'U.'A- i: X ... ' ., -!. . ;-.4Lri;y.:;''s . I. - : Haiti JF.11DAV,.IULV C, IB13. f The Suyreme Uiurt wjli c.irvmeoce U sitting m thii cuy ji A. tWf Kiw ;TifW(i iii a letter from a Tfcmldr'C?5ngft," jrS-h Males that thtf several Tax B.ILs have ni yt pai.ed he i re 'ins ; m it is bclicvert fncy wil: c ru nly became law. t in- p r:i 'iioi wass cuituy ;jruj tenet , ur aiifct-tas, 7,2'.mi d and inn is exclusive ot the ux on Hil$, sail, l-u:np pner, wrujei, jtorcs licenses to retail sjptric. bank, . &c. ... I DI0, on the 50th n!t. Mr. Eoirm Holdiko, ten. ff Vake loamy, lie was in the Mill year ol hi age I GGN'ERU. MORSAU. Wd the ship Hannibal, cleared Jjih ult. lot UMcnburglk, The Prcidenf the United State has-been )rsom days Seriously indisposed . His Thysi ians have, how ever,' pronounced him out of dan, (er. ' ''"' ' The V."Su loop f war Argus aaUed from . New fork on the 1 8th June, She c n tes out the honT, Vlr. Crantord, our new minister to the tourt of rrsnc. '.- ' " 1 - .'-.., i : ' , ' ' . ' . I D. R. tVtilinm. esa. of-H-i-dba hn W HriKwlier General in the army of th tip&tzA- States! .- ,:.,.v,,. - 'V.J, ThH eiprg w wa -ie R7 Cot" Howard to ar bfricer "Ct"-!1511! jVegjimsfnj, ordsiing tm toreji;r to the H?lf.vay Houst: twiweeo Hampton nd TCdtjt, as lUmytot, hs i oetn taken possfsjfSn 6f by tfie eiiiiy a In hast c, I am. &g7- 8cr.. in uxceiienty (uov. ubouu from the Enquirer Extra. .1 " is llimjjtfyt, m i oetn taken if)ssesjfSfi 6f hylfie jiuniyr'jV!) oi-'JeV, ,my sycKimcnt ut inimedi. itely, .Ue' gratp,)erikiajei i4ns!urt!he)al itce at York. t "? , ' ' ; r.ir V sevefal !ay pastT fi is cooMfctured the cruisingoflf Block Wand.. : ,r . , ine or . thhiHiaad two frigates, fiavft jut,t art peared. 1 , ': ' s:-r-- v '"'''' Li i - - " 1 " n C-rrAi00 "tnKirr joined tifeMtiad".' ron, v 1 hey form line, a and ,W. 7 miles fm the - centre of this place. , ;, c rhc rcWem.ofthe U Jitatea, through the .ivMMy.ui war, nas apprnnatn i! the probeed mil tVio n!r.; . t. . i . . .To ctuu vcrv ilinrTnnlplv mm: The express Is an iniellitreDt man. and state: Kil.n, hlm vPn promptitude Mid enerA the attack commeoced yesterday at 4 in the mom , w!5."- fpubittd on Che emereencr , msf, oy waterconteve mckets led the way,! "l7 nas orutred rt Cris which set fire to H amnion. The memv hart etA io btf Pu " complete repair. fected'a lantlincr t Uatnnton -hev wer,-mt n-i. tefday thts American Ehsifft was hoisted ... . - ... -.T-o K I.-" i-.l; . . . -J a; anri.ilaiurttaweriL,(?Hh;ri.r:,w" ",Ksn, on DoarU the Hamil es UnA j - - ----- 7 1rU.M . . T" killed n-l capv. Kobert An-! 'M 'c ine anttivmary tl the dszLarattoix of E?C!i,W ,Kwttim.oder. of ihe tort ji? i . r ' - , : ,"i -' v v.vu n.ePre8,annoilncine that it 4trrmit . TJi (tentlrfTn hai etaharkea pr.! lantly hy Our militia leared uut I'roia Ncw.Vwa, -on tde of York cotimy, is . !H 01 V"iiiumsliuiR, either killed or taken prisoner; they re both brave men. ' ' trjnge to tell, the Biiiish are said to have about 2Q troopers. ' What was tht extent of the loss on our side, cannot be ascertained ; it is believedf:hat ntmt of our troops ete reining to the Malt' Way House, wmcn was u ue a rendezvous lor the su war? General Dearborn has resigned his commanH ft the army bf the U. States. ' His sticcessor is fiwt jet flominated. . " ; ; York, Jane 2!T.-Nooti. : " TUB STKA1H ffOAT. TtOtVI THE NOR THERM ARMY. Cqmaiunicated toMr. Cook, k - v. tub rrounding i "y C oRec- H"ust b n OlHcer who left Fort I George on l uesday, Jine M(h. and Ruffrt.i. The express arrived at I o'clock this morninp I ' - , . and the Con. we're, immediately convened j V-Wwr .in jjdod healrhl.4n1 - spirits c nromptly ti.ke-1, and arr in a min ! Pi, mo'iiittng to aliottf 4000 ; Gen Boyd tfn.. ' 'lJemiUtU' New Ktjit andt4 mmai?" General nearbdnT coi,tihini te militia. iday Measures were ofrapirt exrcu vhirtft City have' bem called out by tUi eect-' ."'GeneralLewis gtfing to take- the tive, and the militia ofT'faesterfield and.' llanovert1 SateVWifbqur.f .'The -British", r nave nt-en orUcveil -Wie fir t to r.ml,'.nii f 1 ftwuii were .at I Wcntv M l. r.r w. Broad Rocka6d the Iftst.atthe WpinffTree. Two " Thc 'h hail lauded at Lowes and rri troops of .cavalry, viz iVo Powhatan arwl G.ioch f,a'llhc and provisions at that placed and land, have also l.een t j!l .d .xn by the Ex-c.ni. "i'-liEP 1 to Oswecro. Two Tetter riu.A command main bodv Important Ijtcyft. from Norfolk4. "; ; ;-V fNoR.i.K, June 22, ' About day-break ,the 'nrnV "'was "discovered Wth their bat gv, pulling tojshortv about two and i. " -- its uuujc t,,c unner nomr ri ,r!rnyj5.iqr Buom yu ertecttU their -landing Vilhmu any. opposiiiqn or loss," there beincr no bice to oppose them, apd being ovt nf reach of ie artdlerv on Crarrvlslar rl i,i,r tent which pnlled directly for. .Cranvls!an4.; , Uh a different reception:. 'Ilie 'batteries were lanned ith the troops .stationed on th ioi A "d a ' detach mentpf seanuo'conimandedy the uw3 u iioiiseuaiian, who opened a - heavy ; thnt compelled the , enemy . to retreat w?h featloss, rhree.pareei were sunkoh ; kken with 1 8, men ori bard, btloopin tn r.r jjgn 'regiment Oftoers. soldiers. fad marines exhibited the utmost coolness and en. foiled in thmpt on Cra'nVTsiantf, tke.ne. iv hus landed j.he whole bfter. Ivw S mile above thasUndVhere he mi v wncn mis article was writings v pnsonen swe mat the exoeditwn The militia oi Varwkk. York. Ja.-Wr.-.n, onrt n Amany,' confirm the above, witl, LJtZabeth'Litv.' hav-alxn hf-n r-.ii.,T..t i. 1 n,1t . - .www.. VUM.M wu 1 V lllll 1 I ' I . colonels commandant The , U'ASHtNCTOK ClTV. June 25. Cciy ' q a le-ttcrjrom&mmvhrs Johm Caxsix to t the Scc'ry-tfthe Aavy . Navy Yard, Gospnrt, June 2 1 , 1813. SirtOn Saturday at iTp. M.Capt. Tarbell i"wcci wuo, me notina tinder his command consist ing ot 15 gun botts, in two division, licut- John M. Gardner 1st division, and Iftut. Wo)eit Hen ley the 2d, manned from he irigarr and 50 rniR. kereers gen. Taylor onlered from Uraney Island," and proceeded:daivn,4he-riv-j but -jcivtrsc winds and squalls prevented his approaching the enemy until Sunday mor Wng at 4 1 M- when the flotilla comrnencea a neavy galling fire on thii 1 1 hat all ihe public stores had been' taken off by three of our vessels Sent ffomSackett's Harbour ior inai purpose, - , v i ''Th,'t.!lHlIftf til. L.J .... . .' . I. ' ' . : " " ,M 1 seni a Pr2e into ..(1IUVJU1 . VJlUril HI VIJ.rHl'l .Akll..nn I . I. uau iicuicuam ana mon oh board." 'Many Gazette Extra Sur.e if. : & Events of the War, OiKiur Western Soulier, in a feiterlrom a r,u.' feT..... gunce ail' I Iltj ut trit; uI.scrvat,o, , the county oi Oula i Jf ,b ,JC pin. Albany Oatnte, dated i . , ... JkooMMiLD. June 15-! r M!"gj!!1 tl'egXaH,!1ejgaruF-em T.-muor, h ctcieTSnrinwruu and authentic tourcei. and ' - " v wircv 4 - - - II will b rcmeinbcrcul thu the American lore. f r-j'iwavy iv l'K..ioil of att.ckiutr th2 I!r?rT eA Vincmt. the v break on the otU Inst. on.the iAni.ricJ.. which tras completely created aod disperse? Wive omcers, ,wb of whoni 14 ' five p.eces of cannon Cre takeanJ the iZ il uvea were pyrsd ingry direttion l,V a' riu n. rmji body of ndian rfd,r the Chi , XheenrmV force-! ated nf nrt v lhis idulHgertce wa coinmur.kated it vA-iL ed wHhhisftcet oh thr3di,s,. to cooberJ ed with remforcemenrs on board to sujXrt tfc-e w general's further stuck Upon the ene.-il f v ther reimorcemenis under il,.ir i)e,J.fi " wawwicot ln.e Untish loshas ocen very alight. Th fl; cvl account is hourly expectid. ; CEMvRal order,, ' , r'. AWutnf Gt',rl Office, 7th 4-l(r H$ Iht elltnqMh4i comntandvjr of (he fj has great, satistuctUm iarderino- th t..,;: General Orderuedy Maj. en; of the yudgmemnd lan dispbS, the occasion byJMajor TayJorhe 100th ttX mem, and the offictrs-artd men employed in fttwe k on the enemy's armed vessels. By his Excellency' Command. - . EDWARD BAY.NEp, Jd). OJf cAe AJju-w $encrr rfiartrRent; A&L. ; rral, 4'A;Vtr- Jais - T. . GENERALORDliR. ff ;-rs-"-"ii tujuuiancing h3y rectivcl , crosntot 6 or 7U0l nun. uurier oerie at Deartom. !b!. unJ (lie aootu tnret queers ol a mile distance, l,inff well : hi 'Z!!':F!& At iwlf pas Cnir a breeae sprung up ,m EE- .,Ve "h4 e.ucd j which enabled the two fngatCi t0 get under way rre,tJ'1c'- 1 hc iiik i.i dcitroye ,1 or rrmm all ihe pub. one a raiee or very heavy ship, and the ' o'h-r i 'ZT7 T, P lhc w,',ie e ,Z frigate, to come neirerinrft , tL n , IKt c1 sm" l'"y fl.ur wi..ch fl itaour (kid,,wJ " noma, under cjI, ami. the enemy's armed vessels Growler and vT gle, from Lake Champlain.J.aTing. eaCf, gunswith 4 officers and is men on whicheduTtFe"-; capturtT of both vesselilll" ter a well contested acttoaikf 3 hours and a h3r Mair Taylor speaks inlnVh iem. ' : lafitry of all tht officers and soldiers emnlo j - - .war consequence of their approach hauled ofT, -though lh'm" CUrk, rhe ame night t . -' J a' r mminaea Or admiral Cockbitm Th i.a .k.i.: .... -T'-': Jrt ir the Jnnon revive 9 shot in herkT I ir: 1 0,rec' ftre? (h? i . . uii((i auiij, nuicn travf: h Kcvfi-ii I. . ...... - , - ; "'-vsHC, .ujjjjnseci to be the Junon, troo; n be enemy tbrtvr many rockets, but without The I I K ....... to lier wi'h who had alt ol..tT h,P?.a.?d ha4 her .upon a tUfep careinf inV -"hi? sWurd. i , ,. . . ',"- tL i. j . . t rruve raiien iuo nor hnrta k. .n .i ... ana nwaniry anu Jiflemen hare jior ...... j...:' .-. -v,. ucsuoyeu. ane . . . - - . v . jiivu i uhi nnvr n nr ra .n2.. . jare ottne action, as the en-n u .L ' "T -'Sf 'o as to drop Inanclled bv the a'niTle-v. tnt xt . 'r J'rttn the reach of smsll im'iA :.. jw . . , ouatu is ex ited to night, but the islafid Will iie rf,.f.n,lt ast extremity. - ' The number of frooni incltidino. m r. nding are said to be about 300oLthose already nded from lefta. to 12O0.;:; This we give :H n. ' ';--' ,-ii'i'!''-: t fe 26. ' HAMPTON TAKEN", A i The enemy made no movement flfii.-i f.;.i taic.uty iiionung. About live o'clock the. ntisti made an attack by land -and water U!on ampton.; One party landed about fiH m;i ' "feve that place, while' ohother proceeded direc'lv j water. Onrinfmnt;nn: r 7 . 13 mci iveu.irom. a per. who $aw what passed from rh. if i n Hoad. He 3tates ihat th fiHni'k... t. ' . -.--w .. saje- WAD IWCLIL for an hour 8c foity-nve minutw, when it teas.' and he dislinetlvsaw th. Kar-U -r 3 , . ZL " iuw into me eet and land at flammon. Th fir:.. r .L t ceased with that of the-musketry. We can t sta-e what lcame of the. troons fitationM .ere. but It IS tO he hr,rvr1 tKa.. k.. . fc' 0$ !Te between six and n. iI.mi.. .i' ii... a . . i . ' . :', razee and rr k v 7 "reci sa win Ieark for SackeiV , ..iu.i, .i ii iin.iviliwjtl, III piJluft uJCe. . r e" A fi "O wth 00f American ... -.sttir.ijr u Hioiea nan 'he v.1 wneieir iraa t4im conunuej one halt hour th.r now asceiaincd the Biiiish harf IMg He must I V . "r i." ,V,7, .ri ' T'e,,, -Fr-lay IBorrin, I Hh . . "'" -'" .-wnicncan uwp, uiel at tfiXKl - ineii, uurcr cumniau l (J gen. Cha .dlcr. ma.r suite ... . . .. i - - w - r - - - .i- i ii nrit tbeotbeffritfate. The ; " " iwen one hUr arifl a ' half wWK k 0 r . iwi ItlC III Tl Kill to her, for she, was siienrl . .b-cyhi. vn .he niorniflK- rf'.lh; g,, . a-- aovanceti guar,,, vm.oie(l emiit-lv t.r .,). ZUa . opened: her fire, when she mm sitin.,f ab a..ii n,, ' 'VLl ""'" ? fl... 1 " ' - . A . vt n very tDmff.Mr a llttli Mm. in.iU -. i . r . a iivniocr oi ooits and rouuu ner. was done until the ra2ee . menceci again. A St oi.uww. iiitfsier s mate on board No 139 was kill d carl; i the action hy an. I pound ba'l, which r'r , - n,m &m lfKlKecl in tl' niast. No U had sltot between Wing and water No 67 had her t-rankiin shot away, and several of them had some of tleir swp3 as VeIl their stantions shot away, but two men slightly injured by the splinter? from the sweepsr ; on the flood tide sev k " 0 vthc apjvwrh of the Ameilran amy, uner Gnc,al Vin ):tlcr, the K.m!i kit .hc.r. yCat at th'Fo.iy M,je Crek aud re "HMI llfCJ llljC 3!i-s j u!ce anvan itryoiuj the 40 mtfereek 1 1 . : i. . . -vu ... 1-viiuT.H vinccnt. ne Anwiean errcantpmct. Thu wat .T, r,..i ..,), jobtjynct ourjaiuniersign j .t h; been cjirfeeiuied ,f,L. ii.. tion oi 8omc or the Hrlubiiams, .wi,0 ha.t Johftd ti.e Amc-ricaa wuhn. l-4tk pf a mile, oi the nui.Uo.r, emyeuioS tbe1en.meU4urpr.sed and taken (irises, and no aU.h, give ' t e' fu?t 7 ,he' War-whonp. Wun th c,y Ihey rushed imothe -American camp and took, raueiaipn of a number o( Ca.M.on, wliici. tl.ey fatallv-turned agamour troopt tral shine rFti I.n. .. r..- '. r .Wk.,lt ollu ulj,aiC8 cameinio udus ana we oid expect an. attack lasf Ihere arc now in the Roads. II nina . and frigates, one brig and ?everartendei s. the litrht. ; iie coiiiusion biitamo reneral y tv;n ... . l-.i. 1. stalling a bidy oi tl.e enemy who m.w H;r.i ,1.. i....- Two houses were set on fire by the yockets, t our informant thinka th fir- . . ' I - '. RlCBMONTt. T.tna n destruction of flamntrinr..l'.Pfl, -rl: Corbm, &c. (V f We have just received the distressing ?n,.u: tnee that Hampton is" in ashes, and that th Jorbin, with a great part, (if not the whni i -r H small patriotic band under his commib, have ",cr ucvouon 10 meir country, by dying ai or post, Our Hampton correkboudent. 0I Aro r. , wa3u.oiig uiem sairi.to l?e killed or Uiken ; e hope he hw doney bis ditty, f 'Tin if noime . p ivaie guei.. iwetshim who basTeejine, fed rhis country. -. - B' Tlje enemy wa yesterday at Hamnton frt aL P my be at Richmond. ' As hannehrf wh .J- ..v.aivjipeo 114 nerc, during the rcvbludonary ar, trie mxi express my Say to us The Bri ih cavalry are closfe behind methey wdl soon : here and they were so. Those who hnrl leansAo escape sa w from Shocks, their pursuers b Church .Hdl. Let us prepare to meet them ere, tr elsewher.. Thr .... .1..11 . . 9naii aowu nave to vvi unm lomcwncre, is very evident. , r s " "'"X een?my wno wwe directing tht cjnnon -w:i.n aiso captures arter havm.r in ,r. 1.: s 1 ... .-. . .... ,v jiiui .unner arc now in the Roads. 13 shinier ltl jiwu mgntiy wounded. Mafji-Vandevenrer ii a. -J v'fu y antps Ot the I nei moii-i he niiumiin ,,i ,i,;.. .W .- " .a r.ii-.-A.ri uU.i :;;; ' uu " cannot say too much for . theiolT.ee rs and crew1"'"1. 90ort th whij, eorclAWffjS aHygnythe-Stk.la,, ftrceroured in-great d.rlor under'cijmrHa.tcl' of cot. Burn of the drowns, leaving ihoir dead oa thi field In theirWit Ihev We e uinpd hv Ik: rn:-, -. r-.. . ... ... JefrC?V i ' " milieu ieri jMewara on r ,,;,'uu' u? c.-mnuno oi &en. Chandler. v The inewl rfihu disaster reached Newark by iprM, ., Sunday S,gZ rtV, . .. ' '""""u our retiring lorcet, and ii tied ttiem oi the; ame day. -: . . . i T- r . tueidy morning at an early hour the Briihh fleet Jiisd their appearanee off trW rly M,fe Creek, where the 'American this occasiod, particularyf lieutenant Low of Humphiiia,and acting qiianeraster piikinrv'r ofthenoothregtment.-wiib their m Z I ? pr the mat,mlassi.a,nce jwhicb "cVriS fcfim captain Gdrdon of ilieToval fn ll? tenant WlBamhtrtifinieiil,-.!, tft 'S ; ;o?ttribwfedr The garrison bad three tnen woun!td i th enemy one man killcdfaii;i eight Jtiverv WOIJy The ntajoV. general toinmanduig.j t much'satkfattioii ui reportiiig to- bis er.h 1 the comnrandcr of the &this l aylpr, and to the tonduCtidbravervra!i Cernetf. JJy Command, :ftBROwiy,fl.iA.-c. ; Houst of Representatives U. Stated I M3.bion , tor every man annenrrt fr. pintoartTopith-muc o uo their duty, resolved to conquer, f had a better opportunity of discovering their acUons than any one else, being in my boat the whole bf the i I have the honor to be, Sec. V' :Trt-tVT V ec'iT The Hon. WtttiAM Jon" "tt001- Sec'ry of the Navy, Washington. Pntmjf Wmo it was VesolviH, that the committee on the .naval esblUhmcnt directed fnqmrei Yhether .tany, and 'if anju what further provision by lwH8 bece:wiT ftu compKt.og and seeming gaiost storms and ene.-' mie J or forgiving full effcctlo the? naval 1 of the United States on the Ubnr La'W , !tl by establishing a dock-yard, selecting, ard if n.V eessarynnproving a convenienE amd safe wintc haibor.r by any.othersasiire, and to repojcA thereon fo this r house: 7 ' r - - .dw - A bill from the senate for thp - relief f tu i firmvisabledand suuerannuated a,i i. ' " a uim diera of the Ute atrd present army or the Unittd States, was twice rerd and referred., to the com: jj msciiujiuutary Aimr lo expect the worst, and instantly prertr tTteiLmad of the addili r!5i,dQm;anoPpo.itecourii squadron befort ti . - ;"' New V0BK jg, ; Zri'MWidton of W Undon reinfirceft- We learn from a gentleman who (eft Saybrook yesferday mornwe that -thli,.m J.l. Pundcriraicb were rancTg N. London lt weck Arrived it Lyme sSda, torenoon. and that teams ploy to transport tbem to their place of desUnt ll0i)r Lfmeis only 16 miles from NT. t Aa so that it U mn- K. t. r""V"'M ., , FriJoaDie tney are at t'hla moment' mounted in one of the An. tSt pUe.-JU3t before our informant left Saybrook wh!c& stated the force theo anchored off the light con ated of two 74's. one r,,. -e.s. l',l-Con, thr Hrt -x 'e . i "igaies and - - w-jui niiitn was .CXDretS an-iv m v - was disrintefciif Genrit i..ar -r-on to- 'Tiy then iard.anddetnanrlpH ti . A. ;i. :i..4:... . ft - . . : w7 -.!,. iiunfcuwi; .ur.CTiacr. Geaerat Lewureeeiwcd and iea.ed this demand with rrcaf in. Anattacic wai then hiade upon the American Loan dinatioii. ii ... , . -r... I., .iiiiciivjn mjan an of v-h..c! escaped eaceptingni.KS, containing baggage oft), officers, & C the renc of which wai prevented by the UtaL laiidnie a-force toTKotect them. 7 J e Un motion of ?Wr;HcifittETS, it was resolve ed, that the committee on public lands be insif5 i ttd to enquire whether any, It iTanv: whiit lC 4 . Afierfthe renconue the idu reached Fort Goo te oil Thur div la.i. ' Vt' ' .lr ' i.iuioi iiiiorm. a man of wari w a ii ivrn in r Pti which was cUsomZi V" "" yC"rday' ' -...v. num.. icw-tiOti(li-in ion that ruSft( h Ezfire to the Executive, this morn .. , . me at l t'cLnriri -, . - v.-r. S.R lIr. Scott has this moment arrived from'! 'i Kr 11 I T lf W rWi HnT& 1. - - "l u(iU1J u.ai an express had amy. thenu The following is from the W t recelvedjlys'moVning " tw end(jFi, y 19 Since, our laT ik. Ramdies and Orpheushave not jSVkC ai . 4i r i r" rn nm , i-. . . 1 . t . . i. i v t ia iiuni i i iPrK.... .. - .. k v-, .. wi, "iuiaayvenin.' DrcjatMrtiiria . ...... t'ri lrap' N'lf,ionid 'WJthe east binkof the river. Col Praetor and tUrcc had joined cen. Vincent and were on , Friday, iitt auU wi.lM L of ort CiSl pnsion is necessary to be made to enable Jthe c'Utrtf. ants ot ianus, witbm the congressional resfrvn tion, and to which the Indian Title has not te. extinguished within the limits of the state p? Tennessee, to remark the -tines - and perpetulf tesimonies as to the boundaries of the KsnTli.? tracts, and that titey-report by' Bill ox otherwi" 1 1 : TaV -nrr r o . . . -iix. uiuijdi . . The house in committee of thWhole. r.,v the unfinished business of yesterdayiMr . Ktl. son irnhe chair. - ; V Jf cojhmiueeweregagcd, thiaday prinql- i pally in discussing the ratio of compensation id A collectors of the tax : and adiourned at n... ..a..i 4 hour. : . ; ' , '; KJdt reel II tn SarfcM:' 11. .1. ,. . ..- . i frieaie'- - v-;' iiiw ouirti oi tilt f- J'-'H 'V" waV to hive Wt'wark Sunday the. iStb, U Albany, f . ' : new on , BRiTlSII ACCOUNT -Of the attack (mjatmynrio'-'nuietrietf and on Extract of a letter ..from, a gentktran In Ogdens r burgh, to the printers or the Albany Gazette, two hand- ssetLyesteixlay, ,7,T 1 tkett,J ''berty. ofenelosine you ours, which I eot bv aflat thi't J r ra,,atui s interesting. The publicwillbe gratifietTby an early knowledge of ive affair, althougk highly, unpleasanu . 1 hone ; State of Nofth Cgrolinar ROWAN COUXTY. -, " , ' Court of ilea and quarter emoru, May term IfiJ, Eliiabeih iI Kelly, adm'x.y'V. , ' O.' - w.-- L "S'nal attach. ' John Newnan . , J mtnr ,critd fcc fT appearing to thesatisfacnen nf thl iw.. thrdtfendant, John Newnao, is not an inpabiiA of this state ; it is ordered by ihe court thut puu. lication- be made for 4h.ee weeks successrvely ir the Raleigh aiinerva; that the defejadant John Newnan appear at our court of pleas and' quarter sesbioo to be heU for the county of Rowan, at. the court house in Salisbury, on the second iv. ' day in August nexr, and enter his pjea jo the suitr-or judgment will be entered accgrJmg Z pUiniiff's demand., ' ' tf Copy from tht Mtirntteap - ) W V.. v aal tccbunc ""willot be itvi Ow (lenJrrc m,y be exf JpHNGlLE9,c.n, 't::); ,r