- JiX have "nlerihU ladies of troops id &n sen hi tbe Spanish American colonic. . v The Spaniard, hare about 10,000 men ; irm,-a great part of whom are well disciplin !J and clolhei ; and the. we appear; to be animated bv the perevering exertions & . wen fees of the BrilUh forces in their eouotry, . as IIALETGH: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1813. Detached .mitia. It will be doubtless very satisfactory to our readers to '.learn, that ,,the of the troops stationed at -Fort Johns- - tM, &c.'lias b'cWrhe nearly re-established. Capt. Sjllivan, in command at me rriT waa in town osi San Jay, and informed, that of his company not a man was sick j and but few of tli3 whalo. A number of the indisposed had been, permit ted to return home. The hospital stories or dered by Gov. ilnwkiiu had arrived : and alto--' gether the situation of the men rendered much more comfortable than it had hitherto been. The contents of our present nnmbe; arc qhiefly gathered from the papers of our files re vived a week or two ago" The mails have become so abominably irregular, that a season able arriv&J can never be looked for. It is how ever a thankless taskvtp complain j sioee no . fanoraveuienL-JiPPears to be produced. The -r r ft ft . backs of the hardened Tour emollients they seem to disregard .ceii-jpresidentliruster i'lenip'oteutiaryj Under the lure. . ' . ! Russian mediation." 2" ' In our first nage will be found some interest-j i , , ins articles, irom French papers, and iti the; Vrom Sackelt'S Harbor, on Lak.o Ontario, fourth, the treaty lately iorraeu unaer nngusii (he gccue 0f present interest and ot perhaps too mediation between ay n narfoflnVatm c11i 'have betfet deserved ... :. . - ... -; . . . . . '- tives, and that to tneirf; s&oOla rfcsnu ia Qoner quciit niajority .li oint?ballotr But Ton -the score of right, of principle and law, the Mary land federalists wilt assuredly be justified, in maintaining their ground and their aseendejiey. eWmnnications intended for the Minfiir va office should he addresied'pbsfpaid to..lkr. Lucas. ' " . ::r- ' .mBMlodito tho ial endearaipnts andaccompJisT to have been killed in the lato enSaSemeBt on distininish the str and ennoble French mer, - , ;- ' ' . , inM1. n;tnAihiiientedeulo2Vof this ' In HaJifai town, on the 4th nit. Mr. lioa Ear LivvHAM.'aitd the 8'nnday after, Mr. James A NDERscMf. boih natives of iJcotlaftd, . , i . In Wilmin5t6ntWhIt. inthe 8tliyear of hor aee, M. SyiAK M. Mears,; wile of Wm. n. Mears. attoraev at law,: . An excellent understanding, a ; disposition created ',aild sup ;The plaeeswrierc the Sitttti 'of this. ifiUi 1 ana 7 in were tough t, arerttwRted two or threes luiiv-a wip: nuuiiiiv.u-u oi.iiie , cut fii . jjres aen. . rirna, yDers,-anU i;eter waidewhi.-hk Count Darn's letter adnyU'to Itare been oceti pid by the enemy.Are also to llie southward or, to spea in military1 terms, ia ihe rear of Bona parte' position at l)resdJahOn the 28(Ji,t 3 o'eloek , in the afternoon, ; 150,000 meu wer seen deploying in the direction of Plauea4-theT, must haye.s advanced from the jpolnts whicxi hav aheen just Jnentioid in the form of a ere- cent.., Bonaparte, or Marett foir hiwj a, he ' defeated them on)he adth'Kud 17,th i butho x,.v remaiueu masters oi tue. grouaaon bolh aays t. Not the .French:tsurely-yifor they tarned Dresden oh thiB nht. .f the 36th--naY; thev " I caroe dick at iiignt on tne j47tnao, avowiSOiy j jffcnneMeev The a - -.- J ii 1 , ' must auuuuic tviiiik iri . it ( i . trJon authorized, at.-the; ' ,rtiv;i.i iti!-:ir :iv,f i late session of the Assembly were stated, by t lei rTiMlltrr , tL J;ih veirf his aee. -This r.mi)lamQ n hJ runc'piiilltcil f fw. 1 1 n nO VeT III lite lAuuin.alA d Hug n wor.ou:.- f C..1.I v iJ tii0.tthe antry had been eollee ted jall who knew him and are admirers of an open or remain wre thef wer8 lit ppear. ev" 1000 eavalry I generous aud manly character? He was buried rft, that o the 2tlf the allies J the tCfi,r"ir? p JT 1 .rXllA! h.dd?d ! th military Louofe by the.N. KUnover Troop, ' SaiIuntV-aml on the the FrLh w and 2000 from Last 1 enn,ssee ,Vere to be added. J miulber) under Captain T. A icttcr from Gen. sVevart, tlated at aK TJreEditors of the Baltimore . Whig", seem to think that there may be soma probabilitv in the Funors mentioned below. They think it not unlikely thatanew oineerwill be. pla ced at the head of the treasnry department, in ordfrr to remova the d ate -ynztiUdionul scruple in the way of Mr. Gallatin's re-appointment to t'ae Russian embasy.- FROM THE PHILADELPHIA GAZKTTE. " Reports from the Southward say, that Mr. Clay Speaker of the House of Renresesifa- de delinuuents appear to have becoinel retarv of thu Treasury. It is also added, that under the lash. Whilst they may d:-; jfr Gallatin has been " re-appoinled, by the ty, lately formed under English gCCue of present int een Portuaal and Algiers. Ihe r;u(.,1 vnt.ttiiin Hmm? thA neonle firene- editor purposes, practicable, to give an index raHy, we learn that general Wilkinson's army aiuie close or a year; ana tnereiore aesires to emb.irked in boats on Tuesday tha 12t.h A wide ..'water his columns the most important KaKK i'ne Kingston. n oiate i apei. thm from ths euerav. of no easy transition id -pro- separates which veeks. Nat. Int. pres-irvfr ou Foraijru as well as .Aaiurica boats, subject -to frequent head winds, The iditon has been informed, that the late g!)inetimes obstruct the navisration far w raniires oi nie man invii taKen place cnicny between Louisbiirg and Warrt'nton in this state,; ; v" ... . - and betweeji iiichmofid and 'Aletandria, in Vir-j The U. .9. brigs Enterprise and Rattlesnake gi'a . . sailed from Portland, lately, on a cruise. Xewv PnbUcatioii. Barent Gardehicr, eeq.; VERMOXT BLECTION". " of Xew York, has commenced "the publication Extract of a letter to the Editor, dated Troy, of a political .journal, to be entitled the .Exa-; ' " 'October IS. miner, and which -xviU" be issued onee in two' By a letter this moment received, I have it weeks, dating from the fourth Monday of Oeto- j,j mv "no wer, and it s;ive3 m3 real plea.?iire, to Cowan. , ',. . , ; ,.'ter', August 29. relates ail unsuccessful attack ; iu Wilmington, on the 2fith nit. ia the 15th l,v the ai lies oh Dresden, August 27 and 29 year of her age, MUs Temperance Ann Har- i'i8 day after Uiey fell batk. He says the itW' riss, only daughter and efcild of Mr. IS'ehemiali ies' los-rmay be r 5'ooo.j that ofithe French Harris. , must bo more i Eonaparte's force lj2,o,oyo. It In Wilmington, on the 37(h tilt. Miss Eliza rained incessantly during the combatl' Moreau Fleaiino, daughter of Mr. .lames !mn. whiie j earnest conversation with the emperajr Wilnungton, on the ilH ulf. Mrs. Mapt- f Russia, had both his Ie3 shot off. the eaauou .Ann iveddik, reiict oi me iaierfaines ivcuuic, ball oing through his horse. 1 ;ed H years, . A letter from Stewart dated Toplltz, Ac. la Wmithneld, nr. William Davis, cabinet 30 relates aietorv u-ained bv the alJifti. ovi makei formerly Baltiiuoi-e, but a native of the Freivch Kcnerafs Vandamme and Bertraad. Rhode-Inland. ... 80oo men held 80,000 men in cJieek. Coisuf , . . . c, r-T; i ,7 ' jilsterman lst an arm. The allies had eoqtn 1 UbiouKI I 1. ; men. killed and wounded...' The . French aboyt ?r "" "'6000,'. -..'' ;" ,"..-.',--';' r7- HIG11LY INTEIlESTIiVG ACCOUNTS, i. A letter. from Rtpwnrt ;i,TAr. A-.-. Extract 'of a Utter from JVew-York. dated'' nnnthoi. V;A Voj..JT . .JTartlArt-w. I lift flliin Miiorvji- f .Aiifiiin FnrH. tina nr. Ti : 1 t.A , f 1 5 w-.va -w- i I It 1 III HIT Iff rriMRH ItHIIH. 1 i I TklAffOB AT S1 11' 11 : V: ti irvu i iiuiivu r a Utter from JfewWork, dated relates another , victory over Va'ndammc, " ; October 27;, 1818. ' . which that general and gens. Gioit, JIaehtoi lAiiiviva, upuuii roru, hub ar- Uimberg and Pliuce Reus, 00 piecei i in 42 days from Leith, brings iery, about 10,000. pcisouers. and to the lllh and Leith to the were taken. Tli$ whole of the staff, battle, whiah is said to he the ny oiticers were taken. The remna standard and m&- remnant of4hir. Reus died-of hid uer. l ne terms, tnree ociiars per year pa)H- -infai.ni- y0i, that in a joint ballot oi both houses, trie in 'advance, aright being reserved by the n!) Oiwerhor havin" been elected by thf p?c publishrr of making his paper aweekly on, ple,) Mirlin Mt'-men Aas b'eeti elected Goccru and in that case of doubling the amount of sub- oroftheStitieof Vermont by a majority of nve seription.. It will be recollected that Mr. y0te .1 ; ' : " Uard?nier lormtriv renresoted, in the Con- . Th 4niiii ta.hl will h rlM.nid " ' Jn. gress of the Unitiid Htates, a district of the rUpruIeiiee, in Vermont, was polluted and cor ""state of New-York, .'and lastly the city itself. rpt from the fouiiiain head throtigh every ra H ;S!na8d talents, -Jn public sjifc,. earned mifiaatioalL wilUe regenerated. 1 exoeet forliim .a fame, as dTsti agisTied"-a$c deseryeitr j80ra8 pretty sharp laws will be passed against AttiMwak of:the infrinaemeut of civil rights by Madison's the, whole body of the National Legislature. H 'army is au auspicious men to see him once morej 'u'La,t year Governor Galushaiad a pin stepping forth, the champion of those great raluy of f)0llt 3-300 voteHThis result is stroug priuciplhis eloquence and learning had hicvdeiice, that notwitlistand'ing the liberal dis .therto defended ; ajd it is believed he will no tribution of the, wagts of iniquity a majority of jp,j, ,,''uic .i vuiojig-ayAik iiiau iiuuiuu-pfce are oppt4o4hn4-w-pUey of iiv iiau in i uc uciiKiii uuu iusii.-ci.iuu vi ma ' i ...n .. eiuntrymen. ' " . London papers 1 4th Sept. A greatest ever tought, had ;taken place at Ures- foree fle closely pursued. Kv4. ....... . o l. J .1.. n - 't - 1 ucii, uciwlcu ii u irensa gjiu me ivusaiaus, wouuds.' Prussians, and Anstriaas. , The Boston papers The letter also relates a viatory obtained by say that both sides elaim the victory. rh Blueher, over M'Donald, near Jauer, Silesia drench General of division, De Domini, went. Aust 2(5, 27 and 28, 80 pieces of artillerj over to the Allies on the 14th August ;he was 39 tumbrils, and 13.000 prisoners were taken Cuief 0 f the Siatt under the Prince of Moskwa The enemy wasstill pursued. ' v ' He had formerly served nuder Moreau, who A letter from Gen. btewart, dated Zehista was at the Russian head quarters. Report An. 527meuiions the nrpvini nlvMn f thL say that Bernadotte had ilefeated the left wing aiieg, aild their drivin? the French into- Dres- f thij French army. This is all 1 am .able to den j ' and that two regiments of Westphalia jollect at present.' . " huzzarS had come over. ... Extract of viotherLeitersame date. Letters from Vienna say the Vice Roy of I " We have important News this morning,by taly has been defeated with the loss of 900ft an arrival at Boston, with London papers to the prisoners, &,e. 38th ultimo. .Bonaparte at first oDtafned" some1 - small advantages, but iu a series of after n-, Extracts from the Twelfth BulUtin of tltg gugements the Allies wxj e every where sue-; Crown Prince of Sweden dated Head Qw cesdl'ul. Geueral Moreau was Ulled by a can- ters. Juterbock.Sevt. 20. v t. - i Cj i tl .1. . . 1 1 . . ' . ' iiijn suoi. m. oeoasnans surreuuerea to JUora Wellington. Nothing on American affairs but a repot that Gallatin and Bayard had sail ed oii tber return, there - beiug no hope of suc cess in their mission." Heligoland, Sept. ' 2 -The 1.1 I . a. .1 . . cerns, & thatjbey wish to'enjoy . " Peace, Com merce, Liberty, and the blessings of honest Maryland Mucft dissatisfaction appears to ; ticurralitv agreeably to the trreat policy of c,atiiuuut5 lucucmuiTttiavi Mu.rymi m , the immortal V aliinstou. Ulona Patna." prev Uie unexpected term i nut ion of the election iu Alleghany county. It js believed Hhc law re- quires- that three judges, duly qualilied, shall pceside at .eaeh district election 5 and that af terwards one of this number shall attend, at the usual place of hoiding the county court, for tlie purpose of comparing the whole of the votes or the county. There- are six, districts in Alleghany? atthe 4th of which one of the. jaages was not sworn, lience the votes t liere given in werexnot deemed legal by four of the judges -who met .for the purpose" of comparing and making, outthe .'gytierai returnj and they were consequently, set asideV Two oTtfie judg. dissented from the opinion of tlie Tour others and made oiif a separate-return. Had the votes of the 4th district,' as Vwas last week stated, been takenlnto account, three 'democrat and only one federalist .would have been elected s shingtou. Y:. k. iin riii'g F.'jt. The President of the' United States and his evening There is an account of the death of General Moreau on the 4th instant. " Every day brings fi esb proofs that the eonjf sequences of the - battle of Dennewitz are ot greatei weight than were At first expected. Xtf is already calculated that 10.000 brisoners. SK Russians and cannon, upwards of 400 ammunition Ayaggon,, 4 Swede have beaten the French and Danes on threeair ofolors, and one standardi ef tbe Ith most eoinpletely. The Prince of Eck- taken. ' ;Sf" ' ntuhl was-saved by a parly of Danish hussars, , " General Vandamme's corps d'armee waj snr 4jnst--u V killed; ouly 13 Danes escaped; the whole' re giment except those was cut to pieces. It is said that, the French and Danish loss together amounts to several thousands, the allies but trifling.- The Russians iare within three miles of Hamburg. Ail thu works of the fortifica tions are stopped, and little resistance expect ed to be made. The governor has called upon tne lnnauitants to aid m delence of the town i family, arrived iu this city on Sunday i last, froui his seat iu Virginia. We are hau- An engagement (according 'to an account just py to state, that the President s health is per- reached us; has taken place iu front of Dresden, fectly rcstikbli9hed by his visit to the country. I but no results are staled. On this account we . ' A'at. Int. are easy, for had the French succeeded to any to Peterswalde. This eeneral, with 5 theV generals, and 13,000 men, were made prisoq er 8 pieces of artillery wera taken. ''-' AUj utaut-Generaly 'Office, " , RALEIGH, KOV. 4,813. IT is required of all Officers, ealled into se$ ' vice nc the 16;h day of July lut, to Uiraid to this QU hc immediaUly aMuaifr Roll of int Officil aflid SoJdier"B dr their command respectivety, detiouin ibe tin of m vice of acti perjtm, It U requested of all Officers andoth?, peronit whj have furaished'any ipf the Trojpi ofthii State, 1 ft eoMMUjuoATF.n. trumpets irom every Quarter. PrtfmfiV. Thrf young ladies in neich-1 London, JSept. 6. Paris' papers the 2d inst. borhood of Scotland Keck, on the Roanoke, have been received ; and our readers willnatu have associated4hemsely.es together, for the j rally expect to see the official account ot the vie purpose of preparing a number of substantial j lories, vvhich were stated in t!iose of the 30th ai).! comfortable winter stockings. Thesie they (August, to have bean gaiued extent, we should have hea-d the news through'? crfto 16th f July.laiy wuky Jkiod piovmons or ouer luppuei, to torwartto mis ice unioedutefy an account thtrect duty autheaticated. " . ROiEKT WILLIAMS, Adjutanu$nerfl o the Militia of N. CrUoa. by Bonaparte in i ri v.i ' ' .. propose to offer a a present to some galjaht Boneiuia ; but no such thing. Not a single ! iT .Jrop.tUlg, wiuui Band oFthe army in Canada. . The articles 1 word is said on the Buhieet. i' kJ- hort'tinie; mLiatut iuet, t$rua ck!y fnm R will be in readiness by the 1st of Dec. to be From the Edinburg. correspondent, ef the : ltlh tWahingtch' fctore, wbereit will tribet Mi. Jos. Belt's a . i r . a-.. . t t 1 . . . .111 tm 1 i traus'ruitted .to the Secretary, of war, at- Sac- bat setting them asidet four federalists had ajketts Harbour hy whom it is presumed the pack political character, of the, executive" branch of the government and hence is regarded with niare tliamisual earnestness.- The question certainly confined to very narrow limits or was not the separate ejection illegally held f uuu wciu or were not me returning juues com pcteut to decide on th.e merits of the case? From 'what hits been., advanced 011 each side, 'rap .opinion is '.entertained in the affirmative' of ' both these interrogatories, ' The separate . , election was. illeeal,ii as much as three mia- , t;Jicd .judges, oidy, could hold it ; and the re .... .. . . t m.e will De Jorwanlen atrreeably to itsuauress.J 1. 'IM .. T "I .! 111 ' 1 I . . I luc i?cijigcnMuuiiy ami love 01 country which dictated this associ;. ;i, claim the v..irieit approbation and applause Such ef- V as i':!sioiH ot 'vestal patriotism should be re.seLfd is, 11th ;eptember, we extract the following edi- Lint 'vrn Newbein. The Staj wiilkave Raleigh 1 torial remark, which as the chain of dates is ' eveiy Monday t 1 1 A. M. meet at WasningiW j &ewbern Stre every broken, throws 6ome light on the intelligence j Tuesday at 12 A. M. and returd lo both, places on Wednesday -received. j at 8 A. M. FARE to Wihingtn' 5te, 6 dollar,' frank "The plan of the allies seems to have been, 'thence toJJewbein, 6 dollars, and in Broponion for intermd no ase w fyat' could protect thft general return from lUftiyyiy dnlwn up ly the interested .or their cicaiures;? Nplhircg. If the judges for the geueral return,'' are merely to act as so many a feountants, in summing up.the whole amount of'voin the county given to each 'candidate, y not leav'the lusuKiss to the clerk, of the cQurc or his assistants f .Why; make the affair of oiie or two the duty of Lalf a dozen ? Cer tain'y it Veems riosonahle to "suppose that the h'et;ou law was prcdioa'ted ffppn other 'views j nd.uieaut. tolrepose jii the :' genera udgcslLt he 'power 'of deciding -on the legality of sepa r iT(e returns. ' ; ' ..';'. "' vlt'u-re ftt(rtained a mere feeling for the inr icroht of partvY-tkii federalists shwnld rather iVo.ti obiivioti, by the ilistoiian's pen, and the names ot the heuevoletit lt!netaetresses Imrx cd down to posterity for their admiratiou ami er- am:k 9 VV'iii'l.' the youth Jn 'arms entertain thecon Boh'iig idea, that in all their dangers, they live under the observance of 'their fair Countrywo men, white thev uruittgadgserempettniHoilecide upon their wtlour will not "be unrewarded by those, "c uiuuci, smrc, ii iney-are 10 iilku tor rjruui sd the leealitv'of u.11 senarate returns, there is cheek, upon j the inferior judges.' In that lrom whom to meet reward is sweetest, thev launuL uui. uc cActtcu tw exit uuniiuitrv t'XCrtlOIl and enternrize.V The delishtful antieioation .. . . . . ate distances. P. S. CASH willb given for five ot six good Stage HoflCJi- to leave Bonaparte in Bohemia, and "attack with their t?rand army the centre of the ene my's at Dresden, while the Crown-Prince en- ! on applicati&o to-WtLLIAM SCOTT, Raleigh. gaged the left wingundcr Oudinot, which pro- NovgmWr 3. 1813. ' - l8,5f.' J eeeded down the Elbe to Witlenburgh, with " r 11 .1 the intention of meeting Davoust, at Beilin.' trcslL ' -r. -Krt?- T J :-r--r . c ; . .' vediBulUtins! TTT F. GONEKE, Professor of Music The Courier of 8ept. 1, furnishes, the contents PY informa the piii.be, that he hit sabiihe4 of three-Swedish Bulletins, the last dated Auk '" in Raleigh, and nurpoies devoting time chiefly 10 II I . 1 t . . ' - 1 . - ' O ... m i. inri loituiy cnensa tne cope, that Tjath Thi. ftrstfrtfrH'he5mwirf07i'f of '"'"'"tru'c"TT'a8n" rjAJNV ok. I... Bonaparte's Generals. De Domini, the chief of Ney's Etat Major The second announces tulS deelarution of war by Austria against France, and contains a proclamati on of thePrince Roy- Win give to tneir energies an impetus that men ah na nenfml I'U.imn." MrAA in Ka m; duty can never coerce j an impulse, that affords-bined army of the North of Germany. The Hu ieim's will be at foilow : TOIflON, pertjuarter. ..MivDolli. 15. the surest presage of the most glorious achieve mcnts rn iiattle. : - ; May the eiample of the fair-members of this insuttition awaken kindred sentiments ! and may thebraye defenders of their country's right, be in future ofi en cheered by the sight and re- viveq by the warmth 01 a correspondent, bene ficence. s" ;. ' ' , . 1 SO If there wpre any reason to fear'that the X'ublie spirit ed-oung ladies,' whose purpose is etailed ifLthc fort gom ,' could forget the7 gal lant sous of their own state, the editorof the 'Minerva would suggest to them the propriety of makinirtherhrave corns of Forsvthe nh" I ijcui, ui lucii . uiicuuuH. a nr uo.iaiioti would J third states an exnected nush oh Berlin: and that His Royal Highness concentrated the com bined army between Hie capital and 8pahdau Nearly 90,000 comhattants had arrived in that position at the date of the Bulletin. The Courier of Sept. 2d, states the desertion of Geh. Domini took place on the 15th August, and that he conimtirjkated important informa tion rel&th e to the disposition .add movements! 01 the Jt reach forces. '. ' ' , .".The last French paperMtdd-tiothtog' orHhe .a- ' ftiT nr at m ;,T that the demorrafs" might he' sntiVred tojseeni .peculiarly appropriate) theia,and sarelyJ jsubjectof the affairs near Dresden Our opin 10ns on thaiJicaa are unchanged .the rrench were beatei-taken in the "flanks and in the rar by the combiued'arraie3,juid "drive, back into .Dresden with luraenst Iqs. session, 88. An additional dollar per quarter will be charged where schg tail are waited on at their respective houses. The teacher wilt al wayi keep their Pianoi in good ordevfree of expeaie. Ho .hai,. hdwever, invented a imple instrument whereby all young Uiiea of- attention ani tolerably good ear, can : learrt keep, themieivw, thcii inttumtnti in'good tune. Thit he couoeive 10 be a gret advantage t-rfcred to" those' who rciid where it ii difficult to find masteri capable of tuning. Tln newest muiit, good ltr'(ngi kc' witl be eongtaatly kept fot, tale, whtreby clKIar can without diffituky be fuppliod. As the end of each quarter a Concert will be givto,,in which cho larl will give a public exhibition of their prcgreei. Having uught io"nie yearj at tfcwbetn and yashingtatju thi itai,--and leeliog a coafideace in bit kn6wlsdg ef the ncienee, the. teacher doubu not of giving Tiatiifacuon Ja hi eraployerf, Jao4 of being found degeiving of a peSioa ol public patronage. , P, S., Young gentlemen will be langhirnon the Joiegouit,, terms, any pf the vaxitty of instrumfnii hkfly used in piiya 01 vitcert. tov.at ti9 1. 5-!' 7

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