f-:4r-, -. vW:'B ' . -' .1 . , : , ;"'" ..a' -v' h' . ', : , - -- , . - .' j ! '. , . , ;., . ' a " ;-a 3- t tiHTEY O0LLAH9 RALEIGH, -N.'CUi-PUBLISHED (wekki.t) BY LUCAS AND A, H..BOVLAN. tXM I f f CifC H IN ADrANCM. Vol. 18. ER I D AX ; - AUG USTV27 , 18 1 3 . "' . ; k..'. ... - ... r- -. .. ''M'.' " '" : ' .v No. sbs.1?; i 1)1 CONGRESS. , I iJ.... fZanyn-ot-ninrt fodertl.Ttpniihlirnn JjCKTCt OF THE DEBATE IN SECRET SESSION ON " THE EMBARGO. . The Prosident in a coiifideniial message hav iq'recomuieritlrd an Embargo, he usuil ref-r ixe was m.tde to the commilteeof foreign reh. ons. Mr. Calhoun (chairman ol that committee) . .1 . ...... .1.... : .. .'..A;.' tporiea inc ncxi uay niiu u a- tc'-ic njss suci a law. 1 lie rcpon was rticntu 10 committee of the whole Iwusc, and mace !he ,rder of the day 1 :r that day wr. )ear V"y ftrer maay o'iservatlonsjn support of the policy f ihe mea-iuie, its efficacy in distressing the kirn t.j ubJiidon Canada and brek up. the Week Idss-fsniina kcrted with some asperity upontR port of. the committee. Hecxpressed h:s re e; that omWet:voi-bAef'-taide . t -. -1 kufch a rervit; savmfff he-was not to be, dmetfl ira his course, or deterred from dtsrargm bis uiy riy the clam,br ttat might be raised against id he, to the method m whic. ir vi tratkrr td fdVbear, to pausi, to reflect be fcre voyage before lHivletteivW recall could follow ' itaeef wlliclt ts MlungxM, bKnttfis;. -fttnkmg mm last blow atthereranant ol trade- (er andnveruK Ifi said it nnnn4M uitcd to the condition of this people before dosing the last outlet fop our surplus !'prt.' after 1 --.ihi. 3; 5ttWnate sliould liVftj.'r :' . . a MI. H Minn M ml H . n W . L. ..Ma. WmM B. . . a. . . - - . . I II . nun uiueicui wuiy(wwi thivii mc cuciiiv uu iiul a aumcreiii Jiavm some sensinirr: v .at. in shvji tt Sacki sa have the adys How .well . was the advice of Phocioa embargo, 8c-. &c. Mr Taylor (8: Y' Demo.)bf the committee, se and reptlled with pirit the insinuation of a.-preherisivn of clamoj but tad a single eye lie state of the country, and he effect to be .rfliina.i 1,u it nifamtw. ' ft,? was'nroceediilf hen ths Speaker rose 9 explain he assurted P,c gemleinaa - fie madfcno such insinuation. Such was not his practice. lis allirJed to no Vemlemaa in ihat housewhenever he, hadoc- asion to make allusions, he should be exploit. k sharp debate ensued, in which Mr. Calhoun de coded his report in a concise and pertinent iacech, which could not be answered by the vi have been the situation pf the country bad it been followed. We vere in our element when i he war 'of words wa9 vigirouly prosecuted, aod victory sir upon our banners. Every diploma tic controversy was only the prelude to another triumph, and our parliamentary contests acq jirtd for us new trophies to adorn our ' annals. The Cannings, CasUert.-ahs, Wellesleys, Stephens and Crokvrs, dwindled into despicable diminu tiveness 1 . . , Mr. H. said, by commencing war without ade. quate preparations for itsprosctHttion, a staw ol fearful and unexampled .calamity and danger, had been brought upon thepe'-te.' Disappoint' ment; defeat a ud disgrace ittendr'd all our milita ry ope?auon;v,-That- might us well attmpi )o realize the dreams of (he AkhyTjist as hope to o on upon the present scale of extrsjvagjitt expenuiure anu waste, without perceiving tire loecessityof checking the authors of such coiifu- Ision and pruflijjcy, by,at once assigning limits to their folly afi i u.t.ir:unate ambition By land,, said he, we have at ready lost all the war-like character ac! ;i I bv o,u'r ancestors in a clari- nus seven. y?ar$ strug ;b for in -l;pi;n leoce. t and contempt e- . . r . . .-v .. .. -V' 1 - Tj T I iurtc uii uui coast w mock nj,-.r i- !aia iijmtestefl by tivxeci9Vtowaida them, and hj embargo was superadded tg Waf and taxes, if at approved the pr1edM)'gs tt ihaV body luostcordL tho moment of imposing heavy taXeSup tn , the suffering people the nvanar of paying them were cruelly Uktn away, it would be "discovered when too ike that the chord had been stretched to the cracking point. He would temind the. gentle rhan from Kentucky (Mr. Clay that as there was a last dollar itnt would bankrupt a treasury, a last drop .of blood that closed the. grave on roan, tio there was a last hair that would break allv. . The iriisgion failing, saii Air. II. the' '.jHj$' la to go orw and wtre row Jo understaii fhatour restrwlive energies wer4o be the. rt engine of annoyance, standing m nthe, stead of armies, fortifications and arr tnt rrianne: JMr." H. said he kheW the re8a.iictitf of the country when 1 properly ctrUedfoMh bj able and faithful coun. " v ciis lor just andnoble ends. 0ut Without unan me cariici a uacK- i nere xouia oe no, uouot ct iimity. mei(? resources would-hV Hnrmant i:v. th effect An embargo at this time would tJreaklthe nrecious sinew of war. ctis .-; wouia ooweis oi tne earwi. Ana there could he nn nrt. 'Win 'tiv aiiv BUI V ill . Vllt I.UUUVI V reduce th c.desjwnding, ; to de spair, and render ,dep' rsU .;Koe wKoitheyvefseues'S of pyof Jigite thioistrs hare already broaght-fo eriary want. Even. now the war languished on the" haitd.3 of administration, and was brought almost to a stop. An embareo would Droducea dead calm through ihe country, as respected military operations ; but that calm might be followed by a storm which would make a , wreck of the con siitution. -tie 11. , ridiculed the' measure as. a mean ofi effect. It trial animity until there was a change of rulers or a. ujnuHcww policy imrasurea. Thfmanrrtr m which, the: waR,wa tfonducted,. the circomsiances under which it. was declared, its being a war of foreign coarjuest, and tlw totaj incapacity of administratioo in all the deDart- iu6ins,-wuutu ensure qonunucd and vigorous j opposition from all men oti-eflecUon, who ap. prepiated the blessings of peace, and' would not. ' willingly siicrifice every thing dear tothemSf.lv. and farn. lies and country in an unrighteous war. ir. . sua i:i a aeiensive war thure wonM bo ed the nation from the lowest deDths of detrreda lionary believers in '.he efficacy of oiir restrictive !tIon and despaii-", into which it Sunk, dragged up Energies. Mr. Duvajl, of Kentucky, was particu-j0ur drowning honor by the locks and shed a a,ily distinguisheJ in opposition to the emoargo Mr-Nelon, ol vnirinia, was-iouu ana ruae Clouds and dark'tss hii.t.' th; iuntry, cv j prosecuting the war with vigor and eting with-ii sable tv.r-in.le :io peas -nice so bright' was giving up the game without a and cheering n, a aa id aly rUh3.into;mo'ke the blockade.. of our whole coast complete j pelling invasion. -the federalists had stood fore import ancq among the - nations of the worjf when the enemy coul l only blockade a part was most every where in meeting the! enemy whea Through portentous gloom, thscnlv ray of j playing into his hand. It was little better than 'a hostile foot was ""set upon our 'shores but they hope to cheer the orm vijrvj joul, d .rtsd fnm ; withdrawing from the contest, and abandoning ! would hot go a tilling in Canada! which '" was. not the unexpired ambers of lederat policy. Another, the riht to oavigate the common highway of; worth, the cost of Conquering,- and which we and another 'tHumtu ov our -nu-sdesi marine r; nati'ias, when the wa" was declared in 'maime could not keep i.f we' .conquered lNIr. H. hero animated the drooping spirits of the people, rais fiance of th.t right.- If but a single port in the j reminded' the, hduse of the part taken by the mi- if was- lonci ana ruae in support ol it. When he took hi- seat, Mr. Han on rose with several members, Dut he was de larfd to be entitled to the floor. Mr. Duvall egged to be indulged by the gentleman from Maryland with the ttoor, umn na maae a norr mswer to the gentleman trom Virginia. Mr. H. said he would certainly indulge the gentlemen Km an undf standing that he wouul be alter- lards entitled to the floor. The chairman of the lt)mmitteeMt Kennedy) said he woul.l have the reference. Upon which Mr iitivall was per kitted to procted. When he concluded, Mr. alhoon and Mr. Ntlson, skirmished smartly for . . . r jtnie minutts. upon which ir. rianson rose, tid full notes being taken of his reinarks by a oul I putan eadJatWjwranglc and war fOi ds ween th gentlemen over tne way, ne snouia hc.morc npiced, that br r.as entitled to Uie ooi7flS!Aiii '.ne-uui.r.ed.-o' severe a peisjn- Vl penalty he padjp heavy a tax in pain fore ery . effort he made in the house, that if he con iulted his o vn ease and well being merely, he ould have remained silent, But such admpni ns were not tc be regarded t hen a measure mischievous and frani?ht wtth danger and ruin . i .: t T. ri. 0 the Union, was uuuer uibtusaiyii. uc icu n irresistible impulse to reply to the gentleman from Virginia particularly, as well as to others who preceded him. - Mr "H. saw, it pe possessea xne mngs ot tne country was left dpt-n, because the force of. the;nority in secret session, whcrAhe enemy was un- U'ltng in commoa with 11 nations, this high-way so much praie ab ut, by the ' very men who wujd give the monopoly ol it, though U cannot lustre upon our national character. Th it 'ha vy was doomed to destruction, or if saved, would be useless as long as the war continued. Mr. H. said, so deep was the interest .whi:h- he taken be took in the disgraceful 3nd diatresVing situa-1 Mr. Hanson 'said if it was in ordt r for the tion bf his r.ounjry, so anxiods was he to- bring Speaker to introduce into a . discussion in the this unequal, unnecessary and destructive con- j house the, proceedings and conduct of the other 'est to a cfoserthat'he would even vote for the i branch of the legislature it would be in order for proposed occlusion of our ports, to lop off the! him (Ms. H ) to reply. 1 Aukwatd as a vindica Ian withering limb oCour dying commerce, if it jtion might appear, coming from sucha quarter, would ha.ve the ellec of drawing hearer the pe. jhe would nevertheless defend the Senate. That riod of pacification But as much as the merp. J body had acted with, becoming dignity and spirit btr from Keniucy (Mr. Clay) labored to show, Jin relation to the mission to Russia. Its inde that such would be the effect of an embargo ; ipendence had been so well maintained, and the Jut it would hai rass the wockadmg squadron by ; encroachments of the executive so manfully fe withholding ffocithern supplies, and, reduce th; 'sisted, it was not too much to say they had acted nritun torccs in Cnala t j great straits, he could : nWy. - To have acted otherwise than they did r characters and e counc.l into tonistiftig, more ludicrou than to 'hear cemie Itht; mre Uits. am! r,-ern,fi nf an .n..n men extolling the emcacy of our restrictive ener. ; ing all grasping ambitious President- Mr. H gies aucr me conipicuaus anu moumnr tail said, aiter all that had bussed n re ation to th- ures which ihad attended all our persevering mediation of Hussia, the Senate could not coosis- long u iea ett Mts to starve the enemy, ii- ,e- tently with what was due to itself act different vtr expected, after fears of -fruitless experiment j ' ly. Mr. U liod no more confidtnr.e in th Hi... r,u,-,ullulC nut un-, suiLiuai syiicui biun mission man me peaxer; rie Dosscssed would De gravely recommended fur Us belligerent mformaiion l.imsrlf wliich siti'-fied his mind, that virtues- Nor did he believe it w-,s recomrae- J. it was a mere trLk, a juggle, a stroker of Ma eu as a mean ot annoying the cue my., rar dif-.chiavrlian policy to deceive the nation and rcDlen isti the Treasury. I hat the hones of the desDond , t i - enemy- was too small to dose it, we should insist I derstood to be within a few hours sail of the Part right -of sailing fromit, and ital. The sentiments he himself uttered on thai tcf the last upon the Iiend, they are now written out, isve'.uo foot hold for such an argument alter nasti Aould have Jen in eh a am 'hir Air iiANSOKsaKl, ,U hi rt-stngp'ar tbi Umt Tartfl kifcr esixrtiencc; Njthlug trA ijfe .a ttfaunn'San .'i. an txtfutiv ierent was thefburnose of its authors- Stribhed of its falsi guises, and presented in its naked de- forinity to the nation, Mr. " H. considered-, the message of the President with the accompanying explanations and avi.v.d-. nn lhr ft.xir. n nnth. hon. member from Virginia, (Judge Nelson) and I ing more than recommeoda'orv of a svstem of COUld wttn equal itu.uuy juci muwn lino inc retaliation tame dimehsions of imtnenseTlmportance, h -1 Del might 'perhaps present himsslf tb.the? house much secxron ohner than genuemen wooc wimng to aitoru inj him a patient auuieocc. uun nue tne genue toan, he had been gifted bymbre with the pow er, he would not like him lun the house by Uttjnf'ering in tlsir lest gentle rebuke, to bf found in Pope's Essay on should be quo ted sgainst him, wuntne amieijst , application that it micht be now relerrea to ihe correction and etiificavibn of the gentleman. How couM wc wi (h that ttean nao ,im lt. mg had -been directed lo'this mission as to the si n gf Heaven's favor,! which indicated that th tempest bad spent its force and a serene sky wouu soon re-appear, lie said.no good would could, or was intended to grow out of it. The iinnn Inc. All:tnt,r.--t'tta nnrlh r th ' f .,.Jt.. .u.; ii . aware. It was tlt-siamr-H tn ri-ta1ia'ri. urtrin tlii ;.. ..u:.. r .. v. i i r . -- -r-.c.. .V......V u(, ,.. w,v ull. i-.i.m,u3 ui (jcai-c Xjugittuu, tor so long of country favored by the enemy," the as annrobriaiions were made to carrv on the war. uries inflicted upon the south by his formidable i and monev coftld be raised, so loni? wnuld th a ..... tn . . -.. ' . uccis. De:ause me coraon was not drawn irom. war continue . Bonaparte living and his armies .Manic tu ai wmry uui irom ine uciaware 10 1 not destroyed 1 " -v uic - xuubissippi, government wouia-parentuiiy Mr- H, hele stated, that someHme in the lat i . m & ; ; i i j . . i i i i i . . - u.uic wuh me euemyana mane ins oiocxaue so . ter end M January last, and at least six weeks complete as to mciuiieaii the ports ot the Union.,; before the court gazette contained any menUon o . ''" w wuir me otcurrence, anu ai a lime wnen no one genianoine ieeungs ot tne executive to carry ;dream,t ofaoch an event, he was informed by this retaliatory system a little further. In the I dUtineuished eentleman that the Russian Minis juuguage oi an nop. gentleman trom b. Oaroitpa, ! tep,.had a few days before offtred to the Executive ( mr. xnmnaeaj used on a similar occasion last t4hemeaution of his so Boverc.icvn In hrino aKnnf session, if the enemy should burn down Norfolk, ! peace between Great Brifain and this country. a law had better be enacted authorising th- Pres- fTliat Mr. Madison had testily rejected the over. infant In Kivrn Itrtotsvi UaKknL tklt. j." . mw ... .. . system ot domestic retaliation could to advantage States were contending for their rights, and wouUj w,,,wu ycia-imic- roriner oy ? twang. upr- accept of nothing &hort of their rights. Mr. H Ihe whissring; scphyt and the ttti tiii Mr. M said tt wa not by Jfluster a er scolj. fngror heaping epithets upon' the enVy . that the evils of war were to be lessen enerlct0ria Itctneved, co.qust ettycteo,., oi y- vactcd jo an honorabk and felonous issue. r i en ojy was ultimately provonco w V Wm to our defenceless country; which the poVful leans' at bis disposal, would enable mm, : asked.r'wbether we were fo depend upon, m VMh tr curses upon his heid to repel his riVrrsnsure our safety f HWfe rw Iy upon words, " pos, w. Prvb. Mrt H. said it would result in a totaLalic and .tnbargoea I might (ly to Wtibn' cf their affections fr6n : thevgoverument, lor venci.iuMw -t - - . . . , , , ihat source, vvnue me iy v- i some obnoxious ,non combatant .citizen to.the Uaid, he caused publicity to be given' to" the -com uuiAii, in icvuui ujv ccry oouinern- xnigni sum in battle. If this course of undisguised bostilitv and hatred to the north was ijersisted in, and re- currtd to whoever a Wretched p ormed td-put them under the ban of the Ern and the paroKysm of rageconrinxtcrdr temporary lRC. K. ...ined. but like ertitives that case might be inev . ,vlv deadened the sense-of-pain, but reached . .. .. r ikrt rlisease. nor could operate a IHJv vi.- anl reason restored , would uish. to .... .a niiavea kave the subject a pr?y to the keenest angu.s Wt,,n the deluded J hemann were -resolved gV'in hostilities'- with a neighboring state, 5.:..i'.:,.R,i in tielliecrent mens, and iom. . th r.Mumstances of war. nhe good old .iclo" interposed hii counsel Wte.mWf the lge of demagogues, oire u.c r''v .or,i Vft ihp rulamilies which iheir purpose, an" waLuuder such ciFcomauwiym would bnngup 7. . - llf admooished them to; listen OflTIIS CO""J'- , ... ., vdrhercouHsee.than utt rounication, and unless he was thouirht to be, en dued. wth a spjiit of divination, and the house wasvwiiling to pronounce him a prophet, they must believe the mediation was tendered several weeks before Congress adjdurned, , and at least six weeks betore it was acknowledged by the. Ex.. ecutiye.TWhat was" the motive said he for the President to keep back the information until Con (Tress adiourned I He had never him&rlf rfank. . .. . W J " T . uu...- ii. saia, it was a great question ot nation- led a moment so the real cause of th sunhress- whether an Embargo should be impos lion and "consequent1 delay. It was determined the existing circumstances of the coun-! to send Albert Gallatin at the head of themis- procttaeo to.snow mat u was highly ision, and it was at least BDnrehended. if not con. i ii t : i- rt i .r - . . . l- " auu couiu coi nave uie enegr oi diS. sidered certain, that such a nnm nation i.,U tnemy as contenoea lor. it tne laws not be confirmed by the Senate. .Thia opinion eason would not prevent an Uuett in- was corroporated by the departure of the envovs ii ins cucuiT, nn cmuargu wouiaioniv ten nr twplv. riuv. hAir.v ih v;r.o nn ( " , J , . " . " wnw. W W MbUHtt. VUII a disunion, sootier or later, would be the in ible consequence. . the prtvationv, already endured by vened.; , ; It was further confirmed by the refusal : iiireiise suneriiig proaucea oy me ot the benate'to ratify the appointment. Mr. H. i of everylce ot Prudu-?c. mc enhanced val-1 was convinced that the apprehension of Mr. Sec nience, hie-ot -i?xuryi COI'o" or con retary Gallatin's ejection by the peop warV the 1 ue venience. lhiePt-i?uryl conori or con ..retary Gallatin's rpjection by the SenaOEPindu- necessary to X .wreign -countries and ;ced the President to keep back Ir. Daschloff s rr withiihe -nJ,uon ot 11115 people, togeth offer until Congresshould have adjourned, when ull classes ci clunhen8 to be lupon'itjWas intended to smuggle him off before the uttered on ihaf occasion tiowed Irom the heirt be wa proud to say, they Wfe entertained in coromon witi all the r&r,and if ever an opportunity offered, such as was then anticipated, he woulcLgoJjandl ' and hand, heart and heart with the majority, in' any effort to drive ' the invading foe from th Capital. He would be one to set an example which was! not shewn in '98 by the then robot ' ity. ( 1 " '. But, said Mr. H. ready as the v Toftet" ' kivm- and have proved themselves to be in all parts of the country, to take up arms affainst their invai f ders, they will neverthelsss continue to maintain i the rights of priyat judgment as unalienable they will defend to the last, the liberty of. speech and free enquirfhey will continue to inform the people pf the total absefice of preparation , to meet th enemy ; and of the defenceless atjtft -oFthetatriii. Whuo ' the enemy was' approach . ing the Capital, iwiiatratesrepratioi waS' " the District I. The enemy waa atouf gstes, and J' they were opeh fir their reception. iThe citaii del was defenceless'; not a rampart raised,' naf a cannon mounted . A file . of soldier scared was le-ft to guard the Capitol and secure Con, gress in its deliberations- . All bad been despatch, ed Helter skelter to Fort Warburton, whiph wa 1 pronounced a mere slaughter-Hause by a-gentle-i ; man of military science and eiperietceJ-iArKX 1 at the momentof the heighest, alarm, Congress adjourned without doing any thing to lessen thb panic, and infuse ardor and confidence in the di$. mayed inhabitants;; .No,' while th ehemr -'ititf at our doors, Congress sat deliberatine- debate.- The next day, when the enemy w cinsidered as still approaching, they continued to deliberate upon the simplest mode of ave. throwing the; British Empire by a tax of so much more, or so much less upon whiskey, salt, carria. ages, stamps and th; like.' r -Mr. H, now complimtnted Mr. DuvalLnf tucky, upon his judicious and sensible artumrnrw against tbe broposed Embargo, though he had no hope f their producing the slightest good ifr stay ing the hand of power. , t f . :. Mr. H. cohtinuedHad not administratiow already reaped a i aufficientl v abundant disgrace from this war, and do they not live ia expectation of another rich cron now rinenini for the sickle ? Was Government wi'lint; stand responsible tothe people and posterity, for a recurrence pf those afflictions and nrivatinn , thpse oisasters and disgraces which had reduced the nation i to the most ICnomlhiom rnntitinn Were , they irrevocably determined to transmit tr the next generation the effects of those foli;fe aad calamities which tHe present race had spi bitteHy experitticied ! V- : ' -'" Mr - aid;irwas certainly not accord ino- tK strict parliamentary rule to enter into a intnp.t discussion of the merits of the measure proposed until the bill was introduced, at which time h. would cheerfully take a share in the debater Ha had nb great objection loi the amendment pro posed by the Speaker, because it would be timts enough to discuss' the measure and throw it out of the house after the hiJI was introduced, fully djscussed and perfectly understood He hai some turio&ity. himself to see what would be. the provisions of the bill, and would Daticntlv await. its introduction. -r Mr. Hanson having taken his seat Mr. Grvk. DY rose. He Said, he Ixineil that Wnnlif -ftsrTfc-.- ' : r . . wv I: '; ii!.: If ast as it was the first time he had risen to-r..n! to the gentleman from Maryland. He ha mised to reply lo him in the course of the-ses-sion,butthe school in which he was taupln flir. bade him to Engage In such ontrmf .: : : im was taught to rest his character upon good deeds. ftUd ma to bje anaiUqus ef ajtaiping 'a baUlergt; . 2 1 1; -. ' '"" ' It . X A

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