, T' - .1 i s u .. ' 'V frUisMrdhacsseEfe .., '''if- v; s Stittxj Papers. DANISH DECLARATION.; "Th Copenhaan ojPdci&I Gazette contains Hattd to-day, September fl. It state in sub "aUuce as follows : . ' . ..... .. -1 . f S - . Y. ... W- .fJ. AiWTiiie peace conciuuea ai ween jfc.ocwinxtw rR,"c, mc ycnu mm cuu.uruuiarr -between Denmark and -Sweden, the king Wrteirieittlired in Cadiz," as 'TUlbtljBonsi c eonstanUy appUfrd,: they have decreed and sanctioned, trtntti inffllfrita M-jatahliifitl IV" Ti. ..L. 4t .L.ll I.. ' Dan . ftrV" tain .the irood intelligence reestablished be-' YyisM iliafwii tiniitnv. H nivivsr linnft ill at epoch Jhe Swedish coast nar the Cattegat has loot ceased serving as a station for the ene my's crtrisers, notwithstanding the engagements DttmrikA infn in ' tit .aam fj-au tv tn nrntoiii -rDataistresseisBheMftasU. Thejuhseqitt ataie oi war oeiween oweuen ana jsngtanu vouldit is true Cause some change in this cmer oi iuing j out peace oemg auerwarus iffei, and H.M.tluj sting f 6weie, iheirlBeiri ani saecessors, and between their Monarchies. II. The two high contracting parties, in vir toe of the peace and amity established .by the preceding article, agreed .ulteriorly to every thing that can have : any relation to their reci procal interests. ' ' , vIII.H M. the Icing of Sweden acknowledges as legitimate, me. genera anu extraordinary -'.if. . v 1 frh. No share iVati be eoaf idert J as tranifcrrfd, unleti by . w,';ttn mnrrfir r aiii attested and fiterrt tfttht ; 17th. :The Pfiide'nt,snd Dirsetort thsH n power -local! a general .meftmj of the company at any ume, pying Joriy 4ia nnliM ' ' P 1 . -'.' 1 8:fc. Role and Repilationi ft to forfeitures of iharei Wmli be preset ibed by the iharaholdeia' at their firit meeting. 19th. the i&haveholdc'rS at tbeiir jeheral meetibg shall have pwer Walter or t Mrge the torejotnj ritles and reguiauoai txcept ii to the teat of the etablisbment, two thirdl of the sharehoklctt pteiew Cogcurrinf . J. M'KNITTi . , . . A FREW, ' CUNN!n6hAm HARMSi 'J' , Managers and Corresponding Comiaittee. November liti' 18 13. IV. The rerationit of eommerpp. ahail he re established from this, moment, and shall.be ran- tnally fayored. Ihe two high conXraCting parties ahall take tu most eBectnal metaods . - en vnrspoinu . . , ; ., . . VI. The present treaty sliall be ratified, and the ratifications shall br extthaneedwilhiirihe period of three months, to be reckoned fVom the aay oi signature tncreol, or before if it be pos sible. , , In witness wherfinf. w. trifnndfrai'-nJ- in Virtne ofonrfull powers, hare' signed the pre- L a a. i.li. r a i . (t. 8. TA (l. a.) TH MTALION MORI0 AND DACU. THK COUJTT DP..J5NOE8TROM. BlaosiDK WJEJTHRSTBfiTi ... - u .established between the two goyernmobts, it ! hi- loiiBrti nnuh f hi e.Ast n&ar th C'nf . ;1gatr bnt upon 'an the SwedUh coast, that I 11! J L,"e h?7w"Snethe pre Uioish touriiUon Was . interrupted. It wasi6"1. V thereto (he seal of atibulatvd in the treatv of Joen Koenintr, that l ourttrm- . the sequestVatiofa should be taken off Danish Done at.BtoekhoIm, the 19th 5larch, of the property m oweuen j ana neyerineiess tins ycar oi vrrace, tsis. claim has hot been executed ou the part of the ovredishgoterament under tno most rrtvoieus At th"e beginxiiog of last year a treaty of Itdckholqj ana St. Petersburg!), and again Onhli'rmfA nt Alio. Hhkhiil tt?n ' TrAm!)d Iiaf aissistanee for the execution of the plan already "Ilr6Way.-i-'VV',ith the same vieVn allianct itui cunciuacu ueuvceii nweuen ana ureal f ritaia. i Since this epoch, Sweden, no longer eeping any appearance with Denmark, took l : ... . a a i . , i measures mamiesuy noMinej sne enipioyeu ' At the aauie time a considerable number f -JJanisti vessels, laden with gram for pro tisionbtg Norway, either by government Or , atorent inaividuaJg, were held m. sJwettish poite, ;here they sought an asylum, either agait tempests, or the enemy's cruizers. All complaints against the measures, the.conse queuces of vhich were so fatal to the inhabi tantsfVrway, were without effect. It was onfy answered, that the exportation was for bidden uj Sweden: a prohibitionwhich evident ly could not extend to Danish vessels trains, to fevictual Norway. It was thus it was endea- yoitred to compel by . famine the-Norwegians to r ccoracowetes. . ",Tli3 Swedish govern meai, relying upon tlie aeWisfgce of powerful asues, openly de znanded the cession of Norway, and proposed other countries to Denmark as an indemnity. It was clear to all . the world, that ueh a , rop(witioH wqi not admissible: Denmark re- . jested it." - . . ,j' .. . .w The Swedish government redoubled its .hostile measures; it prevented all eommani.. Cation, hv int(rriijiiip- tliA c.nnrsft nf tkn rtoats ' j .... , n i - ..pttween Sweden and .Norway- it did more; - Mauufacturin? Society, PDR8UANT to previoos notice, a meeting of a number of the citins oi' Mecklerbure count took ilace in Charlotte on Wdr.eday the f7th of October bit. for the purpoie of adopting measures preparatory lo the establiih mem of a WOOL AND COTTON M ANUFACT OR Vi when aJcommittee m m3nn km iumI.i.j m ,!.r. ...i.. Jattont lor the oemment ot the company, and alio, to col lect wtormation oi the subject from persons concerned in iinai' lir inititution. The committee have proceeded arieeably to insu-uctions, and nor exhibit the plan btl'ore'the public. While they are sedulously endeavoring; to acquire from thosec- ncern ed in similar establishments jo differsat, feciiens of -he United States, such itifo'iuation connected with the lul iect. as mav be deemed tntctstinr to the compaay tlu y wili be biehly sra- Jned tri receiving information" on this subject from an xtntle. Jifln who may feel an intetest in promoting similarimtitutioHi. Booklof subscription iU be opened in Charlotte on ?h8th in- sunt, and in ihe adjacent count.es ai scon at practicable. bentkmrn residmc at a distance, who may wish to become SWb.Vden, by addiessirs; a letter to Aichibald Fftw, of ChaHotie, will be accommodated. The firs idea of the Dtooosed olan. havine rrowr hv cam. t - - o-v - mon conient out of trc pressure of the tinjunder the piesent unempieo state oi o.tr lore.gn relJti .ns, ai d ihe ceneral con vulsed state of the world, it is hoped , that an Initiation wh;eh has for its object in addition to individual omotumcnts, te render a sectjw of our couruiy meaiutably iml'pendeiu of foreign supplies, will meet the liberal patrtnage ricur klW.citittns, whjle it is at t!-e same time confident !v presumed t)iat many Without the li r:s of this Stale, will be disposed to int&est Hi msclves ut an establishment which pitraises general utility Eutet and life,fdkr, fnr ik' gyeernmnt of a Tool and Cotton a . manuj.v ory, m : ,-tlaUuhtJ in tke county &it$Ubitrg , ... o a Capital of J rj:ity Thmttand L-nl!art. 7 .Ross, & Cooke, . jfFFER their services to the Publie ai V. AUCTIONEERS during the Session of Assembly .- They will sell Dry poods, Jcc. from 12 to.2 o'clock each dayi and Booki every night. Their 8tora in large and commodious, and a good fire will be kept. Any person wishing to have Gaoda, 4rc. fold in this way, will please to send tliim to their aOrewHh invoice!. ' Rleigh, ! 8th Kov. 1813. 20 tf Vim, W. Mason, v QADDLER, at the Sonth-East corner, near is ineiviaturi, Kaieijn, Keepi constantly on hand art ox- tnive lupply ol SaddleSTrTarhen, &e. made tip in the riwt durable manner, , and in a ityle of elegance inferior to none in the state. P. S. A large aisorlraeift of Leather alwayi for sale as a- bove j1 and Country Saddlcn supplied with mater'als in theti l'ne f 20 4t Nov. 12, 1813. J. OOKE, Prefer ofusic pecuully inlormi the public, th he hai ' hiraielf m Raleigh; and purposes devoting his iime eUi wardi the instruction of young lad.won the TlAKO t HU terms will be ai follow : 0i - 1 TJJ 1 HON, per quarter,.., . , . ' . -icMton,. year, 'S3,' " An additional dollar txtr quarter will be chirrt T ' lari are watted on at their respective hruses. tk... . "alwayi kerp their Pianos in good orde free of e, & h,as, however, invented a simple instrument wh. u young ladies of attention and tolerably good ear ri' i keep, themselves, their instruments in good tune. T" conceives to he a great advantage offered to thou. k ' ... "SO nix. Srher it is difficult to find raasteri capable of tui,i. !i newest music, good strings &C7 will be'constantl. w' sale,:whereby scholars can without difficulty bp .,:.J the end of each quarter a Concert wUI he gitn, in which K? Ian will give a public exhibition oLtheir Dro. u tiught some, yean at Newbern and Washington, in ihj, T t'-- o w me sciear (U teacher doubts not of giving sitiifaction to his eaiolnv.,.' . of being found deserviig of a poition ol public tionae ' i ... 0 ... r rr. a. xoung genjietnen wm oe UUga, on the h. ' " nviiiv used itinrirt or concert pri.iii (ST Atif RORtTT Or THE STATE Of WORTH-CAROLINA.) . SCHEME OF THE OXFORD ACADEMY Lottery. l pnre of 2000 1 I " 6 20 20 40 80 100 800 do do do (fa do do do do do da -1000 sod 200 100 -20 tickets each, 50 20 15 10-T2pTie, Not two bUnki to 9515 500 21V23 blank, prite. 3100 tickets a- 3 r'ollan each, ii gi5,500 The cash prires object to a deduction ef fiftee-n per cent. 1st. Books 'hall be opened by the manajers to receive and enter subscription far lour hundred shares offii'iy doariach, "11 VI 1 11 uini Oil , it forbade Swedish .hips to pay the duties of tob8 P41""1?.'011' equ-l instalments, the first pay. Xne ;Boand, ,a nghi- ensured to Uenmark fay nm. meeting tne company, alter intMiipA.i;.. j,,:.,tt- Anr;-n,.,l l. ; insapjiointiint ot ti e PtesioVntand Dirprtn 2d. Any peiton miy subscribe aay number of shares, ei- ner personally or by sprc al power of attorney. 3d. Al soon as ten thniuxurl M.,lltr. D..t.3. :k.j l. .... ... CMUIVHUCI IMC li! d r.r . .? "O"-- . n.tCnor treaties, and especially confirmed by the!lat-He&t?v nf .Tarn Kntininy. Evn this v Mot cf ,t?i)ir prevented tho .vessel of other HlfltlAna afaitm w'im" el.io A tti nf T Totnikim A. Swedish ropj-iue" 0&cer declared by writing to nj8erl sh" call a meeting of the shareholder, in the town cf ihe royal governor of the Isle of BoKiholm, that J chrit, and shall exhibit to the evrrpiny the books of sub IsearjhgjbjB Dauish flag, and iutercejrt all com -tnuuication. Between Christiansoe and Born Jholm. This, order was in effact soon after Harried Illtn PYPiilinn 'An nHipnr hilnninnn to tiio 0ulsE Marine, proceeding from Born t.lW. n'..l.:.1 ".-.,-.1 i . Swedish brig Imd carried to Ystadt. . v f It jw , with regret the Danish" government ftel itself iartteti to take up arms to rcvfcnge A'h insult 4od revenge its subjeets. Orders . aYe in conseqntn9 been , given tp tho" o m -nandi!rsf the forces by land ami's ea. M ii very tliint' ninlmp- f hm ranltiSinh. Ra. rlVl I,V i r" eV "iVi - W nH an annual meeting of the eoinpany at ST firltiuetirt Tions and aL'ressions of ix nnwer wlifB brtrn Lk.ii j .... . LOriniia tn nil K.urnnn - rlii. lrtni "Iai& .' V 6 . r " f V ' , . 7 i '. iw " w'.'wriai ann io restrict the operation the com In consequence of. the war. which has. jiist t0 lhatob,prf nr ,, n A ,1 . . . li. . , . . i V"Y 10 ,n3t odjpci a'one, or may order the hlts to be eonti, l.l Ilk 1 11 nilT nTU7Ain l.AnWf.W- L r W...M.1' I ' ' 'tW -V - -owcucn, uw.nd open under tlteJcionof the present or other managers aifwar , . ''"- r a crioen, wmtn capital shall be applied tithe r to erect a Cot- T ' -vmm.v IU. ..tlll WJf vUI one..;"1 ' , ' " ' ?t)i. ,The President and the Directors after taking an oath of office, shall proceed to dect and to purchase a ieat or tcite for saidfactory and land thereto attached, within the county of p-sccaietDurp, and thereon to e-ect all necerwry buildings, to make all contracts, to procure machinery,- and on behalf of the cempany to-do every thing nccessaiy and proper for the com- menceropnt and carry irg on the said factory. . -4 m ,v sciiption, and also all information u,hirb they my hae rttev . ea respecting said posiness. 4th. The sharehers who may attend said ineetipf, or a mijjrity oi thera, shall procled to elect by ballo, a Piesident and three Directors, who.se term of fenrice shall not trP! ihieeyear . ' Slh' Ia aU ciom Which nsny take place every iharehofdl .1.-11 L. ' . i . . . ' ...... ..c cmiiico to one vote, for rach share Subscribed at far Uve lhare, aod one vote for every two shares above fiv. 6th. Any 'hareholder may by writing from under his band . & a - . t esicuiea neiore a justice ot the peace, depute 317 other ihaie- noer to act as poxy for htm, at any general meetioff ef ihe company. 7th. There shall be an annual mMiln. First 500 diau n Blanks entitled to j First d.awh Ticket , Ditto, on the 4th, 6lh, Sth, .and lOrhdays, Ditto, on the 12th, Hth, 16U1 arrd 18th day, Ditto on each day from the 20t h to the 30Thlnefusive, excepting the :- Tickets constituting Prixcs, . 20 tiekefs each. The said 20 priecs to comist of trie Numbers from 101 tn 500, inclusive each 20 of the said 40 to be me Vttt, the Aril O.fi. A. frtuiA.. VI .. k... ."w. M..1. ... ' , . ...1,uluutlun IUlflfliT ana so refu ailw ascending to the 39th. dolls, each 200 doll. SO dolls, rack. , 20doUeacn. . t Adjutant-Genersd's OUicb, RALE.IOH, NOV.4, 181f ' f is required of ;all. Queers, called 10, vice since the 16th day of July (ait. to ft, ward rt .fZ7 fico immediate ly a Muster Roll f tt-e. Qfficei s and Sldi! ... ' der their command respectively, desigmting the time , vice 01 eacn 11 son. , It ii requested of all Officers and other penons, w!iori, fnmtshedany of the Troops of this State, called into service since the J;h of July last, with any kind of provisions or otber supplies, 10 forward to this office immediately an account tawrf" duly authenticated. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Adjuunt-Or IBIt. - - ot the Militia of N.Curoliu. 1 ' 1 .... Notice. AT the last court of pleas and quarter-setf sioni held lot the county of Frark;iri, miiiisiiat-on granted to the Subscriber on the estate ol ROHERT HIGH, k ceased, late of said County, AH persons indebted to said w tate are requeued to m. ke Immtdiare wiyment Those wb have claims will present them, legally autbenticited, witba the time prescribed by law otherwise this notice will beplea in bar of their recovery. J. KNIGHT, adm r ' Granville, Oct. 14, 1313. (6,. First drawn on the 40th djy; Ditto. t , 42ddy, Ditto. . ; ; 45ih day. Ditto. . v 5(Hh day, Last drawn Ticket,'- "Dallr. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 200 100 500 100 Dolls. &)C0 TREATV OF PEACE BETWEEN SPAIN AND SWF.DT5V.: '-'r-i: In thelaarae of t!ie most Holy and Indiywiblo Trinitv."" II. M. Don Ff(linen VTT l-in v Spain and of the ludits, and H. M. t he; king of -8Vl)Jpil. brills' Ammllr li!nllta.l mil. t,n .! . . . j . .V.T .UIU1UII V. TT . . 1 L 1IIO HC" iic vi edtaniiKuintr nun itrpmHtiinni th an . , . , : ----n w.. vioiii rciaMviii Qi vamuy, wnien nave existed be twteen their nioiijirckiit-. itnttninfofl f ).; ....-.jwii.viiiiv IWI 1411. im. 7 jiu.c, 10 vm, ; u. jjiuami sn tow name- and au- Don Pantaleun MOrinoond !); r.nlnnAi . ti.A Rrmiesof H.C.M. aud Clwrnlier of tho milita ry order of St. James do Compostcla j . and H:, ..lug oi 'pweacn mons. P.tMirent. Count of Jiugcitrom, one of the Grantlees of the King dom of Sweden,. wiutsVr of state and foreign attains, chancellor -of tho unuM-aitr nf T.n chevalier coinmander of tba orders of tli kinif. ehftvalierof the roval. order'of Charles Till, : Orau J ltgleiif the'Legion of Honor b'f France ; nvia aims. ustavu, baron of AVettersladt, !ha.nclloroftliecojirt. commander of" the Vnl-i star, one or llie eiguteen memliers of the Swe dish Academy ; who, after having oxchanged their full powers, and found them in n.l rfu a order,-agreed to.Uis following Articles : .rt.ru 1. inoro suaii exist peace and unify bstyrccn II. M. tka king of Spam and of the In- lOiH, raWeTFe duty ot the Pres.dent and D.rrit,r. t cause tobe kept, ah andxeguiar .books of entry tot alLam! very company tranJacrion. which books ihail be s..lmirte! m the-shareholderi at their annual meeting or to a committee ap- poimea oy.mem, anafteubjecl to their revisaUnd correct ion ) aid nCTmrny accouut thus exhvbited, shall be considered as '. si . . ..Hu.uali -r catceiveo, unless passed . an xuch by said oommit tee. ' ' ' ljih. Noefilcnr ihan have a vote inpasslne wcenoelllnr a. ny account; in which as ,iuch be is iurer .ted. . 1 ' 18th. It ihlll be Jhe.dut7ofihe Preiidi ft;. . H " VUVbHHI) wy appoint a Treasurer, who shall enter into bemd with -oodjiecu- rity, in. at least foubUiiJie amount ,of tle canity stock of tU company, for iho .faithful discharge of the dunes of hiiefficel and noJill orparper shall be a gottd voucher t the Treasurer unlets iignedbyjtreiident.ei tJhe; company. 1 3th.: All comjeflsalisni.to cot nual meeting of ihe c-mpny. : ' - J4th. .All dividends of piefits ihall be pay aneu. ,,jL I I5ib. .Any pJBcer of .the company' may be dismisne d. t an- ierioral meetins two thirii of A ihsYChoaetspmafCDncor- Ihff punlic will pf rci-WthaMa the-foreiroin gchemrr-a alteration has been mae bvaconvertin tT- l'nrin a.m... . (tSatine tune, and ih onnn . ! , , .,,,.,, siuiuiry premium. This change hai been reported to for the lole aurpoie of hasten ing the di aw. n& by placing in the piwor of the manage,! to commence under the sale Of a smaller pan ohe Tickets. They aie aware, that in times like the preset ol'eneral pres- uie, individuals do not willingly let their money remain where u is inacti. It is therefore their wish and their expectation to re enarjied to begin the drawing rl the scheme at or shortly after tke adjoummrnt of the Legislature. Those who may hare already purchased tickets.ar.d do not approve of the fore going alteration, will be at liberty to return their aumbert cn or before Ore firlt day ol January next, fcut not afterwards. TH : B. LITTLEJOHN; . WILLIAM ROBARDSi ' WILLIS LEWIS, ' ; ' ' ..: THOMAS HUNT WM. M, SNEED, ; ' ' . i -r- "Manager. Ticket! at 5 dollica each, for sale, at the Minerva Office.' Nov. 19. " - on, tf - 1 "Tew Store. jTi ROM"MELIN & R A Vn i.nVA.i'ik.'v. J liberal encouragement received tinee commecrns bur. ness in this place, inform their friends and the public mat they Have j-jst received, from New-York and Philade lphia, a hand some assortment of WOOLIN and FANCY GOODS, wrl adapte-1 to the present season and laid in ( ,r cash, which wil enable them to sell as cheap s any in this place. AMOItO THEM Aai Clothi. . State of North-Carolina, PITT COUNTY. Court 0 VUas and fynarUT-Smioxfy Jluguat Term, 1813. William Adams versus Alexander Nelsoap original Attachment, Levied on a piece oi land supposed to contain onfthurn'rodai twenty acres, adjoining the land of Giles Nelson, Edmif Laughenghocne Sjnuel Tuten and Levi;. Adams. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the courf that the def:niant iu ihe above case is not an lambiLmtd. this state, ordered, that publication be mar'e m the Minerva (of three months that unless the defendant appear at th next t succeiding term of this Ciort, to be be!d for this county at tat court-house in Greensville, on the first Monday in Novembf and Ff'riury next, replevy and pleari mdznaentwill he enteia ed against him. . 14,eow3Mp. Test, ALEXANDER EVANS, clerti t State of Nordi-Carolina, PITT COUNTY. CotCrt of fleas and Qiiarter-Sefsion JugusVTerm, 1818. Wright Tucker versus Alexander Nelson ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT, Levied on a piece cf land, supposed to contain one hundred ail twenty acres, adjoining the land of Giles Nelson, Edwait Laughenghouse, Samuel Tuten and Levin Adams. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the cenii that the defendant in the above case is aot an inhabitant of this state,' rudered, that publication be made in the Minerva tor 1 j ' r'nree rronlhs thai unless the defendant appear at the nfxt of luccct djng term of tbis court, to be held for thii county at the court 'i iuse in Greensville, on the lust Monday in Novembef . and February next, replevy and plead, judgment will be enta ed against him. ... 14,eow3MP. r Test, ALEX ANDER EVANS, clerk Casimerei, Vestinfi,""' Stockinetti, Coating, N Flannels, , Baking BaixeJ, ' India Mulin,- ' ,. Cambric do. -. Lmens, . , Cotton b rt!ng?4 Long Lawn, Calicoes,., -Bom-bateus,- White and colored Lustrines, Kvantme Silks, , Silk Hose, .Cotton and wasted do. Long and short Silk. Groves, Kid - do. iMe'n'i Beaver da. ' " Rlbbows, Silk Cord, " Sarsenetti, ' Paneboard and Wire, . Bonnets,' -" ; ... Shoes, &c. let; Dimitie-, , .Cotton and Silk Baa cancel. WITH A VARIETY OTlt'ER ARTUlS. Rajetgh, Nov. 1 1, fg r lSt? BOYXjAN has removed hfs Bookstore Removal. V f s to the uew house mat dot rti n.nir Raleigh and Neybeni Stages. ,-f , KfiW LINE. CI COTT & nELM propose starting, within . 3 sort time, a new Line of Stacei. to run w"k!v fiom Ra- u ,r Mr. lor B:A Line from Nowbern. The Stages will leave Raleigh k Newbera every Monday at 1 1 A. M, nicet at Washington's Store every Tufsday at 19 A.M. end return to troth places on Wdirf"ty iv o rkm ri. rnivL w VAsnuiion O'dir, v uuIBi : thence to Newbern, 6 dollars, aqd in proportion for intermifr ate distances. P. S CA?H wi:: bs given for five or six good Stage Hottcjf on applicaticn to WILLIAM SCOTT, Rale;gh.' . . November 5, 1813. . 18,5t. ; ; 7 a- . tateBaHkfortteGatolin ... .ll.fnn vnv. 9. 4813. GUEEABLY to the 2d section of the Art iJiihm rwtiHirmsir rl... -taw RnV f Vnrth-Parolini. itl EieCV titm of 19 Directors of the Piincipal Bank shall ake place an nually on the first Monday in December. " , The Stockholders of the said Bank, are therefore calle" ? on to held MidectHn and to attend to such other business tit relation to the Gete-al Interests of the Institution, asmay w judged necessary, en Mon Jay the 6th day o( December at nine o'clock in the morning, at the Academy buildings, w the City of Raleigh. ; : ; - . v.Mn WM. . ati " t? Socb'Srockholderi as do not attend the Election of Di rectors personally; will autbo rise proxiei in (he form heretoio prescribed. '. ' For sale,' : ' - IHE handsome little FARM, of one hf dred acres, about 4 miles to the East of Raleigh. Appty ; - v UAM1.L vu riw Raleifb, 13UiNev. 1813. 19 ift

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