niiit. rat noeror win rjmauiiwiwi . jVr"oYthj.Tnian,he prdteefbn of tir iia ' vtive cuntry, ind thfeeoarit land welfare of " VoteC tv7 IHTEiaJtf itrjrtaiftrtfthfttytr , n.Lil,0.JntD batite before God,Vfco wilbnot.forfc 'watefiilftllftv .fwe;-ana m the sight oi alt ,4iVMn wVieh 'exuccti from tv arreat.B.ed and real fiappiW' after i6.ig suffering. Ue ti W . f-7 i . . , 1 A .... ff this tpeatwauo'titiai m it Decoraes V CH IttLB'ii'"' Prince Schwartzenburg, 'Ejirtct frdtn tit IttV bulletin of tfte Crown ? ' , Witct dated JuteTbvch, Sept. 8. iVhile hi royal highness the crown prince, wtth the1 Rdssian aud Hweaisn corps unucr ms corn', was moving on the 4fh ins't. upou Itosla, in ordAt 'te pass the:El be there, And intelligence arrived that the enemvVkrmy, coming from Wittenbeh,f o it..-...i"j ru-nrd on thp Zahna. with a view, a. it apusared, to stop his f oyaL hjghness's ; were given for the retreat of the Allied toheV tW,,Hcli 'fc ,l,d ,n 4dlsfeU deserted frmbo French and Join e4 the allied Urge nijt&se ; of vinfantryiipjieaTed t tyhWifrbrfja, camPc ?n1 ruction instead army! General Bludier advanced in Silesia iriffhttopprteii JftiUerjtul' " hy.aiack haying. beiiiploy.iin.... making-fortcd mu to thaBobr,- where, he a'9Attacke1i!"ty ijotta-ffi-oin tLVceht wardiVt 00,000' incnVand after the most gal laat resisianeei. was obliged to retire first behind Pliuenowlffdirnit i Ii- "s'.ii1'' ? ' the Katebach. and then opon Janerjon the 23d IfrthuIji'lJAji'iivn minni.rH Isv rf'sjifticient nunf- wun consiaerame loss, , . . ' ber or Ansir an troons : Lrnt'ln t he miuuic oi uie o. ii rrom wen; riewari, is jnatea at -ii- U;ty reports arr;vc(I yiat l'iraa was re-oecupieu : MyZ$lt u;$)tn the greatest fiVctjoii. hve'theilibnour. to aequaint vob Lordship '.that thc;niijm6at of the dipajrl bf,4herAlei3enger' Fislerf&r lEngland, a-; pal eh" w as! reee i ved f ro'ni G en. Bhi eher; date ii llolstfeb, in Sirei'ra he'30th wit; which fof ' iionade ensued that the allies lienetrafed td en Ba.k fft Jiinpr. ' At 'namn time larire co-i . , , . ," , , , ' . ,l,e'. r tenberff, Au'iist 29th, and states, that on the s;.iii, mi; allien uruiy ussmiiifa urc sqcti in siivea eolii mns, three of them headed by the Prince Augustus of Prussia, Count Colleredo, and Prince Maurice that a. 'tremehdoag eari-!iake'nfAPjMt.lfi'lAiii.1'?ii hMrpv ftatl ili force, mid that sreneral Blueher rfip'bad beeir engaged, livi-.' times in six Hasybvofhilr were general actions, one in pvcsetice; 'o"f'Boai' parte on tne raim i;5e ia , '' hi,' FtitifMtf, that lie attacks! aeZ , -J on the 29ih xnst. a position behind the 1U. the wall, but .were unable to enter the city when liimns moved out of the town: ami formed masse ; p fi w f . thVPifttt n rt Ar S' . f, arid to wver . , .R r?B-hn -.J f o,i,. u? LI- -a. -. .ti.Ai i.a- - a' ....wl,-''' " diet ensued, in which the cavalry, (bat not thea movement to the lefr behind ihe?Elbe. ' TlMifA0" two eaS. infantry) were, enaged-aiid night the f had the appearance of tiit eWenry's ,leclinini aDS S n?3 & tn'i French returned. Th! day Mas uncommonly ?t!ie eomhabh the Leinzie ofErfit r'oads, AiilZZ $ Z ! stormy. General Moreau was this day mortal! moving to his left to gain' the Bohemian iiMi'Sr eaSri- ly wounded, having both, his thighs brokeit by aiand it was resolved to make a' flank. -march ira ..PJ- . . : ;f ' . . eaunou ball, while m convertation wtth. the. mediately, in' live columns bv tficmht, to-reacUi-'-:yi- , , Cv,... i?4rt' . .. ; fr ... r.H.. M A IJilfactan I f ... ........ ... a...1jAwa 4 1. A - A .. . . I .. i I ... A . I ' . A . kfltnurt I . - - - 7i " " NT t I tCI IIH IIIJSCIU1 Ul ltU3Iili in tne evening oruers me miportaut passes m that direction- neiore , A . ..-yr i . , v'''u at of the Allicifarmrto him, toehoosa a field of battle in Bohemia, in- .w0t,JJ.Rf: ? f i.u.. ,i : ,i-,rf.A -a. 'i a i aL . i .having eiUemlBantalauhatddvs uHiuii Mean ot one . rnwarus me oiu irrtwnu ui uuiicii) , .1.4 a . 'a 1 - a- . 1,.- 11 j -v A creat dssertitiu .had taken ulaee in fw .OfK)-- to uhie'i it. wan nofrertain lie would advance. . . .. . . - .1 ;Twelity-twb pieces of canuan have hepn ri lecied, -in -addition to ihe'Mo alluded t8 a having been takeii in the action .of'tlie 30th cear Culm, and several more ammunition mucous. t-f KSyaded theth.The- allied louthfs day estimate imiw-. to which it wu nolrcrtaia lie would advance. JLP iW'twX3 heroic resistance op.: the French- loss larger Gen. Blither advan-Thislav proddced severe partial aclions, in Frenelnni, , and pantry offeilegfa, .: - ,.T . . Sm -t-t I f . A l!.. . . - 1 I hit lllifri'ltl Noil' uiru-llbll -1 aI ir- 'lftl ! unkn r.ih.i., . 4 ll.n riF hmn fir lim ,1 i"i"vi . ' ! r y J5ahaa apu Juterwocn, in pueirauug as s ..v...i. v...... i.m ..u.auivu niauj ifusuiu-m m cum vaiuii av . A..iJ.kf''h;-;-iil,''hiirhne88.' early in the the direction of Zittan. was expensitc to both sides, Uy the continual roornin's of i'jiih,liatened 'it.hO''battaibug Nd. also from Gen. Stewart, and cannonade and heavy fire of musqoetry. The r' hf Swedish and Russiau infantry, 10,000 cav- dated at Topiitz, in Bohemia, about 40 miles ground which is deep clay in mauy places, be- .... .. . I ' I Hn. f ....... 1 .. . A 1. n .-ki . A. ..... I ... .. ... A -.A . A A 1 4 . I I. I . I-.. 1 . . . . ....... T . . and front of iick was moment to di- Itnssiaii Battalions, the cross fire of IL-. AfV rnwnl matt (k x 1 'illlii'in 7 ' JTrom 16 to 18,000 prisoners, more man o '-6- -"';- c ; . . who was speaking to-hu Imperial Majesty, ;'. nr'Mhiinri: nd 400 ammunition wasxons, No. 1Vh also from Gen. Stewart, dated !, f .1. 1... :., j. ,.m. , w, . t. im 1111st iu n IV I 1IIILU i I 1CSUU MVa Ih. tf lilts nt thw VICHirV ILnil LilC BUUIH UIa III J " mivi u n u v -i nil, mni ikia. :ns defeat and capture ol Vandasnm-rs ral ie una 1 V i I, 5: oJi.v 4 Rn liplil nieces. 10 .assist tne lTUS- mui ui wucu, uic ajui. aim en e an ttccimiii ui rarasu nci, i nai lien ncr lniaius Y inn cai I -,v 'ttiau'amy, which consisting of about 40,000 a brilliant aelioa .between a iiussian- corps' iin-jconld move .without diincully, and ordnance ' joen had held out without yielding, against the der count OstcrmanT and a p:u suing French -all carriages sunk to the axle-trees. U vpeed.attacks of the enemy', army, 70,000 corpunaer uencran v aua.nmc . ana i,er ranu T,JC Em pr WH, passi alon (hc V ' itrWZuaifer, the command of the prince of m the rcsisicd more than hree hft ,;ne tw ritrht, wh;jre an att. 1 1 , iTVlQ&kwa, ; At the sight of ires n troops, . ir Miucr, u. u puueu .t M.tuu-, or(len;d an(J hat, gt -pd f0r a U theenemVfled, pursued on an sine, uy me ca- ' ;''' '. rcft the movement of oine 1 -, t'ratry and light infantry, and retreatea towaras ; "4 on a ground within reach of . - : Tnrlm'nnd Triifrn. - J .killed and wouaded, am-uigthe latter were se- . .... . . TRANSLATIONS TRO-M FRliNCll PAVERS aEciJlT rn ny the ship ' eeVe.?' THE (Hi EAT BATTLE A'l DRE8BEN. Jlcr ''majesty-, 'the Enijirese Queen and Itegcnf has received the following news from the army to (her 28th of 'August" . J On the 26fh, at 8 o'clock in the morning, Emperor entered Dresden. The grand. UiissiaDj Prussian and Ai'iistrian army, -.'commanded by (heir sovereigns, was before it : it crowned the tops of all the hills which surround Dresden, at a distance of a short' league along the left hank Marshal St. Cvr with the 14th corn possiblcjo and (lie earrison of Dresden occunied the m- shew more heroic magnanimity and composure trenched camp, and 'lined with sharpshooter? than the has Sdisplajed in every cir- the palanka which surrounded the suhurbs.. cu instance of tltis dreadful Wound, and from Every (hing wail aim at noon; but, to an'ei Ai.:i i ii i .i i i o ts Villi ,Ilg,! passes inrougn ine noise ami sum-a-.1 . tered the other lesr, so (hat tlie eeneral was o Getierals ; ... r P.. . -r.P.. .fi..n .... a. . ijiijti-'I i'j Miijuui io iije ampuiaiioii oi uoui coii- , mi uunsin. ., .I. ... . ' - . . Jiiuiiamy iimur uic Kliee. Jt is 1111 AI...A J . . I J I I .AI. ..... ...... . .- 1- . ..A- A .1 1 , September. , am) states, that 1 1 ana irai q u.ity, mere is reu.ou peneneeu eye, uns cairn was the harbinger of eezak had fieaten the 1 iuemu ue jies.ereu.. . xicuas uMurm; an uiiacK appcarea imminent. At elledthein to evacuate Wis- "V ' tV ""'"Miiuvii. am.n c-,c,v.k, u.ier.mou, ui a Mguai oi a g;ii8,sii .. ..-', hind theiitrer. 1 he Lrnperor remained by ; enemy columns, each one preceded by 50 piece 'J IUUI , AllliA li.iil! II. l.irtJSCIJ III 111 III lilt- I 1VIU" i I 1 I i, ii 1 1 1 ' n n - ries ofBernadotte, Count Walmod,;. v as able" "'p' i'! Ul V l1t;V"ponsome4ofcannon, were formed, andafew monieatsaC. toTesum, operations against Manual Devout" ' pikend, and af- ! terwnrds descended into the plain ; they d.rect. at Scuweriu " ' operation, went w ltli tin- King oi Trus- ed their, march towards the redoubts. In less A fttinns The army has covered itself with glory. The that celebrat d chief, and sever rumfimUrnii nf thft, bravery of the Prussian who .have passed through -Vieiint army will eternally remain iu the recollection The particulars of this victory aivt related in of every warrior, and shine forth as a splendid 'thcCilth and 12th' bulletin of the rown example to ail wli-. fight for the independence Prince of S weden. nrlinrmnhv ' ' t in vii..iiri iniui AUiiurtvi muurr, (in- Gftn- Ald-rorpiit, has acnuired the particu- ted offKostock lari.i..- nonn roval hichness. Gens. Tavas tlie Russian General V and count Kuweiihielm have received aseuran- French, and comti fees of liHiiirheat satisfaction. mar ; and that ,Uis royal highness is in good hpalth. Mtctricts fritm thi' Twelfth "Bulletin of the ' Crrntrn Pfinci of Sweden dated-Uead fur- v vr " cM w Tk..i.. 4i. it:-.-.. ' s'a ,0 spe bim, and has paid him every possible than a garter of ;an hour the cannonade be t tersJdterbocSept. 20. i minister to IWnadot(e?', army ' S -' attention. ' , came (en ildo. The fire of a redoubt being ei- ' Every day hnap fresh proofs that the con- v VfT " . - n'- fatt ua. : ; Head Quarters were (bat night at'Xleichstadt, . tinguilte.iL,lI?e btieeershad turned it, and . . Pa 1 . ill. -J? T JA A.. .MM IIIIVl. ULlllllUimV. 3 UUUCl,m- ... .1 . - 1 .11.1 ' . - , A. . , . i nan. nnAidn.t.t.i ii- . aw i rt i tin iiiiai nun r. ii- n ii .1 ...a .BfA ... - - . A. . :araiui . 1 hc -oui uii,iiv.ii p rvl,c maiviiig Liuii ill 111c iuui ui iiic jjnmimtt Altenberg, and on the 281h at ol the snhui hs, where a considerable number l were killptl. I a iniinAt nnlaii ...f IJ 1 n ... I 11... .l-n AA - - - .--.t.- canhon upwards of-400 aumuuition waggons, padjja ' . ' ' j On the 29th the enemy having moved in force; It w as ahont 5 o'clock ; a part of the reserva three pair of colors, and one standard, were j VlII i3 from I ord Cath'nrl 'dated at : nn Wen an'dainmej by Peterswalde to Hoi-' 'of Hie 14th corps were engaged. Some boml tZ'Z Ii : rv VnnM h-..jTllz,Soinher i, whic'i iSSivenbclown..:jendorf Jnd Culm,attem,d7d to attack the ba?- fell into the city ; the momeiit was urgent The .1 The Marshal nrincc oiJKcKmuhi had in the .. ' . i ease and on inanc mm- n.-. in Ton 17. ivtoiu s enmeror ordpred the kins oi IVanlcs l Murall -. - . - . . . w . 1 n . iiri'. - . j . 1 ... . - .- 1 : j ' x l . No. IX, is also from LonUatbeart, dated vvn Sentemb-r 1. anuouncine officially that Geae- 5f,an,s' ,,al.ou u,e. Pee.ling day cuta lour .uaoourg 1 0 ne ngnriianK 01 tne rue. , i Ha-... . .1 ral that he on the ral P stair exs ran nnaom rw imq ri'Ki 1 111 111 i 1 1 1 1 h u ii i t t- W? V'ted Jutterbbch. Sent. 8th. announcinir hit ri,Mo- createi weight man wera. at nrsi expeciea. t ;i Vi-: fc . , , 7, of ,.- fer were nt 1 1 1 1 j kA m.Ani..e.u,.. f3n,ryoer Marsaal ii oy, (who had 1 1 1 1 .Mftsut) ... is alreatlv calculated that 10.000 nrisooera, 80 r? . .. , ,t ' v . . .. i 'Himhi. , :"f - nicht between the 2d and 3d September r left i .SjSeltwerin Vtih .t he w hole of his army. Con , sidering the strong position in which he was, thu motion annears to be a consequence of the ' by the allied army on the side of saxony. . . V " General -Vlndamme's corps d'armee was . annihilated 30th Aug. on the road from Topiitz - td Po(erswal4e. This general! with 3 other eneral?,and 1 8,000 meu, were made prison-'J- ws, 80 pieces of artillery were taken. After these taVorable aaairs, tne comoineu army a gain ntove forward from Bohemia into Saony and ort Vke 5th of 8ent marched by the way V of Peterswaldc,' and Altenbur, against ' Pima ndl)ippoIdeswalde.7 Strong detachinents, tupported by large bodiea of reserve, are dir'ect-X- cd into the eucmy's rear to; cut off his cboimu- - Atcations. Duriiiar this time the emperor Na- n.iacn r.a in l nnn MmrtruI mnAna il h o 1 1 n vA 1 fl llri X h f d 11 L" O n V I I'PVUA l I titi tfY I 1 (i rPPJUT ti uiuener hadinJormed his i'mssian maientv. 1 V"K V , 2 " V r.:L Lr-i- J 1 had attacked the? French on the Bobr. nfne.'T "ne 01 "'nn W4ls 'QSV'Stoppcu mis me ien nann. vi ne.. iour mv iwum. 01 .ne ,ouB 2l)th Au?..Ht. defeated them, took Gene: I tac and supported by some part oi the Kus- guards, Commanded Dy the general umouer, nttow and most of Manual MHcdonald'ji .Ma" ,,.nPenaJ cavaI.T ?a"l, irassiers, iiarrois, JJecotiz ami Koguet, uebieu menj,iTii oriners. with two ead.s and tweuti -one Kcl! U' eny 111 chet k I,e whole ot the day, through the gale ol I'lrna ana two wrongous 1. . .. ',; . 'Willie th" fnlilniiiAi nf lii -crn n-r nml .ni'tillrv nl I'hllUMI. pieces 01 cannon; -ana that trorj the i n to the ,V" : V s5"&" ; , "'' , ' .t 1 i-xt ucu.. ,ii .mi, i.a, i. . 1,1 . j r 1 ; passed 111 the rear. In the cvemnrr they were 1 he Prince ol Moskwa iNey dehled at tnf v am . kvp tj I'll . 7 Lie 'Vil-i 1 1 V Ul ly one hundred pieces of eannoii. Twenty-two reinforced by some battalions of IJussiari cre- nadiers, and a considerable forco was assem- poleon had again gone towards Silesia, ivi .. - liis guards and some other troops, the 1'rince ' 'of Moskwa was to cover his left flank, aod after that he should have beaten the army under his royal highness, ' was to have turned-a part of r hi1 force against Neisse. . The occurrences of 'thtJth havenSipo the prince of Moskwa is dispersedit has losH v.. two thirds of its artillery, tir its ammunition r and baggage, and upwards of 20,000 men. The emperor Napolcou is retiring to Dresden. The ar my'ge nVcnvB lucrher- f 0 H wa-h i m , and fiii rnlLlipr!&!Kijifey auft8 hiu a Pvere.Joss. 'JThc- united army of the north of "Germany is therefore ,.c anmnnjeatAQn, ,; by its left , wiagi. With the army of Silesia. v "Gen. Beiiijiugsea follows all these m6ve jnents." ; 1 . - - ; From the Boston Gazette. FURTHER OFFICIAL DESPATCHES.. '- The lion J'ni papers '.contain nine official des Vpateh?M Catbcart, y Mrrhornton, 'aiid Adiiiiral Moore, detailing ytue tltiAa i'i Vl5.iN'J.' which have recently desurred in Oerr any; .We are only allowed to give sketfliv-s of them. 'Xo. l,frvi Gen. S Stewarti-datcd Zehista. ; August (irO;. aiihoaaces' the "determination of theiatlid Autriaii, Russiau and Prussian ar r jAi)vwhifh bad tiscinblcd in Bohemia, to de t bouehe into baxfiUy, to attack the French grand jariav in Savi rit hb dTLusatia. This army is ' oni.T3tfr.ded !,y Prince Schwartzenberg, having U-rals He i'oil', Wittgenstein,' Millarado yrhand KUntUtFliimli -'While this armv ady-ied,Orji. Blueher' with the conn ofGene'- " . '". una juuiitreion. was 10 aa -r tfinyt i roin ilesia' oflt Lusatiap and thr.'Wten the reeu rri7iv. On eu trance of . the al- Mued rand ariny into S-ixony, a smart combat Vas'lad with :Hti.Hyr imuI. lionnet, who wert 1 beat4,?t6d retreated- toward Dresden The pieces of cannon have been collected in Addi- "amers, ana a cois,,ierable lorco was tiouto the sixty taken 011 thed )th ult. near ?da ToP,,,?R- Orders were sent to Culm, and several more aHimuiution-wasi-ons. ' K,t',st whosc column of Pru?yan tro government.- head of the division Barrois. These divisions overthrew every thins: before them ; the firing General was 'immediately .''removed from the centre te ririe tens (lie I'irciiniferpiire.Hiiil vprv Sftim was throwl "s?nns ' ......j- ....... .. -7 ftts""3' l ... :., - I !..", 1... V a 11 Kn.l- nni.. iIiaa l.illo T"lio ftnl1 ivf lml(h rUTlHlB-' "ii- ti 1 1 l in jji i7 111 ii.u ji Kjni.jn a i!i if ai.ic u jiyii itix uun uii. ai h.-. v uliu u --r Despatch from, Lord . Cathcart to ' tkf 'British' TIdllendorf, so as to be roadV to attack Gen. ed covered with killed, canuon and ruiis. V'andamnic, in the rear, w hen the troops should Demoutier is wounded, as also generals lonei attack in 'fronf. '. . rdieTl'.vndal and Camhellcj ' the ordnance offi- On the 30th the Austrian division's Collore- cev., Baanger, is mortally wounded ; he was t daaniLIlianehi. verc adilcil to the troons above nromisinir vounc man. General Crs',' of th at Prague 0:1 the 13th ultimo. The greater t named, and the- command was given to General guard, .was the first to rush into the fosse of part ot the ituRsian aany 111 silesia,and a corps i Barclay de Tolly ; theEmperor and the King rcuoubt, where the enemy's sappers were u of'Prussians moved into Bohemia on the nth I w ere 011 the height rear the field, and Marshal deavorimr already to cu the palisadoes';' he and 12th ultimo,' a'ud" formed 'a'" junction 'wiiij Prince Sch'wartzeiiberg was 'also a spectator. - wounded by the thrust of a bayonet. " the Austrian Army on the 17th and lotiowmg days., " On the 10th the AliTf ran army, exccpTthc My Lord. The emperor Alexander arrived - -id Cuar ers 1, 1 "i. 1813 i The enemy was posted near Culm, a seat of the JNight came on dark and the firing eased, Thrfn family and in the woods ; the attack was the enemy having failed in their attack, an made: about fen. u ifh rpat snirit alm'TlTfnTfifr; left more than 2000 nrisoncrs "uPOll the ficw-f ., . . - .,!'. . - i - . " O .1 - 7 '.. ... . f . A ' A ' I I.-.! orps already on inc iron tier, passed 111 review my had already Inst ground, when Gen.JvIeisl vvliuawas covered with wounueu aim u- ( ef.ire the empcTor, and the king of Prussia i appeared. He turned against the Prussians,- .On the 27th the weather was dreadful j rai cor b near Jangtem 'ligiiitz. j and attempted to cut a passsigewith grea'.'im On the 22d . ths wlmln nffli. 1!.,.d orniv npJllnsif '. hill fill idnnLj nfll.u ultine vin r!r paal:, tlrf. frojatier -into .Saxon v in four co- i ried on with bo much vijror. that the eii: mv wasmorniiiig' we saw distinctly the enemy distend- Jumus by Pe,tecsalde,' Atr his left and ' covering the hills whit were ana to the Ictt ot the last named place. ;! V ; to the woods. Gen. Vandaaime and three other fell iu torrents. The soldiers had passed uu niirht in mud and water. At 9 0 clock in tie- 4weTfcfhom4irX3ieei!ftlkeTt4 Cn.unlA!iileat444 Gouvion St. Cyr, and dispossessed liim twice -best Engineer, were taken in thp evening, a- on the trontier, attacked mm with the bayouet nother was lound killed either on that or the a! n t 1 T 1 - separated fromtteir ccntrtrbythe aiicy- of The kins of Nanles set ont with the corns the duke of Bellundf Victor and the division hPl,,:,,.,.,, .....l ckj.iTi (hp road of in the lines ofPerua, and seized that post the preceding day, some colours were taken, wiUi of cuirassiers, and lUet off towards the road oi same evening. ' , - i from 40 to 30 pieces ofcannon, and some thou- j Freybcrg to ftttack his left. He effected it wit The 23d the. several columns moved to-: sand prisoners. Two other Generals and some -Ilhegrea.gst success... -.The'sixth division whica wards the right to concent rate. The Impe- thousand troops who had got into the moan-leomcoscd t bis'' wins' was overthrown and rial head quarter, being the 2 1st at Cortiotau, tains, surrendered this morn in 2 near Peters, 'iered. One half, with their standards and can- the 22d at SuJilitz, aud Tlie 2lh the f were moved Dippoldswalde. the 23-1 -at Mit Seil. twalde. The Russian'gnards and, cavalrv en- jnon, were taken prisoners, and among tne"".nT :d to, Ueichstadt, near gaged the preceding day, had ajiportuuity jber are several generals. In the centre a oris , . iof being .asain dittinzQ.islic4; ; . . -; - carinonade drew the attention of the enemy a". The th at three in the afternoo.Lllie4- wrsat Topiitz on the 30lh,eoluinn8 were'shewn ready to attack it on in lelt. .. l . : '. : ; - . . The duke' of, Treviso, with gen. "0BtJ; manoeuvred in the plain, with his left on tw river and his right-on the hill's; 'tnarsbaiaj f.vr nnnfti1 nnr lofl Wti f he Centre, WOlCS The defeat of the enemy by the Crown j was formed withthe corps of the duke ofK Prince of Sweden and byi3cn.Bluchcr,of whieh fsaJMarmont.! About two o'clock in the ate a -a ' . . - - . m . - i. . 4 ll V II UU acciunts were receivea 18 Bt night, will proba- j noon the enemy resolved on a retreiu i- -bly inCuence the future, wovements of all 4he lost their great communication with Bohenu armiesr f-- -':-.'. '.,'-H:.''',---'."';-,'::,-r-rt';'.. by their left nd riadit. . ." ''! ' ,; ',.' t:- i-'. 1 o- a. .- , ' 1 . ! rri . . . ?tu' -.'' fpnni25 I beads ofli the coiu miis M'VreJjbchind the heights which surrouiftral Dresden oii tha Jeft hank of the Eihe. The outposts were driyen in and the defences reeonnoitered. , - The ity -was -evidently out of reach of be ing carried by a -coup da main without much loss, and as therewas. noyobjeet to comaiit so great a saeriaecTf "was .determined not to at tempt' it iaiid the army eucaisiped. - On the aithil, the eneuiy under cover, of their bat if -ries, attempted to regain their outpost6, which occasioned " canjionadiuaud -; firing, which lasted ail theday joardl .evening theiAus iriaiis stormed a' redoubt, and spiked the; ord uaucje, and.jsohie attack were made with a view to -provofve' thex chepiy, and if opjoriaity favored, to iIIoiv him i&Uf the. tojvp. . K .... . . I ; '. ' L . ' and continned there this day. Gen. Wittgenstein was attacked beyond Al tenburg, on the 30th and drove back the.enemv. This daynt seems the French have entirely left ' n:t:,,riioiH!iaius. Sir Charles Stewart, who has been in every action within his' "reach, w-as - unfortunately wounded yesterday, by f he splinter of a shell, above the kneo- ihe boTse is not injured, and it is hoped hcwjll not lojbgbe tonSned. Upon the whole, the; gallant exploits-of the 39th and itbj nijar Toplitzftklagli tKej were porfsrai- The result of this action are from 25 t 30,00a pnsoners, 40 standards anu w F,ci y cannon. It may be reieaX non that the -enedrj. in all 'havtLsuitainedoisV f,0,00? Tm?' 1 01' 7- Our ow n los amounts io woVnJed' k,,,el!i taken, to 4000' men. r1 - , T-Ub ciyairy Uai covf rd V

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