W'.!,ISSi 'Ik,,' .4.' t patiopometimerto call forth Us energies anil ;ex. tend its arm to vindicate its rights, and to compel - due degree of jfotUSe'atid rejspect, "the councils of a country may mistake the time W-nd let the rt fleeting statesman contemplate thepres'-nt aw ful and convulsed "state of the civilised world,nd ask bitnHcIf if our , young anonce happy country 1ms chosen the fit moment in which, to right her. self Iwtojjhnkjwr destinies in the great contests of 'belligerent Europe ? tn give-into sucnarf-inrfd ! eapeet to recede from them at will f But the die is cast, she has made the attempt, and nothing re mains lo the good citizen but to obeythe consul tuted authorities of his country . Again we' have those old burthens and taxes, and it will behove -every one to prepare to meet them and. to bear their part iiir other wordsrjfvhether personal ser . e or money contribution be required, all ought to do their duty and to yield a willing compliance, and that eveijr gpod chizenwilt thus act his part, there can be nothing to fear, I am well persuaded in our quarter. I may dd in conclusion, the war continues on the Canada frontier and that no late event haft turned up to strengthen Our prospect of peace, -o-ther than ihat which presented itself through the Russian mediatioil-.it the commencement of the cession. The President had, before the meeting of congress, sent off commissioners for St. Pe. tersburgh to meet such as Great-Britain ought send to join them to negotiate and "conclude a peace uudernhe auspices of that power;" The late rejection of Mr.Gallatin as one ofMhecoramis sioncrs byihe Senate, it is presumed will materi ally affect the mission. No news has been asi yet received from them; but it seems to remain the more general expectation and hope that some arrangement will be brought about, and peace once uiorr restored., . JL am, Sir, most .respectfully, . Your ob't serv't, R. STANFORD- Con- to A LIST Oi? ACTS. at the I''irt te$ionof the Thirteenth r ' . ... greta. r- : An act for the remission of certain duties the Pennsylvania Academy of the fine arts. . An act concerning suits and costs in courts of the United States. " An act for the it fief of Thomas Denny, An act to authorise the raising a corps of sea fen;ibles. y f ' .! An act for the relief of EUshat J. Winter. An act to provide for the accommodation of the of militia slam and fomilltia disabled hi thVeer vice of the UStates. y . '? y,,f:;-.. ' An act making additional appropriations for the support of government during the year one thou sand eight hundred artdlthifu;en.-V7iv;C;X;. Ah act laymg duties on notelof banks, bankers and certain companies, on notes, . bonds and obli potions discounted by banks and certain companies' and on bills of exchange of certain ' descriptions. An act hwklng further proVuidifIbrlhe"coP lection of intern duties and for the appointment and compensation of assessors. .- - f. S ; An act for the relief of John James Dufour and his associates.' ';' v.-' An act to authorise the appointment Jby the President of ctrtaiq officers during the recess of congress. - . p ; -7 -' . . An act for the relief of David Henley. An act for reducing the duties payable on prize goods captured by private armed vessels. ' An act for the relief of the officers and crew of the late United States brig Vixen, l m ' An act supplementary, to the act, entitled (l An act for the 'better regulation of the ordnance." An act giving further time for registering claims to lands in the late district of Aritaxisaw, ia the territory of Missouri, and for other purposes. An act authorising the sale of sundry lots, the property pf the United States, in the borough of rwsbmg. - . . . 7 j ; . . - ; v .;' -; ; . .-'. 7 - . ...W;" - -;; rAaorit ia idr is approbated hf thecollege au? t horityy ; 1 .Cv"" :l a A larerA unrl kullltftnl ittn laf1vr n1 nvri An act explanatory of an act entitled ( An act to raise ten additional companies of Rangers." . An act for the relief of Joshua Dorsey . An act for the relief of George Lyon. An act io amend and explain - the acts regula ting pensions to persons on board private armed ships. " 7- An act allowing a bounty to the owners, officers and cfevs of the private armed vessels of the U. States-,"' "' . :. - . An act for the relief of Willet VVarne. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1813. A forge and brtlUsnt meteor lately '"passed over Augusta, Ueorgiac-'v ;v kJThe British" friiteV Loirer ,io j going through Plum Out, in the Sound, on the 25th ult. struck upon arook, atid, received so much iriiury that WOlhef frigate was sth A cartel arrived at Providence on Tuesday last irom Uarbadoes. bringing 363 prisoners. Sh was put under quarantine, and nothing could be learnt irora her. . , " .'. . . r) T : - k The cartel ship Rodrigo, capt IVaine, has ar rived at Boston from England, with 150 American prisoners. v; . . The British frigate Venus, of 35 guns, arrived at St. Thomas on the 9th May, with the loss of her bowsprit and several men killed, in an en gagement t with an American vessel supposed to ba the General Armstrong privateer of this port General Taylor has declined accepting the ap pointment of Brigadier General 'ln the service of the.United States. t The effects of the Continental system are des cribedin a tfork- recently published in Sweflen, under the authority of Bcrnadotte i L The infallible consequence of the Continen tal System to every state, are, the ruin of coni M nverce and industry ; overwhelming taxes j the " overthrew, of all constitutional forms, itermlna " ble wars, on account of others) equally expensive ,( and sanguinary." - CONGRESS .'Adjourned on Monday the 2nd instant, after a session, in which, we believe, little wUl be found to have been done to advance the true interests of the U. States. . A list of such acts as have been passed will be found in this paper One feature of the late session, however it may mortify some, cannot fail to be pleasing to those : who are attached to the union on constitutional usehold of the President of the United States, land purely federal principles. We mean the An act making an appropriation tor fint3hing! decided negative which the benate have put upon the Senate Chamber, and repairing the roof of thjB'porth wing of tbefcapitol. An act for the further defence of the ports and Jfjarbors of the United States v An act to relinqnish the claim of the United States to IS' tain goods, wares and merchandise fcaptured bj private armed vessels. . . An act for the relief of Alexander Scott.- An act for the relief of Alexauder Phoenix. An act further extendiog the time lor issuing md locating military land warrants. An act for the relief Thomas Sloo. An act for the government of persons in Cer tain fisheries. An act concerning streets in Georgetown. An act to amend the act in addition to the act entitled An act to raise an additional military force, and for other purposes.'' -An act autheriaing-the-gresident of the Uni-h MajorJjen. Jdnes-Aqj-General Stetas tocause to be built barges for the defence f theports und harbors of the United States. '; An act for the relief of the owners of the ships called the Good Frrenas, Amazon, and the Uni ted States, and their cargoes, and Henry Brice. An act making compensation for waggons and teams caplured by the enemy at Detroit. An act to prohibit the use of licences or passes granted by the authority of the government of the ynited kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. An act supplementary to the acts heretofore passed upon the subject of an uniform rule of na turalization : An act to establish the town of ' Mobile a port vif entry. An act to autaorise me transportation oi certain documents free of postage. . An act laying duties on sales at auction of mer chandise, and of ships and vessels. ' , An act laying a duty on imported salt, granting a bounty on pickled fish exported, and allowances to certain vessels employed in the fisheries. ! An act concerninginvalid pensioners. " An act laying duties on licences to distillers of -apiriiuous liquors. . - - An act fixing the time for the next meeting of Congress. .- An . act to incorporate a company for making a certain turnpike road in the county of Washing. tpn, in the district of Columbia. tin act laying dutiej on carriages for the con. refined within fcyance of persons. An act laying duties on sugar the U. States. ' fj. ' ; : -': An act. to establish the office of . commissioner .of the revenue. - -' r" An act to continue in force for a limited time - . . ' .... .s r r . i- a certain act authorising corps oi rangers ior uie protcaionf the frontierof-thfr U. States, & raa iiner annroDriations. for the same. . Ao act for the relief of Edwin T. Saterwhite. . "n act to regplate the allowance of; forage to Arprem the armvof the U. States. . An act freeing from postage all letters and pac the suDerintendant General of militarjr supplies.' v ; - An act to incorporate a company, for making a rtain tuTapike road in the county of Alexandria. An act reward the officers I and crew of the loop of war Hornet, and Lieutenant Elliot and his officers and companions'. : - , p ; - , An act for the assessment and collection of di Jtfct taxes and internal duties. Vvi ? An act to lay and collect a direct tax within the States- ' ' -r-x ' " ' An nrt iitKftr,isin b loan for a sum not exceed. Ine seven miiHnn fiv hundrcd4Uwusand dollars. ; An . act laying duties on, licenses, to retailers of atinea KnnAH tiA foreign - merchan. y -..vg, SUIIUWUJ IHJlW'" - " O iTmze. several of the favorite measures of the executive. As was to have been expected, all the syco phants and demagogues, who can venerate notb ing in a government but its ostensible head but that branch which has the distribution of. the loaves and fishes all these we say, have opened a loud and finited cry against the body which har stood-as a fence between the people and the ODDressive strides of their unworthy rulers. Nor would it strike us as being strange, if Kentucky should revive and carry her resolution so to alter the constitution, as to limit the duration of the senatorial term to two years. A grateful people, notwithstanding, will we trust rightly estimate the services of those who have stood by their inter ests, in hese tiroes of danger and of alarming usurpation Williams. Col. Kodeer, Major Henderson, Sec. with Capt Hunter's Cavalry have returned from their expedi tion to Newbern. Capt. Clark's infantry are on their way home, and will probably reach thb to- ' ' - e ' - I Our elections for-members 6f assembly took place yesterday j and we expect speedily to be furnished with the result. ' John William, esq. of Knoxville Ten-has been appointed Colonel of the 39th regiment U. S. infantry. Col. Williams 'corbmanded-ihe ex peditiorv of Tennessee volunteors, which lately subdued the Lotchaway Indians. . The British admiralty coupt has decided, that an American vessel, sailing under , a British li cense, is protected thereby from condemnation, even if captured defiarting front a blockaded fior( From Lake Erie, wc learn, that the British squadron, consisting of one ship, two brigs and two sloops, lately appeared off the town f Erie, and seemed tdhreateh ah attack. They sheer, ed off, however, without doing any thing We have several gun-boats and two new brigs, not yet completed, in that harbor. office before them- fev. oCtheni'of, much ItnpcnV tahce,tr we except! the following, which aner confirmed T - --fv'.- "- :-1 Jom Smitb. (Uik a Senator) Marshal of Nr 4 Vork,' ioe Peter Curtemus. ' "'ft-, ?-' ; " '. . ' ." Samuel WSxtxkt Commissioner of the Re Venue. ' ! M' '; ; "'; "i . V" 'Xolr danrf-toMi to biT Brigadier General V tha Army "ly, , 1 . 'v -; , ; We'have not within a day or two heard of anf movements of our armies in any direction' The time for action; however," v approahes arid we momentarily expect to hear news of the progress of the wsr frvm more than one, quarter.Vr It is said, .and we believe coivectly, that tjre -Secret Xar of 'War is about to proceed in pt. son to the Northern fromierto be Hearer the sesjt of War, and with the greater dispatch and effect to perform the functions of his station, at this nioment so important to be : discharged with promptitude -and decision. We have not' heard fc at what point the Secretary will ' locate himself; or whether 1t be not his purpose to examine in -person the state of our various frontier positiohii. General Wileimsom, who is now in this city t will proceed in a few days for the lines. : ' General Hampton is now at Burlingfony at tfu head of a large fbi ce, into which the papers stai he has already infused additional spirit, and mucf stricter discipline than before characterized it. J .' f"iT ' '' l:, A?t. Int. ' ... or near a week past there has been from 20 a ' ?5 sail of the blockading iquadroh in sight of thi s city, plainly-perceptible from the -dome of the state house ; three of the enemy's vessels haV ' been lying off and above Sanlv Point, ft miles k. From Mr. Grundy's statement and Mr. Goldsbo- bove the city,) for a few days past, and a 74 And h pear as u Air. f runay naa attacked Air. rtan- son in his absence, but the -subjoined letter re futes the supposition. " Jugutt 2, 181ft Dear Sir The other day during yenir absence, the subject of the Russian mediation was -again brought up by Mr. Grundy. He read " ta the house a passage, which was understood to be in the hand writing of col. Monroe, and purporting to be a detail of the time and manner of the proffer fd mediation, from which, he said, it would ap pear, that he was authorized to make the state ment which he had done some days before in se. cret session that the mediation vres accepted a few dayt, not weeks, after it was tendered. blot hearing distinctly the contents of the pa per which he read, I called on Mr. Grundy for the paper itself or a copy. He staled that it was not then in his possession, but he would procure it for me.- - ,The next morning: Mr. G. came to me in my seat, with the National Intelligencer in his hand containing the statement made by him, which he said was substantially correct ; the word March af ter the figure 8 was, as he believed, the onlyo mission. He remarked, that I would observe his statement, and that made by Mr. Hanson, were not irrecohcileableihis related solely to Mr. Mow roe that he did not pretend to ny what did or aio not pasinetween tne. resident and Mr. Dasch-! tacked a body ot the enemy, (who dispersed tar korr 1 replied, that was my own impression and ' the mountains and took the military chest with further, that Mr. Monroe's statement was rnere- 6 millions of reals. The French force which is ly affirmative, and did not even prove, that he i commanded by Joseph Bonaparte in person is cal- had no knowledge ot a previpus tender of the mc- cnlated at 40,000 infantrVand 7000 cavalry ; and Lokooh, May 3 1 . Our ministers have, it fs said( exoflicially vowed their having rejected the profitred mediaj. tion of Russia, between this country and the Unijj; ed States ; and it. is even said, that the ' conduct of sirJ. B. Warren isv under censure, for having so prematurely granted passports to Messrs. Gal. latin and Bayard, whose diplomatic mllsibrTwilt, doubtless, have other objects in view upon theCor tinent, than merely that of pacification England. ' .. : lS Bains Natt. -The present grand total con- sists of 1017 ships, of which 258 are of the line, 37 from 50 to 44 guns, 240 frigates, 1 64 sloops of war, 13 bombs and fire ships, 161 brigs, 12 cut ters, and 65 schooners and luggers. - - Lisbon, June 26-.-Onthe 16th Lord Wellington passed the Ebro at the bridge of Arenas-On the 17th his head quarters were at Qumcouse, and 'en the 8th at Berberans 5 leagues from Vittorta, on the asm- day his vanguard before that place encounter: the rear gnard of the enemy, composed of 6000. The enemy left the field covered with dead, ami 300 prisoners fell into our power. '" Another cdS, luran oi Wellington's army, on the same day, au wxea a oooy ot tne enemy, (who dispersed diation made to the president spcclfuUyiiQiiiLohedient, Hsn, A. G. Hanton JO : PJ2 ARSON. Captaiw Travis, of the Revenue Cutter, who was same time since taken in Torek River, has been parolled, and is now in this place he states that in the attack upon the Janon frigate, by the Gun-Boats, four shot struck the hull of the frigate, one man was killed and three slightly wounded. Capt. T. was on boardTKc Junon at the time. Norfolk Ledger there are 13.000 commanded by Clauzel in Na varre. Our force since the union of Minarfconeav mcnuizaoei anaomcrs, it more than 100,009111 north of Spain'. It is said, Suchct has arrived at Saragossa, retreating. 1 ; - '"" w v June 26 The head quarters of Lord. Welling, ton were on the 1 6th cf June I46 leagues frni Lisboh, and about 30 from Bayonne in Jfrance. It takes 6 days for intelligence from him to reach Lisbon.'' . " v- ' .."z V ' DIED, On the 22d ult. at Fort George! in Upper C nada, of a fever, Col. John : CHarsTix. of th& a mgate arrivea a tew days since, and went Army ot the united states a gentleman wM?! up the Bay. The Piantagenet, of 74 guns, aad a tender remain in Lynhaven Bay, Blowing Ufi of the Young Teozcr. Among the prisoners arrived at Boston in the cartel Agnes, was a boy by the name ef John Ouincr. who bravery and talents had placed him at an earlv in cne rans ne neid. ; t: Offers wasun noar l e wnnncr i Pflrnr. ramain i lAhoAn. ' j nniff wnA hA hne na. f A Joseph Ross, COMMISSION MERCHANT, nis services as - a msaxk' usnrtn when she exploded in sight of La Hogue He i any ot the Banksx in the City of Raleigh, on tlrs n given me tojiowing particulars oi mat un tor annexed mouerate terms. The Enemy's Chesapeake squadron according to thje latest accounts, -was lying auove ana near Annapolis, which is thirty miles below Baltimore. The citizens oTthe latter are again very much-on the alert; and are using every precaution against an attack. - ; I,...-: On the 3d instant, a destractive fire broke out in New.York. which consumed several houses. One person was burn t lb death. '. A gentleman named Sha wa lately shot in Chilicothe, Ohio, by a person called John 3. Tabb. There had s been a personal qaarrel be tween them. j';,':' - t The latest accounts from the Creek Indians; are from Col. Hawkins to the Governor of Georgia, under date of the 27th July. The run-nets-had all come in,' and'Col. Hawkins requests the governor to consider his letter as an authentic advice of a meditated attack, 'the, hostile Indian force, it is supposed, -may amount to about2500 men. ' v JV court martial, assembled at Halifax, for the trial of Capt. Garden, Who commanded the Ma. cedoniau, has acquitted 'hat officer honorably. .The students of Yale College, in, Connecticut. have offered to form a company of infantry v. pro- An acj to"mx)TSr th widows ld orphansjrided the state W fufois them, wijh srmst - tunateTJccurrence : On the morning of the day the explosion took place, they were at the mouth of a small bay, a little to the westward of Halifax. The 74 heaving in sight, she stood in, in .order to go through a passage near a small island : in the bay that led out to sea: When within a short distance of it, and the barges of the 74draw!ng near, .capt. Dobson ordered lieut. Johnson to See the large gun was well loaded lieut. Johnson, being somewhat infuriated at seeing the barges so near, loaded itas he saw fit, filling it full of grape and other shot. Capt. Dobson, on learn ing itf reprimanded him for his Conduct.! Lieiit. Johnson then (having his pistols on his side) went below, and in a few minutes after she blew up. There were on board when she blew up, 37 in all, 29 of which were destroyed, among who were capt; Dobson ; lieut. Johnson ? Mr. Merrill, sailing-master Mr. Allenr prize-master ; 2 boys in the tops ; and 23 men and petty officers. The following persons were saved i Mr. Anderson, of Poland, carpenter bnatswains-matetr ,Mr. rttchell," of New-York j; Mr. Carlow, of Portland,' prize master; Chailes Whitman ofNew.Ybrk, seaman ; John Piles, do. do ; Richard Parker, do. do. burnt a little in the face ; John Quincy, a boy, and a Spaniard ; seven of which were in the fore castle and one in the boat alongside ; The boat immediately came forward, and took them off. They landed neat Malagash, and were confined in the prison there'aorae tide then carried to Halifax, where they all remain, except the above mentioned -boy. Lieut:Johnson's conduct,," on previous occasions, both on board American .and French privateers, warrants the suspicion that he was the cause of the explosion. - . :'; During the few last days, the Senate have had a number of civil and military nominations tp For offering or renewing a Note not exceed- mg do da do 0100 200 SOP 5CX goo o 6S 7 do rV10 - ' . Ar- do ;,'." .'l "do V do all suras above Wishing to encourage Home Manufactures ' I will sell, without charging anyTcommission, t!i kinds of iaboot saving Machinery which may Itl scutto him. ! : v -. 'v .'y Raleigh Augunt 12fA 1813. f r-63t WILL be sold fer cash at the door of the N. Carolina Stale Bank, in the city oT Raleigh , on Thursday the 19th inst, at'10 o'clock ihtt torenoon, a quantity oi "t . , GOLD AND SILVEH BULLION, and 157 Stones, supposed to be Diamonds, prif-'' to the privateer Anaconda of New York, late yntfrh the command of Nathaniel Shaler.' : i ; - . v . v - WJLUAM SCOTT, for BEVERLY DANIEL, Murthaf. . Italeigh, August 13, 1813. for Sale,, IN the city of Raleigh, two LOTS well improve ' ed, convenient to a fine spring, and in ah ex cellent neighbourhood, and- well situated for the convenience of private families ; one ojf tbetn iii chiding two acres, a most elegant seat, tbe otbjer has not:as mucli ground attached to it. p Apply Uo s " -v;' STERLING YANCKY. 7 ; Raleigh, July 37, J81 3.: : . , , YANCEY & BRANSON OFFER for le their STOCK Of GOODS, in the Ciyy Ratcigh; tor Cath or wit CiMl jot Ngoiiable Par haadoma Auortmeal for tf&m plac'aml wtH laid in. " V t4 H A -