i i rrnre an" ivnnaiiv. icnucr' iuu .ivii vvium. vi ' . iiven at onr imneriaF tismo at Ltitzen. '.a 3d, buy, ibis. - --v . ' - ' - .-. ' (Signed) ; I "TF.s t FKOM FR A-NCE- fe ENGLAND. ' ', London (Timeat) Maxj9. z Late, last niizht we received from the French tv' K1 . flint on the 24!h inst. information had been re Tcivegl,in Paris'of an ARMISTICE having been co a l.ude;d between the French ard allied Powers ' ..J ... 1 kJn-fi preparatory io a voiiititm iu uc- utiu m iUfa, for a GENERAL' PEACE, MVisters are to at-'n-a-i this Great Assembly from England, Russia, Prirtiiju France, America, Denmark, Austria buedea', and the Sp mish Cortes It is added, l resbly, iht Napokon will treat only on the V i3;bf the treaty of Utrecht. ' ; " ' Ltnidon. Courier ) May 31. The Heligoland mail announces the arrival of i Bernadoue m Germany ; and the entrance oi suw Swedes inJlamburj " Kotzebues paper announces positively that Austria hjs joined the allies ; and that the em pror of Ruia and King of Prussia had gone to PrKpe, The negnciation news is corrobcrated by rdvices from Boiceaux. j Pah 1 May 23. Her Majesty the . Empress has received advices from the a?niies to the lStt, . lay r-. '-- The Emperor Ttirained in Dresden. Marthah Oudinot. Mackdaoald and Marmont, ; uau Count ikrtriind. wert in a linc atBautsinMrhal iVici'or, Sebastianr and Regnier were marching on A flag ffottt OgdensburrerctswdLlo Jrteseott nJ5atmlav lastThe commanding; officer ,tCpt Pier-son) politely Eat thefoUowine aeral or. ders to one of the genilemer of j:he.,r,ifr frho fcanderj'u four toft publication. :.r ' GENERAL ORDERSr .'. . Head Qutrtert Kingstown s June 2f , The. commander of the Ibrc JKai ,alia faction in announcing to the array, tbati a report has just been receited "frm Br Gen. Vincent, of-a most judiciou i and spirited -.exploit achieved by a small detachment of the 49thregt amounting lo 46 rank and file, under Lieut. Ftte Gibbon, and a band of Indian warriors, which terminated in h defeat and entire capture of a cooside'ple ..de. tachraent-of the . American req;dlar . atruy, under the command of Lieut Col. BrsUerpf theI4th U. S. regiment, after sustaining.considerable loss. Lieut. Fitz Gtebo:i, on reconnoitering the ene my's position, and finding him too numerous to oppose with his small.force, - with great presence of m'uid kept him in check, while he sent and summoned him to surrender in the name of Ma jor De Haren, and which he was fortunately, ena-j bled to emorce by the pTomptarKl timely advance rCongresjS' i-v :,r, Saturday; July It ?: :' Itlr. EMnA Mr. ICershaw; and WhitettUl oo t-uned leave of absence for the residue of the aes sion. , ' : - i . Mr. Cediet presnted . a,, petitioa from Levi Bishop, lite a volunteer in thea'rmj, and ivho lost an tu rn in the batlte of Qieenstown, praying wUef'RelertritQJthcJiULarjfSQmmH Mr: Condit present a memoriat from the :,in- L.U'.i..t. -t ika and ftiulfirl nf Ci It At V.? Harbor, letting forth their defenceless situation, he Referred to the Secretary pi war. Mr. offered the following resolutions. I licsotvt'd, That the Naval Committee be in structed to enquire into Ihe expediency of afford ing encouragement to the private armed vessels of the United States to cruize against the ships and vessels of the enemy, by dimintehinft the du tiei on flrize-godds caMured by them by fircmit. ting them, to bring irtofiort free from duty alt firi zee and finze good , id committee be ,v( nil,......,! vjium hviki, tnu.mu"- Uhitediitatas i Without ame'ndmtti and . 1 lc referred, to the tommittee of th. m,ki- At XrrM AOTWiA - ..L-'.JT- -r r ' -? Mt ' FtsklrAira the committee, of made report in parf, whicli wasorticr,.,!, UVriSft. Count Rubna. arrived ut Dresden the iS'h, v Avitha letter from the Emperor of- Austria ta Na ' polcon, ttn saU)flFon4is return en the lhhi ' The Emperor has proposed a Congress to meig 7 at Praetia for a General Peace. On the sjde'fcf v France are to BklMeninos. from France, the Un't- , " ted State!, Denmark, the King of Spain (Joseph,) and the Confederated Princes. On the other side are, to' be Ministers from England, Russia, Prus- la,the Spanish Cortex, and the allies of that bel Hirerent mass. v s Pabis, Nfay 25. "The Empress hasthis rjay received a report, that on the 20th the Emperor ver the Russians and Gtaite of which we ex had gained a fresh victory e Piussians at Bautzin tne il ect Immediately. Ot HAMtuu, -Marshal Daoust, about the first ,M j , . proceeded to invest Hamburg with 100, v 000, -and occupied Luneburg, Uarborg and blade. JJe attacked the allied posls on the island of Wil . etlsmbu 'g and Qshsenwerder, in the Elbe, on the 8th, but tfas rep'olstd. , Upon the -advance of the tFrench, the Danish Gen. Wagner sent a declara tion to the. French officer, that his forces wouh? oopera'e in the defence of HambUrgTiboUld an fitlack be persevered in. The French Gneiul re. " plied that Hamburg wasa part of the French Empire' which he should eluteavor --'to' restore to ; Jli master, witftour any regard to coufequentes. ;iipn th answer beirkg received, the uanisb for. : v" te took an '4 snwye ppsition near lUmorg, wih :K: ten pieces oF cann'tfi, , and a fleet of gi boats - 2t Is hdck stated, that the Dane? and French, had agtitt!. but it was rejwf ted-. fct on the lath Mantpt i'rncju took4isst3sion bf the city felt j- i ,1. ' . 2, Resolved Tliat the said committee be in4 pf he light division under that officer, by whosejstructed to enquire iutb the expediency of en. vigorous co-operatun, the capture ot the enemy scouraging the pnve armed vess.is ot tne unuea iVce, consisting of 1 Lieut. Colonel, ! Major. 6 i States to capture the officers, sea men and marines Captains, 15 inferior officers, 25 Sergeants; 2 : of the enemy by holding outtheoffer of boUnty Drummers, 46? Uarik and tile, one 12 pounder,! for all such capures. one 6 pouuder, 6eld pieces, and a stand of colors, i The first resolution, on the modon of Mr. vrzs eftected op the held. : Bibbt was amended by striking out, th( wwrds in Not a siagl QrHish soldier U reported tai have 'italic., The question was then .tiken to gree to fallen orl the occasion. Thtlndian warrior b. .the same and decided by Yeas 6, Nays !." -haved with great steadiness and courage, and htf The second restitution was agreed to without Excellency nns great satisfaction m learning that they conducted themselves with he greatest hu. manity and lorbearance towards the prisoner at ter the acion.- ' By his Excellerjcy command, t. BAYNES," Adj. Gen. ' PKtaOBLPHlA, Wy IfT. Extract of a letter from Captain Bunker, !au of jjieong bailey, oi mis pon, oouna 10 i,450on wvision. Mr. Roberta therrmoved the following 'which wai'ilv) adopted t " . Resolved, That the Naval Committee be further ins'ructed to enquire ifanyandif any what alter, ations it would bV expedient to make relative to fees charged in the courts of admiralty in the trial of libels on prizes. , The bill from the Senate to remit certain du ties to the Pennsylvania Academy of fine arts. dated L'Orientj May 1, to his brother in was twice read and commuted this city. . ' i The bill fro.n ihe Senate concerning suits and In my letter to yem of the 28ih ult. I in. cots in the courts nf the United States, was read formed you that We were captured on.e 4th of j and referred to a select committee. February Jast, by the French frigates L'tfortense' The bill from the Senate for the relief of E. J and L!EWe and carried imo Brest, where t re t Winter, wa-j read and refered to the Committee mained in prison two mbnths, Hut hate lately of Claims. teen liberated nd sunVred to proceed - to--thia-f The resolution from the-Senate respecting-a place, where t. expect to embark on board the day of puMic humilation and prayer, was twice governor Gerry for the United Slates. In my i read and ordered to a third reading, last letter I made mention ofabUltwas from' The following tai bills were received from necessity compelled to draw on .you, and -which, the Senate with amendment toeach, to wit : I presume you will not hesitate to pay when yoTTi Laying duties on salts at auction. ThaaUfis held Hsmbu'R ihe 15th. " Jfonton CentineL Domeftic. " rntOMOURCORESPOHrSNTl " VSict of the New Yoik. Evening Pott, Jaly ? 18nooii. By she Si?am lioat this morning Iram. Albany, lphJ.v; received news from the Niagara frontier down to the evening of toe 11th mst. It still con'i'jues to be unfavorable and disastrous. JSxtrac t of a letter from a - gentleman at Canan. daiuato Mr. John Cook, of. Albany, dated Ju ly 13, 18U. , : -piiV-.A. : " By the Western mail, just arrived, I have re ceived a letter from Buffalo, dated on Sunday c vening, which informs that on that morning, (the . Hthiast.) British' force of 3150 regulars, cross e"d the Niagara jriver, and , landed r beiow Black ltock,and mftd ul tt-wardaihat place, when 'they were discovered y our men about 200 mi: litid) who at once - tti in ' different directions. The enemy set fire to the barracks WoA house, &c. spiked several pieces of cannon, and look n quantity of flour, salt; Kc. (said to beOO ban els) and four field pieces, a pounders While engag. ed fo getting off the property, they were attacked Tly a forc-j cbusisting of itgulars, nnlitia and Inr dians? who had come down from Buffalo and who jionred in aYuccessCul fire upon the foe, killing a consMJerable nn'mberP were left dead on the shore, In sides a captain mortallywounded Ouf loss 1 K.lled and. 8 wounded, 2 of whom are Since dead- Although the ritreat of the enemy , . was tecipitate, they cceeded in- taking sway the a bove property, which was doubtless their object .-in' cp?i g over. , . . N.' B. Ui.r officers .would noj, suffer the Indians toecUpthe dead.. v'twsvy frnni the CHoandaiuu. Reposiloif of 7uly 13 fiom the Kitigsra Frontier, we continue to re Otive unpjasint tWingj. The enemy are" carry 7 feuccK-ssiul and murder ou9 -warfare on qrit. l U'pvsts of out army at Ft. George. rTWr. t;'.i:n-i n, (' he rmy, informs u, that on Wed r.'-idHy.lasU ihe (iiwiKy aitackwlauard, about a jnitfrtnd hulf'froro live Fortwhn Lt. Eld.ridge a gaJlA- .t yoot officer, with 59 men who VotiMi. ''tevrf nrdr.r hijm, went to'ielieVe th,em. In the t&al t execute his order, ycung Eldri;e s6oh un xpnvdiy found himscjf surrounded in a woodsy a coijsiderable-number of Induibk, who opened a ddlyjfiic tpon hi little corps, which cut down 1)3 of tlsm"-a. few fled, and the najrtainder were taken y tbe I)diani.aiid scalped, Vript and man jjletj it tc mtst horrid manner. ' Lt. E. was led awuy, it is feared has suffered the same fate. Only of the corps cicaped. "A, number of -the epitmy w ere killed- , . . ; v,- , ' W-tr w nderstarioMhe British are4n possession. of -sher forincr gioundoi) IrleTs'i.'Cira, from Fort Jiri t th liiie 4"pviramp ti GeFg$f Z - Do. licences to distillers. Do. sugar refined in the U. 5j Do. carriages. The bill laying a dut on imported salt, was read a third time, and, bei(g on its passage Mr Murjree "moved its intV.finite postponement which motion was lost by Ayes and iNoes. For the postponement 62 Acainst it. 8 become acquainted with rrry distressed situation. When I was taken I was completely $ripptlof eVery thing excepting Wfut t Itad on, confined two moths in prisotij and since my. liberation have travelled about one hundred and ftfty miles over laud without . arty other aid thana.da'ify pittance granted by the American consuls aid agents, jud th-rt allowance Very small.. , l lr V. (the owner of the brig) fortunately met with an old acquaintance who advanced him 3even to eight hundred livres, and he is jcthe from tVis place to Paris, with lb hope of ohiain ing redvess, bn 1 have reason to fear his efforts will prove fruitless. "The seamen belonging to the bc8 (W several wek Imprisontfnt have been pot oo board a Fft,DiiA Iicenad shrp, eA' cep ting one, who they detained on board one of, the frigates-This-you-see ia the-Triendly-treatment experienced from a people pretending or professing to be in amity with America. , NoaFoi.it, July 24. i On Wednesday Mr. Swift, the Russian- vice consul at Alexandria, embarked at this place in a flag. of truce for Admiral Warren's ship. He (was made the order of the day for io morrow is the bearer, of dispatches from the Russian eai- Mr. Archer alsD reported the bill for the relief lister to the admiral. of E. J. Winter without amendment, which was - The time has been When we should have infer-1 also made the order of the day for to-marrow. red Rorbetnwg favorable from the circumstance ; , The resolution respecting a day of public Jiu it was a delusion which has passed away, for tmiliation and pra ver, was read a third time and passed. . , The amendments of the Senate to the several " The question was then taken that the bill pass, and decided by ayes and noes. , For "the passage of the bill 66 Against it ' - '- . $& ,On motion of Mr Kdony The petition of the officers and crew of the late Urig Vixen wa aain rttacrd to tU conMSHttec of Claims. And the Hcmsev adjourned. Mwduy, July 1 9. Mr. GoldshoroUjjh, Mr Kilb.jtirn and Mr Ward of N. Jersey obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the .session. Mr. Archer reported a bill for the'relief of the officers and crew of ihe late brig Vixen, which onThe table Mr. Pitkin, from the select Committee to Wk was referred the bill tiorn the Settai'c, ro c. T -5 suits and costs in the courts of the U.nittd " i --.luiuoiiii w wereoncured iii by the li nse. ' I'heTMirwaVsutseqaptTy jaJalKiird til passed. ivlr. Ingersoll, Mr. Davenport, Mr, i. mn murirce aiiu ivir. iiignani naa liave of sence. J The House in committee of the whol?, Moore in, the m chair, on a bill for the rt.li;f 1 John J. Dufour and his associates. The committee rose, reported, the bill and realirg jo nvcin, An engrossed bill giving further tiins r r.' gistering claims to land in the district of Aikn siw, in thetcrritory of Missouri, and for ,, , purposes, was read a third tim? anp passd. An engrossed bill to amend and txjlui. n. act regulating pensions to peraotjs n i,,, private armed ships, was read a third inn, pushed. An engrossed bill for tin relief of D. was read a third time and pjsej, ' The house in cmintUee of lb whole air. i cort, in the cnair, on a bill concerning rnvulid i siuners. ." . i mic iuu mu was 'innef jponsiaersuon o m j. sage was received Iwui the Piesidthtoi ti.cU ed Siattsfwhen the committee of the whol; r , Toseandrepottfd progresi arid ,htd lejvtjto 4 again.. - . . . . i J ' . : . uamre ine aoors, weie riosea and remahicd suort time. Mr.- Benson from trfts joint committ'ie ed on the subject, reported bin" fixing ths i,, of meeting of the next congvce'siT" 'The bi p pojes the 1st Monday in Dccerrr next. ' The bill was read a first and second tiu'f. Mr. Benson m.weJ to amend the bill l y sutuungtne isi iionoay in November, vij i-. Of the I st -Monday "in Decemher. Nr j'ttn;. posed. Negatived. -Mr-Rhea proposed Ihe last Monday in Novtn Uer iVegatived. The bi'.I was theri ordeYed to be engrossed read 4 third time. Mr. Calhoun called for the consideration of iitjJiui iii 111c1.u1-lllllt.1cc Ol lOrciU rclaliiiili Oft the message of the President' of the U..S. epe ton the ayes and noes were culled, and m- xea 63, Nays 74. The House -i committee of the whol n t . 1 . , , ... i Drcd-cu-iuge in ine cnair, on i oiii ;rom !.. v-, ateforthe remission of certain duties to the sylvania 'Academy of fine arts. ,. The committee rose and reportt'l tlie bill, an 11 wa oraerea ro a mira reaatng tnis UaV it w.4 tiwn read a third time pnd pakSwl. .4 ti" 1 , ... inc nousc again resoiveu useit into a w mittee of the whole, Mr. Alston in the chair, the Pension Bill. ... " ' . . 1 ue committee rose ana Mpurteu tn bin m amendments and the House concuned, ami dereoVit 10 u engrossed and read a thii d n; to morrow. The House in comrnittee of the Whotc, Mr we now 100K. tor notnmg irom toe uussian meoia tion. " ; ' . ' """ ' ' It Cannot be v supposed that tie Russian empe ror will be unapprised of thejsentiment of the ruling party towards him, his people and their cause, . The government may1 be more cautious j but he must know but little of tnis cotuitry, who does not. know" that the. papers which subpart the administration nearly" speak its opinion upon all important subjects. 4 Russian bears," "Cossack slaves" are pretty epithet's to apply to a friend in whose hands We have confided our interests and our honor. ' ' ' Tha ruling party, if a jadgment can be form fd front what they express, wish to see Russia a dependent of France. She would in that case certainty be but little qualified for the high station of a mediator between us and Great Britain as well might Portugal be a mediator. " The apppinttyeht '-'of General Taylor as a Brigadier, -General irl the army of the United States, will nc rifotaa&rilyi as some imagine, tcike him. front this command, but may be the ctaiA esrbX.ainin him here. Al mi- which is assigned, to him, and where the govern ment judges he can be most useful xo his coun try. We have nQ authonty tor-the Opinion we entertain- but. we incline to think the general s recent appointment Will most certainly secure him to a part of tfie country where he is so eminently qualified to command. ' ' , The army at this place Has become too large to have only one bdgadiar general, and if any oth- er militia, brigadier was to be appointed, he would take rank of General .Taylor, he being the young- est bncradier ; as a brigadier ol the United btates army,1 he will take ank of all' the" militia briga diers in thfs military district,-and if be remains here (of whichwe have no doubt wijl Continue to .comnv-nd, as is most devoutly desited by"1 the inny, and the citizens of his section of the country. 4- y . ,-' . . , A letter from Bordeaux of 24.h May, received at New-York, says," that the ittong - Ibrtreis of Spardau ha3Turrcrtder?do t'he Russians, bilfs below mentioned, were read and conciined in by the House, to wit : Laying duties on carriages. Do. on refined sugar. Do. on distillers of spiritu- , - - out liquors. ...Dp. on sSles at auction7 To establish the office of Commissioner of the Revenue: "7" 11. On motion of Mr." Chevea, " .1 The engros.ed bill laying duties oh Notes of Banks, Companies or B-ankers, 8cc- was- recom mitted to a committee of the whole, ' who having taken up the said billrT reported an amendment, which waj read and agreed to by the House- and the bill was ordered to be rc engrossed. The amendments of the ; Senate to the biH for the relief of Alexander Scott, were taken up and agreed to Dawson inlhe chair, on a bill for the reli-f of ik officers and Crew of the la e United S;au.s b:i: Vixen. 1 The commitfee rose and repdrted the l?ir, Df the House ordered it to a third reading to m row. t: The House in committee of the Whole, M lireckenbridce in the chatr, on a bill -from tin Sehale for. the relief of Elisha J. WhttT The'committec rose and reported thtir &g :ti raent to the amendment made by the, of Cllaims, ahd the Ho jsc concurred, and itJ ordtred to a third reading to-monovv.,, Adjourned. FRIDAY, JULY 23, Alvin j. Duwall, esq has been appointed pc;- master at it mstonvUle, Iredei county, vice lb topher Houston, esq. resigaed. On the 14th instant, five boats from the b tish Potomac fleet, captured and destroyed tieJ scnooner Asp, M. begourney com mat If - leottfte crew were killed, wounded or uktu Among the killed was the comm-uidant. Two or three days of tne prececdinar weak -W' consumed by Congress in secret sessioti. An expedition of 700 minntcH men nndrCo!' ine uo-use in committee or the-whole, Mr. Russel, marched lately from Vincennes. on 1 , . -. . 1 i . , I'll r 1 - . . viroavcnur in tne cnair, on tne 0111 irom tne pen The public, funds "have fallen the 1 'fr cents, to 711 i, fv- cemimeji Bank area 1 1 7j? it, ate supplementary to the acts ubon thesubiect uf natdralization, . Theornmittee rose aodjrepoi'ted the bill with amendments, which, were agreed to by the House, and they were ordered to be en grossed for a third reading.- " , , Thre amendrrlents being brought in engrossed the bill was read the third time and passed. '" ' The engrossed but laying duties on notet of banks, companies, .'ba.nkers?. kc. was read the third tirne and passed by ayes And noes. For the passage pf the bill 81 Against it .. 7 36 -The bill giving further time for-registering clajms to lands in the lte district of Arkansw itt the Missouri territory the bill for the relief ot Colonel David Henly and-the bill to amend and explain the act vegulating pensions to persons on board -private armed ships, were severally passed through committees of the whole and or dered to be engrossed for their third readings' to morrow. . " 7' , And theJouse. adjourned. 'r: ' ' ..Tuesday, July 20. Mr. Eppes frorrii the committee of ways and men rejiofled th.e biil foclh4fe relief of the crtyn. . . .jl. .- - ... . .... : . expedition against the Mississiniwi Indian tou? (KQeral Howard, it jcaa widi was F sUo mak:' irangtmentt for an altat'fc on the 'savsgesof 'In4 ne ou tnien. The British force at thennuth of the P vormct consists of 6 ships 6f the line,, one sixty four,' ingates, barges and eight sm!ltr vessels ; twenty eight sail. On the eighth of July orrcf our piiti forf George, was "attacked by a nmv of bW'-fc tana Indians. A detachment of 'Si, -nwu. ww? an adjutant, was ordered io th sun!ortof V picket ; but having penetrarcd incautiously in o idick woot), these men were enwre'y kmr."it!,'v and all killed op taken e:;ce nuns five, jnet"- dies of the killed and wounded werenanltd (f the savages in a manner tua shocking tobereUt eu. Our accents from the. neighbourhood of V Creek Indians are tot he I t'h inst. at vvhir h. -'t'i several sk-irmishes had takan ilice t)fire?n W friendly aiiitfiostile IndtaWm-)ti parr.it.3jof k Autaa'iivlViefidU) liid 'bjfcn inyo Jft!

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