gents. . .) ; ;. " VMWllu And the question heiiiriaken"f?,..' deride a, 11. . " -"" For the resolve : AgfnsTlpFT'"" " " t,The 5th resolutidn was then read lowing words : t Resolved, That the President be case Ihe&ctbe, that the first infarrnau,! its ministers or agents, was that communis !' May 1812, by the duke cfUassano, to J 11 low, and by Him to his government, as mtl in his letter to rhc.Sscrcla. y uf Stale, of jj 1812, and the accompanying papesto iuf' House whether the government of the U.S. ever received from that of Franr.a linnn(ltia nV,nn. nf 11. , ". J "f'l ...... . fcawiiijv j.uav,uccree oemg coat from this govci rimeht and its minister irV' a time after its date ; and, if su;h'txphn JF uwfcn naicn ujr iiu jjgvcniment, and has L i K'vn ny mat ct trance, whethCf goveVnm'cnt has ma.!e any rem-insirancc 0r pressed ary dissfitisficiion to Hie". govru'm Fran.-e, such;, concealment. ' ' And the gucstion thereto vaslericy , lows t :-S, ' ' ' ! wounded. On board the Chesap-ake, Mr. Ballard, fourth Lieutenant ; Jir. llroom, Lieutenant of Marine- ; Mr. White the Mister ; several petty ofli ers, and abaut 70 nen were killed. Cai)t Lawrence. since ded) Ludlow, the first Lieutenint, severe- ly ; Lieut. Dadd, second Lieut, do. ; Lieutenant Co:, 3 J Lie-ifenan( slightly ; Milshipmen Wea'. ver, Abbott i and Jlicolls, severely, ad Berry, Mercer and Davis, of the Rovat Marines, the lat v ..- .n jic, .. vnapiain, severely, . r Z i : i - i j : ana near juo seaneri wounded. : ter of whom also was severely wounded. Io' ; (i)t?.io John Marshall, R.N. who was ap.3scn-j Captain Broke, we understand, nobly led the ger; I am part.icula-ly obliged for his exertions brawlers" from the rjuarter dr.k, and was, we aro , an'd a.lvi -e throughont the action. To Lieutenanj ' sorrv to sule severely wounded, in the moment of AipinHWh'r-waa- on" thV main deck, and Lt.jv:ctory a s-bre, on- the head, while exerting aiiilders, .who. commanded on the f.irecistle, J) himself to save two Americans from the fury of aMo rstum my thanks. I cannot but notice the I1".1 rntrL 5 he liH however, we rejoice to learn, in a gjjod conduct of the .mates and m'ubhipmcn, ma- ! Captain. Broke, a Midshipman and 5 seamen m t0,-lhe wnderation of Mr. Webaier'a reso- luu'Mis ,aua ine wnoie uay was occupied - in me discussion. The House adjourned without taking aily question thereon. Monday, June 2 V. Thcnrdcr of the day on Mr. Wctfjter's re$o. lutions having been called Up, Mr. Itibb stated the intention of the commit tee of Ways and Means to press the Considera. lion of the revenue bills as soon as nossible. Th'e' time already occupied in this debate had not For the resolve Agriinst it 'IJ,fl tlu.l,l.lliAn.. kn'k.... . 1 greeu io ; , . r .. A committee was appointed to present tht solutions to the President of the. United Sl tWmoion ot Miy RAca, -ovcThat the , president of the States be requested to transmit to this if,.. pies ot a declaration and Ordr in Council c' onusn government, ojt the, J 1st or April,'', and a copy of a rttite, from lord Castlereagh : Russtl, being th same alluded to in ihru Mr. Rusiel to the Scc. etarv of State' nfii-i T T 1 been thrown avay, as the committee of Ways and On motion of Mr. A'elson, the House re$ Means were not prepared for the discussion of; itself into a committee of ih wholf, Mr the tax bills. Now they were ready, however, he in the chair, on the hill to'reward the othcmJ ruse, in me aujciju-c ui inc cnairmajj ui ine com- ticw ui inc udkcii omtes' snip nornrt. mittce (.uf. L,")pes; to give notice that those bills would be called up to-morrow j and, every gentle- mi) now having fair notice, he honed ihediscus sio'i ot these resolutions would tenvVnate to-day. ' ny or whom erre R,uled, and the greater -part bounded." Ta Mr. T. 0- Jof.es, surgeon, and lui assistants, every prai- is due tor thejr unw'ea-. Vied assiduity itvAhe ore of the wounded. LV.'Ce'n"'. tfisl p,, Major 'Walker and C:pt. Ww, of liis rit, ttie iane ct wnom was - wounti, were .falici'.ious to assist an4 remaiil on Bleu. . J 'ui ,1 canmt conclude this' letter without express ing tny- grateful .ajcVnoffledgements, thus pub Uckly for the- generous treatment Capt. Lamberi and lusolocers h?ve expeitended from our. gal ,nt enemj," Com. Cambridge and his officers. . j have t ha' honor to be, 8te. ; Ht.D, CHAD3. p. Th' Constiturion has also wlTered tc fercly .both-.in her riggmg and nv:n, haying ei ! foj:and mizen masts, m nn top mnst, both main .Iftpsail yArs, spSKkef boom, gaff and try-ail iftm mtsi itoLihe7 g-eatcr part of ih 'rnUfig ri Jgjug ver much damaged," with ten vv iviu.ii iu 111,11 j'a lyii, which II". Ill it. I Wltil flla killed, the Commander, fifth Lt and 46 men pund.d, f s much benefit to his country, atid such imper ishable honor to himself. ' -fteut. Vattwis killed .after boarding the ChtsipVike he wai an 'jteflent tofficer. O i Cs?t. Broke beini wounded, the comm ind the quarter' the ,nn''n devolved or-the second lieutenant, VVallis.son of Mr. Walllsofthe Nav- Yard, wio cotvducteu riimstllin a ery brave nianoCr. ,:. Great' merit fs du to Capt. Broke,on thif oc cision, not only for the pefserverance with which h-j hw s long sought a rontest with an America frigir-, but-for the promptituae ami skill with which he hasecidrd the question of surierio. ty , and put an end to all th i vapoting with JWhich the American papers have lately been filled In point" if si a -i and tumher of guru, the two ships were as nearly cq isl as could be wished : Vhatever ad vantage there was, wa in favor of the Chesapeake, toth as to size and number of me'n . The respect due to a brave enemv was rester. ,4 ,. ' - I l,4ay Shewn to Uipt. Lawrence. I he ronsc was iur 'of whon) are since dead. -v ;: " ipf tflhe 'Shifts. .lA'V . lonftj eighteen . pounders 1 6 cr JfepaiiesJ. 33 p underS .2 long 9 pounder?. 46 rfbn? Weight nf metal, 1034 lb Sbjp's com fiiiy and upernumerartes, Vf.-SJ'-ZL- ' C STiT0TI0N--5a long 2 i pounders ! ca rmadea, S2 pounders--1 carron nde, r 8 ppundcri Weight of Aet'l, 1 4001b; -Crew, 480. ' :- . v ti-re follow the lists of the killed and wound. 2 killed, 102" woundel.J t Sf. Saivjdor, Braid, Jan 3, 18 X "A am sjarry , to find the Americans did not be herewith the same liberality-towards the crew that the officer experienced ; on the contrary they were pillaged of almost every thing and tpt in iiors. . " S - ' S- ... .:' ' . " ' ...I ii -i . i ii. , The Chesapeake and ShatVnbn. ; '' - , "liosToN, June 19. BRITISH ACCOUNT OF -THE. .CAPTURE OF rHE.VHli:SPEAK., Yesterd y tiie Spanish a loop J u a a, a r r i vgd . here from idViif . in 7 days, bringing the papers of that city to.:he'9i'h,' .vnich cwtain the.loihwing account of th UteJsangaihafyt conflict between the. Chesapeake and bhannod friga.es. -No leti tershave been received ; nor, any' other remarks than the following off the melancholy event. ; ; HAur.xJumr 9; 1013. V On Sundayarrived here .his Miijesiy's ship Shannon, from Boston Bty, -with the American 'frig.Jte Chtsaptaker late "cap's-Kant'ence, het-' - priz-. . .. - ,.-;" - - ii w'.thplsaiurc we cong' atnlate our readers on tin: c;n;!i(n: ! '.he American In gate chesa-IS-.-jU':, eomniAn'd by capt,. Lawrence '-:- by his Maj.-'Kty& hip ( Shannon, 'capt. 'Hroke,' after an r.ction .ot U ivmutcs.' ' '-'The following piticnlars of thleaslng eyelu, ite h.ic collected from conersations 'with.. some .f tii'.. office of the Shannon, rind have reason to sive of hia wih to curtail this debate, so anxious was he to Come to the discussion of the Ways and Means ; with which view he sbouH rtfrain from tnaK'mg those rerfiarksxm this occasion which hp had intended, and should, if the motion for indefi nite postponement was withdrawn, 'also withdraw the motion which he had made to amend tfie! resolution. Mr h'arravj then withdrew his motion for in definite postpone merit, in order to save limfcf al though he remained decidedly opposed to the resolutions ; to which, looking at their object- and expediency, nothing could reconcile him. Mr. Calhoun then withdrew his motion for mendment. ' . Mr. Roberts assigned at length the reasons why, although, he btlieverl these resolutions whol ly unnecesinry, he should nevertheless be induced to vote for thm. The question was then taken on agreeing .to the urst resolution, in the followmg wpfds : Resolved i duiuuui. ui i.uuijjensanon wa?fcon m 61 Mr. Mlson, fixed at 25,000 dollarsj the as was allowed to the olficers and crew of Wasp for the capture of the Frolic. i her bill-war thenTeyiofTeolb the Ifrusd landed frojn the Chevipeake under a discharge of , StVea Wreo tested to inform this House. unla such communication, when, by whom, -and in nimite gins, and at two o'clock reached Mng's wnari the American ensign wag spread as a pall over the coffin, on which was placed the siord or the deceased sis captains of the navy officiated as pall bearers s'x companies df lhe 6V.h regiment, commanded by Sir J ihn Wardbw, preceded the corpse the officers of the Chesa peake followed it as mourners the officers of the navy generally attended Sir Thomas Siumaret, the stt.JF, and c-kers of (he gaj-i isony. and th- pro. cession was' closed by a tmmber of respectable in. habitants. The funeral service was performed by the Rev. Rector of St." Paul's and three vollies discharged by the trbsps over the grave. - ' i ." FURTHER. We have received. Irom an American sourcct the following ; additional particulars! Capt, Lawrence received two wounds bv the'first broadside 'of. the Slfinntfn j afterwards a third. what Manner the fu st inwdfigencc was given ' to this government of the decree of the government of France, bearing date on the 26th of Api il 1 8 1 1, and purporting to be a definitive repeal of the de crees of Berlin and Milan. ' ' And it was agreed to Yeas-1 Nays 26. Th? second resolution having been read in the following words $ Mf Butler, in a speech of some length, as signed' the reasons why he could not vt-:e for thsse resolves. .,v The question was then taken by Yeas and Nays', on the second resolutibnv in the following words .- Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to inform the House, whe. ther- Mr Russel, late charge d'afiairs of the Uni ted States at the court of France, hath ever ad- .,. ...... . , mitteu or qenieu to. his government the conect- On u vllvf$Uyt Ins MaiwS.y's ship Tenedoi, vrbich had, for nearly three mouths, been cruising Jn Uosion Bay, with the Shinnoo, separated from hi r, 'and' wpt. PSrker was instructed by captain .'iliMi "'"Iwt to rj in nim uotil abost the Uth -Jtiiy Fhjs v,dontf i th. lop and expecta "ti- 'i n 't the t hf iajeakc frigate, -finding the Sl.tu was ''.cruitihg ; alone offf Bdston,7vould c m5'Ji andgivj; htn atiit-nor , were ourTtars tr m.mi in. ted. Karlv in tu; vormnr; ot the Is secend shof icanonsiOTd ,ic to-Bojt LiehtAVtr1 diipaisenstif Uef tajd aboutmj explosion Capt.. Thurston, who has arrived at Barnatahle from Halifax, says, he heard". nothing there abotit finy explosion and though on board" the Chesa. peake, did not see that any thing had happened td ner.i;uaner aeca. -.. . . Further Part;culaita.. Utter from Barnstable mentions the arrival at that place of a vessej from Halifax, with papers to (rhe loth last, from which, we nave th following particulars, ' The Chesa peake was taken in U minutes by the misf mune of having his topsail tie and fbresheet cut away when' endeavoring to thwart the bowsjolthit Shan non, for the purpqsjiboarding ; from this" cir. cumstance the Chesapeake came into, the wind, and give the enemy the bust favorable oduoHu. " . l . .S-S-:.- r : - Retjlot, Thll the p.i- iwas first wounded in -the lec," and the Not a to JMr. Barlow, the late minister ot the United States at that court, as stated 4n Mr.;Barlov's lew tr of the 12th May, 1312, to Hie Secretary of State ' that the said:decret; of April 29th, 18 i, en communicatud io hia ( Mr. Barlow's) Dre. decessor there ;' and to lav before this Housl a- - 'i t Bwiwji js u intra, t j , . ... . , . when helell, and was carried below. He died the I lSt-.the. ec,arat,on of the Due of B.ssano Jjmumay alter the balUe, and was buried with all the honors of war. V v ; .: 1 Commodore, Broke was severely wounded by sabre, cut in boarding,. and.receiyed other : severe rounds; He was reported to be deMrious. , Lt. Ludlow received three wipunds, s,nd had his month cut to pieces' : 'IWShannon received fivel&hot under water, j6 ijuun nc-j topper, ana iaa ner rigging ana mtsmuch cut up: The "Chesapeake's masts were . badly wounded. ' ' The; first lieiit. of the jhanhon was shrit by his own .crew, while hoisting the .colours -ha vine I . ...!. . ' . miitie .misiane in nuisungtne"Amencan over the litigUsb colours, x - ' ' -' . . ny correspondence with Mr- Uusel relative to that subject which, , it may not be improper ctvnmanicate ; and also- anv ecfrrrsoondence between 'Myr'Barlow and Mr. Russel otU hat siib- ject, which may bein possession of the Depirt. ment of-State.' '; jJ--. ..-' And the question was decided in the affirmatiret ! : I-Or the resolve . . M Against it e The third molduorrhaving been read;, intbe following words S' ' - 1 . Retotved, That the President or the United Stateibe reofuested to infdrm this House whether the minister of France, near the U. States cvrx informd this government of tlw existenceof the said decree of the .2 8th of Anril. 131 1. and to la before the House any correspondence that may have taken place with the ssid minister relative thereto, which the President may nbt think -im. proper to be communicated. This question also was decided in the affirna- tm:- . : ,;;- - ... -';" For the 3d resolve , r -134 . v Against it f - ' SO -The4tli resolutioi: was then read, ia the fol-T lowing words":--. ." '. - President oF th United States be'.req'led,tocominunicate to-thls House ny oher infonn uion whidh rrtay be in his pos es.sbn and rhichj e'y ttbi Cetera it injuriitisjw t v.v.ivu iu uc cii(;iiisku tor m mira reaainr, mjTm . r'.-FA... - if .. (iuu-7ic ouerea tor coiWKjtrr.icn i Following resolution ; Resolved, That a remittee be appointed enquire whether any, and, if any, what prw ough to he ina-lntor the more effectual and t nornical protection of the North western fw ag unst the' incursiottsof savages and odi.rt mtes, by exanting "donations of laud to actu..!; tiers on land a joining the "North-western k dary of the state of Ohio, and the territan? of Iridiana and iriinoia. Mr. moved to amend i he resolve so refer the subject Ip the military-comrqhtec ;b it being late A motion wii made to adioarruandcarriei ro 4P. ' ' . , ' Tuesday. June 22. -' John M. Bowers, of New York, yeterd.ir i peared aiui took his seat ; and to day W. M-Ki. ardson, ot Alassachuselts.. ' .. Mfi Trou.ft, -from Ihez committee on militi atTairs, reported a bill to continue in force anM for raising certain corps of mounted rangers,! the defence of the North Western frontier, i making an appropriation therefor ; which v twice-read and committed. The House agreed to ihe resolution ye3tera moved by Mr. Kilhourn. - THE WAYS .AND ME ANS, -On motion of Mr. Bibb, the Home resolved self into a committee of the whole, Mr. NtBn the chair, 01 the several bills 'for laying and n aessmg mreiDt and internal taxes. On the suggestion of Mr. Bibb, the WJor c tesstng and laying a direct tar Was first taken s"? Mr. lljibb expliined the provisions of ths f and expressed his regret at the necessity wtr hhd devolved this duty on him, viz. the iridic lion ottle chairman (Mr; Eppes.) Considerable discussion" arose on uraendraerj proposed toihcletailsof the bill, respecting & arrangements of the districts, Sec. . Wednesday r June 23. Mr- Troup, from the committee on tniW affairs, reported an act supplementary jo the i in addition to the act, entitled an act to nisei additional military force and for ' other puvp which was twice read and referred to a court' tee of the whole house' for Monday next. TAX BILLS. The committee were ensaeed this dai ' pointing out the mode of assessing and collt ing the faxeV. " Considerable opposition tnan icu risen to the mode ot apportioning ttie w raong the several counties 4nd districts. ..if committee rose, renorted nroureSi anu4 leave to sit sagain. . . ! ; v Thursday ) June 24. The house resumed the consideration of c unfinished business of veslerdav, and took' the bill" for laying a Direct Tax, whith'ocrtJf'l their attention, to the hour of ad 'burn inviit rrfr Fridays June 'J!5. The. Ifrttuft imin rmerAvmA ii'f in!ff) a . " : f Wi'Mrv y l---- mutee of the wljiile, Mr. PiiKin " 'he chairij the Several tax'-hilU. discussion to.dav nranrinWIIv invnt.rd til C'K t of the mode f annordoniMr the oir ct whether, as proposed by the bill, the nnioant direct tax t& be Daid- bv earh emint slionl 1 1 - J " - M ' arbitrarily fixed, or h hither. ihe Dtration oi 1 system should'be dtllyed by a new ra!uatin 1 tssesSmentiWrasii-wbUttrapporiion thetaxrs n; equitaoly. An amendment gTi ag to. clh feature of the bill was propose, -uscu!-o ,J Tht cdmm!tt.r'-i.fti; .if ih v-iMiial li-j.r Wf' p!X trf.ent, a;;J he Ioii$e 4-j.mra-4 IS! 1'3 r