V if- 'u' V. ' "M, -4i e ,'! r, V -4 . . cir AuWst that this Minister raVrW lew Be- Jrfaraliott; by which" the, dirficultiea with respect .v fb forms Wereby HO' WeanSremOyddnoMheBC- ' 'jict'v After a' usclesj etchkngioi' notesuporr . .'-arrived. ,The f russian and Russian' fiftgoeia x tors cduld not exceed this term r the Congress nl lliTA MAnllftIillit)ll(ip Austria .Xadl to forin w as" previously dteWitiedby the i4 ft; - V taction of thejmpossibiltt jhngr'daubtfol point 'of view in which flisMa. -.'Testy examined the great question in dk;"te ; the principle and intentions; of iXcjAlllt, wherem the Kai U tV 4aiiahl Mat J iejt Sided ebuntfy, lt ', - x'f ( v 1 Thd Uriti?h soldier" wilt; view; this outjfac, which, is an-abandonment of all priflcjplc, and aa agfffavation ofxh6 atroeioqijnitilli and ery el barbarities daily and malic jeuilv practised on many of hii unhappy comrades, have fallen into the hands o toA enemy, a ahadrtional ijicitcment-to" coafiria- his-Jftolat?onreverto yield Iwt with hi lify hi. liberty , tj an ene my who i a stringer .to evey principle of Mor off aatice and of tlie! laws or war. : . ; .; 'Adi.' Oca.- British North America, feefor rccoroised lim own-ndrxjffraC of a lewr trvm Major ixtntrni - frit " vjiicii leir no-room or nnseoncepiion. - - ;t Is'ot'wrthoot sincere aBietiony and alooe con oled'fe -the ertaloty that every hieans to a . told, the war had beeu exhaaitcdj doea theEni ' -pefof now;Cnd hiiaself eouipellcd to action.-- "or three jeara ha M Majesty laboured"ith -.lnieeaa:in peweven.e to effect, by luiW ajad ?jtonfeiIiatry)enF?uci iral and darablc peace lOT.ivu8iria uuu tor Europe. Ati m cuuvm ui jhare faijled herblla nowao rtmedy no recou we to bliad but ta araM. The vatperor takes thmiip .wiUouta1j peMOtial-aniajoaityf from wa panfuljoeeesiiy;, froni an irreuUtaVle duty, 4pon gfouKtU whieif aay faithful iti.ea of- hi , Alm, whiehthe world, which the ktuperor 4oleoH hioiaelf in a moment if tranquility and ' Tfasonl will acknowledge aad justify. The ue- ,iaessitv of tufe waxifa enstfavea in the heart of averyXuftrian, of every Kuropean,under hose ;ioeyer . dominion he may tUcK in 'each legible afcaractera, that no art is necessary to distin f cuish them Tlie nation aid the army will do , StJieir daty. An union estibliRhed by. eoinmon Bccessityy , and by , theantual interest of every j ' if i' ' . f .. !i .. . .1 3 ' '.III t power Uiai is m aruif Jir jis liiuepmniuacv:, win t ,give due weight to or excrUons, ami the result, , 'wjih Ue asitaaep of Heaven, will be such as ' iitiist fulfil the lust expectations of ecry friend iif Order aud or Peace.. ' - ' iiiiliiil "'"V ; I yesjerday evening had 'the honor to re ccive yVuf letter of (he irtli past, and shall int mediutely transmit : a copy.of it to theExeCfftive Of tlie United Btute. ; V" " ' ' ' I forbear to an toad vert on the acts of our sn pe'riors 'whafeyef may be thtir "tendency ; but you niiist pardon me, for taking exception to an havfehce'nlroiieht We; ,Ia'th nuniha? there Is a snffieiWybat slight ryMoJni ' ' I have U regret, that fiveoiv brave feit-w? have hefrt killed: and about 80 wounded t some badlvi lint none I hone: moHallvV Bh offieerd and men behaved'with the inmost bravery and -'Captains Smith and Bradley,, and Winston, are w ounded, all slight v.--Nr officer is killed. , oooh as Meneral Vofiee maiceania repoi : i shall enclose it. " ; - '" J'-; '. If liifl iiffiipWf infmlv of nrovistoM, we shouJJ in a short time accomplish the objeefof th eipedHibn; 'y: -v -; '- I have the honor to be &e.' , - -' ; ANDREW JACK SON. . S. Seventeen Cherokees under the com- jnand of Col. Brown', acted w ith bravery in tlie '.'lid Jim Fife, of th shed themselves. 4' Mr. Roberts presented a billjfor theTat dtcnt otithe JnrorsattevdinKithe cniin."! . cnAm-Tnif Vnurta' lfl J Via vnmiitf'ot P.i V ' . for otfcir purposes. 1 ' i - 1 ' Mr. v.v . .Jones presented a bill fur u better rcsulatioa of the WilnTTagtotf aeadew . Mr. Phifer presented the- petilign nf vl'l Baker of Rowan, prayinjjhatthe dividinff the county of Cabarrus.'; . Mr W, W. Jones prpsented a bill to aithori in the coinmiasioiiers of pilotage for the n0I! of Wihiiingtaa tQ supply vacancies oeeasiontf by death or resignation. . 1, : ' Mr. Beawejl (Moore) presented a bill al qualwe the land fax and to amend the mew laws of this 'stated : '? ' ' 5 Mr. E. Harris presented a bill to estaMi one' other separate'' cleetioh in -th oiint r Meeklenburg;.X j ... .r; 1 '. Jlr. Cailawavpresented the petition 0f a.. action., j Two ofChena'bbyT sons, it Natchez tribe,' al.?o dislingui One Of the CreekTrophcls is killed. A; J. V Fire e are sorry to state; that on Fri- expression in your letter, i ne-government orjuay nignt last tne draw r.onse, poiongmg to 9 " L KKIIJSU," the VYaIwutan Undge, together with aliout tw o hundred feet 'of he lrifltre was consumed the Unitod States rantiot b by -any consideration of Life, - orDealh,of- De predation, or Lonnairr-tion, from tneraunlui by .lire, -.ihia yvill occasion a ducharse ofita dotv to the Ameriean Aation.Terruption to the travellers ouieers oi muiua oi asu -.eouuiy, praviurthu ttead referred to a seee joint conrmittee. ( m( ' a it be constituted a rifle regiment. mi A PROCLAMATION, Bit rrtn. 27. Harrison. Major GeneTal in the Mr.4 Crow presenterf the petition of the -l.v - U r,..i i'-'.T ..-I!.- support of the poor of said couuty. .Mr.He.lfe, presentetl a petition and bi'J ta authorises the. Trustees if Nhonton aeaer,,. to sen crriam uuuse ana ion, aua lorr otiit very serious in and -w aeons, of which there are vast numt'-rs -dailv nussniff purposes. Uorth and south. The bridire wo houe and I : J as. Iredell, esq', wns elected solicitor of rt.. expect will be 'speedily refitted ; as it has,-firaj judreial district in the room of Mr. Sladt .l?nuy of the U. States, and- commanding the' since the war, inadra hoi.(!somo interest to the'; deceased. American Intelligence. aaAKSLAtioy irnoM the origih.l ix frkncb. ; IEa-Quarttrjf-Md)itrealy 27tfi Oct. 1813. . GENEftAL ORDERS. ilis Exeell ency, the Governor General and , - LRouimander of (he forces, having transmittejl to t jlU Majesty ;a government a letter from Major CJjuertif Dearborn, announcing that the Ameri- .v. can Commissary of Prisoners, resident at Lon don, had informed his government that twenty three aolitiera of the Istf fltK and lth Regc , tuen.ts U. S. Iufiintry, taken prisoners, liad been ' sent to England, and were detained in rjgorous S'.iid AI.1 uir fliirriil nnrtmrn. ti A J rer.pivpd in- j. . . , -, ' 7" " atmetions from his irovernment to place in elose i;apt as hostages for the satety and exchange of uo aioreaiu u. 9. soldiers sent to lingiauu j 'wtd that, fin obedience to lii said instructions, ne.nau eaaeou iwcniy lureejunusu soiuiers 10 1 J,be '5ne(f and kept as hostages : nd - Hie persons mentioned in the letter oi Major : . , Cfaeral Dearborn beitig soldiers serving in the .American arrnj aaude prisoners at Queenstown, -th'(?Tdeclared that they were bom "'British sub. - jcctsi having been.sent in confinement to Eug . . land to-be Jried acewdiuK to law : His Excel- ' 1 leiicy the commander of the forees,r has receiv- v,JiegattKrougL the;Omee of Uie Riglit Hon. Eighth Military District. An armistice havieg been concluded between the United Slates and the ti ihes of Indians caTT cd Miamics, Palawatainies, Eel River Mia itiies, Weas, O'ttoways, Chippeways and Wyan dots, to eontinue until thej pleasure of the gov enimentofthe former shall be known 1 do hereby make known the siime to all whom it may eoncera,This Armistice is preparatory to a general eonncil to be held with these different tribes tand uutll its teraiinatian they havebeca permitted to retire to tluM hunting crounils,and there to remain unmolested, if thev' behave themselves peaceably; They have surrendered into onr hands homages from each tribe, and have- agreed immediately to restore all our stockholders besides creatiiiR a larse surplus: Mr. Iloke presented a bill' to establish' arl fund, which the directors have prudently bus-incorporate an ! academy in the Iqwu of Lincoln, band3dfor'exireneics. Iton. . J Mr. Collirts presented a bill to regulate prae pATTsnCRtt, kov 10. .jiinoncrs 01 pnysic in mis siaie. -tJeneral Hampton arrived at this plaee from1 Mr. Taliaferro presented the petition of (Jhateangay last might,, and it is said, and 1 r reaenc Aioens siaung mat ne wa an entigi believe with-trtitlitliathts armv rr-on"its in the revolutionary w ar and pray iug thrN march lor Odlelown, with intention to pene- rearazes. of pay due him for said service trate into Canada b the Lacade Road, to coT ! A bill was receivcdfrom the Senate to amenj op'erateJvithAViikiusottV army, wbih-isjd-ihe acts now in fOrce relative -to- appeals from seendmg the Kiver m. Lawrence, and haa tne couHty to me superior eouns. passed Prescott and Oedeusburs. Since the, , Tuesday, wAor. 23. rajiis, the weather has been lne. Yesterday : Mr. Hamlin presented a bill to regulate eleo was as brilliant and almost as warm as a sum. tions in the county ot llalitax. user's day. Ever since Gen. HuMir-ton went to . Mr. Steele presented a petition, and a bill prisoners in their possession, and to unite with 1 Canada by Chateaujray; Plattsbure has been in conformity thereto, to incorporate the The us in the chastisement of any Indians, who may threatened with invasion from Odielnwn; but pian Society of the town of Salisbury, and for commit any accession noon onr frontiers. I believe we Bl.all no.vy throw hack the invasion other purposes. Under thesicireumstanees, I exhort all citi- i upon onr British neighbors between this and Mr. Stewart presented the petition of Eliza 7.ens living upon the Jroutiers to respect tho'Jst. John s. The celebrated Col. Clark will heth M Kinnie of Iredel, pravme to hate secur terms of Said armistice, and neither to engage (have a very handsome command of Riflemen, ,ed to her certain property against the claimof id nor countenance any expedition aeainst their ! when the army moves aain into Canada. with whom the constitution has left X01 d BalburstrSacrelaryof State, to announce - without delay to Mr.jor General Dearborn that -hi.htf trauiawiHtd- to hit government acopyof -g aqairi in march for th tliftt ktterr und thatin-coniiequencehe had re u Jir'.l l'fctriir.liina. fi i.!rk.avi)1nit n4io tit , (Major Gch. Dearborn, that his ExeUency had ' ',b"en comiuandedbyhis Royal Highness; the ' I'Mtrmln rfpMtniln hivthuHh a I no a I t a mnfu An anrl t Tjjjtain 'fortyali American o5eeirs and non-eom-, missioned oSieera as hostages for the safety of thtftwenty threoBritish soldierTwho have been fc ioaclylonSjrder of the American '.gov- ; - ' qritjjieQri , Ahe4iam , directed to giy nolicey thai he i anthoir ized in - -wse any of the said British raldters Uonld suf- - fur death viid?r the preteit, that the soldiers it to pur sue such course with respect to the Indians as thvy may think uir,t compatible with sound po licy and the best interests' of the conntry. Done at Detroit, this 1 r.th Oct. t8is. WM. 11. HARRISON. LATEST FROM THE FRONTIER AND ' EN TIRELV TO BE DKPKNDKO ON. Extract of letter jrm the irnuf. "General Wilkinson pased the hriiish fort at Prescott, on the night of th-flth inst. and without other loss than two privates killed and three wounded. " Ho was' at Hainhlcton on the 8th, where ;thc cavalry, &c. was crossed. No raokstation had been civen by the Canadians. They rejired from the waterside, scarcely any venturing to look at i)ir parsing armament. . They do not, as on Ue ChitfiaiigaJayjvasleJhe countryLin our front. " This (Gen. Hampton's') division of the ar e St. Lawrence. her husband. I Oii motion of Mr. Roberts, Resolved, That A letter irom Jonn blephens JiCgialahirD of North Carolina. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Thu rsda 7, Aor, 1 8. on the subject of steam-boats, was laid before the house by the Speaker, read and retcrrVd. Mr. Spencer presented the petition "'of the Pre sident and Directors of the Rose Bay .Turnpike Company j and a bill, in eonlonmty the.revith,;bei- ofJii.inhal)itant8 of the town bf 'fatffs" to amend the act establi. Uirfg a turnpike from ville Dravins to have certain obatruetions rea (the west end of Mittamuskcct to Rose Bay, taj moved from a street of said town. ,vilc' j Mr. Stanly presented the petition of tim jamin I). Rounsaville J of Raleigh, stating that to two tracts ot land lo'.tha and amend the wreck laws of this state, with. Dower to rCnort bv bill, v ! Mr.. Uutnhertson presented a bill conccrnuij divorce and alimony. Mr. Jordan presented a bill to anthorisw ! Anson Albertson to cut a caial and inke a road thereon. Mr. New by presented the petition of aflunK the prlvilcffes of eitizenshhn R6ad and refer red. Mr. Black presented tho. petition of John A few days will settle the question whether we pass our Christmas before Quebec. or not. " The plan of campaign (now it is fully de ve4oped) is iha subject of universal praise in the army, it is deep, exact and comprehensive.- Without same act of God, w e shall execute it worthily .. . CREEK INDIANS. '' .". ' Mount Vernon j-Sept. 56.--SIR Agreeably to your order of the 2ist inst. we procejedeu to Minims Fort to collect 1 f hp Itnnfw nf nnr ennntrvinon ttinl fpll in flin . ow prisoners in iigiandand whom not only jiate attack on that placo, aud to bury their re , tlie law of Greatjritamlmt of every itidepend-1 mainSj (helast human office that we could pcr- ox state, placed under the sairfe circumstances , form to iho ,Se(M,ieg of our fellow citi:eiii, mid ttojld coadeiuny najeJnJounJLSjit;Lan(Li ; . ., . . iCDUsequeuc been execute,' f t(r select from a-j collected and consigned to the earth mopg the Amerieaa plhitr and nou-commis- 'fVO HUNDRED AND FORTY SEVEN. prisoners uoaoie tne ( inclddiug MEN, WOMEN &; CHILDREN. jumwr oi Mruispaoiaiers.w.hO snail ive been The a.iiacent woodi.w(.r Mt'Iv-Kearr..l,pd countrymen, -.and in that pursuit we ala lightered Friday, Jcr. 19. Mr. Brown presented anetition from aiium- 'hc is entitled her of inhabitants of Robeson, graying that a j county of Rowan, the title to which lands Uh certain Duncan Campbell may be restored to the state, and praying that the casa may ba enquired into Indians. so unjiKtly put todeath, 'and to, immediately execute ine aaiu oiiicet;stana.nonommissioneJ discovcrrd Andjbi3 Excejfeneis' hirt . ; make known toi Major Gcjn. Dearborn that tho oouita'auderi iif the armicV au'3 qf, the "Beets of -mg-umjcju-y bu int!yx4nerieuacoasjsr iiayereeev The ailjac 1 (for our at least one hundred They were covered with rail, brush, , , td erdera to prosecute Jhovar, with uninf ermit' . . liug rigor against all the 'fowri'leitier, or villa- . ge beiowiug to the United States, and. against the inhabitants thereof if after the due comma niealian of these preseutff to Maj." Gen. Dear borr arid the grant of a reasonable timo for , traukmitting thein to the American Govemmcnt, iliatgoremmeht'8huJ(' ttphappilyV'rfHBQola han Jjii it a ileaigii of:iaking-away the liveaof a-iiy-of tha soldJeri who are at presentj or who may hereafter bo'kept as holtars, for the canscs ( metitiwiu'd ia.'the letter of Moj. General Dear- . bam. ' v..- ..a:v - -. - ; &c. . We could 'not be mistaken -as to their being Indians, as they, were interred with their wardress and implements and although they naTernassarred a number ot our Hi excellency theommadcr 'of ilic forces I ; ahnounci nr to the: troops thVOrderi of his'roy t " hichiteaa the Prince Rejrout. flatters himself tbai lhsy will be sonsiblviof the paternal solici tuda which his royat highness Nas' shewn for th protection tit the, person aiid honor of the helpless wo men and childrenVit is beyond uaubt, to thonri'', a daar bo tg'it victory. The adjacent country wehave strictly examiued, and no sight of In dians coHld be ifiscoyered. t The object of our command being completed, we have returned ta this post." ''AVIiavehlf hbuo'r,'td'''be,'" with great rea pect, vonr ob'tscrvantf , (Siguud) J. P. KENNEDY, ; CapUand Brig. Mfljorr'Comiiianding - , - '.'.J.. Me Detachments . V F. L. Claiborne, - - Brig. lien. Com mand mg JTouut f VeriiMn andii De.pendencest--t LntHh soliwr, wbicb,'in cofttempt of jHtice, of hu inanity, and the lay of na'tiona, : have been si'Iyitragad.ia Ike porsorii 'ofttrcaty th'reT - sviMirs now doTy oolllSied ashostag for an e, jflal nuiuWr 9f traitors:-ivho have beon g'lilty w the iufaumus a il iiooatural-erittte of 'ri4ing ; thi;r. parricidal arnjsaga.Just the cnunlry'whiaj jav tiwa biitb, and who wifthrujtried aeord- - VICTORY OF THE TENNESSEE 60RP8, y: '. Camp' at Ten Islands, Jav Mhj 1813. Gov. Bloujt r't ... ,. , '.' "'. " r Sir, We have i-etaliated for the de struction of Fort Mims. " On thedl detaehed GanCotlee with a part of hisbrigade of caval ry .and mounted rulemen, to destroy: Tallus hatehes, where a considerable force of tho hos tile Creeks .were concentrated.' ' The General exeauted this in stile. ,T!A hundred and eighty six ,of the jencmy were found dead on the fialf aad aboiit erghtj lakes prisoners ; iO d' whom Hawthorn of Robeson, stating that a certain Ja cob Rhodes of that county, had embraced in a grant for SOOOcres of land the further quant i ty of 18,000 acres, and praying' that he might be compelled to surrender said surplusage Read and referred. Mr. Phlfir presented the petition of Jame.s Oxr and others of Mecklenbursr. claiminir a war rant for 3)0 acres of land, as heirs of -Charles I Orr, a corporal m the late w ar. Read aud re ferred. Mr. Loftin presented a bill to-amend an act e.stdhlMiing an academy iathe town ol'KinS.ton. Read 'and 'referred. ' MrTBoylao.(Wake) presented the following resolutton. hfsoived, That a select joint com mittee ofhoth houses be appointed t take into consideration the situation of the public build ings ami property in and adjacent to the city of Ralei gh-an d th trptftp r ietyo rhuildTng suitaT ble houses for the acrmnmodation of tho execu tive of this state. Agreed to. ' , Mr. Carson presented the petition of Jona than Hampton,. attorney for Joseph Milligan, praying that he he authorised to receive a warrantlssned at the last 'session of the Gene ral Assembly in favor of Said Milligan. - The several subjects contained in his Excel lency the, Governor's message, were jointly re ferred to select committees. ' -" i1 r - -. ' Sft fi rrfff Anfr307" Mr. Martin presented a1 bill to alter the place of holding.a separate election in the county of Wilkes. .. . Mr. Newby presented a bill to incorporate the "Orphan Assylum Rociety" of Favette- ville. Read and referred. - f . On motion of Mr. Drew, Bfsotved, That the committee appointed to take into consideration so much of tne Governor's message as relates to the propriety of the State's obtafning by loan, and paying into the Treasury of the U. States, its quota of the direct tax imposed by the act of Congress at their late session, be instructed to enquire from corporate bodies or others, up on wliat ierms and upon what conditions and usance money canTic borrowed for the purpose aforesaid. ''-,::'.'..:.;' : Mr. Stanly presented a bill to incorporate a company to he called the Club-feot and Har lem's Creek eanal company ; ' and a bill re specting the Episcopal Chnrch of Newbem, and the property thereto belonsrme. -Mr. Cameron presented the memorial of V if- of the pnblic lahd adjoining his lot. Reajd and referred to tb contrail tee on tka pablia pro- Vr. Stone. . uh introducing the resolutions; inserted dm low, Mr. Drew, of Halifax, remarked, that ha had never with greater pride submitted to il house any proposition. This was a govern ment founded on public opinion and it lvasaa inherent right of the people to. censure such of their representatives as might have aberrated from the path of public duty. However thu principle should be controverted by some, and however others entertained opinions of the ia expediency of arraigning before' the public tiv bunal the conduct, of person entrusted with high and honorable offices, no "consideration should deter him from bestowing censure Vners. he thought it nressary. With this "aV he had prepared' thej resolutions he held in hand, expressing a disapprobation ot the cod duct of Mr. DavidStone, of Bertie, and there fore asked leave to introduce them: RE SO LUT10NS INTRQDUCEPiy THE GtStKKt e especially those of the republican torm ;re all political power is wisely vested in ths pie, it is the iuhercnt right of the eonitito. to call in question, to consider, aud finally ASSEMHLT 6T THE STATE OF K. CAKOLISA In all free and Well organized government more especially those of the republican form, whe people pirt to call in nnestion, if pecessary, to reprehend the moral nttP". tiAal cowluct of their represenlatives: An! whereas, in the present jnst and necessary vtx which the United States are '.waging aSa.T Britain, it is the absolute duty of every-eittf toRhToveThirintert try, to guard ,the republic from external m well internal fo'esand to promote the interest! the aecprity and welfare of the great common wealth Of the United States of America: Ana whereas, David Stone, of Bertie, Esquirer Senator of this State in the Congress of the t. States, did, for reasons best known to fl,f e1'' but in opposition to thertrne and obvious l.nwr. e. and policy of the United States, "akcontrJ ry to the wishes ami expectations of the g people of this State, vote again the law inj posing a direct tax on the people of the Lm States, in order to support the war j ag ainsi act laying an embargo to restrain and proni the illicit intercourse and correspondence up in tima of (war by the British tones of our country, with the cruel and savage enemy m erin on Oai sea-coast, and feeding. them l roj our jiarbor and shores ; against tho apP' . tnent by thePresident of the hbnorabhyi w Gallatin, as ambassador to the court of ttj When v'e therefore consider tholtnowji pr " men jr. oiuuc pies on w Lim publicly avowed and declared preuj" hia election to the bigb office.af honor and ru which he now holds, aad which he ha V faitly abasd, aad wkich, wkecaatrastcd

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