ftlHKK nbltAHS P4:- " " '."." "- ' M " ""' ,f" , ... ..nil- ' iji i mi ii I, i ii i i n 'i i. r ' ' ' i, i'i.v i " i " , 1 nmm hi ii.-.. mi ii ,i . . . ,;. Mr. Gaston's Speech 4V?. IVABSTER'S 11 ESOL UJ'IO.YS. : Mr. G AStON said, that when lie ehtered the Aiuse that momtntt he had . no expectation of tkinj a part id this debate. He ,avs perfectly tonscV'U of the d'fsadvanrage under whiu'i he " lafiust appear, ifj ,' attempting wUhS.nt ' the benefit pjt previous reflection, an; examination W the ar gument conuioed in, the extraordinary harangue of theigeOtleran , frorn ,Tcnnesee--:art harangue evidenily tudiedian'?:abowe'.fiut) a the question had bceii itaUed for j ab no other gentle man seemed disposed to occupy the floor ; and as pait of that argument demadcd notice he fa. U his duty to cLim the attention of the chair Spr few miuuics. However unequal tne con testy yel in the causs jof trdth and. of the best interests of his" country, he could not hesitate to SaS8 'a Provided these were advanced, he was little solicitous as " to the light in which he Thight appear. ' ' The gentleman ha'l occupied no iriconsiderable portion of the time of the hoqs, with invectives against those who had dUcournged loans and en listments. To the part of the country (said Mr. ,G.) which I have the honor to represent, such in Wctives are without the possibility of application. tVVith us loans and enlistments have been con sidered as acts purely voluntary, in! which every Injividual has'been ieft frwe to pursue' his incli- . naHnn. Indeed, in these davs of distress, few us have been able to lend and the tempta tions to enlistment have not been strong enough to carry off many beside those whom all were will ing to part with. J "The gentleman has also Indulged himself in insinuations, where more seemed meant than ' rott the ear, of a disposition to take the part of GTJritain, and of prepossessions in favor of the tenemy. These, he has indeed said, were not de- i Signed to apply to any gentleman occupying a iwoi nn tin, ti mr. .Atv exnenence. sir. nas oeen loo limited to enable me to ascertain whether 1 yssqciates.The Tcsolutions had not . been ''intro j ducedat n early day i after tliefat??iooi bec ue of the wwh that an opportunity wouU1e taken or made by ih administration or its friends to give the dejireidjnlel'.i-ncei without ; call from this! side of the hrruse. It was notorious that (he publiu . voice ; demanded ; a ; iom muhtcaiion.' I A generalvTu.bsit j pervadetT the ouh!ry .o' learr. how it was that thb decree of 2lh' Aptii, j8lli had remained unknown here until after the declaration ofj war," and unknown in England till it was too late, by a repeal of the Orders iri Council, tn prevent a war The public sensif'ility was alive in requiring full assurance that the charge., of the j fraudulent concealment of( this decree a ih ,rg; hich the French miniiter of foreign a flairs had advanced against our govern msnt and iu agcns, was not true. Under these circumstances it been hoped that" the task of seeking .thin. information would not be throvvn on those, who, although tbty would yitldJto hond in regard for the honor of the nation, or fir the honor-oi its government o such, could not be presumed to feel a very .intense-interest in the ficrtonal reputation of thoe who administered its affairs. Mr. G. "declared, that for one he bad indulged' this hope, and had openly expressed it to ge'riilemen attached to the administration. It was not until lime hd shewn that norhiug W6uld be done from that q jartei , that the resolu tions in question were presented. The same liberal moiives which had dilsyd their introduc- obstinacy of right, y in the irt defiance of every eflbrt' lt is not mr design to proceed - step by step through, all the documents which are;supposed to wc , tuniiccieu nn inis. suojcci. rew einpiuj ments can be rhorlf " stale flat and unprofitable, either to the Speaker or to the heareV. -Indeed, sir, however it may be with others, ! ant weary of documents! They are so multiplied as-'to my ojve evcrypbject in obscurity,' and to afford to every than, who knows Jiow.to wrest a sentence from its plain meaning, a text on which to preach a political sermon, according to his own fcney. I am sick of these documents, because theit pertL sal too plainly shews, what is not uiifrequent in private controversies; that we haverben written intu a war. But it is necessary to take a rapid comprehensive view -of the state of our : foreign relations, &nd of our course of policy in regard to them, for a few years before the date of this sup pressed1 decree.' Triis will enable us to ascertain the effect which its promulgation would have pro. duced. ' . , -', . -vf. -' py3' The Berlin and Milan decrees were permanent parts of a gigantic syi'em, invented by Napoleon for the destruction of his advesary. The avowed object of thii system was to establish a code of riaifttained 'with alt the tatipn'Bf the Ffetichj'uezje'tr eppfltet which, had face of the )Mtioij and , it tiot?bee followed by ;conbequeres the inot "' that carl be used td serious would have .betjt indeed ; Wdicrous--4ef us we this exemption t the gentleman's s.ense. pf Lwhich iugured well to themselves and their coun.. justice j or wnetner i am to constoer u as a mers Ibrm .of Paliomentary decorum. In this state of It was far from Mr. G's.jntention to travel over doubt as to the precise meaning of the gentle- i the ground which had been occupied by the triends jman, 1 Will content myseil WHO saying, , '.nat wpo pieccaea nira, an :jeciaii7 vy ue hoii ! -anw char ire of Dartialitv to the cause of the ene. I gentlemen from New-Yoi'k, who had addressed' " .... A BuppoieV that be,epealing decree, of April C28, , loll, naa maae lis appearimce, as py ji? aaie -oughj to jia re ''46n& It must haye entirely chan ed the sfatf ?nairs.' 4lt 'wuhatre'eediir' cont r over sy ai i jto ht cohstructipn fihe iiifamou CadWe leU?ft hile , the fatr.41t musi haVefbr?ver seyeredVtbe,. ftal ",, ' alUance.wbich.fieVpr made between the Jaw ;offayt:li9ipQdahU'pi,'. t tended , repeal of the decrees ph the 3d pf KoTftr ber Ad, vir, whethjs r it 'hdibterV followed by . cprrespondihg'revoqBtion of tefiritis1hi wdersv, pr -not," it would, in all human probability, have pt rented thiscamitiouswar,, , yj-. t &i - Would if. have been Allowed jby correiondl. ing revocatioof ofibe rBritishwderaJis not given to man to pronoufKrewitljcw ny event which haa not Jiappehedv j'-but if ie potiolfr'tor.ive:ftttruj,b by inferring fipmht did take placed what would have taken place h! :' the. same causes been brought into earlier 6pcrit lion, there is no reason to doubt but that.jLUb af revocation would then have followed. - tThisde-, cree of the 28th of April, 1 81 1 j however iasilt, , ing to the American gpvernment in giving ittha' lie in the face of the ,worfd,vand however in "otl';ei V maritime laws, in support of whicheveiy com- j respects, the detestable reverse ol what oUejit 10 t aercial nation was to be arrayed in a -confederal have been -desiredrwas ;--a-bnBa-,and:absoluir'abi"r"' cy, whereof he was to be the Protector, Legisla- i rogation of the obnoxious edicts, as regarded tlf. tion, governed in the course which had beertjtorand Judge, Of this code the elementary United States. V';Uridejr.the hand ofthe-cmpcror" afterwards pdrsued. Day after duy was given 1 principles were, that the neutral flag should pro. and with all the solemRnies of aiundamentaljw before the motion was called up, that all who tect'ail that it c6vered that arni3 and munitions of his empire, it announced. thedecreesof Be uuuuicu uniu cxiiniiiie uiui pioi-iciy rvuujui war snouta oione oe aeemea coniraDanc tiiat ;nn ana lviuan are' arpniiivcuj ana xo .oaie yrorq tvutu uic niiciiiiuu ui 111- uuu-c HUJ il kvkiii claimed to this subject, hll ducussion was fthrfiosc iy forborne on the part of the mover and his associates, (under the presumption that a mere call for information would Lnot. beresisted) until such discussion had been rendered unavoidable, by the invitation and defiance of its opponents. Such conduct on the . part of a minority, Mr. G. believed, was toot often witnessed. It evinced a magnanimity which he was proud to behold, and rav as contrasted with that of my country, so far as regards me, would be utterly untrue. The tare supposition of it is intolerable. It will not be deemed egotism, I ttust, to .add, that baptised an Americin in th; blood of a martyred Father; bound to my native land by every moral and natu the house yesterday. While the impressions of their manly footsteps might yet be seen, he should be satisfit'd with removing the obstructions with which it had been attempted' to conceal them. This investigation, it ha3 been juuly urged, is demanded by a regard for the character cf our Tal tye that can lasten on the heart pf man ; with government in the estiniatioft nf our own citizens, not one motive of interest, of passion or preju- jdice toseduevthe loyalty of my affections; never jan I sepai ate myself fiotrt the cause of my coun try, however that tawe may have been betray by those to whoSe care it was confided., " Without commenting on the delicacy of the cpurse which the gentleman has in this respect the indepen lence of this nRtion, is hidden and of the world, in answer to this we are told its character needs no protection,, it h too pure, too unsullied to be affected by sny charge. Sir, this is the langbage of rash, blind confidence KA rrrost important decree of the French govern ment, vitally affecting the comirwrce, the peace, from nursued, its art ana address are sumcienuy oo- tins legislature ana irpm ine woim, ior more $ou. It'teoniods. me of the mode of escape than twelve months after its date." OurAmbas- . 1 , a i . 1 I 1 . r.t' - -1 J auor requires me cause o.-tnis conccainieut, anu tveh naturalists iLform us, is observed by the Cuttle fish in time of peril-When . his adversa ry is fast gain:ug upon him, and destruction Aetna inevitable, he muddies the water through Ivliich he "gli'les, and finds safety in confusion. Thus it is- with the'gcntleiran from Tennessee. He would escapd from this diicussion he would elude the enquiry how far we owe this war to French imposition, by raisingla , tumult about British predilections and Bntisb argumentsT But (he stratagem cannot take. No gentleman will suffer himself to be diverted from theinvestiga. rjon which these resolutions fairly suggest and such inquiry deliberately pursued, must termi. ziate in the discovery of the necessary, tho mel yicholy truth. -VV-, ' Mr. G. remarked, that whatever miht be .he .issue of the resolutions, he cordially cougr.uulat edtjie nation that they had betn iotroUued. It was due to the national " honor, always in volved in the honor of the national agents ; and it was duetojhe best interests of the country, that the iuytery which enveloped this subject should be dissipated. ' ., A ,formal authentic decree of the government of France, bearing date the 28th of April, 181 1, and purporting to be an absolute retraction of the .Berlin and Milan decrees, was exhibited by that government to our representative, Mr. Barlow, in May J812.' On his expressing surprise at the decree, Tnd i,t3 ancient dafe, the French minister asut cd him that this decree had been comniuni 'Cated to his predec'eisor, MrV Ilussell, and had b.'ai sent on to ihv' French Ambassador at Wash., mgtofi, wi- h ordt-rs to lav .it before ibe President. This inf.)riniti:tn iVm Mr.5 Barlow was given to this hiHise t he" close bt its l ist session, ip consequence of a call on the President " for intelh. gence, about, our, relations with France and it came without an explanation, comment or de nial. On all hand? it must be admitted, that a - ?liamefi,l fraud has beeii -somewhere perpetrated The reputation of the nation demanded that ' this iiaud should be placed to the account of those w lui had committed it. V Upon this imposture he, , i'i hiconsctencer believed the war had turned. Nothing can be more important to the future fetyf the people, than to learn how and whence his calamity had befallen them , Mr. G. declar ftlhimself also' highly gratified with the: liberal Hd manly course vf hit h hart hir'n minr1:'Kv-tViA irnrse rjjcjutgns, arr? hw htjnorabK he is told by the official organ of the government of France in substance, that thtre hasben no concealment on their part ; but that the sup pression has .in fact been on the part of our ex ecutive or his aerent. I his charee ot traud is rr?cr of B irlow. If this accusation be in no way repell ed, what inference will be drawn from the unin terrupted silence ot ths accused I .Sir, your own citizens must doubt, and foreign countries will more than dou.-t, about the truth of the charge, It is not yet 1 hope, a maxim of our government that - the king can do no wrong.'' There is no officer ki)0vn to our constitution and laws who is to be presumed incapable of misconduct. When anJmputationoF.Tbu"l crime is brought against any cf them, and from an accuser of high rank, according to the usages of nations, it is emphaf, icatfy "due to his country that the charge should be repidled. A disposition without cause to buspect public jnen of ciirainal conduct, and to sv,'allow with credulity all that can be alledged against ibem, is' indeed ungenerous and illiberal. But the opposite extreme, a determination ,4b believe every thing right which is connected with authority, and to applaud without examination, all that has been or may be done by the powers that be," is the' characteristic . of servility and folly. Of this temper it has been truly said, that it is tJie skreen by which power is conceal ed in its gradual progress to despotism, itsmst dangerous, if not hVny dangerous approach. And even- wnen nothing worsen than imbecility wields th.' reins, if U by this it is upheld in its course from blunder, 'to blunder, i until it converts national miorme"into national rin?'f J 4 v A position, said Mr. G. has been, taken by the friends of the proposed resolutions, which has ctven ereat dissatisfaction to the advocates of the adrrtinistration, and against which all the forcei of assertion and ofargtlment has been directed. Mo proposition can be more completely estabrished. It Is supported byjevidericel little 'shprof de monstration. The proposition i this, that had the Fren:h repealing decree of the - 28th April, 1811, been rirdmuigated at (he time of its da or at any time befcre the fatal reslutioiv, hid been taken, to plunge this once happy country . into war, it would have averted this dire calamity. Gentlemen in vain attempt to put this question rp rtfst, ih v4n fcrbid Ibis position .to bfi takers fortified places could aloner be blockaded andl the 1st day of November last, considered as not. that no blockade was effectual which was not also having existed in regard to A rnerican 'vessels. ireai uniatn was 10 oe aeemea an eneivouia mere De any mouveoi lniurcsc, any sui a siege. my of the, human race, and cut off from, human intercourse, uitil she acknowledged the new Na poleon code. The nation that declined to accede to this confederacy, waa viewed as the, ally of Ciitain, and subjected to the most rigorous and barbarous usages of war. Her ships were burnt on the ocean, and confiscated in port her proper ty plundered wherever foundher citizens made prisoners, ard her territories invaded. Britain refused to acknowledge this code ; and profess ing to retaliate on France the consequences of her own insolence, issued orders prohibiting neutral intercourse with a part of the French dominions so long as Fi ance enforced these mon strous decrees. 'I hese orders she proudly de gestion of pride, to . prevent Great Britain from thereupon declaring, that as thfcsfe degrees were definitively withdraw from American vesseU,o al so were her orders in council f So far from it, every inducement must have operated with her to adopt this course. . She. would fintf in theledit ofthe 28th of April, a cdroplete victory over the: American government as to the controversy, whe. t her France had theretofore repealed these decrees, It would have afforded to her one of, the most des irable opportunities to contrast her good, faith with French perfidy. If she regarded her honcr it would have urged to the measure If she vain. ed American Trad, she would not fail to embrafe- the certain means of its restorafnon I f she cared clared should lat while the decrees lasted.1 In for the riendhifi of America, she had it complete the revocation of them ahe. would proceed step by step with the repeat of the decrees.1 It is foreign from my present purpose to enquire how far the retaliatory plea had-any foundation; or if founded, whether it went in justification, or in mitigation only, of the attack on . neutral l ights, Wh.t was tilt ground taken by bdr government t On this point there cannot be mis.ake. Tlie celebrated, report of the committee of foreign affairs of No vember 1 608, unquestionably" approved by the executive, and by both branches ofthe legislature? for on it was founded the law of non-intercourse with France and Britain, shews it fully. France and Britain were viewed as equal aggressors on our rights. The wrongs of both must be resent ed, and equally resented, VVthe wjongs of neither. Any measure of hostility against one, either through the medium of commercial or of actual warlar, not levelled also at the other,, was pro bbUVITb V SIS 4S?1ril 1114 V-llUi j . , . stated explicitly in the correspondence of MrrKin e submission. ; I do not say that the ground taken was correct. On the contrary, I am convinced, that it was false in fact, and erro neous in principle. But it was the ground de. liberately taken by the concurrent voice of- every branch ofthe government, soremly proclaimed to the world as the true American ground, and which, in theory at least, has never yet been aban doned The act of May 1840, was an explicit re assertion of the principles of the report of 1808-It refused to resent immediately the wrongs of either belligerenj, but pledged the faith of the legislature, (an idle, rash, unconstitutional pledge !; to become the enemy of that one which she uld persist iti injustice, after the 'other should have returned from the evil of her ways. If either should cease from the violation of our neutral rights, and on three months notice ofthe fact, her rival enemy should refuse Jo imitate. the praise- worthy example, then by an interdiction of all trade with herportsbr in her productions the obstinate foe was to be punished. This lawlaf. forded a fit opportunity for French juggling. The famous letter of the 5th of August 1810, of tthe duke of Cadore, purported o be founded upon it. This letter announced a revocation of the Berlin and Milan dccrees, which were to cease to have effect on the 1st of Novtmber following, upon one tr the other of two conditions, a renunciation by Britain of her maritime doctrines, M her prin ciples of blockade or an enforcement by A mtrica against Britain of the interdiction of inter courso. , v : . This equivocal Promise, was pronounced by our executive an .actual repeal of the obnoxious de crees ; and Britain was demanded, upon the fart of such repeal, to comply- with' her engagement, to revoke her orders alledged to be retaliatory. This demand was resisted upon the ground, that the letter instead of repealing, re-afBimed the de crees, the sole objects of which were io compel Britain to renounce her maritime rights, or t neu tral nations to wjthholdpmmtinionrom lief!. Facts were asserted, and brought forth on each given to this Helphic letter. At this "-time,'-" atul Vy in her power to dissolve the bands which tied her to France" The president was bound by tre. act r f Marc h, 1811, on Which the French deer j a of the 28:h April, proftsed to CTfounded, to re store intercoui-se with' Britain on the revocation of her orders, and no man was ignorant, mucTi less the British court, that a restoration of that intercourse must and would have been followed. by the . resentment of lhe Tyrant pf 1 France"; And do we not know, that as soon as this decree' yras made known to the Biitish Government ft did occasion a corresponding revocation of the or derafn council I I say a$ oon for not wkhsnand . ing the objection, that an interval of thirty days elapsed between the communication of this decrre- and the revocation ot the orders, yet my estimai, ble Uiend (Mr.' Grosvenor)h8S explairtld this ch cumstance tolthe conviction of scepticism itself. The Prince Regent was in fact without a minis, try. fBy the institution of that country, the monarch cannot act but through the intervention of his ministers. As he is irresponsiblerjOt- the law, for " he can do no wrong,", he is at liberty to act only thip' those who are answerable fo 1 what is wrong., The first moment when a cabinet could be had io deliberate on the French decree of April, 1811, produced the revoking order of Hip 22d of June, of last year an order which the president has himself declared, is susceptible of, explanations thatt retideV it saticfactory. Since then a knowledge of this decree, in May 1812, was immediately followed by a satisfactory revocation ofthe obnoxious orders ;' why are mc lo believe that a knowledge of it in May, i8J I ; would not have produced the same conscience i The gentleman from Tennessee, undertakes ; to inform us, and for this purpose has commented with us much fidelity as is usaal with roost echo liasts on the Prince Regent's declaration, rin wha he calls Lord Castlereagh's dispatch, arid on th correspondence of Mr. Monroe with the ' Briiitn ministerVMr. F- r These ..in his judgemeni. -clearly shew that mis would not have happened I cannot, if-I would,' follow the gentleman through all these comments-My lungs already admo. nish me, that I have'spokenlong, and there i 'yr a view of this subject which must not be overlcck ed. ' Permit. me, however, to ssy tliat whatever impression the circumstances referred .to were Men calculated to make, and with the lights ti-n alone appearing, they fall infinitiVely short now of supporting the inference which the gentleman attemps to dfa from them.' The P.ince Re. geht! declaration affords us not the slightest .aid in the enquiry. It speaks only of a full 'and ur- . conditional repeal ofthe decrees, being followed hy a full and unconditional i evocation ol the Or ders It intimstes pothing, ab to the effect which would be produced on the orders, by a repeal of thejdecreea as it regarded one neutral only. Apd this was the explicit language il my fneixj fium New York, hptwithstanding the atatemeot given" of it by the gentleman" fromTennesSte. It is. side ir support ofthe respective conduction son of the proudest triumphs of truth, that t combat her with success she "must not be mi t during this conflict cf explsUions in the intrpre ' upop hef qwa gjoiio s.'ij' ftirangj; Uiai the tTtr Ay, -1 ; a. i At r

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