V TT V -' - , . ' V, rient must only wcwcew an aesiioy m biuuui ' . .What France, Frt-f ;Erspe, what so many bn-Maed and decMiria nations, earnestly c fiie triumphant raie-r a a law. oi "i prcstu tb e. toa j&f idA eanhbt fail to rddueaiwLIin 4ha monflr thrrft't;J 'rhmi,w - offliA t.nm. :.: inV t n'ti rthini'atei)er- fvcmptr last such portion of the militia ArkfcZ loLi.: -. t.T. . i .f iMr - i - ..j.- -a . . . . J ..fi.j.;...; fottfcwiln. at each of those vulni-h!p r.r.ir.h. . ej cm.uk.cs eierK, ana noo i w iiiiams-assmanu-- ty animosities, ana jrn lusr our Bitfini'j' j" : tr"- ah 0A the Uommoii,TBU MUIer.'JSfwa re-p tobnr country's cause, compel them to ao jus-- a;: jTV-t u j r UDJUh iioa aud it wa alUwed to hope,tKa ao'anjlMekhart assistant. Meesrs. covingtoiv aud tlemtn, whojn bar tellow-citikens have seiecica 'flreat artd united wati?e would prevail: ( bverf?rd ere ro-elcetediiSrassiif-rrka-.. for your wisdom and prudence, to detiad "Tfliearabitiou of an ioajyidaal., J ht " 1 wu,,u, 'mn, lM auopisucn measurea a may vc rr;"': lJ .t,4f!ef Tl!-r r!PhofthQa-te- ; - " t8, and to whom tbey loot for exkruples of ; !l i82ot. to hwapote. (. AMr n an; e8trfy A mew WM reCavccl from (he nu,5naftilflitr Iet Rje iuJ the m09t earnest man' iew. fruitleat rlA m Gorerpo, commKhiealingti letter of Maj.Oetf-'-ner ur the propriety, nay, the imlispcnsahla e f every t.fp, "ted .uffi- er&J Pikliey, relfttiTC ?0 the deft-nco of our Ktce.itv bf eicrfficiak at Ihiimportant. perM ftltnt motives for te attempt to proc terorrder'of tliiuw t bafidene and eouaeij ; sion, -when -treami of blood haJ LitUerto pro duced nothing but misery and df iriciii---nor a . If" Si M.MMa Aa.M4 ft L W t l.A'lltljS llftHA f dacied to attempt it; 5 ;, . Tiie year lslO was aot ycc cioseu, ir.e war ' tilJ rngC'l hi' Spain, the ptople of Gt'rmany had r .oti -In on avif hour, theVnupcrbr Naimleon re- Jwln& to" unite , a coiisideraW'J portion of the : Jfortli of Geriaany with Uie mass oi counrieu "agid to rob the ancieut free commercial citiet of HamlMirsh, Bremen, aud Lubeckf, first their po- -liticai, and shortly after their commercial ex lltfcnce and with that, of iheir mean of sab- slstehce. This violent step flas auoptea, wiin- ' $ut any eVenlaU9ble'-preJ.eiiions, in coutceit - dilaration, brcoinmunicatioji with any oth.;r . , 5abliiet, under the arbitrary a:id futile -pretext, diat the war with ;iglud Tcjuired it. "' MVrii'el'i'y'ttemj'wUili was intended to ". &trby- be couunerce of the vvorl 1, at the ex ai of the iiidcpeadertea, the prosperity, the right anil dignity, and in utter ruin of the pub. iic and private property of all the Continental r Irowej"1 3 pual Willi uareieunus -cth , intu.e'Vatu exweeiauon oi micmg a. ici" 8ubugatiQ.i of Eagland yhieh had it not fortu oatalv nrored unattainable, would have pluae- bd Etirojie f-ra 10:15 tim-i to come into a state opoverty, impotence and barbarity. The Decree by which ""a" new French domi-' ,nbi was established on the German coasti un der the title of the thirty.-aeaoDd military divi eioni waa in -itself Ui!ifienlJy -calculated to raise, the suspicion of the adjoining states, ana it' was the more alarminc to ihem as the fore- runuei- of future and greater dangers. By this di"ree it became evident that tho system'which had been ereat.nl in France although prcvioiu Jy tran&srressed, yei still proclaimed tb he in c iteu(5e) the system of the pretended uatural ji wnit cf thf French efflpw wa, without, any " iArtherj3tification or explanation, overthrown, and even the emperor'- arbitrary acts were iu tber tha Priuees of the Uheaish confederacy uor the kingdom of "Westphalia, 110 territory, great coast . The. letter informs that the eerieral od, all nartv feelincs. animosities, jhreiuuiees tion of a contemplated expedition' against the and of giving j oar prompt :and-iif:ife support to southern ports, during the ensuing w inter-sea every measure Iiieh may sctm calculated to sou ; and General Pincknpy's intention in con--: strengthen aud invigorate the arm of the nation sequence to ereet a new battery for the defence as the surest means of bringing the war to aa of Wilmington. The geueral, also, requests honorable ccncJpion-. Governorllawkin-, if he may deem it expedient, Ilavinar ever entertained the epipionth'at there iu uiucr Bumumtionu ucwciiiiitiiu oj wmin. were no erounusjor ineDrrsuiHiujun uiai ujib nf.,wKrf w.fM;U.f..f..: ..,V..'V- 5tc. It is General PinckncvV puruose, if nrac- state would be exemut .from the ineursionu pi 1';i4wl i ;.:.! T- llinhla: tn vicil Nimlli Taivilm." at llio kIima nf ? t ia J I. K oPfru- Iho tt nlnn dp. .1 t : . n 1 t " . U.. ' . . , - . .. ' 7 . .e T. .1 f I. il me prestni or variy in me ensuing nionin. ) strnctmn o! After several ballotiniff , Mr. WiHiam M. I in the event u mic viii eiceiru me cnim eiiffrossincierK. ; nartiea or armaments irom ir.eiruisnsquauroii o,i.rfi re at Vkiiirnn. . t . w . , a r -v - - -.a . -..... . v 7 m i ocvtrai eianuing cooiniuecs nave ueen ap-j on tue coast upon either oi or.r mwns, a sum .'jtu iuiiKicoa, uii uic mornin? oi Hie 19rS 1 im tniacity foNewbcrn, preceded by Majur-GeneJ C. Jonos, with e detachmeatlroni this city, vho taj rnarchetj the,e!?y bcifore, ami accomwuiiad h a, t tent-Otnerar W illisms, CoIPaDi.VMe cf rny lijv de cflnip, and the VYake.drsgpoas, unber tbe coin, maml of Major Tbomss Hendersc. On m- rri, val in that town,, fwts' infbrmea tit the emmyV squrdron bad aaikd from Occracock, tiu-ugh tij courso it had stered had not b. en ascertained. ry. xrtron.ha(i been imiAe for ti.e befnc of New, befri, oy Maj. Gen. Croom k BrigftitrGtn7li y Smith, ied by ths Cbmmittof S-itty, wholid prtjcurbd a handsome supply uf puwutr ant lad.'l2 few dy tt nay -nival, a ptrt of th srnnnj wiici) udb uvvu mcvNiiffrci oy my. Ciftjcuorf; - y, and helicving, after the wanton de, mei d 0f Lku'i Col blmvn Bruv,n of t 2-.2 of some small towns to the north,, that met.4.; a-'tnc -t'Tins1 were recivc, and itWHijjT entof au attnok, either by predatory pected thct Wr-jor Gei frhl BibW, wtcst liZ pointed, and other initial business transacted, of which an account shall bo given in our next. : On v1edn-8day Hi.sExcelieney the Gover- Iar fate Mould await thun, I deemed it my du ty to remflJ the General Goven.iuentot their defenceless and unprotected situatiou: And for thr.t purnoso I made a communication to the 8e- iior, tiaiinntted to both houses, by JMr. Sneed, ! crctary for (he Department of Var, earh in the month of May last. In the same month I re ceived an answer from him, wherein h& staled his secretary, the following Alr.su At TO"JIE BOXORAELE TMJ Ol'XERAL ASSEMBLY " or THS STATI OF NORTH CAKOI.ISA. GeuiUmen, r" "" v 1 shouldTuo injustice to my ft'cllirsrs; were k he . trunsportctl Trom that plat soon as tractl. cab!e. 'Ttiosv tnca. scf dehrnc, btrcngihtr.fd'ojl the iocs! vmil;ti , wr:o .were r tie in rt.-ch tsi t march at a moment's wari.ing, placer4 us in a una, rlon to ci'nf;dnit- tbe ttH.roy,irui.e eVtrtofinaN rta..k, rsurptiMiii my cxpwtauons. I f at! die pptJ rnrs-. to lUaiii, that i:e greatest cuvir? I 1 Ucn rits pyeo by the militia, in tnarchine to thetltiet-rs d that sonc general measures for the deft uee oi the ctnn points ; Mt s?l oF-tJta, a iarf w sui ply of LnV sea-board would in aiew days be submitted to the munition, than wa l xp-.ded, had been obtaiiml'ty Natinnai Lcprisumvc, and 1 in tsus arrintgt nr.cm '''me" mea-is -or, nnr. - th'."most vulnerab'e jxints of Nort'.-Csnoiii.a wauh) After it y.tcrtaifitd that the t nemy's sqa tjrou I to .forbear expressing the high gratification 1 ! oor.ii-Jered' Supposing it mobauic that 6c lore had iett bur coast, a!! ;ht: troops wore (its. ).a;;c4 feel in beholding the General Assembly of this j Congress vouJd have gone tit rough 'the dincutuwt except six cmpanies; f-.urof which tnuan d adopted this general pjn 01 defeuctt, the m.-ed -t pep-V;aier Points 'apprehe:)(icd might be Committed by the eric- lajor John A. Co nitron luiucr t'.e corr r.. i j rf of 1 e 4in -rtiririi;t an. State, convened at a period so important a9 thefof, an prescat. when,eii:a1r'3d as we are in war, the si- juries tuaUon of our country renders it necessary that ' my ; a ?d moreover, knowing that the United States attiacry ompaiiyiinuer Uie romrt aiui 0i Cartidn so many various measures, cqnuected with iu un-boats out of commission in our wa.tts, and Afj,:rr Pasteut, was stationed i: F rt II i.pton security, prosperity and high-slaiiuing, should tnsn at tht ir command in thisstftc sumdti.t for the .wr-tca ha J been evacuated by a compary. I United recoive their mature and deliberate attention. : occasion, 1 thought proper to address a iettiri St..us InLntrj', viio actud in obediciic to G.itrt ompuny ot Infantry in Behubn. i vc of se ompamcs which were station, d Deea. Water Point have since been discharpr-d and a tan tcfcnr)eSS situation uf bur sca-port towns, request-, pany, of artiiiery has been ordered to Currituck Mil frg theni to ascertain fn;nr tre' Picsidcnt wbetner. . v . some measures wciild out firoxfifty be edoptetfior4ft-.p,r'9c,ou o . ll,e indisprnsibib neccssitf their prbu-ciion. (ie cf t'.sc gctf.lenion jiiiorft-ed w,4,i"- fcJtlsteo tl-at an adequate dcftu.e .of I me thai- ih Krnr ti Maw bed nroiuiscd to mit! peanent nature sr-outd be -emended -to tirw five pun-hn-t. in r.n.i'niss.ci tn cm coast inim di.bojr b, fare l icit it r-vwted ail tu- iiOct recoive their mature and deliberate attention. : occasion, I thought proper to address a ietur t..t That t'hs measures adopted bv you rill be Com-: wour Senators in Coi;gtess joititiy, wl iU , ioge-'and inrcasurate with the exigencies of our situation, ther wkb the papers octompat.)iog it, pi esent- t a suregu?jraatee is to be found 111 the circum- d to them a view, almost m detail, qL ti-e Wat stance of your haviig been selected as Uepre-; sentativ js, by our enlightened it,ilo',v-citi-ens, at a time when they erc fully awarrs of the im portance of the trast about to be delegated. It would have afforded ic the hirlicst satis faction to ha"ve had it in my power, at the open liig 01 the present scssriu, you up'ou tne restorafion of peace. As wenve4'e- compelled by a long series of unexampled a$tea sions to resort toaijms, it return mtmt.Ue Imlicd with heart-feit sat tsf act in by e v e ry Invti 1 can , il obtained unoii terms camnatible uth thebon- - a 1 . 1 1 1 P, " . ..a ... . : A ' I t . . .it'. - . -i 1 ir nniLn viucn vf.fiRf i nt nv niimtifr. ni-cn. itsthi to contrfxtda wtc ' -WIUW t-?crcuiy at war uimx prom -wru ; v T vr 10 cat.5.LWaiw. . :.A. . ,Amn.,i,8 t-i pbec u in my pawn- fit:m arm: obstw ,,t ii " -i unu ictuuuiitiiu 10 me eerie rai uw i' in'. in 3.1111c; 111,111 in.- iiitir inriif-rririn tinn rifiinr BiltisV seemea. tb e rapidly approaemng fk,r.n f Ppnsitatf fortrrfsesUlt occuiueu on tb ) Oiler, and so littli:rJia4hitf'aet"of usurpa , : tia (however powerfully it'affocted all rights ' a'ld yos8fc8ion,''all gaogrbphieal, political arid , ' iui!&ry lines of dcaiarkitiouearry -jvith it a t chiriteftr.of Utfer6iuate aBd complete Hcces sir; t af territory; thatit wa impossible (o view it ix any otherjlght than as a forerunner ofsTill - gTeater HHi'rpitiQn' hy.which half of Ger- idpiny wa9 tonecoine a-f rcncivi roim;; vui m Miiitta : and that yi;i t):c leprtscntation U'C in-bi!ity or the state to (urnis'r ?inmunujoii, Jkc. lie m'S that it should fce fumisncd by the Ur States. While Iw.isi-i the daily csputsuori of ieceiv- our, welfars and security ol our cowmy. hen 'b' mmuueat on iror. mog,,,, kwuC, it is reflected that our Government,., from a "f ?Wsert i' Sle W" 'V 'T firm tt,-hww.r lft rtr'....iot l,'at evet:t retched me on the .17th of July by the 1 ' I 1 ai Safe- their two ti- a 11 Lii aitmiurr finrn iUX. tv.? m 14 Tl ItTfl C iTl - - or small, was spured in .qie-ncconipusBrr.nrvi , ,iB ja.uu a,Wa, mu-dcatiens received from the Committee of ' thidreadfiiliisurpation. The boundary. urawu .s- yrvawmtam in .icr unjust auaarrugaai ty oft:, t - GrvvrA Cl.oojn and Cc) l ' by biiarJ caprice, .without either rule .r plan, pretensions, dv an appeal 4o arm4, the slr-ngest , risfJ . . . , Jiltu-vX:t haa uken st ' without any consideration of ancient or more gro.mus are anorued lur he pi esumpt ion, 1 nat, anor0cw..cc;. jnd p..rBinouth, l a-J .Undtri a! recent poutieai reiauons, .iuieivBc.ru vx --"o -- r'M;"iB, V'7'w nitched tents for sevt:, l undrcd men : thct oouutrias, cutoff ihe middle and sout heni states mrwam ? ith anjious soUcilud? to that happy cor,,ised 0f one vcMv-four, six fric.tc s, of Gai-maay froni aU -counaction with tae Uer penou w.xen tuo war may he termmatet with priv.v,ee... t.vo6chca,lt.rs. a.mmocrof ether nu vm sea, passcd'the Elbe; separated Denmaik nosr ana saluty. II tiits.prestfniptive eviatuee ve9so rnd from cJxlv ,() Sf;vn,y barges,, with irorn jnrina,iau w . . . . o ftisDosa ve stii'.ft ,i ?rn t iousar.a nve r.unoreti inian rv and marines, 1! under t-e command ofAmiral coueiiis;ve prooT of the i.!i.puiliori of ourgov- cMuuciJi in relation to tuai .oujeci. it is juine- Xockbum that they had captured the shippir.gin cessdry to enumerate them, ttuthce it to meu-1 harbour among which were two private aimed tion the Russian mcdiaiwn. The promptitude vessels;' that itvn-. thr-u-htThe circumsu mtcof tbe.f with wmch it was accepted and acted upon iy ivtviiifr landed ancrpiiclitfl trni foy 'so lavge a irnx:--i tM.Presiicat, w,ol' iUclf,jou.trovertihJe eyiy0 men, inrficcted ' an ."intention '1 icni..inng Uenee of die wi?h oi our govarument that au .there. some time ; and tht ar. atu.'ck vior. Ncvvbtrn aceommouattonebouM take place.- As, tlicin-iprftyprtp Rs aVgpynuttnty imU tne people and the government are in favor of ,,jaoC That, pface was represented as bemg peace, the continuanco of the war must depend without canno, powder, aim baits, and in si-.on Upon the disposition of th. British cabinet. If nearly every article and implement of win essential. pitiicction : and 1 was requtsteo jssinf-manner to 'furnish them that situation rJcinaiideu. l naa reason !! cur towns on the ramplico inrfI.ifc!nthe iboaf scrionsalarUK Tha lat- restored.' -. But until they aeree to relinquish". and Albemarle Sounds, and those to tne south, ;tcr;furrouV3od on all sides, ho longer capable what they assumed as :'a right before the decla- e're nearly in the same eituMion. "As,. the uffrea afltioii, eirivel of every means ot oh-1 ration oi vvar, the priKikga oi, commuting the. state was dtfrtrtiiteFmuuiuxiiiAM.war, ana nau put- ;.atious on traces ipon iiio-ascaniy supniyoi musKets nuayisc3,-iii jar eilizens, we shall be er part.ot Which had been m c'ls'tributodiTot .riavmg under the indispensabU n&ceUtj oi prosecuting bf. placer! in thc.hsr.ds cf the detached militia m the-War. By prosecuting the ; war.- vith hnu- m'sny insticTs) as to render it very questior.ybKt trsaty ofixiUit;' iuto a I'rjnch.- military .post, uess, unanimity ana vigor, our. otyueui; wjii ne wnetier u usriui puruqn or teem cun , Ifpv ,.u'iif-n;hf MwtaHi lsvCCam)ilishs-L.' li'h-a iuial&ralihi huJ iukdicisi.'-be' crDected atinv iriven tKint. I felt myr.eif not a Iitut ' emfteror Xaooleon tuoafcabl&te ruler OT tne con- J tf oy wik guacantee reparation lor past injuries, 0 its safety an.i ' tiDeat;'' :-. 'iV-''V''' v' ati-1 respect lor our rights a-yjaoveret.gii and hr the most pn - To 'tflisia and Prussia th3 unnatural ex-.iMuepeuujjutiKiiion in zuture, urn oniccis or tne aid- which their 4n,lftn Af'tha French territory -eould not fail'" ar will ba aceompliihedr and peace will be to believe that 8 i kLXQ points are - OcrucorkQli - Toul, tti Jiogic inlets, tb the north of Cal'tar ; uOjpW. ir.ieis'at tne m utri oi Cape-Fear, to wit, Ma ntai AVw Intra. At Ucrucock, on Beacon Island, thero is a jejigide and commanding sdte form fort. Vessel saiiii.g 1710 the soufrd, mutt approach this scitcal m sc in a direct line for more than a mile, and mit pass wtt'iin a tew hundred-yards of it. If a stronaT Jortficauoii was rrected on it, and n adequi-te fores Stationed in it, nci omy tr.e entrance ot iny nuiubai . ol vessels into the sound, could be eflttluailypre veiitcd, buf the shipping at "aric'hor te'the harbnuf .' could bt piotf oud. Such a work, the exj-v-i.c of wuic'i wcusd be nothing when . compart u iUi its tmmitnse uiitity, aided by a few un-boas or rthei armed vessels' stationed at firaier fiamt in ths Sounds, wtu'ri afford great protection and seruiitf to almost the whole of the tiorthern s-fdon of tbs State. Should the war bef lon'dumion we wf reasonably .suppose; that the enemy wiiJ, if.ttd in lit is miprotcrt'ted, briogiuto tur-Soundsa pumbef of sntulj Ly.essr.ds, witu a'view to harsa cur tpwvs, (t arrest tre trade now coirying on through thene i jsvi j ui.u UIUI c bSiCClilllJ, cf p!ui.derinj Irom their the neccss-iry supplies port, of their fleet sutior.ed ior the urpow aouiidaul snoieif for the sup on the ioasU - !0 tVVl -"i- V-. , v ? J : " . - - j -r i tiuio2fresUtrengthppearedh to iU dissolution. Russia, already in fe?.r for ingots aur. liberties 01 ou hervestera frontier, hy the j,onversion ot te j city of D.oUic,J declared a: fiw city hyphe if ofa" great irt nf 'Ww'tiitri'r: F?welr proviaao, could,, not hut see, in the advanec of tha French dominion ajoB.th3 sea coast, and bi thb n'ivv' chaius pripred , for Prussia,, the iijaiinent danger of her Gorman ic P!ish pos S3ssians. , Frosi I li moment, " therefore,' the rupture between J?rauea ,aiid ' Uussiavwaji as ..good as decider!. 4 v -;;.r.; 'i'V'--. Hot. iwithbui Ijep and just anxiety did Aua tria observe' th; storm which was gathering. Th.);sc3e of vhVstjjiities would in evr-ryx case he couiigaoui la hrf ;praviiicea, which owing to the'fahitaji'.ia.lsystent wh;ch had eraTnped the resjtoroiia'.i Vf hue .military, means, wore, in a - , . Ola pretensions of!, (ire at-Uritain oiU;t hally at a -8 to asreitiim t!at course oestto rx pursufo yield to her necessities.- Jmi neatly de'MUidant l"dr existir-g circumstances The enemy's iorce as the minuaeturiug aud coiiiiuerciaf HJlerests;inlT so murr' larger than was necessary to take af that nation have been oa tha trad, with the poswssior. cf Ocra-cock and Portsmouth, and l-.avi.- rT:i"l ii!.i.,.,.'(i.;.. j. ,.., i : Sroupht urith. lhfrn snrii a Inifft number ol Sliull that trado has been cut off. and. indeedthe fa. v?9els calculated to navigate the Pampticb and Al tal r-ffWf f ih,. r i;UA.t: - emarte sounds, seemed to favour the presumption ry thiue'eobuecjedjy pentvalerreuin b"U viilketf Mted And nWptrseverance, will' 'i10?6 evaufually eoriipel jiefhauirhty miaisUv , tb re- n.tal " numbcr Jf( vessel,s 8uffi Hour their arroeaut preteusions; and to ; : - , ; , t he-part of other powers and with the same . I h a r. a hi mt. ... Tn&lff V . l I 1' A MA a a a noa . quently was j.it a '.hojiiless as all. former strugs'los of Ihb sarve naturb.- tlis majesty, the empero madv svery 'dTort iu his .power by -friendly- merU:itib with Wth parties to" avert ' the .'impin Jin.:. stsrw ',;JNa hsraan! judgmei4 could at J lat true toreiee th at the pe. j.;l was soaWfat hiWiUwh y attempt should proV?mori injurious to the. enijtsrtr 'Napoleon thuii ib Li) opponenU.- ... w......,.vvu. yii uu i. . -,.:t.i , , l4 tU. eomdudc peate upon lair ud Jioaorabie, .terms. watc? IC" TTL Jn a htghei; poiut of. Buti Lwe weaken our-eves by cherishmg .utor- At ajv Unt m -ttr-mnttn knbUhrm whbott74W and with a. Scanty supply of suit admitting t!:ose other articles cculct to saVout of extremffe madness : r . : . ' ... . : .. . . nn iha nihiin iiani m fnairft nn nnrwTtiitifir. nut ... Bntain presuming up?? ov.r weakuc, thusto thcm to entcr and jet in cmr towns produced, , will not .only be more : -oust, mat., but 1 tbeir bmtai iery to perpetrate eVery spociei encouraged to indulge bev ambitioa W- fof horrible , outrage Upon the persons and' pro- vie", ui; strniie wuieu awaiturj-ussia anM uai uivrsiuiia , -n c iuuji Tiurseives to. me . M . . , 'i ...in a ....'jt:-,..'... . ..f.... j .i-K.;. ..... dery lead and Jiiziti pcare.'i ij.u. more uuumiur aii uuiu'aenceii,tcHiuj oi a umiu m,m.nu ui uunim- pai " aoi arnis eveh Mm nilh Hi.. iAni U'RTit nf' injinr-ilian nn I &h(tll Tiliirf? I hat fihi.'.M at'iLl llit.ilii. rnini n. ! . . ' . ''. . . iiuin .wium iiuu. . .. y a vm i -j . . - - i snfi gj.icfr. a uictc- au iiurauve reenrueu, wnerr port-A of their inhabitants, ,WOU Id be tO fax an iljJ BriHsh' rapacity ha yieid.d to the iBppiiqa-'.ldelible stagma upon thb character" of tb State tion of the a.t-VeeaiHiot.elpeet .that that ! Under 'such circumstances: I resolved, although nation, whose goverameut is so hostile to ours,! th last General Assembly ; had refused an ap-will-ever grantii'poaetf jij kooil. Every Appropriation "for a T lupply : of munitions of war. to merieaoicuVlherefbre, who as anxibiis; tVM uurbhasc all the iwwtler, lend, .afldfulnts fap'sale in it should be restored, will deem it his Impera jthis arid in the nei mnera tire . duty W;iv his supgprt re $g vlgotsugi Khbouring A lew &iu.l! armed vessels, jiermaitfMiy sCi.ionel in those Sounds, would be adcquic L r th se. ,ur poses Stioutd the probability of a visit oi this nw lure be deemed s being very rerocu , it isio bs presuiiKl tj.at a principle of economy alvrte, wouli diaate jlrc: propriety : of . defending tlis .oif tr ttrefeby,jiiet!eccs3ity.JDf calii'ng puttroopsl-..wiafil must be attended with considerdbie int cr vt i tnc and expense, tj defend Newbenj, VVashir.gt)ri,an4 ah th. otjvcr toyros on the navigab'e watt i scf thou Sou.ida, wiser ever the. enemy may appear ff th?$ iulet and tbieeten ah attack, would be ati4, TJiat sra sderjupte au$ureV vh'-U'd-gJ tsY-.medialtly adopted for dtfem; 'it tu.t prut ronccive tr be imp.-rUnt' 'in every fiob't oj v'ev . At Old Tufimil Tnlet Fort: Hamilton situaf; , for the ''defence-' of the Town and hrrbt dBea.ufort, and '"on ,'an- eligible cite to. com- mand the . entrance up the ship channel. parpw t-.d f-ortj-iottevery-ianorhuirr more thaft compobeofshells and lime badly cemen.t1 cacl1 . eod of wnicK is connected with the barratksi in thd r ar by a wall about two feet thick; Then arc on fy six Jong eigtdcens mounted on a 'platform at the pvfapfrt, to fire en-barbtte Those guns TeTtmoujJ cd otL' .verv low carruii.'.' and in order ti at they ; might fire over the parapet,, the platform, had been rained within two feet of. its top ; confj-squcmiy iiien wnen '"managing them wre exposed from bout their kriees up. : Tbeir situaUrTi would hare been much more, dangerous in an action than if they Ivad been m an' ojien, phb, as much destmcti tnighf have been produced by the .shells "hicb m cfierny's fite might scale' from the Vp of the para petTCbhceiving'. that ho time , should .be- lo a ' making tbb necessary alterations, 1 instructed Cap tain Pasteur to have the carriages of thegui.s rai cd find tlie platform lowered, in such - maimer, as that but few of the men in an engagement should be exj, jHjserl. .'" TlSs . pl(, -with an ir.cbnsiderble W ctan'percd with- that already expended PpJJ itj might be made a fong .forweef 42 v diacy tend to Ac rlleTabIe, pointy ejn "... vl . .. ''

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