Film ; KfMiM ... ii T.iJii.mAhi ii h i hi ii inn i., i, w'-Jii i, I, ..I. v . Ihalt or arnitB in jtrirnte. ...' LI,. II l Ii Vl III )l,j .,4- .4 - Vet. is. FRIDAY AUGUST2t. 113, No. 1 . . JCAfc AMU A. li. UUL.N. , IT &rtHon a if accounted fqr by tjc supncsiiion , toilers, or &$Etafacter of thcBrit'wh nation thus that ir was conwaerca jrooa policy 10 aeier. vinaicaietw ic inence wmsnewt . r - V . r -i!.f' ( Confess. Upon my arrival at ..F ? lusky, I was informed 5t- tiers that tu eneray'si forc'n:?onMte',J- ' egiilar trooppr and 500 of ,Xrx'ooV,1oy,. t mrpandeH bijjnir rat liocior in- Drsr i r and lutT;cfnstW h.Uout3QQO. -,viwfw f waa ibmnereiQ ie swatnpr-, bewf en ,thi;.nl' "f i?prt Mev. ejpecADg my advancing, oftiilt of "j 9jQpnvy. of provUi'ins. ,( ihere was n proiiAv-' JBCt ofdcioe any jthinjj in1 (rpot, antlocjng V,4, prehensive tht J umtobm;gbf 'iTsstroy; ih" ordera to Kener il Cas, ,whq commanded ihc ie, ere; to fall bajrk'to this pUce, and 10; gen"crul ( M Arthur withl th frwt line to follow and sup port hiniv I jfttStAnhi at S-ifidutky ' cntiV the -Tt PI ins er ,pi 04 ni c-wiry turccuou r.. ? . 3nat x cannot A .. . kuf U eil raj J on ihiv ub 1 5 j1js rt'ftcvnt uc of Jthe Unii i -r r If i tb moo, -,.Mcont the t ;? . Cix uf il vu. . mac the i, K r-r "f Ttfer?d thl fiart of . a t'ii Jtr 4 befft tWi Vt Ukh cul.J at ilil im ." im-wJlm t Tb: tr&ri9f i 81 jtnittiif T j (; I y ? H,i rrftfmerstJ American prisoner ' -f.i m 4hrabf nMiri'r in the do- j iJnurf-'f r n.itral'zttii j 0. r 1 iUi4 hn lbs: ar was de Ame' iCnsaror.s frtm eoliie to the relief of their, cointryrtwn, as 'Iiulian surgeons had i more speedy ana cnc;uai r.oae 01; relieving their auflVrines... ; ' - .,2J ' : TJic evidence mpoctn the 'rnsoAm rkan pyaoners from Indians) colledU;d'UhxJir the .:th had, desersre attcotjon, pripcipalfy from the pc ltcy it ' itKlicsteSjV ' It U -coonecteH , with jbHliaa crvieliitfe Considering the' savages m &n,auxjiiary nv Utiirj force in the pay tf Great Hrii-ibi the amount o? tanaona may be gardvd s art of their atiMated'ftato'nensation'Jor. miTw sfinc? ; and as ransoms voma pe increaaea t ti thrii val 'iiiiho irtos! ae erilitnced bv the tefroc Insolrta liockinibaA'atUwi' U mav,bfrfai?Tv J The alrif!t4Vf the Innoeent viatiras of Infernal last at Hamroj wtrlward by 'the American pri soDers, bt to Weak' to reach, the , rara or disturb tbe-re',olne-VpfitJb officers, wfiie dotfi . rneh,"tj qliir ed tbem to protect every ftj.J triale "whofh tbe'fottun of war had thrown into thtflr pitk ,qfTo eyinmittee will not d vll on tli'S hatefWl Mjject. Htirow languageiffjriTs no -terms' 9ttPA-irKigb vJo ': ekpress tie; ernotions whicit the exiftimtion of this evklenCe, bas aw kened : thy 't ejoica rliat these" -tftt have appear td wtyiJHt to the .Ajnerican pop1e. And fir tBc 'Wfl f human natirtthey deeply regret Jtbat thtt evuic'if 17 cleat ly eitblishea tJheir truth. onuan -jorcea-win -oo , ioimu the prisoners that 01 ; 490 regu !ians coi Tfettr tjav. rnntbtr ihit the practice of rtaeetti eqaltnt an djm4 thctt iy 'aSnapSaeabr pecuniarnns willbe occasion the Bnt.sWcommaaief, The committee r have ally ns ckrped by ihe .butchery ot our teKOw ; "- i-r " VtK ? i7; vVjp,; ctueos, ,ndby indighUits offered to Ibeir has Toiled the co.mci marns j- as lom: as themiians are employed byjPoe, of retaliain cmK vested bylaw in the th M4r Th i.ifii:te ol i i s cohc usioiiisconijAtvul"c .....u.v r-vvM P.rani'aorr f ,i C''Hrir srnk'e of lmprM?ed ,v bjwd-Dniihiiiiy of war; lif k. Vim of 4 tmce i S-V U-.3 f Vm-ricaii pti tone r from' trew Mawt lm rvirc' f I tjieir bouses r-Jr rS ;ruc!ion 01 private pro vto.iliate.'d r t t CaeraA S3f. aaa la Uie neign. ficcia, animated oy firmed hv the testiinonv of throve witiuSe who vre ittaioH after risomi prisoners of war. ' Thff. testimotiy collected under the seventh head hes. that ihe; Drivaie proi- wy of unarmed citii-n8 has 'eeo oillaHred bV the olTiCeis and j an necessary to be proposed, but ihe.. Resolution nexed to this report-. ' . As such enornrritics, instead of inspiring terror as was probably, ir led, are, in the opinion of the commii tee, Calculated to produce av contrary effect of the Biitish vessels of war on our Ct, F the coosidemion of the ILuse the louses burnt, and pbcesif public .wowbtpi folio wing rewljdtion i r v ' ; . . t ' tedand-cJcfUj. It appears that "the of ft hat the s.dent ef the United 1 4' ransmft ' you Majif, J viivnnii vy.iuvui ivvrf- u ns'c srinil p nj ti.khbf honor, justice and humanity, without the WAsHlNGT:N, nrtsi-nce 'of Adm ral f" " yiwuw f :r- ; .7 . . 7. .t : .... -to this Honse. durinc the continuance of the bre ftwB.i-'-- iuocRburn, particularly .cw.r-gutsneu mcinscirc - , I Cvi" U.siare and burning of Amcrkan'u ,h,Si. ' ufa.,. troves, tmt ' sent w,r, evidence of every departure bytheene- I a ..a - fiu wr n.... Hrf.'.. . r , Kt'i .rnif from the ordinary modes. '4 conuuctiotr wari fjkvM f4s4as a- fca acrvfcr. Abandon-) nd revenge ; nofaatuBed with ben.itK ;.nvng ufthxrd nations. , . , -. Jti inf Afirie.skUUd U valuable r ''7B;ia7gr3 . ' " tr sarirlAr tw Mi reAdrf to the Britiah !ticet found, the others .whica- furnished v.q al . -. rrORfier Intelligence. i M . i lUrCnicru lO ineir rupiur-y, wcic wamuuiy tie UIim IW-'tiM ef ctarif IniNeS after aunendcr f4Cej anj destroy.d U h-a been "allegcc!, in ptS 0 ? tb-t taurmreot protection ;jp:tuation of these ecs of w-nton ciudty. that a Krt..f Hmsmkh ia Virginia, i fl4)? ,et 0n sliore" fy th Admiraf'ivaH fired upon ITfcrwt ate M-t Wt heal demoostrato ihc American ruilnia. The e villeiKe proves -romr! has vVpte1 a rigor, hi not lo Uie '-een the fact. This pitteoce iifgtijRk sr-t k I rnf t avl afpar jjM ,.0 rejG te(j lo wj (Q CXCuse conduct which :aitf ajssmarf tbs tft.-kes?inf sf m- :(,o trtn.uncts can justify. H- ?, 1 K-.. t Thecommntee fcrbear to make any observation M ,u!tf f'Wi the tesuroony collected ciuief the ttht M M 1 .-p aai wU?,mrn. n .lose j. ptrfeWonvistio, that no pe'rson of ''Mtf tUr frr s. 4 b ir.n .porta. .i: tc. U. l.1. ra,a of the different wituesses of the grossest via I ;: .v- 1 1.4 i,i;,.K.,'"g " August 12. Extract oj 'a le iter from Cui'ain Perry to Jtht Secretary qf : the .'avy,- dated United Siaiei' Schooner Lawrence at anchor out tide of Erie Bor, Juguit 4, 813,' 9 P, M. , " I have great pleasure in informing you that I have succeeded U getting over the Bar the United Slates, vessels, the Lawrence, Niagara, 'Jaledtiiria, Aritf,. fccorpiont Somers, Tijrvss .ind Porcupine.' The enemy have Oeen in sight all .dayaiid are now about four leagues from us. We uaii sail in pursuit of them at three to morrow murning." .. . . . .... .... : to me this mot mng bufl have jUst-lieard hirqne"' was so murh exhausted br thirty ai fl'irs of co- tinoed exeYtion as to be unable; fo make AiT'It will notibe amongst the least of general P-ccuirV mortifications to find that he has ueeh"baffledJjy a vuth wao hasjujt passed his twenty first ye jr. He ishowever, a hero' worthy of his gallant un-' cle (gtfieral Geo.R.Clsk. . ' Capv Hunter, of the ITih regimen!, the second " in coounand, conducted himself with great pro. pricty '; and neer were a set of finer young k. lows than the subalterns, viz. Lieu 8. John ion and Bayloi'ofthe I7(h, Anthony of the 2flh, Meeks df the 7ih, and- Ensigns Shipp and Duncan of the 17th. , . , k - - The following account of the unworthy artificer . and conduct of the enemv will 'excite vour ind'tt- nation .Major Chambers was sent by G ;n. Prwc. sss tor, accompanied by CoV Elliott, tb'ttemand the. surrender of t he fort. They mje'e met by Ensign Shipp The Major observed, that Gen Proctor had a number of c mnon, 1 large body of Regular Troops, and swmany Indians, .whom it was'ufc; poasible to 'control-; arid if t,hc.fort was takenr a iVmuw be, the whole of the garrison would-be) massacred: -Mr. Sliipp answertd, thitit was tfrc determination of Major Croghah his officers and men, to defend the garrisoni or be buried in it ,i anJlhaf they .might do their best. Col KJltott then address;dMr. Shipp and aid.-y ;u arp a fij voung mm ; I pity your situation " f'rp yl'f" sako surrender, and prevent the dreadful sJaWhtr tint must fol'ow resistance. Shipj iurried-'rooii. him with indignation, ond was; ijoamidiately 'taken u.. holdfjfby an Indian, who attempted to wrt "hie 1A J' it -iimi of .indignation and horjr. c h 0f .Utter f am Ahihr General Itarruor. to sword from him. Elliot pretended to eert Wm- r--i i . . i: i ue deer nar j or nar .-. sen w nastw umh .v vcu - ehhi auiicir ffoanor excuse. Jyrcy ciyiUedU iarter6v c.-rw, tteii to tb4nlran-tl.e fcrt.' r ,ble lot - unrcrmduct of the aifie, Mli , mileit .f the 1 st inst.antl : did I I have the honor to enclose rou a con v of the j: ... wmmm wwm " i mm v. mibici. lit . ....... i-i e t. c w.tVStV i-nrter thc.r comniami, ana wntie tuey partake ot,m clf tu honor to inform you that one of-my ( . . ..- . . ... .mm. v . ..--y --- - i scouunj names nac usi reiuriicu iioih mc Lia.c & ..:' . c. . a.4SM. m m . . . . ... . ... 1 1 I . shore, and nad discovered, tne nay netore, me I'-He ' - ' !UruUh forces concerntU hi the affair of th .Z- T T TT-Ihv Itiser Ui.i., are more deeply implicuted in ..a.hf m.a4- ;irf,,.fto ;huwMtr;nrtet, . Thf L,W ol ass4 ; f a 8saf.iis. it d, ,bi. ; :rj.r.r .-V: zr. zi: : r : z - - ' ... vmiI t tiui.-v.i. it ia rnrnr. Imm nil th nr ,m a4 rwiih trvna nich . ' iL .. . ' . ...... . . ftin.fctntr. that if tlie liritish ofheert dul l. o coa W. Ik. 111 nivc at their destruction, hey were criminaltv far, aii rt km h rtc m the do. i4Ut tt.u. b-!VrihcT retorted hm pt m f pcr tr lM purpmca. t It c4 itj tN .mW frtt ce .f iiie ' ir sit ti4 re4 piiisi.rt f siar l- 1 he tSas ttttmmm is at 4 nore tprartm - iJw frHsvy tt trkiftS tt wartirthat - M c'-a J ma U cttsers . Dot lbs comma the denradauon, oi icrs, is the refusal of the l-ist offkesof humanity to the bodies ot the dead. The bodivs of our count' ymeti were ex posed to every y and b-.came foocT fo. bru'es in lb- smhto: mn ho-affect a sacicd re grd ! the dicutes of nonur ai.d religion. Low indeed is 'the r character ol that irmy which is" rit ductd to the confts-ao'), thai their savage auxilia ries will not permit thvm to perfoirn the rites of . . . -.! sepulture to the slain. The cuunii'tice have not ,,4 sr4W4 4th.t it vi?$Tr,h . . - mili.arv nr -.wil mil nri'iiti rtn Ihf. I n:ull,in .Zni .tfcsit&wsi kt stfwsoatmenl . I UestRs.;-" " " " T .T" " T p,, nn'aa sias h 4 la. I . if ali.n t o tr ha irubil m. of an Indian trophy as un or- ed fiom the chu'u ' da. I he committee have considered it their duty to Mitmitthe evidence collected unx!r the ninth hcd of the aUrociues committed at Hamp ton, alJiough' these enormities have been commuted since their appointment. These bar Darities may ie rationally conVuieted astheconse quence of the example set by the officers ot the aavt force ort our co st, HumaClufpimd fi a.L.lunh. t JetutUtf ihai emraeIil fur ,he a-gidauve Hall of Upper Una y 3 aw .asrv4 i'Tm vmb iiumUcr j - f - t aiiM 11 iijoie. . , la p t,scnt . war ha 1 " $ ck'(v-4 a rtUtsaa of the . tm co'itiiiek, ih44 tsl td ircprASBeii.S no longer U m.twr. t it se ts.y be sccam. t'iia4 t f h. i t4" th e - w"-, . , C -y eais- tatasjysd (th rn.f whose 'c-faijaaesi ! let ate rah!.') tncrsases' imv .t' tf the ewf,not";OjJl bf de. tin t,'. Srttenif U active urticcs, .a t 1 tJi 'ti Cr.uia ta carry n and rveis a titi Im 40.ftfrc wi'k-ittt tiiiniwiahiui; ' M.ust . ilm wi! y4 ia tur tcsttia ct I t mr t 'n enr'ec tirn!cr tht fourth head ., iLr 1 le y pracucc of the of . 4 4 kU TtK4 tvl t Ikcc imp-essej ttetfei4 o rt .-at thtir country by Lrr a, by tuurJ f wtw.UnKnt, and cicn by the Srct mi tn iu 9 excjti w n iutiucting com cmay tMa ih prufctMfia f tht gotfeniineut, A t rtadiocta to release imprtssed American n.ei. tMi Uo.rJ shifts of war. 1 1 the es tdr nee colUrcud under the fifth head, 1 nty sccoary to ohsene that in one vase, H4Usf Dr &l'&cchan, tht enormity is. in r I by th. ficttfs.tance cfthe Rjg being di mi f every ihing 4 S hostile character, hat. X 4tly I aTitiS fibsa the rcucl ot the wounded i tM.iT:m( prooucr whs were uken at the I vr UUhi am the 22J January, 1813- Tlie 'a 4 Or. WlUehaiH.iiot by ihe alliea of 'av lot by tbs t$teri of her aimy, ca only enemynTrfmxerneaThenrnoxitJrfhea bay. The party had not pass d Lower bandus ky two hours before, the , advance, consutingol Indians, appealed bo lore the t ort, and m - halt an hour alter a large detachment of British trcop3 ; and in the course of the niht they com menced a cannonading against the r ort with 3 six pounders andt two Moiviizers ; the latter fron) gu;i bests." The filing was partially-answered by Major' Croghatv having a wx . puunder, the onlVypie'ce of artillery. , , ! ' Tlie fire of the enemy was continued at inter vals, duri'isr the second instant, until about half alter live, P. M. when, finding that their cannpn matie little impression upon the works, and hav ing discovered my position here, and apprehend ing an attack, an attempt was made to carry the place by storm- Their troops were formed in two columns, lieut. colonel Short a headed the princip.ii one composed of the light "'and batt allien companies of thu 4 1st regiment. This gallant officer conducted his men to the brmk of the ditch, under ther 1 ost galling and destructive fire from the garrison, and leaping into it waS, follow ed by a considerable part of his own ar.d the light company ; at this moment a masked port hole was suddenly ouentd and a' six pounder1 with .an haifloadof powder and douUe charge of leaden first note received from Major Croghan. ; If- w written before day .land it hus siucv becnascerV ' tained, that of the enemy theie remained in jlit " dhdrwerfciiratenam twenty-five privates ;the rumber of sergeant. and' twenty five- privates-; 14 of thfm '-badly-wounded 't every care bus betniaiteriof the latter, and the omcers buned with the, honors dye io their rank and their bravery All the dead that weie not in the ditchj were taken off in the. night by the Indians. It is impossible, , frniJUifi Circumstances of the attack thatthey should l5ate ' lost Ies than one hupdred.V;.Son.e of the prison . ers think it amounted to. twohundred. "A y66ng gentleman, a privateM). the.P.tershurgtoiunfiers, v' of the name of Brown, 4Msiastedf. by five or' aix of that company and of. the Pittabergh Blues ' who' were accidently in the fort, managed' the six poun der which produced auchfcstruclion ia therankj; of the enemy & iiavc wuiiui 10 or, Ti a , Wmv'HENRY HARRISON-. N. Of our fe w wounded .' then there is Jflt' one that will not be well in less than six daye. 1 - , ( Myor ?ro$haH' Note ) ' " , , t. (copy.), " ; r ' Lopcr, Sandusky, dug 3. 1815. Da.Srs- " ' , Th? enemy triadean attempt to storm us Ij".t evening, but was repulsed with the loss of at leaK 100 killed, wounded, and prisoners. One Lt. Col. slugs, at the .distance of 30 .feet poured destrac.4ct,tCol. Short) a Majoranda Lieut, with about tton uDon them and killed or wounded msarly every man who had entered the ditch. 'In Hain did the British cmcej-sexejrrnlSeltes 'to lead, 0:1 the balance of tlie, column S'jt retired m dis older under a hover of slot from ihc Fort, ' and sought safety in the adjoining Jiyoods. t The other columnheaded 6y tha grenadiers had slso retired, ways progressive aad soldiers ore prepared forjafr having , Suffered frsm ihe riiUsketsr ol our the perpetiation of the most dreadful crimes by! men, to an adiacent ravine In . the . course of the commission of minor offences with Impuhity.-fthe night, the tnemy. with the itd. 'of their In Thai troops who had bep instigated by the exam ,'dians, drew off the gieater part of the wounded pie of their officers, o plunder the property andjand dead, and emburking them in boats descend burn the houses of unarmed citizeris. should pro ;ed the river with the utmost precipitation: In cedt0 rape and murder, , need nbt , excite syj; the prisii however it may inspire horr6r- For every detestable violation of humanity an excuse is fa bricated or found. The "wount ed prisoners on the northern frontier were massacred by Iridians ; the sick the mardered and the women violated at Hsmptou by the foreign troops in lh6 PaX of ireat Britain.. These pretexts, admitting them to be true, are as disgraceful as the conduct' -.' which made a resort. to them necessary.- Honor and magnanimity not only forbid the soldier to perpe irate crimes, . but require every exertion on - his part to prevent them. If, in defiance of discipline. acts of violence are committed upon any jndividu al entitled to protection the exemplary puiiish rnent of the offender can afnne-vindicate the-repu,: tationof the rnattpnl by whom he ia employed. nonading the were unable toget near, the Forts, from the In, diarta which sitrrouuded it. C Finding however, that the enemy had only light artillery, and - be ing 1 well convinced that it - could make Utile im pression upon the works, and that 'any attempt tostorin it would be resisted with effect I wait, ed r fer the arrival of 250 jmounted Volunteers, which on ..'''ihe- ')eyenihs :, .befote had .left Upper Sandusky.. But as soon as was Informed that the enemy were retreating, I aet ipur with'ithe dragoons to'endeavour to overtake them leaving Generals M" Arthur and Cass to follow with all the infancy (about 70O"t that could be spared from iheprotextion of the stores and sick at this place Whether such exertions were jhjjde by t:re Brijish I forund it . iarpctsi.blb to come ' up w them. iajrivates, are deadinntwditchV.' I have loathm. one in. killed, i and but fewK wounded. " Furjhei' statejsneitswill be made you by the bearer '; ... GD)CRCCHAN, Majo? y : : : V"-'1'-' ,Co.ming. Ft. Sandusky , ' N. B. Since writing the above, two soldiers of thev41st regiment have got in, who a? ate that the enemy have retreated- I fact, one of their gun- boata is within threet hundred yards ol our . works, said to be loaded with camp equipage, Sce.whicl: they, in Jheir hurry, have left. ; ; ;A'.r. . ' GEO. CROGHAN- -. M -a course of the 3d jnst. having heard the . ca:,l .. Helld.airte,.Seneea 7W. " , 1 made several attempts -to .ascertain w v ... f 18IU 5(,cteIt . force and situation cf the enemy ; our scouts i .u- i.iA,'i..iA...;ai-.:- t I iiuiivi wjiuwwjii.juii mnjui; ban's report of the attack upon - his fort, whieh has this moment .borne to hand. Fortunatt l the mail is hot closed; t ! 11 With gr at respect, 1 have the honot to ,' Sir, your humble servaht. " :' ' - ' - Wflt, HENRY HARRISON. ' rsl ... Dear hia. Xna,c honor to infoim you that the mnv bihed force of thjb enemy, amountinp; to at Ifast SOaT-eulsrs rnt seven or eight hundred .Indian- under the immediate command of Gene: al Pre. Cor, mafie its appeafance before, th'isrrjlae-p, gi ' JbovterSanduhkxyAus 5,18U ft i V I m V I -'V! I u fT." ."!,-.. yk 15

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