fcAierfcfyS i.ogMreiaM S?7i ft- -pij'4.r.rXHe'own 4 lrhiift .VWlah i.s,.intcrlUy te.preim&reVfc tWadln tipd 4$. -'fetf :.? oppji V iatk ilarriidaVirni vii it piMgr ',Cdm;I$vVAC C ILU Q&T9fij;??'iS? Orders iaaneil iritmnjimiUaxV; jifyftfapto ,pojmcar:&&o -the pffrpWet of reVJ'uil r :' U-'vy;-; 3 Mttilywy briidlcfl - J; rmon' Oft r : i : '4 A : QW DW-&Jtii(ttmV to9fc;aw jilJW WpVbiopti; ,fa enijkirfoj MsWci-iH " p! ri-V'.: V''i ;'-. ? J V -Ifetyni tfihffrQup -j MajyiM Bevrat sires wz; ;iatKlif. e MeAcevd tjhe. tifcmU&i faoiorald V o.ih$w ifricTfr$m& tbeir v'fiiaee vGdJiv;'jdfrwon! rfM,eT6vft,tiaT ttetykiktgWntt&aT&lm ik Ociohzrl senile s(ke 6f the miUtiti sfstion'aHOp1 1trVfcil3Uejc4u; 4Wiwstaw:' Is'Cofltfdi A:tippe. -il4-Yl; t pupjr-ij 'Wnbalr;. id Apr-. Water .Pojflfi near r3m.hvr;! ''vi;Vi'''lVf.? $wL entfer' ilo. a detail, .1 harewf;p4,at vldeh ngotf ;aoil40''; -4i'i,g inl&j uinoti H' no', who' werihiii-kfcvy i1&&fk,x: --Lav''' un'Kil? ' . p- ':'.' .".J- -irTov.'up thfteliiievc.;y roWju "?or paV.4;:'tave ;ttej "ffiat" (Stgwl) r C;.iJl,iK'l!. - idf i.M. j-4iiaVTatiN'rfint lifciyars !oVff!y: "'ite'H WTl'Vibo'ta-tdV "llie ipr.e&ariillte' ,YiaiOJi:ArS. -Jlv-vi "7 wftto&S ?&i&'ih ttepwAteette iif eVij e&lVift frHvi' vHMa'T'VT''ff treed Ur. '!'.t Li!uieTujC :&art. etiat!1)r,lr? wi:6 a:vJiHlo Hgh ukiiolXol' liis hti'erioi tind -we'i aa.l Undnca 4 Hading '.f;w"tr3, Provju-i bajtia ot'tluer coastr)-, li.it noij&hc Vi-'fH toitrik a;I,;,?io-ar, .'May;5'e;,nLnf''t - cjai Nary. ".r.T"'""7"' -, V--. -v' lc'id aniM'urgAUen, .H-tfcaishnr'M nVle;.a'-fV:'.yfJ'; thJnite iSMe$iOtcr' V '. - ''l v: ' .: ;V 7JV' T!ey e ta JjHiiialiutixlicr (it'tlieif Wumeu 'A co-jiipary.;'iva' n:ol oat la jfpft fro'i-to fwew or nwrlisaiilr-ftJiJbd.wbjit'; -ftridch.ilri) aiJriet:th' r , is'otps Fort (iyVK (iarcA o'" aJV. in-VDri bii 1J aj-j I lioeo answer '0iv aJJelh;'ai!dik"o1f -J tnt::i alj-paJI . Urotfgat ia;.iic'ir .wimn-dj.-tn: Wh?i -uic) " arH' .v.i .at thi .i'; .- A'ir'jv f.eirfufcsicn ami ibpn'ieaveki.crriiSjg u'd ar&SdraingratioTis.;' -." -Zt": -' Ciyfk, Serj 'nf ,lrtl ti.i'Si. aj.mtrd -sv it , Ks i vvry.waat I Ti.i-i s o party taem:iit;8a-ifj;'3 .1 har.; j-uiteuSved t$f&u Olen" Harf t,va r!r50')'. aw'!. poc- H'i .'vit tins xtfail )m & df-piafaf-i '.vx' ' ibid. Mk'f UAy''t,: fafiqilfn ili1 rJ-Hin, atlvislliftt-luad ataiiuat . ' '. 'a v.,,v-.-r-r-- Xt. ' - ' iTiJ :J.:pAvfA''-J&'f. Umrsn4 '.tUkkBi . i'tttii. eofvjii.' vi'-rory;- taJHitl ' tiie.pri'aeip'kt t!U- Jfii.lt as uppier:'EsIlj' ;er o'JJjd; io " WIlc" oal!.k jirf'uiiy H7eriag witjcf tletL ' A'llaviflg'tJ.Wk ettrsG-?;. Pro" tor ex?ptVe re . ia ' ftis-p.'U!vi$ .afVjf; (wandoie m;Ui thil '! ' ii'aVM-ifi-: gwartstr; "'I'Layelhe honor, & ".C. Jio iiTTr' ';-KtV li t , viTsJ. v - il's H -i r H e. V'i Aim ilasirj- Aiiiai xriu a-i c;na no. losiejiiina of;' . :-;-D ITN C AN " J.AIlTiII JR.' :Ji4vii ?.rc-. it vU.oi rii'rt.ii ft diiOfTft could ,liti"Vfasiid)jy hU'traiyryTa)i'..ta tirikovai By7. carrUauvivctivj ,:,; . " V- Brig. Geh. U. &J$.tty: Tink -'i. '.vli.;,i "-''I atV3 $:- ioie;!y awd a.nwiijy oMii iiaat;j'f. In o'rdi-.r4e niae 'ttfee'W of fipy of a letter "from Gttu Harrison to tie D pKnu.'-s, Ti-; vtfo iib: . iaiuli' for v!ae!t iu .HHi-.mr f . iartg:T,.he A ' dcpsrilmeuyrj ' J"-' Partme,,ip0S-a1'' : i.ni!! -s ,;li t -'?' :.i;h l Iiir- -vt.r rv.i i tJ u jiVt':ii.':it. lie jvliit iiifo servtul ' ni'r Jiiiira-Jia .JSCeUdh" '. " ' ' . tr.-V) K;r; ..rs ;iiHin'i; lij i iiiiuur j-jir- aif-t?i! -A of! she pilshtd uni aaj:ai,ie . to! jcirsOiif ftj jflIo 'oxi,'iY:UM Zty. ---'- . . .. . - ',i,r''- '".f''' r (i:. fi-T.-.i:', .-'V ;;viit Jfa'e. ivw tkoii -p'n. .i.-r ?7'-t.m.a,u ir::"t I.is.-oj.jn.rs .with iuairfety, cui sa'ijbOis'HawirW'bo'lW 'gIR-4 have tWnoVro inlVriii on'lu C1' ' f'": :,;.." fad car--f ;;ly abU?d Wirritatirts otjiisuli- urHl pmU lan d furulstfc Afe-- ytoinoun.ih'as -ihi eveniiur oii'iainfd u com- l '.. "n. ,: ki. jhr,re.ry; "fii d la.finjafwl y,dhcuio heVilot .rie:M feUh fo Uenciaf r.-rv'iT?. i.wtersi'.irl s-.r...-n, -.mi rruuU - ; i n r.r,vorthe srd:r u. :W ::;i!;!il-"gr!icv?s amh;d';cr-x(! 6filrtofS6lcirihm' ai..i9aai-btit'iO0aHt f'W ' (s. ; ii .-.ft v-i n i 1 i i: . !f ' i !l . j. s1V5 : h ; ( 'Vi ;clr .!..:i ..i-.. !i . his I E!if":-of ?i.ji-ivi-the hiith nriM nf I'tUr vt .1. ,t.e-r:.j. .iA rrueior. . , i voe)ieYir iixat .-JieajriT it." no:c.oi the eoi' Jiy's regular are taken or kilicJ. -moAspt the .furmcpCj are all the .supsrr ojhtrs CAivpt issiq: ratProstor. Aly- mois'(ed Iwn ti e now' fa iiuislut oi Jum." Garnosa is verrtnilijff. Ti; bnuve CtVli;Mi Joiinson is Utoi:!v o;li- .Qi-r w !u?i r.b"a Veli card ''of that is wouaded, Le bfeitln ioi i ltoie'?r6'f: dairsr?ro;isiv.'" . I have .ibu iiotior to 'j s Ti t h.great respect, Sir, -your obedlut huml;le sown ;u, JUou, Joirjf AaijsTBOxo, See. at War. . : r.-.m;i'.s.i or-:' v I tc p;vmKcd a a ic-';H.t, i vaa. a.-dsrjt, e.atjata1i;'.'l&V'0 ''patroMix-td i''liir'Caxet w'at.I h-r i,..- :!t: t.'u? and cplrlt." - j i i-'ti ;M;w.-. til xii;me nJvia;;. 4h4Ji.riiiir)ij, and. the nnV; lona vlieh I13 tciftion oj ! tn;ui j4t i--o?u' 'latiir;. A strapeer m his tor.i- soon a uiav . . . . ..- t. 4 . ... - Amianv, Octdber i CflAUNCKVS LATE ,C1J1SE 1) f"di?:iuiiig U!Nbpani JJ !"'u "' ""i 1 u ir -. i Mra.gcr m cis oj?i.- o.ou ,a way. lie mnTHt coavemetit, Bust Mid. p vo.;! i ' hit !:i-i Siiv.r. r.iwri poivuduliy iiiv.kr$it-,' i''-i ''V" ' '.'7 '4 . . --m ' m- . f t 1 . . i 1 1 !. it.'.iiir h i lira kiv iv .14 1 ' . lievd?icri3d ndayi;rt&direcionorVork, Gowiorc cbwue , w!u,h out r,adc.- .i( ' J1 ' ,v " ! tud i.wot.ly gav chase to W U,o ha.i ind U p; ,ea. no.r, v a ,u ! 1 Y'. nCrotTv" fi94 fi ' jLboat oneo'chek'p. 'Make Pike, beinV't!,P , o.a,i.0av airi UW,;Hv . , h: oW .l'':' riV f i't ?UVC' 1U Jeg - at 'Meom, oKdaldaifdidli: 7 an Mp, r,id -mt-aiJinS;: the rest of the -,jad- . wj -pr. .,i5y.t!:at the' -f.i i.. iorvo liu "iy Vrt, 'l I'L awayp.' I tin, eom.n.,e.e..I an action witk the enea. at i .ail dort-a tu,- ..vvUvrsou tadwA'f ulfiu shof . aud.tadhis tire yn fur, towarU. Kito;, or n. JV'o.nrcal. . " ''1" ''"r ilae schr, ' feinieoe., the, -enemv --s sUrn, vessel , Mejoici',;?. . he m.'s.u (. !i:f cy R snce?ss'"W !r .-' m ... '. . - : : iTr-m truck aer olorsj bat tc couiuio l'n:VvS a mv received on ftuuciv,, o..-a;',.:c-,j a icd.-ia ;aW-pif.., 1 , i m n . - UliuDy,; y to pay. h w respects .to sir Juie, inuoied ItU"to be tircU 1:. it:;. iiUita, ilii.; Nfito ?,, unr, ;.. . . . . v 1,1 Farettev.llej on ihe i8 the R;.-fl',jiii;A',7Vrie'l8 for oiiiejv oi wir .-stiiiatiroa to .. . po-ssusMion oi, . au?i so? esvap 'out . -Vi'' fu,ie(.uvr a -tov. n-i. o'cloek-stho eao.-ny bore awav. aid eamv- to ' and a peni'sanea; .o-:.::ii;tet . r; ruehor near. the shore, uadir ttnt cuua of liar- on (ho oec&fou :lVl ,r,y.i iuroudieilitti. ... , I . -- tare tinieii, mm- .ih ;. ilic conijo'Iora, pprrhei!?iye 0!' gt(ing the beds of .he eiiy mi.j m ;.,k. Morn, '.n ti I ii ; eti cnu fr , tUi'lli oaad, Jlp iviii d wiiia. gal :s-' i recWy on Inore, deemed 7 it not iirnoent tov follow : die h?reiVre beat up. to Forjt rG?o,f"ge, o:f-rliich .it .appears thai V-.-vxv. hae .k-o:i -nose.i to-'uu--l.if.3 he.a.iehorfj oi-lh'; -&a'oi'ttina(.oi' liie 4st. . ' boalfof d e icgt ios. ii ice. ...i.v:. a.iu.., i d-n.(.- ii.e Pika, had three man killed and iG '.cvatji giving 1., . iiunim a n.ar;tt oi to-iadeby. f'tehro i'.,thct'nciy. iKt one . iT. ,i Jioj.f: io.vciba.'ttii.cd fcylhe ;-re- 'aoi pjimsea tLfouga Jicr hi.il, '.ihosfgh st voal ate,. couniKtj.sg 0, iim-ca lu.ni i'h, Uo, bung tnick 'Hiet injiiry done "ti the enemy appear-' eieioy iii'r 'fuiiia ago,- are all' .U niitcr.us. tl to have beea cousul -rabie. TlKWoilV had 'iief'Iiavtf -a yQ.a t serve . e ),i;:'K-!iti , , I i:r nfiajiad finzen lopriitisis shot avav. and in Kiint baitoUtho ieucralut. vili ' u tu-.-.uA.: a-Koyal George tost ,t;ei- tore tp-iiia?:t, On ty in .i voiea and (he state vi;i h v:u s iioo!iei',fOM a ;kii in luo tvue. viatic frovti'iior, ci.CT y i uiea vn,0!e uie sqaudroii-luiving rc AiredtdaWageg'awdgetMi theVnh'.pajs d'uu-a ')..! .0 liavi- -a ;:rtd a.J cn:;Td: ;5.:w I ess" a tribuiv to io jiijiu-t'. ciird - '.4.,. ... U .L .- a i .: -.. .1 . .-' .. . - 'i1o at hat Ti... J-... ...1 ..... ' - . - . i;wbie lar-;7, all ic tiu.it., nr we su e hi it.Ttrtt)j;KiJi . -j ins naaiila .vata in -, r -r. aaivia.ii Tr.ownship than of ', "P?-'Hi,i.Hifia.g--U. 3', Gii' dU ' C0,t,P"-?hw! aa.-,r'liah .-at-wtl .'. ,' - V cteoi g-,l tiutlt.. atesu e hi er-' 4.. . rzE L'Ht n Mic. v e perceive", vvit b much 'er iim,ty nh Vnniif"'n1 -nl :il!vlanc i!l(.ii i.-uoM. ,:iw lur. il M at, .5s, r0 ea- ' :U 'witahLie-.h-ve fcww-e.nr-i;Vwir.iii: Liai-' i-..err io t.ve. to i(s Mo.iia! S; e; -R.ct rtm UrcUiuU m'tf. i.-.-a.-;aryj a : -ic. bed -ioxicrai ioc. Tue lrtc ''ai.wti, a- iaite imjiit prosper; ii.- . i,iu t,: ia its i.'iti.: -..vh; .-.i su. 4-. 1: win apjear v. .ir. g.V.M AH ieretti t le'igi.u!. Have i u.stalfie. t iov Mr. TuiwWVt-ih'.- av e a ucmo- 1 4 test ot Ufe71vigbt 0!? -Luke, Nile v:iri al Loart -artia heid at i1 a?anvdic, J.ioo.e, fl, v; 1 . - . ' ' r , . . , , ' ' , t - .5bt-On hc morn1agotboth, corac..:.lo.V "Aai aadetdinV; 4m ot' a .oai.av m'i tv -j- y .- f v , 'JtT"'?-"'; uii tun: uj'.u .uujii utiMt i.t.,iiuM.ii,..fflt.nl.u a VUHSifiM kllilll' i. ...t - , ... ....,.. . t. . eiake, iufniate)y crowded:ai(sai'i tVn-er,jvedo ( thi;.k proper totive il aaiHHon -"7 -v lt i- ..... -fir .i . " i ue conducts. fiiVaeito tie eoitor has euaeav- ia !- . -....a..:. 1 ., 1. .r: i - .V.i- t:i..';:.. V oi: k y . - .. . . ; 'oretl to steer a mj.il.l a-a.td inipar lai eoarso he- . 1 "it.; res iL-i-i ..i-; i neo ji aoitiiiyiit, not v '"""(".. -.vv , vr,v SoM-e.J io" t iive ..i'sttJ.e t.de oi aus:! tf .-nri&.J"-' ....'''.' ..riiLii.ii ii ii .111 ji.is 1,111 iiti.il ... i 1 4 . .'tiiimi . - v v"m v.. ..ira ti d u-ivai, d amn... try. We iiit;.i- a'sulrrrrtplton h.u, h.uUtVail .w ' be. .happy 'to far;, nr.! the fta.nes ol g'.-;it'rinett-r4:,,,'li 'cntif , uidCT-h5'feWfMV!bt iaja'-n--iE'aii "'"v ' dlpo(.e t io sappon ll.e ne-v -.lablisru:ent. . - .ate!y, i r iytf Hv4nna, 'Ci5pu-, 3WW Wcy.'kte.oJ the ;u; . '. -ivnk t,o lHJUlll il,Ll I iTit ,1(7 na I - ' C J.l IHfi, M UIT4. F . I V " . -t ' i . . i , I, i ... - - . p ... - . , . ( f npn. In i o.kf ' mid Hun r. i r :4 t I 'i I "ifxifli rii.w ho. . .... .1 lauiuie , vai oif the tw 0 Sihiaif ei's iji in o. lumr!-111 1. he c.isiife . m a ,if n m. .x,, . wV v . r .. . . . . . . . . ' 1VatLnca 10 k. a.ulV.v.. :iv;,. it.,. , I. . " . . j ; mg. lb JJ.ftuea - n ti UeavorVaifcU me.K 7 r . - v j v 4 . a r-av 1 131 ui . uc wa .i;vii U". uuiitin 111 iiii-r: x:if 1 1 ill TTv 1 .11 Tittt-pi fa r ...- . rt . - , 'iuderthaannand or ei.aio Orane a, our b,iov,d u.AV nan,' cau dnut. 1? WP iteX ' niadoin ;Oa,i!ari1,K.lkS, ei,y. there' ui.-JW.cvi in-ia, e,iSt,nce a.ict r.cnA.r -ri.cnved tobsraduKJ ;cbo,Mers,.-aadS,a x ,.w a,d ir.uortaai r;,orU , ' are ! "t4 "" "! -th haS liKhcno b ?!uUinM.;,i,ftt.'.Tius schooner vV?r? eaa- oaiae.l ct a hautl f V it . viiiu, li at ' " V " ' v" ,f V u8sW".' .. ' 5 V'l-i- ,, i;i; . , . , , J " uo tii nig out pinewiian lioi.i a laiife proportien5 fv ' ' ' . ' fu wiLuout resistance : the 3iooi) , as a'ia;i- evert tr.re vat not wi u..:.int,tf,.....-.f...-1iJ f.-.i n S .. .- - : 1. B. rtj.a s -oa Sire av the enemy, , and tbitj-la- ttie yecai!;.:, if rai on siiorcT-"- "- " ." ' "" f. . ., : - ! Go.L" Lai ami llli t - IJ .I , ' . 1 T . . "-.oi isiwse to wnoxO .. ra c . saerii..';! his nun tnwl p.iUic.Dfpuut... joy " slioaai i uiiicraione tavhi iiv-M.e ..ia. K(fitr Li.' f III -Partnership heretoforefffDgrodg4f7 JSL, f i.c.ti m u Lui. gut i. 11 tkU . fUtbttaA . -.iveti by 'mutua: jiie-.t,' ;. lU-4)..vV-di;. ie, .ijji'rte .'a agaimt ihe ro ct r.i, , a'ie -i-qutM.c j.j.-e"' a.,- ..(if' netii c seleme:H aid uiivjia !?y, '-'".rt. r ' K'tj-iaiJift '" V and 1 m;wt ed t ili.a.J'.-:. fu kim. ' ' tiie csu6tiibiiu:i.i am aiici:(f(t io" '"-, ;?' 4'utui. be condncivd.liy ;"A. tuc -.' A?LUCt5, and "'.v. A H." SOYUAH. .." '-. ?--,: 1 sniUiurj.'i arrive-;. ;it i.ii'Xiit iir;iar n.. vir 1 ... " . .i t? ,v .,, .. , t, 1 . p . . . rr 7-. . :'mSl vfita (! j prize 8rhoo- order a,JSo:n, of ro.a taotii.ieot: . " '1!" r!V 15 A ...liea cat rivit an navies oui: toari Jjy AjreuuisUuice miua to ie rroiud. " - ' , i :,. , v. - , "v.- 5 JL-- -l ,trf .us. tfl,ue .ttCa vr5:i,,a,i-i 43 Hhor-Lord r ..aU nonyoai ie avnal ou suck K,. feTT.rV... L ii aiie - r ;; aiaki- a totaS opd. Tiis eneiny'ti-aaiion as iir. Jvra,urab ix, y. 7 ' V- k vf ' ,v ? vrv oa tlieir way toni the Head oi. the - Ouder flee imprious- verv hfiiouii and r . ... , .. t, . j.. c A f the - ---- v . I U ) IK T tbeIast.coart ol" plea aad (iarter-eife. jr ii . i.'i ' tSe c- t!.iy ki, ; .. it'ii. , ;.:niii 'a ..-c waf I ' ' ' ... . i. ih sub4ci-b.:r on i .e cia' of KObRT HiGH, - ate v i4 county- Ail pmoria Indebted to laid ea nijMts cil 'tu make immediaY:paymlit-Vriiu wiv m-, will preaetu. i hem,"" legally aulitcotirateil, witbia time precribad by law, oiherwiie iiiil notice wi) be plead -riy -cittea, ho fegara.,. m.- sa-i',aili as aa :vli ,f'tr ; "vt.v i .i r.nrl a Tif .' ! ol n't! ii.T.a tiAn! !'; ;t " - i -i fMorc pidy at the pi eiO that c.rer t t 1 in'bar of iheir iccovety. V - . Granville, Oct ' 14. 18 13. ; J.KK1GHT, adm't. -1'"' ;: . lfi,6t. - - ' i'fr fA.., t.Ua. , will, MituuTf jii.auo.., o.;pres "i.u aeei;tt;i '. i-- . -. V- . t '. " .Jy.Varuinff. -. ; . J '....t t! uau rrs:jac.i I. regiuv?at oi t hennas 'ox caauoa, and outer not is ' ixMthtii i in i i i'-a--- T T- t A vl i -i - . , v.'. .... :--.',. : ; .-..?..!,;,. ,',!, ,.V - f ' , ;,r 3. - - 7 . " J k, Jtt"3i.i i.jk ir this iiuormatton. Jt t by their mfiu- 1.7 JL-iblis.,ed tanj, ue.-' me .ttuu", Rit-nh, a :,'. , 1 " - . ' n... iM iu I ' g-e.a.ti.-uttr.errpolUlcal .flhiaion. in which iQnrr,a toacrunimodate ttnta Euada a"'' Lent, aimg . . .-.f ';:,.e"T.-f'l'l -r p " ' '"'- 0? :. S f"' ? : ; ; .- .!r,a pof;io;i otour eovfiiry' it'J. still wrpt.oVi ea,Lmf;lUeM,mbl.r o(; 5a.tibly.- f-. i.risu )vA.iii , iei ' MajTT atteviUevRegi-- uc.t:. i4.;itk.li'lVfid 'n"Cant.' do. do. l- .h.l.-IS, !..-. tir:'iirfMie,t:t.(": do do. ! ""- ' ,A. 3lel, ieat Adjt. tjutk'do",- i- u --. - .... . . v. ... , a . niiuf (k'p ::d." "i o perijid ha evermore a :p!iin ;'HI'c "taref io lAve,, at 'a ejtni (HMnan.ieu iae aeuve : t . f . v ' " ) j h'juu oi i neir coAijifniWie r ,?toecfae publieatioiv too-wtnUNorioiliilai-irupo I. -,...1 k I. k.'..:.: UonJLhat id-ia Sueatbe:ca whTbe'coumyalJ'ttie VaM.C-tn atfjid f and in ' aJ .; i!, !e' bTpe w merit 'the at tniin aue hadi.ivitfci iecai. t '. n expegemfed. Tbe -aLl.. i ae c tlrntiye a' d wilb well pru idadirlilirgra.n',r tc"atid-..aery faiibtiitaiiJ peiusctf JjipstVf prtrjioyeti.' ". Raleiti.t.ci.!! it&$irL : .-.

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