. . 77- ' 7n.fT- . .'-iL v v;- -v-. -t '2'i 4 1813. i--...... - w Mia v .'!lr.;:..:' ri J:'K:iiKrm . ; '''' - - ' ' '':m'. . "' ''"V. .. I :'- , :v ' ' - -I" ' . ' ' ' ' . : ' RALKfOil, (N. C.) 7 7 P&INTED, WEEKI.T, BT ALJtX, LUCAS. yr of tubKriytion : Th.yc dulUn per'yeavont half to oe paid in advance. No paper lobe continued I inf er than three nw th a ter a vear'i uticription becomes iiae, and notice thereof ahall have buen given. ' ' . fdsfrtitrni'ntt, not exceeding ! lin, 'Sre inserted thiice fcr one d.Uar, and for twenty-five centi each f ubeqWnt inier tioo ? an l in like proportion where there is a greater number ! ,ol l ne than fouiteen. g. American Intelligence. v v MOKTREAL, OCT. 30. esterday sixly-tv?9 American prisoners ar- frovsace auti at aiUeaujuay.. ... We see by the Quebec Gazette of the 3ist tist. that the embargo on all articles of erairi f militia, twice wounded severely, but not M?er- uiij captain ruyer, unateftueuay utai- f ears , iliarhtly. EDWARD B AYNBS, Aj. G . QUEBEC, NOV. Ofl Friday and Saturday were escorted I detaehtneut of taior Bell's davalry,' from t quarters, atBeauporte, to the,newjaol, twii- ty-three American officers; and, ou tte'Iat day were also taken frdm the prison ships, a escorted, by a detachment of the 103d reitne to uiesame prison, a like number of non-Co missioocd omcers, making in all ft, 'conform able, to the Ueneral llrtlet of the 27th inst. The Tuleraph announces 2 frigates, 19 squarJiggeujr-esseisiLniLSiiaopa r.4 4er thi grade of a field officer, merlhai.arc Qeeessarr oy our own law. Since our last., the Steam thre"e arrivals at this place MONTREAL, ifOT. 8. J. iteam-Boat has made jT' 1 ce, on Saturday Thft Adjutant -Oeneral conceives it to be his bonden doty to 'remonstrate against that dispo sition too prevalent 'among the military in mak 1A5 more officers than are necessary to constitute their command. , " , When war clists, these evils wiU. arise; firstj that the pay of the army will bo etfcf eas ed' unnecessarily and secondly, if tbe . events ofwaf' should be unfortunate witljt Us, the ex chauge of prisoners will operate a disadvantage An nnr nart A nnin. whtut the militia ftp an v I 7 V- " 7 j Wart of theru, are railed into the actual Service of the .United States, they will not re- teive- pav from ..he general goVeminent unless viey are organized agreeaniy 10 me roies pre- eu at the war. department, which a.,?, a comaany.f shall consist of one hundred and provision, which had been continaed tiM niti'g, Wednesday, and. this m3rniag-froJa 3iYZWX 0tb ofXbe present month, jsTexilal-(witb tl Uhieh bare be,;, andeda eoMerMlramher ... .rrj i .,:-.fi-w. . .. .ZT'.-t -.a.;:i-: ..-.1 t-..i - itonant of out thousand meni exelnsiYe of oln vi nayujs auhi ,uu4 mrs jim use u uiil-i n itviiict;,- -'txL':' :'- . 1 1 n. 1 cers. p v . - fx -eotion of siiniilies taftesarr far the fisheriM tn the eoast oKLabraddr? and the settlements n Hie Anticosti) till the 10th of December, v" We had a report here yesterday, brought from Kingston, of an American boat, -with an oiHeer and nine men,, baying lately been drivel ashore ner'1,hat place in a crale, when they -im4r...!.'u-.'---Y"-..'--.T r- ' i . , . - jurrav4crL, lucinsoives in iiousrn 01 war- inese jnen say, vye understand 'that they, farm parf Four Companies' of '-Marines left here yes terday aud about 300 this morning, for Pi'cs-1 cott. Copy of a letter from Sir George Prevoat ta ,1 Com. Sir Jittnes L. Yco. rfead-Qaarieu, Kingjto-, . - , iP.h Srpt. 1813. 1 r?tR.i ke erntre division ot tne Uooer Ca ora large military ioree whieh had left Us-weep' :, . ,. 1 ... .. rr r fnr S:,4.tt'a ,! ivn, fhn .;' army is placed n a stnatiou very criti- 1 Vi! 1 , r"- , cal and one novel the systet i of war, that of lense of the gale they apprehended lis loss of I;,,..,,,- - ,, J -M . . 1J .1- i iinvestmea foree vastly superior m numbers, jst of the boats, conveying this reinforce-w:th:tl fr,iniv JLaJui t, 1 ; HEAD rQUAHTEJl8. lJl Tourers, oh Chateauguay $ivert October 27 th. 1313. adopted and ha3 been maintained from a confi ident expectation, that, with the co-operation of khe sqiiadron under S our command a combined rattack, ere this, could have been eftected on ihs In the Wccall on the military to defend our maritime (rentier, many inconveniences arose in niakjngiliis organization conformable to the rules adopied by the general government. Ma ny officers yere janavoirdably discharged from service, aiid the soldiery attached to companies with whom tncy were unacquainted. John Haywood, esq. was re-eWed trejasnrefi and Samuel Ghtod win, esq, comptroller of Ihl V treasnry, without opposition, r , . Mr. Jenoir presented a-bill io establish ik superior conrt of law alnd equity in die count' of Haywood ,t p A bill Was received from the 8epate to r?Pdl , so much, of an net passed m the year 1813, iu exempts free negrwes and inalattues from mns terjng. ' - . ''1 . .. - FrtiaytiM. 2Jr Mr. Cameron presented a bin concerning the sit'Ond or Haw held regiment of militia, in Qi range county. , " Mr. . Cherry presented the petition of tbe heirs jfJotin Balhird praying a warrant, for lands to wliichTtbeir ancestor was entitled as a soldier in the revolutionary war Referred to the committee on military land warrants. - Mr, Beek presented a bill to establish a ie minary of learning, in the county of JJupln, by the5 'name of Greene Academy $ Mr.jKoore'i'T-" a bill to amend art act declurine certain water v sKiris irom u:c town 01 omimviue, in the coun ty of Brunswick and Mr. Wm. WJones aj bill to direot the manner in, which naval stores and provisions "shall ' in future be inspected. Read the first time. ' Mri Davmiport; from the cewnmittae on tno public property, presented a bill for the bettelt To remedy fii ral recommend. 1 1 regiments UVt Wace ; that where two Or more in this state, was rejected by yeas and nays, 1 resrimeius cx.v m any one county in misstate, 10 in. is in future, the djutant Gene- acoommodation of the governors of this statef , that a new organization of the ; The bill to regulate . praetiflners of physic ' exiHn any one county in this state, to 111. that some be aMished undtiihers augmented to that number of irivatcs wtiicJ: the legislature r. : ' . v .1 .'.I .. ' ' i- ' r m.T.fi vWmv.n I . ,,...11 1 1- k j- j 1 ' j. . i enemy at i ort Ucorate with every, prospect of ernor iu chiei and commander of the force has' rt 'L -t.k,. 1. JJ.. received from Maj. Gen. Dtf.Vatteyille thi may prescribe famt that this organization be regulate the annuafjettions in Hyde cod Saturday, JVoy. 27. Mr. Spencer presented a bill to alter, and. mauc as near n that 01 the united &utes as may be convenient. 'T'., port 0; the vauueu posi Tuesday morning, between the American ar my .under Alaj. Gen, Hamplon, and the ad vaacii pickets of the British thrown out for the pnrpou of covering voi kiug parties, under ur. uuvvtiuii vi juicui. voi. oaiisuerry , me judicious position chosen by that officer, and tlie excellent disposition of hU little band, Com posed of the liguV company of Canadian FenT eibks, and two oorapanies of Canadian Volti- jpurs, repulsed with loss the ad vanse of the tnamy's principal column, commanded by Gen. Hampton ia person, and the Ameiicau light rtgade under Colonel M?Carthy was in alike toiinner ehecked in its progress on the south Ide of the river, by the gallant and spirited oi'tba flunk 'etNnpapy 3d battalW m Vi'J c l militia, luidor Capt. Daley, supported -bvvapt. 3ruversr co npauy of Sedentry militia. C).tain. Daley and Bruyem beiiig beta woimd di, and their eompaniona bavine sustained! lonw loss, their position. was immediately ta- The nijar generals are required by law to re- ui'ucj. j. u uie louai uistLuvaiunfTPii 01 in" no- view 111c srcrai rrrrimenis nntier tneir com e re-' ;i-..' .1 . t " l ' v. ... 4;!..' ? ' - siiiuiis uccuuicu uj u'u arniy, nuvc Hntiuppiiy ) uiunus i c!riuiyi-iy ioee 111 every two years ". . . , , . , anions occupieu oy our army, nave annanp unair which toak place at the ad- u n j i- j 1 , . v ;; , , , " been added disease and desertion to a der aion of his post, at 11 o'clock on L 11: - j- 1 j r ? .1. v v calling for immediate remedy. ' You are thei (irr. Ills. npfX'PIT inn. Atnurmnn ui' o . ee.lThi is in most, if not in every case, eppres- there-fsive upon Ibis class of officers. The immcdi- fore reqi!ired to proceed with the diipt under ! ate attention of oieers in thatgrade to discipline your oommanil, wun the least passive delay, to and the rudiments ot an army, w n?t so much the head of the lake, affording a suflicient con-1 required as considerations of another sort. It voy to the small vessels containing those stores is sobmitlcd to the legislatuie to extend this aac supples of whieh the army is in the mast term to four years or such other greater length pressing want, " Upon your arrival noar the of time as . tliey may devise. It is submitted to head-quarters of thecntre division, you will the Legislature the proj.'iety of altering the consult with 3laj. uen. JJe ititlenbnrg, who will 11 nil in his person the civil and - military command in Upper Canada, upc.i my with withdrawinz from the province, upon the eli gibility of a combined attack for the purpose of dislodging the enemy from the position of Fort uearge, by a rapid, forward 11m vera en t of the army, bringing up in battery at thy same time, the heavy ordua,ice, mortars and howitzers now embarked. This attack must be supported by the conn- nn Kir n fl inl- n i-i mr C(1, C. :Cr"V!' "f"uu pear toyou to be attended with too crea haz . i, . . -J " . ... . . ' lard to thft s.'iii:i(Irrin. nniitip llifl rnaJ. - - :T J ' " 7 I 'i'f V. 1 1 V U 111 - stance of the enemy appearing on the lake, you peatedly re.t!ir.nci! to the attack, which tormina te l only tfi the day in his compieie disgrace defeat, being foiled by a bftndf.il f men .not amouqtiag to the twentieth part of the force I'PQseu 10 uiem, out wich nevertheless by tlieir determired bravery maintained their po sition, "and 'effectually prutecttd the working parties who continued v their labors nn nujlested' Litfiit. Col. Dc Salisberry reports having experienced thLmost able support frrni Capt. Fegup ia command of the light com- pariy C4Jiad!aaienCil)l!s, jaud also from Capt. Jaau Babtist tiazh nutn'icr attached to the divisions and brigades diSlwcnt froia tliat now established. The piccos of artillery belonging to this state are lying in a ruinous situation in dif ferent sections of North-Carolina. A9 to maga zines and military stores, we have none. It may be thought necessary by some .to make alterations in '.our militia laws. -In the military department it is not to be 'expected that fie Legiftlatnreis to paiut out every duty. Military duties and operations are to be r- tenauce of your gqaadron, and the fire of snch gnlated not only by events, but from ancient vessels as ari' armedr with a description of ord- "'"go and nractrce. Eminent jurists have aanee favorable to it. Should this attemnt an- '.laid down tin maxim, that martial law is built upon no selSleu principles, but is entirely arbi trary its decisions; and in truth and reality it is no law, bi;t sometbicg indulged, rather than ika Bautist D.ueh?sna' and fl:iit. JiiWrpii Duciiesnay, of the two companies of Volti- K5rs; from Capt. .Lamoote and adiatants! HebJcriund C- ylliv.tu, and from every officer. nt difie8TWore"ions'uu. ,f V . regaining the naval superiority, will in that ease distiucllv slate vour sentiments toJajorGelreramerltoTfnburg, who w ill im mediutely, upon ascertaining your inability to assist him, take measures for evacuating the pnsitioq he now occupies. In the cxecntion of whith m6yeiue;:t, you will give his army every support and assistance, consistent with the safe ty of your vessels : and having perfjnned this service, yon wiil parsue uch measures asshaiJ appear most probable to ensure the speedy ac quisition ol the n.iAjal ascccdency. Von- are already acquainted with the decid ed lineof epndnct which I wish to be observed m Lake Erie by capt. Barclay, and yon will Jau to impress on that olhcer the absolute tl. ; Pvony An ,il4j to. preserve uninterrupted the inlerconrse K; f.vhri..r4k ." '1 1 " between Amherstbnfgh and Loni; I'oint, in or- the rapplieslud store, fn depot' at thi Hum p 4.::.i . . ? . - .r ,iauer piacw and at the head orthe lake mav be .MJi.'incii Tvitnefiiins ia ifni'iiipt ttt Tno 'i. .. ....... - trooDs on hi 1:11 . r i ransporieu m Baiety to the right divis on. ' SK t r f rS-,t ,lfV . 'The flotilla of transports on Lake Ontario Vfriflg duty to render them tlint nraise which .-. 4. , , """,IU Jh.so iustlv th.ir J..'r-4 ftr n.w.-. 10 Kepiempioycaiong as tLe season ti He hrtU uA if 4 41 ,v 1 I Wl" anmJt, tn the conveyance of the provisions lib codte & ? r Kl,J,i,1,,e,0.a8 J m?r' '".v, and they are to receive from your foree H i ;-,dcVdwplayed the che.ce f position the necesStirj protion. - til m'n ef f- Ki'itfrCP J CQr! 1 have lhc to be, sir, your obedient D1SI1 CnCflTP Willi I ho ivnnmn l.o. .... rmul I ' ' C '"". numiiifi Bjrva nr. Mcwiowiettgaftents of his fxcellency a;re ue, for tlir gallantry and steadiness, amlHo all the , troop at the station the Highest pra4 belongs, for tjieir teai, steaduncss and iecipline, and - ." Pinent endurance of .hardshipand pn-niimi- wjhlah thcV-havc evinced; ' j'A.dtterhtfrr cd perseverance m this honorable conduroan. ot tail crowning the bravo and loyal Canafli- with victor, and hurling disgrace and con- lurran on theihead of the enemy that would pol te their happy soil. - '' . '...'.,' . the rejmii of pilo?ier8,th enety?g f,ref w ftate'd at .,300 infantrr, Vetnsalvary and ten pieces". The British advanced force aeja- humble servant, GEORGE FREVOST, . Commander of the Forces. C'7?t. Sir J. L. JVo. -7" ' . 1" .. ally engaged did not exceed 300. The enenrv 'icred Sererelir fr'nm ni.rPr'. m tt i'rnm .., rf ... . , .... . . -ir-Own; omfc defacbsJ corps haring fired "Pl each othr bv mistake in th? Is, - t-r "ai'',i" '?Ht conipany had 3 rank and Sle ---A (Sergeant, 5 raak and file wounded, tjv s, rank and file wounded. ,t. "'- ? "alltthott flank conVpany-i capt. Wonnd- 2 runk and file kiile.l, 0 wounded & 4 miss- jpSatatigtiay Chasseurs, l captain wounded. l'tttH?-j r.uk and file kiIe'V 8 ciotains, I servant, i'j ranked illJwoHndedTahd 4 taushg. - . ; ' -. . ... . : v 02iexs woundad Capt. Daley, 3d cnhodid HOUSE OF COMMONS, ' 4 Wednesday, Nov. 24u ADJUTANT GENERAL?S HKtORT. " Ta thf Ifonoi ahLe the General ds$embty of Y. ."' Carolina. , AcreeaWy to the direetransof iirifnfTU Legislature, the Adjutant General respectfully makes the foUou ing Repiirtlo the General As- seinrriv oi ionn-uaroliua: - Th-i, 4he total harnfaer of militialn this state 1 HJl ilU t ll A "in fa r fr! ma ..-I " l ... . ' ...-.1 1. 'lk iv , Miiiiwuu r.t o,.un. iuiii nuiuarv otneers, in ( h e d i s eh ai g ; of their d ill leTaTsu 1 chVmlist take special care that they perform those acts only which have been sanctioned by the usage and praeJiee of our ancestors : for if I he rude hand, under military banners, should invade the sanc tuary of the law, the judges who are the repo sitories of our rights and liberties, will punish the intruder wilh more than usual set erity It is presumed that military gentlemen accept ing an odice, understand the duties attached thereto. lf,however, in some instances they do not, that information is not to be derived from acts passed by the legislature. Our mi litary laws are as extensive as any in the union and in several cases the Legislature have made regulations in part, which perhaps, oughifo Lave been left to construction; The hooks containing letters to and from this otlire, also opinions given, regulations nvide, and orders issued, by and through the ojlice of the Adjutaul-lieneraJ, are herewith submitted to the consideration of your honorable uouy. ROBERT WILLIAMS. Raleigh, Nov. 2,J1.'D. 1813. Thursday, Nov. 23. Mr. Jones of Pernuimmons. nrespnfpl bill to cut a road and make a caual "to drain the same; Mr. J. Barnes a hill, to authorise the county court of Halifax to transcribe their register books 1 Mr. Fennel, a bill to nrnvidp. lor tne payment or witnesses m the county of XT..... II : . . . ii;w-ixaHur ; ana Mr. u. Bawyer, a bill to icjn;ia.ctatMriasres9Tonoflhegener ineluuuig the infantry, eavalrv.rtillprv. i;..i. infaDtry, grenadiers and riflemen, amoii-n0 I S - . "x - . " V I' iK 1 1 any-one ino-.uaud two hundred and niuety eieht oflieers and soldiers j as will more fully appear by haying reference to the abstract anJl iiu..i aa u return herewith submuted. That this number of mihtia is divided into eighty six regim., The act passed 1803 requires sevewtv-seven persons to ake a company, and seven hun dred and seventy seven to conKtitMle a reei ment ; from which it will appear tlnft wc h..ve within the state sixty field officers and five hun dred and ninety eae eomniissioned offiMrs un- assembly, entitled an act to nrevent jinv nmnii i'mm nlKrilpiinv i tin num r. uf Ck :i -. (.iiaaujc ui nan - up Arra nuseor Saw Mill Creeks in Camden county. Severeally read the first time. v v Mr. lioylap presented a bill for the better eoxergment jjLtheLCitvofRaleiirh 1 Mr.- Far mer a bill for the relief of securities 19 eertam cases j Mr. Fierce, a bill to alnend an act pass ed last session irtcornoratfne the WaahitiB-tnn toll bridge company 5 Mr. Newby, a bill to pre vent uuiciiers irom staoghtering beef, cattle, sneep ana nogs on the sabbath day. Severally Mr. Callaway, from the select, committee, made a report accompanied with a bill to form the regiment of infantry of Ash county into a - Mr Wm.W, Jones handed in the annual port of the directors, on the part oflhe state,of me udk 01 vane rear, statins tht th TlnV k'a1a,,0 time fiinec their preceding report is sued a greater number of notes than is pres cribed by th several aeu"ia rtlatioa U said bank. - andMr.Mtfore a bill to authorise Nat bam Potter, late sheriff of Brunswick county, , to elect tne arrearages or taxes lor the year 4811, Both ; id the first time and sent to the seuate, Mr. Bagge, presented a petition, and a bill in conformity thereto, to alter the place of hojding a separate election in the county 6f Stokes. . . Mr. Hoke presented the petition of a number . of inhabitants of Lincoln, respecting the pa, sage of fishiip Buffuloe creek. Refered tt the committee of propositions and grieyances, Mr. P. Barringer, (Cabarrus) presented the) petition of the heirs of Caleb Grainger, dec who was a major in the" revolutionary war praying a warrant for such lands as the saidl Grainger W as entitled to for his services. Re ferred to the committee on military land wax? rants. . . '.. ,. .. ' ":" . . Mr. Huckahse presented the petition of Phf . lemon Hodges of Cumberland county, claiming; as administrator the: arrears of pay dudMi-lt chad Delaney and others, soldiers in the latex war. Also referred to he CCT.mittee on miU tary land warrants.- . Mr. Pinkham, from the committee appoint. ed to conduct the ballottingfor a public printer ' reported, that on counting the votes, it appeaiv ed Thomas Henderson was duly elected. -. , . , ' Mr. Baniel presented a bill to amend thfj . law s relative to the duties of sherifiV ia tho sale of lands for taxej ; and Mr. Martin aill foMl7e7remWaIfcrtaiM suits in the Superior- Courts of Law in this state. Both read 'the fir' lime and sent to the senate. The Speaker laid before the house the fo twiner report jrom the treasurer ' - , ' REPORT. , . To the IlonorabU the General Assembly of thjfc State of North-Curoling;. ' . , Gentlemen, .. ' .' '. A"-:' . . - It is my duty to inform you, that the receipts at the Treasury of North-Carolina, for the year-commencing witbthe. first of Novemr be r, 1813, and ending with the thirty-firs.t. of October, '1813, embracing the public, taxes of every description, the dividends declared by the three seveTal Banks on the stock or share held 111 those establishments by the State, and. the cash received as the purchase money for lapds entered, amoant to thirty nine thousand four hundred and seventy' eight pounds, sixteoa shillings and one penny, (39,478 10 1.; This sum, when added to the balance re maining in t he Tfeasary.on the first day of No vember, 1812, and thereafter to be accounted for, say to twenty '.nine thoasand and ninety pounds, eight shillings and seven pence, as re ported to the last General Assembly, makes am aggregate or total amount of sixty eight tho sand, five hundred and sixty nine pounds, fooj shillings and eight pence, (68,069 4 8.) ( From this aggregate or sum total, disburse' ments have bceu made, within the period first above mentioned, to amount of forty thousand and six pounds, fifteen shillings and four peiiee. (1 40,000, 15 4) 1 the vouchers for which are in the hands of the Comptroller and in readiness for the inspection of the Committee f Finance. . These disbursements or this expenditure beinsr taken from the total amount above stated. leave a balauce of twetlty eight thousand five hundreTanVTisixty twb pounds nine shillings- and four pence, (128,562 0 4) remaining in the Treasury of the State on the first day of lSovem- ber in the present year, say eri the first day of November 1813, yet to be accounted for. A part of this balance informed by bills of the emissions of 1783 and 1785, which are no worn as to be wholly upfit for further circula- tion. These hills it 11 supposd thLegisla tare will cause to be burned, and they shall therefore be selected arid prepared-according- y the sum estimated at about hve hundred pouiidt. - .: .-.', . . .' -' On the first Monday in December last, tho ,' Stale Bank declared a dividend of tw o and a. half per cent, on its Capita Stock: from this, howver the fcUts e JSorih-Caroliea teo s -