',''' i . : State Papers -V ' ; "treaty; of Treaty of Pence lately eotcluded be 7 ' JJ. tween:Portugaland Algiers. - In ih6 name of God, graeious and mereifirl - Treaty of peace and friendship between the high and .mighty "prince, the prince" regent of I'ortoa!, and or tneAigarvow.nanejrui hnnnahlVahci noltla Sid flaire A1t. Bashaw cf Aisiefs, asreed npolTlweenTfie said BasEaw,f .51. if -rZr ' J. J.l.;-1- TLI., (ll.t.. I ' WJin nis lit van ana me coiei men m jus cji.im.-c, ahd Jose Joaquim da Rota Coelho, eaptsijn " 'the Royal Navy; and Fr.. Jose de Souta AnTo mo Moiira, interpreter oi Araoicit, ana ueiung ing to the office of secretary of sUte or the af fairs of Marine, dnly authorised to conclude the said treaty, in which his Britannic Majesty in terposed as mediator, and for that purpose Mr. "William xVCourt, envoy extraordinary from ' the court of London, presented himself with the necessary powers. Art. J. : i uere shall we a hrm, stable, and perpetual peace, between the two high contract" Urg parties, and their respective subjects, and all vessels, whether of war orcommerce, may freely navigate, and with full security) accord Jitrj tetheir snvemeuee, earryrog with them 13r thafrpurpose the necessary passports. . : H.' All ships and subjects f Portugal nay enter depart, remain, trade, and provide theni- Oives wun every -ec.i y iu uiu uuiuiuiuiia ui jllgiers without being plated in any einbar fiCtfitteot. or havinffauy .violence done thern v 5 The subjects and vessels of Algiers, ohall'be treated in the taiao manner in the ' dominions of j .Portutfal. - -i. : ' - . . ... : 1 ilL Tho ships 6f waf belonging to the aroVni Portugal may provide themselves with ' stores or ant thine they stand in neod of, in the f Tjorts of Algiers, and at. the current priee, with- IterO hoitilltlei sJiatl not be committed on ei ther ide till the expiration Of six months after the said declaration JJunng uiat interval the Portuguese consul, and all the subjects, of that kingdom;' may retire with all their property, without, receiving tne least hindrance -and Al gerine suhjeetsn .Portugal shall do the same. XV. Whatever i not specified inr the above articles shall be regulated by the Articles ,of peace established between bis iiruannie mates iy ana me regency or Algiers. -9. "XVrvAnd ihat tMr treaty- may bis-f rm and darablothe two high contracting parties aecejit as mediator and euarahtee of its observance, the king of Urcat Britainin testimony of. Which the treaty is signed by mr. A'Uonrt, en voy extraordinary from the court of London, jointly with the above mentioned envoys of Portugal-and two copies of the same shall be extracted, one lor tne sovereign oi rortugal,and the other to remain in the possession of the re sident consul ol Algiers. Done at Alirier, this 14th of inly, 1813, eff!'- respendingto the 15th of Jomadi Tani, ia the year 126 of the Hogira. - " (Signed) Jost Joauim n rosa Coelho, yVM. A'UOTJRT, Fji. Jose de St. Antonio Morn a. fHere follows the ratification of the above treaty by- the Lord irovernor of Fortugal.J Iet ta'Amerka; ai Consul Genera!, Khdsid-, eu U.I ew.XQrK, wnusi '.y-uviw was sent to America as Xmhwsa4lIW Rey returned to Europe, and was aooted to a command in the army io Spain. In 4?09 he was lent with the forces which acted agajn" Austria : and Jias been since then constantly employed in Spain. ' - The French loss fsav the Lisbon Gaxettes ftftho irtli and 18th Aucusi) in ihe ictions 11 onr the-fJth i uljrttt the 2dor -ivogosi,- Reeded 20Ji(() men- '. . , t v " The fol owine is the officaal return Dltue !!. ' iL- .IIUJ iM Kiiiea. wonnueu ana missine oi ic amcu . r in the several actions from the 23tU of Jflly to 2d August :. ' ' " ' Killed, Wounded, missing. British. fi40 -3310 500 .Portuguese; 322 4817 V 201 Spaniards, ; 38 l-ier.-iii - Total loss of the Allied army in the differ eht actions 7100. t. Ainong the officers funded, were Generals Stewart Crawford, Gordon, Adjutant Gener al Waters, and Major-Gen; Peck." LOTTERY, -. v , 'V ILL commence drawing on Friday eeL 6ct.' lu, t4 finli'drawln g in Dec:r. Thoie k With to IumAt ht fate of tbir tickets in a ihort Time after puc chasing, cannot purchase in a better bitery. Ticken 8 kii and $0 cWi" Halves, 4 5 j Quarter, 2 12 5 Eighths, 1 j. Orders Tiorn th countty, incloWig the cah, will be punctually attendeaibTTnieie -trr7- waiter ' -. rornetpf St. Paiffi-lane and Market-strpef, , Baltimore' XoiiS, Cheanut-Mreet, PHttApaLrHi A-4.and 38 Mr.a vden!ane; Nw. YomsiJ ani No. 28, State-Street, Al AN .J t-Alhf ickets exatnined gratis, and. cah given for ij York pries told at WaitVsV September 201 : . " '3,7tp. Notice. THE Partnership heretefore existing ande the firtn of, Lucas & .H Boylaa, has this day been disaolved by mutual canteut AU tfusi, therefore, h4viDeiie; manda against the concern, are requested fo present them r immediate settlement and dischaige, t Ahxmdn Lucot, w ; - 'a . 11 Lf 1 j . 11 luiiy auinonipn ana empowered ro tint eHect. Tuhim Miscellaneous. tint baing obliged to pay any ; , fV that yritilega. - thing, additional IV." No Alserine corsair shall cruise within the distance of six miles from the coast of Por tugal, aod ita isles, or remain in its waters for the purpose of giving chase to, or visiting Por- cugeese snips, or tnose or any otner nation, tne tnemy -of Algiers, visiting the said ports for commercial purposQS. Portugnefie ships of war a tne Algenno coast siiau follow tne same re illation. '- " ' "r r"T, Wheli any Portogdf setnerchant vessel is raei oy an nigeruic corsair, una viie latter ae joands to visit her, he may do so but not more thantwo persons arc to go on board the said ves '$1, to Examine her papers and passports. ' VI. Foreigners of any nation, and merchan- . dize of foreign ownership found on board any .Portuguese vessel,, even though belonging to a nation hostile to jhe regency or Algiers, shall , hot beseized uiider any pretext whatever. The same rule shall be observed by the Portuguese, iu regard to property fonnd by them 60 board any' Argerine vesseL. : " . ; ViyT-a' " Hke manhef the subjects and goods belougt I " log to.eithiir of the eontraeti'ng .parties, found n board theresscl of an enemy of either of the Jgaid parties, shall be respected and set at libcr v tybV both. But theyaro not to commence their voyage without a proper passport and if mat suouia nappen 10 oanysiaia, suen persons should ht on that account be accounted slaves ---buf on i the contrary unon its bcinsr' certified fhat they '.irt subjects oLtMconkac ting parties they shall be immediately set at liberty. . IIv';?8h6uld any Portuguese vessel, chased ; Fy an enemy, take refuge in any port of the do minions of Algiers, or ander its fortifications, the inhabitantshall defend the said vessel, aud f ; shall not assent to its receiving; any damage. 4 Jn like, manner should any Portuguese vessel lall in with an enemy's ship in a port of Algiers, and wish to depart on her destination, her ene Ijtiy shall uot be permitted to sail from the port tiU a ! haurs after her departure., The same ( shall t idke place with regard to Algerine vessel ": 4itt the harbors of Portugal. Vf . i ; VIU.. ': Should any Portuguese vessel : bo ship-wreeked or stranded on tht Algerine eoast, . " tlie governor & inhabitants of the district shall - " treat the srew with ' humanity doing them no ' itarm, oor pcroiiiiMig mens 10 e rouoeu--OD mc contrary they shall afford them tll possible as- SAstanccrin sating the said ship and cargo the crew not being bound to pay any thing to sush salvors but their salary er day's wages. The ame shall hold with regard to any Algerine Vessel wrecked en the Portuguese eoast. IW The subjects of Portugal may trade in the Algefine ports in the same manner, paying the same duties, and enjoying the same privile ges as those stipulated for Knglish. Algerine subjects shall pay in Portugal the same duties those paid by (he hglislu . X. The Portuguese consul, established in (h deminAn of Algiers, shall be accounted acid treated like the British ooitsul and he as well as his servants, & all others who may wish to practice it, shall enjoy "the free exercise. 6f CULTURE OF THE SUGAR CANE. Extract of a letter from a gentleman at,&apelot in Georgia, to his friend in -Beevfort, 8. C. respecting the growth of the Sugar Cane. You arO desirous of knowing something of the orberess made with the bugar Lane On Sapelo, Mr. Spalding has about 22 acres ; Mr. Geary about 8 acres ; Mr. Carnochan, near Darien, 12 or 1 acres all in a, most promis ing way, and said, by Mr Carnochan, who has been a sugar-planter in Jamaica for a num ber of years, and now manages for his brother, to be equal to any in the W est Indies, and not a doubt remains on his mind, of its success. Mr." Spalding is in forwardness with his works, and a fair experiment will be made the coming ! Season by.him. r ive hundred dollars per acre has been refused by Mr. Geary for his cane for plants, to take the chance" of it as it, stands. Mr, G. intends preparing his cane for syrup onlyy-andif it is correct that he has engaged all that Tie can make in this way at one dol lar per gallon, Mr. Carnochan says the proceeds will be equal to 2000 dollars per acre. I know this will amaze you, as it would any one unac qoainted wjith the production. Mr. Carnochan says, that Cane of the same description in Ja maica would give exceeding two tons of sugar per acre ; aifoW that the jnicrs mav not be so rii and matured as in the W'est-lnditrs, and dcducl One, half -will not that answer ? Ma- lor.Wood and ur. Urant have some cane on lands of a similar quality to yours that is very fine. These I have not seen. Mr. Larnoch&n tells me, that last year Dr. Grant's was superi or to any ebad seen. Canes, to the extent of a few acres, may be now engaged at 6 1-4 cents per cane. At this rate Mr. Geary's cane, by actnal calculation, will give him dol lars per acre. His cane will average 13 per fect canes to the hill ; many of the hills exceed twenty." ' On Saturday last, the Hon. Judge Story pro lik!5e ,h6le 'n.dd ' M ettaMiaLmeni ara soiiciied t, nounced (before th1 Circuit Court now in ses-l maWeaAy payment. ' sion in Exeter, NAl.) sentence in the case of' ' The Wness Will, infutire, fce conducted by a.Luc. the ship St. Lawrence; SCllt -into Portsmouth j j who purposes making every exertibn to deserve the liberal Mt (With a Urilish license; by the privateer A- romge wmcn,iias hitherto been generously extended towards tht mewca, of Salem : condemning vessel and car-1 mbscnBen. A."LUCAS.and goto the-eaptors, tor a nreacn 01 tne u. . A. H. BOYLAKi non importation law. ISoston pap. Qtli inst. Mine-va Office Raieigb, Oct; 18, 1813. Ordination- On the 2flth ult. was ordained in the City of Annapolis, by the Right ltev. - Bi shop 3Claget, to the order of Priesthood, the litx. Frederick IF. Hatch, of Edenton. An elo A . t ' -. ' ! , J - 1" 1 queni ana impressive aiscourse was aeiiverea by theRev. Dr. Ki'mp, of Baltimore, from Ma tnew, xix. 27. and 28 and the presentation made by the Rev. Dr. Kemp, and the Ret. Wm. Nind, of Annapolis. . J01T.N E. Hall, Esq. has been elected pro fessor of Rhetoric and Belles Jjettres, in the University of Maryland. WTe understand that he proposes to deliver a course of lecturcjvon the subjects connected with his appointment, during the winter. . '; The General Assembly of Rhode-Island met at South Kingtown, on the 23th ult. MAMMOTH PUMPKIN. Daniel Bloodgood, of Flushing L. I. has raised in his garden . this year, a pumpkin weighing 160 pounds. Cammunitation.-An extraordinary vegeta ble production may be seen at the seed store of G. C. Thorburn and S. Grundy, viz. a Pump kin weighing 226 pounds and measuring 7 feet 5 iifcJies in circumference. It is one of S pumpkins produced from 2 seeds, whose weights added together amount to 1017 pounds. It was raised on theplaco of D. Gelston, Esq. in the neighbourhood of this city. t". T. pap. NEW-OllLEANS. The late decision of the U. S. Court at New Orleans, in favor of Mr. Livingston, causes greaFagitation in that city. The Common Council have held many sittings on the subject. They resolved that "they placed under their own saieguara, aiia unaer mat 01 me citizens and of Gov. Claiborne the Batture which Mr. L. had w covered." The Governor and Mayor approbated this resolve. The Council instruct ed the lure Marshal to appeal to the. supreme Court, and offered to be bound for the costs. The Marshal refused. They then sent theXity Attorney to theTT. 8. Clerk to obtain a Writ of error, and to delav putting Mr. L. in possession but he declined complyiuir with the request, and said when the Juuze had signed the writ 01 pos session he should, deliver it. Gov. Claiborne has promised to require, in his capacity, a Lou isiana State Court to grant an injunction to pre V. JJoylan IUS JUST JIECE1VED, AND OFFERS TQK SALS, Xuxils's Letters, 2 vols. WoodfalPs edition. (if Burke's Works, 5th volume J arke's fiavels ia Egypt, &e.-Cniise on Real Tropcrty Duane's Hand Book Ditto Military Dictionary Horace in London Miss Moore's Christian Morals Bonnett's Views of Religion ' "'"'' " Poems bv a La-'y, late Saurin's Sermons Bridal of Triermain ; Lce'a Mernnirs-of the Wif Coper's Equity Pleader; Morse's General A'.lil Seattle's EvidericeiJ ol CnrtJtianity ' Entick' Latin Dictionary, pricu 3 dollart Walker's English Dictionary, abridged Bird's Midwifery ; Blank Music Books Hints to Don-comrnisiioncd Officers Academy for gwvfn horsemen Company Exercises ; The Post Captain Ociober 8 -' . H.tf Notice. T the.Iasi court' of nleas ami ions hi'ld lor the county of Franklin, Admiairaiion granted tothe fubscriber on the estaseol ROBERT HIGH, de-. ceased, late ol taid cuniy. All penons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment Thow who have claim, ill prejent.ihem, legally authenticated, withia the time prejeribed by law, otlenrise hi notict will be plud in bar of their recovery. " . , J. lNIGHT, adrn'r Granville, Oct. 14, 1813. ; 16,6t. S. Bond, TJ"AS just received from Richmond and Pe- JB-JL tersfcurg a fresh supply of GOODS, which he will sel at a ve low advance foi Cash only. Amohg them is a large assortment ot Shoes, Cotton Cards, Fine and coarse Clo:W, Paper and Ink Powder Cassi'meres, Pasteboard, Flannels, ' Wire, Calicoes, - Ribbons, v Cotton Shirting Gla ss and Stene Ware, Fine Hars, Powder and Shot, Morocco'ditW, Copperas, ! Silk., Gll and Putty, " Silk Hose, ' "' . Medicines, Gloves, J logwood, :"" Silk, Shawls, and Dimity,- . Hatter's Trimmings. Raleigh, October S. 15,4t. . bii rcl:siou in his own house. The same con- vent Mr. L. from taking possession of the fiat ..l : J.1:1.A-11 x 1 .! ... a L..j. am iaj- uccimc mi contrive rsies ana aisp u 1 cs arising among Portuguese sobjects, without the jade f the country, or any 1 other authority, bein j entitled to Interfere, except, where a con truversy arises between'n Portuguese and a Moor, in whieh case the governor of the coun ' try may decide it, in the presence of thelaid 4jonsul.:' ,"V4'" . !- ' '' XL The said consul and his agents shall not bound to pay anydebt coiif racted-hy Portu guese sui)jects,nnieswhere he has bound him self, by wi itiug under his hand and seal. XII. When any Portuguese dies in the do minions of Algiers, all his property shall be delivered to the Portuguese consul, in order to he remitted to the heirs of the deceased. XUf. .should there happen any infraction of th? present treaty on the part of the subjects' of nPori.u5aJ,7oTtTloso orAlgiers, it shall 'not on tiiat account be considered as dissolved but the turc into, and proper Satislactiou given to the iuiu red party. . " . N " . . ( ; . 'r . . XlVrlncase of war ieingTteelared between 4 he two bigli crmtrctiirg parties (which Go4a- Frotn the London Statesman, Jlug, 29. Gen- Ret, who now commands at St.fiebas tiaavyas a Monk before the Revolution. When that broke out, he threw off his Order and en listed as a common soldier. He soon distin.- guished himself by his Jacobinical orations at the clubs: and in r?onsenuence:of his violent c on d actr ho was soon promoted to the rank of General of Brieade. He was employed in L. Vcndoe", under THuaaEAU, and made himself conspicuous by Wearing the ears of the Royal ists pinucd to his coat, andi in the loops of his hat, as may be seen in the account given in the Moniteur of Thurrrau's Wal In 1795, he commanded the armv on the coast near Brest : anil his cruelties there were of such ' desenp ton, that eveniroGHE, ulideFlvhosecommand he was, complained of his conduct to the then origin of such eireums tanee .shall be. examinedtOrovernment tf France. In 1796 he was apiucceiding term of tVs coattro bs held for this county at the pointed a commandiinrthe array of Italy : ' .1 l 1 w.i. . . n t 9 iq v, in mai 01 me ivnine, anu on Dtmaparw return from JEtrypt, again in the army ot Italy After tho geserai. ia 4802, Bfi $ wtta To Printers. - HE subscriber has for sale, on ery ra- SonaHermSj the following fountST)f TYPEr-1 I LONG PRIMER, nearly 600 wi. - 1 l'ICA on Srpa l Pica bady. 1 ENGLISH",' very complete. 1 GREAT PRIMER, do. 1 1 DOUBLE ENGLISH ITALIC. - 1 FRENCH CANON. -1 - I FIVE LINESICA. - ' Some ORNAMENTAL TYPE, 4c. , Either or all of the (oregoing will be put up in gfred order and sent according to direction. Or, a very good office, for News paper and Job Printing, Press included, will be furnished if wanted, withcryTliTiilelsTre. Letters, post paid, will be attended to, and fair printed specimens of letter will be fbr ard'd on application. A. LDCAS. Minerva-Office, Oct. 29. Boarding. MRS. CASSO, at her well known andes tabl-iahed sund, near tne Stat Hou'o?, Ra'eih, is prepared to acconomodaie with Boarding and Lodtrmg, rfuiinj the enming session, V mumber of the Members ol Ass mbly. No pains will be spared t have, ar her table, emy anxle which the Cfnmtry and the season enn afford ; and in all w pects, she hope's to merit the attention slfe has on formet occa sions experienced, The stables are ettensive and will be wtll provided with grain, tic. and 31 very faithful and eTperirneed hostler is employed. y Raleigh. Oct. 80, ?8;3 -'M. ' Tile Subscriber HAS rooms, ways and means to accommo date a few BOARDERS, on the m t reasonable terror the ensuing sCion oF the legislature. He hopes that applied tton will be made to him : He can take sixteen or eighteen. - STERLING YANCEY. Raleigh, Oct. 26, 1813. 17,3t. . : : Ik Advertisement. II? any of the children or legal descefoaflr" of J A. 08 VAN SLOIEGHT, who emigrated from Hot land to the state of New-York, and from thence came to (hit state tome tinse in th? year iT4, (but to what part oi it is not known) are living, by ptoperly Idemifyinjf themselves, anti applying tothe subscriber, living in Fayetteville, they may had of something greatly to their advantage. SEBASTIAN STAIERT4 Fayetteville, Oct. 27, 1813. ' 17,6t. . State of North-Carolina, PITT county. Cowrf of Pleas and Quarter-Sessions August Term, 1813. Wright Tucker versus Alexander Nelson , ORlOINAt. ATTACHMINT, Levied on a piece of land, supposed to contain one hundred anB twenty acres, adjoining the land of Giles Nelson, Edwara Lauglx'nghouse, Samut-1 Tuten anri Levfn Adams. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the coiir . that tbe defendant in tle above case is riot an inhabitant of this state, ordered, that publication be made in he Minerva lor. three Ironies that, unless the defendant appear at the next or succeeding term of this court, to be held for this county at lb Court house in Greensville, on the dst Monday in November and February next j replevy and plead, judgment will be enter ed against him. 14,eow3Mp. Test,' ALEXANDER EVANS, clerk. twf State of North-Carolina, PITT COUNTY. ' Court of Pleas and Quaritr-Sessions, r:-' August Term, 1813. William Adams versos' Alexander Nelson.' L - ' ' omoiHAL ATTACHMENT, ' Levied on a piece of land supposed ro contain one hundred and twenty acres adjoining the land or Giles Nelson, Edward Laughenghouse. Samuel Tuten and Levin Adams. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court that tiie'defendant in she above case is not an inhabitant of this state, ordered, that publication be made in the Minerva for hree months that unless the defendant appear at the next or . Notice is hereby.given, PTTIHAT the subscriber has LOST JL NOTES, given to him or to D. & s! Jaclsion : one of m lor alwutthiitv-hvedollais, and the other lor thir y-uve dollars aadeirKt cents, and. both dated1 on Or about the Itta day of Septrmber, 1813, sipied of executed by Benjawio Joit, erTnd John Chny. Tbia is therefore to VvbtC and Cherry paying the said notes to any ofber person than my- Self, or oider s and also to forwarn every other person irom puictiasing or trading for said nojet, u I have taken the neces-. sary steps to prevent their being paid until they Jrc returned me. Any person, having said notes, is requested to deliver them to the lubscriber, as thr can beoFno use;w any otto pnson. I ' DAVJD JACKSON. . Grcennville. (Pitt) 0ctrg3, 181 3- ' T3r- court-house in GrecnsyilterrO H t Monday in Kovember nd Febiuary next, replevy and plead, judgment will be entefi- ed againsf him. .. ''Jif 14,eow?Mm Teit, ALEXANDER E,VANS, cletfc, North-Carolina Almanack. JUST. PRINTED, at the Minerva vr Raleigh, and fur sale by the quantity er single one.thfl NORTH-CAROLINA ALMANACK, f F0, t tiai r Ot) LOAD, Containing,' beeides the correct astronomical calculations of Mr. Bropks, a considerable variety of matter, useful and amus ing. The precise form s negotiable ioTBfith cot rections foTdoing business in the Sut Bank, re added to tl articles of convenient reference. ' ' PRICE of tho Almanack per thousand, 40 dollars; h Bundred, S5t Rroce,"' hJf grocei 4 doter., 75 cents , - gtw W VVM-WW Oxford Academy Lottery. TICKETS for sale at thaJMiaorTa Lottery Office. Price, fcsiWai ' 1 J. f ) . , ...... 'v .' ' 1 i - 1 '. "" . " '-' - J' V ' . i I - :- ' 1 ' ' .' " : . .-':- ,-:' ' ' . ' ' ' : . -' " . .

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