In J6flt Raleigh ,N. C. PUBLISHED (wseklt) BY LUCAS ANDA H-BO YL AN. ufm- spiffJU :..-.- : , , I i , - s I t ' - - t" iBAlJr Of WBlcif iX ADfdSCM esij, Vox. 18. T FRIDAY, OCTOBER .8, 1 8 1 3. No. MM - t . 1 . I; 11 it- s to" Ult: 'tit i ., i udei Ml u tit 'ho- l'oliticat. To hi Etiitjrol tiie United Sutcs' Gizeuo. ' ' (Irttnsburghy Penn. 4ug.$it l 8 1 3.' I vfeavelvefy seen in the newspapers a lettew Ifrom Mons. Turreau, the Frcch'minister, to pur secretary of state, written,, f do not rccoueci wMn, together vith a deal ofib.te about it.ta fcen fnam vat papers, and peace papers Tory pgpor and Whijj papersand such ana do has Men made in my neil)bdirrboodf and especially Mn mV family, as you never 9AW.-i.You1 mils'. I Jtnow, sir, that I am a repubtcn a friend to my I 9vit try. and one of thpse usually denorninateii jeo, fjr sulHcient and urgent reasons, not neces Isary to be hientiooed. But my wik U.(f an old Tosf family, beinjthe daughter bfa man h(H was born inlhe.iory.sUte ofJVIassuchuce(is,Vho became an officer, in: Washington's -'army wh;n lyi, g Detore Boson, and continued in it tdl h procured for them", was too bad. I accordingly cTalm. And I . hope iie lime is at length arrive. ordered thatrtnose books sh'tuia oe immoiaitiy eo, ocn Mitii, iwn njnuuiraea prcjwiccs, iavor returned to the storekeeper and, if he refused to : able to one set of oien7: and adverse W another, take them back, ttiatthey should be burnt. My , may give pla.qf to Wbole'some, though tosome wife-submitted with' as cood a grace as could be; perhaps,' unpaJat?bVi Jruths. 0ri such a sahita expected considering, ibe Tory principles in ry change in h$ public mind, the salvation of which she had been educated, anj the affection our coirtitry depeifdsfeff if ; which she yet fee!s for the memory. ol Wash j , I-or hve; monUkTCjbsequenv to the lasr winter ington, Greene, Montgomery! Warren, Hamil session of conss, you were amused .with the ton, Ames, and the rest of that Tory party, with i talk arid cheered wi'h the prospect of f?Ac un der the mea:a(uof tne Hwttan nmfieror. . VVith this subject president Madison opened his mes- miebt .herself be permitted to compose, front timj jsage to congress tHheir late suirmer session j to time, as occasion might'T;r, sd inclination -suggesting, with h'n nsUil art, what might in prompt, such iexercises a she should thiok prf ;duce you to' think ba,t Great Britain ought to a-; be&Jo amuse the cbild'sh imagmalraiist or ;Bree to apcicsto ne.neg .!atea qntier that meet whom her father was associated. TTientdycoa dition which she insisted upon was, thajt she niVaXcomctotWhjr To this I readily Consented, little ,iunl i Thtl-tht sentimerits of. Great Britain tfte Bnt-sh dgnijiians, more, than twelve vr'w:..,. kir.,u -v. ..f v r.aid th nrAi. tnwarrt I VI .HIIW uwif- w lji. i r " " V"'T - will) TSsmiBtr Nfo sooneer did M n. Turrean's belter miie i have prodded an accepwhee tf bt cflered roedi. Jts, appear inee, th'snKdiwd my -wife brtake h-U;iof,.musf be'firfHmedi That "rio idq tcmo-" self to bercljset ; a'i aut:r a ii tie -wmie, se"vc exisi io preicr a continuance ot warwitn came out with 'the following s'ory of the " r mst j thev United StatesvtO the terms ohv whrch they Ui'v " Though 1 do not are willing to close it, is certainV-To which af that Vasninemi ff W UIW IIWUU Ul 1113 I MJkT I II lET LI L I 1 1 7(1 LICIUIC 1 - V . j 1 . I I l 1 I T I. .It ... r r mc9UCK , Mwujcfttrr-ana coarse ana aumiT -uwic, uu mc uuji ui imurrssmcmsnc aaas : theukmg of dirn-talhs. Unlbrtun.tely fr me, . t IF the reasonableness of expectations t!rawn sue ninenis au me prejudices ot her-f ther ana r -T" XT.,... T LnnKf tUtt iui o nnifor . aniC' fvnm ' 1 lik rnnirlppai inn rntilf an-jrant.u ik.ii the party to Which he ; belonged mother worvlsl , , am tn.V. , VfU1 lhe m;sr,ir,nne . to hs 'fulfilment, a hist neace would not rbe distant." ZZ Z1 7. J,? ! ran "'d Iborn in this country, I mike'n doubt tiiat your I Thus the president meant to prepare the good tTJTZ ' 8,1 """ doctrine.', a is a rry pper. I iave iherelore tire j people of these state, to ihrow U the blame on Oltha. idctton, as you will perceive when I tell; . m' ruAArvn Katfl. l,.,rn, , hi, fnnlUr Great Britain, if neare dirf not tAilrt ( . w-. v - . - j i -,' rAll - tht Cha mfmwe, L. L. O I I L. . A.. . . '7. " "- , L , T s ory, and scve-al of mr Yitiahboura' children ar- place. And an attentive examination ol the mes. L, tL i T d'rection, bf that old ' repeating it .her them, that you will sge warrants the opinion, thai tbe president him w2,iJ2i? 1 a?d ! K"ed by !have the goodness to print it Not because 1 self did not expect peace to result from this pro. Washington himselwasa vtry tolerable treaty,-- to cflrre to silch noI1s,nse . Dut jec't of the Russian mediation Accordinely. his i;u ma; tins country tionnsned better under tfian UllCler tni nmml unt. nwrptciw inH a,.. . . : . ... . .. ... " . 0 L.-r,! . , r VT J 7 7 i"mom a(wn'"in it an!.ot course, rt makes, quoteq, tar irom a conciliatory tendency, were s, r wV"g0eS80 aS Ui;,iU first appruraoce in a Tory p,per, tb govern calculated to keep up and aggravate all the an press r wish that Wasbmg'on was nowahvet - . u..::.-!. : J a..,: u- Ji. i..,-. n . .s.:. 'I ,!... P.u rT 5 t . i .1' ' : meni Wlli nOl SUlCUl IIS liaviltlj oriKIUXVCy HI uif 5'7 aJiuuoui lire pcuuic lUirmuj UICHI UII14IU. . . . . .. . ... w nbu iihh, am, 11u1 vui . r : 1 . . l : , r. I . I - .1 nrt i. uM,... Kun w. : . ij j m . ,. - . . . . . , iiainny a suspicion wnn-n im parscuwoy " Imi' "1 vu-jis5v.cih,c m a i.uuiituancc w wHl h?! 'lff reticts with the British go.;xioU9 to avoid . .,5 I hare a -prosct of ol the war. That the president bad much reason tt SlT Lf J"W HaniJon. for the campaign of 181V ains D, k"J,cnwa! troitmd Fort Maiden. For the same reason, Lmencans to a man, and I hope you will suppress this letter; but above snf! .Ho Km H . 1 ... 1 t T""-"' "T 'i uiosc autre anu, z.unus Dam- ,. . r UM rT.VHr:J?. ."M . . Your humble servant, .Htv.nriio, I'iiii, aiiu uaugcis IIIC V- o c net Uo T 1.1.. . j merican revolution bad been hapnilv and elori .u , , ... , fliiJ tm;,..j t 1 j t . " , you mc cu which iia vc uecn maae to aaorn ana usi: tetmmated. i Kieed, she seems not to be !:,.. th. ,tftPV -slIaare.aiid Will, not ha emvinrB,l. that h!U,USlra- WiBeVtibnnFatTreMvl) led the people (all, I mean, except the tories) in i . . BUlLT. Uhft beli .f which they had befoie entertained.. "of iTh'8 is tIle housi that George built. his being actually the leader and head of the i113 ,s lne nIe that eS ,n the house that George British uarty here : and that he had At lm foot built. and compreted tKe trray Tor the ' verf purpose of bringing back this country to its former state McpcndtflCiMipou to douk of success in his mission to Russia, will ap pear from the views of It which I shall offer to your consideration. . - v I am the more inclined, and indeed constrained to examine, this subject, because at one period during the late session of Congress," I said that 1 was then dipoai-4 to beiieve our administration to'emled to make pace. For several of M Biyurd's Vends bd informed me,' that he said his instruviions were broad enough to admit of apracticarpeacethat-iSFone' whiclv should be satislactory to G.' Britain as well as to the U States. And m strong doubts whether the offer of 'he' Russiin mediation had proceeded fnm the ht the Swiss rat. that stolt the note, that furreau wrote, that s not on the file that lies in the house, thit Georgf budf. You see now what a kind of woman I have to deal. with. As vou mieht naturally suonose. I have used all the means in my power 10 wean I ,n lhe ,,ouse that George built, her from these unreasotjable and Tory nriudices!'rhi5 ',! lhs? Jn? Ca1 ,ha cau.;h sna 10 pres. her ot the habit of uttennc ?uch "moral treason" against the present wise, virtu pus, aad impartial administration uf our national $oyernmnt. One of my first efforts was, to' D,k 13 WeUster who helped, that same , King compel her to abstain from the mirchase of everv ' cat thit caught the Swiss Rat, that stole (ne artioic whatever of British orieinor manufrtcture :i no'e 'hat Turreau wrote not on the file, pec4Ue I knew that one of, tbe principal cau-j lat lies lhe house that G o. ge built. es ipf IheJ prevalence of Torw senLrnents in ibis This the Translation, should 1nvc bren torn, ,-JjUi.ow.n.tQiIieJXbsj er, who. helped the Kuiij "Icatj that caught the Swiss rat, that stole 1 h i note, that Tuireau wrote, lhats not o.Vthe file, that lies in the house that George built. This is Jack Grame, the Cleik-that was, sworn, who made the translati on that 'should have been torn, unknown to the Webster, who help, ed the Kingcat, that caught th tviss rat, that stole the note, that Turreau wrote, at's not on the file, that lies in the house tha;. George built; -And This Uthe note, that Turreau wrote, that's notPeror' ana Deen wnaereq w tnr untisn, as on the fife, that r... in th,. hniM ik.t fi I as our own government; had abated m built. jcousi fpience of rdormation rtceived At Washwg ton through a res:eciaole channel, which seemed This is the Swis Ratrtbars'olethe-noterthat Turreau wrote, that's not on the file, that lies country had beennhe encou. acernent which tba pany, lcom the time of Washington and Hamil ton,, down rto this very ciftr had given to foreien eommerce In general, not excepting even a com fneice with Great Britain. Formerly, ras often as our siorekeeper came up -from Philadelphia with a fresh supply of goods, she would be run. tJingto-rlie store with her butter, her cheese, her ird or shy Sther little matters she miirht hnvf 'P'fdbuyihgsuch things as she hap fenced to want for herself or her chil lrrnrac oiv!i.g to. the quality and price of the articles, without caring a groat what, harl been their or.' i7"- It was always a morti6c'a::on to me to find hjt in these little purchases, nine arti lei out of len were jof - British producljoii However, as flaatttrs trSJ pot yet C'lme to actual extr. mity be-1 twesn the two countries, I merelv remoos.rated her f r thus 'indulging her tory principles ; and iht thing went on. . Soon after the declara J'on fthis just and necessary war, hovvver, ;ee- This is poor Madison, all forlorn, who appointed Jack Grame, the Clerk that was sworn, that made the translation, that should have been lorn, unknown to the WebsUr, who hdped the King et, that caught the Swiss rat, thai stole the note, that Turreau wrote, that's not on the file, tbaTli" in the house,! , that George built. ' P. S. Tothe PoBCscrifit. hjve seen and transcribed 1 know not what will coma nrxt 5Youis as above. -- THE HOUSE TH T NAPOLEON BUILT. iThis js the house that Nap. built. This is ihe File, that lie sjn the house, that Nap built. ' v- . ' This is the Note that's on the'Jile, that lies in the house, that Nap built. This is Talleyrand who with a clump toot was Jborn, who ordered the Clerk, with a pen. and ink.horn, to. copy the Note that will never be torn, that's yrj on the fi e that lies in the house atn ap ouiiis: Since the above was cooietk I havifound that 1 ..- . . . . . . . . . . Jng her ref-urnlronv one of her customanr' v:sitsn1y w,re w 8tlU wining. 1 he following lines I .''.. . ' . i - ' . it..... 1 .. t, i . ne stors,', 1 examined her purchase, nnd found. among o'th'er aniclesr a numlcf of little books, which she bad bought for the 'amusem',nt of tbe lii!dr.n,, who were learning to read. Now, what books do yoilf supple these Wfie, which 6he had Pitched upon to make early Impressions upon the to'lds of vouni'ul.K ? Who ' ir. no ru,t1jan Jack the Giant Killer ; Mother Coose.; m IhtltTlb i the Hmi.erTli.l lurk hnilt i 'es cM1i?rbread,1 and some others of the same md every one of them of I'ine-K'sh'ori'ein. con. jj n ""IMI.I.IIU. nimn. ua.c, muiii utwiiuu Ke"erationTbeenyernitic j y'g. staves W Hntain, who were, from their, re--TV infancy, to be GM for submissi to the most .thnus. t;r3v,ny, jjnd to the, most ' corrupt of a!l . u.iriim-,,,,, v This, as-you may ' suppose, was or.than I could bear. It hal been -fuflictenUy. ttioruUjiijt to me io;". see. the,limhs'of mv dear. P-Jriuti-k,;- republican chiMrcn.' etiyeloped in En- to render it probible that such were the facts. But though the channel of information was eni- tlvd to respect, its source ought to have excited serious doubts of us purity. ' THF. RUSSIAN MEDIATION, which when first announced was an interesting su.jrrct to the people of the. U. States, and peculiarly in to those citiz.ns wh feeling deeply the evils and tnise ries producei by the war with G. Britain, ear nestly wished for the restoration of peace ap pears to have excited not less cdncern sine. Intel, gence has arrived.thaTthe mediation has been re jected by - Great. Britain j whereby . all hopes of peace are banished . The use that wiil be made of this rejection it right. to complain of the rejection beciuse M". kncv it wa hi dnty to havfdemindtd c; tnuntyawn or jm? Erbkinct flower or; , i'o, to s'ti whether they authorised hitn to a-. gree to such an arlaTigemetitj and to hsie the - -evidence .thereof -in his 'own hands. Yet-Mf.x Madison, in his subsequent hvfsage m.Corigress, dared t6 lnsij'uate,tbal' because the arrare. Kf mtnt had been road by thjfBritish Minister . W plenipotentiary, ihereiare it nas ot binilirijg tore '"'f uii 11 ic 1141K.111 ; ... .: . 1 ii render ihis mattter plain to jetrery reader; 4 I will state '..ease in contmon life : - A merchant ' or shop keeper em A oys bis clerk in .selling the "v. goods in his wK 'iOuse or shop f an4 any per son is safe in receiving ah . paying forthem : for ; such salifs are the ordinary busueasiind duty ot such clerks every whercBot if the clerks wer to offerv to sell he warehouse or shop iiseir, . bwildiolottn fowoibif1k1m r 'Ctn'le thUooa,' try, belonging to.his employer .the Um in'ndi, V . ed trader, mechanic 01 fairper n'Mk-Bas you a power of'attornejryto .tpsak "the 'yilf ance ?" and if answered "'vesmen mfora ' M making the bargain' and paying his: money, 'ht'ljl would demand the power of attorney, -as "ef. sential to tbe legality and safety of his purchase. t In tbe prosecution bf this subject, I shall en'' " v quire..- ' t y . ' I. Whether the merfiation of Russia, tonog' .-''-S about a peace between tht United State ami Great Britain, was tendered to the President bjr the orders of the Emperor Alexandor or was gratuitously offered by his minister here, W. Daschkoffi 2, What motives might induce the President to accept the Russisa Mediation -whether he did ordidqpt know that Mr. Daschkrtf had .o any instructions to offer it ? ' v , 3. If Mr Madison sincertjy aimed at peace in the institution of this mission to Russia, what ptare the terms he, must have instructed his comf missioners, Messrs Adams, Bayard and Gallatin, to propose r admit, as indispensable to obtaitt i?e consent 6f4 the British governmetii to make peace f ' 7 4. I shall then show, that it was as well known 3 to our administration six years ago, as when the mission to Kuyra was instituted, that Great4 Britain would not arl r'could not, consistently with her safety, relinquish the right (the like right belonging to m and to every other maritime nation) of talking her own native seamen found on board neutral merchant vessels, on the htghv seas. But that Ir. Jefferson, then president-, . and Mr. Madison secretary of state, cordislf, co operating with the president obstinately v pert r si3ted in demanding such a relinauishmenu the mo1spnta1te;t6Rd1tie4n' OvVenji itgtitfft'b' mane-ior-the-settlement- ot differences with U obtain. - 5. I trust it will next be made; to appear, that this demand was so persisted in, on purpose to 1 A prevciu ihc conclusion 01 a : ireaiT Wlin - threat 1 1 Jntain ? Instead ot which, they have Chosen em bargo, non-intercour.e, non importation and war. TIMOTHY PICKERING..,.' " 'if- I From tht Federal Repubticart ELECTION LL KING PRANK OF THE lNs ; telligencer. v : By way of getuHk nddf threffectrtfi much a4 possible,' of the history we have given of there nA A'.CC...t in antixlnril. tit. U . .J . .:r.nt filing. . -- ft . I i-j ui,. uiuiiuii. i o,.iin7t. uj mc auuiinisira uu uig vi luucaM b iciicriu inc lye pari uon ann proofoft towards s.y, regardless of justice and neutral rights. lentil after Mr Jacks'n's dismissal, whmDe Ca- prouJ of the uocpnlrollcd dominion of the sea, andjbre Secretary of , the French" Legation) called envious of our commercial prosperity, which was and took the letter away"- aad that troth tellinc fasTTtvalling that of Britain would crush and Vehicle pretends that it was taeh away ome nnlulate all our-nreign trade and navigation. "me before Mr. Jackson wered Ins ofleniiTe com. lis nuiu'juns 11. win cueo as a newmeiu 01 owe, me iuxeuiKeneer rnost laisaiv and " htp'ji'severingly hostile spirit of Britain) impudently' Odenks'thffbllbwing part of it-.' life U. States : a spirh which, they will That. the I letter "remained in the office of state beaurii Cxtera. J hh ftmnt-1 j my ohlest boy . with Briu 'jh brdad tloih up hfs bath, and my youngest guf trick 7 oul w'h aEu yii upm her head, be-t'ou-.c, fj'Rx)tli,as my wife said, they miit cheafi :vuAT)ftter)m Aimrican manulactures of the , . . . l,. 4I.I lifvu . . . 'S I s lbe 'u'ljec'ed to foreign: i'nfljience by ierusal of such books as their mother had ' From the Dmon Gazette.' v fc .TO THE PEOPLE OF THE U. STATES. 1 again address you, fellow citizens, undei my propcj signature because a primary object in view heing to state fscts, these ought to be sup ported by cvidrnce by public documents, where ckilapplic :abi9 to the subject and aitajiuble, or my own testimony, or that 01 others, vJio, jnjny o pin'un, are .ntiilei to.redit ,1 am desirous also, that the ibiervation? I make ' oa facta, -may be presented to" your consideration, with that degree of interest to which a longpyaCiical acquaintance All this and much more will be said and with a boldness and confidence of assertion proportioned to its want of truth The arrangement with Mr. Erskine, in 1809. will be again called up, and Its rejection charg ed afresh, impudently by some, ignorantly by most, to the perfidy of the British government : when that whole transaction an its result are tol be ascribedjto the juggling, misconduct and bad taith ol.our own. I speak this without reserve become ihe public documents themselves au thorisc the inference. To go into details on that subject would here be improper. I will only observe, that the word arrangement (of which our government seem peculiarity fond) when ap plied to the settlement of differences, means an agreement, and an agreement between nation is a treaty, which may b more, or less formal.-' Now no man knows better than Mr. Madison that in order to make a valid: treaty, the minister wno concludes, it ought to be furnished by his government with specific powers or instructions tor that-purrseVndJf-suchniiterolTerm to treat, does not produce his powers or mstruc lions, it is the duty ofthe government to which he makes the offer to demand themi and should he refuse to exhibit them, no government acting wup ptuaence and goodjaitn would treat with him. But 3jlr Madison 'did treaty with Mr. Erskine, ahd make an " arrano-ement relati.e to rhe at. I tick on the Chesapeake, and" the revocation nf the British orders in council, without knowing, aecordmg f& Ai own ttatment, whether Mr. Ers kine had adequate powers or instructions for that purpose.-When, thereforer -the-Iarrange'ment wun jyir. Lrskine was rejected by. the British munication." It will mistake nd prevaricate at all' times, and it is "no matterof wonder that U COvernment. b frame mnt? in rtinlntinn nf h! in withpuic affairs and public men give me someT,,. Mr- Mdisoh thd. not the shadowofj wUI p.umply; assert the" thing that "is. not. in a session of clectipnsi likel the present,. ' Due al lowance is habitually made for this circumstance by those who do not fdtally reject Its autiiorltjr at all seasons. , But In denying, under a modifi. cation, one part only of the statement, and that not the most materia and implicity giving it. assent -to the, truth -and correctness of the res.t, it affords hopes nf the whole being confess ed before king ; for it Was in this gradual, drawl ing manner, that from Hump denials and insi nuations expressed in to me, equivalent to them it has by degrees been compelled to admit al most the whole truth. To sum up, by way ot illustration. -. rT ; ' '. The Court paper bas admitted the letter to be genuine,' and the transfationn official, y , ft has admitted that TuiredU was called upon, both 'by an unnamed gentleman in Baltimore, un der the president's directions, and by the secrets ary of the treasury, tf ho went thither for, the ex- . press purpose, out that in both instances he pe reroptorily refused to take it back. It has admitted, that hereupon he was written to by the secretary of state to come to Washings ton, and that he contemptuously declined taking any notice whatever 6f the request. ' . It has admutMd that Mr. De Cabre, first secret tsry of the legation, informed one of the miuis teja of the prestdent'that it had been well consi ... dered, and was approved-by all the legation, that it had been enrolled in the ministerial archives, that copies had been sent to France, and that it could not be taken back. Theonly remaining difference between us is we assert that De Cabre took it back after jht- If i! J