Domeftic. - from the Alexandria Gazette. r In the Houseof Representatives of the Ajc S on T uesday last, while the bill roakingrappropria. "" tioi: for defraying the expenses of the Russian Mission was under discussion, Mr. Grundy, in the course of some observations oJv that subject, , took; w-casionJpW a statement which he held, in bis Sand, whlcffhe said was in Jhe hand; writing cf th.SecWi.rf of State, in reference to the , lime wnen and manner the mediation was ouered by - le Russian minister, nd accepted by this govern- kaia Hirt this to correct erroneous meow - ., , . . .,. .,.m(tft heretofore made, both in and out ot the House. He said he had jbeforei .made, this statement to the House at aume wmw uc ua.c not name, but he thought proper to oo u again in this public manner. A he loiiowmg is me sua .r of the statement made by . "r- G. nn ih; - 2 fiih of February last, Mr, DaschkofT wrotta note to the Secretary of State requesting i.jni .. without ataune: us oo cci. uu mc first day of March the intei view took place, at Vhich time he informed the becretary he was authorised O Oner uicausjyj2l ' 7 iv. .rntahe to l&is eovernmem. . kir.t runcii was called in five or six days at 'ter that time when the proposition was laid before them, and it was determind to accept ttw propo sal, and he was ..given to understand wai n wouw - he acceptable. On.the 8thof March he made . Mnn nnA nn t 11th OIIP trtWfm. HI) VtllCI 111 O mcnt accepted U in writing. v In reply to this statement, Mr.jroldsborough aaid, it was not bis intention to engage t in the de bute on the; subject immediately underxthe con sidcrjtion of the committee. ' He rose Only for the purpose of noticing whut had been said by ht gintlejmah from Teunessee (Mr. Grundy) on the subiect of the Russian mediation. It-was obvi- dusAlr.G- said, that a history of the time when and -manner in which the Kussian minister had tendered to our government the good offices of his impel ial master, as a mediator between the trifed Stale and Great Britain. ' had nothing to do with the question now before the committee whtch was, what sum should be appropriated, to defray the expences of the mission to which that mediation had given rise-Yet the gentleman from Tennessee had thought proper to produce to the committee a paper which, as he said, wa9 furnished by and in the hand writing of the Sccre tar of State himself, and from it to make a statement, the direct and evident object of which wss to djsprove the truth of a statement made a Yew day ago respecting the Russian . mediation ty his friend and colleague (Mr. Hanson) and thy to impeach the veracity of that gentleman, who 'happened at this time to be absent fiom the House. Mr. TG: said, that he had the most en tire confidence in the veracity ar.d general integii ty ol his coUeague, nnd as he was not here to viiKiicaie himself, he (Mr. G ) deemed it his duty to repel the attack thus made upon the correct , cess of his friend. This, Mr. G- said, it was V cry easy to do, as recollection of what had beeh $ta:ed some days ago on this subject by his col league, and an attention to the statement now given to the committee, urder :t.e authority of .v . o . f wniilr at once shew that and that 'of the SecretafV f Stale "Sov, whicft fww obvibusi he would jnovtespas? any further on their time. -.':f ? jFroM the Frederickiurgh?rTcraldt t CAPT HANCOCK. tEE: "COMMUNICATION, r . Capt. Haiicock. Lee, of Fauquier County, vi sited Hamnton iust before - the British, 'actuated only by the feelings of a parent, in the anticipated satisfaction of seeing his son, a soldier in a vol unie'er company stationedat that place.--When the action commenced, he look his stand at or r.ear the lower battery, and with mtiaket fought and opposed the enemy till they entered the camp ; . V - .. ' . . !.j i..4 ano was men iaKen prisoner ana carncu uu uuaiu of Admiral Cockburn's ship, (the Marlborough a 74 gun ship.) During his stay on board the ship, m a conversation with Admiral Cockburn, the admiral informed him that they had killed two hundred and odd of the Americans in the action ; to which Mr, Lee replied, if he had, killed that number, he had left but very few to run away. The admiral then said that he was, well informed that we had full fifteen hundred met. ' his &oop! ir. dermariy in faVokr of "the common cause, shall riot take eftect ( until after Norway siwa nave oeen acquirea Dy oweaen, euner by bt the cession'f the ki ng 7of Denmark or id tonse quence ot military operations, -his majesty the King of Sweden engages to transport his army in to Germany, according to plan 6f campaign o to be agreed cpn, as soon as. the above object snau nave Deen auamey. , . His Britannic majesty to be v invited;by. both powers to accede and to guarantee the stipulations contained in said treaty By a subsequent convention, signed at Abo, the JOlh. Of August, 18 12, the Russian auxiliary force was to be carried to 35,000 men. An account of bills of exchange drawn on the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury, and of monies issued under their lordship's warrants lor the service of the Swedish government, in vir tue of the treaty of the 3d March, 1813. Here follow a list of the bills drawn in favour of the Swedish government which amount to 7324,992, 5, 2 1-4 slerling. fC7 1 bis Treaty excited a very lively debate in both Houses of Parliament : but was finally a Mr. Lee was carried on board on Friday eve- jrree ) to iy a slout ministerial majority ninkr, and returne wto Hampton the bunday ioi lowing about 10 -o'clock, landed at Blackbeard s pout, and walked into Hampton. He saw out very few persons during his walk" to Hampton ; among the number not more than two .cr three women, but from their, appearance he judged them not to be of the genteel class. After his arrival at Hampton, he met with Doctor Coul. ton, and associated with him for upwards of three hours ; and accompanied him to the hospital, re turned with him, dunk tea with himself and his mother, and was very generally engaged on the various ciicumstances rehiring to the acuon, &c All this time the Doctor never expressed a syllable concerning any violence committed on Female ' On Mouday, Mr. Lee associated with Mr. Jennings, a respectable old gentleman with .whom hc was previously acquainted, and wun mm ne also conversed upon a!lihe topics of the engage ment i hut he neither intimated nor stated any thing about any violence offered to femaUs ; but in his remarks Observed to Mr, Lee, that he was extremely sot ry that his wife and himself had left the town during the action, but that when he saw Mrs Jennings in the act of going he was obliged to accompany her. ' Mr. Lee was also at a Mt. Hohert, who lives at a place called LK Je England, where he :d'ned on Sunday, spent the n5cht, and bakfasted i here on Monday morning. Will this gentleman he also conversed, and principally about tlie battle, but not a word did he bear from Mr. Rob-.r s concerning any outrage on the, Icmales. With this M, Roberis, Mr. Lee boarded tri m 1ms 6ib'. arrival in Hampton. His reason for taking his stand at the battery; was his inability to reh eat with the same speech whh the rest of the amiy , Mr. Lee is now, and always has been, a tru. Republican in principle ; and at this moment is a firm advocate and a friend to the present wac' He was at Hampton on a visit to his son- - 1rl was seen vith his musket, and in the act of hV ing at the enemy at the moment of then cnur rv Hie camp. This can be proved by respectable the latter was not inconsistent with andiJidTiottpersoiiages who-werein the engagement and' OF M. CARY, FORVU3:.I5HING rf Y SU beftlP riON, ' A GENERAL ATLAS, IMPROVED AND ENLARGED BEING A COLLECTION OF MAPS OF THE WORLD D. QUARTERS, - THE l'RINCIPAL E.lPIREa, KINGDOMS, &c. entreated him to rt'.reat with 'hem. Mr. Lee's notive in visiting Hampton wa parental. His former statement, as noticed in the Herald, emanated from a pure love and re. iteration of truth and virtue, and a desire to wash out, as far as strong circumstantial evl dencc could do, the- stain which current report had stamped indiscriminately upon feminine chastity. ' SVuIiJlbii i'HEATY'. Substa'icr qf the engagement between the courts of Sti-Petersburgh and Siockholnitiigned'ar-Sr. retenburgh the 24th oj March 1812, to Jar ,,t as the same are referred loin the treaty between 4 .A.'g m ijetity the king of Sweden, signed at Stock holm, withe 2d AfrcA, 1813. , The ouject of the emperor of Russia and kiog ot bweucn, in tormmgan allunce, is stated to be orThe purpose)f sefiurmgi-retiurocally thei. Slates and possessions .aganstlhe common ene. my. . , . ; - ' Ttie French government, hayir.g bjr the becu nation of Swedish Pqnierania committed an act Only fighting-for their just ngnts, which ,they of bostiliiy against the Swedish govefnmeut,nd were determined to have, and that they did not by the movement fits; annies having menaced want the interference of any oTher power., Tais,fthe tranquility of the empire of Russia, the Con as Mr.0- recollected, was the substance of whajiuacting I'anies engage to inake a diversion a- eunioinca 000 ma- hp former. The statement Irom th Ot cretaiy of State, now cqmmunici ed thiough the genileman from Tennessee, is, s'uid Air. (J. ipMibstance.i .Here follows the statement as given above ) . ; Now this statement,. Mr. G. said, might all be trut, andit certainly ws not bis intemjon to 'vuntroveit its truth, for he knew nothing aboui jhe factsVindyet whai had been said in relation tp the same subject by his colleague remained IhoL'v uncontradicted, That gentleman had not attempted tp give a history ot what had passed ttetweeh --the Secretary of State and the. Russian 'nmister relative to the mediation of the emperor. Thtlneiial point in the statement of his col Jeague was,' that some considerable time (be be. litved six weeks were mentioned; oel'oie Uie ad, - ?rt.irnmes,t of the last session ol congress, che Ruibian minister haf made a tendettutiiej,rej n? i h. United btates lumstii, not to me , i cretary of slate, of the mediation of the Ein bcrtx of Russia; thai; the President did not ap: . pcur eli pleased with this proffered interposiiibn, CONTAINING Mip of the World, 30 Massachusetts, Chart of do. Europe, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, a.-.j-.. j-. rertpfi nv nis colleague., diiu . il was uauiav i,w. vi (imvii mm a Obvious ifiat it was in no degfei , contradicted by lce of 25, or 30,00o .Swedes and . of 15 orao, u- made ihioV the eontleman irom Uiossians, utwn sucn point or we, coast ot uet n ..... t.., Kii-refarv of . 2:ate." Indeed it J nv'as- may oe juageu most convenient' tor that J r,wm w.v- 4 - "71 - . , ;.aHnt,v snrin at allon the, statement which "it : was brought forward to, retute, it seemed to Mm rather confirmatory otthetiuth than Otherwise-- For if the proffered fuendahip- and good offices if the Emperor of Russia, lemJered by Ii'rS minister to the President of Uie t?mted wv-i thus unirr&ciuusly reiected, it ! was natural to' fcuppose ' that some coniderable time woujd elapse, before'he could be brought again to " renew his friendly off r-and thus the deLy in their official commuticatioii is cajruraHy account, wl for; Mr; ti. said that he wodlXmake no re 1i..rks on the papor fuuushcd by the becretary of -Siiite io-tW;-: Tienoesiee, iur. Vhe'r'ih'a'ii tat-tr'C,Tthai the i statement ft cori- tvii -ei v.-as altoeilur athrmative : that t denied puiipose . -As the .King f Sweden cannot make his diver ion iu lavor of the common i "cause cutisiaieuily with the security of his i dominwus, sd long as he can regard the kingdom ot' Noi wjy as an enemy, His majesty the emperor oi Russia,; engages ei ther by negotiation or by military co.optration to onus the kingdom ot Worwayto weden. He en. gages moreover to guarantee the peacable posses sion of it to llis Swedish Majjcsiy, --'-O ,-.. The, two contracting parties engage to considei the. acquisition of Norway as a prchminary rniiita- ry operation to the i.ivciaion on the coast of tier many, and ' empefor of 'Russia 'promises vto place lor this object at the disposal, and under the lramediaie orders ot thepnnce royal of bwe- 1 1 ' & .: . - I. It l .Lm a. i . '--!.- . t u' rAa ! j item n t a f. !m..I m.hlng J.', that ItlUd no reuience, Cjiwici cjjic4i- jucinwit wn (iji "' uws uiuiaicu. ly or mipliv dlyrio any' thing that migTTt have ,-TheJiw6 contractuig pariies being unwilliiig, ii pftssed7 between the Russian minister and. the jit can (be aVoided, to nuke ah enemy of the king President on iu? suujeci inc jncwuuii j ana w wtuiiiajiw, nu r'ww n ouiticigu 10 ;Hat it was not by express averment,1 but. pnly by IiaVllClilIU.l, n-yt ua. wv n'vi m v.uw.v. iuuu ijecessary .:nieicHvcyii the Secretary himseit, at Uie time' ne received he mintster'sTewage requestingan interview 4 rvaa entii ely, ignorant of the. object ; it-onljf iays, ihut the ao' Ssage did not state' the object . , Mr. G.VcbnciuiVd by s'ing, that us hjs only fiUct in rtsifig wdi'.lu Cull " the attention of toe committee, pariicumnj 10 ie . uiui, uw.-ihhc cede to this ili'ance, and will offer to his Danish nwjesty to procure lor him a couiplete iirhnity lor Norjivay by a Umury more corjtiguvus toi his German dominions, provided his Danish majesty will accede foi ever his right, joh the kingdom ol Norway to the kjngol Svuj;n.i .- TT : , ,; '' In case hii Uaiith majesty shali.refuvie this of fer, ana shall have deckled to remain in alliance vvitfri'iance', ;the twocoutructin;!: parlies enaatre to cunsiaer .ucr.main. us u.Lir ciieiny. Xt no inebnsittency or confradiciion between Uiep 'As it has-been expressly siipLlated that the en riittiMit tniife bv iiii collemrue a few davs ago. ratemtntoi his. SwciAh raaieatv to ofteratft n-Uh 31 Rhode-hland, 32 Conneclicnt, 33 New-York, 34 New-Jersey,- 35 Pennsylvania, 36 Delaware, 37 Maryland, 33 Virgnia, 39 N'nh Carolina, 40 SoutaJCarohnu, 41 Georgia, 42 Kentucky, 43 Tennessee, 44 Mississippi ter.1 ritory, 45 Slate of Ohio, 4& North Western Michigao, Illi nois, and India na Territories, 47 State of New- Orleans, 48 Louisiana, 49 Carraccas, 50 Peru, 51 Chili, 52 South America 53 West Indies, 54 ' Countries round the Nri th Pole, 55 Captain took a Discoveries, 55 Seven Ranges of Townships, laid out by Con. gress, 57 French Port of St; Domingo. TERMS. 1. The Meps shall be handsomely printed on ..uperfine paper, and neatly coloured. 2- The wurk shall be bound in one large Folio, oiume, with red backs, ' . -.ricesjibscrLbers, twelve dollars, payable ou delivery . -To non subscribers, fifteen dollars . 4. lhoss who procure nine , subscribers, and guarantee the payment, shall be intitledto a tenth copy gratis. 5. The subscription will be closed on the 15th of October, and the work be delivered early in No. vember neyt. i N. B. Such Maps of the General'AHas, lately published by M. Carey, as do not requiroyliera tion, will be introduced into the above work, re touched. .Such of ihem as describeXountries thui have unHergone considerable alterations will be delineated and engraved anew, via.' Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia North Carolma, Georgia, &c. &c. besides the above, there will be various valuable additions, viz Slate of Ohio, North Western Territory, Mis- j sissippi, Louisiana, State of New Orleans, Carac casi Peru, Chili, &c. tec. , Phiiadeiihic, July 20, 1813. Subscriptions leceived at the Cook Store of; wunam Jioyian, Kaieigh. 1 prize of -;2o;)f) 1. 1 K-1 v "20 20 . 40 ' 80 100' 800 prize do do do do do do do do do do JTV V.T I try .-Z . z ; ' 20 tickets elth, V . 86 , , oo 20 dolls. - "I: 5 Russia. 6 Scotland, 7 England and Walea 8 Irtldnd, 9 United Provinces, 10 Nelheriaods, 11 Germany, 12 France, divided into de. partments, 13 Hungary, and Turkey ; in Eu rope 1 4 Spain and Portogal, 15 Italy, 16 Switzerland, 17 Poland, 18 Asia, 1$ China, . ' 20 Hindoatan, 2 1 Islands and Channels be. tween New China and New Holland, ' 2 Ntw South Wales, with NorfoHc Island, Lord '!oweS Island, Port Jackson, ice. -n Africa, 24 North America, is Uritish Settlements in America, 25 United btate9, 27 Vermont, 28New Hampshire, 29 Province of Maine 1072 prizes, T Not two blanks 2028 blank, J to a prize. uc at 5 dollars each, is g , j 5oo ...v vMU unxes suoject toadedir.i. . percent. r Vl hlm J Slationaru Ptirra 1 -tr.. Vl lirst 500 drawn Blaok4 eolhie;- - first draun Ticket, 200 Duton 4th, 6th, 8th, and " ' iwui uays, v Ditto, on the 12th,M4thrt 6thand v 18th days, Ditto, on each day from the 20th iu uie win inclusive, excepting the Tickets conitiluung p112e 20 tick,t The said 20 prizes toxonsiui rom 101 , to 500, inclusive ea,h .Jt 400 t0 be .one methe .first-20, or )er lor tneutu day, and reirularlv the9th.- ' v w"V-gi! First drawn on the JOth day, t Dolls. Ditto. . . 42d day, Dolls, loo Ditto. .. . . 45th day, . ol ! Z UUto. .. . 48th da; V" 2 Ditto. . . ,50thflaV vr- -The Managers present the ore to the public, ,n the confidence thdi not ly J , ; i i , utryr but thecal . ducements held out to adveniutrs, will cIlS(lrtl speedy sale-of the Tickets. The' proporti i prizes has seldom been exceeded, and U.ey ucvi a, ranged w that the purchaser of a single m,Z by having the prospect of drawing tauy oir.ta iu.n 11 I IK k.J. uu7 01 viuucr sext, and De hmshed withcut dtlay,. TH : Ii. LlTPLEJOdNn WILLI M ROUARD3,4-? . WJLLI6 LEWIS, 1.1, TMOMas HUNT, , WILLIAM M. S.N T. ED, J ? , n.sT5 ai a aoiurs each, tor s le at tire m March 26, 1813. 85 till 0;U Navigation of RoanoIe ' INconfo.miiy tdan Act of the W Cenef,il Assembly, entitled" An act for .mprovimMiu w-vigation of Roaooke River, from tne touLf ...v uuwmguca, vomn)i:4itw. three of the best prizes, for the trifling -The drawing ' will corffmence -j, v.,Cu iu me saia aci lor the dly of Kale. .-.w Tv.uv. a uuuii ur auoscriptions tor Shjiv jrc in the Capita Stock for accbmpWiiig tke saiJm, ucrunuiig, warcn win continue open till the Uti jawiuc uooKNorts ot J. iiilCJi and l boyhn. The proposed Capital Stock is limi'xd to 100 030 dollars, to be divided into shares of 10a dot iars each. A general meeting of the suoscribei is to bs held at Halifax on the 4th Monday in vuuci iicai. ; ana ii uu snares- be noL suliscriWi oeiore, or a said mectinK, all subsbriptiorw mad? to be void. But it a sufficieuf number oMicif oe then subscribed, a Company is to be orgij cd, under the tiUe of The Rounolce MuSaiiM Comjiany," and subscribers must then pay itniv lar on every share subscribed, and the renum der when called uiwn, except lhat more thaiiij, 1-3 doUars on a share not be called for in any or.j year. - H. CiEAWELL, W BOY LAW, jpril 10, :f J. GALES. (Subscription Books are also opened at Elei, ton, Plymouth, Windsor, Halifax, Warrefltcm.Ov lord, Rocksborough,. Caswell C. Hocse,7 West- worta and uermanton, under the direciionoftliice Commissioners at each place.' Louisburer Fall , . .. a . A' V0, ''"-"va Veunes4ay the 22nd W ' of September next, and xoniii.ue three djy. 1st day. The Jocky. Club Purse for4he whole amount of the subscription, say two hundred and eighiy dollars, tnteemile heais, free for any thing; entrance to subscribers, twenty dollars, non eut scribers thirty dollars ' , V , 21 day. The Proprietor's' Purse of g 125 two mile heats, free for any thing except the winner ol the fiist day entrance filietn dollars. " "f 3dlJay7 The Ladies Purse of S,l 00, one mile heats, the best thre'e ouof &ve,' vyi.h ninety qn each, excepfthree year olds, arid them a" feather ; entrance fifteen dollars, free for anv thine excent the winners of the two first days.. '.; ; - V . The following' Weights to govern seven "year oias ana upwards, ueius. on each ; sij( ear olds, 12.5 j 'five year olds, 1 loibs. four year olds lQDlbs. and thres year 61ds, 861bs. three pounds alio Wed mares aud geldings. V;'-;. '-" X::y ' r- l. Stables and litter furnished race horses gratis. - r-';: .-; JOH.NSON 2c P.JTTEU,-, . . ; ..: - vi 'rVrofiruturi,:" BAtts will be furnished every evening dur. ing iheaces by the poprtstor?.; . J. St P August 6, IS 13. - - ; df . ' . Land for Sale. rip .iE subscriUr offer! fo:vsale a valuable trsrt A .. ol' LAND, comaiuing 320 acres, si tuatt in the county ot Orangt, within four miles of the towrt of Hillsborough ; this land is well watcwit a river or creek runningjquhe through it, and t Ik soil equal tonsiny in-the neighbourhood. It"' presumed no person will purchase withou; fif't viewing the land , therefore a further desciiptita is deemed unnecessary. Any person wishing Vi purchase is invited to view the land, and the teiu , will be made known by the subscriber, living 0 the premises, or in hisbsehce Mr. Le vT VVhuttty whose land adjoins the aforesaid tract. " ' ROBERT R. READE. June 15, 1813. WILMINGTON. ACADEMY". J A PERSON of decent manners aJ un peaeucu iuori3, capaoic or leacirng lish Language in all its branches giaroiraticabv, and the LatuLLahgua'ge in its earlier stages, al so Writing and Arithmetic, is wanted in tbi "A cademy, p commence his duties on the first dj of the ensuing November, and to continue until tiie . first hday of the subsequent August. A-Umj are requested to hand in their prjosdswi.or w fore' the first day of Septemev next, to ; ;t- - JAMES VV:. WALKER. SiVy. ' ; ?July 22 903.tsprui Twenty Dblte Reward. f AN A WAY from ihe Sub,ibero WedtieUy, the JLViune, a nvgio nun named MED, about 23 yiirs ot few 84CTriucTierti2h.W Sai4flegrw wa bjughr f Mr. iJ uel Hill of Rockinzharu CvMiniyN. C. bur broubi r ihc taiteni Shurei ot Maryland j ii is stijjposc fce vAi 5nr tng about Salisbury, )J. ai hi, wilt wa sol Ho J 1"' ol thai place. VhjVr will ajioreh :uJ said nc$r ai ,"-t 'ff him in aiiv jail that 1 may get mm again, ; shaii HC?ivi; fMA buve reward,' and all rcatia&le choiuci paul, . Curiam, S.C.onsJiJ 13, JLfB,: V 4 " 1 . .- . . .-. liw " . -r--" - f. -" "