y- i ir , ' ",' 1 ,' ' "" iTtiinnf. briftKrahScWlt of ctfoV-4tcobt lo lisMseh Wffdan-tJVIxiWWcnSoN oWtt v Massachusetts. L-CfflSiaiuir I eTer,-o.e centcci, narujes nayc pccurrcB wuu. w incir nucrncs, iruuciicaDic wn vc rc "ty uojTcnwi oateiieer, ,4voj y;-f, 7 t v,- 7 '7::7Vi''.REMONS1NC v -irx;.ir4-"i : r:;a '-.- -m t : rrtmnnrf-H ' But t v rHmtdv i&in theoovreroi con r ana iv mvoiTinc mem in daisasirous war, pat i rwnKa.i-io-mTseii n w-. crei,; and- took to their wisdom fop its iffica- PC in the power the enemyhe Qootrol of clous' jand speedjrt application. T771i7t:!v;7' -a'' " The chief mottte which tnfliieflctd; the asterr , . .1 .'. v't . I states to abolish th old conrederauonranu y ir render a eteater share oF their own soveien paw- eri 6s appears by the recent history of those timei, was. theexpectaM1 hat their coTnmerce ;vi'ouia be better protected iby the nitional ''gbfernmeo. . The "hardy people of the :orth stobd: ini no neeu 01 tne s 01 toe oomn o proiccnncm in theii liberties. For , this they cotild sauly rO' ns they" always had done, on : their own. valour. But it Was an important object with tbeni,, that every aid, taciiity,- and encourage raem snouia pe the) Fisheries treasure of more value to; the country than all the tenitorka for which we are contending, andLwbkh furnishfed tbe on)y means of subsistence 40 , thousands of pur ciUixns'tlie great fiujrsery of our i seamen-anaV the right '. to which can never ha abandoned bv-N. Kntrtanfl.' '- ? vl?ri.-lfc 'tiirh irrniTiitanr it'ilf nrxtciivaprt I Viol Mall li 11 government would be treachery tpvthe people. In Goldsmith's History of England maning mis solemn represenianon 01 our suner ing and ur Jdangei s we have . been influenced 1. : . 1 y only, by the duty which we owe , to ourcoiistitu ents and our country, td our consciences) and the C(.VlasMcail) '7 '7, v'7 Electricityi is' onpuIftion7,7i;V ' J-gf-$ 1 uoicsmith s History ot Lrtgland, ivolj ;', Hjime and-SmolUtj fittor;i2blsi('A;i ARohertsqh's C harles : 5lh"4 vols. V Ditto ; Indiai 1 vol tyJVi- memory ol pur, fathers.t And to the Searcher of, Plowden's IJistory bf Ireland,4 5 vbQi;' , tor the purityIpurmotryes,u,Doon s Kome,3 vols r 7h t all heatUwe appeal. aitd the sinteriVy of our declarations. ;Far from wi&hing to embarrass, the adminis tration, in any oJftheir negociatioris foV, peacef we cannot but express? our regret, thai they , should not hare evinced aVincere desire, for this greaiJ i .4 i..... . r it. .....4. .' . ..r.!., i . . v nn .rt. has beet toolone esiaousnea muw v, awiunt itn the pcrmaneni ifn,crcw w i i 4, .4,0,44 nf an nalions. to . be disturbed lor I-' Ariri.h(tkutincr in its Dlace. certain vi- -teoaarr Qtionsrl t whictr tne r rencn revolution gave f birth, and which, tftougn long since,expipa. 7 jSd there; seem'stiU' tohave anmhappyinfluence x in our country. . ' : "i v;;7 77,,, ( k Tr; Having thus . 6rindi the ivowea xaues oi ine 7 war. and esDceiaWf -;th mbtives for a .persever since On it. so whollynequaiej: to jfisiilythe . nrvniinn - f 11 uiaw uvuvii v iwa wsr.ww. .-w 'V cannot however- wii,hout(thtf roost onclusio vidcncevbelWyeaUhbugh the W&surtjs and-lan. 7 jguage of some Jhigh publick functionaries indicate the fact, thaatnoition, ana notjusuce, a lust ot ooqiiest and hot a defence of endangered 'rights - ... r " fvre"Jmiig intj -rem vsi5 ci at si ui-v. iu 'r presenV-'bostttto 'v. Mufit we then add another example to the ca. talogue of Repubi.tcks,iwnicuiiave ocen :, ruined, y spiii, of foreign conquest Have weliio ftfrarA to the solemn, professions we have so Often " n&peaied, none totthe example,; nOae to. the pre .m nf -Wisinetoni . liit pbisible, either, toic '4uire,crt9 maiatain, extensive foreign conquests, Vithout poweynjl staging 7 armtei. fAnd did! uch armies ever long .permit the people,' who itere so imprudent as to raise and maintain them, tjO enjoy their liberties f(, ;Pi7 7 lWnnrea of ntilitArv ODDression . have . already -13 . -.- . J " :,' .Lr.r rlinn rnmniorrii ivk . inrtfl rhpp!hrH. vlnri,t flecurrea amone us . uiu a wavwiuui pcuuic, ,.wr:.. . . - -1 - ------ - is. j.... , 4.., iloua 'bf their.richts. must havebbserved some rand protected; and the st.pulauons of the con oiessings may be equally difiasea, to every por. I Mtempts to control their election, nd to prostrat: i 8t"u,o wtre fulfilled, m urcentyand good raithion 01 Uw u-uon. the civ'uV before the miliary t authority.' If the ; Since thai period, however, the same spirit n the .House of Repi 1 4...... r.m. 4n t,;K in nfRf4f if th 4..i nas arisen, ana nas cxniouea an unreienune sc- xcauuu ubec lablishment ofa chiin or ilitsry-posts, intherVemyn the exercise of its sway, until at length, interior pf our country-if the extensive pfeta. h7 eries of restrictions, utterly destructive of H-ations which are made in1 quarters, where invs-i lhe calculations of the merchant, by prohibitions sion cannot be feared, and 4 the total abandonment j and double duties, by embargoes and non inter nd neglect of that part of our country where a course, and lastly by war, the poor remains of that lone it can be appjrehendeo; have excited our anx-: commerce that once covered the ocean with its WW .nt alarmA to ihe real Droiccta of our ru. , sails, have been nearly jinnihilated. f. emotions Kave not been drniinished. bv Nor has the other part of he consideration beeu John BuU and Brother Jonathan Coelebs iiisearch of Witiui l GillietHistory:of eeevolsT' 7' ' Do:dittfe Itnnpeires UniversarBiograjih Cavallo given to that commerce upon which, their prospe rity almost exclusively depended. 7 7,v ? ? 7 To ensure this great pbjsct, a very unequal pro portion of political power was conceded, to. the southern states. The represenlatbn of ' slaves was the Drice naidbr the northern states for the stimulated nrotection and encouratrement of ; their! object- by accepting some ' of the repeated ove trade, and for an agreement of the southern mem-i11'" naade by the enemy for the suspension ol bers of the union, that the publick burthens should S hostilities-. And permit us, in conclusion, most be apportioned according to representation. Ex ; earnestly to request, that measures may imme perience. however, has Drovet', tb3r,zalthoi!:a theldisttily be adopKd, 16 stay the 8ord,of the des- contract on our part has-been faithfully . fuinlledltroy errand 10 prevent the further eflFuiion of hu- - . . . . 1.. . . i 1 1 1 - . . '' .4 . . ' : " 1 1 r . 1 i r Doth these considerations have utterly tailed . 7 man oiooii ;mai our mvaumg armies mayoc lona. lndicjitions of a spirit hostile to commerce were-w,lh recalled within oucown territories; and that very t ttort Of our rulers may be speedily-iirect-ed,4a,4 he attainment of a just and honorable peace ; that mutual confidence, and . commercial prosperity may be again restored, to our distract ed and suffering country and that by aovp ri,jht and faithful administration of our govern j ment, in the true spirit of the consiitution. its early visible, among some of those who now con, trol the destinies of our repubhek. 7 But the fa therof his country then presided in our councils, and this spirit was vanquished. Under the influ ence of the" wise and liberal, and magnanimous system adopted and pursued by his admmistra ril.44 '':-1l44-, T h Gen. Pike's Expeditfous (o theources of llieVli,! :aissippi and throogh.the Western artsorw1! isiana, to the sources of the;Arkaiisalc I 7La PJate and Pierre Jauo! Uivers f and iGiiT 4 1 through the Interior 'Prvof 'New iTpsiidw; ' ing the years 1 805, 6 & t JUuatratedTy luL , and charts. , , :Jr4;77'v ;7fi; The British Cicero, a stectronof the mosta' vs ed Speeches,, by ThomaV Browne 3 Vols Female Biography. orMemoirJ of illluscii . . r.. ... r. . ai VJ ya),' 4 fWt-vjriV. 1 Bnweh's Life bf Johnson, -3 vgIs'h rr . .7v vf--J Ditto e 7I'our totheHebrides-,7 7w:'3v.;i Melmoth's Cicero, 3 voIi'V )fA-fr Kendall's Travels thrpinyli the ortherh parts t fc the United States in' 180? 'aid 8Y3 vols 7 7 7'-1 Schcltt'trravelshifough'the Nonhera , era parts of -do. 2 vols 777 s?ft'i'$'y Porter's Traiels in Russia y ;7'S-77i -;V IQ13. rence. - Duflne s M,lll8r LibraryDlctidnafy, a.nd H&d o mtseAtativea. h.n H. hook ior iniaouy " - 7 i7 77 pted. Sent up Tor concur- i Steele' List Of the British Nijvy Oct, U 12 5'.j j Father's Legacy Father's Teles . ' 7 . TI MOT H Y BIG ELO W Sficakc. 1 Ur)den Ytli Mark's Ovid, Davidson's Virga t ?n,.. 1... i - mil. ha ..i ,4,.1 Lntf V Demosthenes,-DuffcanCa?afPv ' .7.''. I Webster's Elements f V JO?iNf PHILLIPS, Pretident. leis, these emotions have not been dimmisneci.by . ,V,. j 1 . L VUU"UUB,,U" . w. BOVLN h is iu3: received Trom Philadel iv s.t ' j .u- 'better fulfil ed. Taxation has never, excent in. al- . . r.'V ll'wJul Tecc,ea ,rot" fDliaaei- BOOKS. ' has just receivi phia and Baltimore, a supply of B')OKS ScSTA. tiitt! S;atesifthey were destined By Providence.rheen flp MlrfAITY ;. to rcbthe downward roadjto sbveryvihrough ! n f "hat reluctance it was then submitted; cott s Fam.ly Bible, volumes . ; gr. . fore. conquest and miUtary. usorpaiion, your io by the, southern states, and wivh what tardi- Family Bibles in , I jqU me, different pntti Wnltr.ntaregret,that suefr r moment, :- & such it was even partially collected, publick rc 7 Buchanan i s Asiatic Researches occasion should have been chosen, for the ex-1 cords will determine.; - 7 m. - 8 Evidences Christianity 7 , 7 ..:.-4 a., .kii. .c. ....ri .t;nn. r i; ' Of the two hundred and fifteen millions of doI-r a,ey "tto ditto . ,; npe are making so magnanimous and glo.i.us ; ldemed by the United 8:ates, under the op-; D, o Natural Thedogr,,- . effons .against the common enemy el tree .states, . ' kuyci.. .Km,.4u.u..i - - r V, iVT .71 , . .ir- th-.-.44.;..rt.nt ' f th r.i)o-r;ma i Has paid upwards ot toriy millions an amounts fiwwi-y bioi, o tou . 7 , .. i j ... L b 4 , . ?tM.tMl n iVmtwiPtiAn tA i.k rwiiiiif! wht in it, ' Blair's. Davies. Saurin's. ' Dana's. . M(Vh9rter. . Union. . I Smith's, Jarratt's and Doddridge's Sermons - If therefore, the revenues, derived from this ; U wight's, Parkinson's, and Methodist Psalm and Commonwealth, and paid into the nstional trea 7 Wvmn' , suiy, had been prtserve.1 in her own, she would Buck's Miscellany, 2 volt iNewion s woras, y vois "sworn foes to civil and religious slavery, siouid tjoidniarily co.operate with the oppressor, to bind Qth.r naiiprrs in his chains f that while divenin.g the forces of one of Ms enemies fr.m the mighty 'Conflict, we should endanger the defenceless tpt jritoris of another, in whose ports the flag of pur Strugf 'ing for existence,; beneath his iron grasp. Ufai'Se ci'ixeris have beeti ever aealous in the cAuisi .of -freedom, and who contributed their ut- jBlost cff jrisjforthe adoption of that constitution Vl&dtr which, in former times, we enjoyed so Ihuch prospcrityt most respettfully, but earnestly, to entreat o;! conjure, the constituted authorities of the Aation, by the regard due to our liberties, to 'pur Oniony to pur civil compact, already infring- ep to pause oeiorc u oeioo iaie. 7 Le t the sober, considerate, and honourable. Re prtstntatives of bur sister States, in which difftr- .et councils preTaji, aMfc iHcuicic . - - , ' Wtre not tbe'territories of the United States . jiEnciently extensive, before the annexation of Lousianna, the ptpjeetea reduction ot Canada, apd iHzureof West Florida ? 7 77 7, :, " Had we not millions upon millions of acres of GnGUkivatedWuderoessj scarcely explored, py civi lised man f '-'l-'' : ' V.',v-V-:. .V Could these acquisitions be held, as conquered provincei without powerful standing armies f and would they not like other infant icolonies, serve as perpetual drains, of the blood and treasure of Ques United States f , yr is u s'-nousiy imenaea to adopt ' the dangerous project, of forming , them into new states, and admitting them into th ; Uni. fin, without the express consent of every member of '.he 'original confederacyV VWould not 'such a measure hayea diwibt tendency',. to destroy i the ob. v.... .. ,.f k, rnrrtnurt. h Cirhlrh nfnnt nu It. 7 j' n imUntained I 1 " . ." Air4y-nave JVC wimcsscu mc lurnianuii auu adRHSan Ol one. Simp jrwu mc .tiinuum 11m- jijts ppbe uJStates, and this too, in opposition to Ihwishes and efloris, as well as in viohtion of ' iL.'.tl.i. '4fJ Int.rnit.. nf dim. nF thf narripu tn . . ' ... ' .4.J .1... .t.n rw. 1 r. r i V. i yv i4. .Fltinna that practice and thefeby to extend pur republick, i to regions hitherto unexplored, 'or peopled by in habitants, whos habits, language, religionjand laws are repugnant to ! the? genius pf our ; government, v ' -Agaiut la practice, so hostile to the rights the 7 ihe safetv bt this state and so destruc live .to her pvliiial potfrer ; so subversive , of : the ptta of the rnutiwi,atd the, very .principles -70pon which it is founded your." remonstrants, in the rjarite ahd behalf of ihe commonwei.iih'of Mas- ; acbusetts, xeel n meir uuty 10 venter ineir most .-.'ftlxforate and solemn protest .7 v, 7 7 7' : 77 7 If an extensive cbpMerated republick is $ be flUinUiaejd, and we most ferVen47.prI;';'thaL4l.' ns'i It can oniy .be, by a free communication , of ' fhe.-gflevancef feUi and the cavils appreheuded; by anv of its members $ and by -a piompt and liber- f al r:mety , The Same spiritpf .concession which dUtW'l the formation ani adoption of the consti- tun -n, should be' kept in a permanent: -and per- "' neuitl tx'ercie. 7'-v,v7;v7;77.;v-7!"-:'v- The I'leSSingstll govenipwiiia vigiiaiicc, its ! Brotcction. its rewarJsi should be equally and ira pU' iaIIj OiUt itK).vta anais--uuruiens us equauy ai4 fairly imposed. No poi ticn of the Union " jtfghi to b aacdtictfl to fjhv " bcitl ifciyrcst pj have been fullv coriiDetent to her own defence, i and vould not have been obliged to solicit, norlPT'ddridge's Family Expositor, 2 vols axperience the injustice of a refusal, of the arms, ; Josephus" Works, 6 vols for which she has long since paid, and which ; Sampson's Beauties of the Bible, I vol were her dire, from the general government, j Milton's Works. . What good cause can be assigned, for this rtfu- LAW, sal, your Remonstrants are wholly unable to deV Roberts on -Fraudulent Copveyaifcii termine. No disci etion is, by law, vested in any ! Ditto on Frauds officer of the government, in relation to this sub-; Dlfitst of Chancery Reports ject . Its provisions are simple, plain, and per , ! Co wptr's Equity Pleading emptory. Your Remonstrants therefore, cannot iomyn on Contracts bat express their astonishment, that the State jNewland on Contract of Massachusetts, possessing a sea-coast morc j BuHr's Nisi Prs extensive and populous, than that of any other j Comyn's Digest State in the Union, and a defenceless frontier by i Powell on Contracts land; should hot only be entirelr abandoned by 4 EastCrowijLLaw- the government w hose duty it is to protect v ' her, Harrison's Chancery , but should also be refused the arms, for her own : reaKe v wence, owm s 0140 defence, to which she is by law entitled. The - f- cannot however, permit themselves .to doubt ihev , thit Chittyon Pleadings American Precedents , :vnur. Will Hi.inhm.th .'h m..n,4c belwvn's Isisi frms as will render to this Commorrwealth, that jiisuc e MassachuseUs Reiorts, 5 vols v which the execufifedepartmcift has refused. ;cnnmg & Manfotd's Virginia ditto, iy&i Ifthe war, in which-we have bein rashly plung-1 Connecticut ditto, 3 vols ed was undertaken to appease the resentment, ! Harns & M'Henry s Marylaud dittcy or aecure the favour ot France deep and humili jCaine's Wew YorK ditto, J vols awng musi oe our aisapjiointment. ror attnougn the eroperour is lavish in his professions of" love for the American people," applauds our ready self devotion, and declares " that, our commerce and oor prosperity are witnin the scope of his po. licyf yet no reparation has been made or offered, for the many outrages, indignities and ihsuhs he has inflicted on our government, not1 for the un. numbered millions; of' which he has blundered our citizens .And when e consider the course of policy pursued by ourf4ii!ers,4nJb?!rxtera relauons,,and commercial restrictions, from the prohibition of our trade to St. Domingo, to the declaration of war against iGreat , Britain .that this course ftenlreceivedhis ppen approbation ; and was not uurequently, conformable to the syS 7.1 "l ' a. i a . ' 1 Dallas' Pennsylvania ditto, yojj Johnson s New York ditto 7777 Caint s and Tidd's Practice Azuni's Maritime Law t Richerand's Physiology1 7 Blurocnbach's ditto , Bichat's ditto Coxe's American DispensatoVV Hooper's Medical Dictionaiy 1 TOinpson'sChemistr Bracki's Farrieryi . r- complete ditto f Useful Knowledge ' . Webster's, Uilwortb's, Murray's, Perce's, sad ! Fenping's Universal, Spelling Bowks, l-y rtLf single or dozen. , : , , j Tyro's Dictionary 1 " . J ; Fetsuson's Rome, 'a vols . ' ' ( Blank Books ' ; Ditto ruled for Music " V. '''. Litile 8c Smith's Music Books India , Rubber, ted and black Wafers, red 1 black Sealing Wax, red and black Ink Pou 'Office Tape ' "-" ; . ' County and Superior Court Blanks. J - . . Jane 3$, 1813. '- v 899,tf. i ; , 7 Navigation, of Roanoke. TN conlotraity to an Act ofthe last Ctnerai J. Assembly, entitled " Vn act lor improving it Navigation of Roanoke River,- from the town ef Halifax to the place where the .Virginia' liue&Vl tersects the same," the uudersigned, Cornnu si-n. ers named in the said act for the city of Uukiti, have opened a Book for Subscriptions for Shartf in the Capital Stock for accomplshing the sa un ¬ dertaking, which will continue open-tiUTthtf October, at the Bookstores of J. Gales un4 V. Boylan. , . . 7;.- ;7i?', The proposed. Capital Stock is limited to lQO 000 dollars, to be divided intd shares of 100 do.t lars each. A general meeting of the subset Ibtfttb is 10 oe nem ai nauiax on ine m aionaay n uc tober next'; and if 400 shares be 'not , subscribed before, or at said meeting, all subscriptions n.ilk . Ito be void. But if a sufficient number of sharta be then subscribed, a Company is to be ;jcvganii ed. under the title of "7 The Roanoke jVougati Company," and subscribers 'must then pay ttn di lars 911 every share subscribed and the reinaiii -der when called uponVexeept that more 'thaw '53,' -7 1-3 dollars on a share not be called for in a'17 oca.' year. '' ' 11. 0EAWEIX,1 V- , 7 1 , W. BOYLAN, '7 : April 10. ' . " 3f.GALES.' v , -TSy Subscription Books are also cpened at Edelrw. ton, Plymouth, Windsor, Halifax WarintoinO ford, . Rocksborough, CaswU C. House,;; Wtnv worth anUGrmantoa, under the direction of ttiitt; Commissioners at each placti. 177a 777.-.:' tern Which "ihe himself had adopted -when, we consider also; the mysterious secrecy' which hasftjullen's Materia Medical .... '.- j 1 j .1 c .1 . L -. I-.. . . . . ' - . . ' ciicm iuc coiTcspunueuce oi me iwp governments from pur vieaipaad above all, when we consider, that in many instajices, the mpst important mea sures of purr government have been anticipated, in Palis, long before they werr.kjiown to the Ame rican people, we cannot cenceal our anxiety and alarm, for the honour and independence of our countiy. And we most; fervently pray, that the theaacriBces we have already made like the early concessions pf Spain,' and Portugal, of Prussia, and Sweden, may not be (he i preludesto new demands and new concessions ; and that we may be preSe. ved, from all political . connexion with the common enemy of civil liberyi1':''- ? fTo the constituted authorities of pur country we have now stated bur opinions and made known our complaints.; of delibVr. ate reflection and complaintsilwruiig Crony us by by the tortures of that "cruel policy V which has brought the g6J people 6f this commonwealth to the verge ufruio. A policy which has annihilat t J that commerce, So essential to their prosperity increased their burdens while it has diminished tlieijr nijus of cuppprl-proyi 2S $5 Lind on Diseases'in Hot dlimattf Harty on Dysentery ... , 7V, Spallanzani on the Blood' Ditto ik . Tracts 4 -V Medical Museum, 7 vols American Medical Lexicon 7 Bell on Ulcers, Ditto Surgery ; J Den man and Hamilton on Midwifery Fordyce and Beddoes on Fevers 7 Abernathys Surgery , f Kinglake on the Gout 7 Muiirbe's Anatomy, 3 voji Beddoes on Consumption ; Davidson on, dittb, ' Reed onV 7ditld -7 Willich's Lectures r i 7 J7 t Chesselden's Anatomy ' Armstrong on Childrcj Home on Ulcers 7 77 Cox on Insanity' ' , - ' Douglas on the Muscle Buxton on Cpughs 7; Fox's Medjcar Dictionary WalliSvOn Diseases f-i. ' .-V ' K i ..; V'777 '. . . ,t 11 v. . .. . . . . - . . . m . outton on roul iir r ... 7 Gooch's Sdrgery 7 7- . ' ':-7 SHOCCO' SP'RINGS?7:,;'rf I THE subscriber, living on his plantation known Ly the liJiufc. ol Poplar .Gijjre, a pry pleasant situation, one m'.k Atl 61 ihe Shocca Sprin?s and one pilet'rom tne Stage Road,' wiltV continue his Boarding House the present season jor the acoom- f mwfauon o Ladies and tJenilemett' who ayj visit thz springs. Those VUHarita who thirtk. proper to board ..wish Sm t, shall be furnished with every thing of ..she best that ihe and-neighborhood afford.--! n consequence of the iacrcje of boarders in past seasons, he has latelv erected a laige aiJd m raodious itding, tateulaied to Hfnder th situation of hfL?!7 pany agreeable. He it noW prepared to accotnmoAiie aluxj SiVENTY Boarders, he tTUSti with satisfaction to his corrtpw-? and with ease to himself. , The road leading, to the prw v4y be kept in guad order.- ff 'c. if,r. y . ' 7".J 7 '?pfrz jLuwaru j. j oa VVarreti county, Tune 4,1813. 3 IdARDfef groVn persons, IS cents pefiilay-'i d servants naif price.'- .Horses' fed at 25 cents. 7 i""0"?'- --is r T.flnfl For JIfT. THE subsCriber offers for Sale a valuabiejr.ro .of LAND, containing 320 acres, sit uatca ( in the; county of Orange, within' fou'r miles of the.,:' townof Hillsborough j this land is well watr a river or creek running quite through it, and the ioTrtadal to any in the ftei,ihbourbood.7lts pivjiumed, ho person will purchase withoifli viewing the. land, therefore a iluVjperrijesci lSf, is deemed pnnecessary. ; Any pVrson;wial.ini; t purchase is' invited' .to view the land;' and the tern?. will be made known by the subscriber, livHj '' the premises, or in bis absence Mr. Levi VV hutci. 'whose land adjoins the aforesaid tract. 7 '. , : t 7 7 UOSERT 11. , RE ADE., , June 15, m: (7:. v'7:7;'--rT(r- Yancey br anson r OFFER for sale thek tttoCK-PF GOODS in the Ctl Raleirh. for Cash ort-. a Cidil lor Nej-oti-W? ' '. handsorue Assatou-nUor ny places, JWJ WU l.a;d "K ; K Mjv t, lt) .-, 77;'7-:- ;'; '7 ' '

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