si l1t V. ..j J -. .'.V. , 'i nV'A , V T -r: 'HI'. ':'';, v.-r - ' 'f s a-C v. :'.- ';. - postpoW. j , -rtPC I? Thursday December V 4s pfynV laving theriglil to tender it ' v'4 .".,:n i.ii ' M.t t ....... . raleigh, (N.t,.r P&I&TED, WEEKLT. BT ALK LUrAf. wVirw.,TAiee dolbu per. ye; ehalf to fee jiaid iti idvam e. Ko paper Ubc6nlinue4 looker than thrte north a V' yaf-' subscription becomes duernd notice tkeref have brer given". ..;..,,,,.-.,. nt cxrv'iimr 1 lines, 'tr lneerted thiice Vt oajed-.JUr, and Co, vweiuy-rivo centieacta btqent jlMcr tiwri; and in i ke proportion where therejrareate'r oi I ne than f"iijteen.; , . - lA'gldaturc of North-Carol'tiiti HOUSE OF COMMOVS, ' ' .',.''"' 'fliursdap J)(c 2. . Irlr. Martin presented a bill authorising the county eourt of Wilkes U Iaya tax for th'e pur le of hisil iinaf . a .jail ia said county. Read and st'rit to (he Seniiter ,1 Mr. Iredell presented a bill fo amend, an act to prevent domestic, insiirrectioji, antl for othtr b'ttr4,i4e; l alid .bent tf tfjfeeaate. y- The home toot up th$ resofatiohj'rdm the se nate for the appointment of a select joint torn-:, mittee to en juire into the political conduct of the llonorable Havid Stoiie, as a Senator from 4t tat?'iB ihe Cingrass of the United States. Ji wii stated iii the .Minerva of Mst. week, a snmion of Mr. Cameron for an indefinite post jiinemcnt, waa-losf, 68 to 6 3. , TThe question on.; the passage of the resoln 4jfin was then taken hy yeas and'naysa'rid'car ;ried,' veas 8, nays 0. , ' - " , T r trt IM resoiui ion. iiessrs. Anavrson, iva i I. ?lftineioted that it Ac indefinitely .postpone ixot agreeaio o voimg ir ujponiHcu" and 60 fteAutt it. : . . This bill occasioned a yery animated sionjifc which' Messrs. Steel, otany DrewPhifer; &cinffaRed. y On m&tiou of Mr.' Stanly ihe hill, y red to a select eoinmil tee. ',lf;-V---';4 The; bill for' the better accommodation of the covcrnorsi' oftis state, was read the third time, and passed. Yeas'ST, nays 22. " : v--s -' - Mmday, Dec. 6. Mr.' Koherts presented aVto prevent all Branch pjfGts ffom'iftetiag missioners ot navigation in the eyerJ sMds and rivers oflliis ftte a anf ireW; a bill to al- ter and amend the 4?d I -if an act passed in the in eacl lime. ! Amessage was reeeived from his elJfllsncy the governor iransmitting a letter frc-i ,'thi? euauditte of safetyf yewbern,- and a petition from the committee'. of saTeh-iof ' W'itaiinsrl.O'P- pravin. that th.-ir expendif tires for the detVnce of the Hate, during the late invasion, should bt; refunded. Referred to the first t committee, ou the governor's message. ,:. The bill for eretiiig' the- Ash regiment of in fantry into a rule r egiment was read the third time and passed. " The bill to amend an act empowering the se veral county courts to order Ute laying out of jxililic roads, to establish ferries, ami to ap point where bridges are to be built," was on mo- iioa oOIrRuifin .amende by striking out the ;' Mr.. Cameron presented the memorial of the friockboMars of the gfate BankdJ JN. Carolina, on the subject of the Newhern and Cape Fear petitions.- "' .'' '." ' "' 1 ' ' '.f ' mr. omnia oi rcwDern, :pwK . wpwnwu . .iiV1...r..iji--y .t.j.i4i: to mis memorial ana m support ui inc jrctiiuna of the- Banks of Newbtr arfd Cnwe-Fean, , He wa rV)lied to bv Mr. Lews'ftHIiftfcjff bf Snrfj. Tpyiieato uy jyir. itwamsoi-caro TLc 'memorial whs referred to thesrilcct com mittee to whom the petitions of -the jBanka of Newbcrn and Uate-Fear hart been fefer red, Mr. Farmejr presented a bill ' 'authorise the county courof EdgeeomW to lay a tat Jo dtffray, the cxpenee of building a DuWiji jairiri 8 county. ' t i ' l The bill eonfirmiug tti? boumlnr hetween this ate and the stair of Houth-Curplhiaand 3 year iSV., citabK openoj co nu , . hm (i knA an ftc re .. 6l;c6 t,ftlelr - . - A .L 1 L ., 4 U tk -IT knod I tin r ' rivers tu a shield to. tht specie of the hanki ihiW t t 7. the $anin iinio'answered "every purpose of dos mestievse ofoney.Ouarantcd hy the faitli .-ti I bf the tatej and tteevred as it '"werr hy a'1lit-f"jvi upon the-wholcf propcrty-ln ther state, ' nUth- ' w as aubject tuT taxation for its redenmon: and -r , a lenucr n m paymenis, me paper currency. t wa a muQa wncy as a large proportion of the not? tssaed hy the banks, the exeeaa of tyLii-li -V above the specio" in the, banki, revrekentfl uot i V mop hut thtfeirifes of the debtors of theliank. upon whose bon&a , the, notes have issued j iar .which particular, m ell ecured,bank-iiole may be as good, eeftainly not hetter than ha . , Ihi withdrawal of this cor..".' TJarnes, 'Benton, Boon; Bateinan, Brown, Calla wav. Jo. Chambers. Cherry, Cnusr, B. Cbam-f whole thereof excent the words A bill?' and tfers, Daniel, DreSv Davenport, Douglass,' E- inserting one which he. handed in i and it then, tlieriiige,. u oter, ;jp lowers, reiiou, woonin, as amendctl, passed its third reading. Gtpfoiu Graves; Hamlin, Hare. C. Harris, Hil- Mr. DieJcina nresented-.a bill oncernin liard, tI.iseM, Jona'. Harris, ':IIogan,;Hardison, 'stray., Ueadaiid seut to the senate. Tuesday, Dacemhtr 7. hill lar Ine re- Ikes ; Mr. Car- pauer currency rencv' from circulation hv .the state bank, and the prohibition uoon that bank to re-issae it under its stipuJatioij with the state, has hid tlie efieet of e'xposingthe specie lathe bank To ealk friini il hojldert of this hank notes, and - litva j&b!fcH3 them W curtail their hsincs sf diseoinji'l.'The observation aud 'experience of f i - . if j i1 r . 1 - i - t- - tit yur memonajitis since tn commencement or ? v ? '? me uiKTuuuns oi inr siaie oanK, nave convin 1. m, tjiat unaided by the paper currencf! i - t , . , . - T . m vr.u ... a.wv.. .a. uni UI c .1111 'a 'Pit.anta.n iii .Innwas r-riiiitv. . . . . . ,.. . . ? w V .11 ii . ' j ' ana course of the commercial intercourse of thi;' Mr.Mwoy pre8e,4cjU hill to amend an act. wiih -ilt tt..tu ,irftfi.. r J:, " entijlodan act to prevent the e,rela small promissory notes or due bills. This bill ,n,u M . ,7 . . ' T" goes 10 punmi aacu.., ......'.; heretofore. The bahks i to circulate nue mus.j IJie hul lor Hie ineo it in 11 nf!f fki'ftuli.-iliurv , j luai -specie on nana: anu mai collision oetwei inc. t: , i.a;ni,f.r:n,. I.,,,,!-, ' tf.mC-.i'.i . Mr. Pitk-etL , from Ahe select committee, ascibe not to desJ hut are 'williag to beiiev handed in the ollowing report. results of course and ofneeessity from the proxi The joint select committee to whom was, re-,' . nr ...pi, p-inKuiKmPfit.' hut irf,;.!. 'mJiUi. 1CI1CU IIICUICIIIIIIIUIII Ul'tllO IQlUCill MIIU UI to oversears of roitds, J creeks, passed their flurd rpadinga. V ' i Tfl'J.. Than JA - Mr. Vhifer, in conformity.. wJIUi s a .petition handed ia, presented a. bill to establish a se- nn.-jjlp ivp.m in. tlitliAr ril4. , . . . . .. Air. C Bryan "presented a bill to, repeal an' . - t &. until a revolution. is cifected in the nature and are now compelled1 to, S -''. ' n, 'reduce the amount of loans and to pre portion. ? orporation of the Thes- their igs,ie of note8 , degree4io . . f r, passed itft thu d read-, tual-pecie on haad . ana4 that collision between. ' J I Xlili; Itawkin; Wmi Jones, (Hcrtlord) Jordan Johnson noir, Kyle, 1Cilpatjikfianit;r,' ginn,D. MiIler,'Mebane, 7 Loften.'Le. .1 " . Tkt M I ln.nT.nn.. aiM.aillail ( It. Longino,. D. Miller, Mebane,Maey, Mar-' ,: "V ""'". w: .(. t . l K- ..!:' TJ nf.iji. tir. net ui tuc vnuuiy train i ui tiiv tifi, .xe'.vav, ruri.iu, x I'gn, v. ivitiviu iv, 11 in. in. ii i IS m v ij a li ' c? f iiUdlK, I Ml . 1 ( ... At b it r -c w6 aJ.. cr .sona oiii to amena me aci incorporating me itsife. Rumn, a. Sawyer, himmons, , . T . , . 1. 4N, ". & ' ..: 6-lr--i-'A-TrrT3-.ir4-urma-JiiverasViiuon company : jvir. nare riciiiner, u. sawyer, ap?iicer,. Anuiei rH.w-er, . , ... . , ., - . , .,: ,. - , m xv ''i W iii! irr.t i,( w-i a bill to amend the act establishing an acaiie- Tanalerro, Worsley, AValton, Wright, Wil-, - tt, , , ,r. 8 r . , r . : ,. . ' 7 my on the lands ol Thomas a, Littlefohu, t r ne "' t a a i Granville ; Mr. Powell a bill to repeal an act . MavnatJthe resolution. Messrs. Jesse Adams, i,. , ' .. . , . T 1 , . -f i t i n n i n .i w n : to make compensation to Jurors summoned to Johii Adams, P. Ban fnger, Butler, VVm. Bry-, . A .. . . t t ' w ' S V ni ij r serve' as -Talesmen in the counties ot (-arteret su D. L. Barriner, Boylan, Blackmail, C. , . . A . , ... i , . . m " i '.a. . H.IIII 4k.l-.IIJIIIIIIII. Mil IILI 11 II'niK'1.13 ' II. If, II lllll all I aad-Mr. iiobcrts a bill to enable iNan- rry of Carteret to hold ucli property as she. may hereafter acquire. Be veraily read and sent to the benate. -- v - , The bill from the senate for the division- rectors ol I lie Ji an Ks or cape-rear oc ixewoein beg leave. to report : , '. That they have taken the same into .eonsi- j deration, und viewing th benefits the commu- Inilv have filerived frpui those institutions, the Ermri. i;i;irlr. Utcru t'nt. I nmfkhpll. if. I;nl.' j (LuX" JL?' ' n-;.iif' r'.A..; i county; mxlBy iilll IHI ISalll, '-ailll UI4, VIUIIIM, VIUIIi .11. -f i'...,. n:Ac.w n,..)! n:ir v."J4iin,viF Jivu, vtM ?uu. iiv n.nuii, Aiit4i;j, i ' j - of Rowan county, was read the first time and returned. arrearages -Ins,- Ffiritier, Fcrinell, GillesV ie,GibsoBrHuck-- abee, Hukc, H'lyle', Jones, (Perqiiimmons') Ire " dill, W. Vy. Jon8, King, Lighifoot, Moore, Mf iilloch, M Lcod, fVIatthis, (iwen1, Pinkhum, Phif?r, Jpe,TWell, Pearce,1 Pearson, Pickdt, lioberfs, Itinsl Stevvart,iSe;iVL;ir, Shepard, tVHUlUI WIM Mlllie , WaPLaMflf WlfVll "Will imIfl a iY i a 4 . II jl m, v -i .V - ' - ishenifof Martin, to collect the :'ThVrcsluUon Vai'lfiin' r'c'ferreito a 8electHaxr,,"ert,,, 'e8tale'of said Iecead ji; ,. .'i.,: . '.''i:.'-A n' . -land sent'io tne senate. I'll 11 niuiiiiji ici , cutnismi ui iTicasi s. 1, ,11119,1 . r -,.. . . . . . ... . tj-K i- in u' ? '4fi -Mr. (jlle"pie presented a hill to .Branch and rijwktn on the part of the senate :!,. . 4 ,-, , , , T, ,i :t.::. ... i..: i. ,..,.. a Vr. i..n?- 'r-ttheounty court of Bladen . to Jay iirftii uii mill wi iiic hi . iicaii o. 1111 iiiii, u. "Williams, Hare, Craig, Johnsoaand Ililliard. ' jZ'T'"jr ""; Tr Friday, Dec. 3. Mr. jr. fT. Jones introduced a bill to make .tjie jprotrist of a notary public evidence i! cer iain eas;s, and to direct Uie manner; in which aertaiju actions may he brought. Head the first Mr. Jfl iJViJone&afoo presentedllie petition dividends and 'revenue-that -the State lias re ceived fro m the s amri and w 1 ch may be en hanced by an extensiou of their charters, and also considering that this sonree of i-evemie will be lost to the. Stafo by suffering the char ters of said bawks Jj.tpirc, they are of opi nion that it will be expedient Tor the legislature to grant the prayer of the niaiorialists, and re eotnineud the bill accompanying this report to be pasftc d into a law. Accompanying the report was a bill con- cernwg the". Bank ol Cape-Feur and Newbern winch being read fiaof llilltiboroi! t was moved Uy AJr Kui ii that it be indefinitely post- !' Mr. Cherry presented abill grantjng further f0ld- Pyxbh debate, ensued, and the Htime to the aiministratoni'of Smiti.wkli, late rucd without jcoming to a decsoon. of Read! authorise) j and col lect a tax foHhc licnclit of the poor of the saVJ county. Head, &c. . Mr, Pearson, from the committee of divo re' and alimony, reported against the petiu.oii-: pf Stephen1 Gilmore, Rebecca Bond, Naicv Ballaird, Catherine - Alexairdjr, M. Grant ham. Jacob Prry, Jno. l). Mask. Sarah Bell, and Thomas U Thomas imIs. all B'iiito: f. ray i tig rdavnrfra. r. I'ojiriitiii nln nrfpiil i I 'i Kill t. V Jolin CkvniierAnd Samuel R.Joeelyii,, pray-' Alex. Crossland, of Warren, from his mnS in: rcmissiua ui xnmxvyn cfimiv 'K" AVif6 L'atliCnne, which wa read the 1j rst time. fei is. loaned .bv the. state, to cnaole tnem to e ' . - . j . . : .feci 'certain -salt .woj?ks. Referred- to the com - (a . '',''--'.' i ' ' HGiuae oj : proposi i rocs ana .grievances . , . . Wed n escay, Dec. j?', 1813.. Mr. Johnson presented a bill to provide for . - . . n.n.t .... ' ,i 4 : i a : : : . . ai.. . '..ilrA5iattrprcsentcd a bill to grant to the' V1C wu iuv utu5 na-uuus, ui-uiexaunr lj:k. of tli?, VupremQ court the eopy right of the ty of Warron, and to repeal the 1j ws now in teiMrtsrcases ara-aeti-aHd determined in said regoluTlng the same, Mr. O.nnip a bill f Otirt ' - '"".-C1'r"-.';.rt" .-'--v ' v " -l regulate the town of Henderson - in Moufgo- bill to" extemlj.he time ' mery county, provide for repairing the alt or 3ec;iri.a: li'i.u Mr. lleife, a bii( to to .aiter the .place ol til - i:,0-ie f elect io;i'in futme, in the. county of l, ji'8 i,lu('e i,M4oiaar.' Air. lwson from the, coning tee . "'jS m$? of Mr. Daniel 'Sawyer a bill holding a -separate "dec Tyrrtl. Severally read alimonv. JKTitrr JjT7rbT2i.!!jitv ,fi dm her htVsbanlcroeTK -tif .4 ' aS..'.-4.A ! '- ..'I :M rrV t f Jon f.s -prcTCn t c l"iTh i irio the tinges, of, holding the suiicrior cour the' fifth cireint. Read aull referred to a aTTcr rtti in coni- U,.;ctt. .vUy read; the first time. . . i r f!-'t;ii.u i.wipn(t..l i Fie. jiniinn I rpnnrt ironi ,Ukct-THi: hchai f :f -tbeV,Vau., of the .mee co'iwisl.inspf meinuera .ftomthe counties ewbern': B a.ik, tiir,g that the ..institution '"'S fa,1 cnit "' . tad twtiss.fid withi.V.he year a greater amou. ft Mr. AValton, trom the . comnultee to whom '."..iii.itKin il.w iitl;ri'; HiH "no.t Hi' j,',. luitj been ivleiTed the petition of many of. the W Hi,vO nTl 4 i. j A i i. ' W ' V " i. -m I. .... . v fcoiporaVion..; and ".jbat the account of wish ...injlnftaJlta, MEMORIAL. 'TO THE HOKOnvriLE'THIS oesrhal asse1hbi.y .OF.'THIiS I A TB OF NORTH-CAROLINA. T!ie Memorial of the Stockholders - of the Bn:;k of 'Xcwiicrn, Respectfully heicetht That v an act of the Legislature of l)ecember,.180 4, al- U I . ... ' I 4.. 4 1. !--.! . 1 Ik'- I ' ' iic o li u ,oii i s iTi-inc unTiK ui ewiicrn were .4 ..-i , ... . . t-Lf-- n j i i f.ii,(' e 7 ii tits oi banks in this state must be small and u incorporated for the term ol sixteen years awl . ' i i ,. ,. .. , Al - . . , ... , i. , ,P iiiiijciiru nuu luittiuuai uucuiiai i-OillBluil utf soon alter eomineiiectl their dmeniintn. rii i--,. ... -. . .... H ...r. . siilt.of .this experiment, the first at bankinz o perations iu this State, was of the most salutary lef witluh appearance of vanl of amity, hat in faK all the effects' of direct hostility. With a capital of $223,Q0Q, the bank of xewbem haV ,J been TaluuS'e to the state and useful to tlciti'' . ,'f' zens. In a ;,nipetitipn of doing good, it will'1 not shrink froma.comparison with any institu 1 tionf thesome eapiial $ hut it cannot contend . in arms against the staie hank, with its capiul exceeding one million' ohiollaf-a .It's businei ; must be cramped and its acetf.mmodations spa 4 r. ringly afforded, while they acf Jjnder theasui ' , ranee that every note' it issues, initead of circu latingin .thetransactioW.of th conlv is laid aside in the state bank ta hepresented for pay merit.' Hitherto,' since the "establishment ;,f f tho state hankj the sOspcniied taCe of edinmeree- . " and,' the consequent . forjiremittane'e ''froWthe -'itate4lit''wjant of opportunities of seading off specie hyt!water conveyances, with (he interruption by the, war of that enormous drain of silver, the Ea9tlndi trkde, and the rc'sjVtte afl'orded by the device of issuing at one hank, ntes payable at a distant biirik have prevented a display of tho full effect oi!the coNscuenee's of Hie want of paper eur rcney, and of the collision between' the hank's f. btit experience has saiiicienlly shewn, that de urived of the aid of pancr ciirrencv. even with- m. x a . t - j - out any urtili' embarasments,the future pro- l!4'J. 1 ' il' 4'- L t-i.'-t.'l'- 11 .1 f twecu the banks, will be made still less. J To the disadvantages to which' the hank of 1 ! ivri.,iw. u ..k:....i ai 4 n i ... a . jicnwrui is buu ccicu imni una ainiB ui iiiii ifb a luiiii oi capital, previousiv tor-i -i . " ,, , 9 ... . . . ... h mi 1. 1' mi in iin wit i ii 1 1 v in ipibpii ira thiha in tThe estimation afthe stbckholden, is to be ad-" eharatftcr. fMilrwaiiihtHtoiFeuijitionfJliberal counts, tine people were accommodated with loan ,t an .amount greater than twice the capi tal, titlvahcedx every public institution and un dertaking of public utility, received the assis tance it asked ; the imnK:diate necessities of the country were relieved; punctuality inpayments improved ; business was inspired with nevTlife"' and increased activity imparted to enlerprize. Approving the integrity and prudence shewn in the management of the institution, the Legisla ture in. 1807, directed a Subscription to the stock of the Bank, of twenty-fire thousand dollars, y $s25,0)0) ia tlie present paynicnt of two-thirds of which, the State was indulged with a credit at an interest of four per cent.- per annum.- I.' ,i . . n .i . fee vaatti was foniflto be fair and aorrcct. ashinglon county prayiiii! th remoral of the court house and other public .buildings 'from Lee's Mills to the -town of ' M i. ySltiu.ti" t;L-'Aurid..v:' iirc4pnliil' t hp lif titioii : and oiempriar.of.tlii) Bank of Cape Fear, aiid'n"""! sported a hill for carrying into ef also th'i memorial ad petition of the agents Iwt.l Pyr of the petitioners, which was Pti he Bank of NRvbcrk with hills; to carry! M lin, aml ut l 1 H ate. the same into effcct;ipMylfcXtension of their ' f- Canicron from the committee, to whom charters ami author ity to defease their Capital iMbenreferd,tlife bill vesting in the supe Jtock resnectivelv. Referred to a committae Courts, tlie power of granting divorces, tqasistingof Mesnj i. Pickett ' fovnet aad xarmci.' on the Mr. Cameron pri 'sentcfi Aefof last ; sv?sr,iui incorporating 1iver Navigation C 'onipany. , Saturday. UecAt. m,;!.. renortcu a new oiii as an .amendment, which ,e part of the 1-nuse. -was read tie. first time, aud aent to the Senate, r' Mi a " i .t. Mr.' Callaway presented' the following re la bill to amend the,!,,.;. - . r , the Neuse Mr. ir?M9 presen ted the petition of a number f the inhabitants i f Brunswick county pray ing that the courts of said county beheld here 4ifter ut Lockwoo I 's folly. iIr.M'Cnlloch. presented a hill to Establish ilnirs inthe town i'.fSalisbi:y ; and Mr. Vail a oi'.l td rrgulate tij c inspection tifraayal stores, lifa.d the: first tin e. - . r ' v A messagcwai received from his excellency 1 In1 governor invi liiig tbc attention of the hoe a'o tii suWect of -obtaining proper scites for I iirht-lvrise8 and lj"rtilication.'' Referred to one rfhTcommittee on the governor's message. , The bill . venting in the superior court the g; iircraf'aatim;; direr wastakoa up. Mr. solution 1 Whereas there is ho Existing law to compel Quakers, Dunkards, Moravians and meuonists, to muster and be an arms,'.t)thVrWise than in case of invasion and insurrection, and as we are involved in war, and as it'isrjust' that ho part of the community .that is known by our laws, should be exempt. ! . Resolved, That a joit committee be ap pointed by both houses to take infoj con sideration ihe expediency of passing a' law t compel them td bear arms" or to pav a fonr fold tax, so as to take some part in the p'reTvuT' contest, and. that' they report by bill r othci ivise. '' ":. '.' ' '--r ."i v;:,,- Mr. Cameron moved that the reflation bo postputieil indefinitely aud the (jncstiou beiu taki'ii by yeas and nays' was arrid.- . . j- " leas ,4ays 81 r rum the commencement of , the institution to th ceived a divideiid never less than ten p per annum j and the Stats, since its subscrip tion, has reeeiyje'd in dividends aud tajt, thu sum of twenty-two Ithorsand eight hundred dollars ar.dfijfty ceuts, (52,800 : so) at JLhe the rate Qffojji,tijpusand, seven. hundred and fiftyilol lars aiinually, m ithout any diminution or charge upon ihe su-iu subscribed, which still remaius at fthe disposal of-the lesislatitre. .On reoeated occasions, the necehisities of the State have been relieved by loans to the public treasury, and the views of the general government advanced by a 'loan at six . per .rent of twenty-five thousand dollars (825,000)' (one ninth of the capital of the institution) the. M bole of which stock the bank yetTetaius. -; During the period of five years, the state has had three directors at the board, from whpSe observation aud report, the legislature are assured of the Upright und laith fat discharge by the bank of all its duties.' So fart' he view of the. institution and of its opera tions, presents only matter for exultation the justification of past confidence, and the sanction ol future pronuse and hope. But your memori alists heg leave to represent, tbat from tlie es tablishment of the utate bank in the ysar 1810, vud .the occurrence of fireumstancei flowing from that estaljlishment, their "prospects are Changed, and thrly are now compelled to euter iain .le.Vs favfirable views of the future activity a in i usefulness of the institution upon its present tajfafioti.Mbiclrviews tley feel -bouud to a u bin u '.to the consideration of the legislature. ? The paper! money of this slate not beinecur- Iraai beyouu. th Ituiiti of the state, was ia the led, the" annual tax of one per- cent, per annum, from .vhich the state hank is exempt. In deli berating on the state and prospects of the insti tution merely ai stockholders, calculating only thepromdtion of their individual interests, your memorialists do not hesitate' to determine that under existing circumstances, their funds. .vest ed in bank stock can be otherwise more profita bly 'employed;., that the charter of the bank of New hern is not, worth retaining,' & ought there fore to be surrendered to your honorable body from 'whom, it was received. But as citizens interested in the prosperity- of the state, the -ciHNrt-ove rloK4 be i nju r y-v h e fr-the-s tate-wi sustain by theloss f the revenue it annually , - - aa . . 1 1 1 .1 1 a , . present period, the Stockholders have refWf tne nanK j frxo oeappre--, ad a dividend never less than ten bercend?1111'51 li50mmUl"t ould the credit and iiiuney oprrutiojw i tue wiiuic siaic ue at in V-. a . ' '1 . il t ' . O ' I . 4 coniroui or me mercy oi a single institution y. ot a whose rcGourses may not be adequate or whoso direetiou (indifferent to the public opinion from the want of a competitor, a rival candidate for publie favor-may not be disposed to relievo . the wants either of the state or its citizens. . Remembering that the Legislature of 1811 have i promised to grant a Charter to no net bank during the continuance of the State Bank S bi?lieyiijg it tobeinthe power of the Legisla ture,evenif disposed to respect the inanely promised by the Legislature of 1811, to pre serve the profits-resulting from, the" B a.nk of . " Newbern to the State to renovate the prosperi ty and extend the utility of the institutiouto the citizens, and without enereasiig the tax to enlarge the revenue derived from this objeet of taxation; they think all these advantage worth attaining, and in their conception, they perform a duly in submitting to yor honorable body, the following propositions, at the means Z of preserving the usefulness of the said Bank, i. That the charter of the Bank of !Vewbelri be extended to the same duration as that of tho State Bank. -. . " : ' 2 That it he permitted to enlarge Its . enpr- tal to an amount equal to that of the State - Bank. ;V 1 3. That it be at liberty to establish branches- , wherever they 'shall, be -thought necessary. - The adoplion of these measores, by enlare- tngthe banking capitKl of the State will affwd tho otaio the roady auaus sf buiuiii loans to 4 . ..-' I.'. , :