so - - - c R ALEIGH, N. C- .PUBLISHED (wmki:t) BY.LUGAS AND 'H,BOttUt im fc r or wBitR is xowwau" " f FRIDAY, SE 24.; 1813; .No912, i ... W'EMBER S5S f rom theIikotji (kkn.) statssmak; TO THE-PEOPLE. Th late Favette eleciiou -ind 1t$ incidents lust be my apology for once more oMfedlng yiclf upon your pauce. shall oe comcni wun r cnndse statement. I entered on tne eatre of public life with a vrarm lichmenK free vernment, wnicn remains uiwiis&s.h nettr had much respfa tor party narni or nithets. flisunct froiii'Tjrincipres myODiecw lv been to undeTStand nd uphold the true riaciplea and genius, dfoor contitutiont aoa tnati fsttrnof policy whxh was Dest caicwatea lose ure oo a tiuwte oasisi ine-puoncir, ua niKfic iMDoinea Duriif nay' senatorial term. fhe aminiwratioa and thar prty ramhheiJ the ! no motive orVntertfst fexfa which hare regulated' my conduct. To the in council, t? ove hich I appeal to no Jes3 Iriociples which they aTovred I have Bdhered. anthoiity than the instructions of our govern. n making this assertion I stafld Supported by meht to Barlow, a few months bejnre thelcclar heir public and official acts and ' declarations, ationofwor 'he subject of impressment, it make it howeter not to rcproai:h them, but to must be eadeM to every man wh' understands usdfy myself 'j and after I separated from them the subject, fhat a proper law on our part for he in the war question, I did nothing to annoy ri surrender of Jkitish dest-rtersk and for reguhtintj tmbarass ; indeed) the administration are much (the employment of foreityi seamen in our scr Odebted to me with regard to several important . vice, would. have led to an honorable and satis. IneBSureJ. I determined not to avail myseit or factory utr;ngement ;i tne pracuce. in support he last Session of my term to oppose them, but Qf which I refer to ihe letters of the present sec frVid taquestion the propriety ouhese things tor tune t anc. I musttw permuted to say, thaUfcflf ftar of havirg' the epithet 0Tft or something men have jbcted with moieldlsintcrcstsd vieiJ'. else 'ipvX&tfibT some. .impudent scoundrel, I am About" the Br brty eonteats for bofer arid constraiiiedfb suspect that the manly genuine sp'mXor.republjcanjMtt has fled ; aad that the ashiona'ble republicanism is but a name used by marfy V rover the worst designs, liut I will nor longer - indulge myself oti these topics. I will hope that I am under some ;linaccbntahl& delu sion. I am restrained by another and most pain ful consideration, that in exposing error, I may onlv make ennie wiihwit rendering the coun- wrv 1 Altho I do not tase leave oi eally acquiesced in some acts of a very qa stion We character. To dissipate some prejudices Vhich have been excited against me by means i retary of,ute and attorney general, Mr. Monroe and M.P nkney The polit-ral men who upport the war, act ot very honorable, I beg leave to say a few words 'under the influence of very diflfcrrnt motives and n the war subject in addition to what I have objects. Mmy, .nd the most sincere advocates heady laid before the puiilic. in the views I "of the war, jhink. perhaps, that we ought to make ve presented, 1 have had reference t6 the pub- co nmon cause with France, to compel u. an lie proceedings of the government, nor dli "I con. 'tain t recognize the priaciple of the treaty of derany thing else proper for public discussion. TJlrecht ; substantially ihesime contepderl tor o correct, however, erroneous impressions islby the armed neutrality ot 17aO? the estjb.ish he chinf object of this address. It will bo re ollected that the first embargo was announced :o be a measure of impartiality in rehtion to Jboh beHicerents, which was followed by a non- pBterwirse against both. On ihe first day of pliy, 1810 ConssptrmittCM-ail the restrictive' "measures to expire, and itemed detcrmitxH noli Ho enter into the war, uniess one of the helliger xnts would observe toftarJ? us a fair ard just ;o Jlicy. Jt may here be proper to remark, that af jterwe; had repealed the first embargo my views were much iesa 'favorable to the war policy than ikwuii i a viii nit iiw3i tvuaiiiciauuii x uau uctu t each other, it was the interest of this gvera merit to maintain their uentrar" attitude, leaving the merchants who bad a right to arm to re. p the bestliarvet they coidrt, din ing the troubled state of Europe Having taken this view, and the ad ministration having assumed a ground in unison wiih b, it will not appear strange that I should be very averse to see my country roa; ceuxerai from it by any artifice of a foreign minster. A lew months afcer the arrangement with France Was made,' about which so much Ins been said, we began Ao Suspect very strongly that all was not f&h, and I urged, when the law of Match 1$ 11 was before the Senate, to-aevenal friends if the administration in whom I had confidence, the propriety andljiectssity of taking aground Which would" rid us of the arrangement in case it turned out. as we txpected, to be a deception fend i section Was then proposed, in substance authorising and requiring the President to re. voke it, unless the conduct of the French govern Bient should meet, his just txpectations for which I voted, as the' journals of the senate will shew. I state the fact, to prove that my impres sion from the beginning was, that we owed it to our own honor to rescind the arrangement -if France dm not act wiih good faith- ,At the next Session, the war session, after the war spirit had been kindled by the news papers and the presi dent's message, 1 would have repealedjhe on Intercourse and have taken a decided ground a gainst Great Britain. ' My opinion was that such a course would nave-prevented war. A repeal pf the arrangement would have furnished Great .Britain with an apology and the certainty of war Pwhh a motive toresclnd heV orders in council. Otherwise we Could as a measure to our own have renewed the non-inrtrtourse The object I had rooHt at heatt'was to prevent the war, wiih- t out jacrifi:ing tny vry poularity or the honor (Pt the country and l woy id not nave couute asked me, my opinion as to the course" pur . sued. I answered him, that the only honorable j course, left ,11s was to authorise Jhostilities with bofh, " commence with marque and ' reprisal j andhat ground I tnaintaired to the fest ; nor did 't give nor intend to give an assurance or pledge to any man that I vould vote foijlt Some mi have supp6se'd that t would, though unwill inglf Lvote for it ; that is, that I would not hazard vote' against it, and I am ready to contess par I ,was very rtluctant, to differ vith some nreri of the inajoTity tni iu8tioiw I did. olunk.. that we owed tt to our own honor to manitest - our in. dignatJa) In some way at the conduct of France. Such a course would have rendered the war less popular in England.jtod have produced more con fidence and union at "home. Nothtnir but notions 1 if y ot honor snoma nav inauccu us w ua 3 i,.Vw,-"'S'i, i'"" withontV rbange ir the policy of Franewe.iuui t:!tyi Yt 4 hU Sci it no nn'mntiri nMntert to resist the British orders difficult task to recone'de- myself to it My pitn ciplesi and views of the public interest I cannot sacifice in any material degree, to gratify the oride or policy of any party. In my state of po. Ikjcal depression I am consoled by a vHect con sciousness that, the cardinal object, at least ot my political course, has been the good' of my country and. that I have neyer planned or meditated the political destruction of any man to preserve my e levauon. JOHN POPE. P. S. Many well disposed persons trave sup posed, that after failing to carry the measure I deerned hest, it would nave oeen rigni to nave cone with the majority. To this I answer if my course ws correct, the other must have been wrontr. My vote would have been m direct con tiadiction to the ground I had taken with the President many months before, and a resolution 1 had -previously moved in the Senate. I was not in a temper to make great sacrifices to go with the party. Most of 'he abuse I had receiv ed was from the democratic party. Had it been from the opposition, I should have considered it in some decree a matter of course; but to be vilified and harrsssed without provocation by the fi iends and pretended friends of administration ; and unaccustomed v reproach, to have suspicion and distrust diffused throughout the country, and nanic Jirly in Kentucky, by those who pretend. ed to be the supporters of administration ; con Scious that I neither had done any thing or Con templated any thing against the party or admin istration ; 'hat no man would have hazarded his popu'a' ity sooner, in support of their measures if tolerahlv riehty and that, if, as far as my efforts were influenced By-a party feeling, in relation to the renewal vf the bank charter, it was with a view to support tht nrtmftiistration, had mi effect on my feelings aid dispositions towards the par ty which 1 have never recovered. 1 wasdisqua Hired from being very hearty with them after wards, and nothing but my attachment to a few individuals kept me with them as a party Some circumstances connected with the Presi- dent, which occurred after I had been so severe- anc4(eiriselvesttcomlng the paymasters ; when French government neitW ad ot intended ,td l-4jgg patronage extended to an enormous de-j abandon their hostile 'edictt omiHhefj.- hd.iiM: greei Without necessity and, worse than all, jvolved us with EnglanH. My public altitatigtv when a ooserve tne cast men in tne country n-naa certauuy aoae uorniug to my private iqr , ment of Which Bonaparte declares to br necessa ry to the freedom of the seas. Others aro for it. because it is supposed to be pr-pular, and will be for it no longer than it is so. A, jhird class pro bably think-iHs necessry to have the nation sco'irgd awhile with war, and taxes, to recon. "ile thn to a reasonable treaty wijth G' eat Br tain. VVhether it 13 the interest or policy cf ibis nation to contend for the principles which appear to constitute the avowed basis of the war on the part ofFrance and herein, or upon what terms ou'!gpverftmentb.ught"'toi--,niake pesce, are ques tions upon which I should not, if suffici-ntly in jable to bestow on the subject, I was convinced formed, presume at present to give a"y opinion. tamiroiu tneiiarure 01 ine oni'.-si orivvtei r ranee f tjo not, mtieea, suppose tnai it woma nave in vie n Hid TingtantJ, and Ahe poncy adopted-to 3ire;ir.autnce run- the public My object, however, in 1 his address, is not to dhcuss, or provoke the discussion, of anj political topics ' My intention wan not even to examine the correctness of. nry o vn course, but merely to correct erroneous irar predion with regurd to it. I do not expect to ddress the public in a political way shr iy : l ran never ceass to feel a warm solicitude for the welfare of the country ; but my attention, for some time to come, will be chiefly directed to my pr ivate and professional business. Success in the Sate 'election would have gratified mt as an evi. dence of the good pinion of my coun rymen. I ft . .1 t 1-. . (lia suppose, too, inn a sea-. iu uic legislature mij;hr afford tne an opportunity of rendering you service. While no man can dislike more the course pursued since the arrangement with France, cr view with less respect or approbation he declaration of warunder these circumstances, because, however just, we appeared to be shuf.J . d into it by the artful manauvering policy of aj placr, I have ,littla concern indeed, 1 ravb'er feel conteikpt. I arn ctent rcf be a nKhrUf mart ; and in the character at brsertt, if: I had -aft opportunity, might rehder .the "country most service. I do not intend to relinquuh tny 'prin. cipies or views of national policy, to oblige any man or Set of mert. My votes, which have been cohsared. were,"I am confident, consistent with the best interests of the people represented, and therefore I cannot repent of rhem. J, P. Fayette CouHtijyJug.' IS. JIFli v , from thtfctMi(ato&fazttt .. ."' THE DEFENCE.' . . w. .f JAMES' MADISOW, ESQ. "Mjiwf'.j Sih It is the fate of great men, said I ti'fkf wife a fe w days ago-it is the fate of great tpen to br assailed by the ignorant, the malicious, and the narrow minded. For instance see the great ' Madison attacked 'by all the political mosquitos in the country Great Madison P How 1 : fie great ! in body or mind ? Wife, answered J$ ; rather testily, you will be so good, in future, a not to take the liberty to think every thing, and say every thing; about his excellency. You' odght to know how I came by my office, and that anjT thing like independence and reasoning, at. this time; does not suit the meridian of Washington! Indeed, answered she somewhat harshly, I know, too well how you obtained your officeWould tot !God it were a secret; Come come, my dear, E thought you promised to say nothing more about it Democracy could not live without these t these but let us change the subject. Indeed, continued she, it is a fine thing, if there is not saying a word about men and measures! Why, boast of freedom, and of the only enlightened na. tionon the globe I Hush, hush, my dear, he hat been a fine man, ever since I obtained my office I am now -fully persuaded of it. Do remember which side our bread is buttered. The momenC I use your independent and uncourtly language, away goes the office to more kneeling slaves Say he is great, patriotick, independenU-everf thing that he is not, for the sake of office. Hqr fx for office holders 1 cried she, waxing verjr wrnrh Hurra fnr tn'mminff nffirw hnldr I Cln' on, pay dear go on. You have no character Jto lose, if you . can thus call black w 4Ttrm i crouch. Hatter, and keep your office if you . pleaso . but ask not roe- to apprw X cannot iiJjJi , And if I most Here a. neighbour exUeir ed, and my wife- had sufficient command of -her ' self to drop the conversation, artd salute him j.t- fl't" Your excellency knows how fond the womed are of wearing the pantaloons.;. On the subject of politicks my wife and I cannot harmonise ', Jim ly assailed in Kentucky about the bank charter . you continue Ufcet JjM atick tor ; and me instructions, : altho' I do , had no tendency to reconcile I vour cellency through thickand thuito us. not believe they proceeded from I a very clasiical phrase. Yodwarit such tnert f- aw.mU; in th. Present to-1 now. It is impossible to do without them. ! any unfriendly disposition in the President to wards me ; and under that impression I gave film, during the war session, my views very fully and candidly about our public affairs ; and wheth. er right or wrong, I never addressed a item with more zeal and sincerity, both as regarded himself and the public welfare. There seemed to be a systematic effort to proscribe me, or at fivd into it by the artlul manosuvering policy ot a least to excite suspicion, and under the intluencv forcVn nation ; I certainly had no design to em. !cf considerations entirely distinct from any re. b-trrasstbe consltfuTiOfra These thing-have-4o-be-5ure government. I did intend to enter my protest a-4-v.'ry little to do with my public conduct, because prainst the interfernce of the state legislature in! the correctness, of that must depend on tacts and the management of the war. To Congress has principles known to the public but' as my poli the constitution confided the powerof declaring; tical crreer has ended, at least for a time, I did war and carry it on ; and it isjheirduty to e-'not think it amis? to mention them. I had sup qvialize itsYurdens among the people of the-U-j posed that if France had been faithful weshould butts t and any attempt of artjrman, or set ot ' have g-ne to rar with Great Britain : with both . . 1 .l . s I i. . .... : men, to give ineraseivcs cuscijucuce, or tnir friend1, offices, by levying conscriptions or drafts of militia beyond our fair proportion, unjust a-. id improper : Nor have I been able to ascertain by what arithrity adraft of 3000 militia was made last spring for. the service of the Uni'ed States. Such proceedings are despotic and oppressive, and ought to be disapproved by "every frierd to the constitution of ths country. Let Congress impose on us otlr proportion of the public burthens, and I ahall be one of the last to oppose, or counte- ntrce any opposi'ion to the Jaws, but this law. pancd war upon principles ihe most honorublfjdes system of rais'ng armks, appointing officers, pi irpnj a respect for public teelmg. 1 his plan j 8tc. is productive of the worst effects, tt not on .of fevcifig the arrangements with France be-jjy occasions much useless waste of the public fore wsrovmenced hostilities, I pressed on the ftreasure but create much unauthorised patron- President verbally, and in writing, many months Uge affords to individuals numerous opporturv 'fcefore the declaration of war, ar)d ultimately on the : '.Senate.. This project faded..' It Will be re collected thaTon the 23d day of May, a few days Ibefore the war message was sent to Congress, She vessel Hornet which had beer sebt after the 'eetinir of Congress, aniil from France with Ihe result so) far of Mr. Barlow 'a mission.. Bar low a fur neir 'twelve months' negotiationjhad not ,h-en a!k tp get aj single article of a treaty signed ; aitd while the Frev ch government were amusing ;him with the -prospect of treaties, tliey sent out SLsq'ilidroii iif public armed 'ships, -which wert turning rour vessels for sevtral months before, the declaration f war,' Upon the whole it was very eyidentthat we hd been tricked and trifled i A dav n two.. I think before the Preni- ties of peculating, and speculating upon the pub lic and tends to prove that our government, as constituted, is incompetent to carry on a war. It produces, besidesT conf jsion in our military ar rangemfnta and uncertainty with regard to the ways and means necessary to meet the expenses of the' war and, what is more, it tends to lessen among the people that sacred regard for ihe con sfitutiqn ihe majesty and supremacy of the laws, which is essential to the preservation, of freedom f am a' friend to an" administration of the govern ment, according o the spirit and principles' of our con itutjons. . I certainly hae no anti-re-publican fetlings or sentiments, .if I understand the-mening- pf the term. ButTwhen I see rneni- oe'S 01 congress Taisng .aruiio ana appoimmg ten's war mesiace a Communicated, a Jsad hHcer. without If cal authority ; di awinc money ingjnlend .of,th adminUu'Ati6n of thfscnatej to pay them, without any appropriation by law, if she was not; and this wasi certainly in unison with ihe ground the government had Occupied. I should, however, been content to yield the pro ject of going to war with both if the government had revoked what we had done on rrencn ac countand then - taken our own courssand of our own accord, against both or either. I did believe that it would have prevented war, and that if it did not, that manifesting our indigna tion in any way at the faithless conduct of France, would have inspired more confidence, and pro duced more union without which this government should neyet hazard a war. On Mr. Webster's late resolutions "in Congress much able and in genious argument has been exhibited with re gard to the effect of the French repealing de. cree on the conduct of Great Britain. - This has appeared to 'me a very immaterial question, be cause we neyer demanded a repeal on the ground that such repeal was necessary to - justify re sistance to the British orders: so far from it, this government had expressly denied that the orders could be supported on the principle of re taliation ; and therefore, as respected the dispute between u and. Great Britain, there was no difficulty : But we demanded a repeal as a con dition upon whidh we would depart from our neutrality on our own account, to make it con sistent with our own honor and interest to select an enemy; otherwise we . might, appear to be driven into it, or to submit to the dictation of the power benefited , by our ?, interference! The French : decree, of 1811, published in 1812, brought liere after , the; declaration of war, esJ tabhshes the fact beyond contradiction, ib the, is of no importance that we act' eontrary to our former professions and practice- We can sayift . three words cireumttante altef rate. This ia ' a sufficient answer for any thing when the lie di 7 rect will not do. I hope your excellency will , excuse me, while I read a 'lettery jnst received' : from the western f Pennsylvania. .I'll pro 1 ceed in a few minutest These letters are alwaysf in the way whenever I attempt to address youJI excellency. . ' - " , ' ', rrfTsttTR cHrAugi-iothrl sis .... Friend LucianmA you are in office, and havrf nothing to trouble you excepting how to get one more lucrative, or keep where you are, I ' have taken the liberty of laying my case before you. You must know how tv manage thing better than I do, and I wish your advice. I, like Rome, maybe purchased. I have bawled out tory and all the detnocratick phcasea for hq pur pose. Much of the best partotrrty Kfe has been spent in seeking for aft office. ( I, approve of all V that is past in Mr. Msdison's conduct, and now promise, if lean gei art ejjtcer to apprpreof all that may be done hereafter. I must now como 1 ' to some conclusion as to tny fete. There. is nw ' halting between two opinions My patriotism maybe secured by ao office. You. may thinlc me desperate,. " but I would sot my life on any . chance, to rnerid Jtf or be rid on't.' If nothing else can be obtained, endeavor to have riie friadc a collector of taxes. I was one of the Headers of the western insurrection, and, therefore have no small claims to the attention of -all good de mocrats. 1 5$ ink I shall ,bave no difficulty Ira swearing rou$aly that thjajwar is righieous, jusili and necessary ,beyond any war that ever existed. .. ' I will tell bur' good whiskey democrats, that go- vernment are managing all things, well ; that 7 Canada will soon be ours; that: we have takeOr ; York, &c; &c Should they complain about the: V J tax on whiskey, when nothing else will do. I will swear that the federalists aid the taxes, but that they had better s6bm"tt to them. To "cut the matter short) I'll stick at nothing, give me but tho onice 01 collector ot taxes. Your's with esteemy .. . Datio Desperate. Pon tny soul this David is good stuff. Mr Madison wants patriotism of this tarn p.' David- sticks at nothing good, David, I'll attend to you in due lime. Xpur-excdlcnqr- wlUrpKccivcj the- senate. a k -.J

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