iRiilWiiK . Virata H - l II?AVii 1 Sf.$V, -PUBL it 1 ' '(. AO', 4 hi ti a : t a I I I i Aiuuricaa ;IiitellisjcuQOa. there is no doubt these CORRESPONDENT persons will soon be in , ,tjr powerJtoeg you to aw..'th'e inhabitants of. the towns along the coast of Long island. Uut V wherever I' hear this boat or. any other of;, n?r e situation if (kfia':rS ilhe lakes d1 on the that of the 8 floilk for th Jece jef th4 i.''.'f?f h frontier. ! Imivlalarininfr. Chaunctjv! ubDer Drt 6f ths ChtfsaDefckeiV.s-; ;'?' f:'J:""y"hifS The situifion if on .the lakes aixl on the that of the VrS flo ilia for ILicen Conimydorp InaDT and thd U. 5. OF- desf ription naa been aikiwtd to remain atter tWs ficer commandingat Sag Harbor, oo -the sub- dav, I wilt order etery house near the shore to be ;,ctvof the s5iureof a Mr. Penny destroyed, '';..:.V,, - " " . -m;-, Tiartfu. commander of H. IL Af. aauad- I have the honorito be, sir, vour obed't scrv't, Mr rf 'r-v THOMAS VI. HARDYCapu .Terry, Esqustice of ihe peate, Southold, LongJsland. 5ir Th :-f 'inhabitants' of the toi-rt - of r -East liaaipton hve requestefl of nje Ja Jag, fiich.l mr irutftons) wr uie purpose oaemaiKung istmi renny a natural oirn otixen oi ine uwn-jMthoNU'-tn th island, 'and a ..resident ths- town of East Hampton, v ; H ia'demanded as & nonooobtaDt heirtc; at- Lche vessef as a mariner br corps ttiJita4 ITwhitew!. Jt-wailken bi forte br roor1 hsn fctta, th rbc his pw .htpttjov man.y oihera hate tioped jo ihe aTOe way, hich ." ' Korfqlk, Sept. 3 0?J Sunday last, six negro lUiows beioneng; to differtKittrmeryii the yiciutty of Cape Hen ry, went down to the beach and made signals to the Plantagenet lt;erdr, when twat imnrte: Jiately tit oflf anuok them wjjward. Agrejit Fl.'Petof to Ifeut. .'tfodgeit J as Ts.'fanoot con-1 of ti mhabftunti S Iplan, which it it if ny JM;q$ a rea on hort. had. been.' liitentlr be jretaiucd as a oiisoner of war by anr I nianygtd witimore circumaptctu-n, would have tnicliin the cartel a'tesd on, ratified and con-'made him ply ct.aily for the negroes. A party rmed by the aewnts ot, each ot ourovernmcntvi tJW mimia, tui numocrj s''onett tu rn. "or. the exchange of. prisoners. - " , selres behind tii. Sand, hilis, whih two white Given qnderrny hand, at the garrison of bag-; men wttn their races avd hnids blacked, went arbofi this 23d day of August, 1813. down "upon e beach and waved their haudktr- Ky ; DE.NJA.yU UAalii i cnicis io tnc bnipb w in I) jB uuiu un six men ini' Caviadi frontier, j t truly ,alarmin(r. n Chauncey with' his fleet hartjetnut of harbour, and has had a brush with henriusheet. . It is pre tended, Wiat Ved fan away from, Chauncey aqd decline the conbia 'This is; false. I ' wish it were true. ,Uut it iS ppved to be a total nnsre preseotation. ' The hostile fleets lay three whole days witbUi'fou'f'jfiQffeach'bther. Chauncey had the wind and coil Jtate forced Veo to action at any time. This,' was no dubt Chauncey's intention. r)ui by a series of the most skilful manoeuvres, Yeo not nly baffled all Chauncey' efforts, bo4 succefdrti io breaking lliis line and capturing two of in vessels. ' This Chauncey was compelled to vtUs4wih6ut being able tq, prevent, uidess-iy a fenesil action, s'nd soCom pktely Jbad he't r vinanqwvred, that he mfisT have com t . r S ui lt eery dittWvamageij and bi t fiv,-4 '.beMia .oi : cm neti-ated. He imroediaiely took retbgl1 in Sacket's HaiPbdr; LwhiUi lie soon iaTter left lor a day or twoybtic soorn returned,, where he now lies, unable to go out with safety. All this time Y'eo, reinforced by the two vessels which he had taktxufs cruizine upper p4rt of the Chtrsapeake ikwirH K'Um UUM' w-uu.iac iU B DmiD DEBl. v... J'vJti detrree uu the crualitjes tar .commaBi krMlXe'Jk.'1ri .'M log that a vast majoritoCtlucojmmotiy t$h&itfM disttictbich he was appointed ttVef,'nd, wurifi'l skill, t)rowes's,., sceal 'jnd,idttit?.i.coul(l'U " those avowed had-partfclpate in :the"deinunci;' i orn- gatney t recogowea an intrepid dis ' it v: lingtiislidl Officer of tBe Jle?luibnaryr tfaVy, ? o ; wnoseacfiievemeninive oetnwej. theme otttb- uuiH.HWii aim olVV. rvj. UfC . UflPutil. lie whose vjd representatbn of eoe, of ihoe sc'"n;a has iong been a . prnnnenr octanent in ihe Jjor commanding the troops in the O-'S, set ' vice av uag mium. on the lake. Sometimes near Foil George; and sometimes before- Sacket's 'Harbor. He has no ve" ben in ngston since the fleets met he has common J of the lake. I should have mentioned, that two more of Chauncey's vesselrwre stink in a storm, and. but 16 men out of T5fr have been saved. And io the little brush between the mediately came ashore, Fulked at th same dis. taoce, by two othevs full of men. Just as the fmeu from the first boat were p'eparifig to land, fleets, two more of Chouncey's schooners have. 'Bin Britannia Majetty's tfiit Ram2iejt Qard. one-bf those disguised in walking a few !epsj'bexn so cbinpl.tely riddled as to render them Un-.-,. sfck. ner a Bay,Aug: Zi' -&hewed his bare ancles wliich h omitted fi; for service. Thus in one fortnight we have 6r?-il have the honor to acknowUere the re- ien, whtn 'he enemy exclaim-d - White men in lott six vessels from our little fleet on the lake : eeipt of your letter of this day's date, and as I An d'tgwae by.U J Li u jnuh offy wi.ich they land however the troop$ of ihe palace may at cot wish: to detain lieut. Ifedgrhe bemi of did, and ata the same moment tue o ilitia r?n out j tempt to hide the disgrace, or pervert the facts, jfjur Bag,'! will do myself the honor of reply- and fired upon th. m until thy were out pf gun i the above is a plain and correct statement, deriv fing to your letter to morrow by a flig of trufie. shot ; they killed two out of six- Had real iie-cd from the tioi unquestioned sources of infor- I have the honor to be, sir, your very humble, grocs been made use ot, Uie decepuon would mation. You can jud;e trom these tacts as to :I.:lwetr'bim a-iw9 OibCitix ?nn;i first ff. wasninon, anu. om fieotsiaeiTlie wfdJdL. ' M L ...... J.. jwvimk, . :y ' ' TiiOMAS M. H A .Y Capt. To Major Case, commanding the troops in thj? U State's service . ' atliag Harbor'. have been complete and ' Sf ctuaL he will find nothing but Ganger and difficulty' at Extract of a letter from a gentleman a! Albany. u The conscription diixc'.ed by the general go verftment, and lately auemHteJ(to be executed in New.York, has entirely failed, tifieen . ihousand His Britannic Mqaty't thifi RamMes, Gard- men reie called for by the governor D. D. Tomp ner'a Boy, Aug. 24'. . 'V.kins, the same little man who fluttered a day or Sir As it was late yesterday. afternoon when'two at Wasbrrigtou, abo. Mis. Madison, this I had the honor of receiving your letter of the summer. The 'draft took place on th? 13th ul'. S3iinst. request'ine the release of Joshua Penny The whole militia of thi stHt . ab- ut y0,000, were Jdidnot judge it proper to detain lieuU Hedges ohlered tb assemble in ihtir cora.'unv. dlstrir-s f roy reply. - on hat day. (Of this qumb r id ihe most not 20 I tee leave to inform vou. I had received cer COO asseinbled Clmie, 1 (00 in m mber. u .i MrHifbrmatum that this man conducted a de- ' lOO appeared : and cenerullv, there was a total; country . 'or my fate, I shaH neither be too high, tbtfAQitnt. of boats, sent from the' U.'State'l squadf- fabscnce'of whole com'ianies from the places bj1;01'1 bw, to respect public opinion and cheer TQrt, anuer toe commana ot com uecatur, now.paracie. in- uniiormu mian ry, wn-in wa- or- " "wwuu, in-wuiumg r ?4 ifNrtaimlha oort ta Card-it'ered out bv whole coninanirs. hiw cc aJJ.w toe i irtes nt mr.i air.y and honor. . a -M . rs -m m - - . . i w . T - . ncr a mih; on ne mn jiur tasi, tor mt ex. it idsoi the lui ie of the .eamptiigti. Be assured the A merlcan ianxUril will not reach Montreal) nor even Kingston,, this year. ,y ' General Armstrogitas made 3 dead halt in Albany. If Chauncey not succeed on the lakes, he gaes no luahfrtrFor whjr ? Because iAiKiir or llonjr. v iTan, Secretary Jones vs. Gol. temuetTaylot, ro'THE PUtiLItJ In wh v.eversi:udiion l may be nlaced by rnv yfvss punpose of surprising and capturing the1 have met, and unanimously refused to mrch. taptain of his Britannic Majesty's .fiigate Or-Indeed I have riot hard of a single it.stance phUs and myself, and having failed in the un-, wheie mote than half a doerrfrm a comran der i tfking,. but making prisoners of soon officers hare consented to leave ihrir Ivvnes for Canada and men belonging to the Orpheus, he went with And it is "a remarkable f;ct, ih:.'. tliili tlef-1 iiot, he remambg boats to Three Mile Harbo.'T; The land Ttfusal, althMtigh exclusivsly cot fiiied to m bext account I had of him, was his being em party, h no.v prcvil-nt 4inong the d--moc: ats. 1 played. in a bont contrived for the purpose, ynder have travelled since'the lav of d railing, through the command of Thomas Welling, prepared Vith the counties -of'New Yv-v Westcrester, itock, a torpedo, to destroy this ship, and that he was land, Orange, Sullivan. tf , i.rtent, Ctbnv her at'Nopeug Besch, when i this ship and the ,bia Rensselaer and A5 . fi"" These are 'hi old' Orpheuwerein Fort poad Bay, last weeL He j and populous counties of the state, and some 61 C3 also had a ceftlhcate given him on the 18th them .whully demociatic 1 k-:ow lr ;m actuj.1 . Pt Uiia ''''fiome''of the -respectable, in hah,. o?.stryaiion that the' facts' abov sta'ed are true in itonis of East, Hampton, recommendini; him to these cown'ies ; and fioni.Uie I't-st iufurrnariot:, r r n. ' i" . i . It . .1 ' . . ..... vora. uecacur, asancptison-xo ,oe emiJioveaon j i am certain tney acp tru tnrougnout tin;, i.rge a particular service by. him, arid that he has for and populous s.ate. The war .is hated by all par. Same time beeji entered ort tlie bocsks of ihe fri. ties :. ; 1'rne. threjire odictaf tools of the admin. gate at jaw per month add to wtitcht ,'his noto jistration, who still kv -p up clamor tor war, but ririus character .has been recognized by some of, they 'do not .produce-any effect upon the people. .the officers and menofrerhtprasianpg4 three-fourths ol the' people o? fln board two cr three lioe, with, clams and fiui' ; this &fote believe thr war urnecessary, wantoh cf course a a, spy, to collect information oft our and niir.ous Not 2,000 men will be obtained in CidNenients. -Having been madf so well crq-tairt the state. ec; wuh the conduct of this man for the la-t six - Si'jce I have Jbetn In Albany I have heard an .teks,'and the purpose for-'whtch 1-e ha been anecdote, relative to General Lewis, which I will so actively ejnploypd i'hosn.k'.tes agniost his Bit ' elale he. commands at bar ket a Harbor. He ive gciieidl-H0 l'ie '"fc f nv-.i iili.y and to march. iWOuJt1 hr ?1V . e tro i elale- he lanj.- majesty, cohot avoid expressing' ni.siir-i lately arretted a .citizen upon a charge of traito pj'i'st that the inhabitants ot Last Hampton, have'rous corresponaence with the enemy, ?nd .was attempted o enTot ce off you a Sta.terhent so con '.'proceding. to hang .him by means of a trial by trary to fatt-IrthiffeforeV cannot'. think of per j court maiiml. -The Supreme Court was sitting considersrtions alone oni noticing a ruTgat and indecent libel w'liwh appeared in he Federal Rcpuftiican f 'his day, signed u Lbmukl Tat Loh bu it is due to truth, and to my own c bar rier, to put 'onthe vuc slander by .a plain ex Jnbitionof lacts, tluciated by a few brief t.-. ntarks My acquain'.ance with M. Taylor, as will be seen by his k-'jer, was of the most tran sicnt kind, ufforc'ing no fonntiaicn for private or c'jr.fidrntial correspondence, nor hud any such exicted. On the 21st ull. I received a letter, of which the following ii a literal copy : - ' BaltimnresAug 20rA, 1.8 1 3. " William Joims Esq. . De or Sir i know that our acquaintance does not justify my ujsing such familiar terms as ' V.' i I TiIsoTcncwWhat Preside consfdered him a citizen so much emitted to i pAb lie tousideration that a Vessel tuv. 4peci4 t sengef was serit to Jamaica to deroand hi 're leaser from c6nfmemehtand hteoar.etg lor eauantiy aeiemtine s stao ,. aamstiilr i ek : depredation and alt this ,whe has. charKter, wait I as perfectly known as at the ptesent timW -.'lin- . der these circumstances I could "not in fustic to Com. Barney or to the jmblic, whose officer ht;is; i hare withheld firnhim an nity ofvinict ing his rpiittionTiipr could f iufferjt&o dencr. ation tb remain s4rrctlyvon the filet, pf 'the' Ue partment nor indeed had I the most distant I, dea that concealment Was the wish of thV' wri'ey until his open avowaL proved both his foljv an his baseness. " Com. "Barney came b Washing tonI read to him tha slander &om tbe original and displayed to him the author. ., The result i: known and I am happy it is no worseiirwill "' improve the manners of Mr, T. and I hope with", out impairing his health. A. . Mr. Taylor had. the audacity. , to charge mo wim a ndgrani oreacn ot irast ' demanded at explanation thra' his friend. I gave in substance the reasons I have here assigned, and exhibited to his friend the 'original letter this was not "satis- factory -rhis passion or his Vanity had prompted' him to prepare an alternative. A challenge was produced, and as every man of .honor and com ' raon senst. in my situation would Jiave done, tftk '-K declined the invitation v '-' : v -V,:0; .Tit.' n..t . !..!-. ! : A ivsou 'ww oji uuriiyJ,aue4HDX 10 ' i: publish in the Blurnnre papers (he argumenta 'th rive, and eloquent morsel. " that appeared in thevv. U....n.,:" ' r .I.:..' j .i . ::T sense of every Edi'or in Baltimore rtici ftd the i' sMa 1 tfsptwOTfelTiiitrir has-Ur be?p- fcTedUi , 'r.jf ' , ;; V! ' by the scavengers of detraction tUroiiga tlie cwjs. iris Qkwiri ' ' I ask pardon of the public tot this ntomenta- ry iberration from the elevated path which vf&. uuij, wuuiu nc )rescnjo, out iniia ana w ' candour rather than personal feelibe have iirWd , . v: the course which I have- ireitictUyaued,-.'-, tf'l VV.JONE9L; V fl'tuhingtcn, Stflt 6, 1813. 'Sl.,lr-.j, AGREAT'MANrTynWElnfUN Mr. Jones, the secretary of the tiavv has Oub ' lished in the court paper, which U the exduj V sie and patent reaeptacle M such curlosiiest ant ?' attempt to justify his i conduct towirdsSlieniuel I r I have begin with, but 1 feel so much on the sub- Taylor, which so far fram accomDlishinp- hia jec I am about to mention, that I could not help object, mast shock every man of feeling and hu. addressing you, as 1 am convinced L should al- manity. It stems that ;Mri Taylor Twrbte hirai ways do, it we were better acq-.iainted. It is a letter, derogatory to the ChaNctet rjf comuo- i nicmumea m one oi our prims mis evening, mat jaore osroey, ajrop ot which Is inserted in the m !?i,U.:" ft. tnitung uch tin avotfed enemy be pt'itjof my tin -Aibary. and application being made to the ap.jointed to any command, most the most use power,' w'henkrow so nuch of him 9S"I do. He I judges by the friends of the tihien a habeas cor will -thei efore;,', betdetainld .as ,pi isomer of war, pus washy them-issued to Lewis, commanding nntil tbi1, pleasure ofihe commander in' chief Is him to pr'5uc the. citizen before them. Lewis 7oldTuTTrirneyTpTroh our flitt!.a for mysell, I do'noi oelieve it, because I presume you are acquainted with his chr acter ; but if you are not, permit me to inform you, that he is a . most abandoned rascal, both as to politics and morals ; and that be is despised by nii:e-temhs of oil that havttken an active part in the defence ot lidti more, and by none more than capt. George Stiles,' Whose zeal and activity you must nave neaiu ot ; and m truth it Barney is ' JinnwD, : Robert Cray, an inoflorii'vs old mnn, who was taken wjth Penny, I have Lirulttd, as it does not PPear tpgt he is biie ofMris accomplices in the ' tratisactiphu I have alluded k6. 5 v ' ( ' v V, I ihink pr oper toencJbse copy of rny1, letter to juati;e 'iVrry, to-watn the inhabitants of the ' coast against Permitting the torpedo to remain any where nesr them.' I have the honor to be, Sir, your jiiost obedient Inimble servant- -- V THOMAS M H ARDY, Capt. ; - of bis B- M's ship Raroilies. i3ecjCase,.rommandingtjje 7 . ylioops in the U, S. service at 1 . ' Sag Hart)oftrVi.vr',.':: :'-''?f: v"( .' ':',-;', '; ;';'..--:-. '. Vv-' .-'.'"i Jfis RJcjcattj't. skip Batniliea, JoJf Mxo-lAndon ' .:''' '.- , , , ' . 15-. 23,1813. 4 StaHavint? received postft'e information that ' whale boat, ths pTop;it of lljomas Welling '' and oihere, prepared with a torpedofor the avow- ed piirpjse ofikstroymg thisishipj a modeof wariare practised by. u'JiviClual from mefcen- ary motived 'and .more nvel thaii honorable, ts , ' 7 kepi in yowr neighborhood, and as fron:i the very $o0d iortnaVton robtainhom various sources4 rtturnei to- the' writ an 'evasive answer. The cOurt were not to be trifled with by any of these militrtrj?; mountebanks. A blue coat, with white fttctties, mounted by eold epaulets, carries no ter- ror ro such men as KeutVan Ness, Thompson (where I reside. tul men will be obliged to retire. If it is not done, let me beg of you, for sake of the govern ment, the safety of Baltimore and for your own character, not to make such an appointment. "All I ask of you is to beheVe me, when I say I have nothing in view in writing this, but the good of my country, government, and the city ... ami Yates. Tliev immediately issued an atadh mem against Lewis for a contempt of the court ; and the officer of the court Ives gone to acl.t 's liarlxir to arrest him and bring him before the couit. While such Judges exisrihe "people are safe ; and John Armstrong and his brother Lew is, and all their tools and ragamuffins ' may play -..-.... . " " their " fantastic but themselves. tricks': with dancer to no one N 1 he lawvwill here triumoh-i ror the 'court is independent, resolute, hrm and bold and it will be supported by a body of far mers, who Would dispose ol as a breakfast the half-starved, ragged crew who now infest the fron tiers of this state.' It4s generally supposed, that Lewis wishe to get a way from Uie army : and " iJ . dca sir, your very obedient servant, ... . : LEMUEL TAYLOR " William Jonea Eaq, - ,. ) d Secretary of the Aaxy. , Wathingion.' ' V This letter, addressed to the Secretary of the vr v ' '.a.- . at, wimvui , reservation, or restriction, oetrav. ing either absolute ignorance of propriety, or sneer impuaence, appeared to ,jne ,a bold, intrepid denunciation, f which the author would have pro claimed irom the house-top, fearless oF conse qu'er.ces, and inviting publicity rather than con. e-eahncnt- - The temper and style, to be sure, ap peared neither proper for public or private cotv respondence ; but least of all did I suppose, that ibat he will yield tP the wnt and come a prisoner tne author meant tamake theSecv of the Navw to 'Albany, as he easiest wayf gettin&put of either the. officiaibr private depoiitory of 4ister. he war. He has been a great war-hawk. " But it is said hi notion v are voruTerf jIIv changed Tor the better i and that he ats Decome remarkable sions to broad, foul and indefinue s and partisb larly when applied to an officer. who bad received so many marks of pubfic confidence, and had just then been" appointed to n honorable command. tlmeiUgencerta-sUchaked nature, as when known to te commodore, who V had recently, received the command of the United States flotilla in the upper part of the Chesapenk-' coma leave mm not moment's nesitation atjout challenging the writer; .Though its imputatioaa are gene raj And tqdennite, the censure n con vey ed is extreme;ind expficit ; and Mr. Tiylor'a intention in writing if, heavers to be to rembn strste againstthe appintment-We 'dtf nojT copy it, as we take no cbccerh in the: matter be-' tween therhj which is personal. When we add. that Mr. Taylor se&maCto have been; unacquaint ed 1 with the secretary of the navy, and that he; did tioxflrct1y require the letter to be. receiv ed in confidtnce,7e vhave ltated the case sul, ficienrty lo , enable the ieadeir to iiitleV of thi pvt taken by the secrttary who, on rommo. core Barney lately arriving at the seat of gorni ment (read the letter to 'him "and gave up the writer's name. 'We therefor believe it is im fssible to doqbt, thie tne sffcretary'of the navy unnecessat ily end wantonly compelled the pars ties to fight a duel. .16 pronounce this opinion decisively, it is not necessary t6 examine the ' motives or foundation of Mr. Taylor's con Juct True or, false, meritorious or mallcfous. the " exhibition pf hislettet to a military mi.n ot soma tank, by the head of his department, was ' una. yoidably .calculated, , and beyond" controveraw ' must have been intended, to leaT ihe san ' I guinary did : and the more so as Mr. Taylor holds a military appointment under thA state of Maryland. The lives of tvo fathein of families, and both of them in the active set vicm oi their country, 'were without the least tiereUiH ty put to haxard, for' the ,sake, as the Seoretaty ' of the : Navy unfeelingly 'expresses it, of im- pmving Mrv Taylor's manclh.' Ye! 'lho Secretary of the Nary avows witty' his, signature - f -

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