. Pa-- i t'f- I;? fejttiiiig'in a much as tJe . four per ent ' Utofr;nyirt.eaet' of tSti, t ba retained by v tbt3A.i3c -4jt of theMividenls declared at the cud of each year, as intevst oo the deferred ar iHstalmctilrtdui; from the Slate to th-j lUrk,, 'ro than covered the apufaut of tit s 'd fvldend de c I a r e d orf the whole number of liferes held in the said Bak by .the State. On the ufirst ' Mojida Jlti June lat, a like 4&yid3n.i of twa and aialf-percenUwaadeeltuh Mr.. Bta preset wich thev ireru iaitri ty relate to the removal oC w r it people; ; Buck men us ke -wlutt j!or,uiUe(lhe.r,itw. to wr ftetv- a. I I A. an... iiji ik ! l. rn mi ijii ilucju ithivh amounted bi the shares held in it by this State, in ithVie thousand.-oh'ehuiadrad and twenty fire or six thonsand ,twoTiundred and fifty dalU'rs. ;TCi$ sum was paid aver to me,, as services. - iftt F V llivvi irwii Vila VUill'lllllUC .VVIIIH nww'ivr -i-'-.- v turnpike roads in H incomUo. county 5 arid Mr. brought f Mr. uuerrv presented., tne petition of tfte dr sptyious anu wr: r.T , .u- t-iAV,. j:.'w . . . . e . - . . - . . 1 m ti..ih i muni iiiiitac nuciuci u duuu r iuviiuu iiwmv u i r i n 1 1 war, praying land as the said Garret was it. ... ihnii .in nrpi. Lilt: iruuii aa nuiiiucu nwuiu i.uamni urtre a warrant fjr suen quantity of ease a mey. n.a inwn., -T.. " -.z. -.ft rtrUVm,M i. u a bill coneernineeJ W the belief- that they were that which they never intend to ay. 3 werfe not; file saw no reason to oe so iar asrcivrnuu iuic.hCoiWi u .waa fcm.drcd andfwentr five oounds.or ttvelve hu Jr?J and fiftv dHar t and ou the 30th of June ' last, the said' Bank declared in like manner and t ia Xh'e same ajftouat, say six honciren ana uven--ty five potluds ar hvelte hudreil and fifty dol lars, on the shares held in it by this State. The 'Batik-of tape Fear .declared at th W periodi, at the .like' rute and1 to the same monnt,'vi2. on the S hires 'held i it bv North. , jCareliaa io. Deeemaer last, kix huaaf"' d twenty five pounds, or twelve .hundred and fif - y dollars'; and on the saidsharos in June last, iti hundred and twenty five pounds, oc twelve hundred, and fifty dollars. ; w .r . Ths amount of all these dividends, however, r tt will bfe tindeMtood afld remsmbered, are ia- , . udiiiin and forsh a part of the rectipts at the re&ary, whieh are first1 above raeh' led. il illO. IWeniT BTB.lUttWIUW UWlttH mviiww- al of tbo State Bank by 3okh.Carolina, 411 the yW I8li;the one lAU'bnly, say twelve thou anf five hundred dollar haye been repaid ; the Other half, vi, twelva thousand five hHi.dreu dollars,' r'ctains yet to he paid by. the State. Tlw i$ th oiily 'debt now dtieiaml - owing from Norjh-Carol ina, and it would unv1nbtedly hav? been paid o!f and discharged,. had the state 0! tfi31Trt.'uj!iry Ruthorised the measure. T.o shew' that 6!idi uiiKwrtuuntely was not the case, aal (hat fjrther' payment in this regard JiId n jtpruda tly have, been made, it is only neees sary remark, that th oxp.:iditureof the lat year e-ieefcdefl the income or receipt; and that by far .the greater part of the caslyit present in tu t reasury wn oe anursuu oy me nm j iim TVft..rr - thft Tiiinftr Currenev f Mr. Dicks bn presented 7 -- , r-i - . .t'. .J j '.1!. .l--.. ...i, ii.. 11.. Karth-Caroiina, aim was anrnt ana usirojt;u courts oi recora wiiuin uitr ia prereui h f-J- kst'rte law directs: fsecrst conveyances. Head the Mt time. . arrai or eensuring tnw man. r ---- -T 1 ;t "a Th . ThVZkofye ' Mr. PeareV presented an account of suppnes peaf '.r'st, declafeMividend of five per cent, on' to the loeal militia called ont for the defence of, pcdfce liouse would befjeve his zea 1 a no- " I iS 5 lekr whieh aniontid,.;ou, theithe towubf hington with aertiiieate fromlh 12 A t JLS"? Uar,sWU lieadandreferred tothe try 1 .- cftnirauiPfe en inaLpart oi xne eoyernor a mes- uyuo iwh as uio.... -rvr- - . . i,u. " iriJ.L a relative to this sulnec-t. ' Stoitld sSew thff Senators that thtte was some by lw intervention of committees ? W ould they - " . , Mr. ISa?re present poor house in thJ eounty and alimonv. renorted a hill to divorce Frcde- 0 of the Legislature. It is true that private tr correction, wcujd ue by re-eon mrt Ung.th rick Ward df Lincoln, from his wife Catharine ; jm?etu,5 of citizens have been had I,, .a whicU report, unoer u moiwD 01 vue geoue au ,ron -likewise a bill to divorce Jno. Deve.r,of Dnplio'Tia been expressed a strong sense of disappro;.. Orange, (Mr. .Murrey,) A J'f rrnmbUwiKlrabpth Uation at the conduct of"Mr. Stone Hut M urged by his friend from Ldgteoabe, (Mr, -fr. Dndlcv nrpannto'd & hill to MemDt vessel sooner under 4& tons burthen, entering Cape Fear fi- pVei v. i fen in mu iiii 1 tlOII. T.. - r P. . . a .11 J' I. ......l.f.ni.ino. i Thn nrnnnu-.l in.ir.nrin I fnih Hrpttiiinrol heWOTIHiess inuiyiuuaia fli-re iirxscui ovauvn ...w- tell a bill to establish a tunal before hkh they could be arraigned.; undertake to make the examination themselm -itvofSiokea ; 'Leyea4f the people, said Mr. Drew, are up--Jf the statement of the committee eo.itained any ; the committee of divorce h They expect someifcing from -the .wis,' err?r, kejhoogfi PF , . hnm tk-v Hnno . than some of those Clark) he was sorry tosay tony secmen ra.ter. ra which are dailvrvomiiing forth polluiio.sprmg-fcoi. spirit or opposition to taegs.. exclaim that noner but moK of cbseme and neral object "proposed by the committee tfcaa ij, States, waareceived from th) Senaje, and, after debate, conenrred in, Yeas J 17 ways 10. The NAVS"were, Men. Callawa,' Craig, Daniel, Douglass, C. Harris, Iiogan,iill, Uuf fin, Taliaferro, Wade, id. u' The following resolution was received trotn the Senate and concurred in- . 1 Jlfsolvedj That the memorial iff the senate and house' of cnimon.s of this OenM'iil Assen bly.to thePresjdent of. thrvUiae? States, be signed by the Speakers of both lvouscs, and that his excellency the governor be re.jtiested to Lrarismit it without delay by a Special agent to the president of the U. States. BkctcUcs of.Debate." (Repotted f r he Miacir) ; ESOLtTTIONJ llELATIANE TO MR. 8TOSK. When the resolutions, presented by Mr. TDrew, and list week published in the Miuer- va, were read, Mr. -Farmer, of Edcroombe mo ved that they he referred to a select joint com n . . . . - a- .1 . :. 1. mgs. Out they. cannoi say sooi ine jjcginiu. ture, which represents the majesty of the peo ple ; that people before whose voice even mon 'archs tremble. "Such is he tribunal before which . I wish to urraisrn ihe en ct ot Mr. from any cause of execution to the (correctness of tlic faets represented. If li e commirtes ltaiv fallen into niHtake, why not give them, as they seemed to desire, an opportunity to inak necjssary'correetions. Let them have this oa povtiinitv ; and let this house and oiir cur..' inn Ol lUI i Hlllll T . IIU. I1VH.V " " W Vl...liur, Stone ; and when he is so arraigned 1 snail ae- cms tvs.aia Jir. see iuu wuaie jacis nu no clare' my sentiments of him inthefaee of the tfunjc more. Byt it v, as said the csmitiie, world. previous to I'anding in their report had ail the Mr.8eaweU.ot Moore, thoncht the mover of information necess.f y ; that they were noi ! .r- anv resolutions had a right to suffer his motion ned with buaiuess, nor had been pres.cu ior r.. . . . .. V . ii to lie on the table until he chose to can 11 up. Mr. Drew then moved the resolutions, lie on the table until Friday. ;" 7 Mr. Farmer bad no objection to this conrse. He certainly had the good of his count ry alone at rrnnrt. nmt Mt n talinh inilij'n;! tion at the - v, .... n - ..... ... , . mi . conduct of Senator Stone as any man eocld do. Iar so closely as t avoid every .mistake, i ney s had, besides, a consiqeraDie mass 01 aocuracnn time. To.Kiis it i.ught very j)roperiv he ans wered, thai the eorraiittce bad deemed the sub jeet of suci great impo.-'ance' to the state, as re attired to Tie acted on with all possible despateh They did not, therefore-probably, allow tii rat sU'es time to investigate each nnnuie piiriicn He did not, however, think the resolutions were presented in that shape in which he eotildvote for them : And he had made hfs motion for com fnitment, solely tinder the belief that tfcc sub jeet could not be enquired into and the resolu tions amended so welLin the house as in ase- 'mttee. in (hear preseat form, he apprehend- j jeet committee. ed. thev misht be somewhat abiectionahle, and UMr. Barriiieer. CYTaktr ) snergested the pro- cA;ild perhaps he so amended in committee asjpiiety of permitting the resolutions to lia over to render them wore aceitable. ' Mr. Drew said lie was very sorry -to differ from the worthv gent'croia who wished the re ference to a select joint commi'.teo ; but lie must object to a made of proceeding which would ap pear to indicate a desire nf getting rid of the bu siuvss. It was, however, not his intention to presthe bouse to a !e"ision on the resolutions.- If.gemlemeii.deir;;d it. he-was willing tliat they until Monday next. Agreed to. IN SEN ATE, IVednes-iay, oVot'. 2. The honse took up the order of thi; da) on the report of the committee -.elative to the me morial 10 the president of the 0. States. Mr. Clark moved that the whole of the pre amble ha strncken ont. He did not mean to ahonldlie-oirtha table fora-dar or two that Ihev include the address itself, hot only what might 'this report yesterday and compared 1 1 .1 I iL.i L. fion.i.l. on' inirnr ifnuiniAn Tl UHH ail im micht bo fallv discussed. Vhv send them to ' be termed the committee's exwse ; and he of Xa-iVvf. 1 esterday, saw ne, iney uigt io t select .committee r uas it possihle gentle-! men wero afraid to examtnerthe conui: ortheiri beheveu it er Deember ; and -to those ciretimatanees may be properly add yl the farther consideration, that yiuifig ihe continuance of he present war, the &etrtxu$ , which, from time, to time, thf public irood'mny re ;ju ire shall of necessity be maj on 1 1 he'frrettjiary of the State, are neither capable, of 4jiag ijsVd or foreseen, nor of being aecn rat'y eM.inuted ; and thenee it follows, hew vf much it mav be wished that "this debt r,r (.vri.ifrnlallfd. in tW IHnV'Tlt vitltlltioil of : - ta l reasaFy, tne thing is impraciicaoie. r;- :JSBH5rea5'i'l a 'Hie pnaiic ouruieiis m huu - ',neecJfsarily 02, ti"? present could not preseit it ef as a prdpitiouaseVs:! rjf taisiniattg- ' merftfng the taxes heretofore usually laid for the support of government; It has, however, iju appeared to the Treasurer, awl it is still Vli-reief,: that in order to render the ordi taxes commensurate to the ends for which they are annually levied, aud the more effectually to . da iway, 09 the part of the State, the necessity V.P Ati t-T1K' Lrfnwin 16 aiiDnlv the defi- would siinnort rris countiVa interesls 4tntl risrhts Trom till V C uuiTo wiivoii- ..... . a t ' i. i s Jii l 1 4. frtssghonhNTitlj less than onshilHng th? Hundred aerss of idnd, with a proportionate - tii J351- twn property, pollu, &e. 6Va.. 'I have the honor to be, .. A - . Gbnthm :"- ' -' 1 ' ' 1 ' Much and respectfully, ; H i-Vour obedient servant, . " JOIIX iLUrTOOD, i'ft. Treasurer. ifC Hdierred to the; committee of Finauce, and : vdcrc'l to he printed, . ; .r;JvV ;vv - Mmda$, Mn. 39. & Oa'motioiiJffwfw uerar Asserablv -shall, be emitled to wages ty tl from the "datias of: his to examine; and if some mistakes naa oset . fallen into, it was not to be wondered at. TU Ciwrectiortof these, however, if such there vvci should be aimed at in the regular w ay. WdhV due deference to the judgment of his friend from Edgoomb?, he thought it perfectly titijarlia i meatary to amend, the report of a'eomniltce,i regard to any statements they 'might ir .ke. If any errors had erupt into the report befoie tha Senate,, he trusted --they' would- be correetfd, and that with this view the motion for re-eon mitment would prevail. . Mr. Branch (Halifax) observed that h- d.i ',' not wish to excite any irritation upon th pre. , sent occasion. But he could hot help remark ing, that he w as lost in astonishmeut wben he rllertpI on the conductor the supporters 01 he supporters of pared it vlth that .... 0 tv.. it ....il.lu ani o.l..uii;ll Mat!iH n i; nn th" !rnir.ii1. 1 hat he 1 enate io an insiani ucomiou. a SClCbl .VUUIIIIIIICC I ' OS It iiu.oi.mi. Jl'"." I in iiiu.iuu .-v.v.j f- - j .11 . f ontmiicu a niirrepresentauon oil pnrmni mai lueicmin iuvuim imu.... , Senator. For himself he cotild not be fearful i facts. lie particularly alluded to the state- adapted, and tle aaaress io me i reaiueoi .u in the discharge of his datv. Afraid of whom,!nunts made wspecling the troops, that no tents mediately forwarded 1 Today, on the contrary he would ask ? Of a m;i from evry principle h A niau who--vas elected ii-ih" who had deriiected nor hospital stores had been famished them, &c. when they find we have detected them in mint j had once professed f I Mr. JIurphey rose to offer-a proposition j feat mifrepreseatations, there jeema to bene I u'der a belief that he1 which wonld supersede ihat of the gentleman i necessity for hurry! they are willing to take Ed'combe. He s!ould move t t 'flsnei ftr a: Sent to the senate for . ' m, K ,j . , icxauuned aud amended n it was tound necessa- l ins migui oc none n uuui ounimuuTg uoj i mw.c. w.m-..v . 'ily o.the order of the (lay, 'ry. Until they came properly before the house as t he committee could, retire, make Jhil necoa- slight and indi dns ofiVfcd by Mr. ,lirerjie si,0rtJd not attempt to stale all the reasons aary alterations, and place the papers again be Tore aneh aa add of Oayl4 Stone, c'tyoiie of i that "mil iicneed-liim' in submitting these refold r fjre the house in a few minutes. . ,v','-- (produce a deeiaj that ha may be voluntarily ahseut appointment, witiiont uuiaaye or ue pause toncurrence, The hi use wgreaehl fooh up the resolutions censuring the conduct Ui; Satofa of this slate 'in the Congress, ot the. United Spates. j'ri'-; -;:' ' !r. C'lfanis mdVed to amend the.resolution by striking but, that part of which relates-to hc ite jiven by Mr. Slohe'on the pamination' of iibsrt Gallatin-. -'...'Vv':.'-A ' -f-H-" Mr. Cameron movft) that the further eonsid eration of luc resolution be iiufclinjtely post pptied... '' r '-. The question on postponement nas taken by yea 4 na'ys, ahd carried, -tayea 74, naya' 57. So the resouTiohs were lost. v -1 on that very lioer the foremost champion i of li-1 mitu-e. His object in doing this w as that as bertAuid of those republican doctrinew Inch the -'committee, in examining the. documents, he had sluee so unaccountably abandoned r lie. had bat a ahortjtiine allowed ineni, it was pos . . "... .-' uld never consent that a person who had "be tntved the cohSduiice reposed in him sho!ild; be suffered to escape publiceelisure. No ine could deny tliat lAr. Stone had shamefully abandoned the government; and he could not say with Mark Anthonv, when mourning over the prog- sible tliey might haye'fallcn into some crroft in regard to a few of the facts upon- which iliey had reported. " It. was t hew:-wish, tint -the state mentthey made, shoold contain the truth, the who 1 1-truth and riothintr but the troth. It was certainly their desire to lAee before the people, a fair and candid representation of all the:cir that the hack again and enquire with more deliberation int com-' "into the truth of their representations! He was unwilling Jlo indalge-theni-iB-thia.l Iio report he conceived to be replete with miyej -presentations; and that thare was no possible ; way of amecding.it but by a total regeneration, Mr. Williams (Pitt) said he lamented to ieel a spirit of party attempted to be excited on the present occasion. The object wh ieh was to b ' attained, was one in w hich every citizen of JY Carolina must be interested, and oDei'vliipk ought not to have connection with the prevaili' p cumstances, in regard to the defence and pro political divisions, rhe eownntee hadnn a tection of North-Carolina, w hich had c6me to sire bnt to make a fair report ; and toplaci- be iiri . Tl i : i nuiiiiiijL ivumv - . . YEAS vler. JitscAdaui I&n AdtyJP. 9irringer? Rastun, Jt;. Birn, D . L Bar inft', jSoykn, Btackmaii, , tjullini, Cathhmtfou, Cameron, Crump, J.Chambers, Crov, r oi, "Oickof, Dudley , DicVim, Fiimer, f Grtlep,c,G'b ,:i Cuvt.m,t(ckabei'MoHidayf Hioki Hftrle. Ililiiud, y.ajcit. J iya:r, Jonci, (Psiquimmooi) itAA, John. !ri, Vm. 'V. Jonef. Ki.jj, Lhtlo3,liioirMeore, fi'Cul lih, M LeoJ, Waiili, Qen, PmWham, Pi ife-, I'opej Toswill, Peice, Pea.iicn, JPukeil, Robcm, Ro.t, Spfpcw, '.Slcvatt, Sf swell, fc!ic?'arU, 8q Tyio, Wa,, Wright .NAVS : Uhitrt. Buck, JM.9m.J. C. R-yan, Butlr, Rjm. httcman, QUwy,jZltiiy, Ciaig, h. Chambers, Da. O'el, 3 Wjyri, Dtiusiatt, EUiei idc, Fost Jr, Fber, FcJton, fttjtivW'v!'", G.aVt-j, HjoiHij, Hj , C;m. H.rrJt JHar ; tit. U aaIllijii; Hil!, jUwiiin, -Joii'u4.'.(Uertford) Joidiin, - Kyl,lnrirk, L;micr, Lu-o. j. giin, D. M aiw4.Mebanr,- - Mac, IXtwrPmt;:4..,, ..a)eft' RH tk. Wm .Kldickftlclf, RutKii, S. Saryait'S;minoai. Ski-MerTDgmfty Satrve,. ftaftUlBw-yct, Tijlom,t'onlpj(, f itioo, Williiuafc ''" 7- . '' trateand raugled cqrpsejpf Cfesar, " thatCru tus, loo, was an honorable man." When he was fully convinced that a public servant hud ..!.I.I.J i.l. 1. r AA.il.l nil alv.ti1r friii lIlA 'itifiit lr Tl A vl; I P it rru duty of censuring him. HetrMsted" therefore ! extenuate nor set dow n aught in malice." He view of the sitnahon in which JVorth La.o. j tlra house would boTrfer the resolutions. ''A ' therefore submitted his motion, that'll any mis-; stood, ao faras regarded the protection Mfin much preferable mode would be to go into e-m-! tatements were found to have been made, there ; the general rovemment onght to extend towaroa mitiee of the whole where they could bd fairly should be an opportunity of correcting themr1 her. All the a plieationa and remonstrancM - ' . . - . . . .... . i . j . i i. L. 1. ! i I ......... I I. ... I Lu ananArjiil in ' trT ineu auu amenucu 11 ii wan ihuiiu nut-stt- x m 11115m v nunc ....w.. ....-0 , , --- )-a-. . t Uni1 tprB4 FTII III 1'IIL M M MJ mj V- V - w " . A .. if ress would be adopted as shouiu eeisive answer ; and that the eon' lioha. Ilut when so lmnortant an enouirv as - Mr. UlarK was opposen io uus mouon, o , theTtmbfaced-waa brougrht forward, to deem it cause the committee had not been called pon4report. . of so little importance, as to be carelessly re- to make a premature j-cport. If, indeed, at the ferrcd toaselecteomiiniteewilh whom it might recent call of the honse, and upon an cmergen- ihI all the 'session, how humiTiatiue! He cy. they had made it nnder a press or Business, faiwih;u his frirnd fwm F.dgeombe had ththey ought nndotibtedly to be excused for any ,1 nittce would have leave to make) a. full atd fait ,w '7 . - v. ' . .7 - ...i- f- fir..! mnrnlv rnsn tn sncnlT tftinP DOIMV of order made by the gentleman from Mariin, (Mr. Sladc.) - Oa this they w ere at Issue j an he"e6nld mention a as3rprecisel) similar. mk.i Slocamb, Siatjlj, SitlrTk)m Aon, t.- - . . - - - Carolina, but he particularly meant'manyof probation of the. committee a statement, by de those ereatures who had obtatued footing dear termining to strike 6nt the preamble, and lhat coaits and . in our cities, and were suffered to the motion forrc-commitmeht would not pre remainlnere carrying on illicit commerce with fyail. " '' . . (he enemy He said that they had fed the myr- : 'Mr, Sla dt had seconded the motion or ihe iuidons7 of Cockburn,rtbai whom, if there waa gentleman from Orange (Mr. Mnrphey) under a total resurrection from under the gallowij a , a eonvictioh, that the motion made by the very greater scoundrel could not be found. Of the worthy gentleman from Sdgcombe was not con- umPiwlmAi i,i- ilicai'-mfiii ihpm nmilil K n t. nulpnt with narliamcntarv osace. Ha was peetation t thj could never be cured of disaf-.. convinced that if .tliat arentleman woul4 reflect V . : .. . 1 .'Tl... T 1 . d II .. I i - : . . . U mU RA lh, it .a nnt leciiOM, unless," nite iconemus-oi oui, ineyiar.m"ciifc uc ituumiHiuu.aiu v., could be regenerated ; eonld be born anew.--' When a committee was appointed, as h nnder Uuder these circumstances, TtnJ htilieving that stood the praetieo, it was for the piirpos of n thp nuhlic conduit iSf Mr: fiti,iiftlid bcpn ral- auirine intoanH ascertaininthe-truth of facts r.tiliii.'i1 in :itiiiffnutl ill. iti'ua IT .to1 in thtt ' pnnnp.ft.ed with anv nronosition before the house. Keantry, he ejald not eoajflai tr refer the ra- j Any report wjch raisHt be n,4v C pBATB TO BK COWriNUED.J Uf Ibi-enemy. I repeat said Mr. Drew that And what had they produced r A report, r.e w-aa i maue in i 9?i TnyapFiti hiwi hum Af i iiia n ..i,it4-igaaa.rM- in BayT wmcn waa erroncona inmanyiin- prc-.nn.to " rv. aessionlof congress were calefilated,to invite the important' particnlars. t ji, -waa a repori., he .grevji t uj wa7ae; attAcks of.the euemV; Thcv were sOel. as ac- thoueht, caleulated to have at this time, a very corded with ihe visws of the wreiches in our bad effect. It seemed intended, in the awful si Anuntrv that "hai fed the infernal mmitor who tuation in which the country was at present were guilty of the atrofciotfs Scene of Hampton, placed, to embarrass thegnvernment and to llavre-do-grace, and other places. lie 1m1 noi-excue-oisirHsu-ainoiig mo pcupic c m:u, invade amoiigit these any native citizens of N. 'therefore, the Senate, would express its disap- HOUSE OF COMMONS, ' - ' Wednesday , D?c l - sented a Bill to amend a- a" ta .rest dia 1811, appointing commissioners t at with Thomas B. Litt! John for fifty )f land whereon to erect a town ; and Ala .Mr.. Hare passed : contraat ataii a I XB3 UI lIIW rf vww " 4 fx,- W ktll f oatfirilwri nn AltKlftniV in UQf plin county by the name of Ooihan Academy Read the first time. 7, t l--. Mr, 8teeh, from the cotfimittee en the jecVreported a bi!l eoneerumg the betwean this state and, tte state of South LrT Una. The bill ratifies the articles or a?r -nt signed by the r.;.p;'etieccmwiSsioeroa the 4th uH.l Read the first tiae. ' -. , TVfr. Diel presented a Ihiirfrr l,e , lirdiaaa in eartaia eases. 1 tiai

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