1 W '' if Mr. Volitical. MARTIN CRITINpEN, ! f&overnor, Captain, General, j(nd Commander in Cbivf, in und over the State of Vermont, .-1 must esH)ltf that. yu , hare Vo, authority to order us out of thai ervice It wc arc il legally ordered intatl the scrviw our contin- nance in ii,is, iiuer voluntary , or compuiso ry. If Voluntary, it gie no one a right to re nioDstratc or complain ; if compulsory, we can appeal to the laws of our coautry for redress agAiHst4JehoJlleaUyJte8titaii us of our - 7rirt-ea's; iuppear8i that the third brigade of liberty.. In either case, we cannot perceive the thiixl division of the militia of this- State, U ncjUt your Excellency has ' to interfere in jiia-heen orderediro'wlB t frontiers , forthe de, thc.busincss. Vi fence of a neighbouring Stat And,whereas we conceive it oui ewinj; the subject in thu light) it further apnears, to me extreme reerei 07 uie Captain General, that u part of the militia afj said brigade have been placed under the com tttaad, aud at the disposal, of an officer of the United States,' out of the jurisdiction or control of the Executive of this State, and have been actually inarched to the 'defence " of a sister State, fully competent to all the purposes of self defence whereby an extensive section of our own irooijer is leit, in -a -measure, unpro tected, and the peaceable, good citizens there of are putin great jeopardy, -and exposd to the retaliatory incursions and ravages of an exas operated" enemy ' And, whereas, disturban ces of a very serious nature, are believed, to exist in t'oiisequenee of a portion of the militia Airing been tfius ordered out or the btate : which were intended to be . accomplished by Therefore li the mtA, that these great tvils$uch an extraordinary proclamation. We shall may be provided against, and, as far us aiay be, j taa tne jiiJety to state to . your . excellency prevented for the future : i plainly, our sentiments on this subject. ,Be it known--that suehpt'tion of the Mi litiaj "We consider your proclamation as a gross 2aaid Third Brigade, in said Third Division;in8U Jt to the officers and soldiers in service, in as may b.-new doing duty, in the State of New- asmuch as it implies that they are so , ignorant rai-K,or eiseiv.neret ueyonu me lunin. 01 tnis r0f their rights, as to believe you have authori our duty to declare unequivocal Ivta.'vour excellencv. that we shall not obey ypur exceljencyis order for returning ; but shall continue in the service 'of our , country until we are legally and honorably, discharged. An in vitation or order to desert the standard of our couutry, will never be eteyed by us, although it proceeds from the Governor and Captain General ot Vermont. . , Perhaps it is proper, that we shpuld content ourselves with merely giving your excellency the reasons-vmich prevailed upon us to disre gard your proclamation j but we are impressed With the belief, that ourdutyto ourselves, to the soldiers under our oo'iiinrand, & to the pub lic; require that we should expose to the world, the motives which produced, ana the objects Secretary Sonei, or icith any irpartment cr ofji person in it behalf ) t!intfoiiiof m pM'cJrea. sum I have never, in tht course of mirlifeyre. ceived any moneift'to the amount of one farthing, except the ordinary compensation of a Member of the House of uepresenianvw ,- r ASSERTION CONTAINED IX HZ ABOVE QUOTED It JMP VBEVT-fALStHOOD PARAGRAPH IS tiltHOUfAHt) TO itfi KSOtVit, COLOR OR A POLO- " J have'heenhus-distinct, hecans? the facts warrant the above declaration, and because the malignity, whicVcouId invent so nnwarranted a palumnv. must he fullv competent 10 uie incti ness of suggesting some subterfuge, should the terms of my denial be limited tQ tne tenor w ns first inventions. 7 Of the base men, who could fabricate such a falsehood,'or knowing Us nature could circulate it, I cannot condescend to ask the contradiction of it. But I have a right to expect from my political friends an extensive circulation of this denial. And I cannot but believe, that even political opponents who have been unwittingly mstru inental in spreading such a calumny, will not be so absorbed by party passions, as to be unmindiulofwhatthey owe to truUi and to justice. , I am, Sir, very respectfully, yours, occ. JOS1AH QUINCY. Rekjamin Russel, Esq-. V:: r-rTr? THE parties, have agreed that the sale t . iheinieicst uf Benson Card, to' the woui4 Wn,.rein now reidej,o;hcr improvements pn ki'Nw. 38, wheel wopjn, gear vrflom 'hmtet. hettit iiu Minerya, ilulhate place 00 SATURDAY, ,e hyu ; " ?BEVaiPANlE.L.T,L Dec. 3, 18-3. ,' f; Stat6 Bank rifN. Carolina V RALEIGH, NOV. 20. oi AT meeting "of the President and Director of the State Bank of North-Carolina, a UlVlD n . Twa amp oii HAbr pis. Cent, on eacn and every ha tbe Capital Stock of the State Bankiws declared and m'r pjyable to the Stockholders, or their Rcpreiemaiivei on !, after. the first Monday in Decimber ncx:. 2 . ' ; W. H. HAYWOOD, Ca.h ier. Ross Cooke, YFFER their services to the Public XJT AUCTIONEERS during the St s.on of As fhey will seil Dry Goods, &c. fom ' 2 io" 2 o'clock tac; FROM WiNNA.NT's HlSTQUY OF INDOSTAlf. HISTOUV OF SUGAK. Sugar was originally brought from fu'dia bythe Sltate, both UUicers and Mep, are hereby order- ty to co-nuiaud them in their present situation,' introduction ot the plant &achprf.m Ujjicinurum. -eJ and iliioctad, by the Captain General and40r so aliandoned as to follow your insidious ad- I shall here give some acoounTof this useful ar Coiuniaeder in hief of the Militia of (he State j vice. AVe cannot regard vour nroclarnation in tide, and its various removals from its native afiyeruionU forthwith to return to the re'spee live places of their usual residence, within tha territorial limits of said Brigade, and there to hold themselves in constant readiness to act, in obedience to the Orders rif Brigadier General JacoIj Davis, who is appointed by the Legisla ture of this State, to the comwaud of said Brigade.- :. ; And the said Brigadier General UaviiMs I; t re by ordered and directed, forthwith ; to see, tat the JJiiili ia of his said Brigade be coir pjetely armed and equipped, as the Law di rects, an j holtjen in constant readinesl to march 0.11 the shortest notice, to the defence of the ffdnliers ; aud in case of actual flivasioo, without further Orders, to march with his vour n .V .1 a II .lMA..u4-.Ij1aMM.mKn l -w a a-Y urn l V y-v r w r A nmn a- any nifter ligni tnan as an unwarrantable pmce miw iurojir, miciuu nu wiuc o.s, stretch of executive aitthoritv, issued from the cultivated with great success. Arabia," says worst of motives, to effect the basest nurnoses. Pliny, " nroduees Succaron, but the best is in It is. in ourouinion. a renewed instance of that, India. Jt is a honey collected Iroai reeds, a spirit of disorganization and anarchy which is: sort oi wane gum oritue oeiween ine ieeuir me carried on by a faction, to overwhelm our eoun- largest pieces do not exceed the size of a nuf, try with ruin and disgrace. We; cannot per- and is used only in medicine." fceive- what other object your excellency could The cane was an article of commerce in very .- have in view than to embarrass the operations early times. The prophet Isaiah, (xiv. 21) and of the army, to excite mutiny and seditioH a-Jeremiah, (vi.u) make mention of it. "Tboti ong the soldiers, and, to induce them to de- hast bought me no sweet cane with the money rt, that they mitrht forfeit the wages, to which says the first, and the second," To what pur- III sert thev are entitled for their patriotic services. pose cometh there to me tbji s eet cane irom AVe have, however,- the satisfaction to in- a far country f" Brought for the luxury of the fornj your excellency, that although your proe-juice, either extracted by suction, or by some tarnations have been distributed among the se t- other means. In the notes on the elegant poem. I : reeling, as tae i,api? ueneraf aoes tne j a knowledge of jourxccllt .wetglit of responsibility, pHh rests upon him, duces us to believe, that tl with regard to the Constitutional duties of the 1 0f the proclamation, to whit niilitia, ahd flie sacred rights of our citizens tovjjjagpt vour signature, is the CapS $li.l Brigade, to act, either, in co-operation diers. bv vonr asent deleeated for .tat purpose, the Sugar Cane, Doctor Grainger informs us, . . a1 tf HiL. TT. 'l.J -l - .!. I p 9 . . . , ' . , , , W , ,, I . 1. . vuh we i roops, oi ine vnucjj oau-s, er se- they have failed to produce the intended el- mat arnrsi uie raw puce was inaue use oi, tney and although it may appear incredible auervvaras noucaii into a syrup ana in process rour excellency, even "soldiers have discern- ot time, an inebriating spirit was prepared there- ment siilviCient to perceive, that the proclama-from by fermentation. tion of a governor when issued out of the line Sugar was first made from the reed, in Egypt of his duty, is a harmless, inoffensive and nu- from thence the plant was carried into Sicily, gatory document. They regard it with min-! which in the twelfth century, sujiplicd many gled emotions of pity ami contempt for its au- parts of Europe with that commodity ; ar d from thor, and as a striking monument of his foiiy. thence, a period unknown, it was probably Before we conclude, we feel ourselves, in, brought into Spain by the Moors. From Spain iiistii-e tovourexcellencv, bound to declare, thatf the reed was planted in the Canary Isles, and General does the ! irnowlcdse of our -excellence V character in- i in the Madeira by the Portugnescr-Tlmaimen- lie lolly and inlamy eu aoout tne year 1300. mine same year i-er- ch vour excellency j dinand the Catholic, ordered tlie -cane to be car at Domingo. rrOm parately, as circumstaneei may require, in re- 'feei. ueiiiitg the enemy from our territory, and inifvr,, protecting ine goou ctuzeus oi mis cnue ironi their ravages or hostile iuenrsions. " And in case, of an event, so seriously to be de precated, it is hoped and expected, that every citizen, vithbutdistincti.i of party w ill fly at once to the nearest post of danger, and that the o.iy rallying word will ilie OUR COUX- i i1 I - prote'etion from this great class of the communi , tysb efisentjaily .necessary in all free countries ; at a. 'nidmcnt too", when they are so imminently exposed to the dangers of hostile incursions, and domestic difficulties he cannot conscientiously discharge the trust reposed in him by the voice of his fellow citizens, and by the constitution of -iti andjhe United States, without an unequi- vtjcu hi eolsraiicart h a t-t edui s-opi n mit 1 1 1 a mi tar-'rtkaiidtesburttos of thirStatc must be reserved for its own defence and protection, rcZwiwijr--exeaptiiig in .cases provided" for, put vour signature, is not wholly to be ascribed to your excellency, but chiefly to the evil advisers, with whom e believe your ex cellency is unhappily encompassed. We are with due resptct your excellency's obedient servants Luther Dixson, lieut. col. Elijah Doc, jr. major.- Josiah C; out, major. Charles Bon net, cajitain. Jesse Post, captain rElijah W. Wodfaptain. Elijah Birgi!, captai:K Mar tin !). Follet, captain. Amasa Mansfield, -eightA. ' Kjtctliency' command) l'ei. Swift, scc'.''; 1 - Samu ' V Cantonment XFteitsbnrgK) Nov; Of, 1S19: . TQ HIS EXCELLEVCT , ... M:TIT1N CBlTTEJVDKJf, Eftq. Ovwrvor, Captain General and Covitrtandcr in Ckirfi, inaiii oyer the State' of Vermont. Sta- A most novel and. cxtraorojinarylro r i ciamation from your . Excellency ' ; ordering aiv-1 directing such portionoflhe militia of the ; qfVormont, now doing duty ii the state, of iVew-T:"ork;' both' oHice-m ihi BienJorthwun tQ return to the respectiyeTplaces of their rcsi dftca," has iust beciCcomrounicated t the uiji designed otficers of said brigade. 'A-measuo j so ti ne tampK'd,' requiresy w,e . shonia s.taw . to yoir exccllcney, the '-reasons which indued us. a'soititafy and posit iveJy; to refuse obelienoor to , the order'eonta.iucd' i:i j-o)ir.IixuelJcncy'a Vro clam ition: With due ijefer.cnce to your Excel K'Hfy's opinion, we htimbly conceive, that when j we are ordered, into the serviee q?. the United ; Stale-., it leeomes our duty,.when Hrequired, to Tnferch to tl4i dsfer.ca of aiiv section of tlie Union We are not of that class who believe thaTby ; r"duTiesasiT izens or sold lers a re cir camscribed. viithin the narrow limits nf the town or slate iu which wo reside ; but, that we are captain. T. II. Campbell, Ii ut. O. O. Dix- cnn. lienf KVn.niia 'nrtlvnv. li'p.llt. .losliiia Dy the Cousiitui ion m lite unucn;aiates ; and j Brush, lieut.--Uaniel JJodge, ensign. han- tt'eu, under" orders derived oniv troin tne com- ftrd Oadcomh. captain James tullm . . . r a - JT J ' manier in chiei.. . tliyen under my hand at Montpelicr, this 10th mj. Af eyeni ;bc r, inj.he'year of our Lord i),n4 Thousand E'ght Huiilred and Thirteen, and of the irfidi-'pcndcnce of the U. states, the ai i 1 1 : , - - - .' V , ' MAUTO CHIT-TENDEX., nartflr master Shenard Beal.&SlfWrtAi i'asset, surgeon.-Seth Clark, jr.' gg niate: Thomas Waterman, captain. Benjamin Fol- lt, lient. Iiira liill, surgeon s mate. ried from the Canaries to those islands the art of making sugar was intro duced into the island of Ilispaniola, and in about the year 1623 into the firazils, the reed itself growing spontaneously tn both those countries. Till that timo sugar was a most extensive luxu ry, and used -only as Mr. Anderson observes, in feasts and physical necessities. J shal l here anticipate ,tJ a n ccount of the state ofugar in Spain, where iu Lnrope it first be "'vt .(,... i ucii aiurc i large ana Cpm.i odi and a zojd firtwill be keDt. Anvwrnmk;. '. G.wd. &c. lold ia this way,fwilj pleane to send thtrntoibtifc 7 Store with invoices. Raleifch, 1 8th Nov. 18 !3. 0 tf Wm. V. Mason, SADDLER, at the Sonth-East corner, near? theMa.ket, Raleigh, keept congtanily on ha,,, vmivr. suf;)y'pt Saddles, Harness, &c. made up in the mo durable manner, and in a style of elegance inferU to nue the state. - P. S. A large assort mpr.t of Leather always for a as fc ' hwa j and Couniry Saddlcu supplied with materials in thd ! ne 20 4. Nov. 12, 181J. It ' We further conceive that whH-we are in ac tual service, a -id diiring.lhe period for which we were orsred into - service, your Excel lency's power over-us, as Qovernor of the 8tat;?.of Vermont, is suspended. Jt it js rrC as your-Excellency states, that : ; we me out of thejurisdictionjir control of the jexeciitive of Vermont,-we r wow'M askrfrojnjpqrfngror xttiiWiiyJiiLjJidiiv other mat. ner .L - 1?.. '-11....... .J..!:L ' 1 .1 , . M . . . ' . ' . ftihencttyour Excellency derives the right, or pras;imes to exercise ilipower of ordering us to 'return JProm jfhe ssrvieo infvliieh ve are now eugigeJ ? If we tirelcgallj ordered i:ito the eeivic of the CBited Stated yetjr "Excellency tROM THE BOSTON GAZETTE. SIR i . litincy 2iL No i 1 8 1 3. IN the " Boston Pairing" of the 6ti- ofOcto ber last, was published aseries of observalion, purporting to have originated in " te Yan kee," and " commencing with the following statement : " Tho morality religion and patriotism of Mr. Quikoy may well he appreciated by the public" when they are informed, that he is now caTrTfiigoiraTo and has a contract at this moment, with Air. Secretary Jones, for furnishing the government with -mi. huvdreu thousand pound ot nails to annihilate the enemy : and very- probabletbe jVery bails that ues-royed. the enemy on laKe Efie were manufactured at his fouiwery." , The succeeding remarks tend to impress the public vrith-this idea, that notwithstanding,, in my public capacity, I had opposed the war, in t -t i i . ' '"' 1 my private, i nau consented to aenve an advan tage trom it. An inconsistency the writer con cludes, on!y to be reconciled on the score of avarice. . . - . To this caltimny, it was. my intention to op poseiio other shie Kl, than Uiat,' which conscious integrity spreads over its possessor. Nor should Inowdeviitle from my original purpose, had not letters from friends in other'States, assured me thatlhe story w as .gaining: credit at a dis tance : the boldnes&of the assertion, having had the honorable minds to eonceivelhat so nnqnlified effect of evidence. It beiug difficult for uuder a parauio'int obligation to our common honorable minds to conceive that eijnTvy7ilhe greatcourederaevoftates.nTillegatio was soineiniiig, in iiic iiuiureui niyjcngago ment3, to give it cottntCuance, or at least, pre tence. - ' ' " Under these circanastancesl feel myself call ed upon to 6tate, that l am not, and never was concerned, or had any interest, 'remote or con tingent, direct , or,' indirect, as a principal or chatsocver, in or tcith any fouiulery for casting rannon, or any other foundery, or manujactory whatever that I have not, -and nlver hrve had my contract, r interest or share in any con tractf made- bfjngsetff or any fit me tcith came stat ionary, borrowing it from the flth vo hi me of my outlines of the globe. It was till Iai; years cultivated to great advantage in the Kingdom of Granada, and great quantities of( sugar made in the "inga.nlos mills. In the year g-iiXhe.idlyof.2l!garili, were eight hundred rkmilies Their - priiKiaf -omaierce. wastTiT sugar and syrups' niado in four sugar works, from the plantations oi canes winca reacnea 3;00 txkets at 5-o'Iars ch. is Ri5 500 lrom tlie SOUtli Sitie (lOWll TO ine sea side? OUt The cash prizes tubjcci to a deduction rf fifteen per cent," these and the other sugar works are greatly I Statiuna h) atjelbxr decayed, by t son of the excessive duties. First 5Q0din Blanks entitled to '' 6dollJ.eadi This with the increased uemand lot Lands for Stile. TO be sold at vendue, at the house of Alett aivier Tcrrtns, in Iredell Count; on MONDAY ih( 24th day of January next, the reraairing Real Estate, betonguj tothe heirs ot Aiiiasdes WorKe, deceased, to wit iMnds in Iredell County J 105 acres ot land on the wat .s oi Davidson's Creek, nftf Centre Meeting House, in Iredell County, on which ?s jne; sait dwelling hose, with all necessary out houses, late fa ; stdence of C. Worke. , 157 acres of land, on Davidson's Cretk, neai the aforesaii tract. 34 acres of land, on Davidson's Creek, called White's plic$ 5 3 acres of land near the same. l&nds in -Mecklenburg County. 223 acre of land, formerly the property of Andrew Alexaf der. '" . - - 400 acres of land, lying on Second Broad River, in the couiisf tf Ru h- r ord. C3 A. sale wiH positively be made of the shares of all those wno do mnrlissent bef ire the 24th day of January neiu A It beral credit wiil be given, and bonds with approved security r luired. Any further information neceasary will be give. Med.tyot sale. . ' ( M. STOKEK Attorney for the Heirs o( Col. Work Novr8fJ3ta. . 22 oi. (BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NORTH-cit '' ROLINA.) SCHEME OP THE OXFORD ACADEMf Lottery; 1 prie of g2000 ft do 10C0 do 500 do 200 do ,00 , .", do So tickets eaoh, do - 50 do gO b 15 do , 10 do 6 1 1 3 , ,6 20 2i) 40 80 100 800. 10i 500 6'J 6Q9, . 8000 ' 10C0 8fl0 '" J200 lOOt) 4809 1 072 prrafi, ) Not two blanks to 52038 blank, J a prise. 3;00 ttckets.at 5'o'lars fach, is i! 5,5.0 sugar, on , FirU drawn Ticket the prevailing use oi chocolate in the kingdom, iittc7;n the 4tb) 6tbf 8lh; wd which requires double the quantity ofthaHar . ioth days' tide, has occasioned a drain of a million of dol-, Dmo on lhe l6lh lars out ol the conntry, in i);iymcnt for sugar, i , i',?... ..e. m,? . ' 18thdayt ... prcstl VtS ill" "Liicr finiirci iuuui icsi inn in very extraordinary, considering that Spain is ; possessed of-some of . the tinesi tigar islands, heiles4hpiiaeiLof manufacturing it within its home dominions. Ditto on e'ach day from the 20th to the 30th inclusive, excepting the Tickets constituting Prises, 200 dolls. JO dolls. (ck f 50duBi.elU SO tickets wefc JThejiaid(fkes-tocontst4)f-theNUmber3 from 101 500; inclusive. each 20 of the said 400 to be one nre. tb A Bank Check, : . BRAWN by the Cashier of the Norfolk 3ranci ot the Fatmeni' Bank of Virginia on the Petets bu'ijj iJianchoi' (fee ami Bank, in htvornf William Kirkpa tick, or order, 10r' 25 JO d, liars, dated 10th Srpt. ifttS ndo;sed payable to J. B. Blount,, orbrder, Casliierol the Branch of the Siate4Bank of toitii Carolina af Eden ton,- Btc. The above Check is supposed to have been delayed or miscarried at one oi ihe Post Ollicca between this and Edentori. Notice thereof has been given io the Petersburg Branch aforesaid and pa mem stopped accordingly. ' RICHARD BRADLEY, Cannier of the Bank of Cape rear. Wilmington, N.C. 25th ov. is 13. 22 ?w. . The printers of the .Norfolk JLtdgerand Petersburg In .elligencer are requested to insert the above for one week in each ot their paper. R? 3. Eor Saler4- v F IGHT "hundred thirty-three and a third a rn nf ImH in Oranville couruv. .on the waters O Grassy and Island Qeekst f a good quality, such as the "far mers in that county" use in rajsinj tobaccg, com, wheat, &c Negroe Will be taken in payment if most convenient lor the pu'chasa. The land may be seen on application to Edmdnd rAYLpR, esq. of Granvitl and terms nude known by appli cation to the subscriber in Raleigh. - WM. HILL. .."'. '' 22 tf. November 28, 1813. ,or sale, , ryiHE liandsoine little FARM, of' otie hHn- dred acres.abaut 4 rr.tlcsto the East'i Ralctgn Apply , niwrci. nu Aijcifih, Nth Nty. m?i lint 20, or !owf st Number Tor the 20th day, and soregu'T I ascending to thggtlif s .- ' ' , " . ' First drawn on the 40th day, , Poll - Ditto. . , 42d day DoH. l0fl Ditto. - . . 45th day, Dolls- 3( Diiro. ' . ' . 30th day, Doll:. ' M Last drawn Ticket, ' - I Doll. The public will perceive that in the foregoing schemfi " alteratroM has been marie by converting the K'OO dollars fl jafinir ori6. and the 2000 dollars ir.to a stationary premium This change has been resortedtoTor the sole purprse iJ hui: ing the. drawing, by placing in the power of tbe managed commence under the sale of a Smaller part of the Tickets.' They aie aware, thalin limes like tbe present, of gonersl pt1 -ure, individuals do not wi'lingly let their money remain it is inactive. ' It is therefore their" wish and their expecta" L l- -i.i-j t..-: .t- a m iWa- .Winme at drshonf Those who WL,. ftbetot aiteFtlieva?ltii nimihirorthe" legislature rrhnsrd lieketsl and do not apiove 0l r . . ... will be at liberty to return their num- crwarcs. going alteration, or before the first day o January nct, but roi aliwarc 1 r TH .- B. LITTLEjOHK, WILLIAM ROB AUD ' WILLIS LEWIS, ' . THOM S HUNT, WM.M.SNEED, . Manage Ticket, at5 dollars eadi, for srJeat the Minerva 0ce. ; ... on if . VT.... Ill " AM XHUV, 17. A few Tickets tn the Baltimore: Trinity Church totter, Ja SALS AT A7.WSA 9 wrr S I -.-?

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