..2A.:..t Continued r'm the flmt jioge. sidesto rectify id conbert the general line of de markation upon points not Metermtnca oy a wer " . . ' - - . .V- r---.J r-n Utrpaml and resnectinc which 1 SOme vCHnCUIUCa L . .. f-K i and Siiint JOSePllt riCHIUH- uuiiaty eppoin-.ed by his Majesty the Emperor of the French, King or Ialy v PrUector of the ConftrteVatroTnjf Rhine,, Mediator of; the c f.i-n. htinp Drovicled With full Hs hiennes the. rriuce. chatel, Vice Constable Major of;. Neuf General of the Amy. ... r . ' , The Count of Schouvaloff, lieutenant gmeral, aid de camp general of his M. the E,mptror of all the Kusia, grwid cross of the order of Wolo; cmir, 2d class, grand cross of '.he ordei of Saint Ann. Uriii ht6f the order of Siint George, 4th Uass, commander of the order of St. John of Jtrusakm, sr.d grand cross ef the Red Eagle of rrussia, ana M. ue ivicisi, iwu.im the service of his M the King of Prussia, grand cross of the Red Eagle of Prussia, of Saint Wo Iodiciir, 2d class, and Saint Ann of Russia, lenight of the Order of Meiit, and of the Iron Cross of Prussia, and the Legion of Honor, provided with full powers from his excellency General or infantry Barclay t!e' Tolly, general in " 9., ' Staff Officers shal) e'apiota!ri fnld'ht arise 10. -jAlLthe movements of the troops ahall be so regulated as that each ainy shall octupy its new . line the 12th June 'j 1st May) All the corps or art oriKetoffiblncd lie beyonu the Elbe, or in Saxony, shall reenter Prussia."'"' :'" ? 'V:-y' '''iy-'.; tl.t Officers of the French and of the combin ed Army shafl be dispatched con iointlj to ? cause nosuuues 10 cease on aa puinit u uian.M-6 armistice known. l The respective : commanders in chiefs shall furnish- them with the necessary powers ' v--v ; ' : 12. There shall be appointed on both aides two Commissioners, general officers, to superin tend the execution of the stipulations of the pre sent armistice. They shall be stationed within the line of neutrality at Newmarket, in order to pronounce upon the differences which might oc cur. . V' . ,! . . These Commissioners' are to repair thither within twenty four hours, for the purpose of dis patching the officers and the orders which are to be forwardtd agreeiiily to the present armistice Doriend agreed upon the present act, in twelve articles, and by duplicate, the day, month, and year, above mentioned. Signed, UAUL1NCOURT, a f.r Wincr vrhanped their full powers at GebersdorfiVjhe- 1st of June (20th JVlay) and signed a suspension of arms for 30 hours,. having iMt i th niae tif"Pleiewitr, neutralized, for thai nurnose. between the advanced posts of the Duke of Vicence, respective armies, in order to coptinue the ra- j SCHOUvVALOEF- De KLEIST. -gociations of an armistice calculated to suspend ! Sn and ratified by order of the Emperor and hostilities between ail 'the" belligerent troops' tt( 'King, the 4 th Junfe, 1 8 1 3.:- -trhatever point tUt may be ; have agreed to the! The Prince Vice Coi stable of France, Major Ibllovvine articles : - wocraionne vranaumy Art.: 1 Hostilities shall cease upon all points! Signed des,"and stored in the proximity of the Swedish irontiersviThe Norwegians, -thus deVoted t fall the horrors tof famine, through the hatred of Iheir neighbours',: uriil retake; in Swedearthesuccours which the paternal cares of their sovereign had destined . for. them'''. ..- .'.''!; ' ' . PjH ague, June 3.-'.'. r Field Marshall Prince of Schwaruenberg arriy ed here oh the 29th in the evening, with a nume. reus retinue.?,,, ; ' Ht;:v.if -,x-,' ( Personages of the Highest distinction 'are expjjc ted here from Vienna.- Every preparation is .fe C . ck: i NuBEMBRo,; June 6.J.; We have lust received "positive .Information' that the Emperor of Russia aud the&ng of Prussia, after the issue or the battle of ,Wurtcncn, nave 1 conferred the command in chief of. the combined armies on General Count Barclay de ToHy. The reason aliedged In the order, of the day is, that Uen. Barclay de Tolly replaces ;ne ouni oi vvu genstein because he is his senior,, , The truth is that thiese two generals hate, contradict, and ac cuse each other mutually. - ' ;' ,; - : ' . . ViEUNjf June 3 The departure of his majesty for Bohemia, with the minister of foreign affairs, has excited here the most flattering hopes- Our .course oj exchange has experienced a sudden rise of 19 per cent. , . t , Lous3waG, June 5. TKF Austrian eeneral Cyuntde llubna, . set off frnm Dresden on the 29 th of May for the head (BTAUTUORITT'Or THE STAHS"OFrK.c 1 prize of 1 do 1000 , -5UO- ALEXANDER- Paris, June 13. Her M. the Empress Queen and Regent has re ceived the following account of the situation of the aimies on the 6th of June. The Head Quarters of his M. the Emperor were at Liedmitz. The Prince of Moskwa still remained at Bres-lau. The Gommissarieis appointed by the Emperorof at the notification of the present armistice. 2. The armistice shall continue to the. 8th July iWW iuiyj inclusive, ana i uay iuiui y uotince at its expiration. , t r 3. Hostilities, then fore, cannot begin; anew, until 6 days alter Jhe denunciation of the armistice at the respective head quarters. 4. The line of Demarkation between the bel- lUannt nrmisi Jo Amtfrmtnt A S fbllOWS ! In Silesia-- t he line ot ; ciemarxauon oi me' umm ,an) uic iini9ii tmucMLuiwii, wc combined army ; from the frontier of Bohemia, ; the count of Schouwalof, lietrt. geni Aid-de-camp passing through Dittersbach, Plattensdort, Land general to me limperor, aiiu m. ae routousoi, shut, shall follow the Bober, as far as Rudels - major general, Aid de camp general to the Em. tadt, from thence through Bolkenhayin, Striegau,1 peror. Those on the partol France are the gene following the Steiganier Wasser as far as Cauth,: mI of diviwon Count Dumomier, commanding a and will join the Oder passing through Bettlem,' division of the guard; and the general of brigade Oltaschin and Althoff. jl' lahau't, Aid de camp to the limperor. These Thecombired army may occupy tlte towns of; Commissioners are stationed at New-market. Landshut, Rudelstat, Bolkenhayn, Striegan andi The Duke of Treviso transfers his head-quar. vautn, as iiKcwiac mcir uuuium , !..- " " t -vi- TJtic line of the Fiench army also, from the c; guard returns to Dresden, where it is pre frontier Iw.tdering on Bohemia, will pass through I sumed the Emperor will establish his head . quar """SoiUersrrtuf, Altz Ramuitz, -following the course j le"' ; m v;fi .mitiias in i hu i,.Kr not! The spvfrl rurnififthtf armv arp nut in mt ill iiirri2Mii iiici v. .iivii bi.iavtf iiiv u'fuvii ivi - - - - - - t- far irom Brteldorf t then following the Bober as ' tion, to form camps ift the different positions of far as Lahn, from thence to Neu Kirch, on the:joldberK, Lieenburg, Buntzlau, Liegmitz, Spro Katzbnch, in a direct line, trom whence it will teau, aagan, ecc. 18 B2o0o ;; i - 3 -do . " 200 -r- Jtu 6" do '-'"'iuo"-"' f aa,TdWikketr-eath-2, Z 20 do ' -V 50 7 "' ", 40 do ,. '.. ' ' 20 . ' -,0 ; i80 do ' ' .,15 ; , ' loo do ::. , : io " ', - 80o do :.- ' 6 ITJ quarters of his Majes'y the Emperor of the French with a numerous i-etinue, and such descriptions as announce a stay of long duration. FeAnkfort, June 9.' , The remains of his excellency the Cirand Mar f shall of the Palace, Duke of Fnoul, arrived here to be transported to Paris. . Yessrday, and the day before, numbers of Rus sian and Prussian prisoners passed through here. For some days back, the passage of troops, es pecially cavalry, hVs been extremely frtqjent through oui city. There are among these troops several regiments of , infantry of the Imperial guard, and a numerous train of artillery. Our gan ison is chiefly comp 'sed of cuiras siers and dragoons, who perform the guard duty, and are tj be re-mounted in this city. follow the course of thct riveF to the Oder. The town of ParscnwiV. Leignilz, Goldberg and fiabn, whatever may be the banks on which they arr sted, may, as well as theie suburbs; be oc cupied by the French troops. The whole of the territory between the Tine of tle. rkation of the French and Combined armies shitt be neutral, and cannot be occupied by any troops, not even by laurisi urns ; this clispos.tlon of course applies to the city of Breslau. , Frorn the mout.h'"of the Ka.slach, the line of dciiiaikrtion will follow the course of the Oder to the- fromkr of Saxony, ranging the frontier of Saxony and ol Prussia," and - will join the Elbe fron; the, Oder not far from Muhlrone, and follow lug h; frontier of Prussia in such a manner that the whei- of Saxony, the country of.Dassau, and ihe nmil surronding states of the Princes of the .Confederation of the Rhine, shall belong - to the French army j and that the whole of Prussia shall belong t tlte combined army. , The Prussian territory enclosed within Saxony shall be considered as neutral aud cannot be oc cupied by any troops. . ; The Elbe, to its mouth, fixes and terminates the line of demarkation between the belligerent jjrrnies, excepting the points specified asjollows : The French army shall retain the Island, and every thing that shall be in itsoccupancy in - the 32d jnili:ary division on the 27th May (8th June) at midnight. , l - . If Hamburg is only besieged, it shall be treated as the other besieged cities Every article of the present armistice relative to it is applicable there to. "" ' . . . The line of the advanced posts of the belligc rent armies at the date of the 27th May (8th June) at midnight, shall. form for the 33d military divi sion that of the demarkation of the armistice, save the-ituli'ary . rectiTications vhich the respective commanders my deem necessary. These, fee. ibcr.iions shall be done- in concert by an officer of the taff from each army, on the principle of a perfect reciprocity. o , ' r 4 The places of Dantzic. Modlin, amosk, Stettin,, and Custrin shsll be supplied with provi eioas every Bit h day according ip the strength of their garrisons, by the care, of ihe commandants Of the b:a kadmg troops. - V 5. A ' omniissary appointed by the command am of ecchpl'.ce shall be near that of the besieg- ititr trco.os, to asceium that all the stipulated pro- . . i r l . i 7 . - ihvons ie exuc-iiy iuinisjicu. The Polish corps of Prince Ponifowski, which is now crossing Bohemia, i3 expected at Zittcau on the 1st of Jun. ' 1 Paris June 13. Her Majesty the Empress Queen and Regent has received the following account of the situation of the armies on the 7th June, His M. the Emperor's bead quarters were at Bunzlau. All the corps of the army were in navch" for their cantonments. The Oder was co vered with boats descendsd from Breslau to Glo gau, loaded with artillery, tools, flour and articles of all kinds, taken from the enemy. The city of Hamburg has been retaken on the 30th by storm. Prince Echmuhl bestows great praise on the conduct of gen. Vandamme. Ham burg had been lost during the preceding campaign through the pusillanimity of gen. Saint Cyr- It is to the vigor displayed by gen. Vandamme, from the instant of his arrival in tiie 32d military division, that we owe the preservation of Bremen, and now lhe taking of Hamburg. We have taken-several hundred prisoners 72 or 3000 pieces of cannon have been found in the city, 80 of which on the ramparts. Works have been csnstructed to put the city in a state of de fence. ' ' '; :.:'"' ; Denmark marches with us. Prince Eckmuhl contemplated marching to Lubeck.-Thus the 32d military division, anJ the whole territory of the Empire, are entirely lrejejrpm,the enemy. . Orders have been given to make a strong place of Hamburg ; it is surrounded with a bastioned rampart, having a. large ditch full of waters and susceptible of being covered in part-by inunda tions. The works are directed in such a manner as to keep a communication with Hamburg through the isianas, at an times. another Havel. Loen.g5tein, rorgau, Wittembenr, Mae deburg, I level, and Hamburg, will compleat the lin i of defence of the Elbe. . ' 1 he dukes of ,- Cambridge " and of Bruns wick princes tf; the house of England, have arrived at Hamburg in time to give more eclat . to - the suc cess of the French. Their journey arromus simply to this l they arrived, and they javed themselves. - .. . The last battallions of the five divisions of Prince Eckmuhl, which are composed of 72 bat tallions in the full complement, have set off from Wessel. ','v " -.. - 5 I) ri iigTlirttmTofTth of the 'Campaign, ihe place bbail have beyond its tnclosure asurroundjng circle ota l rench league t which space ol ground ahull be neutral Magdeburg shall consequently nave us limits one league on tne ngm DanK tot ilic ii'.'c. . " r. ; - ---- ! ... 5f. a rrencn omcer a.ian oe sent to each be- aiged place, to acquaint-the commandant of the 1 ocnclusion of the armistice, Ecof its revjctualliniN A Risivian or Prussian nffir.pr mnir rr w - . ' mm j HVWV1IJ him oo the way either going or returning. . 8 Cirhmiasiiie appointed on both sides in each place shairTeguteie the price of the victuals 'Vbat shall be furnishtdT 'Phis bill, settled ,at the WidVtvery fnonth by the Comraissaricseharg ti.in suPerntending the perlbrmance of the aafjjjicej. Hhaii yt paiu Inrst iieau Quartets by . n.w. jay uaaicr unuc (nry French army has freed Saxony Conquered half Silesia, re occupied the 32d military division, and confounded the Hopes of our enemies. . r . ' , ' - '' . " ; ' , . . Moniteur , . ' ; - Altoma, May 29. ' Baron de Kaas, president of the royal chancery of Denmark, passed through thisplacc-latety' j he is charged if ith an exiraordinary mission to his mjesty-the Empetoi of the French. AH the Danish troops in tlx Holstein, h..ve been sent by me rvinrr unr uie oruen oi nis excellency LJVIar- shal prince of Eckmuhl. It is reported that the Prince Christiaiv.presumpiive heir to the crown. who had come into JuLitd, is gone over to Nor. way t( putliimself at the head of an aimv which wiil enier Sweden. All" the. provisions which the Danish government attempted to send to. Norway 1'hiuadklphia, July 24. PRIVATE COIUIESPUMDENCE. - Cornmunic-ted fir' the llegitier. kt GottkneUru, May 15, 1313. "The crown prince arrived here on the 1st instant ; the splendor of the illumination and other preparations in and autof the c;iy, -was beyonu imagination ? you saw a little when the princess arrived in' 18 10, but they hardly admit of a torn parison. " He left here on the 3d for Carlscrona, there to embark for Swedish Pomerania, for which p'ace an embarkation also has been made here. The troops, in all, over 30,000, will enter the king of Denmark's dominions in Holstein, where they will remain, to be supported by . the inhab itants, until Denmark agrees to the guarantee of Norway to Swedtn, made by Russia, England and Prussia; and they, on the other . side, hope to starve the Norwegians into a compliance and, as a hiost severe weapon to this effect, the British have brought into this por every Danish vessel, either with or without license, and the Swedes have stopped them. There is already more than 100,000 barrels or 400,000 birshels of grain pow in the port, taXen from the poor Danes ; all this was destined for Norway, and in consequence, they have but about six weeks means, of subsist tence. Captain Holstein lett here oa the , I lih by order of this, government ;- he was the last of the Danish functionaries in this country. rTheliead quarters of Bonaparte is -at F.rfurth ; the army is at different places on the left bank of the Elbe ; a, small force is at Harburg opposite Hamburg. Danizic, Magdeburg, Stettiii and Glogau, are still in possession cf the French ; and however you may suppose from British ac counts, yet the confederacy, in my opinion, will soon have to concentrate their forces a little near er the borders of Russia. It is impossible to form any idea of the immense force of the . Frtnch.jai all communication has lor a long tune ceased .be tween the contendius powersat Hamburg they are as much in the dark as we are?; and although all are ol opinion Jns lorce is very ; great,-jet, many think he will remain idle," contrary to liis most characteristic principle." STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Secretary'- Office, July 14 1813. The Reports-of Cases decided in the Supreme P.mirt nf WnrtK Frrr cnn r.,l .- mm - , , ... . - I " HKIIU V'HTOMB .Milt .Ull II I ' I O W f , TheEmperor has onhlred the constructions offe JuIy Term 18.3, inclusive, are now filed -in mcr p.avc u u -ui? inouyi oi inc ithis office and ready for publication. uy ior puoitcation. ihese ire ports, it -s believed, will fill up at least 1000 pages of the common octavo size. The Le&isla. ture Jiaving directed these reports to be published for the .benefit of the Statci sealed, proposals will be received at this Office up to" the lOih . day of Uccember next lorihe Copy tight of said reports for seven years. The person contracting for th"e" Uopy right will lurmsh; this Depirtment' with sixty" six Copies of said reports for the- use of the State, ; -..,' ;-j-r -i;:. i .v ,'" -WM. HILL, Set. tf State For Sale, , , I N the city of Raleigh, two LOTS well improv . ed, convenient to a fine spring, and in an ex cellent neighbourhood,-and well situated-for the corivenienceof private families ; one .f theni in cluding twq acres, a'mDst elegant seat, the .oilier has notv as much ground attached to it. Apply to STERLING YANCEY. Jlaleigh, July 37, 1813. v f : ' YANCEY 8c BRANSQN - OFFER sale their STOCK OF GOODS, in the City ol Raleigh, For Cash, of on a Ciedi lor JJcgofubl Paper a haiuisome Visortment for many placed' and wM laid in. - 1 May O, 131 - 8i'3 tl ; - l072 prizes,! Not two blanks 2028 blank, to a'pcic. 3 100 ticket ut 5 dolUis each,"is . g 1 5 ifn . .The cash prizes subject to deduoen !,i n ' per cent. . .''''. j 01 . ; i Stationary ft uea as follow ' nisi swuiiiwii ojaiuts entitled to First drawn Ticitet, . ?, Ditto, oh tne 4in, 6th, 8th, and i 10th days, ,' "... Ditto, on the 12th, 14th, 16th and 1 8th days, ; ? ' Ditto, ou iach day from ther20lh to the 30tli inclusive; exceplinp- w dolls. 50 dolls, each 20d0is.eaci! the Tickets con$tifAuiDg pllz4 20 tickets y IQ C0n3lbt tt ihe N,77ll ;h .20 of -the berTbr the 20th day, und so regularly aacc', from loln khn: i.- . . : S J2 40pio be one prize, the firsL20, or lovesl v.j' Dolls. 2Q0 JJalis too DolS. , 50'J IajIIs, 1000 Dvl',5. 1 00 the 39thrr First drawn on the 40t h da v. vgitto. . . . ,42d,day, Ditto. . . 45th dav. Ditto. ., '4Sth !av. Ditto. . - , . 50th day, Thft Ma . . wfjvui lurrv'nir.fr ir.lirn to the public, in the confidence th2i not only rte': iuuauic uujcui oi me tottery, but the great iii. ducements held oat to adventurers, will ei.sure pewyaie.-K--jHieiJtKets--rrhe-pwvotlirirt.ft ptizes uas setaom Dten exceeded, and they !,., arranged as that the purchaser of a sintls Mirt. by havingihe prosperXot'drawin twtiitv otiuiri.. may . calculate on his chance.? obtaining teri, three of the best prizes, for the trifling sum of Rj. ' t.i 1 he drawing will commence on the titst day of October next, and be finished wi'.hcut delay, TH s B. UTTLEJOHNA . WILLI VM ROUARDS, : w WILLIAM M. SNEED, iicKETS at 5 doJiiirs each, for sale, ct ia o& nerva Oince. . ."" ' . J March 26, 1813 : 8S.-ti!l (-u Navigation of Roanoke. IN conformity to an ; Acrof the last Ceueral' .Assembly, entitled " An act for im proving ik Navigation of Roanoke River, from the' towief Halifax to the place where the Virginia lity in tersects the same," the undewgheii, Coniii.-sioi:-ers named in the said act for the city cf Uaki;;V hare opened a Book 'for Subscriptions' for fciuvu , in the Capital Stock for accompLhing the sii(i t.i dertaking, which wili (TfJrTtinue opeii till thy .Ut'of. October, at the Bookstores ol J. rJdlci nd W. Boylan. ; " ' ; ; . The proposed Capital Stock is limited to 100' OOQ dollars, to be divided into sharts of 100 do-; lars each. A general meeting of the subslrlben is ,to be held at Halifax on the 4th MonJdy u Oc tober next : and if 400. shares he"not"suh:iibedl beiore,br at said meeting, all suhslMlptions rnii!. f rw i vniil. K.ir it a enlhimn mirr tr -rl :h:n i De ttrcn suuscnoea, a company is to, oe organii ed, under the title of The Iloanrtc A'w'&i'u ten vliT' . C'dmiany,', and subscribers must then pay 'ten vl f lars on every' share subscribed , aoi '..the rcm;.n' dor when called upohi except thaitl morehai' 3y . 1-3 dollars on a share not be called far r.i any brie year. , ,, , , H. EAWLLL,' I '. V .. "'',.f; ' W BOVLN. April 10 ' , ' ' , - J. G ALEti. . (C Subscription Rooks ereialso-opened at Eikr; 1 ton, tJlymouih, Windsor, Hah bs, ai i enjo ),Lvv (ohl ; Rocksborough, Caswell C Hcuse,j VeaT: wbrtii andOermantoB, underthe directiunof inres Commissioners at each , placu. -V-.';,'. . v. , ' Land for; Sale.' THE subscriber offers for sale a valuab!: trait of LAND, containing. 320 acres, siniHtJ in. the county-of-Orange, witbin four miles of 1 towt of Hillsborough ; this land is well a''e'A a river or creek running quite througlv it, and tn soil equal to any .inthe ntighbourhood. 1 4 presumed no person, will' purchase withoo; viewing the land, therefore a further, descriJ?. is deemed unnecessary Any person wiahiu lV purchase is invited to view the land, and the tur-fl'5-' will be made, known by the subscriber, jivlJiii.tL me piemisfjs, or in nis aosence iur. ijcvi i- ' whose land adjoins the aforesaid tract. ... ..., ROBERT R. READK. June 15; 1313. - . ;;. 900-. ..;...:'.' . ATTENTION ! . The absent mcmbeis of he "Raleiiii Volua eers are enrnV mamicd to follinr the Cwirpa" to Newbern with al' uossi We iiifatfU JJN R. CLARK Cat. WILMINGTON ACADEMV. ; A PERSON of 'decent manners1 an 1- d"''" neached morals, capable "of .-Teachine' the Lnu, iish Langu3gein all its branched gr-amiiatical.!yi and the Lrfitin Lianguage- in its 'earlier sia'i so, Writing and Arithmetic, is ' wanted in thii.1" cademy, to commence his duties on. the -first of the ensuing November, i?id to con inue untiH'f first day of the sdbseque.nt A!.'j'ust. ' AT'I"'-; are requested to hand in th-eirprflpfirdjon-or'r fore -the first day of SepttmVr ntxt.to - : JAMES W. WALKER, &rv ;' July 22, 903.Msp,-v:-';' M-1 'iVV: , . Tiwntv Dollars 'Re RAN AW AY tVwnlie Subycnber oh VVedntKriHy, tle,f June, . a ncro man named NED,' about 23 years of .;' 5 Icei or IQ-iucheliighL Said iicgro wai b .oglu tt Mr, uelllill ol! Rockineham counivrN. C. but Vas trtki-li! ir u the Eastern Shores orMaryland j il Is u;posed h fc'll fc I ing "about Salisbury,. N, C. a his wile, was sold w Ju W- 01 that place, whoever wjllnrfhrpd said. JiegM a .oM-vu htm in any jail that I may; gel' fmn iiguin, shall itccuc tb buve reward, an.l ail'reasonable diaries paid. - , TOOM.S -I.IPE. ' Chatha.s.i-C, Junr 181. .-; t- . , - i .