-'--. 'A , - - -Hfc -- '-T i. : 3? V; - WW. 1 i. 1:3' -'v . trcnt csnecinsr the ftosn'in mediation, wmcn nas yeeo repeai-fi oy nim, upw-u . uy CoK 1onroe's statement in r w riling, t ,.a vme jvht n severe indisposition kept1 Mr. Hanson 'from the house,' Her wis handsomely answered-on that bcca&ion in an appropriate "and dignified rcpiy froiuMr. GbldaboroughMr Hanson' c) Jsauue. . Li :.;-- T -.- Wiv-n Mr. Griihdv took his seat, Mr. Has V - tow '1rtyepTr;ai3Tre' couldliot commit o v. -a more honorable tribunal tnan yte house, tne ' i (decision upon the true motive which ' influenced ; th ..meVuberfrom Tennessee, :n declining a. con. troversyWhh nim (Mr. H.) I hat he "was. not educated in the same sch-xd with the member, jn.il up'i it was impossible tor him to regret, be. 1 cause he might have had instilled into him some of bis bad principles, and , caoght a Utile of his Vulgarity of language and "manner;.''' Mi. H. proceeded , lo v: rep fat his statement 7 which, ls contended, in Ue o-ture of things, as' uacohtrV5-nhle and defied ajl sophistry, pre yaricatiou aitd c wtradicMonScc. . The .debate continued ibr several hours after Mr. Haoion clode-J his remarks. About two h'Hirs alter he took his seat, violent pain corn 1 him to leave the house.' i Sometime al.er to ttuke i the command1 of Qtti:' Worm, Mt delacned to attacR fKem employed Jhe other ttf suppov- the communication between -.the body of r the atmy' under; his command (whicn was upon tne noyai Ro3d from Miranda ld Vitoria)and Ihe troops detached to said heichtst The enemy soon dis covered their importance, and ' feihforced his tmons so larctl, that Gen. Hilt saw himself compelled to detach alsa to the same point, the 71stjime try from Gen. Walker's brigade, under thexoro mand of Lt. Col. Cadoen. and other troops in succession f And the allies 'not only obtained iwsses3ion of the "said important heights, but maintained themselves in lios session, in spite of wnuic ui th,CtheyTonly took ay. one caution and one ? -Eng 22 V, 475 92 all the eflforts of the enemy during the She transaction.' - - v The 'action was without doubt very warmly contested, and ihe toss'we sustained considera ble. -'Gen. Morillo was wounded," but did1" not quit the cldv tm gcievtd to relate "that .t. Col. ' Cadogan has" died of his wound in him the army has lost alvotBcer of zeal and approved valour,' possessed of the affections of all thse of his profession, arid from whom, had his Iile been spared,' his counuy might have anticipated the mist brilliant services. ProtecLeiS by th'-se heights, Sir Rowland pass :t, -fvp A his seat, and noiwithstantliiiir'ffennent op- ed repeatedly the Zadorra, by the vilhge follow I .oriun'Ui,s had before-offered without btfi;.g em- .'ing th diifile 'which that river fo'.ms with it, and brct'd, M:. NcUorosc in reply attacked Sujaha de'Alava.in front of the ene- In he course of soine rcnurks made by Mr." mieslmr, "hich the enemy fruitlesbty Attempted NjtLiffN, he said : One hon. gentleman had afterwards to pses. '- 5t ,'ed, 'hat this meas,uitivas foujfided ' in; hostile 'nie.W-ivenessi-of the ground d-Jayed more -ity tu thc commerqe of theNoi-th.that- it jftftftitha') ;I; rxpecie3, thetommuoicition of the dif--XtcomWcnclod by the president for the purpose ferent columns marcbirrg to the attack from the Of siiu'.t'nt op the poTtsta tne, jNorin, oecuse poiiuon iney occupiea osine nver : uyac, aim th -iifivW-ilctt wa uJckadkijf the parts of the ' it was oa this account that I nnlkamtln the ' t3buih--Mii N. Jaid chat such an idea had never evening, that the columns composed-of the 3d entered into his head. He did not wish, to t a an(LI.h diyisbn under Lord Dalhousi, lwd ar iaUatc.npon the-North the; mmici1 which the rived at theh appbiated station., V lU'itis.h had indicted on theSouch That hedicif The 4th light division passed immediately the ' Hot beliCvo such a motive actuateduy brauch 1 Z.idorr9 at the moment Sir Rowland Hill was jruvernmeiit, aud iJS.to the charge which the en--taking possession bf Sub jana de Alara; the let tkman had made against thg president he tfw- by the bridge of Nanclares, and the other by dai ted 10 give aoY rrflli ; - v the bridge of Three Bridges. And as soon ' Mr Ga.RNuH, in replytcg to Mr." Nelson, almost as they had passed, the column under stMti, ho Mr- N. had seen fit to answer a remark Dalhousi arrived at Mendozi, and the 3d division Vnade by an hon. friend of his (Mr.Hanson) who; under Lt. Gen. Sir Thus. Picn, passed the ri ihad bcert fbtced by indisposition to quit the house, ver by a bridge higher up ; followed by the Ttb ;in atone some wha. louy.j-ivir. saia u wouia aivision, unaer. ivjiw uainoust. -YiAVti boea more candid, and more to his credit, Those four divisions which formed the centre If be hadrmade ..those remarks., before his hon. of the army were defined to attack the heights frittid had left the house In that cae perhaps, occupied by the rigbt of the enemy's centre, . ke hon. e-eatleman's dhdain micht have remain. : while Sir Rowland af. the same tim should ad ' A a spcret' io his own breast. . But Mr. G. said, vance from Subiana de Alava to atuci his left, "even as it was, the honv gentleman's disdain lite enem'y line being weakened by the detach should in no wav answer bis purpose, or vindi. ment which he kept oh the.w heiahts-lmraedi ih. nresident from the odium , of the charere atelv on seeinc our dispositioui fo,attack, he iflfede against him by his hon. friend. The abandoned, tUf potiiii he had in the valley, and icharce was Iiteidlv true. There was not a doubt,' began his relrea towards Vittoria, in good or- "?Sr Grosvenor said, that the princiiral induce- der Oor men pursued ihem in the best order, j infni tu the nies3aee of the nre-Jidest then before notwuhstaading the difficulties of the? ground. ; the. house was. to tmwlizi; the evils of the war Lieut. Gen. Sr Th's Gr aham who command. ; to sTiut the po-s u( ih'.- Ho thbecagj the ene- ed the left of the army composed of the 1st and S my Wo-kades the ports" at the South, Mr. G 5th divisionsrformed of;he brigades of infantry k:;A asiied. if Mr. N recollected the mrssngi, of the of Gfn. Pck and Sradford and those of cavalry pr.sictnt at the close of the last sjsion calling under Gen. Ilock and Anson marched on the 'x r. .:!... r n ..ua.iiu ;.t l!U 9.1th ,n IVfurfrnvi. whli-li nuitttl itv lh th:t which th rt evident now d-manded. In high road of Biiboa to Vittoria,. accompanied by ;iha' message, iU said, tfea picsiUent avow.' the divisio.i of Col. Louga and of Gen'tfal Ciron, in. expisss turns, Ihe viry tnclivc itnd. the w;,; which had been previously detached to Iht Iett fVa.'for the meabiire.ithbdtd now-teeniof the army, But was called on the 20th to Or 3 ascribed tu him by hisfriettd (Mr. Hanson-VMr. jduna, which they left that morning-for the field The armyjinder the cdmmand of Kittg Joseph was composed of the. armies .)f, Medtodta ,wd Ceniro, offour divisions of infiintry, allthccaval. ry of the army of Portugal, ; and -some trbops from the army of the North , " , . .ThttxUvision:oLGenoixflhmy-ofPtir-. tugal, was inlhe neighborhood of BHboa. ,ien. Claure! wfto commanJ4! the army ..of the north, ufac n-no I.rfrnno "with a division of -the army of Portugal commanded by Gen.. Turpin, ahdl the division of the north under the command of Gen: Bandermafien. - -'; .' r: The sixth division of the allied army under the honorable Field Marshal Edward Pakenham was absent, being detained three -days at "Medf nn rl Pnmar. fm- thtf DUrDOSe of COVerfrig the march pf our stores and baggage. fHere was inserted a particular nonce ot me J. - . . ! . l.j it 1 oruigucse, i r 143 1 : Spanish, it-, 85 '-t'o ' ' WOUNDED. . O. - Off Vs. ' Infy. Cayr - English, 167 2640 .68 1 P6rtuguese5i W6 -lB47 o .- Spaoish 1 1435 jf - MISSING. - " unguan cayairy,, 24, - TOTAL, -lu y.' Ca 3U9 990 . rj-iz a OfTrs XEngllsh, 139 Portug'e, 59 ' Spanish, 15 533 194 1 0 263 4647 195 G. esked if ibis w:ji?t essple grtKd for the ot battle v to be in readiness to upte?t U neces . -r . - ' ' ?'-- ' ' " " ' . . - , . common qecncv jo oivert tne-ra, 01 fu uisnam ihcvu-hij a ui.uiui. r ; fr0n1 the kth;.oP the 'charge and fix, thtm on sometavalry, on the high toad to llilboa his Ms friesid -the cretdeiit. f v . leftsuiirtftd by .t,he strong heigh' above the -.; ;Mi7G'lilw 'oid'' iea.lrC'r. .an d the vtjtageof Gomarra Mayor, which as' well as n;V- 'rnt W sst'tlrVhe, qustic j In iheif own wav. Ayechuch-o were" possessed by considerable force . i t- 2",,,'. 1 . '"'' ' !'-.;.'iij.j-jj r "i1 11 a as defences of the bridges on the Zidorra. Bri J . --t- jji'Oli KICirjN, '- gaditr Pack with his Portuguese brigade and ' ' - .. ' - 1 Col. Longa with his Spanish division supported jr,. 7v GKEAT VICTORY J ' !bythe brigade of Gen. Anson and the $th divi. ;-;,. -t ATESxrEo;i THja'PEKiJisttiA- jsion of infantry, under Td Murlial Osibald. ap . ..TheVbsp L.;vnaV Gle, tmm . z, has been pointed to the command bf all these troops to CSKurcd ott jMontWtlg 'rwnt ana sent into tt. , ,ai-ri,iind and take the lie fhts. . " J8n jailer .UttVrf'attd p'&seiigtrs'bafe reached Lt. Gen. Sir Thomas Graliam accj'uaints me ft , France Invaded from Stain Jund 25, Lord VVellinirton's o . . -in. I .i:..!..:.L..I lmculuac 1 WriV 111 t 'ilnilin 1 l.ai..... U... 1 " principal orncers wno uisiiguisiicu?,us.iowi.w.j . ... ....f ueyona j u.. ninuH tnt thp o-fii. . tered France with t !,.; mm,,,... i ,. . Mk'wWrnmmjtiJltid the diffe re hi bri erade kept ; convoy is taken. The 5th division ,:J tne iroops uiiucr ineir icai'v.n uumuiii""- ; t-v.v-.a. tfuiv f, tne jtiifj.. ineinianuy rcauy iu siimiwuunMi . -7 - - . felted the most extraordinary activity in pursu- btnLord VVellingtons' H. Q. would K. ing the enemy as soon as 'hey weTe repuUed 'hre-. from Vittoria. I sehd you this detail ot the bat., tie bv cantain H. Crokenbourg, and l rtqu-stv ... .... i " that your,Exctl!ency wtU permit me to recom mend him to your protection ; he will have the honor 6f4nforminir vour excellency .that"; the stanaaru oicne4iu Dauauiuu tic "-ft1 M JIA nn.l )h trlinr iron'ol ' till. jour. dan. marshall Df Trance, were taken by tbd' Bri-T'. It "siththe deepest regret that I annQMc tUh'tPtriWuf No. ft7. J you the capture ol the U. .S;ates Gun Rn,; .. - .. ... -v.. God preserve your excellency many years. At .- ,ucr my command, oy me boats of U a nnn t i i.r'iiM ni 1 i i i in eii.A.i . . nr i l 1 . ' Sl AMERICAN INTELLIGEXCj yuyiuivuj IXUl JJUai l0. 121 On buard H. M. sloop, ? I .rtm, ofFRfj,. .siaoa, Augmt 6, 1813. SIR, - -' Salvatiera,June 22, 1 8 13. (bigned) WELLING TONj .numuer nre,t which mounted 12 pCUn. - . a ,-FW,-'4 1 1 I Ml. J -Tii-.f1i (iiiiflirl nrinirn. iwiaycs auu taiiuiitr iu , ail S'J in-n i. P. S. A list of the killed and wounded accom. mi.mit.e5 ' for5 me?idian " tbe Tth ofJalJi nanies this to vour excellencyGeneral Morillo ' ceived orders from you to form a line ahad is wounded. I am not it.for med as ye. of the j 0 lV? fin "1C nr,bu! h'c?r rmselfdrj name of any other Af the officers of his division biit I 6hall transmit them on anv other occasion His Excellency Don J lan 0. Deno. STTEMENT. Of the Artillery, Ammunition anc? Ammunttion Wigons, taken from tha enemy in the ac .r tion of . 21st June, 1813. Bronze C.i unon. 28 12 poundtrs, Total 151 42 53 3 2 3 -2 do, do. -. '. ,.. " lb. howitzers, do. do, 8c 2 5 IS do. II). mcrtars, jimnuvtion Wagonst belonging to 56 12 pounders, do. do. v do. for HftivCrcs do. doi 2 5 do! 4 15 149 for small ammunition. Cur' ridges for Cinnoo-1935 )2 pounders. . 5424 8 pdrs. V ; 3131 4 pdr. Hoit5ser 97 for 8 pojnd howiibert 33 8 for 3-ptlw, .... Total 76 68 7 54 5 1.73,400 14,249 f usket ball cartridges "Pounds of Powder 40,658 Covered wsggons for provisions'"" : 56 Waggons with furnaces . 44 (Signed) R. D MENEGALL, " Commissary of Artillery. Vitoria, 23d June Way from the squ'edron by the wind dvin-. Undatrong ebb tide, I remained sweep.;, t . M W A klMl.t i.-V ..-.. ' . I ;"; 4mc luniyiwu jjouuucr. me same hnc.ing my ehot did not reach, I placed all to the . sweeps to endeavor to gain theisijua! At 20 min. pasr'T3,:I pert eived the enemy', .) M.lrin.. P.v. nn. - ...- I. . 1 J K iiomiij iui iiic , nicy uutu yui 01 guns1 I still endeavored to sweep up to the saua At 20 min, before I P. M. rtSommenced firitj thelenemy's bbats and swetpi'ig st the time ; but findtng I could gain noihu'i?,! and ed to receive them as American Ufs ha e accustomed to; The enemy then getting ; in grape reach, I commenced it, but unhnu ly the pintle ot the large gun gave way thtfc round f rXjatni charged and got. her to which discharge did considerable damage, tearing my gun carnage all to pieces, 1 with the hope of ge'ting her to bear auain, found it utterly impos-ible ; the enemy oaww on board, discharging vollies of shot front t!. carronades and muskets,'! called the boards J rmall arms men away to repel the eneaiv ;U now surrounded us, poured in a heavy fire M we returned witH as much promptness as J leeme uumbers would admit ; several of my having now fell, our ensign halyards shot a? and seeing the superiority of the euemv'sW urine ci oi uoaraingius ia eert auanrr. ! . ri -k .' i - - ' ocgan -,m ore urisuy, ana I tound u necessary me persevauon ot those ieyt valusble lives to Surrender to seven times our-mifhlvr. enemy bparding, loaded our decks with men, were all driven below, an'dil was with the o;n unutuiiy mat me orncers couja stay the revesB Most bxceltent Sir, No. 2. ni lflr1 C '.ItVI T n iuHa c a a -m m r -!- .- . r . Li www. ..viM ovwiuu 9 mini wr da k t and plunder, the last of which they had. bv rj biog Us of every thing ; we had none killed, iifl Seven wouhdedi fiVe slightly. The enemy's IcJ by us was t killed and 12 wounded, 4 of wbil have since died. They have conquered mt, W ; they have paid deaHy for it, and trust, sir, ws! 4--i--Tt"-'r'-A f..'r- ' t-V that in the execution of this service the Ponu. !, -A filend in Portland has lawred me hdifttf ot ; Kue3e and Spaniards behaved to admiration. the ;.l'ederaTGaaette . witha . Cadiz papef"cpnjXb 4th and 8th battalions of Chasseurs, emi laiii.'g the followinif inttresttng ; accounts, the I nemlv dislintjuished' themsclveslCol. Lontra a. aub.uoce ef which we redw ved horn our valu- j on tji5 kft took the villatre of Gomarra Mcnor : ed.v xorrestJondents in New.Ybik, and issued ! Assoon as we nos&essed the -heiehts Gonarro r JSSmr of subscribers jresterdaymorni,n in an j Mayor was.,J attacked and parried tty the -brigade of the 5th division under Brig, Gen. Itobinson. who under cover of 2 cannons advanced in bat'wl ions wUhoUl firing a shot under a terrible fire of artillery and musketry- The enemy suffered severely and lost three Cannons. . i The Lt. Gen. then Advanced to the attack pi Ayechueo, with the fust) division forming against it a stiovig battery i ibrtned bythe , brieade 6T Artillery "under Cob f)u vandi ert "and of . therConi " pany ot Ramsey under jcovtrW its re Col. ;- - VTmiskUd for tH Federal QtzstteA : - - ?- . . . . . :-"' ".':. ' -'.i .'. f . i CADIZ, jvir 2". The Muiaterof. .itiihw rViv;d-by,. express f thE-fo5)uitig repvrt fiom W ''''Dike d-iCiudad Hodrlgo : . ; ' ' ;'i Sin-The "ei'eoiy, :h theijight of thei'h . Jniie, took a position in frbnt.f Yitoria-his left Aa pro eCttd by ins heights mat terminate in ; " IT r t t . 1 - .. 1 1- - uon rten ngea o.oenoourg cepar.ure ot- , come tQ yiew the disadnUges lhat j mebeen delayed to afford us time to make the ' Jinj k,.,; , V . .J ; u-ii...... :, ). ..!.. .. ,i .i... ..ii i. the village of Arganion, extending htmselt trom s wniiuv ouai.wi j uic b.ib. ou-i car-, them, through th valley 'de au'briairlfront of i ried h-and; tbe! battalion of Jiht. troops having thi village. 1e Atme occupying with the right j come up to hecharge they took. on. the bridge of hi centre, a heieht which commands tl "said t cannons hnlTT ltowitt?r. This :. attack was ... - j i Villey of Zi-iorra. V'fhv; right of the enemy's or-. suirted by the brigade of Pottuguese .Infantry irty -wu situated nti.r Vii.iia; in 6i dp r; to defend under Geh bradlvra. . ite nasaeVin th rieig'ibbrhoodC by 'wbirh;hei l)uting the attack of Avechuco the enemy ' WlpT,r' !3isJ targi.a,dVhe4ad-a were gallant Iy -h pulse if Gomechti. The natu'e of theuntry thVAutrh o tht 5th division und marshal Osibald, The v1ich tlve army b?d xvahea-fcinte'.'':itartrval !'e,nM-.hJvii. twodinsifhs on the heights, on Lr1 jit the Ebro, had necessaijly x tended our co hirnus ant., Uy unite tltiu we: h .Ited bh the 20 h ; the" -left advancing to Murglia,. where, ' jiccorci..g to upeur'anct), i6 wUrbe:"most use. ful.-' Th -b'sme d;jy, I rcHnehribd the enemy, in o-cler to a;tack tb?m tfie flext mjiniii)., f lti.r still remained. i! cfttct, ancl according to -ttjt'di5po!iito.ni nj-id', w attacked the enemy '.yesterday,'-: &.ad V tl-.i.t:eivtt to kitvjt J'our. Ex ceb'tney, that the Jlftd atmy Mn J.i: my com jnaiid has gvi?5i d a co ptisjf J icltr , driving tht 5 Fttnt h. Ia-in-rll their ..' i4-tionu,-kihg their baggage, cmnon,jimn;un( i ws grn provisions, flocks, vrtVipre,"eiu with a QO&idunbtc number i - li ii S ip;)5..(S5l S hl'nii' Kill brt h tl.ey lu I UK -Ci. It ul tlie -heiirliis r.i u)fa left rested, Ouitd with fliuch ; -larft.-. A bngatfvt .the . SjuSb- dMalot,- untlti" the left ot the Sad ora, it w. s impossible to pass the bridge, until the troops destined to 'attack the ceMre ot thie .tnemy sleftshould oblige them to retire to.-Vitoria-- hich baiog-effected, the Whole arnjyxio operated in the attainment of thfcir pursuit till dark. ' '-. ' t I The moiibii of the" troops under Sir Thos; Graham and the possession which tbey took of Gbmaita atid AvechUco, prevented, the enemy's rtl'ningby Jtlvr high road j to Prance apil thev wert obliged by this ciicomstance to, take the roau oi j-ampeiona, uui u was impossioie lor Hie.n to mainiin any p face long enough to v en able them to withdraw their baggage and . artille- frS-l .... i..r .-b. vf ..!'' .-.. Tyconsequenily thel whole qf tKeljr Artilletxllrurzun, 24th June, 1813. W . 1 Ik . . H L . 7. . " TTe ppcvations t lbs d.uy begin by Si.r Row, was c ipt red. which had net been taken already by the trpips.i L.the successi ve pos Vticns which the enemy bd taken in thetr retreat froni.vthe Ifi4s which thy occui-.itd ; aLArints, ahdTn the 1;U baikof Zdotia, ahing - VUft thei 'ammuni statements, I must inlorm you that weiuve con tiiiuedj pursuing the enemy,- whose rear guard has t 'lis day entered lmpelona. We have-done him a3 much harm as w could considering the bad Weather and very bad siate-of the roads . this day ih? vanguard, 'cmpbsed of the cavalry brigade under the command of the camp 'ma?, shall Victor, Al'en, oftheSrst and third battal ions of the 95tii legiment, and of- capf. Ross's company of hrse artillery, have taker, from the enemy the only piece of cannon they had remain ing ; 60 that they entered Pampelohaj with only one howitzer- ' General Clausel who, commands part ofth aVmy of the North and a division of that of Por tugal, which were riot at the battle of the 21st, approached Vitona on the Tia wiiere he heard of the action of the preceding day t and finding 'hat the-Bixth division which had just arrived commanded by. the-honorable camp Marshall Edwardo de Pakenham, was' thare, he withdrew towards Gusrdia,andr;haa since-marched in the direction" of Tudela . de Ebro. . It is probable the-nemy is, continuing nisi Jretfeat4wds m ' . . r- .. i . .' I have dispatched general Girqnvvith the army of Galicia in bursuit of the convoy, which istart f. iim Victoria on the ' miorhinir "of the 5 " - V' hope that it will meet it before it gets to Uf onne. ''"'J ' T U. Vi Vinnnf nf inrtiirt I nc rnh OlflG statement general Copons gives me of liant .action which took place-in Catalonyer' formed by a brigade of Spanish . twQfrP' manded by col., Lladu, on the 7lh fY' have received from another sourceifnouR rot official, but which mentions ;that frc 7i of said lay, Gen. Copons Irtd beaty enemv in the position of ConcalneaV AbitV -May God preserve yoa many , WELLINGTON; duke6fC Kot.nB Most excellent sirDon Juan Q,JJU eo unaer, navina oeen but seven dav . n bmii of my boat, and scarcely time to station fliymeii .1 p . .. .- - . . anci me misioriuncoi entirely disabling ray anu ine supenouiy 01 numoers to oppose me; you win oe convinced tnat the llairi had !heb nor to wear has not lost any of that iwiia character which has ever been attached toi'. V 1 - -. L 1 ..'l .. i navc ine nDnorio oc, witn the greatest re pect, sir, your ntfgft obedient servant, . . - WILLIAM SHEAJ1 Lieut. Saml.. mcvf Commandiner U,S, Ela, Delaware. )JAN HOSTILITIES. Sf . Lcuts, July fft List Of the killed,' wounded, a lied Army under the- comr Ci the iudod Rodrigo in the Hic flelr it 4 1st of KxucfUfoJg We stf d m our lyt, that eleven Rangenme. about aual numberof Winebagoes near Fort Mason the 4th instant, when a severe conflict took pej since which time more full informa lion tnis attair has been received ; it is new satisjPtorily ascertained that the enemy received mf &rcaicr jmury man was at first be ieved.two ns were found dead on the ?nind. and evN eof (bebeiftadly-wounded --not more six or seven of the Rancers pot un in time partake in contest before the Ifidians flsd : the tvlhat were in. the action fought d&DerateIv i 20th ahc PVty of Rangers "and Indians fought within mc spaoe 01 not mor? than 24 feet square. On the ith instant this jparty on returning to camp were 6red on again, 25 Tniles below, where they fought the day before, one- man was killed, and another wounded slightly ; itv is said that W Indians were-killed, the Rangers were greatly v 7T 11 rv K.k J m-mj 1 , , v On the 8th instant, Fort Madison was attacked the enemy commenced by firine on a party coin(f out to cut wood, ojje. soldier was killed auother raonauy wounded, since dead a brisk fire in stantly took place from the earrison. which sc cured the safe retreat of theTremainder of the party ; the firing was kept up by the enemy on the garrison about an. hour when '. theytn ed. They fired under cover of the ravine that lead f l thf rivr aknut r.r, k....li i- .. . i - . (-... ' . . . . uuui an uuiiuicu piibe ironi uic jih Aboutone hunmied Indians were seen, nodoubtT I Inn a on isnnn'ritii. .r .l .. if-i. . .,.. JjidianasseetriiltredraoTI ngof the Al- iche Ducde I