.. . fUOM.TH.B VUlLADELFUt A CAZKTTE. A . L ,: 1 . .1. V "- " ' 1 Cant': iAMkn I.AWF.!CrK.1ifiM 'imtWIv jk glorious deathyha spread such a deep and - universal gloom over, the e&mniunityi was born . In the city of Burlington, J. At the ptriocVof riE3 fate, he, hadjreachtd his32d year. He receiv- ed a t-t-eraKediirHtiun inbneofThe b?t semina- l&r s ef hs --n fveUrffc j -adyfcVrivi.fi ; ea tne stuay oi vw, unuer tot guidance oi ms brother, who was .at that time a respectable member of the profession. The ardent and en. tfcrDr:2.intr mind of oiir Vount? hiero coa?d not "Initr , ' i o n - -. o broofcithe seclusion and confinement, incident to fhiisty books 'land black .letter Tesearch.. .He had ,from infancy fastened his afeclions upon the pe rils and -tlvj honor, of. the '" occnin. Amidst the siumes io wnicn ne was reiuetantiv aevoiec, tie nBntlferrcM Thora?.s SterUng, dov Ccekbsin search ofo Wifir I mister; reter jorm. seaman ; James -A. JLewis, iniqur equal payments, at ine expiration oiinree uimw jimorypi vj-eew, vois quarter master ; Jehu Smith,7-3eamRrii Joseph rnonths from each; preceding pay inehti'. Dos;-., if ditto" -bf the World, 4 tol$. WVyland, 'or'y seaman ; Francis Sytnonds, 5e' 8. - That a these Resolutions' are -adopted for Lerripreife's Universal Biorap!jjrf man, since dead j i Vbea Dela, quaUer .gunner, the purpose of commencing said; Factorr,! they Ditto ' : Clasatcal-QjcUonar , since dead ; John " Bricei or'y eaman ; Eliphalet are therefore temporary, and may be so altered CaVallo's EMctricit ' fdqttly ighfcJ to be enjVgec! in bt!d tind J,:iard ous advntutesf: to which the enjammhv nl mintt, anl the 'vigour of his constitution- na twiany a(ucii duu uirccvcu ram.,, H vvas not ifhout manv. structrles thM be fcfts 'en'iWeffr imbosoih his favorite desires to a few friemij . '-tfiscom, or'y ' Tfceir opinions' ctincided with his, ardent 'wisbesffl .s seaman1 In conlormity to ib:ir'pug(;etion$ fend 'to bis ovn jood sense and rtfirciion, h dcttrmiaeH, as pit. Iforyf to his eohtur-ptattti 1 ptirsuit, to dtve Wniitlf tq'tbe btudf of Ithe .tlemtniff of uavigatiGri, H.s na'ive ta!ewt4 and "application, ..stimulated v "aihiiic of fame, soon ac'cjprnpiisfieri ttipf'e een Ihan hi Uiend had" teon to expect.' In the " 'ghtcenth yeV cf his ae, he applied to Uie-gsfr: ' emmtnt for a station In the navy j and such wtic ' ihf recommendations w hich acconipained the nb pjfewon, thaj the mail which carried it returned m,, a. roiusmproan - it may- i it flman, pri ;ate : James Brown, do. Itat jly cojttturd, that our young hero felt t-mo- Tv. i & do. George Uphamrdo. John C.ippin. t'o tipns of delight, -and iqdulged in ,-ftuiicipations. cf.n- Dixon,, corpf.rul, Mute dead; Samutl Jack rap.ure, in pressing this, to hun, darling decu. I so.r, private ; John JhKo, do John VVriuht inc.. uo n sDo om, rfum the moment ol bis !6. Miles Morris, d .. Matthew U'oolbuiy, oo , i 7 ... "r1 U"U1' ,,c lLU a,,u ac" vv m- narws,- seiiesnt ; Warren Fork, private : kt,owledired that his services and his lif, belong-j Thcmaa Juhnso. do, (Je- i-ge t!!yne, do lo-ph .e to h.s helod country. How strong and true j Crane, do. Wu. L4is,d John Livu, do. Jchr, this conviction was, let hia Unfortunate and unti J Brady, do 9 8 - ' Itiely fate bear witness ! i ; . " . ) Shortly ater bis euterioe the seTvice, his zeal fiiid ability attracted 'he notice of the government.' I ihh period the United States were enjred ' u war wiui oarr;ary power. L-awrence, who) n. : 1 nomas " 1 anapanr. o. John 1 lodgmari,. samii, since detd : Francis Frank rr Ifenfy Hvder"do.TAleX3r;def Grant, do Fnoch; Hacket, dp-, Andrew '"Mercer, .seaman John Pallman,. do; James Parke, do E()nezar Daw orr eamen i Giles Crfni. do since dead j ; A ndrew Vandeman, seaman ; Sint ucl llu'tson, ssilir g master's mate ; Darby Lee, seaman; since dead; John Hunt, or'y seaman do; Ri-ia Peters, seaman : Robert Mny, do Thomas finn3tr&n. c veoman: Joscnli Vamhi or'y stapjan ; J'bn Dcvo, seaman", jmce, dea.d ; woai jje?rborn, seaman; J. K,Uihs, do. Charles aargcant, . do. vVuIiara Metc&lf, do ; Charlc! Thoinpson, do. Abrahani Hichardson, or'y sea man Jatnes Durfee, seaman; Thomas Smith 2d, quarter gunner; Jorn Veazy, do. Lewis seaman, since dead j Wm. Hu ou s, seaman ; Jonn unts, Quarter iruniur. Benjamin' Summer, seamart ; Wim .M'Ciiffer y 00. lhomn Kouse, quamp-gunner ; Marcus Manstj, seaman, since dead John Dezink, sea njdn; John Peterswing, do. Wim. Peterson, do. W m . Se wart, o. .u New half, do. Alexander Brown, do. Matthias. Douglas, or'y eeamanj John M'Nenl seaman, since" dead ;' John Crutch- ell, seaumi ; ThomES Jones, 2d, do - John -tJard' . vrll, do, ym. Gardner, do Thomas Jackson, 2d miner master: John" Keiaiv. sHmsn - ' L O ' ' - W . . . MAHINES John Tw'ns, seijeant jj .Richard TTcffman, private"; Jamts Brown, do.Joseh bv the Stockholders, at their first General Meet. I Malthua On Population inp,--as to them may seem fit and proper. V" 'uCdldsrnith'a History of England, & y. i nai in me election or officers anaransac-i "oinerana, omoMctanto, iTvtii ini(;iiic uujiiictswi me association .in uenerai . wuci vsuu a v-iiancj jin,4Vt vieung, ine-iouow.ng Kuies and Keguiatiotis - jjiuo v; acotuoq; 3 vols iionusuuacircui A lip VOICS ICJ wniCu Ca .U 5lOCltj . ' ( Ula, I TOI holder shall be' entitled shall be according to' the) Plowden's History of Ireland, $ vart, number of .shares he ?hall hold, in the proportions' Gibbon's Rome, 12 vols two shares, one vote : for everv tvvo shares above GenrPike's Expeditions lath r,... - - , - - . 1 , . . ' -Ot Cto IWd. ami nnt fvrwrtnrr r ckarB-i . r,j' t 8ic:mni inrt (ImvmiI, .1. TfF . " -'- oiiona, Ullfc IUIC , IUI .imimuujjll HIV T CSlCTIl I'im . . . f . . . .I." i . ' , . ' . a . 1 ' 1 ocij mm- narts aDove ten, and not exceeding; miciy, one vole ; lor every six shares above thir-; iy, nnu noi txeeeamer sixtv, oue vote : lor ever eight shares above sixty and not exceeding one nunurco, one vote ; and tor every ten sh;vcs a bove one hundred, one vo':e. But no nerson or ... i copartnership shall be entitled to a greater , num. ter man ininy votes. ' . JOHN UMSTEAfi. C.h. joiik i atlor J r. bee. C7 Subscription Books will be lodged in the oi inc. louowinc: u f isiana, to the sources of tl.p . La Plate and Pie. re Jaun Rivrr ti through the Intet for Part of Nc ft ingthe years 1805, 6 8e,r. and charts. . The British Cicero, a selection of th ,ir. . Aed Sneeches. bv Tlim Tir .,.,.. . x .7 Female Biography, or Memoir a it. J 1. Women of all ari h f 11.. . "f Bali's Life of J?bSotVi ' ' 1 Ditto TourloihHelnidt Melmoth's Cicero, 3 voli ftadf perhaps-, never inhaled the breath of the Eliiab tjriny ocean,vWHS selected for the command, of one of fhose perilous gun-boats which our oldtst sea- Vsterans -would have -hesitated 'to' conduct across the Ath. ntie I H e cheerfull w - " 1 "."'"'"'VM uv h J' ( ' )oinfrntnv ; end by hisjsltiil . and prudence, arriv. . -. ed Safely, in 'thp ftXf Attt.mn.n . - ( " ........ w. , WllM,,' . ' ts "j""!0" w,n the.- present commodore Decatur, and his lamented broiherho fell on the shores-of Tripoli, andcapt. Steart rut.. Law- ence hed a lustre on the American name in this ut "vigorous' war. ' Af(er-that period, be . had the command of the Vixen j and subseqaent ly thi- f.f the Wasp, in whkh be carried out mes. - .tngers -nd dispatches to France ahd England. 1 , In the year 1808, he was married to an aroia- We and accomplished Jady, the daughter of a res ifectable mer;hant of New York ILs death has .berevc)htr and two sweet infants of an affedion .Me nusbtidi and father. ' tt ,L ' w:i .. State of North Carolina, ' ROWAN COL' .- IT. : Court effdea crd qua' trt session, May term 1813 M Kelly, adii? John Nt wnan IT appeaingtothe satislaction of the court that Original attach men',, levied, Sc.-. r .t T . . . . 7 lutuumumu, juim ncwn.m, is not in inhahiiant lY.n , V. . - r - . , , aiuiai t firOJOP'f Qi vinis state : it is ordered bv.tJie conn iint r. - h, ' u. " r ' i"'""1 01 U'vmitv, 3 vols Ucation be mare f . thiee weeks-success.vtly in the !l..leigh Minerva, that the dtferdant Jo.m iNewnan appear at our court of pleas and quarter session to bt UM for the,' county of Rown, at the court house .in Salisbury, on the eco.,o Mon day in August next, and enter his dIm m t,.,.i- suiti or judgment will be entered jaccwrii.ng tn 7 - . J Cciy om the Minutes, y 1 TEST, yoop Chatham : Samuel Ah. Ti,nr . rorler a I ravels in R Sam'l Ashe of New Hanover ; Alex. Murphey, i XV,tlI,l3r' ditt0 to Tutkry arvj AU M r Esq. C vswell; Colonel R. Atkinson, Person ;fDn Military Libra; y, Dktiwry, 4 4 f J-.s-.-nh Gals r,f i.irh r '1" j - 'Book for Infant . . Webster's Elements of tscful Kl 8 1 o ' ittumy I'tefttf j ,.enB?? Unircritl, SptHioj; lUi,,- Tyro's Dictionary Ferguson'a Rome, vcl Blink Books ' DiUo rukd for Music Little k Smith's Music Bks India Rubber, rtd and Mick V4ftn. t 1 mLK sealing wax, reJaiid LWk la vrnice 1 ape County aiuj Superior Court Blanks. Juntas, 1813. -ftjtf BOOKS. W. BOYLAN has ius: rt:.'Kiv.rl fm, di,:i.. i i 1 11 1 ' " M tuiduci Vl' Van; flt,ni0rt, a 8UPP,V of B QKS Sc STA. w..u, among which are the following : D1VIXITY. . Sc.tt'i Family Bible, 4 volumes Family Biolc ia 1 volume, dlffr , Hucna.ian a siatic Research- H-'atlie's Evidences of Christianity Pidey's ditto ditto 0 .1. . ... ' : ' " auicKiiouic s History of the "Bible, 6 vols fJlair-sDav.es-, S-urin's, D,na, T.MVhorter'a, Smith's Iimiiii.. tS 1 1 t . I ......... , Jlia.i o aim uouanage s Sermons ; s, ruikinso.rs ana Methodist Psalms' and (Acinus Buck's .Miscellany, 2 vols MewivjuU Works, 9 vols Doddridtre' F.milv r.nnifm. t Jpsrpnus' V01ks. 6 vnli Sjmpson's Beauties of the Bible, 1 vol .union s wot &s. sr T Mlir Roberta oiuFrauduIcnt Cbnvefanc ligeft of Chancery Reports prife of do c uic preBeni; war, ne aaued m the Hornet, j r I HK subscriber take. :is method to inform jii 1 1 inn inv wirn rnmmnf.Mtii' in..,u.. .1 1 t . - . . . 7, r-jr " wu...,wu,t iuuiogc, in me me pupnc inai lie removed to Hillsbo 1 . 3 "',,fcfc,7 fu Jonsutution ; the ircumsta nets oftvhose cruize rough, and taken the house formerly occuptd L howPvr Equity Pleadiug Wfi. -too recent and, glorious to renuire recaii.u!'a William Bwd. and latelv l.v it-nr-. ti,L,J ,v'.,',n,)rn " Contracts . tion in this brief article. It is, however, no' -im-1 atvt Co. where he ha i-i.t elnd on GintracW pro: er to observe! hat. in the opinion of rii navid.!'genefal assortmeni nf l.h .t'.llei's Ni.i Prius 1. . .....1 ': '..J' ,.'. '. Tt - ' . I f V. t- . - . IVUIIIIIIS UllTl'lt -; liKV-iiunus AND GROCERIES ; Powell on Contracts anA -n- I . . -m H?...,. A.' "V ,u"" ciui arc casn or country product 1 4-i vrown uw vno crenii; ne is determined to sell at very re A ?. uutc'i puces, DENNIS IIAR(;IS June 25, I813. 99 3t (BT. AUTHORITY Of TUK irifC Am . . ..'" SCIIEME OF THE XFtUIl) AC U , Lottery ' SD 100 is 13 ,1 do 3 do 6 do 20 do 20 do 40 do - 80 do 100 do eoo do t t V it. I j f 4 a 4cjiittciers,lhe capture and destruction cfthe Pa. 1 rf'i'it 1 Ku- ant- t ... ... ' 1m ..... 1 ,-' - ; I. vj ei,c.ii cs.eemett an instance , superior sMlt m nau'icai manftuvring and piac ,.ti'c?i gunnery Is was an achiwment ivlrich will fpr .ever enibjazon the qaval pillar of America. t cofnoiandeXcApVl Lawrence was a strict tfsciplinaiiah, j but hisisciplioe 'wasof-. th? im- -pQsir-g character .n-hicb, while itooir.maridej obt. dieiict extorted afftcfion and respect. He was of ccur c generally, beloved ; by '. bis officers and -erew' ln his dispositon r there vvas1 a peculiar placidity, which added grace to -hiV 'sterner vir- -.t ues. His course partook not of the impt ruosity Clhe rsgmg cataract, but rather resembled the Mrong and steady flowing of a fnajesticyriverrin private lifefce was endeared to-all who knew him. uyu5, lo t win memory trace his Virtues'; and Ihe tear' of rect llection moisten his' name ! ' State of North Carolina, ROcEiO COUNTY. Itltuni of killed and wouwled. f funuinym ine action wt(i the Britith frigate .tyannoTiy on the It of June, 18U, J j K.lf,i.F.n- : - - -Edward X Bdlaid, acting liut. William A.,l W hite, sailing master J Pollard II6newelL mid I $prrnti, John Fyans, ditto, Courtldnd Livingston P,,tc i' Abraham Cox, oi'y seaman7; George Cray-! ton, boy j Sterling Claik, Seaman7: Deniel Burnum i Quarter master; Alexander Marino,oi-y swamanj t Phomas Evns. do JQhn Miller seamen ; Dtuiel ,JiArtm, rfo. Robmllavca.4lA-apTts: Woodharyr master , William Russisl. seamen; Harris Ball, or'y seaman ; .Andrew Williams, seaman j Jo-ph imonds, do. John W. Uuggin, ory sea trpavid Bias, seaman ; Henry IMunro do, ,Jih Shatfield, doJohn Philips, do. Benjamin JMiCuel Kelly, quarter gunner : Samutl Mullin .or'yreujnm-rchael Sawefrdo. James-Betton tfi...i.n ; Johiv Canter, boatswain's . mate i John : Crib, teanutr.j S,amucl M, Perkins, or'y seaman ; Juiv nil Judith, scanipn Ulm tn,u. .1 fk:.. " " - m H 'llll tfU Ml J, lllli L jlllIK IL. Court of Uleat and quant rteitsiorii, May tcrttu 1813 jamts arAay and others, '.' C Petition fjr d'hbu ine auministrators OJjT live iutte John M'K..y, dec, S 1 1" having been made jpneai to the Mtifif unn oiniis court mac jonn rij0j cue of the dtfoiri .Buva m nils i cuMon, is a resident oi tins state o South Carolira ; it is therefore ordc run that mS licaflon be made for four week surrriw'iv ii. ih RideighJMinei va that unless ;he said John M'Ctdi appear at the next term of ibis n:rtri tn '. t,. !.! th,4th Monday of August next, and plead, a,u KlE swer or ,demur,xthe petition shall be n.k,n pr nS confess aka nst Wbn. anH h uA rt munipwn i ncmistry oa - i I i" ki uracKen-i aniery - ' - . , J. MQthbN. dc. Complete uiao . m . 1 1 i ii- It t . "I.--- ' H:ii" u'" r i L.ina on insea3cs in Hot CI malaj jv.kuiiu vuuiiany i tiariy on tyscincry Unison's Chancers Jake's F-vidcnce, SAiftldiu'c?' Chiiiy on I'lejdings American Precedents -ielwviVs Nisi lri Massachusetts Rtportt, 4 vols liennin c Munford' Virginia ditto, 4 voli Day's Connecticut ditto. 5 iIm Harris St M lienry s '.MaryUitd dittd vairK:" Kcw York ui f., J vols uuia Pcniisylvaaia i uu. 3 gW Johnson's Ncv York cirio Caiiie's and Tidd's Practice Azum's Maritime Law MEDICAL' n: i1. . . uicncra. us t'livsioiuirr , iJlu.-nenbacfi'i tiro Hiwiiat' ditto Cjxc' American Uitptnsa'ory ' A JTX. of th? coun y of Orange and town of Hills- . ft.' - l . ... a v J: . ' wiuugn, ne louji nouse, jtQ l tliip$ogh, on be 98th day bfMay, 1813,'in Tuifcuarice t,f nnh lie notice, for the purpose of cstabfishintr a COT. 30L FACTORY, in the town of phec. Hgustrti!jo.MARlNKSfWi..prwJm; " 1st l.ut marines-, Thomu.s Wheatcn, private j Ditto' Tracts Cu!!t.V Materia Medics Medical Museum. 7 vols Ameiican Xledical Lexicon Hell on Ulcers. Dirta Suwr De&man and Hamilton on .ltt!;r-? Foidyce and Bed Joes ooV&tti Abernathy's Surgery ' Kingtakeonthc Gut - Munroe'a Anatomy, 3 vols Ueddocs on Consumntiob Davidson on ditto Reed on ditto Willich'a Lecttfres ujv.iiiu ly.arruon, uo, John Mullgan, do. John Gerni.an, do lohn Huntress;' do. James tracer, , do Jacob Preston, do ; Philip Bryans, dv. Red -Si-Bar.rT- do. Robert biandley.v do. Dclany Wrd, do 48. ; ' ": WOUNDED. . - JatnM Lawrence, ,Esq. captajn, since dead ; Augustus C,' Ludlow, lieutenant, since dead, W,rge Sudd, lieutenant William Co, attingdo. ..Mmuel x Liyeimore, acting jchaplain ; Francis J4i. t'ols, midshipman j Walter Abbott, do. Wm. ' , vrr, doWmund, My Russell,' do. n,- '! ' VCir Pelt-r 4rl4ma P.. wliuin .:i-''A-.4 'I prou',.ory seamarrt-Syivesttr biacc TON and WOOL UlHsooiouEh, or its vionutv i Doctor Jnow . riu stead was c , Hed to the Chair, and Joum Tatlor, j on. appoin ted Secretary. Whereupon the foN lowing Resolutions were adopted : . , i' that the Association be known and distin. guished.byiMnarrie i of The Hillsborough "Manu tacturing Company ' u ' . . 2. That the Capital Stock of said Company be divided irttn &har rF l.r.i C. ll . 3. That whenever four hundred shares shall he Chesseldeh's AntomV subscribed, the Secretary . of this 4 O ' I r ton vie ne ine stockholders at the Court House in Hillsborough, hrst giving one month's previous uouce mereoi in tne puunc prints. . - 4. That the business of said Comnanvtiali h tranaacted by . a President and five, directors, anri buch other officers as the Stockholders at Aheir tirt general meeting shall determine. 1 5. That each of such officers shall be StocJt hohiers in said Company 6. 1 hat in order to 'constitute said General Meeting, a majority of Stockholders shall be pre ient, by themselves or nroxv. , v " r r7f -That each Stockholder shall pay to such per. ou rr-persons as-ine uneral -Meetintr shall a 1072 pritttJ SiA tmi UuXt 202i blank. J toapr.tt. 3100 tkUr at t ikjlUn tirh. U The cah di hub Lh'rt tu .. .t... . ... . . -: ttitrt 4.s i First SCO drw Bi.rJLvtai W rirstdravn 1 kLi. . . uto. on thv 4J). iJi. m s i van cut ft. :. . m DiM. tn tacit dy frcm jfa ' tMhe 4ttt MH--fuc, . tp th Tictc ai itfctw lw, 51 ..ic mm raizes l tit .f .r ' Ttp lot to ico. .uUiui, j 40 l b tur lar th 2oib da , &4 s u-r, . 4tb(,4f, 1 . . ... ta ia tw;S w f 4 !ia!t (ict.( liK La:rt u tKei..,ts JstLUtt. t ! vrf, k , jPfvti nl li. Yt, .'. jD'tai-i &at ttUnw btn -Btf m -ri4 ll!Wi the pr.5nr t , . Iby fcAtitj th 4Mw. .f 4mm iitrtt w iu It rrt, i, t! ; .y g , V yL1 'Hfc U-aOctw!irt u U h Cf. . Tlt It. UTKt ' s '. tViiXli. tent;; i ;i4f uaihm IRtkJr.. 1 r-.. -4 VI ' " Home on Ulcers Cox on Insanity Douglas on ihe Muscle iiuxton nn Coughs t ox's Medical Oictionary , Walli on Disease Sut(6n on Foul Air -Gopch's Surgery - M15CKLLJJW. 1 isfier Ames'Woikt -TicitTt at i AJUrvt t t ' IT If,. f am . r 1 1 i ivak n... 3i-v , IP 'frM-- v p tm mt V r a t , Lee a jleraoirs of th t U artmhe s.tQ y .41 U tm - JqHt a ini.i'-al y "ii W- . - , M " HciMm,a.ine general -jvieeting shall ap t ' Sy' d?- J?5Pe5jjP0int; five djs on e' ahjj ejery b Brooks :itto Think.l myttlT diiti