lit. ; il fi v - r ti ' 8 1 S.' . X:- ' -V'' ' .(-- ' 'allies fcf ft mirpwrjif fotertjepfing ; taetriy Z?afwi waui 'w communication with Pragoe, had armed ow the 20tfrat Peters vval dp, and on the 80th were ,ur rounded and attacked bv eeirs. Tollv and Kleisti . Gen. Vandamme. willi five other rene rals and id,000 men, were made prisoners, and ffo piece's of artillery were4 taken. i On the 2d l- Sept. Bonaparte left Dresden again for Silesia, the disasters of ins 'army there unaer Mionaia, irqttirwg"liis-prieuei d-on-the 6th, -the srarid artnV whidh had retired within 'the bor- -i ders ofllohemia, again movea rorwarn towaras ' HTO: OF THE CAMPAIGN. Yc have eyf'pietjthe:- following from the fast Z'Jfseiigr, tQufaiuing the best historical Vtiow oi the 'operations of the renew od War 'Jl the North of, JKu rope that we hare seen. " '.WiK. .1.. ... . " :A..f :i : ' , rcct idea of the' relative fore and' positions bf the arfujies.-B'ston i I . ' The arrivals at this port sinceoar last paper, tDresden into Saxony, trom this army 50,000 ,.pewa from Kurope ; o-bout a j men were despatched to have broasht u "BioDth later than we had before received : com .rising; -a -Vie fy important period of , history. The armistice .between thebellicerents in Get- rwaoy cjptrpu.on iii.ioin oi au. me nix uays lotice required by the terms of it having been siven oa the 10th by the allies. D urine: the pe riod of its continuance, viz. from the 4th of June to Lfie commespement of hostilities, both parties were vigorously engaged in preparing for the rene wal of the con test. The allies re ceived a great accession to their strength from tho Emperor of Austria, who deelartd war a gniiist 1 ranee in due form on the 10th Atignst. It will be re-memiieredt that in the becrmutus; co-perat$ witli Bin- After Bonfebarte had left the eastern fron tier for Dresden on the 23d of Aug. M'Donald took a strong position in the neighbourhood ol Jauer, about 80 miles Mest of Breslau. - There on the 2ftth he was tit lacked by lllucher, and driven from his position, leaving on the rronnd 30 nieces of artillery, and Bustainins a loss of 10,ir'iJ men taken prisoners. On (he two fol lowing days Blucher pursued the retreating enemy, aud took 50 more-cannon, ana oo ' . i bKfrttiiBAslajl, ..t in if Tnwofihitrff. IxGoeHltx, 83 hiiles W. from Brcslau, and a bout JfO' E. frohi Dresden Jv 1 iKxHintiii Out Crown Prince despatches: ? nnhttistliiK. about 40 mile 8. W of Berlin, 20 from Juttei;buct, W. by NV , ; - Mslau, 60 miles 8, oruerim, ontne jiioo, near uessan. -..-m Xpsic,:7J milMby toOerUni oijhe Pliese, a branch of the Baale. ot May last, the allies possessed all that part were met on the 4th ot 'sept, of Germany north' of kis' Austrian majesty's i who had proceeded by rapid fcingdotn of Bohemia, which Iis in the north Dresden to- their aid. Here r tasteily side of the river Elbe. Soon after ' hostilities commenced iii-the spring, Bonaparte drove the allies across the Elbe, and before the "date of the armistice,' penetrated easterly 20o jnues lo iuc vauK.s oi uie tjuer, near jdtpsiuii, in t Silesia, and oceunied a trac of territory about 100 miles in breadth, from north to fouth. This tract (bounded northerly by a line funning near h thctowns of Brandenburg, Potidam Dei iiii, & Frankfort on the, Oder, . northeasterly by the Oder as Breslau, and southerly by a line , yanningnSarCantl Siriegaii, Bolkenhayn and JRudelstadt to the border " of ' Bohemia, and thenjie along the northern border of Bohemia) remained in the possession of the French until 'ihe teriniriation of the afmtsttee. L , r "When ..hostilities" recommenced on the 7th z l Augthe foree of tlie allies was -disposed of in I four distinct armies, besides the Russian re i ' jserva of SO.000, which was advancing through Ptflakd,1 under gen. Benningsen. t j ' The 1st or northern army, under his royal ;A hiehiie'ss thecrowu prince of Sweden, including 40)00 Swedes, 33 000 Russians under Winzin gerode ant 40,000 Prussians under Bulow, 'as stationed on the northern boundary between . jiui; ami uic you, as iicsiciiucu 111 UU1 per of the 13th Inst. ,The d or eastern army, . undir the renowned Prussian gen. Blucher, on ino-eastern hoiinrtary in Silesia, near liieslau, . i . . prisoners. The French retreated across the Bobr, the Quiesse and Niesse, still closely pur sued by the indefatigable Blucbcr, until they by ' uonaparte, man' lies from according to the French account, Blucher again in bis turn, retreated across the Niesse and the Quiesse, and the emperor again returned on the Sth and rth jo Dresden leaving the Frenclrat Goerlitz, distant about 60 miles, Gen. Benningscn had ar rived on theBobr in the rear of Blucher on the J 6th with a reinforcement of 80,000 Russians and Prussians. 1 During these important operations, the nor tfiern army was advancing- under Barnadotte. After the battle vi' tirosden, Ney had been dis patched by Bonaparte to reinforce & command llie- French forces in this quarter. On the 6th Sept. a great battle was. fought at Donnevitz,; JVittenburgi 43 mile 8. by W. f Berlin o: lift V.IKP. - ; ' Zalina, 6 miles from ""Wittenburg, towards Berlin. ' Jtttterbuck, 37 miles 8. by W. of Berlin, be- J)aham or J)ama. 12 miles If.E by N. o .luueruuc. - j Luckawt 10 miles E. of Dama, and 40 N. of Berlin. . ' 'Soy eirentz, 15 miles N; of Jutterbnclc. Hersburg, 18 miles N. by E. ofdo-both on the Ester a branch of the Elbe. . . Torgau, on the Elbe, 23 miles from Witten burg, 8. E. and 30 8. of Juttcrbuck. . 1 Mrurdeburs'. 75 miles W. by 8. of Berlin. ItouerswerfUr. about 30 miles 8. by E. of Berf i j 1 1 u 1? nf Tn the same direction, auout 7 . ft, -4. Settembnrs-n in mile's N. of lloyerswerder. jsisitriceraen, o. uy ju. v un.v. v, miles. - . . Grassen Hamu 50 miles irom JutterbucK t5. hv K aiid 20 From Dresden, N., by. W. Positions of the part of the Crown Prince's ar . nitf opposed to DavouM on the side of Uam burg. Schueerin, 70 miles E. of Hamburg. fVismar, on the Baltic 13 miles N. of 8ehw- rin. ' .- . . , . Crevitz, 13 miles Er by north of Schweria IFeimar. 20 miles in the same airecnon. Gadebutch; 16 miles W. by N. ofBchweria Rennefi, 25 miles W by ss. of oenwenn. F.GONET3,;,Jqessof :.o "pccifully )nlbtmhi public, that ,e hu citiblS .iime. is ftaleigband purpoe$ devoifnj hit limechy J wardi the uutruct k-n u yoon Udiei po the PJAIJO f Om Ui terms wiJI be as follow V ' 'v. TOiriON, per JuarterlMM..t..MM,.a,...,.,,rx)j ij 1 4 1 "' i . ?f u"",,"?"',m, if 4s '. '-. . - yMri,'",""wn.,4, jQ lar are waited ort at their renctie Bktuei.' The leacktt a iwvft keep ; their Pianos in ptj& order, Tree of expense, has," however, invented a simple " instrument whereby ,u young ladles attention and tolerably good ear, can ews keep,; themselves, their instruments in good tore. Tlut I conceives to be a great advantage offered to those who reshJ, whers it is ftfflcult to fiod masters capabts of tuning, newest music, good strings, &c. arill be coostantW ker C sale, whereby sh lart can without difficulty be supplied, i. the end of each quai ter a Concert will be given, in which vV, Jari will give a public exhibition of tbetr progress. Havin taught some yeail at Newbern and Washington, in this it and ieehng a confiJtnce in hi knowledge cf the science, rj readier doubts not of giving satislactida ? to bit employers ni of being louiid deserving of a portion ol public pat.onage. r. S.' -Young gentlemen will be taught, on the foiegoic ermv, any of the variety of instruments chiefly used inpri m Nov 5 la.rjf. ! or etnurrt near Juterboeh. 70 miles north-westerly from! Grefsmnhlen 15 miles W. of A ismar. Dresden, in which the Freiu-h verc compelled ScfionburgiZO miles W. of Wisinar, 10 miles to retreat : nreeinitatelv. with a las of 6000 kil- V.. nf I.iilu'plf. " led, 10,000 prisoners, 80 camiony and 400 am Lnbeck, 40 miles 8. E. of Hamburg, on the munition wnggous. The advanced corps of Stickneta, which is a branch of the Elbe, eont- Bernadotte were on the loth oi Sept. the latest meneinsr at Lauenburg, and emptying into the lae from tnia auaHer, at Hefrenberg and Baltic. . . i rk 1 1L!. n . I . J. - 'I AST P A 3 milii. 4 reci it s3 t- f I . abou t 100,000 strong. This army consisted of RussiatiS-'and Prussians, & the srenerals Yorck, CJ..--1 .... r t.ii i . r. piifM:j unu. ijaugiTon neui commanos in ii. "' The 3d or grand army was in Bohemia, -f ,)i - Unthland, within 30 miles of Dresden, and his left flank was in communication with the ad vancing army of Blucher. Bonaparte is thus surrounded, except on the left' of the Elbe to wards Torgau, by the three vict9rious and ad vancing armies of the allies. Davou towards the advanced miles from the Elbe Ratsbarg, 33 miles W. of Schwerin 13 miles 40 miles from Trieste, but of this there is uo official information. t. I ft. r. - -1- i '9 i i in 1 1 ' ji . ii o i x . - inu ikj i uana oi me Xitue, ana seuin oi uresaen. V This army Consisted of Austrians under the prince of Schwartenbiirg, Russians under gen. Jkieist estimated in all at 200,000 men. With this arimyVe re likewise the emperors of Ans , - tria, ahd Ilu4Mta and the King tf Prussia, and tha French gen. Morcau, who find just joined the allied army, after an exile of some years in this country. The 4lh was an Austrian army, under cen.'iiillier, to act in the south of Ger- t many against the-Viceroy,Vho had assembled From the Boston Daily Advertiser. an army iu Italy. POSITIONS OF THE ALLIED ARMIES. ' Dresden was the centre of Bonaparte's opera- Tlie reu ditfienlty in this country of com- tio'os. Davoust, who was near Hamburgh with prehending even the ollicial accounts from ar r his corpsj and the nliole Danish army, Oudinot mien on an extensive field of operation, chiefly who was stationed with the three corps of the results frntn a want of correct map3 upon a French army, at Dahnie, about-30 miles south of large scale. ltdrliiiV'werc destined to ot against the hor- The following account of the positions occu thenallied army. Five choice corps under nied at various times, hv the several armies (by JTey,' Lanristoa, lacdonald, Jfarmont, and the recent advices) in 8:iony, Prussia, Silesia m ouia-.'!3K. I irade NT. f T.uheck. and 37 E. of Hamburg. Domitzy on the Elbe, S3 miles N. ot Schwer- in 63 miles S. E. of Hamburg. ltoitzenburgs 40 a iles E: of do on the Elbe. An examination of the man compared, with st after taking Lauenbtirg, advanced I)espatchf s will shew that the grand array of the Baltic as far as Schwerin, and Bohemia, according to their present positions, . . . . . fc.t . a ii . . . r divtsionotgen. Loisonattactietl to niscorps arc in advance ot the limits ot me armistice, aneed as far as Wismar, a distance of 60 notwithstanding the pretended defeat at Dres es from the Elbe. But on the 2iiofbept. .den. about 50 miles. 1 he battle betore lires- they commenced their retreat, and at the date den, was only pertial, and was entirely defen of the last accounts had recrossed the Sfctkiiitz Vive on the part of the French. -A movement into Holstcin, towards Hamburgh. Generals tof Xapojeon to turn the right of the allies and Vegesaek and Walmoden, who are under Ber-( take possession of the passes into Bohemia nAifnifa .immuw!. mireiifri tlifm i the former i iiiHnPofl fripin to make a march upon their near the Baltic, and the latter in the neighbour-: right to intercept his troop and the total de hood of the Elbe. ; struct:on of the French General Vuudarame was The southern Austrian army, it Maid has the happy eansequence of this mucevre. defeated the viceroy at Lavbach, Austria,! The army under Gen. Blucher has advanced . . -i I .L I l .1. .1 nrnilnil h iff h lo nines wuiiia ibc mmw u w- uum .....i... and has rouiato"wski:;yc)'drst'ati6ned oii the ' eastern and Bohemia may be fonud useful to those who line, and the rcmaina,cfof the French army read official despatches with a common map. under SUCvr Bonnet. -'&el-rarna'ined to defend Jit ml! b( rrrilhttfl;l ffpr the battle of JJreuen airu the' other post in the neighbor- , Bautzen the French army pushed forward into - - ' --. - -.-.. . i ciicsio, uuu hi uif same 'line, uuciiuiru jli;uch with a larsre force. fter Anstria had joined 'Oa the -15th VAiRrust.' Bonaparte with his nards left Drestlen ToTtliKjWistern.' frftn'tien the allies and the armistice wasdenoiunced, the I- Ilelfe of the left eras; to have been a( this time uninformed Russians joined the Austrians in Bohemia, and General Jilucher rown Prince of covered Berlin . T.l , 1 J ,...,n.iwl inerrencn naa irert"ti ucri. , arrived within sight of Dresden- - - Th French Gen. Davoust, "Prince of Eck- mahl has retreated 80 miles without a battle, and gen. Loison has made a retrogade move ment of about 43 miles. The Crown Prince has advanced his main body 40 miles : and sent detachments from 60 to TO miles in advance of Berlin towards Dres den. Thms the Allies are surrounding the French in Dresden, and the communication of the French army with its rear must he interrupt ed. NaDoleoii must either risk a battle er re fiireat ; and a retreat - wit Jiinttiriorcayalry must be hazardous in the extreme. The longer he delays too, the more critical .will his situa d tion become, as Gen. Benninsrson, witha rem forcement of 80,()0b Russians, had arrived at State Bank of Korth-Carolina, ... HAtElOlt, MOV. 2, 19t, AGREEABLY to the ad section of Ihe iicoiparatmg fhe ite Maxtor iVoit-Carol ns, auBec" non oi 19 Directors of the P incipal Bank shall ake place, uj nually on the itu Monday in December The Stockholders of the laid Bank, arelheiefore called mi to h'ld said Election, and to attcne .0 such b?i buaioesti relation to the One al Inteiests of the Iiutituiion, as may ( judged necessary, en Mon ay the 6th day of December ae ar nhw o'clock in the morning, t: the Academy buildings, rif the City of Raleigh. f " , Wm. H. HAYWOOD. & Sack Stockholders s do not attend the Election of UN rect jis personally, witi autho rise pioxies in the form heretofore LOTTERY NOTICE. JTHE NEW -YORK UNION C0LLE(JB LOTTERY, VJrTTLL commence drawing on Friday weci TT Oc:. Is! ttG fini-h drawing in Dec r. Those h w.tli to knowr the fata oi their tickets in a shor' time after pur chasing, cannot purchase in a better lottery. Tickeis 8 dwltat and 30 cenu ; Halves, 25 ; Quarters. 2 12 ; Eighths, 1 f, Orders from the country, inclosing the cash, will be punctiulls 9Add to St the respective lottery offices of G. $. R. Waite, Corner of Sr. Paul s lane and Market-itreet, Baltimois No. W, Cli-ni-street, Philadilphia 6 and 38, Mai. den--lanr, NtwYoRk, and So. 28,$te-stre Aibas i ticker, tumincd gratis, and cah given for all li York prizes sold at Waites. Sepiember 20. Notics?. V T the last court of pleas and quarter-srii Ljk,.ion4 held lor the coumy of Fianklin, AUminikraootS iiraiiied tthe subscriber on the estate ot ROBERT HlCH.def c-Mi 'f, 'ate ol saidcountv. All nersons indebted to laid est ae are requested to make immediate payment -Thoie was luv- claim, will present them," legally aurhemicated, witaiS h lime prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pletf n bar of iheir recovery . ' J. KNIGHT, adm'r. G a-nilk, Oc 14, !fif3 I6,6t. amount ot metorce wincn tne allies ban that arrhv is the srrand armv : mlled ia attack"' him from Bohemia, on the ' continued in Silesia and the C fm'vk of the Elbe. , He arrived on ihc 2ist Sweden on the side: of Prussia, the Bohr, and was to join the Allies, trpori'tne Bobr, a river about 100 miles east of and Potzdamj 'while detachments from his right Dresden; "'.running nbrlh'- into the ' Oder, upon ,' observed Davoust who covered Hamburg. The WhrciTihe eastern allied ' army had advanced.' recent accounts relate chiefly to the uiere, ancrmncn nghting, in which treat losses of these three armies, viz : the army ot vrere susiamea on ooui siues, t ne allies were -i Worth or Uermanv. under the t;rown r compelled to retire 20 or 3o miles uoon Jauer. the army under General Blucher in Silesia ; ope rati the nnce and Oa in 3 23d Bonaparte left apart of bis army in 'the Grand Army, under the Kin? of Prussia in il 1 1 - . ''A . . . . V, wus quarter ,uu?r tne commana or M'JonaW, TJiohemia. r- and with' the remainder including the old and j "Vfc shall hegin hy the positions oeenpiedby t yoong ssnam, rna corps oriMev,.larmonf; and ! the grand army m Uohemia, from their advance I""1"' luviiiiuierjanu cavairy, rcinriieu'ioj io liresuen, unimne capture ana sjvennrow oi VULndarame on the frontiers of Bohemia. i tifhe the allied grahd afmy ad Bolieiuia, ajivi after havint hea- ' tJrcsdf!. Tliifl'march of more than loo milca, .ah the mean en St. Cyr and Bonnet, on the 53th thejheads -af-aH-4 he-emiv weretchimrihe heights whjeh surroajid Dresden on theIeft hamkof the Elbe, On t!)V morrjiug pftheSwlh Bonaparte entered Dref -ij, and 0,4 the afternoon of lhe me daycomtttRcctl lhs battle of Bresdei, in which the alifed arjny, whfch wajs endeavour ing io-aesi)--a it retreat, to Bohemia, -Retained great ..lasses..- I Jii the day fidlowiog the light im? continued,' anl gxi, farean was. mortally wounded. The French official account, states I ' the loss of ih3 al!i.V on thwa two days at 60090 . men. '-: The firat French corps 1 under cen. Van- damme, watch had been from the, 35th advauc tag between the JSlbe and the right win W4 think it jToper here to remark, that the French, whils rating the loss of :the allies at ai),oojnoh,'makj their owu . to amount to :to -morethan t-, Itym m very improbable, ai the'Freh:ftJn :he aisailtHif p .trty-The- allied: comirfahdars. jwUh mare.trutii an I can doiysfate their loss at a'out ftjOoo, and,-froi the nature ofjh - cn gtfgLMaent.'prcsu'm? the Iiim-i o"thc enemy must jia ve been greater. Edit; Vas. Gaz Jungfurn Tigmtx. 25 uriles N. West from Prague. ''-..-Petsrsxraldey 1 8 miles S. by E. of Dresden, 10 mues in . ov w. 01 loputz . i 1 ri" m A - s n 1 1J 1 em M tiiA "Jtttenberg. on the road fi omToplitz to Dres den;' it) miles from the former and i5 from the latter place , VJT " ; Marienberg, 38 jjiiles S. W. of Dresden. ' : TipLitz w Boliemia, 23 mjles 8. of Dresden, and' 40 N", X. E. of Pra gue. fc Commotm, 50 miles X. V. of Prague. 2Sibtitz'.iJf'miU$N. by V. of Commotau,30 S..W, of Dresden. " Jlit Sieda. 15 miles S. of Dresden. - fiippotdswtlde, about 10 miles . by W. of Urcsuen. ', :-,i:r:' '-.-V Pluiien) near the walls of Dresden. ' . Halle ndorf. on the road, from Dresden" to Pe- terwalde, about 3 miles in adrance'of the lat-J ter. -. : - '.- : r , ' "'. : Zinitfalde, on the frontiers of Bohemia, 20 mile S. of Dresden, in advance of Toplitz. ' -C.Katrn-or Culm, about 5 miles 8by E.sf To plitz.- -: -: --, .: '-: '',! - r PasU'iani of the 'STlesim army, Milder General tnwmhujrg, on the Bobr, 50 miles W, from Breslaa. . ' : . .. ' Jbifer, 30 miles f..hj 15. it BresXliS '-, . ' Ner Store. rt ROMMEUN "& 8AYRE, thankful for the iiieral encoutagement rcccivelince commencing busi ness in this place, inform tlietr lrii.nds and the public mat they ave just received, from New-Yoik and Philadelphia, a hand some ass -tt-ment of WOOLLEN and FANCY GOODS, well adapted to the present season and laid in f r cash, which enable them to sell as cheap as anjr in this place. r AMONG THEM ARI CothS, - Ca si meres, Vestings, Stockinetts, Coatings, ' Flannels, B cking 8aire, India Mtrslrnsjp' Cambric do. Linens) - Cotton Shirtingtr; LongLaqui," " Calicoes, - - Dimities, , Bombaaetts, White and colored Lustrings, Levantine Silks, Silk Hose, , . Clotton and wotsted do. , ' Long and short Silk Gloves, Kid , do.' -Men'f Setvef ; Ribbons, Silk Cord, ' Sarsenet ti, ( Pasteboard and Wire, -Bonnets, " ' ' Shoes, &c. &. -JL- Cotton and Silk Bandanoes,- . vriru A VARIETT Of otheH AkTien.ES-. iUleig!., Niv. 11, 4813 V. V . - 19 $u Adj utant-General's Office, lALElOH, KOV.H, 1813. IT is required of all Officers, called into ser vice since the 16th day of July last, to foitrard to this Of fice immediate ly a Muster ftoll of the Officers and Soldiers Un der their Command respectively, desigmtirg thetimeof ser vice of each person. - . '.-; ' - ' ' ' i is requested v of all Officers and other persons," who have fuiatshed any of the Trcog of this Si ate called into lerv'fci ince jhe 16 h of July last, with any kind of provisions orothei supplies to forward to this office immediately an account thereof luly authenticated. - ' :.:. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Adjurant-Gencra-W-J; ' bl (he Militia of K.Carolinji, otice is hereby given, THAT the subscriber has ' LOST, tw XnOf ES, given tu hiru or to D. it S. Jackson ; one's them lor aboui thirty-five dwllats, and the other lof thicy.Svsi dollars and eight cents, and both tiated on a- about the 13ts ay of September, 1813, signed or executed by Benjamin Join er and John Che y. This is therefore to furfoid the said Joiaetf ad Cherry paying the said note to any other person than niy seizor older; and alu to lorwafn every other person fruls) purchasing or trading far said notes, as I have taken the fleets sary steps to prevent tl cir bon.g paid until ihey arc returned sa merArry-personrh3Vr.ig-iaid -notesy is- reqtteteetedeli them to the subscriber, as they can be of no use to "arv othtf peison. ' t -. DAVID JACKSON, Greensville, (Pitt) Oct. 23, 1813. 17,3i. , For sale, ' THE handsome little FARM, of one hutit dred acres,4bout 4 miles te the tastv.f Raieig . ?$f, to ' "DANIfiLDU IRk, Raleigh, 12th Nov. 1813. . 19 it. State oi North-Carolina, PITT COUNTY. Court of Pleas and (luarter-SessiottQ August Term, 1813. William Adams versus Alexander Nelson. " OMOlMAl, I ri jICHMINT, Levied on a otece n land suDooitd 10 detain ore hun'red twi nty acres, 1 adjoining the land of G.ies Nelsonj Ecwai Lajneng,:Mj SarnWr-TutennITT-Adam A TT appearing to the satisfaction of the cowl A that the defendant mi the above case 1 is hot an inhabitant d this state, ordeied, that publication be made in the Minerva he three months that unless the defendant appear at .the next tf succeiding term of this Court, to be held for this county at ths Court-house in Greensville, on the first Monday in Novembsf and Febi pary next, replevy and plead, judgnent will be cntetf ed against hira. U,ew3ip. Test, ALEXANDER EVANS, elerfc. Baleigli and Newbern Stages. SCOTT & HELM propose starting, withia sSort time, a new Line of Staees. to run weekly from R eigh to Washington's Store; where it will meet Mr. Jw. Bell's bine fjom Newbcin.The Stages willleave Raleigh 4c NewhtrSJ every Monday at II A. M. meet at Washington's Store everf Tuesday ari9 A: M. and return to bot" places on Wednesdaf 41 8 A.,M. FARE to Washinrton'i Store, 6 4liars, fre lencc lo Newbern, 6 dollars, and in proportion for intermedin itt d:siances.. , ' - .,'"- .. ' '-' ' P. S. CASH will he given for five 01 siigood StsgeHf? application to WILLIAM SCOTrRa'tb'