raws tr nnztxRjrEnrrt a , ;, rt A LE1G hVN.C. P U BUSH Kl": (whkklt) BY IASANP A.H. fcOYLANi a aw pr watcuja AotA I VoL: 18.. FRIDAY, JULY 9, U3! No. 901.- C! 1 - Foreign. A- ew-York, June '26. THE l'HE94rV..KK.. . v . m 9 By th arrtv,.I at noston, ol. th? ship Menry, m Haulax, we hire some lartner particm-ifs ilie lute ot our uniortunate.irigaie., me i.iu.i. lake. Lt. BvjMithe senior surviving oRiu r ltue ship, stales'., that ther 1W 43 killed, and ivii inded, 14 of whom-hivr since died jot ir wounds, j.ilut tliV SVtnuii, by the Biiiish -.etaentbad 27 killed, and ,58 wounid ; that ! ai m chest on baanJ (Chesapeake. - was wn ui by a hand 'grenade,1 'thrown from ilie f ' . . . . . . i l j o: ' i i!.-. - . nnon that tne anannon uaa, ui auuiuua w usual full complement, one officor a id 16 fnen ira the Belle Poole, and a part of the creiv bu Lint? to the frieate Tcfcede i Ui'iSrJBudd at states, tha', et? officer on whom the charge the CbeSapeake could have devolved was ei :r killed or-woundtd previous to capture. Mr. e, who if the bearer of this irutlHgtnce, fur er add, tiiat tb'S. was very much injured in r hull ;so much so, that she could scarcely be pt above the water during the night after the :ion ; having received a number of shots be een wind and water, and below' water. Mr. lew, is decidedlypf opinio. that had not rtit lesapetdie got foul of the Shannon, -the latter, m her very shattered state, must soon have sur dered ; and even then, if the j crs hadnot en all killed or wounded, the Shannon, cau!d t have succeeded in boarding Som- c'trcum inces vhh occurred after tht capture, we are ry to hear, eie not honorable to the captojs ; t until the particulars are tall knbwn, we slial slain from convoent r . . On the 233 of ApriU thc.Prince f Eckmuhl es tablished hi hea l cpjarters at Bremen, "... wa The Franca papers admit the surrender of Thorn, but sute that Spandau continued to hold out, whiciv wsjknow to be incorrect, tfiat fortress having surrendered as well as, Thorn. A mail from Heligoland arrived on Monday with letters a;d papers, to the 5th inst. Their comens, Mi wi!l le seen by thj subjoining t'ex tradf'are irr.portant and satisfactory. v'Tffe Correspwdeox 'efht 4ib atesrtK-vt this, French hf.v bft(bl-ice4'iafk from Halle, and. eras the Sanle. ; ' 'Thcrtj lis been an insurrection at Dantzic, nd R i. op whose p dece jvas attacked, tscape-l with iJfTVcuUy. The garrison consists but of 6000 effective mcu.'iJ j . The following bulletin was published by Go vernment : . . - " H'rr Oefiartmenty Mtu 0 u AJ letter haHeeln ifcciv d from" B General Lver, dated rlambuiyh. May I erected the battering train ofthis corps d'armes presied the next ralotmnvr, his d;structiiri in thrte redoubt, of 40 piects of cannon and 12 inevitable. He was dispersed t. every 'ShectionY nearly paruikl with the French; the latter are of the 10th a'mst the eastern and ..western cr-. without his; hat Qr Jiorse. . I-'uiulerttaiid wa " on the V)ulrt; ?nd vz former are oh"a line which, tain of the Drtifications. Two breaches 'bfcing j found ' the' liext morning" ts1mr.st fettushetl, a ilftsnds from Uessaa through Leipsic to Alten-'erfscted on the'nxJt of the 13th," I sUionontd ' distance of 4nUe from ' th e of act ion. . Go. Rapp to aurretv ; bat, finding hiittjresoiote, Lieut. M'Chtsney s gallun i y covtt eda piece -x I ordered LitiU.Gab.fkea to stirm the brea-! of aniilry and prevented the capture of others ches in the curtaiv y.hilst It'dirccted Gen. O' j 11 jhsrits.promoiton for it. ) oick, -with B"iOO Prwsia!?i to escalade the bar. tions the riglit ant 1..' of the wtiJsM'&.;Cn. Duglas, at theliead cf 400o men of the German Legh5;i,..ii(4ii. 4ttits a .he hcud of the sapp winch of c.ui.ion id S.jucriars. The attempt u'K ' tlfurt&ins --fiift: rv- pniit&f trrA I attached to that point 2000 unhorsed. ' tf7e lake, and Uf jeft on the cre k wli)cJihkih ihe Iluldii-s of the ' 16Lh.jgimei(l of Moscow. The!base of a. perpendicular mountain of a c't'Mdr'b01e head&tones to th breaches were immediair'iy car-; height. On my ivute I xecdved Hos. 5 and 6 liedattlxj point of the bayonit, and a fooling be- j enclosed. ' 9 ... - "fjj ing gajned upon the bastions, a bloody slaughter!- At six ic the'tvening the hostile, . fleet hove in of the enemy.ensued. - Driven from the breaches sight though its character could not be ascer- hyjhe inpetuos;'.y of our allies, the 'olish gene- tiined with precision., We lay on our urms all pi of cavalry Saxwifiner, defendtr of the sapp b-at ! niht. At dawn of day struck our tents, and U;3 a parley and surrendered at discretion. Neverthe- j cried lha hosti!4 squadron -abreast of us, about it ltss the contest held' out two hours looser. Gov. , mile from the shore. Our boats which traniDorl ; part ofo'ur baggrfge and c'amp the beaclii-4t was a 'dead calui On the evenin-i 'of the 6th ofiJuT;?, I ri'dtlfc the order No. 4, and pined tile arr y at- fi c in the afteriiaoti of the 7th. 1 .'found it at the 4 mile creek, io tn'.les in the Tf-tt ijf't oyUy h . which it had been Ctackt:!,. ivj;'.ii, rig ulier! Rapp gained a position in the castle ,of Lavhorua, i ted .the principal 4tli, ofj with 40t)0 veterans cfthe national' guards, and ; equipage lay on tl LATENT FROM LONDON. f?y ihet Henry, .-irrivjd at Boston on Wfdnp.r y fi-omTTaTjfa".'-W"e-"Save. Halifax papers contain- London dutts to May 10 ; tronT which the lowing extracts have been made : LoNpoN, May" 10. Majar General the honorable'' Alexander Hope : Erebus sloop of wdi for Gottenburg. He pro eds, -tis said, with expended powers lo open f negociations with Denmark. " jSir Robert Wilson h. is been reconaoitenng ail blxkaded ancrbeMegcd fortresses on. the. Vi3'. a aud Order, nnd left Berlin about the 6th A V, as it was Supposed, for Msg kburg. h -x. r, JU:t UXtZ&&.tcxi . ft survey tjf all the Vieri-ii-i schecners brought into Plymouth since I ..comnat-nceme.pt ol ho-ituiiies. Ihe -racers the yard are 10 report i to their capabili:ies. Laptain Bedford, of the Chiliiers sloops arriv this moaning 'from America with the ojicial .tnculion of the proposed rntdintion of the Rus. iT.rnperor bitween that. country and Gieat itkln. The blockade was vigorously maintain. There was a report in circulation just before r paper was put to press, of agreat battle being ight in the Vicinitjr of Leipsic. ' Some accounts un Altenbprgh of the 26th ult. stated that it s thought probable a battle would take, placo ; t we have, hot heard "of any arrival from ""the j utiuent this morning. 'j A letter froto Gottenb.trgh, of the' 4th May, says, Ab(mt SOOOtrooDS1 in the fifit order, have sn iospectedbv the Crown Prince H- is ac- inpar ied by his son Oscar, who is an inrelli- aii yuuin, anu speaxs ineaweUun .language' c a inune. uscar. is iq remain nere, nut nis which the-1. blowing is an rxtract : !4 bau.-.ll.ons of the len-iontlirrdi. and 2 battalli- and about 6 the enemv towed in alarare schooner. General : ;bastiant has marched with his corps ! ons of 'h r ' regiment La Tour d'Anvtrge. To which' opened .her fite on our bots2 As soon 'as from Liine'.-urv; n Salzwedel. In consequence! carry this work hv ektiaUA wds the alternative, she stood for the shore, her olivet beinlr evidtnt. of this movement, Lieulenfnt Colonel Count: and tht was quickly decided. I directed the En I ordered down Archer'i'and Xpwsoncpmp;ati,. Walmoden left Hamburg last night and crossed! uli-ih ' commander, Sir '""'Robert Wih.cn, with ies, with '"'four -'pieces of artillVy, to icsist, her the Klbc, wkh rt t.ody of troops at Doroirz., ; 3,800. men of the German Legion, to attack ' the attempts. 'I at tlip same time sent Captain Tot-. Citawowl May 15. A Helgoland anived j fetes du pant at the head of the ' drawbridges ten of the engineers (a most valuable officer) to on Wednesday, with letters' tb' the 9th inst, which I'wh'ic'li ecmed to impede out progitss, whilst xonstruct a temporary furnar.ee fcr heating shot, speak wiffi confidence of Ihe security of Hamburg. Uhrce rWiments of the sharp shooters of Polotsk- which was prepared and ut opi:ration in less than ,uKii,.vtii,iiH s.u-j, was occupitu uy i reucn , stormed the' bastions to the right and lcti ot the i tiurty minutes. Her tire was returnee wtn a on the .:,-!. lhere wa n . tiang new at tlainburgxasile. and I adv uiced in pcr-im with the 2Uth,. on the 7th hvm the theatre ot war. It w-sgeu- 2 1st. 22drand 2at!i re;iments of SmoU-nsko and ertlly reported that the brave, veteran Gen. Ku 1800 Prussians, l.d on 'by' Geit. D'Yorck, and tusojff isdea A usi:in oirieetmvednL-tTnTjWnTTited the ramparts wiiii prccipitntion. RapirftfrebTOWT3f Tbe"ntolan peftcc don -jn .Wednesday, with despatches; t wo Cot-; fled round. about the tastle. the 'national cruards tenbiirg MU arrived on Monday night, Ber were cut in pieces wi h their general Prince Cle liadoUe, the Crown Prince of Sweden, arrived at meat ; ihe-njijitia man of .SrouWko attacked GJtttnbiug m the 2nd inst.-lvnence he was lofiasit da charge ths foreign battalions, and made rtrbceed to Carlscrom, and thence to the Lowtxjtheth lay down their arms, 'with Rapp at their be.f o- command the Swedish atm.,-- head.-A new work of countf rvaUation, which ' P R I V T ECO R R E S P C N 1) liN C E. !the. enemy erected uron the ktgks tothe south- Lctdtru Wednesday 'livtnine 7 o'cl xk. west n Ulti -,own imtJ commaiuled by Jhe.pnnce Heligoland AldU-2 mail has just arrft e:' from-' Heligoland, oto daywiMi letters to the 9th" lost. i By'these'"we are informed, that the French in i mall force, were in possession of Cuxhaven on; The juiiictf.Ui, demonstrations of vivacity and effect (excelled by rioartiilery in the universe) which soon compelled herto retite. A' party ol savages .now made their appearance oil bald, exhibited them to our view) and ccmmtnc?d a fire on our campi V l ordered colonel .Christie ! to dislodge them, who entered on the service witat alaqrity, upt fotSnd himself anticipated by I.i'jut. EIdridge,he adjutant of Ks regiment who'W'f.h a promptness1 and gallantryighly honorable lothat young officer, had already, gained the summit ofl the mountain, with a party of vohintev-rs, and -routed the Barbarian Allies of the defender c fttur . christian faith. This young; man merits th .no- lice of govern ment...ii: r-.-' '. ", ' These lirtlei affiirs cost us not a man.' Sir Alexandtr Wirtemhert'. and defended bv theen- jineer Tn ise, was flow to be reduced ; upoii which 10,000 'Russians -had flovvn. with eagerness to the combat IMncf 6 ;us with a farce 'ounuers winch were pbced tnbarleitt to defend ' to me trom nis alnp, ac.vising thtui, he cut to nieces bLittillions. ' Traise was invested with savages in. my rear a flen my An officer with a fls was Sent t lip, ac. vising ate, that ai I was -1 3 i i- - ... . .. : i . r V ? .. ir 1 c .. I th mornirvs ottbe 8h , wro aecoan. siy ilwt.: "H1" d4:t,r,ei1 ,hc .Vot ppositnn i James tuo nemg . aisappoxniea 015, iiauy,. ther-evaeua'cd' the town ihe - same dv. ai.d ,r3S w mr.m- m it,rcca ;ue gtc, uwi hi, in i.uc urmiiu iy jc, w . thlpe-t. ihv ni;n..rt ;n in .k i .c o i..l,n an instant, and turned upon the enemy four inv nit 1 V J 11 Itll U V u III 4k Tf III II 111V. Itltl. U.IVW . . ces came away. A Russian officer reached tie lieoland the 8th. and renrcstntin? his businen toi1""' he cut tu P,ectS Britain to be of an ""urgent nature, the which was waiting for the mail from llarnbuivli ; due next day, was despatched with him, Mocettv er wi hlh mprrhant l?lpr. On i Iih Ti K. h.-r , sttStJ O It i! Iff I 1 nin ,Vi tnnt '..-v. I at .1l-lr:-lr P. I . :t.'iin,c . ii leiiiueiif Bunenueret . wi'ii 111c it was nothing new at Hamburg, ejrcepf a very e.n' . ..', x . ' tune mains ot Ins garrison 1,200 men. Daring the and assaults, 1 have . to deplore the loss of Wolknbnsky, 4 colonels,, lo majors, 17 cap- r l x j a. - , 1 general report of the'dcath of the brave Vetera, ' ,,tunum"' ana. 1,400 petty olhcers ana Gen. Prince Smolensko. . The le.te. s eenerally "trsjiilled. The generals of Infantry, Smo- from Heligoland speak with great confidence lem, and bi . kclbei g, are severely wounded. tOJhe stcority of HambuAg. Bcrnstoiff, the 1.' giiMi oincer sir wooert w uson was sirucs. Danish Ambassador, had reached Heligoland' alw,! lhe ..PfUS!i,tt ge . D'Yorck, Orawart frOm Biitain, and had proceeded to Denmark,-!8 Kle,st nave ceived. commissions aur to- Tl.e f.ulureof his mission having transpired-'at ';Ial bss 'oundeu-is 5,000 men.' .The., enemy Heligoland, occasionetUa little elooorrt amongst i'" 0 Kitrais Kiueu anu. 5,uuu r&nii aiKUiL 0 uie mercnanis mere, inere ate reports in cir. culation of several severe engagements having taken place between the hostile armies on the banke of tnc lilbe ;.but we give nr credirro them, as advices bum Heligoland, on wBiich we place it nis .. ... ,,'.Yj -.. her leaves us ftrCarhcrona to morrow, from 7. " S TC : ence he proceeds to Germany." ni "' : lui ; meaue ui jmvurg, uay ijrans papers to -the 7th 1 A:.-ila.-v. . i.,: rr, y . - l"fu .-ihurirhof theSlst Anril. -N n tariff f,. .1 Rentrals and 18,000 rink and tile wounded, drown edand prisotieis. Tiir iiumbeFbf mounted ord nance taken amounts to 13272 pieces. Ihave not been. able to collect ; he denomitiations of , stores taken Thanks be to Gpd that ouf loss is so small. THE PRINCE SMO LENSKO." Domedic. - 1 r t r x iHk'tiHtior. ff lJan niri hn n:i ilehtAirf.kinvA fH lrom the army in Germafty addressed -topn , y.uW uM.ug 1 t m..s.i U . 0 ' I" . f miliiary optratiTns t the 30th ultimo, Wt L Rs We to the 20th Apnl at date thV rm i,af iMnr(i r. h. ai v.n. : y l""5 a ronff Kusstan force, r ----- - - - - I asMa uu rMttWS.l Ulll V ' 'l ' nib I I I - I . 1 1 a two lines, both tiding to anil, mtin uponir n 'manuy arcava ry' na? Psed hr.t way iii- V. ". u- i , .L 1 n Unto. Germany a.' few days before, andHVom the baale,-tlong which, on both sides,; B .naiwrte . c .iir:.u " . . ' r . ' . s placed it from Saalfield, through Jena r0 Si 01 tu.h. u. .ne penog ot wnt.ng, van .burg, Weissen4" and" il.dk. On thi: S8th, l? Same rme- y crossed the Saale at Naumbur?. and sen-1 1 '" l V" cmry s, we uncer. rward his advanced en ard under Souham lo oissetjfcls, where an action took place with ' a bps of the allies, . under the Russian general nskoi. Victory is said to have declared-for e French ; but even from their '' own account, e advantage appears to have been of aTiriIing ,ture. . - , ,j f -r- '.',.-. The following are, the positions, of the French !my as sta'cd-in these accounts : -- fy-- ': On'the-i29lh, B napart;'3 head , ouarfers were NautTt jurr, and on the 30,u he passed through 1 he V'ceroy'a head quarters were a 'Mars It, with h's left leaning .upon be '"left of the rAie,-and bccvnvincr'Cuio'e and Beroburcr, where ed'ukeof ikliuno is. " " " .i -7 Norfolk, June SO.' A gentleman who was down with a flag, as fa- f ... ., ... j I vorcu Hswiin a pei iivuua. paper 01 ine ihtfo Lau5,Ston, vvuh the 5th cops, occypied Alle- -Ju7,e; whic,; ;ea obtain on ioa7d oue of the The 34th division-was upon Eislaben, d the 35h 3Sth taina in thexear in reserve- The prince of Moskwa had his corps in ad nee of-Weimer. : . " ; The duke of Ragusa was. at Gotha. . -The' 4th corps, under tiertrand. was at Saal ldT The 1 1th under ReggioCobburg, and e guards at Erfurth.-; - . .-" . " All ths.army.was in motion, the junction of the mieof the Elbe "and of the Mine having ta- n. P'acSJQn hz 27h, b?tvetn Naurnburg and erseberr-r - " ' ' ' stand,' about to depart , for the -United States. 1 A"second1ecntion of the Courier is jut pub. lished, and announces the following information. .V RusVian officer is just arrived witn dispatch. eS from the Russian ambassador. He left Ham burgh on the6th, and-Heligoland on the 8th, inst. No account. of any battle had reached Hlmborgh, nor was -there any 1 news of importance. The I'Ycnch annoyed, the tfade on the Elbe a littL. Yarmouth, May 3. .This morni.g his Royal Highness the Duke of - Cumberland,' with his Aids de-camp, &c. - embarked on board the Nyrophtnf Captain Hancock, for the Continent ships of war, from which we, copy the following The-Bermuda paper does not git e the-London .date nor any other London datus. Rcfiort of th field Marthal Prince Ku'UaofF 19 . iijndjety the 1 fimfieror. ' s X ' ;1)an"Aic U'h Jan", 1813 I have the liappinessfo communicate to -your imperial majesty, that the r. t d'armre besieg ing Dantzic, raptured the pi see by storm at 4 r" Cloc.K yu3.aiiern.oon, auer ore pi mnsi ot s.i frdnt, and a powerful army on ray flank, he, and the officers commanding his Britannic .Majesty land forces, thought it their duty to demand a sua renderof my army. I, aosivere that ihe mes sage was too ridiculous to' merit a rieply " No. 7 was 'delivered tb' jme at about- six tiu?; moi-n.ii ig ; between 7 and ocfoqk,4 the four wag gons we had being loaded first with" the sick and next with the ammunition, &cv $he residue of camp -ecuipage and baggage, was put in the boats and -a detachment of 20$ menipf the Sth regiment dcta'i ed to proceed in them. Orders were prepared to be given them to defend theboats, and if iissylcd , by any of the enemy's small vessehi to carry thent by boarding. By some irregularity which F luive not been able to discover, the boats,pet off wlthoujl the detachments, induced probably by the Stiiness of the morning. 'When they progressed about 5 miles breeze sprung up, and an armed schooner overhauled them -j thosewhb77weretnferpiismg kept on and escaped, others ran to the shore and di serted their boats ; we lost twelve of the our.ibin. principally containing the baggage of the officer and men. ' Ty -. . ' At 10 Tput thejuyiinmotion on our itutn to this place. 1 lie"slivges and jncorp' rated rmmia hung on our flanks and rear throughout the march v and picked. up a fw straggfers On our rerirn g the JBritish army , advanced, and now occupies tlip ground we left.- Theehemy'& jleet is constantly hovering on emr coasts. :;nd interrupting our supplies. The night f before last, being advised of their having chased- into IS mile creek, 2 vessels laden with hospiuil stores kc. I ' detached at midnight 75 men fox their protection. The report of the day i (though not official) that they arrived too late for their pur pose, and that the stores are lost ,-,,-, iJI Jiave the : honor to be, &c. MOKUAN LEWJJ5.' Copy of a ktter from M:j7j Gen. Lewis ..re the ; Secretary at Far," Hated', ' " t. ' . '. Niaaraj-Juni 4,''l 8 1 3. SIR, You will perceive by the enclosed copy of orders marked r. that General Dearbornffrom indisposition, has resigned hrs command, hot only ol the Niagara ai my but of the District. ; I have doubts whether he will ever again be, fit fepr service..4 He has been repeatedly in a State "of convalescence i-bdtTelapses on the least agnation, of mind. ;'Vt," . . .-' v';" - ii-'S-.t In my last, I raentibjd' the unfortunate cir cumstance of he'captiire , oi our two Brigadiers, Chandler and Winder. The particulars are de tailed, in the! report of Col. Burn, which he gives from the best information he coiT.d collect.J:Ji3 corps lay a consklerabte distance front the .scene olaciive operatibn, as you will . perceive by the I'ffottt John jtrmtrong, enclosed diagram, which is" ori a scale of about ! " Secretary at War. ivu jrjjius, iu me incn.-.vine ngui corps spuKeu 01 1 were. Captain companies of the These three and Towscn of the samermrnt, and Lecrrd : " Dcar General. A ship having appeared thrS of the light artillery are soldiers who would honor . morning steering towards the.htad ot the Lake, any service. Their gallantly and that of,thftr:wbirMs undoubtedly one of the enemy's ships ; companies was equally conspicuous ojhisjc.:38.01!?! pieaajfe casio.n in the affair of the 2?th'.Jtimo. Auv turnwith the troops,to this IVtc- as soon as posst-; of Gdn. Chandler 's encampmenUill be sufficient ! ble U?w' rr to shew that his disaster was-owihe to its ar- - ii i-nDun. nangemeiit.-' Its - centre- being its. weakest poin'ul - P. S. The object of the etiemy's fl? et must het. and that being discovered by the enemy in the ! tner to fycr thqretrcat . cl tlxir li-oops or to biu f-veninv received the -combined attack of his ;on a remlorcement. ie inch.- l he light corps spoxeu 01 ' M Hindmao's Nichola's nd fiddle's j No. 5 rcferred t0 the Report of General Lewi?. ' the 2d artillery, serving as infantry. ' - ' j , s gentlemen and Captains Archer ' V a ugr June 6, 18!3. whole force, and his line was completely cut. Tht- c dlintrv of fhe 5th. 25th. and nart of thw 23d, slnd light troops, saved the aimy Of (the 5th i r is. said, thatwhen the day broke not a man as i .. . . . i ' TT' '- . m uiisui -ana inai a part. or ine jo unoer niai. Armstrong wa3 found suHaihTne. its left flsnk Majot -General Lewis; J - u Copy of a letter Jrcm L't. liuddto, the Scc'y of ffi:: - .Aoiw,' dated :( '' 'v.'-..-' ' S Halifax, Joiie 15, 1813. Sib The uhfoitunaie: death oft.aptain 3'kyiv.i nate anavLjpoay connicis. iir.t the lut'LJ'liaXIieir-hre was irresistible and the enemy was Lawrence and Lku Augus rus C- Lt-Di, -w, nteiA . jjojjie roormng yo nigntoi tne,jLUU ingcpmpellcd . too gtye ray Could fre have" been ha$ rendered it ray duty to udorm you ot the r :, ;.4 t ' w W