4J, v . GOyli'KNpR..GIUNlAN.SPUtxrHf. NvThe lloogf.iitW.Sp.'jtcR of the jlon.'Gpver i & ' '10r Hampshire, delfVe re&at ,lhft Jopeo.- H . if, "j ''JflY .fellow cUiSenVfr&vi'ig elected me to jfj pfTic.-fCJve'f Executive -Mjgistrttte, far the ei in vean i return intm ani ismcere f 'irtis maVk of their, confidence I and,"1 while I assure C nA&V 'uch;Pwt'i 8'i hf.i..'8!ifaHfi"be fully v i" iter' -d jriomtnuiing te'bub!ie welfaf -.,'! dm sen- v Vb!e, 'that' in lijnies dtmcult'as thevprweot- ud, f ?$fvfiVtrhy li-.rtiisd abjHties,! shall stand-in need pfi tlie ens a thanfevfor i if 4 t of VL A$5D, co;.cd Hflfr .320 acres, situated tttle'xtt5Ttyrj OVange,: wiihio four TpileS'of the i ufiil:wo.x:ghA; ifcis 1 at d w wje II .watered, a river .crxr?ek' running quke through it, and the soil 'equal to&ny ip the nreighbotfr nood. It is prVsutned -'no p'fc,i-bon' ivill purchaswithoui first ie4vi,ig the l3d,;hereTor -ft (u'rihe'f description is deemed imnc:ssaiy. ..-Any person wishing to pu. chase is invited to view the land, and the terms nib be m'.de fcno :y '.he subscriber, living on the premises,., or in ;.is absence Mr. Levi Wlntted, whuse ian adjoinu the afir-isaid tract. v ROliEK I? 11. READE. June l,lisi'3.i - 900-6t - " .' The cu-cu.nstans undrr which I inset at! u r , ' au,JC,KS u' V ,7 ' : "ua lithe prevent my, making such particula: m , ; :,,c lw "w.jnV ,T "u ataterCffntaTespecuns' our puoiic attairs, as miy iu -" '" , , ? . . ' . . : bcr not havmopunuy, since the W v.me the stunts were particularly examinee in of mr.ap,ptment, toerrime the public-ZZZZZZ-u .r " U will Vna. rt.t-! v' J"" Ml" I vmiti vi iuuwuuu , .. win inuiri . . , . ( i tney m&niiesiea coni.iier.iuie pronMency uo k,CiU accuracy ' 'he, rudimental part of their, pursuits ThcrCoriuiutieCat the same time enquired' into the state" of t!ie Academy, and have tht'highcs; satisfaction in repgiting that the jtjost orderly con duct hii'5- prevailed vyhich doe- honor to tht: sVu ('.fiitiy and to . the able supciintmllnea of Mr. Mayhc.v the Principal. Th committee Turtbtr report ioe the it. form.. lion of 'In- fnendsof this Seminitry, tha'.'fovif of-4heir b;v!v wiM monthly visit the Academy, hear the f-nt uion vCthe stu dents, and examine into the s'a'.e )( the insdiu tion. - i . AlrX. FALCOVER. GEEN HILL v-. RICHARD INGE. June 1&, 1313. ' ' P. H. The xrciae's of the 'Academy wijl com mcocpthe28'b ust ' ".. '" ' ) 9 9-2 1 ' ppp- rs. ; Hpj.ly -ficiiincy. lhau supplied by tht kaowltdge of the members of the-Lqi9lature f v ?: 'Vf -'thcs.oonsequ.;.i'cep of the 'var in which our country is engiud, and cannot be- fu; there arSrqivtis opinions rcpi-nn '.v. nccewy H , of thv.war, us'hcU as the cau-sw whi'eh,findued rfur government to ake ths declaration, n Under such circumstances, it may be considered, not on ,,iy nigh? but the duty of the represent:.'.! vts . of JtJve pe6pii, to enquire, into th? causes which'have "' ii' ..1. - : fil:.uV-iii- IrVe 'ire. bpund.&'tiipprt our. system of National (io .ernment. and the laws miinating therefrom ; . t . i U by no means hindcH the right of U eeen. : quiry or the full cxprcsalon of sott:nents upon Tnejsures gpveibment.; Ir, J?iuch inqui.y may te':i'du(jr,,'jftot only',!-5 We' .mtsraber of "- the. Union, but as it respects lights exclusively dp- i perta dhg to the state-' It is not doubted- but we i ! jjpiMve naa greaicausc pijCwuipiaiiii ajainsi ooui f ; f dfeaQVttain 'andTFrMce'ancl, perhaps at some iior-uer perows mutn gimcr aatnai one- ur doih those glvernrrenjs, than existed ag$ost the Bri. tith'sfi the tirno of .the,dicliiutlir4 of war. If the vVcas1 ;s w;;icivhav been given, :or nvere made tht lt jt' lor'sbrnu of 'die'arici.nt 'and modern wars. ate cwried'itd.. b derio.4iisii!y ibe prtsent nop? UR;i VODI fficjeutmieiuJiaye been found I Hatshorouijh.or its Jong feince . i een phi and Baltimore, a supplfof !F A-J TION ARY, among which arc Btne ipiiow...b. Scott's Tamily Bible, -'4 volumes . . iT Familyiblevinl volume, different prices Buchanan'd Asiatic Besearches Tlz 5 'JJieVEvfdence$'of ChrisiianUf . Paley's ditto r ditto (;it;'s Wh61e,Boy of Divinity 3 vols v ' ' Stackhouses History of the Bible 6 vols Hair's, Uavies', Saurin's, Dana's, M'iVhortert, Smi'h's, Jarrtis and Doddridge's Sermons D wights Parkinson's and Methodist Psalms and Buck's MiscellAny, 2 voTs1 NJ.'lrm'i tvrlr. Q vnta ' ? H i I Isb oro' Manu tactu ring Company uiv.y of Oran(:e a; d town of Jrf ttts on 1, i 5 A Vimigh. a the Court Iiou?e, in tidlsboroiigh, ihe lriv day oi May, 1813, iivpuriranc'; ot pu'v i !ic notice, for I ho purpose of estab'ishi-i1: a COT. v FACTORY, in tne -ovn of aio:,eauM at?uiaeuiuu$tu,imve ueeniounui -y-s-" -j for itds' will known that wars navel stkadto c.tiieo wine vnair.ano, jjhn i atlok. ItOTSt and irf penal eoveriimentb. Ian pi,rjl"'v ' cruiy. ncitui mc ur ,Pm tnprdyAo.graU " tauses liule.i consequence But iij h6ped Um oCrepuhlicaAgovernnvcn' Bpponuc'J ri-'creiary. R e s-.Iut ions were anoi'tt d -for. Newton' 4 Works, 9 vola ' Doddridge's F 'mly Expositor, Jos'.phus' Work 6 vols v S unpson's Beauties of the Bible, 1 vol Milton's Works. ' l ' ' ' . LAW. , '.." Roberta on Fpudulent Conveyan'cfci Ditto on Frauds J.Jiest of Chancery Reports ; Cf .vp'T's Equity Pleadirrg Crfnyn on Contracts V Ne Iin4 on C'n!ract,? v v :fti.dj;rjs Jii Prius " Comyn's. Digest.-.- ' Y $ Powell on Contracts -'.: East's Crown Law . ' I Iarrisnn's Chancery "' ,. ' ' -Peakc's ICvidencc, Swift ditto ' Chi' ;yon Pleadings American' Precedents s lyn'i Nisi Prius Masschwsetts Rtports, $ vofs . . .. V . Hennii) fc -Munford's Virginia dittcyf vols Div's. Connecticut ditto, 3 vols . , Harris St MHenry's Maryland ditto Maine's 3ew York ditto, 3 vols !) dhs' Pennsylvania ditto, 3 vols ' -.fnlmson's Men' York ditto A ' Caine's nnd Tidd's Practice v Azuni s Maritime' Law1 - Medic Ji?, ' Richerand's Physiology Blumenbach'A ditto .1, Itiv.rat's ditto j Ccxe' American Dispcnsa'ory Hooper s Medical Dictionary' I ! ' That the sclai"n he knon and disin. Voca things will never, take place under bur : ys.mtVcd hv1he nam 'V APeiiilUborougU Minxfi WhiKwe demaid redress for IniurieV revived) 2- Capital Stocfcofffaid .Company be 1 from 'Ahrw''W VitaWVitjgard -their jusi , div:de.d.into.sharen flttwen'r-S; dollars each- ,xpectationsroi beinc lia .Jt,ohe.chJf JifvinB , iJtc doct of G. eat BvJtaift .nmfaKetoe'' they a'etcane.e,thc oto ,fe6 iust'ca'use of cdmplaUtgsioiturov VnfM t whtih-i out- nmlfWinnnf trir. at, A ,m notice I hereof in naru'al netttralityi ia .the imocmant contest he 'tweenG. Britain and prance, hud beea constantly 1 tramacttd by a Thompson' Chemistry I r?ckena V arriery Complete ditto Lind on Diseases in Hot Climates' Karly on Dysentery $ndlanzani on the Blood Hitto . Tract3" I ullen's Ma'eria Mdica con- su:)scne4 the SecrttaryTcf this, meeting shall j te,:a .Mtiseuin, r vols (convene the otockinnar'i at me ourt-iiouse n first- ir'-vint; on 2 month's nreviou the public print's. 4. Vhatthe business of said Company shall b? President and five rdtrectors, an ! s jcIi other officers as the StockhokVrs at their xiiauxaina ? andivhther thre had not been a 8 ,dl olher ofiiwW a the 8:M lu- .snaniM diffci?nCe in, our resentmts, wd in iLr general-meeting shall determine. nsn..oagff 'aUmQr"rs8ekmgf. rrea for ' 5 T,-!tch nf sufH T .aU J h ' vrong'f.ichiAiUfwatrahtble 1 4 . Frnnce ?yhateyyttenqu litv fjr holders in' said Company , 6. '- , - tinioas-gvfsnvierus -etcwj; canoi and 'mod ."Kl,uS' '' 8l,a.i u- r.c ) '3oMi,an'.iand rf'ftnil hyiir in. mind.- thaWthA.e iient, by tbema.clves'pr proxy. - v " ifii liiffVivTrorn Vim opinion, poUess equafhUkiT .Th'at erK,htockholder shall pay to such per. ; - Thft4'TUnc6' ,o our Judiciary tys'ern' ifon ?r Persons as the, G,eheral. Meeting shall ap5. .i.'.--' mint.. five dollars on each Tind everv 'share bv ? f ' Tiwllfhertlth'ofpnb of thJuces of-Uie 9U.! them subscr.bed whenever calhd Upon for that ' -ome Judicial Court, bjs prevented Iks tendance p"rpow,aud tbjlaice ortheir share or shares, ' lp$nhMrbtt&eifcei equal paymts.jt the expiration of three 1 aJL "iv- tn?'ti(-ij '.rx? '"--. 'rr .W - w-Tmonths.from each nftcedintr mv roent. M ' ll.Ur. il lltU i 11 I L. u, V CAl S IJdt. M.M. . ILIIJ 111 III IT, I f 11 . . 'i.-lrT' - .. r7": .r - o .rL - ... .1 n ...: ... i j' .-J j, nui u uicse ivcsdiumuiis .sre auonieu 1 w II 't5cc v-iuld be dely of commencing said Factory, they you my think pi-opcr' tb" mak'rcspecitnV the Pare--tberefore temporary, and my-be . so altered Uo Wf-te wiirmaeTSy VRy ' .ttntgn, u Stockholders,-at their first ;Gfreral Meet "t v , . ntjk(-J,ifi5hiBri ." trn-o ! bur, as to "them may seem fit- and nrcwr; , t Vpd rnote espc'cMly in time of Svar,Vwill also ' 9 m llie e'e lain vour attention Vand-. you ywillf jo(rgewhati1tm theDuwness of 1 ' ... &Zh'Ah&T'ti 'rtKrS'fhiitfitSn ti ,r; Meeting the follow, r.rtv4 ration such Events (is ma hnnrn: 'shall be observed . The volts to which ea-h st-ck Ameiican Aledical Lexicon Bt U on Ulcc s, Ditto aurgery Der.'man anci Hamilton on Mirlwifeijr Foi'dyce and Beddoes on Fevers A'lernstby's Surgery Kinglake on the G.Mit Munroe's An-jtomv. 3 vols Stock- ne('d . t Dtvitisn on dnto ditto Wiljiclvs Lectures ., Cht ssdJen's Anatomy '; i ' Xmistrong on Children ' Home on Ulcers Cox pfi. Insanity D mpdts on ih Muscle' Uiixton on Coughs ' Fox'? Medical Dictionary , Wollis on Diseases Sutton on foul Air Gooch's Surgery ' -r MISCELLANY. Fisher Ames Works Lee'' Memoirs of the War in the southern states Morse's Universal Gazetteer, 2 vols ditto r 9. .That in the electron of ouicers and transac the Asnt i:ltiryl itw-liPlif-r.,! ' . n . . rtrooks !iVto l ninks.Mo myseil :- .... Brother Jonathan a 'A ife r-" .-. ' .. a: i,f l 'jToTa r -' concern the -state-, are necessary..-, vv'j-. -' .. har, one pw vior every two snares aoove Do dittn of the World.l vnfs Whatever furiherjniybea, proper to , be 'Q' ; W C6S lf " sha;C3 ne M:fpj Lempreiie's Utoogra'phy2-vok Tsacel'aHl.! wjU V 'pleaiihg---.4lutyrrtdf .rt f?r h- above thuv rha StataiOt tiie jreasurv .wiU be "laHibefore L"ViU' ?ua,v v ''ii . frtK- Rnlinnrt- . - r t- -. t t . i .i . .... f , annrnnp r u cnnrpii nf kiihii unui. in in nrn nil ninw i . you, oy wnicn ywu wm to rcrra an opinion -: "" , i Calebs in search ot tomtej vith you in measures : calculated ' to ,7.-Bn1 001 iexceeaing sixty, ye vote ; wc every proifcfe thV pubiic Velfare.''- 7'-' .v--r .: -.-vj - jeight ahareaboffe ,aikt y and, not exceeding; one , ' ? JOHN TAYLOR GILMAKi'hutre, on vote l.,a,d for every., ten sh.vre r . T- - . ,1 . . . 3 i .. .... --.' t j . ' - r: i . ;, 'iwrp "irc iiuiuucvi, wire i.c. uui in lcisuh.- ur C'onc.btdfc jurie f, i S J g . copartnexshTp shall be entitled'' to a greater, num.; f TBE subscriber 'take.irais meiljod to- infornv X". the public that he has removed to 'Hilhbo4 r&ah, 3njjiiifctiht house formerly ocenpit by! Vviiliam ( jjotdfiand Jately by " HeiVry'i Phompson "inV Co", f here he has jwt received a new and jenejUb4ftmeriot .b'tfhJtL . DRY GODDS AND GROC and a hts rerms are cash or country, produce (ro credit) he isdtterinined ,to,sell at very, re; dnctcl prices, .., . s . .j r ; ' ' DENNIS II. 'iRCIS- June 25 P"3. 'Statebf .North Carolina, 9?3t rT --..: I ii in (V' Jnm6i I Ivay wi-a .Wift.rs,., The' oda.iniairafors' - ofr riur Martf- lX' having beyn made appear to the satisfaction . of this cou-t that John &i'C dl one nf the defend ahis to this Petition,:ls a resident of this state fof jSoiirth C'irotrii; "it is therefore ordered that ffub Iicluibn be made fr.Icrur wetk aiiccessively in the 'Kalricb M'merva, jha unless Uiasaid John M'Cull i VrSear uuh? t.x wr.n. ci tn.iaouii to -- oe neiu ' tb '.'. Monday "oT August jxtrand plead, an, &w r r deaijijthe petition shall be taken pro j "coiiiesso against tumr and heard ex porte. c than thirty votes. ) r ' JOHN BMStEAD, Ch. .'; Jon k TAYum J'r.Sec. : v C7 Subscription Books will be lodged inT the hatids'of the following Gentlemen, viz. -James Mebane, ' John Craig, ,Michael Holt, and Duncan uaracron, jusq'is..ot vjirane ; .rreaeric iasnj Vm, W hitted and John Taylor jun. of Hillsb'o. roiigh'f Edward Jones and John j, Alston, Esqrs. f f Chatham -Samuel Asbe of Halifax ; Cof. Sami Ashe of New Hanover ij-Alex. Murphey, Eq. Caswell , Colonel R.'. Atkinson, Person " Joseph Gales of Raleigh ; Win. M. Sneed, Esq Cranvil'e ; 'A-M Bryde, Esq. of Moore i Gen. Alex-Grayrof Randolph : Hance .M'Caio, Esq IGuilford i and Wm. B. Grove, Esq of Favelte- of con cerhed, . .uiiiiru , ami vt ui. o. vroyr, l'sq- 01 rayeii j jville, for the purpose of giving'in opportunity subscribing to all those who may wish to be.co n1 Ferguson's Rome, S' vols' . Blank Books ; ', ... Ditto, ruled for Music V. Little 8e Smith' Music Books: . India Rubber, red -and black Wafers. Mi .Office Tans-. Vf K-Fff' .County and Superior Conrt Blanks. H-June 25) 1813 ''5,,,.,,.... 899-r Jti Navigation of -Roanoke; I.- coniorniuy xo an Act 01 the last X. rvscijiiuiyr cuijueu n act lor irnpnh;,,, Navigation of Roanoke River, frciKi the Halifax to the pbee where the Virgin tersects the same," the undersigned, CowrI ers named in the said act for the ,citji of uaix wpiivu u uuuiv iu. uuusvriUllunj Jul' Si m iuc vuiJuui piucK. tor aecompi-tiur.g tht , ,.r dtaking, which will continue open till tht ; uctoo-r, at uwt iooKstores ot J. Gales )The proposed Capital Stock- is Iirnittli ; 00O dollars, to be' divided into, shares of i lars'cach. A general meeting of the su , is to'be hfcjd at Halilix orj the 4tl MoncCti fober next ; and if 4rX).harcH he not 8l , .beforefor at said meeting!! -anbsbriptioini, to be void.; But if-flisufficient number tUt be tffen subscribed, a Company is to be o;v ed, under the title o(j fTie Jloarke A8.,,. Ksumjiwiyy auo suustnoers must Men payu., lars on every share subscribed, and thenii, dcr when called upun; except hat rnoreihji! 1-3 dollars on a sharenot.be called for iri r year' . . -'-r,,.; H.EAWKjj .'April. H, tjM ,r:; .yi,GALE5. tt Subscnption Books are also opened a i ton, Plymouth, ,Wjndsof, Halifax, Warrenio;,,: ford, Rocksborough, tasweli C. House, v. wprti amlGerinantoi;tindet the clir fcction off commissioners at eaci' place S v (OY AUTHORITY O TUE SATK OF N. CARf,!,. SCHEME OF THE OXFORD AC AUK) 1 1 . i a 6 20 20 40 4 fitf 160 800 prize do do of $ 200 loco; 500 1. inaj Ltl. do do. do do do do do do 1 2'tro ' JOfX . ; 20 tickets etfeft, 50; ' 20 t": "15 f" 2fT7 l(i' " IdOii 46 V S 15,603 50 dolls. tiJ 20 doU et! 1072 prizes Mot two blanks 2028 Mankrj - to a prize. 3 1 00 tickets ?t 5 dollars each, re $ 1 5,ifti The. cash prizes subject to a deduct it ct Ei per; cent. .-',.-. ,'iTS -, - - ' Stationary Prizes as follows : First SOO drawn Blanks entitled to. v . doljs.af First draw n .Ticket, . . 200 dob Dittr. on the 4tb 6th, 8th, and '10th ttays,s, ' " ,;.';'. Ditto, on the" 1 2tK Hih, 16th and 18th days, " Diltornn' each dny from the 20th to ilte SOth inclusive, excepvfng the'Tickets constituting Pi izes, 20 ticketxr The said 20 'prizes to consist of ihe N.isn from 101 to 500, inclusive ; each 20 of tht 400 to be one prize, the first 20, or lowest N ber for thc.20th day, and so regularly asctiifiit. the 52t b. . '.V . '.. -- - - First drawn on the 40th' day, ' Dolls. Ditto. . ; . 42d day, J)o!b. Ditto. . . 45ih day, Dolu. Ditto. - . 48lh day, Ditto. , v . 50h day, l).;l!s. The Alanagers present the foregtiii; Stl to the public, in the confidence that r.otci' laudaide object of the Lotttry, but ihi d'ocements held ont lOVifvenufrers wijl lt:s spc edy sale Of 'the-jrjckcts-The. proro'S-' prireslhas. seldom been exceedeci. anH thry i''f arranged 3 that' the! purchaser of a sin(!le.in:n oy navinK uleDrMEeciaiMjrimmtMAeiui-t HALL'S DRY GOOD W CROCKHY STORE, . OPPOStTE TE MAKXET'HOCSK, j "SOMTAINS a bartdJome ioiim?ut of DRY GOODS and Jj GROCERIES, which vitl be suld lot 'cah There ij. on haud.'ir -J5000 wi. goudSUGAR, t .; :.. ;r :MOLAssESr-.' ..:'....-- ;:: ': , ..; Arid almmt e-ery article in the Grocer t Hoe. 1 , ' -' Raleigh June 1 1. . -v J 1 897 St, . .. . .. O' YANCEY. 8c BRANSON FFFiv f'r sakvtheir STOCK GOODS. n tha CU nl Raleigti, fo Cash wo a a Credit lot NeRoiiab'.e Papers hm.'Mnip. "4 liiviinpiit f,i,n nh..i . ...n !,;.r :.. Ditto Classical Dictionary Cavallo'si Electricity Malihu on 'Population Goldsmith's; Hi;fory of England, '4 vols'. Hume and SmolhCa ditto, 12 vols. Robertson Charle' 5lh, 4 vols" , Ditto Scotland, 3 vols Ditto India, 1 voL ' "' .. ' . ':-''":'" Plowden's History of Ireland, 5 vols'. v. Gibbon's Rome, 12 vols V v ' Ditto,, , ditto, ; 8 Vols. , ., . Ge.n. Pike's Expeditions to the socrces of the Mis f sissipDi and through the Western Parts of Lou !' i$ia'na,J.6 the sources jof. the Arkar.saw, Kan's, , La Hate and Pierre Jaub lUveHvr'anda"toUr "?. through'' thejnierior P?rts of New8pain, dur ' ing the years (805,, 6 U. 7. Illuttrated by map's -' ar-f charts. j- . . ' ' . The British Cicero, a selec tion of the most adm'ii. ed Speeches by Thomas Browne, 3 vols Female Biography, or Memoirs of Illusti'ious, Women of all ages, by Mary Hays, 3 vols Bis well's- Life' of Johnson, .3, vols . ' Ditto Tour.toihe Hebrides :. f ' ' Melmoth' Cicero, 3 vols. ' ' .' Ivendall's Travels , throush the Northern parts' of the Unitec btates in ISO" and 8, 3 vols Schut z!s I'ravels through the Northern aqd est-. em parts of do. 2 voia'.; ' :;- , Porter's Travels ih Russia ' '. V- - L Wittmian's ditto in f Turkey and Asia Minor -' Duane's Militai y Library, Dictionary, and Hand Book for Infantry - :' - -Steele's Lin of the British Navy to Oct. 1812" Father's Iacy Father's' Teles - : Di ydtn's Virgil, Cl.at.k'a Ovid, Davidson's Viigil Lclnd's DejrwYthenes,' Durtcan's'Cisar Webster's Elements of Useful Knowledge v . Websler'srDilworth's.'Muifay'iH Pierce's, nrt i-cniyr) UnivenUV Stelirfg JJocks, by.tftc may CftTculate on his clmnce . of .objtaiiiing :v three of the best priz' S, for the trifling sum ci The, drawing will commence r-i m ,day of October next, and bt finished wiihcv' c ; w;- t n : -nc LIT FLEJOHN, j t. , WILLIAM ROBARDS. I WILLIS LEWIS, . THOMAS HUNT. I WILLIAM M SNEFIVj TiCkrts at 5 dollars each for sale at U iterva Oflice.. k March .26,' 181 J, grn t:i: c SHOCCO SPRINGSr v SHE subscriber, living oh his plantation knvvn ly'l." J X ot Poplar Grove, a very pleasant situation, r.ra " ; ol the Shoxrco Spunks and ona mile from (tie St.ije i f ' sent t( n lor.t'-- ; I . A ...iit lil (. WHO Iiifjr vijii,,,. rr-per to-lioa-d ': ins Boartiing ll.)u'tie pre; motlaiion ' ot Laiiei and Uentfemen ipruifis. . rnosc viiitani tino thmfc prrtur thill be fitrniihcd -with every tltinp; rf tlie best that m and nqighbbrhdod afford. In cjnsrq-ier.re Ot the ii cica boaidetf in pastaeastmvne has lately erected 'a ia R1 mociio'Ji Building, calculated :o reiider the sitvaiiot. ft I. pany agreeable. He j now p;ep-ui'd to acc.nP,K'''c ' SLVtN 1 X .Hoarders, he tiun wnit i.itislif tii'ii t" and with eape'to hiriiSeif. -"The, aail leading to ih -i'''" be kcut in (toad urdor; l . . Warren county, June 4, 181 3. and servant! hall price.! JJoifes fcoai "2j centi. . ADVERTISEMENT. THE ulscribcrs having ryaLirtViii A.'mitviitr.aior' .v j wnianncWof PETE'K JIUO'X'N, d. c. at the U J ' Coutt pr Pieas and Quarirr Sestioii heirt lor Il.'Wi1 ' those indebted aie requested lojMy, and tli.i t wh against ihe Estate irc rtou'ened tbure'eni ilien.'.lb t!- rtfaton w.tbin tlie time ft escribed 17'law, cflicy - 'f1'1 at a recovery. ' - . . . - - ; . - . - . Q.ia in.1 ill . Wrr.Ull t ' : Tho. L. Cowan, S ' rali6tiryr f3t S.tfl f$?. , ' i. .-n- i'w". 3

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