!.' '- rr '. w -r . r 'i .'K'-'w V.'" -.- - , v. ' i ? . . '.- . , v . ,V -.": ,. . . ... . . j. : r - . '. :- nuui;i3HEn tw.L)BY lucas' and a h. uoyl . .. ..." "' ' at. i ' ' . , """.'HT-V :'. -I " - . i V ,- . -Vol 18 . -l ' if; n iy in tci'cating Document. E ((i.T.) FEDERAL RfcfUBtlCAS. 1 t TRANSLATJON. Bait imor, 14:h June, 1809. er of France to Mr. Robert Smithy S?c rctary of Statt. "' c,The federal government is poing to set? fiffcrtnces w.n Great uu' Ain, and to iy of amity, of ominrce. and of na- viiMiifMi wall tnai wer. ou, as wen as ir. have mauif'.sted to rne a desire "ulso to new conveniioti with France, to take ihe that whicli expires qinbe 30tii 3apttU- yaoH t an fhe minis hie all. i' ke a u IGallaii- fi place o OH' 1 will for a moment call (O-yrvur consideration Vyii'j rcikc'ion) this douhle oni;xt. cftsft ('jvermrv.'tu jrop';ies to itself icuHicj i f accoinplisbing it,ioa mi- i the i( mcrif'th 'advaataRes which you exp.-ct from a fioiht. of faking several mer new convention. y ' ' .'. It would be useless and too tedtoiis to examin here what ha alrt-dy aH the. light of evidcncer tacktd htm under the English flag, and not only i supposed with reason, that evert government . ..... ..... .: a.-.. .. .ik. i. i i r . . . . r" " irauon. na not ta;aiKiCU ucai-ucry 10 3UJcriuiny oi iui vessels, when I commencersirrfce sjfrc two American armed brigs, and armed to prov merit lies a rjght to interfere wi'h the pfrjiicular ; , t.rt the infanuau emmcrce with St.'Uomnt;o atjor municipal laws of other countries, because it is i oil th.r ffinlrnnintp rarti fTJrour : rthf . tnn4iiy39J itself, as to circumweribe the instiimion, and to", stop the h iving pillaged it, massacred a part pf the prew. ! licentiouBness whiwijhe feeblcnesaiiJf laws always an hour after xUcj had struckand this crimelgives birth to, and theMigressions (lea hearts) of v which remains " unpunished, is so much the Iss j which may offenct foreign powers. Can one sup forgotten, ascat. JMouessant never let go (quitte) pose that it was easy to avoid the rust reproach whether the prceedinc: administration, has riot ta; added treachery to superiority ot lurce to get I will sofarrtpect ken the worst course wiiich it cpuld have taken to. possession of the vessel ot Mouessant ; but after efl'ect of these-la. avoid collision with the ' two principal belligerent powers. . 1'he Americans have appealed to the right of neutndi'y, and 'until now at least their government has endeavoured by procedingS whicfi I shall not permit, myself to give a nameuo, (de q.iafifiei) to draw near la Great Britain, who out rages or ili ovvris the rights claimed ; while it in. jure (otTensaiii jraiehiaac measures have for lh:ir object the re establishment and the guaranty of these rights. , ' , Thus, your" preceding, administratloii, (for itis oft'mt, 5k lfiat or.ly that I pretended o speak) pk-j ce(!Ttstinyus, political movemeTiTtmreho) in 'raanitest cdntradiviion with its own principles.-lt-has coe mw, and notwithstanding my repre sentations it persisted (ubstipee) to consider the two powf rsas d i'ig equal wrong to the govern 111 5 11 1 Bu'. it would be too tedious1 relate tp you all the p:irtigular acts in yelauon solely to rrench zeni ; it will be sumr.ient In ma to say to you that every where, where there are rrench me (I don't tpeJik if the ra!I ni?nber' who have , that lam about to address you aiijurett ihew country) these Prenchmen will have Jrberty ot saying every thinji of -writing every thing) a-rurhi to tite Rffittction ot the covernmeht. and', mtit-ni hfimiutr mMru-thinir. ' ' ' . -si " - o i 1 1 r ' ......,..t.) ...- . tJ- the weakness f la vice of the ins'UiutTQBV.an(T"nd'.Hi cm I want of action or of power in the depositaries of 4 you, political authority, render uselro a trial - offugr5?4 -T nen. ; means of repression? You have fare seen, ufr ,v' ;Hri!l be eveiy -where assurred (assuries) of obtain ntg jr.JomrYty ipr loe 'Jarnage none to their per sons or to r Ueiv property. I am v y far from hcliertngf-haTlhe excesses of your prew- liav' occupied for an injtant the thoughts of the --Eroror King, my mafeter-rtit as i0 respects this sbjeQi,, a egaivlj l-in Thrre are ether grievances (griefs) jet more seriou?, and from which France has a right to 1 here as the organ of ,tluwb!C Fre,nctri6pc beiiev tha thc-U. States has a project, of giving ! and,' if I do tiut see without pain, theiavages v$ .i Ik s, permit tne to make any enervation pn tbeUe ot Hs negative measures, wane ine-ouuc cr ...vjuu ,u. -v. lv vagesj wnica ineoeiuiunruit: uiruce h with which the executive h-3 received the England seemed to require from theur -dignity ( (or those of her allies, 1 his has reference to the greater partof.your peuodical writers, occasions t fl f-Vuvertureaof the F.vlish ministry yet com the must energetic measures of repreasion ag:inst free commerce -between, the Americansand the amongst yourselves, you will judge, that I do not Kfi 4" "1 0f the sami. meir who very' latelydisco- t hat' power : - But 1 short, (.urtnfia) sir, it islvoittd iilavks cf St.. Domingo, the affair of Mi- jhear .-.without indignation, all that people permit, V I vfie.i a very mami-st aversion to every species ff conciliation, and who joined to a denial of jus- r : to the Americans, evt-ry asperity of forma oil lui e. and of style towards the ients ol your go vernment. " -'f-- r """If c have supposed that this very haste was ne- ctsary to satisfy the wishes of the people of wh.o:n' foresight is not the first virtue, others may nee irt thit political procteding a precipitation, jicihps dangeronst andif it does not lessen (ne Messait pas) the Dignity of the Executif, may at Itast pio-.luce consequences prejudical to the true inteiestsof the Union. It U on these very in terests, much more than on those of Fcance, as its enlarged and liberi.1 policy, its principle ' of fliiiVersd justice, and the elements of which its power is composed, have placed it beyond all at tacks (hot s de toutes !es atteintes)-t is only on the interest of your government that I fix my at tention and invoke your's, under a circumstance 14 delicate. Mr correspondence wi'.h your predecessor is ettoiigh to convince you, sir, that t have not left tunc to come to anexplamirbii vr the pretenaed wrongs "df--.France towards-the Um: brutes. and-at least oppone-to them the injurks.(Ies taTs;i-' iave been given u f jiula, and to the meditated attack on brnniardsithenaaelvea to sav or to write acrainst France, hfla on tiie Sabine an enterprise whtcti would not! institutions, and the sacred Derson of her alicttatf up (n'a echoue) but for the ne-'representative. . 'j - i '; ses) done by the federal vcrnmeut. , fc)pssity undtr which your government found itself You will see, sir, tfiat on this Subject, a on aU- However .severe the decree of Berl n might j of clausing itsTtrnops to fall back to guar! New- others, the redress of griefaaccs is an indisrjensi seeni, in its appBcatio to'hJ TJniteitS:ates, it waj Orleans against ah invasion by internal cnemiev ble prerteuisite to the forrrjation of a new" trcatjjr demonsjratedat iw constquences wouVl be ul-j I was lar from thinking, sir, that the, offence 'between tbe'tvvp powers. r K S j timwtely (eii 4eiievc ' analyse t'avowUu to their i(scanJaie) of the commerce with the slaves in the It was sufficiently painful to me to addresa yoU commercijl DtoL'eusios, si';ov its object 'was to j revolted paitf Si. Doniiniro .the law of. the ' rentretemrV on theOlnplaints oC'FranceVgaiilst Si f Mm rope re:ch (d'aieindrc) a p-.?;r who hd pioclaime J 'embjro confirming tlie prohibiipry Jawr passed its conternjr? jjir the rightti rf n.nions : ami with Jby Qongress in lgOS I could not presume that out douhtr (he Americans were the people the the embargo would, be raised, and that the law most inLfcreited in the success c ; -.iiat fiohtical act. 1 against this commerce would not be continued. Thr'eib however Amsricri merchantsVwhJ; j What, sirthe intercourse is prohibited between by aifthtTneans ofth'most shirnfui deception, ,the U. Stales and -all the dependencies of the have er.eavoured t o elude the measures of Fiance, Empire, under circumstances, when the commcr. ani tr. second the t-fforts of the common enemy jcial relations would b the most advantageous to to escape thema.an(l have at" length by their mul-; the two states, and you tolecale them only with tipfied and proven frauds pi-ovoked fhe more so that one of our possessions, where we have the vere dispositions of the decree of Milan. -Thus, 'greatest interest to proscribe them 1 and it is to notVilj; wereijie measures of France jus'ifted a be remarked, that it is always moreover when nu'asuKS of retaliation, but they were indispen j France has to combat new coalitions on the other sable to free the American commerce from the jcontinent.that it would seem that efTorts are made yoke which Great-Britain had placed on iti to i to form enter.prizes againat its possessbns, or catse to be respected in future the fiu of neutrals,; those of its allies in this ore. It is also proper and to force that power to acknowledge the.rom-1 io place among the numb jr of gtievances with mo.r right of nations and the dominion of the j which France has to charge the U. Slates, ihe seaa;' the ciinuscation, the sale, and burning o; ; war.t of oppositLn, or rather the useless oppoai- some American merchant vtsjels,' having f2isc p.r jtirn, which the federal government has made to pcfH, and. i (bur ov France, have been legal mca urc conformable to i vessels against us. I have often, sir, and often iu navigating in con'rlnfUrfthe finhibiiton'-v? ifiifire&sment of' its sailors, seized in conternpt an government t i livorE'e enemies of of its Sag, -t -with whom the EnglnV'trm theif ignor'ar.t of the. dangers 6j" the crisis of Eu , and ir3 inevitabieeffects onthe des'iny of !i :state9 of 'he American .Union. Positive and mult. plied info; -maiionorf the events of the other continent and their pVobabl remits, has enabled rue sometimes toraiv; the veil -vhich yet covers Krri 'SMrns hf -ik f'J't tounws l the politic tl world. I h.nvp ttificrht that it wis not incnmnaiiMe rith nv dty rightsof war, and which the force of circum jvain, protested against this outrage of Grea; Brl governnunt the new chances, which the changes, brought about in Europe offer to the commercial interests' of the United-Sttesrsn J the inconven iences which may result from their refusal to ac tide formally to the firinzifile of the maritime con fcdira.ian . It does not belong- to me to examine, bow far the preceding admirii.stration was mistaken in i's conjectures, but the verLal proposition, which you hve raade t me sir, to conchTde a n'.-vi conversion (a proposition which I have submitted to my court) necessarily Jgadsjne to someoh3er Wtioris on" the respective posi;ion ofFrancfc and the United States, stances and the interest of all imperiously refi-iir. tain towards your government, and which has be. ed. But , I appeal 10 you, sir, the cour.cil of come a Serious injury (offcnee) on 'the part of ..Washington, pf which you were then als j a mem-1 your government towards France. ' You furnish ber has it given all the necessary attention to : personal aid (4ecour3 petsonficls) to our enerqies the rep esehtations made on this subject by Mr. 'What could. you do more if you were at war Champagny to Mr. Arms'rong, as well as to with us? Without doubt, it will not escape the those which I considered it my., duty to address ' pveient executive, that an amendment is absolute to the Secretary of St te ?, Has it been possible ly necessary to render uniform the treatment to" make known through the Uaited States, all which our sailors and soldiers meet in this coun the advantages which the American people ouirht nry. and that which your sailors and soldiers the United States,.vithout laying them open- to you, in the torn! .'of an .official note.y r have thought that a simpte letter, the tone of which would approach nei.rer to that of our coiiferenceSf ; woukl produce 'the' same effect with you.airt' . whose liberal principles and Joyal character, are known to me. I have thought that you would be afflicted, as I araatthe obstacles finrraveil , which the preceding administration has been able to place in the way of a heirty; recoocUiation f.a un raprochment plus in time between our gov ern meats, and which their mutual interest reiz ders more necessary than ever. - i I have thought also, that I could even on tf subject so serious, grave and without deviating from, or with- propriety faans blamer les conve nances adopt a mode of commbnication mora analagousto the.-cvnforrottfour-viewand'? effort to maintain harmony between France and the U States ; and have'' found here too thesju ' , tikfaction of being able to offer tayour senttmenfl k tns, ir" tfirtnf r rp art t - 4 Receive, sir, the homage omy Jngh constderv ation, -.: " ;v . feigned! TURREAUU rl'f' TortTnd in the accomplishment of tiie designs of , Franceto discuss its projects in the calnijf im I partiality -to cause the voice of reason and of prir. . kiples to be heard, when the declamations of er Your government Wis to .nothing in; its" trea. ror-oc f- bad fiith' when the -influence f pre TTesbuUo s tnttrost of its foreign commerce.' lJ,meMIons iH,a ine clamours oi pany spint pre This is the principle obj -ct of its policy. ' France! served lheir. enipire over the public -Cjiirdon, or considers foreitm commerce oalv as an addi ion ' ather,. received a new force from ihe incertitude fwcessoire to its svstem of general adminiitra. 'ncertitudc or the ailenre of the ' fformet an 'duceour lion . ' 'Nti merbus canals oinmuh'icaiioh; which !tien? Executive Council ?That disposition alpha's it done ail that it ought to bave done to pre. ai.t hs. r'iufrs. rid in nvTlVinl viotr theip thrrrunn. ! !r,ost general to attribute fa'supfioseiTrooKS to ! vent it ? and that extreme facility with which, procure lor it all the opening necessary to keep"Jranwj by' way of weakening pour attenuei the ' when they wish it (au besoin) men drawn off from p in the interior and with itsaUies-that immense ' pntf8s f England was it foreign to the admin-'j their country and their sovereign are naturalized, circulat.iori'of all .the.' objects ! of' theif .'reciprocal; 'Motion of which I speak ? and that administra- floea it accord ui'i the inccntestible right of gov- In France commerce is not a nower fn.!w0i, "M U always beenwillmg to hear rne, while tTtimctJa to ; recover even without dbmanding i maae it perceive tne. consequences pi tne con-pHEM" tnar sutyras nmoni arvjice or jorce nan meet with in Trance. I Invs not suffered my court to be ignorant of the abuses, without hunibcr, and extremely pre judicial to its interests, daily resulting from a want of a police inthe Unittd States, in regard to this iffdir. I am very far, sir, from charging your government with " the means the most shameful of seductiao. which ar' employed, to in- sailors and bur soldiers to desert, but wants. Usance) in the state : it shares with other national professions the protection of the goverTimer which only honors jbeiii with its auppoiTnd eh cruremsiitin proportion to Cbe degree of their tti. and ini'f)rtance. , lit short, foreign com rasice is not ;crtnshlet'eu in , France as au inds pensaUe thing,' aUhpughit-is so considered, in lae United States. - ':' .' ..' - ' -' J Ycu .will 'then readily, src siEhat France -has Dot ths same interest, vwhich tfVTe'leral govern, jnent lus, to mike a treat 'pf commerce and na- Stute.s, vir iuau with the unitevi rtats. vyn.ie k i evi dent, that whatsoever may be the dispositions, the! TTestjlt does not oiler arrequamy oi aa vantage io tiie two gouuimenra. ; - ' --' ':jC ' It i-5 only then by rneansof Political mer'fee, ' tfiat one cafl re-establish the-ffalance in a com- 'sicrci..l ' Treatf "and alia render it of common Wi.li.y o thtj- lvo' parties.; Besides (arid 1 have - pit si'tfered it to remain concealed from ihe ad-iitti;itriion;-vtiicbprcceded '"th.at'.bf Mr. JVI di. -? r c3n-the federal" government believe, and I ap I :x to your discernmtrit to juae n ine ,inie,i -Staus itave not givn causes of serious ana mul ?.!Lfd''eOfh!'ltti.it3 to France during the terrible oi. Gi w hie Irihef jias' bad tosustain vagairist all i'u.-H irwtrs o! L.urpp.-. jNotwitnsi.anaing ;ruii ar iafitiiation, and the. hurrying off oi" t -i .-. ,:.,i..inrw,.aiui".tlia-nutuc iaor towaros 'x-vvt r svs'eraaltc-lly iiiitnivirtl as well .to th. rV.Ltitl-s-aS ' to-France, I.. will appeal tsr-tht Su'Jv !ty of alLJtlie, setisi '-ntsn of your. '0-vrj Co'iKViy.' s"t knV.if 'fof.j.mrc- thn five V.eais' past, the federal gbytr!bem;r)aS i xaiifcUte.d itseif .WA'jren 'Vt a la ?'Tni,n"tiP " V?' r duct of the federal government in regard to the rrefith government ? WajMhis" administration well convinced that all governments' are not dis posed to" forget, or to suffer injuries les offenses with Imfiunity. Hi recalling to your recollection, sir, the wrongs of the federal government towards France, t6nly mention notorious acts, which, my former Correipoedence has established observing to y ou, av the same lime, that J understaijf' accord. ingTo"theirr:lays (je-comprends daris learca th'agorie) " the particular -offences of your tili. zens .; for every government is bound (cst'soli daire)'in ;regard to other powers for-the acts of its .subjecu ; othttwise it would not be a govern' mcnt, and could not offer either security or gua rantee for the execution of its agreements. Com plaints were for a long lime, made to the U. S.; of the delays which some lAm'erican citrzens had "experienced in' receiving the indemnities which were due to them, and of which the reim buisement was. made fiom a part of the funds, destined for the acquisition of Louisiana ; but the affair of the heirs of Beaumarchais, who have in vain claimed for 2IT years a debtmade .sacred by. his motives, proven to the last degree of evi deft? e,,and on which the declared interest of the French goverriment does not admit of a put-off-is if. ll.ushed ? " ' .',.'. - - Captain ; Mouessant, the bearer of a -letter of, mrii'quUnd cbmmandanTdf an arnie.i schooner, folbwaji;Engliih convoy,andjWa9" c the iJfttfr-That I ourrordrind TXh Vtitmi . ",, . ' r - drawn off' frcm their service ; and Francerstr, has it not givtfti on this subiec.ii.as on many others, an example of the reciprocal respect which govern- mentsowe to each other, andwhich they observe in Europe even in the midst. 6f the hot rorsof war ? and have I not already warned , the exe cutive council to put an end to these abuses ? Have I not warned them that the indemnity due foe: the los of the .French ship the Impetuous, burnt bythe enemywithin a cable's length of y ot! r c o as though tu Lbede cresttueajidfaid without deliiy and the subterfuges (permit rne io use the expiission.I know no other to convev my idea) an! the subterfuges I say, which have been employed to delay (a journer) that indem mty, have made of that act of violence on .the part of our enemies, a direct offence of the U. States against France. What more, could you do, what more could yOu leave undone, sir,'ifyPu had a treaty of alliance with our enemies f You Aviil find it convenient, sir, that I abridge the enumeratUm of all the subjects of complaint, which the; federal government has v given to I rdncejjince my residence in the U. States, and uiai k i-eier to. my corresponaence wun tne ue, partmerit of state-, .. :.-;'---'.: ' ' '-"'" : I confine myself here to calling the, attention, and the'attention the most serious, of the execu tive council, to another grievance pf the most se rious kiod I know not w hat could more sensibly offend offenser) the French Empire, " , INTEKESTING TOPOGRAPHY. Thi justification ofthf attack dtlieChtiajjcakend the whole 'paj-age supports the pfeicwipn.to conUAr liUll tile nataraiiaauxHi n loreign . jgamcru . Tranilted lor the Freeman's Journal. From the Portuguese Telcgrnfihi, Saturday, 36( Juey 1813. '.. : '-; Since the victorious army of the Great Lord ' continues to drive the French from the banks tif the Douro by the spirts vpf the Pyrenees', we think it will be proper' to give a topographical " ' description of the road from Burgos to Bayonne V l-rom Burgos to Bayonneis 162 English milea. or 52 Portuguese leagues, a little rriore or k. ihe route is as follows : from Bayonne to St. ohn de Luz 15" miles, thence to the banks of the Bidasoa, which separates France from Spain, and tne fyrentes of Biscay,' 15 miles to Hep. nani 6; to Tolosi 22 ; to Vergera li i to Mon- drajon &; to Vitorja 20 ; to Miranda of' tho Ebro - 20 j to Bribiesca 20 j to Monasterio, 9 and to Burgos' i5w ' -Leaving Baynnne, the road for the first 2V miles crosses a craggy and mountainous country, 7 which Commences-the Pyrenees This road leads to St. John de Luz, a little town ; leaving . which, you meet with a small arm' of the sea, which you pass "on a bridge, '4 miles further i the river Bidasoa ; after which you enter Biscay. The first settlement afterwards is I run, a village- badly built, two mik9 from Bidasoa, then Her nani'r- a considerable town, surrounded with -mountains,5 separated fromeach other by valiies ? covered with verdure, watered by a river, which-, by the various turns it makes, is repeatedly seen by the traveller until he reaches Vitoria.' Over this iiver there exists several small bridges weltbuiltwUhJeu is very favourable td any" army retreating towards France, because in every reile you meet positions well fortified by nature It ought to be remark- ed that at' Hemani the road gives a branch to the right or west, which! is the way from St. Sebastians and Bilboa, in manher . following From Hernani - to Fontarabia, are 20 miles ; thence to St. Sebastians, 10; thence 40 Bilboa. 50. Fontarabia' is a town,weUfortified, and considered one of the keys of Spain : it is situat ed on a small Peninsular on the borders of the sea, occupying a position strong both by nature ' and art, , seeing that it is covered on the side oi the land by great mountains, and on the sea side by an excellerit fort. The French, have of ten besieged it in former wais, but alwyswiih ill. success. . Turning-fo the royal road, from Hernani-is 22 miles ; the first 12 -it crosses ' various mountains,' and then, descends to a beau, tiful and hady . valley here the view of the travpIlerVis: delighted with a great variety of agreeable objects ; every ' habitation of the la i bourer is surrounded with trees in suca a '' nmn.i"-: '. s.-. 'I II